v It rays to Trad 3 at Annual Clearance Sale N is Now On TnE PEOPLES WAREHOUSE, Agents Butterick's Patterns Items in Brief. Read the great sensational sale at The Fair. Try bacon. Boddy's sugai-cured hams and Everything for the table at the Blue Front Grocery. N Rosenzweig & Shick have received a carload of salt. Your Choice of ladies' trimmed hats for $1 at The Fair. 1 The "General Good" cigar is having the lead at Gay's. Holiday goods in .vast varieties at . Resenzweig & Shickls, y. .. ' For suits that fit well and look well, see Rosenzweig & Shick. "Come, early and avoid the rush." Get your choice of ladies' shirt waists for 60c. The Fair. . A neat line of children s ready-made aprons at The Fair. A fresh lot of canned goods just re ceived at Eagley's. The leading brands of tobacco and cigars are sold by Gay. A fresh shipment of Lowne y's candie at McBride & Co.'s just in. . All our summer dress goods going at reduced prices. For prices, read the sensation sale at The Fair. Rosenzweig & Shick have some very fine chinaware'on display. You will find satisfaction as well 'as saving in buying at The Fair. All the latest novelties in boas and fur goods. Athena Mercantile Co. v Compare quality and you will always find our goods of the better grade. The , Fair., ? . . Look at the new Tanr O'Shanters; all colors and all prices. Athena Mercan tile Co.' ; "Hustle and Push'! are the modern words with an oldtime meaning, success The Fair. ... . : ; Just received the very latest blocks in men's soft and stiff hats. Athena Mer cantile Co. Get Charley Gates to make you an oyster cocktail. None better. Just received, a new lot of Preferred Stock canned goods at Bagley's. y..,. The famous Superior brand of candies is to be found at Bagley's. "White as snow" is the term applied to Pendleton Steam Laundry work. ... fc . . .... . f ' Don't fail to see the new Fireside4 and Domestic sewing machines at Bagley's. -We do as we advertise; we advertise .. "as we do. See for yourself. The Fair. If you want the best candies go to McBride & Co. and get Lowney's. They are world famous. The "Special" at Gates'. An especi ally fine full Havana hand made cigar only 5c. "-. - 'tv'- '-- For down-right good hosiery values there is not the equal of this depart ment at he Fair Store. An old saying "the proof of the pud ding is eating," and the only way to prove that our sale is a sensatienal one, is to come and see us. The Fair. Men's neckwear; 50 styles to select - from; all new for the holidays, , Athena Mercantile Co. , . : Peacock and Bob : White flour is the best on the market. Get , our prices. Athena Mercantile Co. - The only place in town where you can buy coal oil for 83.00 a case is from Athena Mercantile Co. . r Rosenzweig & Shick are sole agents for "Walkover" and Buckingham & Hecht shoes. The best. Don't forget the clearance sale at The Fauv It will pay you to investigate, it. . The Fair. No fake price. ' Manufacturers samples," a special lot of new black boas, worth $2.00 each, now selling at 95c. Athena Mer. Co. G. W. Proebstel, the Hardware man and implement dealer of Weston, will close out his stock of John Deere and Triumph Case gang plows. Price no object ... , . W. C. Miller, the harness dealer,- car ries only the best stock, which includes everything in the harness and saddle line. Repairing done on short notice by skilled workmen.' ' . ' lio-TO-Bac for Fifty Cent. Guaranteed tobacco habit core, makes weaV nen Strom' "mod pure. . iuu. il. All drmfwist MONEY TO LOAN ON FARM LANDS No Coniniisfrion. No Charge for Mak ing out Papers. Low Rates and Easy Ttrms. Address, . BAKER & BAKER V7LLLA WALLA, - - - WASH. the Peoples Warehouse On Saturday, January 24, at 2 p. m an auction sale of household furniture will take place at the home ol W. H. Hawes. All who desire to p urchase good furniture and household goods at a bar gain will have an opportunity to do so at this sale. Four horses and a cow will also be sold r If you are troubled with impure blood, indicated by sores, pimples, headache, etc., we would recommend Acker's Blood Eixlir, which we sell under a positive guarantee. It will always cure scrofulous or syphilitic poisions and all blood diseases. 50c and" $1.00 at Mc Bride 4 Co.'s. Sick headache absolutely and per manentiy cured by using Moki Tea. A pleasant herb drink. Cures constipa tion and indigestion and makes you eat, sleep, work and happy. : Satisfaction guaranteed or money back. 25c and 50c. Write to W. H. Hooker & Co., Buffalo, N. Y., for a tree sample. For sale by McBride 4 Co. , druggists. " . : Notice is given to all who are indebted to Rosenzweig 4 Shick that all accounts not settled by February 15, will be placed in the hands of an attorney for collection. : . . : A silver teaspoon marked "1847 Rogers Bros. XII" was lost on the night of the Rebekah installation. Please leave at Puissoffice. The old fiddler's contest will fee of in terest to everybody. Hear it at the band concert on Saturday evening. Jan uary 21. ' . The sale of mitnrvAfi aaata tn , fAthena Band Concert will open Thurs day January aisc, aeats on sale at Os burns. - -".;,;.. . ,,,,,,, No cheap, shoddy goods, but - good goods, cheap at Ed. Manasse's during the annual Clearance Sale. .;,r"vv " Remember the biggest Clearance Sale of the season will soon be on at the Fair. .. ......... g C. A. Barrett 4 Co sell hog fencing and barb wire at prices which are right. Beef tea and other, hot drinks are served at Chas. Gay's popular resort. We have everything in gasoline lamps and fixtures. C. A. Barret 1 4 Co. Household quire of Mrs. furniture for W.H. Hawes sale. In- You should see the sewing machines at C. A. Barrett 4 Co's. You will get bargains at the Fair'B Clearance Sale. . See H. W. Learn, Dentist. Office over the Athena Bank. ; For the best meat go to Watt. City Meat Market. ; ft A. Barrett 4 Co. have lime at the lowest prices. "Rose Leaf" fine-cut chewing tobac co, at Gates'. ' " . Gates can supply you with fresh oys ters in bulk. Go to Gates' for Eastern and Olympia oysters. Try the new market meats. for the best in Oh, Front. My! "99" coffee at the Blue Wait Sale. for the Fair's big Clearance Press Paragraphs Athena Band Concert Opera house, January 24. -'CO. Henry was in Pendleton yester day." Km iss Alcy Foss is in town from He lix. John Stanton is over from Walla Walla. " Mrs. Kern, of Helix, visited irr Athena over Sunday. " ' Attorney W. M. Peterson was in Pen dleton Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Len Simpson are down from Wallace, Idaho. . Mrs. H. W. Kemp, of Milton, spent Sunday with Athena relatives. yCBorn In Helix, Jan. 18, 1903, to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Richmond, a son. Mrs Boling is having quite an addition built to her little home on Adams street. . . . i Johnny Davis gave his young friends a party at his home on Adams' street last evening. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Angleman and Mr. B. F. King jr, are in town from lone, visiting relative. James McEwen, who until six years ago resided near Helix is in the city from La Grande." LSJL D. Hamilton, who years ago con- ducted a planing dill in this city, was orerjrom La Graude yesterday. Robie was taken to Pendleton yesterday to answer to the charge of assaulting Sam Hoy, a chinaman restau rant keeper, in this city Tuesday eve ning. Mr. Robie, so it is alleged, in this instance took an entirely new mode of procedure in the category of offen sive action. He attempted to disfigure a celestial son of the flowery kingdom in a fashion purely unique and original. With his right hand he firmly grasped a full-grown rooster (property of the Chinaman) and proceeded to belabor the Mongolian restaurant keeper over the head with the same.. Divers dishes were broken on the side, and a "rouch house" uenerallv. was the result. K. M. Shick and J.W. Adams have constituted themselves a committee of two for the purpose of seeing that the children of Athena and vicinity have" a glorious round of pleasure on next Thursday evening, January . 29.. The opera house has been "engaged for the occasion and a good time is assured for the little onesGrown-nps have bedn having good times this winter, and the children are now to be provided for. The occasion will be for children only but there, will be a few old heads on hand to see that the opera house re mains after the "doins" are over. Little folks remember the date, . ; ' )The price of wheat went to the high est notch of the year "in the local market Tuesday, when David Taylor paid 75 cents per bushel, to A. B. McEwen for 2500 sacks of blue stem. The purchase price is on the basis of the grain in stor age and is equivalent to 76J f, The past season has been, a very busy one for Mr, Taylor. His business tran sactions in the purchase of grain reaches the $100,000 mark, his bill of exchange amounting to $145. Chas. H. Glein, traveling passenger and freight agent of the Midland, Colo rado's great scenic railroad route, was in Athena one day this week. ' Mr. Glein left a pleasing and enchanting remem brance with agent Swart of the O. R. 4 N., in the form of the great " Midland picture, an Indian, seated on horseback, in colors blended in the high standard of the lithographic art. ' ? ..' Leader: Barney Pride, the old pio neer, was not married at Julietta, Idaho, Barney is here in person to deny the ru mor, and to remark that the congratu lations showered upon him are wholly superfluous.- He came down on busi ness f rom the Lapwai reservation, where he is running a blacksmith shop and do ing well. , " JvA remonstrance praying the city coun cil to not grant a liquor license to P. H. Tiedeman 4 Co., is being circulated, The petition will . be presented to the council at a special meeting, called for the purpose of granting the license, on Monday next. '..L-J.'.. - .;.;. On another page of this issue will be found an advertisement of particular in terest to farmers and horsemen. It per tains to the announcing of the season for Mark Patton's famous Kentucky Jack, "Blacksnake." - Those interested may leave their names at the Press office. Advance: D. B. Richaidson and a crew of men were in town Wednesday putting in the last connections of a pri vate telephone line between his several places of business in Helix and Richard son Rros.' general merchandise store in Adams. Leader: Dr. J. A. Best departed Monday for Chicago to begin his post graduate studies in Chicago University, where he will remain until "April. The doctor's family will continue to reside in Weston until his return. W. J. Chastain, of Milton, says that QUI uring the 22 years he has lived in this county he never saw livestock looking fineror in better health than now. Mr. Chastain is principally engaged in the raising of hay and live stock. . ' A'Tw wo deaths occurred in Weston yes- an infant of Miller Hall and Mrs. Margaret Lieuallen. Mrs. Lieuallen was the mother of Thomas Lieuallen, of Adams.. .. .,---; ; McBride 4 Co's. Palace Efrug Store looks like a regular Chinese apothe cary shop. Reason, enlargement of shelf capacity, general renovation, etc. t K Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Barnett left yVsterday morning for a couple of month's sojourn in California's ', sunny clime. " ;;' - " .; Will Pickel is in town from North Yakima. Mr. Pickel is employed in a clothing store in that thriving Wash inctnn town. . f 1 XGrandma Waterman went down to IJillsboro ' last night on a couple of weeks visit to relatives and friends. Traveling passenger and freight agent G. E. Mosser, of the Great Northern, was in Athena yesterday. Mrs Nellie Cobb, of San Francisco, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Githens. Win S. Brown, one.of the proprietors of the Adams Advance, was in town yesterday. . t , t iAt a ' special meeting of the council Wednesday night, a city tax of 6 mills waa voted. .... - -t Willie Cook, of Walla Walla, and Mrs. James Winship, are visiting relatives in this city. s Mrs. Mraz and son. Will, returned Tuesday to their home, near Col ton, Wash Mn. A. Bishop, of Walla Walla, was the guest this week of Mrs. J. H. Swart. Miss Etta Leach has been visiting her sister, Mrs. Krasnig, of Pendleton. f Mr. and Mrs. Richard : Morrison are fteiting relatives in Sherman county. .. Mra. J.H. Swart w it. Walla Walla $ this week. . Mrs. Logan, mother of Mrs. J. A. Henry, has returned to her home in Oaksdale, Wash. Nate Pinkerton returned Wednesday from Sompter. He says the mining tow ns of Eastern Oregon promise great activity with the opening of spring. A. Shick has purchased the interest of Stewart Shick in the firm of Shick -4 Co. The change in no way affects the business relation between customer and firm. ... Mrs. Thomas Brandon, of Halsey, Oregon, mother of Mrs. G. C. OBburn, who has been visiting in Athena, left Tuesday on a visit to relatives in Pull man, Wash. Dr. Blalock- came over from Walla Walla last night and visited Frank Mansfield who is still confined to his bed. Liver trouble is retarding Mr. Mansfield's recovery. .' Mr. Elmer Davis, Cousin of I. M. Kemp, with his bride visited at the Kemp home this week. 1 Mr. Uavis' home is in Illinois, this being his first trip to the coast. THE SURE WAY to prevent pneumonia and consumption is to cure your cold when it first ap pears. Ackers English remedy will stop the cough in a night, and drive the cold out of your system. Always a quick and sure cure for asthma, bronchitis and all throat and lung troubles. If it does not satisfy the druggist will refund your money. Write to us forfree Bample. bJT. H. Hooker 4 Co.-, Buffalo, N. Y. For COMMERCIAL' LIVERY, FEED and SALE STABLE. Best Turnouts In Eastern Oregon Stock Boarded by the Day, Week or Month. KING BROTHERS Pro's 0 reat Vaunts forth today, and the price quotations we give must arouse every impulse of good judgement, economy and thrift! Vision alone is the criterion by which you can adequately judge the GREAT GULF BETWEEN THE HON EST WORTH OF THE MERCHANDISE WE HANDLE AND THE PRICINGS. Our reputation as reliable mer chants is behind every statement we make, and in our initial movements our broad policy of fair dealings will be prominently evident. The world's best merchandise, latest patterns, and gr.atest and most trustworthv barcains ever given in annals of trade, bid you an iuviting welcome , The price inducements are magnetic! Every section of our store thrills with bargaiifenthusiasm, and our sales people await your joining and your participation in the COLLOSAL BUYING OPPORTUNITY THE YEAR. Wo urge you to come, but as the sale wilj last but 30 days we suggest early shopping; it makes it better for you and for us. Goods are cheerfully exchanged and money gladly refunded on any unsatisfactory purchase; this is one of our permanent rules, arid from it there will be no deviation. LITTLE THINGS For Half Price and Leas. Egg Beaters.,:. ... .. ......... ..2c 100ft. Galvanized Wireblothesline 15c FoldiDg Curling Irona .3c 10-qt. Galvanized Pails 10c Tin Pie Platea, 9 in 3c Tin Pie Plates, 10 in . . . , 3c Tin Wash Basins, 11J in..,.. ...,7c Nutmeg .Graters.. .'. .. ..lc . Graduated Measures, 1 quart.. .... 5c Japan Duet Pans . 5c Stove Lifters.,, ..lc Canopeners: . .- .. . ." lc Lamp Burners, Nos. 1 and 2. .... ,3c 50c Coffee Mills 35c v Iron Handles ( Mrs. Po tts) . 5c Wardrobe Hooks, per dozen 10c Clothes Pins, per dozen ....... lc Safty Pins, per dozen .3c Lamp Chimneys, Nos. 1 and 2. ... .5c Braes Padlocks..., 5c ' Enameline Stove Polish. 3c Carpet Tacks, all sizes-100 in bbl lc Baby Ribbons, 1 yard...,.,,,. ...,1c B uttertnilk, 3 cakes . , ; . . . . ....... 4c Pencil Tablets, 5c kind ........... 3c Pencil Tablets, 10c kind .......... 5c Ink Tablets, 10c kind.. . . . ..... . . 5c. LADIES' UNDERSKIRTS in Black Satin and Flsece-lined, at a special discount. All Wool Under ekirts in patterns 81.25, at 05c; 81, at 80c. Our fine line of Outing Flannel Skirts, 50c! 40c, 35c and 25c. V Drummer's, samples ' in men's chirts, stiff bosom, worth $1, going Sale Commences January '16 THE i . ST. NICHOLS HOTEL J. E. FROOME, prop. . Only First-class Hotel in the City. THE ST. NICHOLS U th only one that can accommodate : commercial travelers. Iff Can be lecomended for Its clean well ventilated rooms. ' nd f Cox. Main and Third, Athena, Or. t vwyvwwvwyww i Athena fire Insurance Agency ONLY THE BEST COM PANIES TO INSURE IN 0. G. CHAMBERLAIN, Agent, Notary Public and Conveyancer. r jtt v. 'IX White- HOW MANY FEET HAVE YOU ? I mean feet of wall space which need, wall paper or paint? If you have any i let me figure with you. I can do your work a little cheaper now than if you wait until thespring rush begins., . . , J. W. Chapman, Athenu, Oregon. ' ',' Shop la Swaggurt building, Third street. nnual at 50 fits. Greatest bargains on earth for the money. ... , Our large line of ladies' and gent's Shoes we will give a special discount during this Sale. It will pay you to investigate. MEN'S MITTENS, heavy lined, at 40c, 85c, 25c, 20c, 15c, 10c. A large line to select from. MEN'S HEAVY SOCKS All Wool, 35c per pair, at Our 25c per pair at. .... . Our 20c per pair at.... .. Our 15c per pair at...... . 25c ........ 19c 15c f...12a SHIRTS white stripe, MEN'S WORK Our 50c black and double back and front, at. .... , 35c Our $1 heavy worsted work shirts at. i.iV. 70c ' Men's Leggings at a special discount-' ' '-' ' - . Laces, embroideries and ribbons at a special discount at this Sale, ALL WOOL CLOTHING I. G. Miller fe Cos Best on the "," '. ' ! Market. $15.00 all wool suitH.. 811.00 12.50 " " ;. 8.50 10.00 " ' " 7.00 8.50 " " " 8.50 7.00 " ' 5.00 5.00 " " " ............ 3,50 Boys and Youths cut in half. Now is your time to bur Overcoats and Ulsters. A fine 812.00 Ulster at' on f. . .. AM ft. Red . BLUE ' mm A mm i ED. MAN ASS E CORNER MAIN AND THIRD STS. Our Great Annual CLEARANCE IS NOW IN Every article is Reduced d for our immense spring 3 way. Come and be convinced. It is dollars and cents in your pockets by taking adventa?e of our j liberal offers. Yours for bargains, l S ED. MANASSE Agent for Butterick's Patterns. ASTOtllSUINQ OFFER!! For nnnv vcir w have sold our Wltlikle and Clnn n Wholfl&lnian1v na our crano ire preierrea Djrtnsm.utnoy amuparioriokll otDerf. in order to rive t,e Consumer the beuefii of th Urn eroflu ttt Dealer ml Middleman, we have deeldealonowteUdirwltotheCoiiiitinerour Meed lit RPAIITinil DDITTC rupmir oranni m Tvniiei na ft if wnv n II I iHfthVI W ith verv aairttmtile of onr fuumi nndoneboxof our juiilrelehtedBnQinruh Hand-Had lOe elearj opeeiBiftiW will live abphiia tki.1 rttftnonaor tit nano- nmeit open face, extra heavy nickel Oen' Welches made.fao Udve) item Wind and let. renulne Aiertati movement end eaae. belt tlmekeener on I i arth, doea not tarnlih and will laat chaum Pipe, I genuine Meeraohaum v.nu.w notmr, i preny learner nickel match box. 1 nair oeerl eoff tie holder. 1 eatr lleeve hnttnne 1 Ul jewelry heavily )4k sold plated- If amoui Cuban 9neiala and one quart utyiuDiireKyecannntlrNtboufMfor Irii than t2.00. we tell tlio "Miney aviaarain-nej v f?T D7 c . i. wiw priviiepoorex clitdinRtheHpriieiforllllLI Jif emlnation. while Whttkev and Cinari alone coat more than we u mioiuieiT rure ivyeereia ye ana our i iyam ffeBtuae tunae mua aftde.elearHaTaBa.mad In Aurnwn fntnr YhMl?n riant hrttur thu tiiDni7 If not I than anj-thfnn ever advertised before. V 1 n Ivt.. D.l. A tTiirciftnifa. n ... uaii n mm nt lu an fiqkbii AUniift.p If .9H i.Mntl. PRE whoict.i. rn un or iiquon nj Clgara. Reiponnibl. g.nU wntd. Orilot lwly. V. H. VUTILUSK'S UISTBIBUl'INa CO-tt.pt. It., 31 North Clark Bt., Chicago. Kl Clearance Sale to .$9.00 . 7.00 . COO . 4.50 A fine 810.00 all wool A fine - 8.00 all wool.,..., A fine 6.00 all wool...,., RIBBED UNDERWEAR All Wool; For Men. ; ; $1.50 a garment, cut to $1.10 and our $1.25 cut to 85c Heavy Fleece Line at 50c cut to 40c " " " 45o " " 35c Heavy Cotton Line at. .45c " 25c WOOL UNDERWEAR Our $1 all-wool underwear, sale price .... .'. ., 80c Our 50c union suits at....... ....40c Our 65c ribbed, nonehrinking at 45c GREAT BARGAINS It's Here Where We Shine in ladies', Misses' and children's hose, the Topsy brand. Our fleece lined hose for Udies at 25c, now 15c Our fleece-lined hose for ladies at 20c, now........ 12 Our 15c ladies hose, now,,..... 10c Children's heavy ribbed hose, in all sizes, worth 25c, sale price. . 125c Our fine 10c seller at. . . .". ....... 7c LADIES' JACKETS We Have a Few Left. Ladies' black and tan Jackets cut from$9 to $6, from $7.50 to $5, from $5 to $3.50, from $1 to 82.75. The same reduction on all children's jackets. Call and look them over. :f.. -wry - t a V FULL BLOOM in Price to make room C? Q (l O & purchase now on the taRftrt ftl less th,n wtinlMlA nr rDrC HQ RKHTRlCTIONM! FVKUY fthli onr will ukt rmm i d 10 ttp nA Ownm ntrClab Fare KvH a lifetime, 1 extra fine Vienna MeeH Clfar Holder, 1 iteimfne Meerachaum rooacoo poucn, l eiennt enra neayj tinttAne. 1 hall Inn enllnr button. 1 neck rimthL .kaln mr,A am IwtButifitl hitrm All thete 14 piecee with one box of our bottle of our famous 10 yenr old Queen ask for the entire lot. Our Whtake? H ?e fiuerantee the poods and reniDdL V i iL..il...l.Ll 1.1.-. b ri .Jh.usKI. u.,4 In tilaln nubuuM . Wrlla 9tM rotin imiv wu unuv ran crew. 1 ciuar cuttor aud i CRASHES at 8o all pure Linen, our Cotton Crash Towling going at 3ij0 per yd. Brown Canton Flannel heavy fleece at 8c, bleached at, 9c. SPECIAL ATTENTION is called to our Ladies Wool .Waists and Fleece Line Wrappers, we have them in, all colors and sizes. Our Ladies Waists at $2.75 are now $2.00, our $1.50 at $1.15, our $1.35 at $1.00, our $1.00 going at 80c. Great bar gains in the line of Wrappers, cut in two. Call Early and get your pick. A fine line of Ladies Dress Skirts Black Venetian at $5.75 now $4.50 , and our $5.00 skirts sale price $3.75 and our $1.00 at $2.75. Ladies and Childrens Underwear, our 50o fleece fleece lined heavy at 85c, our 25o linod heavy at 18c, DRESS GOODS Black Venitian, all wool regular price $1.25 per yard, cut to. . . 80o All our black Broad Head dress goods, selling at $1 per yard, cut to 80c 50c line cut to 40c All our 35c cut to 25c Our 25c cut to.... 18c All Prints cut to 4o per yard. Gingham 5c per yard as long as they last. Our regular 10c Outing Flan nel in all colors cut to 8c, and our S.'a per yard cut to 7c and our 7o per yard cut to 5c. L. L. Sheeting cut to 4Jc. Bleached Sheeting Stand ard brand, 9-4, going at 20c. Turk isliToweJueut from 15.; to 10c, and our 25c cut to 15c and our 10c to 5c. Sale positively closes on Feb, 16 SALE 2 iHgp1''-.:! I .Ol 11 Ai.-"il 1 . i I ;;Vry:;j 1