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About The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 30, 1903)
i WESTON HAS A MYSTERY HAS HATES' TBEASUSE BEEN U ,'iHED THESE? Herman Hessel and a Pendleton At torney Delve in Ground Back of Saloon Building. Weston is just now the site of a mys tery. It has for its grounds the recent action of Herman Hessel and Attorney Collier, of Pendleton. It is said the at torney recently went to Weston armed with maps and charts, and in a short time was engaged, with the assistance of Mr. Hessel, in excavating a hole in the ground back of the saloon building, once the property of George Hayes. Speculation is rife in Weston and all sorts of rumors are afloat. Some think that it was treasure buried there many years ago by Mr. Hayes, who was always reputed to be rery wealthy, but when he died several years ago in one of the coast counties, his funeral expenses were paid by the Weston Masonic lodge, of which he was a member. lie was separated from his first wife to whom he gave the property where the supposed treasure was dug up. He was married again but his first wife died only a short time ago and many suppose the second wife may have kept this secret until the death of the first wife. Reduced Bate From the Kait. Commencing February 15 and con tinuing until April 30 there will be low rates in effect from the east via the Illinois Central R. K. to all Washing ton, Oregon and Idaho points. If any of your friends or relatives in the east are coming west while these rates are in effect, give us their name and address and we will make it our business to see that they are given the best possible service. We operate through person ally conducted excursion cars, and, in fact give you the benefit of the latest conveniences known to modern railroad ing. We have 15 different routes be tween the east and the West, and are in position to give you the benefit of the best combinations. Write us and we will give you full particulars. B. H Trumbull, Com'l. Agent 111. Cent. R R., 142 Third St., Portland, Ore. Base Ball Talk. Base ball for the coming season is be ing talked of in Pendleton. The East Oregonian says the proposition to organ' ize a .base ball league from Pendleton, Walla Walla, La Grande and other towns in this section of the country does not strike George Harteman, jr., favorably. He considers that to attempt , any thing of the kind at this juncture which means on top of the indebtedness incurred last year, would be injudicious in the extreme. He believes in organiz ing a local team of the best available material, and play" for money only by special arrangements, determined by the conditions and demands that may arise as the season progresses. ' BeeognUo Skill. Editor Press. Dr. Dell ia an affable, unassuming gentleman and I think he richly deserves the said bat on skill and general principles. He is a limb of the medical tree, And not of the law; Which makes hira an expert On the old Arkansaw. M. L. Peterson. Happy at Lant. The Pendloton Tribune gives out the information that "W. P. Card is no longer a benedict," and further says the statement "bears no more significance than the announcement of any farmer's marriage but the facts loading up to the marriage serves somewhat of a ro mance. ' Mr. Card was married Satur day in Pendleton to Mrs. Clark Kessler. The marriage was brought about through the ubo of an eastern correspondence bureau. There are six little Kesslers, O. A. It. election. At the regular election of ofllcers of the Kit Citrson Post No. 23, Pendleton, department of Oregon G. A. R., the foil lowing otllcei's were elected: Com mander, G. W. Rigby; vice-commander, W. II. Houston; junior vice-commander, Henry Sokey; Adjt., P. P. Collier; quar termaster, T. J. Million: officer of the day, B. F. llenn; asst. adjt., J. B. Muni . ford. . Cause For Mercy Removed. Frank Day was given two years in the penitentiary Monday on deferred sen tence from 13 months ago, whan he was found guilty of stealing wool from a Pendleton warehouse and was released on suspended sentence- for his wife's sake. Ilis wife has just brought suit for divorce and Judge Ellis thought the cause for mercy was removed. Willamette is BUiug. The Willamette river is rising rapidly on account of the recent rains. Water . is now coming into the lower docks in Portland, and the several transporta tion companies are busy moving their offices to the upper floors. Engine for Sale. O. A. Zerba, postoffice address Athe na, Oregon, has a traction engiuefor sale, or will trade for cattle. Engine is in first-class running order and can be had ul a bargain. Kettle I'p Mow. All accounts at my store must posi- tively be settled on or before January j 31, 1903. , N, A. Miller. 1 WITH THE CHURCHES BAPTIST CI1CBCH, C. R. Lamar, Pas tor Sunday School 10 a. ra. Preaching every 2nd and 4th Sunday at 11 a. m. BI. K. CHl'HCH, Corner 3rd and Adams W. E. ArmUeld, Pastor Sunday School 10 a. m. Preaching 11 a. m. Clam Meeting 12 m. Junior League S p. m. Epworth League 6:30 p. m. Preaching 7:30 p. m Teacbera Meet lng Wednesday 7:30. Prayer Meeting Thurs day evening 7:30. CHURCH OF CHRIST, Corner of 2nd and Adamg-U. A. 6lus, Pastor-Bible Hcbool 10 a. m. Preaching and Communion Services II a. m. . Christian Endeavor Frayermcctlng 6:30 p. m. Preaching service 7:30 p. m. Mid Week Meeting. , Prayermeeting, Wednesday 7:30 p. m, Ladies Aid, Thursday 2 p. m. Christian Woman's Board of Missions, each second Satuday In the month 2:30 p. m. Church Officers' Meeting, each first Saturday in the month 2 p. m. A cordial Invitation to our services is extended to all. Morning theme: "Christian growth." (Pet. 2-2.) The end of all life is evi dently happiness, which in all nature is reached in full fruition. Growth and maturity are essential to this end. The principle of life and the conditions of growth are alike furnished by the Crea tor. "And he shall be like a .tree planted by the rivers of water that briogeth forth his fruit in his season." 1. Note the conditions of growth in any organization; the principle of life, soil or environment of embryo; sun shine and showers. "Some clouds are essential, else from whence these show ers of blessing?" All these are the same in christian growth. Fulfill the conditions and growth is spontaneous. 2. Observe the process of growth. The germination is always prompt in good soil if other conditions are right. The nourishment absorbed is scarcely observed, but essential to growth. First the blade appears, tender and very close to mother earth; then the ear, then the full corn or fruit. (Mk., 4:28.) 8. There are hindrances to growth, such as weeds, rust,- worldly Handed ness, etc. We are often, inclined to hide ourselves from the sunshine and showers. We may expect little growth if we refuse favor. We may to a great extent choose our own environment. A plant or animal cut off from its own en vironment, as a fish out of water, must die. Men often get caught, and that with a spoon hook. Therefore take deep root in the river of life. The roots of , your life are supplying you with nourishment from the fountain of per petual life, or from the region of per petual death. Evening theme: "Be a Man." An address to young men. (I Sam., 4:9; I Cor., 16:13.) The special cry of our times is for something new, and especially for the new man. The boy who has not attained the physical stature of a man can be a little man. Only the immature have the privilege of maturing. The ideal American manhood consists in a higher type of citizenship; in a broader, truer philanthropy; in a patriot ism as pure, as broad is high, as deep as the fundamental principles of our government. Need it be argued that this type of manhood is worthy the highest tribute? It is evidenced, both by a desire to attain to that estate, and by the fact that a likeness is attempted. Through the exercise of our sovereign ty we reach American manhood. As each American is a sovereign, he who neglects to wield the scepter of his au thority, the judicious use of his ballot is a traitor to our popular government. This theme will be discussed under the following heads: Firstly, the attain ment of manhood; secondly, the main tenance of manhood. A Uood Uecoiniueudatton. "I have noticed that the sale on Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tab lets is almost invariably to those who have once used them," says Mr. J. W. Weber, a prominent druggist, of Cas cade, Iowa. What better recommenda tion could any medicine have than for people to call tor it when again in need of such a remedy? Try them when you feel dull after eating, when you have a bad taste in your mouth, feel bilious, have no appetite or when troubled with constipation, and you are certain ot be delighted with the prompt relief which they afford. For sale at Pioneer drug Btore. Finds Way to Live Long. The startling announcement of a dis covery that will surely lengthen life is made by Editor O. II. Downey, of Chu rubusco, Ind. "I wish to state," he writes, "that Dr. King's New Discovery for consumption is the most infallible remedy that' I have ever known for coughs, colds and grip. It's iuvaluable to people with weak lungs. Having this wonderful medicine no one need dread pneumonia consumption. Its re lief is instant and cure certain." G. O. Osburn will guarantee every 50c and $1 bottle, and give trial bottles free. New Century Comfort. Millions are daily finding a word ot comfort in Bucklen's Arnica Salve. It kills pain from burns, scalds, cuts, bruises; conquers ulcers and fever sores; cures eruption, salt rheum, boils and felons; removes corni and warts. Best pile cure on earth. Only 25c at G. C. Oeburn's drug store. Building Lot for Sale. Dr. L. Dell has some choice building lots left which he offers for sale at rea sonable prices. - A. B. STONE, M. D. pSeon Adams, Oregon. Oftlce at City Drug Store. Calls an swered dayornight. INDIGESTION is the cause of more discomfort than any other ailment. If you eat the things that you want, and that are good for for you, you are distressed. Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets will make your di gestion perfect and prevent dyspepsia and its attendant disagreeable sympt oms. You can safely eat anything, at any time, if you take one of these tab lets' afterward. Sold by all druggists under a positive guarantee. 25 eta. Money refunded if you are not satisfied. Write to us for a free sample. W. H, Hooker & Co., Buffalo, N. Y. PARKER & KEEN'S BARBER SHOP SHAVING HAIR CUTTINC SHAMPOOING AND BATHS CAREFUL WORKMEN, SATISFACTION GUARANTEED, EVERYTHING FIRST CLASS SOUTH SIDE MAIN STREET MAKING HIM LOOK PLEASANT is easy enough, for when he opens his package of laundry work, after being sent to the Domestic laundry, the man who loves faultless linen and up-to-date laundrying always wreathes his face in smiles. During . warm weather our methods of laundrying linen and color ed shirts, white vests, etc., shows itself in the length of time they- keep fresh and clean. Domestic Laundry Pendleton. A. J. Parker, Agt. Athena f 1B; o) in. follows a cold, but never follows the use of mmmi rem 14 It stops the cough and heals the lungs and prevents a cold from settling on your lungs and resulting in Pneumonia, Pleurisy, or Consumption. You are in no danger of serious results if FOLEY'S HONEY AND TAR is taken, as it soothes and heals the inflamed air pas sages and the cough disappears. Be sure and get FOLEY'S HONEY AND TAR, as preparations containing opiates stop the cough temporarily by paralyzing the nerves . in the throat and leave the germs of serious lung trouble and you get one cold on another because the first one was not cured perfectly. Saved Her Life Frem Pneumonia. "My wife had a severe attack of Pneumonia which followed a severe attack of La Grippe and I believe that FOLEY'S HONEY AND TAR saved her life," writes James Coffee, of Raymond, Missouri. Dr. C. J. Bishop,' Ajnew, Mich., writes: "I have used FOLEY'S HONEY AND TAR in three very severe cases of Pneumonia with good results in every case.' The 50-cent size contains 2 1-2 times small size, and the $ size almost 6 : THE PALACE DRUG STORE, SOUTH SIDE MAM STREET, ATHEKA 0REG0I1- ii .H..HB -- ; lirii,in X fin 1 Neglected often lead to Pneumonia. Weeks u Tablets will prevent all serious results For Sale only bjr McBRIDE & COMPANY Leading Druggists .'.Take the. WASHINGTON & COLUMBIA RIVER RAILWAY. In Connection with the Paoifio TIME TABLE. No. 11 Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays arrive 8:50 a. m.- No. 12 Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays depart 9:05 a. m. For further information apply to FRED KERSHAW, Agent, Athena, Oregon Or to S. B. CALDERHEAD, G. F. & P. Agt, Walla Walla, Wash. HTLOWEST RATES. Thousands are Trying It. In order to prove the great merit of Ely's Cream Balm, the tnosrffeetive cure for Catarrh and Cold in Head, we have pre pared a generous trial size for 10 cents. Get it of your druggist or send 10 cents to ELY BROS., 50 Warren St., N. Y. City. I suffered from catarrh of the worst kind ever since a boy, and I never hoped for oure, but Ely's Cream Balm seems to do even thut . Many acquaintances have used it with exoellent results. Oscar Ostrum, 45 Warren Ave., Chicago, III Ely's Cream Balm is the acknowledged cure for catarrh and contains no cocaine, mercury nor any injurious drug. Price, 60 cents. At druggists or by me J. nn mam nn CvrM Wha. Vary Lw Witk PtMmla. J. W. Bryan, cf Lowder, III., writes: "My little boy was very low with Pneumonia. Unknown to the doctor we gave him FOLEY'S HONEY AND TAR. The result was magical and puzzled the doctor, as it Immediately stopped the racking cough and he quickly recovered." Three Sizes. 2Sof 0f end $t,C0 sow m msmma by WILL M, PETERSON Attorney-at-Law, Notary Public Athena, Oregon HAOila JL"i1 Ta T kaaaa Trnrro tram ond Contracts carefully drawn; Collections promptly made. - - . L. J. McA.tee, Painting, Paper Hanging and ....Graining.,.. A Specialty of Inside Finish S. F. Shasp, A. W. Botkih. Sharp & Botkin, PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS Special attention given to Female Diseases. Calls promptly answered. Office on Third street, Allien, uregor OUEGON SnoijrliiriE Ur ioii Pacific OHLY LINE EAST VIA SALT LAKE & DENVER TWO TRAINS DAILY , DEFAXT Dally. TIME SCHEDULES ATHENA, ORE. ARRIVE Daily. Fast Hall for Pen dleton, LaQrende, Baker City, and all points east Tl Hnn tington, Ore.. Also The Dalles, Portland, Astoria, Willamette Valley Points, rail Corn in. 5:10 p m. 8:5o a. a. Tacoraa, Seattle, all Sound Points. Walla Walla, Day ton, Poraeroy, Lew iston. Colfax. Pull 8:60 a. m. man. Moscow, the 5:lo p. m. Gouer d'Alene dis trict. Spokane and an points norm. Mixed train valla 7:10 p. m. walla and lnterme dlate points. 7:lo p. m. Mixed, for Pendle 11:50 a.m. ton ana intermedi ate polnta. 11:50 a-in. Water Routes. - Steamer sails from Portland 8 p. m. every & days. Snake River Route. Steamers leave Rloarla dally at 4:o5 a. m except Saturday, returning leave Lewistou aauy except rriaay at a. m.. For tickets to and from all parts of the country can on or write xo J. Swart, Agent, Athena. ft E 3 U ZaUu as much as the times as much. : SHSL he SLUE Fro That's All 3ROSS & WORTIIINGTON, Don't ?(uess at !; .... vSelffSktS cific Coast to Chicago and Cincinnati. . Don't fail to write v us about your trip , as jve are in a position to give you some valuable information and assistance. 5319 miles of track over which are operated some of the finest trains in the world. . For particulars regarding freight or passenger rates and service, call on or address, ' .. ;' . - : . J. C. LINDSEY, T. F. & P. A. , B H. TRUMBULL, Com! Agent. . rm Third St., PORTLAND, ORE - ' " : ' R. J. BODDY'S ATHENA MARKET CH AISLES GAY ...Dealers in... Candies, Nuts, Fruits, Tobaccos, Cigars CLUB ROOM fiJl 111 AT TVrilllTI ATTT karKest Stock of Millinery in Umatilla Co. jai l IVl XUllUllUl ( NexttoPeople's Ware House, PENDLETON KnWTTIJlTl Phntn Stlldin MaiD Street, near bridge. -k-r vr if uxuiu J. juvvv: UUUvUv Work RftA fl RllJlTTi Oil, Glass, UDD Vs. UUOip , - THE STANDARD PENS EVERYWHERE. 150 Styles pSE" F.TFnnn.Av Works, Camden. W.I. ESTEKEftOSA ;. M. J.-BAGLEY'' . x; : j: The rBest in Groceries J i and .: i i !; General Merchandise I !; Morris Bldg., Athena, Oregon j; j li EE :: Next Door to Post Office. but if you ; are going east write us for our rates and let us tell you about the service and accomodations offered by the Illi ois Central Railroad. Through Tourist Cars via the Illinois Central from Pa Wholesale and Retail BUTCHER Shop opposite Fair Store corner, SOUTH SIDE MAIN STREET ! IN CONNECTION Work. PENDLETON, ORE. Varnish, Brushes, Etc. Plumbing " PENDLETON, OREGON. STEEL PEOS .,.. Sold dj All Stationers. STEEL rEM CO. 26 lohB St., Now York. 1VJF