The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, June 24, 1898, Image 1

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1 -; y'lull of crisp,
s fresh newe, is the ,. -
Size of the Press.
Better Than Ever.
: For advertisers, it is a goo J
: medium. That's the
Record of the Press
tt jnr?Ri
11 iJCLd
0, W, Hollis,
uperior rhotographs!
Excelling all others in life like, Artistic
and permanent resut.
i m
Will give you free railroad trans,
portation to Pendleton and return.
To every purchaser of a suit of clothes amounting lo
jtyp-pQ or more, or'Q.p9 of merchandise, they will give a
repeipt, which h,en return to. rhefl n ty pf
July, will entitle the hearer to the amount of moqey for a
free ride to Pendleton and return.
The Peoples
Grand - -
Monday, J
And help ua celebrate
tbe United States, the
and free Cuba.
Parades, Speeches, Races, Music, Fireworks, Games and
a Free Dance under a Bower of Boughs. Splendid music and
plenty of fun and amusement for both young and old.
Uaund trip from Walla Walla and Milton, 11.00; Wecton 00c, Athena
75c. Half fare rates ficra other points.
Main Street,
uly 4, 18Q8
the independence of
battle of Manila Bay,
3 ELlfl
Athena, Oregon.
South side Main Street,
Athena, Qregoq.
The Well-Known Practitioner Qui:e
Mora at the Hotel Pendleton.
Dr. 8. I. Darrin, who is so favorably
kDOwn to the people of Pendleton and
vicinity for bis many cares of various
diseases, arrived In Pendleton June 14,
end ia now at bis old quarters &(; tbe
Hotel Pgadlatop rady1 fqr Business.
fsjhce leaving ljew York ha visited the
famous VellpwBtope Jatfonal parkt 8n(i
reported a most enjoyable trip.
The doctor will remain in Pendleton
until July 17. and those 'who wish to
consult hi in will find it to their advan
tage to call before that date as this will
be bis last vieit before returning to bis
before returning
-.. : r -i
Since' his' first visit here, Dr. Darrin
has made an enviable record for cures of
long standing diseases.
The doctor makes a specialty of treat
ing diseases by electricity, by which
many cases of lp;g standing have beon
relieved and permanently cured.
His fees are moderate and reasonable
and no case will be undertaken unless a
cqre is certain.
Consultation Is free, and should there
be a case that is incurable, tbe patient
will be told immediately, thus saving
any further expenditure of time and
Dr. Darrin makes a specialty of ell
diseases of the-eye," esf,, thVoat,'
catarrh, deafness, rorichftia, lagrippe,
consumption, dyspepsia, constipation,
heert, liyer and kidney diseases! and
permanently cures al diseases oj the
genito qriqary organs In either sex,
such as syphilis, blood taints, scrofula,
gleet, gonorrhoea, stricture, seminal
weakness, spermatorrhoea, loss of man
hood and loss of desire or sexual power
in man or woman.
Ail peculiar female troubles, irregular
menstruation, leucorrhoea, displace
ment, etc., are confidently treated, as
weuae an acute, enronic ana nervous
diseases of whatever nature, if curable :
nocaesif not curable. Qonsqltatfon
Dr. Parrin offers to treat the first case
of catarrh, deafness, dyspepsia, neural
gla and rheumatism free of charge on
his tiret out co day in rencueton.
A liberal offer is also made to treat
the worthy poor free, if the calls are
made between the hours of 10 and 11 a.
This is done to prove to the general
public bis ability and skill.
For those who cannot1 possibly nla
themselves ande bil' immediate care,
hs has formulate ! a Ilome Treatment
system whereny tho catering may use
the best modes of cure, including med
lcinee, battenea ana Dejts. n many
cases bis system baa tvea instantaneous
relief and a permanent cure.
1 be doctor may be found at his owe?
from U a. m. to i p. m. ; from I to 8
evenings, and on Sundays, Q a. rn. to
p ra-
Tha following uaf.ia have recently
been received tor puDiieauon.
Wondesful Cure of Epilepsy
Mr. Editor: I can say with pleasure
that my daughter is nearly cured of
epilepsy by Dr. Darriu's electrical and
medical treatment. Khe had been
affix ed many years. 1 can recommend
Dr. Darrin. Refer any one to me at
Helix, Oregon. Jons Witt.
Afflieted Tw.ntii Vanre
Mr. Editor: Since 17 years old (I am
now 3. I have been troubled with kid
ney complaint. Dr. Darrin cured me test
fU to I feel nothing; of it. reside 2G
miles northeast of Pendleton end e;n fie
referral to by letter or in peiaoo.
Fred Ileckman and C.
Walter the Victims.
Claims He Was Robbed
the Two Men.
A shooting scrape occurred at the
Wi,ld Hoyse. brjdge, just within the south
ern limits of the city, shortly after ths
dinner hour' Wednesday.
As a result of the shooting two men
lie wounded at tbe Athena Hotel, one of
them, frfi Hwfcan, by yauie', "The
other hO. W, Walter, and claims West
Mitchell, Iowa, as his home.
The Taylor family heard tbe shoeing,
and Mr. Taylor came np town to inform
the officers. A large crowd, atongs otgrf
edfor tje raqa of the sltqQting, and
about seventy-five yard.s ngrtb, q th
bridge, the two men were found lying on
their backs close together. Heckman
was found to be seriously wounded. He
received the full charge of the first shot
froin the gun in fiq hii side. The
charge entered low down, and the most
of the shot penetrated into the groin and
stomach, though shot struck him all
along the side and up to the lef bjcat.
Walter receiyed tUe sepond, hpt from
the murdermis gun in (be f ight Bide, and
the right arm. As he la,y fey the rqal
eide, he bore hts sv;ferjng fuieljy ond
converged freejy fihout the atfair. After
he was brought to tbe hotel, he became
weak and faint. Though badly wounded
be has a chance for recovery.
Heckman has road,? igiatement in
which hp says he Infii Hoffman in
California; that they met n Wala
Wala, and, campeoV af Biue Sfjo'flnttvin
station Mgncjaj eveniRS 4f)4 oame oa to
Athena, lie denies that either ha or
Come to
The citizens of Athena extend to everybody a mosst cordial invi
tation to come and join them x thdr Fourth of July celebration.
We have ar egellent grovo for the exercises, and a splendid pro
graoi is being arranged, and our people will do all in their power
to make it pleasant for you. We will have able speakers, fine
mnslc, and plenty of amusements
Walter knew anything about Hoffman
being robbed,
Heukman is a native of Pennsylvania,
and is a nephew of Andrew Heckman,
who met with a tragic death on the
mountain last fall. Ha traa engaged in
hauling vt-ood for Uenvy Adams, and was
thrown to the ground, the fall killing
him, an 1 a thresher passing by found
him a corpBQ, '
There is perhaps several witnesses to
the affair but it promises to be a difficult
matter to get them to talk. One fellow,
a tall German, came running up town,
in search of an officer, when the shoot
ing occurred and, c,n (he way down, told
Mayor Young be was the only witness
to the shooting- He was arrested and
will be held for a witness. He resisted
arreqt, and had to be hand cuffed. A
rope was tied around his feet and he was
thrown into an express wagon. He now
denies all knowledge of the affair. ; .
At the time of tbe shooting scrape
and during the excitement attendant
upon it, therf, w some difficulty in get
ting at all the facts in tbe case.
The men who were woundej co,ald. not
be interviewed, at the titoe, and the man
who did. the shooting was as close
mouthed as a clam, eonseqaontly much
that appeared in the Fbkm was rumor.
It now transpires that Hoffman, who
is e traveling harness-maker, camped
Tuesday night near JameB Lieuallen's
place bblow town. Sometime during the
night, he was awakened, and upon in
vestigation found that some oyte bad
stolen on se,t Pf SHgt buggy harness, a
set oi double buggy harness and two sad
dles from his wagon. According to his
statement to an officer, tbe night was
dark, and he cold, rc,ake no progress in
bis search Sor the missing property, but
saw a man running away from, his camp.
Early yeste Jay morning, he came
back to Athens, and below the Wild
Hares bridge, saw the wagon of Heck
man and Walter, the men whom be met
in Walla Walla, and with whom he
camped at Blue Mountain station, Mon
day night. He drove up town and then
back to tbe bridge where the shouting
took place, after he had acenred tfje two
men of tbe theft ,
Hoffman, and two hoboes ho were
witnesses to tbe shooting, were taen to
Pendleton. igf T$P?$T fcheritf Kimoerk.
Hoffman seemed to take bis trouble very
coolly and bad not mueu la say. His
preliminary examination will take place
before .Judge Estcith tomorrow. Huff
man formerly resile in BVuersfinU,
California, where bo kept hotel. He
was divorce! (rum Lis L' 3 ears
ago, and has Eicce been (raveling as a
harness maker, traflking in second-hand
harness and saddles.
Heckman and Walter, in their rooms
at the Athena Hotel, are resting as well
as could be expected, and Dr. Smith, the
attending physician, thinks the chances
for recovery of both to be good. It now
turns out that Heckman, who at first
was thought to be fatally wounded, ia
not Injured so badly as Walter. The shot
from the gan mada a glancing wound,
and the doctor has no fears as to bis
c .ss, it none of the shot entered the
cavity below tbe heart. However, this
baa not as yet been proyen tq a pertain
Walter's wound which is serious, is in
the right hip, and particles of his cloth
Ing whs blown into the wound. Tbis,
together with severing of muecles and
ligimentp, makes his wound a serious
one. His right arm is also uevfoyated
The statement of th9 men this morn
ing is that early yesterday morning
Hoffman drove Into their camp, near the
bridge. Heckman waj prparins break
fast and, Wjsltjir. was yet asleep, Tbe
old man informed Heckman that he had
been robbed of harness and saddles dur
ing the night. Heckman expressed
sympathy for the old fellow, '4 loss, nd
advised im, tq pjage the tnttUer In the
hands pf officers. Hoffman ate break
fast with the men, after which Heckman
came op town,
After a while Walter came up town,
Hoffman was there when the, (wo wien
returned to cansp nhoui noon. Th9y
Bt8rPe3 this side of the bridge and en
deavored to strike a horse trade with an
Indian. Failing in this they crossed the
bridge for their camp fire to prepare din
ner. Io Boqre.r h,a,d, they arrived there
than Hoffman was observed coming to
ward them from, his wapn. In his
hand.a.wqa a, h,qt pn. He ordered
thain, tq thixjw up their hands. They
obeyed and the German ordered them to
fall on their knees. ' Heckman rejuviJ,
and was shot. Walter ti tot his wagon
and ende.iotid to gat a rifU whioh was
swuna straps. Hoffman was h.Qi
after him, and he (Walter Q)!sd. out to
Heck tii an at lg potjld bqI get the gun
ami, wou ipin, M9 did go, when the
German's 8" cracked again, and Wal
ter received tha load in the tlahJs.Mp
and right arm,
for all, . .
Hoffman then went to hie wagon and
was reloading his gun. The two men.
then hobbled aero is the bridge toward
town and fell by the oad side.
The New W. & C. R. Depot Will Soon
B,i Built
J. II. Miller, of Walla Walla, has
made quick work of moving the big
wheat warehouse of the Hamilton
Rourke Co. Saturday morning every
thing was ready to begin the moving of
the big building acroaa tbe track of the
W. &. C. R. railroad, and Monday at 4 p.
m. found the structure safely across tbe
track, west of its farmer site, where it
now stands ready for tbe blocks and ite
new foundation. Tbis work will require
some time to complete. ,
Air. JHHier a) has the contract to
build a 40 foot addition to tbe warehouse
which at tbe present time has the goodly
dimensions of 40x100 feet and ia capable
of holdinjf many tons of grain.
The warehouse was moved to the west
side of the track for the sole purpose of
making room for tbe new and commod
eona depot, which is soon to be erected
by the W. AC. R. railway. The depot
will be modern in its construction and
will occupy a site just north of where
the warehouse formerly stood, "
Indian War Veteran's Attjnti.n.
"Veterans of the Willow Springs
figbtof20 yea.ra jn are requested to
meet at the old battle ground at Willow
Springs on July d, to celebrate tbe en
niversary of this memorable event In tbe
history of Umatilla county.
"8, G. Ligbtfoot,
"J, W, Salisbury,
"Jacob Fraser,"
Ceiking Fiat Again.
Thie is now one of tbe prettiest flate in
the country. The farmers are improv
ing their places, and making them very
nt Jinks Taylor and Hardy MaRsSsia
hive returned from the 'fyW horse
ranch qn tin John Day.
Otis Gerking has been engaged this
week in digging bis garden nut of the
3m 8eott and John Walter went
Walla Walls Buaday on their wheels
and returned Monday,
iaa.Gorkln.rcau be seen out in the
Lay Cj!d leinin g uu bu pitchfork, fcvi-
dently trying lo torea some way to
shock the bay while he sits ia the shade.
George is ail light if he is a little slow.
He says the world wasn't made in a
If you are pestered with visitors whom
you wish never to see again, sprinkle
salt on the floor after tbey leave and
sweep it out by the same door through
which they have gone, and they will
never come again.
Jim -"I say, John, why is kissing a
pretty girl like a se,wina machine T
John-"As a fallow says, I don' know
Why la it? Jim "Because it seems
earns) good."
W, H. H. Scott purchased a iweed
machine this week. He expects to make
a good thing out of the weed business.
He is goiujg tq raise weeds as large as
wa.i&tnha. Yours with feeling
James Reuben is Dead.
News has been received at the Indian
egancy of the death of James Reuben,
one of the best known Indians of the
Northwest, it Genessee, Idaho. Rsn
ben's horse ran away with him, while
riding near his brother's borne at Gen
essee, throwing biin against a barb
Wire fence, which almost severed his
left leg and after several hours suffering
iii died from loss ot blood. Reuben was
known in tbla section, where be fre
queatly visited,
Farmer Attention .
If you want a threshing outfit buy a
J, I, Case for which we bespeak superi
ority over all other machines. To de
monstrate this assertion we will put an
outfit in yon? field with an expert engi
neer and separator tender, run the outfit
until yon are convinced that the rig is
what we claim for it. A complete outfit
.pan be seen at our warehouse, about May
10th, Atugn Mbjwaktilk Co,
, The Freaks tf L'ghtnin, i
In the vicinity of Ridgi Saturday a
tree was Etructj t,y lightntnu ant) torn to
piecpg, J , 0. Coombs received a shock
Of electricity, but was not seriously in
jured', John Bleher had a eow killed;
James Porter, a hor-ae, and it is reported
that a h.oxs was killed on Caarles Oun
tylsgh.avttl8 placa during the same elec
trical storm East Orcgonian,
Notice cf Dissolution.
' Notice is hereby given t had the part
nership heretofore existing between
Owen & Thompson, doing a general
blacksmith business in Athana, has this
day been mutually dissolved. A. G.
Owen retiring and J. V, Thompson con
tinning the business, and will collect
and pay all bills, J, V, Thompson,
A. G. Owen.
Notice to Farmers.
The Athena Mercantile company are
agento for the McCormick binders and
mowers, the best machines on eartb.
A Pifcs of Eg- Shell.
Myrtle, the infant daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. J. N. Noyer, of Pomeroy, died Mon
day morning at Walla Walla, says the
Statesman. A few days ago a portion of
egg shell became fastened in the child's
larnyx, and tbe parents at once sought
aid in Pomeroy, but to no avail. Tbe
ohild was brought to Wa'la Walla Sun
day to be operated oa by Drs. Keylor,
and Nelms. The weakness of the child's
condition could not undergo the physical
strain of the operation, and hence tbe
result was fatal,
For Sale.
Ons new steel frame PUno header et
a bargain. 0-W. Holuh,
The Caledonian Picnic,
All arrangements ere now complete for
tbe Caledonian picnic and games to oe
cur at Athena the 30th inat.
A Scotchman, who is a fine performer
on the bagpipes, has boen secured and
others may be secured. A special train
will leave Pendleton at 8 o'clock on the
morning of tbe 30th. The faer will be
75 cents for tbe round trip. The public is
invited to attend the first plonic of the
0te Ionian Society.
Card of Thanks.
Mrs, Archie Mclntyre and family ex
tsnd throngn tbe columns of tbe
their tbsnks to the many kind friend
who assieted them through the illness 0!
the beloved husband and father.
At Bead's Market,
Frank Beale Is after your trade in the
meat line. He keeps on hand nothing
but the very best that money will buy
on tbe market. Just now be is cutting
a swath in the price of meat. He quote
the following prices:
Boiling meat, psr lb. . , .5 and 6c
Roast, per lb ,., 80
Kte3k, round, per lb - 8c
bteak, loin, per lb. 10c
Bologna sausage, fer lb. . .... ..8 and 10c
, The Victory rests with America's:
Greatest Medicine, Hood's Sarssparilia,
when it battles agaiust any disease
caused or promoted by impure or im
poverished blood.
Pills are tbe favoritv family
Kssy to take, otf?y to oper-
The Jury Decides That He
Is Not Guilty.
Mahaffey Charges Him With
Assault at the Killing.
Says yesterdays East Oregonian:
When the East Oregonian's report of the
Mabaffey trial closed Tuesday afternoon,
H. O. Guernsey was upon the stand
testifying as an expert, as to the signa
ture and writing of Mahaffey upon the
door panels of Green's house. After his
cross examination, George Omotte, the
Japanese, was recalled, but nothing new
was elicited from his testimony, after
which the prosecution rested its case.
A short recess waa taken and Sam
Mahaffev. thft dnfnnrlnnt tank- tKa wit.
neea stand in his own behalf. He told
of the occurrences on the day of the
shooting in a straightforward manner
and of the causes leading thereto, seem
ingly anxious to explain even the small
est detail. Otherwise : there wav no
material difference in cia testimony than
that given at the preliminary examina
tion, j
Willin MahuffAv ami tiia mnthor vara
called but added no new feature to the
case. ' ' ;
John and M. T. Thompson were sworn
in behalf of the defendant to tell of
threats Green had made against the life
of Mahaffey, but ah most of the questions
asked them wore objected to by Col.
Raley, for the proseautiou, and the ob
jections were sustained by the court,
very little Jwas "elicited from the testi
mony, ,. ,,.:"'V.-ir
A recess was then taken until 7 p. m.,
when Henry Steele was called to describe
the finding of Mahaffey'a pipe, which is
alleged to hava boea knocned fiom his
mouth by Green before the shooting oc
curred VVm. Adams told of hearing
Green admit that ha had abused Mahaf
fey, and W. D, Adams testified to hav
ing heard Green say that if he ever
caught Mahaffey one on the bills, he
(Green) would beat bin, to death.
F. W. Robinson and John Thompson
were called to impeach the testimony of
witness Bowman of the prosecution, as
to conflicting statements made upon the
day of the shooting with those given at
the coroner's inquest and at tho trial.
At this morning's session of the cir
cuit court Willie Mabaffey, the nine year
old son of the defendaut, was called by
the prosecution to explain a tow minor
differences In his testimony given at the
trial and that given at jhe coroner's in
quest. 8. H. Swart, J. B. Adams!and
Amos. Brackett were called to give testi
mony that would impeach that of the
boy, but no important dl&repanciua
were proven.
At 3 :15 o'clock the case was given to
the jury who wore out just 23 minutes
before they returned with a verdict of
not guilty,
Mahaff Charges Him With Assault at
the Killing.
Peudleton, June 21. From tbe Pend
leton Tribune. The trial of Samuel Ala
baffey was begun yesterday morning at
10 o'clock, The indictmeut found by the
grand jury was for assault with a dang
erous weapon on Melvin Green May 11,
and for such alleged offense Mahaffey is
being tried.
There was pome difficulty in choosing
a jury. Ten men wer rejected for vari
ous caures, but chi fly for having ex
pressed opinions on the case and bein(
moro or less acquainted with the circum
stances of the tragedy.
Four witnesses were examined, but
no new light waa thrown upon theafkir.
Tbe evidence wss given more ia detail,
but no incidents were mentioned that
have not a 'ready been published.-
A new phase of the case 'li viorieJ Im
the arrest yesterday of . Fr.t Bominws
the leading witness, who waa present at
the shooting. His testimony was that
when Mahaffey was shotting at Green
he shot into the air from tbe house just
to scare Mabaffey and keep him from
killing Green. Mahaffsy cays the bul
lets whistled very near him, and his
sworn out a complaint for assault on him
by Bowman,
In the examination of Cowman as a
witness the defense put the question:
"Are you not a fugitive from justice ?"
Tiiia was disallowed.
The question then followed: "Were
you not char ged of felony ?" which w
also obj-cted lo by tbe judge.
After Dr. C J. Proith's examination
as a witness he exhibited to the jury the
two ballets taken from Green's body.
Other witnesses examined were G
Omatto and Kamutsl Webb.
Keeder k Butler and J. B. Huothgtm
are MahauVy's a'torneys, and District
Attorney Basil and Col.jnel .1 . II l'i!v
tttuuded t'j the prot-ecitljn.