The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, July 01, 1898, Image 1

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    Bigger Than Ever.
: Six pages brim full of crisp,
: fresh news, is the
Size of the Press.
Better Than Ever.
For advertiser?, it in a. t.--..-r ',Z
medium. That's the - "'vvf
Record of the Press. ' ' '
UMliLK 27
C. W. Hollis,
B.. . . . .
Excelling all others in life
and permanent results.
. - - . 5TI9 . . I.
Will give you free railroad trans
portation to Pendleton and return.
To every purchaser of a suit of clothes amounting to
$10.00 or more, or $10.00 of merchandise, they will give a
receipt, which when returned to them on the Fourth of
July, will entitle the bearer to tho amount of money for a
free ride to 1-endle.ton and return.
The Peoples
Grand -
Monday, July 4, 18QQ
.nd help us celebrate tie independence pf
the fJcit'eii States, the battle of Manila Bay,
and free Cuba.
Parades, Speeches, Races, Music, Fireworks, Games and
a Free Dance under a Dower of Boughs. Splendid music and
plenty of fun and amusement for both j'oung and okL
r.osnd trip from Walla Walla and Milton, tl.00; Weeton 00c, Athena
t JC
lit fare ratca
Satin beaded
Main Street,
- TMr
like, Artistic
from other points.
Athena, Oregon.
South side Main Street,
Athena, Oregon.
The Well-Known
Practitioner Once
More at the Hotel Pendleton.
Pr. S. I. Parrin, who ia so favorab'y
knpwn to the people pf Pendleton and
vioijiity for his many cures of various
diseases, arrived in Fend le ton Jane 14,
and is now at his old quarters at tbe
Hotel Pendleton ready for business.
Since leaving New York he visited the
famous Yellowstone Rational Park, and
reported a most enjoyable trip.
The doctor wilt remain in Pendleton
until J uly IT, and those who wish to
consult biin wfll find, it to thejr advan
tage to pall before that data as this will
he his last visit before returning to his
extensive practice in Portland.
Since hiB first visit here, fir. Darrin
has wade an enviable record for- cares of
long standing diseases,
Tbe doctor makes a specialty of treat
lag diseases by electricity, by which
many cases of long standing have been
relieved and permanently cared.
His fees are moderate and reasonable
and no case will be undertaken clegs a
cure is certain. a
QonBultaMdh is free, and should there
he a case that is insurable, the patient
will, 'be told immediately, thus saving
any fqrther expenditure of tim,e and
Pr. Darrin mates a specialty of all
diseases af the eye, ear, nose, throat,
catarrh, deafness, bronchitis, lagrippe,
uonsumption, dyspepsia, constipation,
heprt, liver and kidney diseases ; and
permanently cures all diseases of the
genito-urinary organs in either sex
such as syphilis, blood taints, scrofula,
gieet, gonorrhoea, triejure, eemirjal
weakness, spermatorrhoea', ' 16'ss of min
bood and lobs df floors or sexual power
in mari o? woman.
Ail peculiar (emaa troubles, irrepiar
menstruation, leucarrhoea, displace
ment, etc., are confidently treated, as
well as all acute, chronjo and nervous
diseases of whatever nature, if curable ;
no cases if not curable. Consultation
free, ......
Pr. Darrin offers to treat tho first case
of catarrh, deafness, dyspepsia, neural
gia and rheumatism free o charge" on
his first office day in" Perfdleton,
A 'liberal offer ia also made to treat
the worthy poor free, if the calls are
made between the hours of 10 and 11 a.
m. . , " ..
"This is dons jo pwa to. the general
public bis ability and skill.
For those who cannot possibly placa
themselves under by immediate care,
h has formulated a Home Treatment
system whereby the suffering may ase
the best modes of carp, including med
icines, batteries and belts. In rsany
capes his system has given instantaneous
relief and a permanent feuVe."
The doctor may be found, at bis o2e;
from I a. ni. to p.m.; from "J to 8
evepings, anil o$ Saiys, a. nj. to
P :
The following cards have
beep, received for publication.
Wdnderful Cure of Epilepsy.
Mr. Editor: I can say with pleasure
that my daughter is nearly cored of
epilepsy by Pr. Damn's electrical and
medical treatment, the had been
afflicted many years. I can recommend
Dr. Parrin. Eefer any en "sf me at
Helix, Otegyjir- - "Jyun Witt.
" ' ' Mfficted Twenty Years.
MrvEditor:-Since 1? years old (I am
now i) I have hesu troubled with kid
ney complaint. Dr. Darrin cured rca last
fa;iso I feel nothing of it. I reside 20
miU-8 northeast of Pendleton and can be
referred to by letter or ia person.
Extensile Preparations Have
Been Made.
For Everybody in the
Good Old Town."
Preparations for the celebration of tha
Fourth of July were nevor more com
plete than for the celebration to take
place in Athena next Monday.
The different committees have their
work well in hand, and it does one good
to just look at the cool grove where the
celebration fa to he held, and compare
it with the hot, dusty streets en which
the celebrations of other towns generally
take place, i
Stands and booths have been con
structed in convenient places on the
grounds, and the ever present and child
fascinating "merry-go-round" is located
under the cool and refreshing shade of
foqr large Cottgn wood treeg, '
The speaker's stand, surrounded with
substantial 'seats,' capable of seating
hundreds of people is located in the vary
center of the grove, and to the west of
it, the carpenters have piped und' r the
bonghsof h'g a lare platform
where the free dance is to take place
during the afternoon. Qcsy nooks wh. ra
families can enjoy thejr ba ket dinners
in true picniq style can ha fou,ad on
every hand. Thi rs will be ice cream and
lemonade for your best girl till you can't
reet, and paaquts and caq ly far th, J lit
tle ones. Io faut, Athena has raada nre-
parations for her victors on thai (Uy In
a megt foyal maouer.
The committee on entertainment and
amuaemeots have left nothing undone
in their efforts to please. They have pro
vided races and games galore. Goo I
speakers will be present, and tbe best
of music has been secured or both the
Come to
The citizens of MtalW extend to everybody a most cordial invi
ttjoa iq fsotne and join them in their Fourth of July celebration.
We have an excellent grove for tbe exercises, and a splendid pro
gram is being arranged, and our people will do all in their power
t0 mle H pleasantfer you. We will have able speakers, fine
music, an! .plenty of amusements for all.
entertainment of
guests and the free J
Program of th a Day.
Salute at Sunrise
Procession at 10 a. m. from Qity Kail in
following order: A,thepa Braes
Band Liberty Car and other at
tractions. The Stars nd Stripes
President of; the play with Orator
and Header City Ofticers Oitiasno
on foot Cltlxens la Carlages.
jfosle .... Band
Orening remarks. . .President of tbe Day
Music..,.,.,.. Band
Recitation.".'. ,'. . ... . Miss Florence, ofies.
Recitation , Karl 8aunders
Music.,,.,. ,.,,,, , ......Band
Recitation, . , ,Misa Vergie Stamper
- . . Song
Declaration of Independence
..... .... .,,.Tbo, Biiyeu
Music... .......................... Band
Oration. . . . . .'. . Hon. H. 8. Esanfcird
" . of Walla Walla
Musie Band
Bicycle race, fast. ,5
Bicycle race, slow . , . . ., ,
Potato race . .
9?, 50
8 59
2 00
2 00
3 0Q
The pig
Seventy gva yard hurdls race. .,...,
Catching greased pig. , , , . . ....
Climbing greased pole , , ,
Fat Men's race, 0, yards, 200
noaadg ot o ver . , . , , , ,
Wheelbarrow race, 0 yards, , , ,
Boys' race, SiQ yrds, 12 years
1 50
fend under, 1st prixe ft 2d
Girls race, 30 yards, 12 years
and under, 1st prize U 2d
Pr esident of the Day . .... . . W. E. Young
Marshal W. J. Oholson
Chehaiisat Denver.
heballs, Frank Fraerielgeat borte,
lowered, be trapk record at Qverlacd
Park at penvpr Ly four seconds laat
Friday afternoon, and made tbe fastest
mile paced in America this year, and
the fastest mile paced in harness in tbe
month of June in the world, 2:051 is
the Erst beat of the free for nW'thXt
was the closing day of the meet. The
results were:
Pacing Chehalis won tv ('.ret, third
nJ Ltr.h heate; t!m 2:0?. 2:08i,',
2:flG. Anaconda lock the 6econd heat;
time, 2:07. Carbonate, Kate Medican
and Ophelia also started.
Ukn Lola Braes teacher, and scholars
had a roost enjoyable picnic on the
mountain east of town, Saturday last.
An appropriate program waa tendered
and gatnea and dancing were among I ha
features. A One basket dinner was en
joyed by those wbo attended.
Ha Writes a Characteristic Article for a
Sch ol Journal.
The English rchuol boys who run a
school newspaper hive drawn a letter
from Hudyard Kipling, which the Lin
don Mall reprints;
"Cape Town, Easter Monday, 1898
To the Editors School Budget Gentle
men: I am in receipt of your letter
of no date, together with a
copy of the School Budget, F, 14,
and you seem to he la possession of all
the cheek that is in tbe leaEt likely to do
you any good in this world or the next,
And, furthermore, you have qmitd to
epecify where yoqr JpurpaJ is printed,
and a what county of Kug'and Hqji
monden is situated,
"But, on the other hand, and not
withstanding, t very much approve of
your 'Hints on the School Boy Etiquette'
and have taken the liberty of sending
you a few more, as fallowing :
"1. If you have any doubt about a.
quantity, cough,. In three cases out of
five (big will save you being asked to
'say it again.'
"2. Tbe two most usefnl boys in a
form are (a), the master's favor'to pro
tern, (b) his pet aversion. With a little
judicious management () can keep him
talking through tho first half of the tou
strue and (b) can take up the running
for the rest of the time. N. B.-A syn
dicate should, arrange to do b't) impure
in freturn fqr this eerviQa, ,
"8 A copBrroed gneseer ia worth hi
weight in gold ou a Monday morning.
"4 Never shirk master out of
boundo, Pass hi fh 'Ith aa abstracted
eye arid at the same time pull out a letter
and study it earnestly. He iuy think
it Is a commission for eomeonq lep.
"5, When pursued, hy the native
farmer always take to the nearest plough
e l land. Mm slick In furrows that boys
can run over.
"6. Ifitui necesgf A O'her
peop a,pple fjg m Sunday. You
can then put them Inside your topper,
which is better than trying to pet them
into a tight 'Eton,
"You will find this advice worth enor
nious sums ol money, but X shall be
obliged with a check or itastal order for
6d at yoqr earliest oonvenlenoe, if the
contribution should ba found to fill more
than one page. Faithfully yours,
"Rudyard Ripliag."
Discovered by a Woman.
Another great discovery baa been
made, and that too, by a lady in this
country. "Disease fastened its clutches
upon her and for seven years eha with
stood its, severed tests, bat her vita1
organs vera undermined and death
seemed imminent. For three months
she coughed incessanty, and could not
sleep. She finally diecovered a way to
recoveiy, by purchasing of us a bottle of
Dr. King's New Discovery foi Cftnep
tion, and was so gretlj vlievej on tak
ing first coijre, that she slept ail night j
afld wth two, bottles, she has been ab
solutely , eured. Her name ia Mrs.
Lather Latz." Thus writes W. C. Ham
nick & Co., of Shelby, N. C. Trial bat
tles free at G. O. fjshrne diog store.
Reguja! sie t$c and $t.0Q. Every bot
tle guaranteed.,
A Fast Torpedo Boat.
Tbe torpedo boat Rowan was given a
preliminary trial trip at Seattle, Thurs
day. The run which was to Tacoma and
return, was very satisfactory, nnder 175
pounds of steam. She cao. stand 250
pounds and it would be no surprise if
she made on her official trial a greater
speed thaa the required 20 knots. The
official trial will probably be held cent
week. An 80-mile course is to be laid
out from Tacoma op the Sound. She
was built for the government at Seattle.
American Qrdnance In England.
A significant item la found la the re
ports of an English ordnance factory,
where 1500 men are now employed night
and day, Tbe manager, wba is an ex
navy officer, bat been authorized to
spend $115,000 on new machinery. It is
stated that the whole of the laet sum
will be expended in the United States,
as tbe A mericans only sach ma
chines as are panted. All this plant
wtbe driven, by electricity, an Ohio
firm haviog the contract for the
; whole of it. . The m Um sr inos' y
vertical latbe?, not ouiainible iu Eu
land. One of tho novelties hich the
American Arm ia said to have disposed
of a nutnhsr to the English government
recently is a six inch gun, which, in
conspqut-ncj of the employment of a base
ring of soft copper of a peculiar ebap?,
pressing against a rinsrof asbestos, will
Show no sigus of wear. At least, a gun
from which 300 rouqds ha ye been fired ,
bad its muisala velocity reducsd not
more thin 100 feet per second. '
Authentic. Information. -TM
Em' Orego.iiau gives the, follow
ing authentic information concerning tbe
appointment of deputies by the newly
elected county officers.
B L. Maloef will be the deputy of
his brother, J. Maloney, lbs county
recorder-eleuT. "'' - . -
)PiIliam Blakeley, the new sheriff,
will appoirjt fj. P. Davis as his chitf
(Jeputy and Till D. Taylor will have
charge of the tax rolls.
It is reported that John Endecott and
Joseph Blafceley, the sheriff's brother,
wiM he the field deputies. Who the
jaiie? will be is not known at this time.
Contest Papers SeiVcd.
The papers io the election contest case
of V. H. Kilburn vs A. H. Huntington,
involving the office of sheriff ia Baker
county, were served Saturday, says the
Democrat, on Mr, Huntington, and a re
count of the votes cast for sheriff at the
late election will be made ia the circuit
court to determine who was duly elected.
A, QiWcnted Mother.
Friday afternoon, Mrs. Oliver Moore,
of Pleasant Valley, io Baker county,
poisoned her ' two children. She put
strychnine in milk, and two hours after
the little ones drank the deadly fluid the
U year-old girl died lu terrible agony.
The 4-year-old boy did not drink so free
ly, and may 'recover. Tbe unfortunate
woman coufedted that she hal planned
to kilt her children and then commit
suicide. 8no has been (.; some time in
poor health, bo much so that her mind
was affecteA.
Mormjns in Spokane.
A groat campaign has begun, eays tbe
Spokane UhromcK Th Mormons have
set out to capture the northwest. The
UtUa band of prosolyters who arrived ia
this city Saturday are bat the advance
guard of a great BoHHeal reliaious move
hient wbih eanoot be ignored. Never
before have the Latter Day Saints made
a real effort to get a foothold la Spokane;
and their work here is but a specimen of
the work they hope to carry into every
city and town ia the northwest.
Elder F. 8, Biamwell, who is presi
dent of the missions for that church in
the four northwestern states, has map
ped out his work like a skillful general.
If there is a man who can ba converted
to his faith he means to find him; and
once found, the ceaseless labors of the
proselyters of Joseph Smith's religion
will not be spared to bring them into the
society and form a Mormon church in
He Will Contest.
W. II, Baughman, late union candi
date for commissioner in Lana county,
will contest the right of II. D. Edwards,
republican, to the seat, who the official
courts showed was elected by one plural
ity. Good Name In Oregon,
Enterprise, Oregon, Jane 24, 1808.
The well known medicine, Hood's Sar
saparilla, has a good name in Oregon, as
elsewhere. G. K. Beecher of this p'ace
says: "I have taken Hood's Sarsapar
ilia at different times during the last few
years audit si way helps tne and gives
me a oo4 appetite."
A Reward of $300.
Mrs. B. A. Seaborg, of Ilwaco, while
driving in Portland, lost her purse con
taining diamond rings, money and other
valuables, worth lolly 83000. A bov
found it after it had laid in the dirt two
nights and one day. Mrs. Seaborg ad
vertised offering $300 for its return. The
boy also advertised that be had found
certain valuables. The ad of each was
seo by the other. The nurse was
returned and the boy received the fUOQ.
The boy's name is not disclosed.
Bucklen's Arnica Salve. .
The best salve in (he world for cuts,
braises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever
sorea, tetter, chapped hands chilblains,
corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi
tively cores piles, or no pay required. It
Is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction
or money refunded. Price 25 cents per
box. For sale by Pioneer Drug store
G. O. Osburn, proprietor.
Fourth of July Special.
On the morning of July 4tb, tbe O. 11.
& N. will run an excursion train from
Walla Walla to Pendleton, leaving Walla
Walla at 7 a m, arriving ia Athena at
8 :0' and at Pendleton at 8 : 15 a. ra. Oa
returning tbe train will leave Pendleton
at 9 p. m, arriving at Athena 9 :37. Tbe
round trip fare from Athena will ba 75
C. F. Pb.k W, II. Hl-RMIEBT
Agent ju. l'as. Ag't
Rain Interfered With Spirits 's
and Games. . f
:: .' a
. . . ' '";.
Hoffman Under Bonds of !
$1500, and in Jail. -
Yesterday was the Scotch picnic dar.
Rain interfered with the program to
some extent, the grove being in an unfit
condition to roceive the people, conse
quently the games and other amuse
ments were dispensed with.
Wednesday morning it rained and
rained and Thursday morning it rained
some more. At 9 o'clock, tho tin.e snt
for the arrival of the special train from
rendleton, rain was etill faUing and
everyone came to tbe conclusion that
there would be no picnic. It cleared up
shortly .and at 10 o'clock a telephone
message came from Pendletoa announc
ing that the train had started for Ath
ena. A large number of citizens with
the hand met the Pendleton people at
the depot. The band headed the pro
cession and the march was taken up to
the opera house, where it had been de.
cided to hold the wterciee3 ol tho day.
Arriving at tha opera house a oortion
ol the program was given when adjourn
ment was made for dinner.
At 2 o'clock the remaining- nortion of
ol tbe program, which was both enter
taining and interesting, was given.
Semal of the speakers whoBe names
wore on tno procraiu. owinir tn th In
clement weather, were absent and their
place 3 wore filled by others, among them
Mr. John Vert, of Pendleton, and Mr.
J. B. Huntington, of Athena. Mayor'
Young welcomed the visitors in a few
well chosen word at the commence
ment of tha exercisee, ' : s
At noon the sun was shining, and the
country people began to arrive, and by
by 2 o'clock there were a large, number
of people in tho city, Uad the day been
perfect, there would doubtless have been
the largest crowd of people over before
assembled In Athena.
The Caledonians were profuse in their
thanks for tbe favors shown them by
tbe people of Athena; and especially the
managers of the opera house who pavn
the house free of charge. Thev vr
much regretted that the members of the
society were unable to carry out the en
tire program. .
Hoffman Bound Over In the Sum oi
$1500. .
At 2 o'clock Friday the city hall was
filled with men to hear the preliminary '
examination of Charhs Hoffman, before
Judge Smith.
The large crowd did not hear much,
for Deputy District Attorney, J. II.
Lawrey, Judge Smith, the prisoner and
officers adjourned to the Athena Hotel
to take the statements of Hoffman's vic
tims in writing.
Arriving there, O. M. Walter pro
ceeded to make his statement, when
Hoffman interrupted several times. He
became excited and gave notice that he
would waive examination, for the pur
pose of securing witnesses. Judge
Smith placed him under ft, 500 bonds to
appear before the grand jury. Deputy
Sheriff Kimberk took Hoffman away and
Walter continued with his statement.
which does not differ from the one Jtiven
yesterday by Heckman, and which was
published in last evening's Fimss. Heck
man was giving in his statement as we
went to press.
The Woucdcd Men.
Hecsman and Walter, the wounded
men who are at the Athena Hotel, are
getting along as well as could poesiblr
be expected under tbe circumstances
They are receiving good nursing at th i
bands of Prince Richardson and Charles
Conlan, This morning when a Fee
reporter, called they seemed in excellent
spirits. Large boqueta of flowers and
good ventilation, with frequent viaitorn
adds much to cheer the men on their
road to recovery.
..; Your Face . )
Shows the state of your feelings and
the state of your bealtbas well. Impure
blood makes itself apparent In a pale
and tallow complexion, Pimples and
Skin Eruptions, If you are feeling weak '
and worn out and da not have a healthy
appearance yon should try Acker's
Biood lixir. It cures all blood diseases
where cheap Sarsaparillas and so called
purifiers fail ; knowing this we sell every ,
bottle on a guarantee. '
Acker's English Remedy will stop a
cough at any time, and will cure the
worst cold in twelve hours, or money
refunded. 25 cts. and B0 cts. PaLica
Drug Store, Wm. IfcBride, prop.