The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, June 17, 1898, Image 4

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    " : 1
We sell the above binder.
Just R
Lawns, India Linens,
ment of Ribbons in Stars and stripes
National Neckties
Another shipment of Veil Lace, price ,
from 2 cents per yard up.
We have a large assortment of thin
dress goods. Prepare for hot weather
its sure to come.
We are exclusive agents for the well
known brand of MASCOT KID GLOVES
in all 9olor8 and sizes. Every pair war
ranted. Price $1.25. Try them.
Athena Mercantile
Bloch Building, Main Street.
Items in Brief.
For dental work
Go to Dr. L. F. Tovar, 3rd stroet,
Glass fruit jars at the Blue Front.
Rigby & Hales sell "reacock" flour.
Mies Alma Kirk is visiting in Walla
Walla. -
Drapers and machine extras are sold
by Hawes.
Washing is made easy when using
Lenox Soap.
Fish Brothers make (tie beet wagons,
Hawes sells them.
Pickel, the artist, enlarges pictures in
Crayon and Pastel.
Borne special drives in jsephyr ginghams
at The New Store.
When vou want a mower, see Hawes
about the Milwaukee.
Baker & Hamilton buggies and culti
vators are sold by Hawes.
Cudahy's "Rex" hams, breakfast
bacon and lard at Hollis'.
Left to themselves, the right shoe will
always find a mate at Hollis'
Gents Lisle thread underwear reduced
from 50 cents to 25 cents at Max Levin's.
Hawes sells Baker & Hamilton steel
frame headers. The best on the market.
The best buggy in town for the money
is the Baker & Hamilton. Hawes sells
The rain which foil last night has in
sured a good crop from spring sown
grain. Tile farmer smlleth.
For good cigar go to the St. Nichols
hotel. They carry the celebrated Le
land Stanford and Saudow brands.
"When I notice a thing as I want to
get, that article's got to bo mine, you
bet," says the latest girl. She would
have a picnic at Hollia.'
Wells delivers ice to bis customers In
the forenoon, and desires that hereafter
all orders be left at his place of buiiness
in time for the delivery wagon to de
liver the Ice.
The butiness of the Tendleton Steam
Laundry in Athena is steadily increas
ing. Washings are received at farker
& Ferguson's barber shop ou Wednes
day, and ate returned Sunday morning.
A distressing accident might have been
averted by our good friend Mr,
yesterday, if he bad been wearing Hol
lia' non-ripping trousers, whin be des
cended quickly from bis wheel on Main
Maxle M. Braisfield was granted a
divorce from Athonel Brassfield yester
day in the circuit court. The plaintiff ,
waa awarded the custody of the three
minor children. The attorney for
plaintiff in the case was Peter West.
The g etter part of the wool clip of
Baker county and much of that of Grant
county is being stored in Baker City.
Flock-owners are not selling their wool,
as they are not in need of money. They
expect that before long higher prices will
8. E. Farker, Sharon, Wis., writes :
"I have used DeWitt'a Witch Haze
Salve for Itching pilea and it always
steps tbem in two minntea. I consider
DeWitt's Witch Hasel Salve the greatest
pile care on the market." Palare Prog
Store, Wm. McBride, Prop.
and a large assort
Athena, Ohkgon
The human machine starts but once
and etopR but once. You tun keep it go
ing lonneBt and most regularly by uaiog
DeWitt's Littlo Early Rieeis, the famous
little pilla for constipation and all
stomach and liver troubles. Palace Drug
Store, Wrn. McBride, Prop.
There will be a Sunday school pintiic
in Moore's grope at the head of 6audi
Hollow, : : Saturday.' - Several country
Sabbath schools will meet at the appoint
ed timeand place, and a large attend
ance is expected. Preparations are be
ing made for a good time.
The First National bank of Pendleton
received a new Diehold cash safe this
morning which 'ill replace the eld one
now in use. The new safe ia fitted with
a time lock of improved pattern ami is
abiolutely burglar proof.
Please hear in mind that yon can get
lust as many, if not more, pounds of
sugar, coffee, rice, beans, and every,
thing else at the Blue Front, as you can
get any place in the town.
Joseph will hold a two day's celebra
tion in honor of tho national birthday.
There will be races on tho Wallowa
lake and games and sport near town.
The largest stock of graniteware ever
brought to town is now at Barrett & Co'
Call and see prices and you will be con
All sensible ladies buy wrappers at the
New Store. They are made well, fit
well, and save you lots of work making
The bout the unatket affords in the
way of meat is found at the "Dewoy"
Meat Market, north side of Main street.
Cool delicious lemonade ia the drink
for summer. Lemonade sots in tho
latest styles at Rigby St Hales.
Try a can of B& B Baking Powders,
at the Blue Front and get a fine glasB
dish. Every can warranted.
When you need groceries, go to Max
Lewin's He is selling Ids stock out at
Go to the Palace Drug Store for pure
drugs, and the best perfumeries on earth
Before you put ur your fruit, tee
Lewin's Mason double thick fruit jars
Subscribe for the Evksinu Fiusa,
Fifteen cents per week, free delivery
You can't draw too straight a line
from yenr front door to Hollis' store,
A carload of .Mitchell wagons just ar
rived at the Athena Mercantile Co.'i
For the best grades of machine oils at
reasonable prices, go to McBrides.
Keep cool by going to the New Store
and get one of those light coats.
The ruts beats 'em all on commercial
printing. Prices reasonable.
For Machine oil and axle grease, go to
the Tioneer Drug Store.
Hollis' specialties Arnioreide corsets
and "Black Cat" hose.
The Blue Front hs just received a
fresh stock of candies.
Full assortment of hammocks at C. A.
Barrett & Co.'s
Henry Adams was in town from Wes
ton yesterday.
Several fishing parties are on the
Mrs. M. M. Johns Is visiting in Fen
dloton. Carrie and Dolly Bloch are visiting ia
lC WAtrn'j n fl.mriny rnill mill S'fn I Arrangement ha ve bf f n ttifle wh re-
be in operation.
J. K. Salirg his re'nrrted ti ton
from liia latch.
Mrs. Jones, of l'nitetn. ie tbn gnert
of Mrs. CaUeiider.
Prof. Rs!d and fmily will rper.d tt
Fourth at Teel tip'inzs.,
Ai.e Sinter left Wednesday r a vit t
with Pcitdlflon In n.l.
.Parker tie Ftinuaoii'- barber M" p in
re a irc-sli coat t paii.t.
Jaines Bri't-n is coniiiit; t lo hi' Lout
wth icflinuiintuiy ibeumatieiii.
XB. F. Mansfield drove down to Hep-
pner last week, reluming Saturday
Miss Ethel Reid will spend the week
in Pendleton attending the institute.
Arthur Rigby and wife are visiting
friends this week in Morrow county.
yjolm Grosa ie making improvements
on bis recently purchased city property.
MiiiS Campbell, sister of Mrs. F. L
llelfriuh, is in tiie ci y frum Pendleton.
h. H. Hill, the jeweler, is enjoying
recreation and rest at Bingham Spring".
X Pendleton people en fay Sunday horse
racing. Pendleton is modern or noth
ing. See the chain-drive mowers and all
steel horae rakes at C. A Barrett &
Mrs. Olms. Henry has ihe thanks cf
the pRiiSH force for a splendid bequet of
TtiomliDscn & Sharp have received at
1arte stock of wull paper. Latest cle
iigns. W. S. Burleigh has 8-ild tl.e Loatine
Leader to the Lo.ttiue Publishing Com
pany. Mrs. Dr. Charles has returned borne
from a vieit to relatives in the Willamett
VAthena blacksmith shops are filled
4ith farm machinery to be repaired for
For a tine, juicy steak, go to the
"Dewey" Meat Market, K. G. Gerking
Gerking, of the "Dewey" Meat Market,
goto hid meats fresh from Peiidleton
every day.
The Eastern Gregou and Washington
firemau'a tournament is in progress at
La Grande.
Weeds and grass along the sidewalks
and in vacant lota are about ready for
the scythe. ,
Mies Campbell, sister of Mrs Helfrich,
arrived Tuesday and will make her borne
with her sister.
C A of Hebny buggies and
carriages jtibt arrived at the Athena
Mercantile Co.'a
Extra copies of tho Prom with report
of the normal exercises, are in demand by
people of Weston.
X,Born to Mr. and Mrs. A. B. McEwen,
June 15, 1898, a girl. Dr. Smith says
'Andy" will recover.
Lead and oil at greatly reduced prices
at OaburnB. Headquarters for best pre
pared points and drugs.
Long Creek is suffering fro.n a succes
sion of evils. The campaign has been
followed by the measles.
XThePnEss boys acknowledge a feast
on lloodnver strawberries, compliments
of William Chamberlain.
.Win. Willaby Is engaged in breaking
horses which ho brought home from the
raugo in Wallowa county.
The finest and most complete Btock of
oils and paints to be found in town aie
at the Palace Drug Store.
Wm. Hudspath, brother of Robert
Hudenatb, arrived in the city from
Florence, Idaho, yesterday.
The freme work of the new mill at
Frcewater Is up, and the mill promises
to bs an imposing structure.
Mrs. Kirov has lust received a new
line of cbildrens hats and babies bon
nets. The very latest styles.
If the reformers only knew exactly
what the people truly want they would
toll them to trade with Hollis.
A harlev sample, brought to Weston
from the field of George Carmicbael, waa
five feet high and well headed.
Farm laborers are becoming scarce at
North Powder, and there will be rust
ling for men when harvest comes.
Between running two trucks, eprink
ling streets, and sawing wood Jones
Winship have about all they can attend
In view of the unusual fine prospects
of a large yield in all farm products,
Umatilla county farmers are very jubil
ant. Frank Perham, who has been keep
ing boots for D. Keinler, of Pendleton,
has sccepted a similar position at Wes
ton, Fred Roeeniweig wilt attend the A.
0. U. W. Grand Lodge in Portland,
next month, as a delegate from Athena
Lodge No. 104.
G. C. Oaburn and S. P, Furdy are in
The Dalles, attending the Grand Lodge,
Woodmen of the Woild, as delegates
from Athena Camp.
Mies Grace McElroy has gone to her
home near Mission where she will re
cuperate preparatory to returning to
Weston in the fall.
M. J. McDaniel and Mrs, Henry Stov
er wore married in Pendleton Saturday.
The couple are gneets at the Brotberton
home, west ot town.
Dr. Richardson says don't wait till
war taxes on dental material doubles the
price ot your work, but come now and
have it done. He is here yet.
1 Arrangement ha ve bf f n mude hi re
I by a large banner, MiLonochig that t e
4th will btt celfbrMtrd in Athena, will tie
snap nded across Main street. ,
M oy of the joung men of Joucti n
talk of (iOio to Extern Oregon to liarv
vest." Ttiey rlaiut that much but!er
wages arf paid i-i thii cecti u.
Hrlfiiul. Iis the Urert 41. d com'
plt-ie stm-fc 1 f Indira ii.w cut einfn for
tiiumer enr to be fouiid in town. Teri
?t I cs ar,! VKiHi(-s 10 rein I from
.y(K L lUrneit sold his frm below
f. . I . - UII.., ... til
5U0. It is a good place and will make
Mr. Mcluiyre a comfortable home.
Reports from Portland are to the
effect that Mrs. B. S. Burroughs ia im
proving and hopes are entertained of ber
ultimate restoration to perfect health.
In company with Lake France, the
Press man had the pleasure of viewing
the spleudid fields of wheit between
this city and Webton Monday evening.
There is a general feeling at Milton
that no iniary will be done to grain by
bot winds this year. Thus far prospects
for a 'arge yield of wheat were never
A number of the patriotic .youngsters
of Pendleton have carried their love of
country into dress, and wear white
stripes down the legs of their blue jean
R. L. Davis, the druggist, is in the
city from Weiser, Idaho. He lias dis
posed of his business interests in Weiser
and contemplates going to New York
before long.
The ''F.xamiiier," the big family paper,
has distributed its annual list of piizts
and among the lnvky ones was Mrs.
Frank Tbarp, of this city, it ho drew a
cash prize of S3.
Clem Bergevin, uncle to the Bergevin
boys on the reservation, died Friday
at bis home in Frencbtown, Walla Walla
county. The remains were interred to
day at Walla Walla.
"You have a wheel" "Sir I" Bhe ex
claimed, "I mean, madam, that since
you have a wheel and are so graceful a
rider, yon should glance at those new
style shoes at Hollis' ". .
l no umatuia Indians will give a
grand celebration the Fourth of July in
!he grove two miles east of the agency
on the reservation, loiing (Jhief is iu
(herge cf Ihe ceiemonies.
- Pr of. Royal pays a fine compliment to
the Press by saying, "The Press has,
given the best, fullest, nad moit atlrac'
live report of tho commencement, ex
orcises we have ever had."
Mrs. Mary Catherine Geer, aunt of
T. T. Geer, governor elect, died at the
family none in the VVa'doiillef 12 miles
east of Salem, Thursday, at 7 o'clock,
surrounded by ber children.
Late to bed aud early to j-ise .-prepares
a man for his home in the skies. Early
to bed and a Little Early Riser, the pill
that makes life longer, better and wiser
Palace Drug Store, Wm. McBride Prop
"One Minute Cough Cure U the best
preparation I have ever sold or used and
I can't say too much in its praise." L.
M. Kennon, Merchant, Odoll, Ga.
Palace Drug Store, Wm. McBride, Prop.
In Baker county the official count
shows that Geddes, republican, is elect
ed clerk over Swan, unionist, by one
vote, and Huntington, republican, for
sheriff, over Kilburn, unionist, by S3
The entertainment given by the
"Jolly Circle" of Adams Friday evening
is pronounced, by thoee who attended,
a decided success, both from a literary
and financial, as well as a strawberry
and cream standpoint
William ChildB, the cattlebnyer, who
died at Huntingtou last week, was
worth about $30,000 eight years ago.
Business reverses made him penniless.
He was GO yearB old. Brigbt's disease
was the cause of death.
The Cuban question and political
issues sink into insignificance with the
man who suffers from piles. What he
most desires, is relief. DeWitt's Witch
Hazel S&lve cures pilea. Patace Drug
8tore, Wm, McBride, Prop.
S. M. Geary, Pierson, Mich., writes :
"DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve is curing
mora piles here today than all other re
medies combined. It cures eczema and
all other skin diseases." Palace Drug
Store, Wm. McBride, Prop.
East Oregonian : Miss Hattie Froome,
of Waitsburg, ia visiting her father, G,
M. Froome, the popular livery man
Mr. Froome expects to remove bis family
to thts city, from their present home in
Waitsburg, within a few weeks.
Land Commissioner Binger Hermann
has written to Mr. Ben Brown, of Burns,
advising him that an effort is being
made to consolidate the Harney and La
Grande land offices. Mr. Hermann sug
gests that unless reasons exist for the
proposed consolidation that the move
ment be watched.
Agent Drake received notice that for
the Fourth of July the 0. R. & N. Co.
will sell excursion ticks to any station
in Oregon and return, including Walia
Walla and Wallula, at the rate of one
fare for the round trip. Selling dates
July 2d, 3 J and 4th; goad to return on
the 6,h.
The members of volunteer company
C, of Pendleton, elected the following
officers Friday night: Captain, Roy W.
Ritner; first lieutenant, Charlea E.
Bond ; second lieutenant, Lee W. Held.
The newly-elected officers are old mem
bers of company C, ot the Oregon
National Guard.
S. C. P. Jones, Mileaborg, Pa., writea:
"I have used DeWitt'a Little Early
Risers ever aiscc tliy were introduced
t e e ail must tar that I Lave neer
Hied any pills in my family during forty
years of honse keeping that gave such
satisfactory results as a laxative or ca
thartic." relate Drn2 Store. Wm. "Mc
Bride. Prop.
The two la'g barr.s and a quantity
of far.u machinery, having a total value
ot $!G0O, on Ihe farm ff Jotiii Mumm,
seven mi ea nurti of Pt-iMlletnn. were
destroyed tv Dra early .-iijdy mo niug.
The fire is supposed to tieve been in
cendiary, ai there were no employes
near where ic ori6i-iated later than Fri
day. Considerable complaint is being made
by residents in the north part of town
about water beicg turned off by the
water snperintondent without being
no ified. When it ia necessary for the
water to be turned off, patrona should be
notified in advance eo that they may
make necetstry preparations, and secure
water enough to do them until the
mains are again in order.
That Body Condemns the City of Pen-
dleton Government.
The grand jury finished its labors'
today and filed a report of its proceed
ings with the county clerk which is
elven below. Not true bills were relur-
ed in tho case of Tessie Cohen, for keep
ine a bawdy bouse, and esainst Sam
Matthews for assaulting one Ruth Lof
ton, at Indian girl.
We, your grand jury, duly au t regu
larly drawn and empanelled on the fiwt
day of the present term of court beg
leave to report as follows: We hnv
examined 07 witnesses and have turn
ed seven true bills of indictment and
seven not true bills of indictment.
We have visited the coanty poor house
aud find everything therein in good
condition, the house cleanly kept, the
inmates appear to be well treated. We
find the kitchen and dining room (00
email for the present needs and would
respectfully recommend that some pro
vision be made to meet the demands of
present needs and convenience.
We also vieited tbe county jail and
find the same in good order and con
dilion but would recommend that
new hammocks for the jail be procured
We have caanally txamiiied the city
jail, from which examination we do not
find it to be a btd of roees. '
We also visited tbe various county
office a and find thorn in first class order
and the books and records appear to be
kept in a neat manner.
We would respectfully report that we
are reliably informed, upon careful iu-
Quirv. tuat tho city authorities of the
the city of Pendleton, in the administra
tion of tho city government, and in the
so called enforcement of the city ordi
nances, have inaugurated a custom oi
prohibiting unlawful gaming and bawdy
houses, that in substance and effect it
tends to act and serve as a licensu lor
the same, which custom we heartily
condemn. .
In coacluslon we desire to tender our
thanks to your honor for the many
courtesies extended to us, to our district
attorney for his unfailing attention to
the business brought before us and tho
assistance rendered ua in disposing of
the same, and to our bailiff for bis at
tendance upon our wants.
And now having fully concluded ur
labors we most respectfully ask to be
David Home, For eman
B. F, Beck,
J. P. M'Minn,
F. F. Deiong,
C. K. Bryson,
C. E. Spence,
W. F. Ginn.
Dated June 15,1803.
Eastern Oieson Crops.
The warm weather was beneficial to
all growing vegetation, and the change
to cooler, with the few showers, are also
a benefit. The grain crop was never
mora promising, There are a 'ew sec
tions where the attempt to grow grain
should not be made that have only fair
prospects, but in the wheat belts tbe
prospects could not be excelled. Tbe
dews at night are heavy and a few inches
below the surface the soil is moist, so it
now appears that nothing can injure the
Fall sown wheat and barley are bead
ing; spring sowing is making a healthy
and rapid growth. Haying has com
menced ; the hay crop is reported to be
good in every eection. Corn is makings
rapid growth. Strawberries are ripen
ing in tbe plateau region. In the Col
umbia river valley, large shipments to
eastern mountain points and to Mississ
ippi river valley points continue. Ship
menta will become less, owing; to the
fall in prices. Tbe prospects for fruit
are generally excellent. There are a
few scattered localities, not really fruit
districts, where small cropa will result.
In the vicinity of Day ville, Grant county,
the fruit prospects are poor.
Cattle have good range food nd are in
prime condition. A. lare number of
cattle and sheep are being purchased
aud driven from the ranges for shipment
Jack Robinson Burned Out.
The Boise steam laundry, be'onging to
J. F. Robinson, baraed at 1 :30 o'clock
yesterday afternoon. The fire caught in
some shavings in the engine room and
spread so rapidly that nothing was
saved except a few articles belonging to
patronr. Mr. Bobinsoa estimates his
Ices at $2500, with insurance of $1500.
He expects to put ia another plant. In
the meantime he ia sending goods to
Salt Lake.
E. MANASSE, Prop.,
Bank Block, : : :
For hot weather
At Prices to Suit All.
Remember we
Agents for Butterick's Patterns.
Our Line of
Latest Styles and Colors, Very Handsome
Call and Inspect our
Line of Ciroci"is
All Fresh, Clean and Sweet
For Queensware, Lamps and Notions
Call at
The Brick Grocery,
RIGBY & HALES, Proprietors,
and inspect our stock or implements. We carry in 6tock
only first class goods that have been-fully tested for years.
We" have Buffalo Pitts Threshers and Powers, Hodge &
Piano Headers, Chain Drive Piano Mowers, Osborne
Mowers and Rakes. Bain Wagon, Racine Buggies and
Carriages, Flying Dutchman Plows, Canton & Molin's
Laver Harrows, Acme Harrows. ij
A full line of machine extras always on hand for fol
lowing machines: Buffalo Pitts Threshers and Horse
Powers, Hodge & Piano Headers and Binders. Osborne and
Champion Mowers, Whitely Mowers and Binders. Extras
to fit Mkchell and Bain Wagons, Jackson Seeders and
Drapers to fit every machine.
. .X'llQ...
Dewey Meat Market
E. G. GERKING. Prop.
Nothing but the best meat the market affords is kept in stock.
A share of your patronage respectfully solicited.
North Side Main Street
A Terrible Cloudburst.
A special to the Tribune from TJkiah
jeeterday say: A severe rain and hail
storm occurred here today. The old
settlers say it was the hardest storm
they witnessed in many yeais.
Three inches of rain fell in two houra,
doing considerable damage to gardens.
The fall of hail did not extend over tho
entire valley, but in places tbe ground
was covered several hours after the
Btorm ceased.
At the time of the severe rain and hail
storm in Camas there was a terrible
cloudburst on the John Day river, at
Junction bar.
Tbe water came down the gulch six
feet deep, raising the river two feet in
one hour.
'Beats the Klondike.
Mr. A. C. Thomas, of Marysville, Tx.,
has found a more valuable discovery
than fcas yet been made in the Klondike.
For years he Buffered untold agony from
consumption, accompanied by hemor
rhages ; and was absolutely cured by Dr.
King's New Discovery for consumption,
coughs and colds. He declares that gold
is of little value in comparison with this
marvelous cure ; would have it, even if it
coet a hundred dollars a bottle. Asth
ma, Bronchitis and all throat and lung
affections are positively cuied by Dr.
Kind's New Discovery for Consumption.
Trial bottle free at G. C. Oabarn'a drug
store. Kegolar sizs 50 cts. and $1.00.
Guaranteed to cure or price refunded.
For Sale.
Ben Sway cart will arrive in Athena
Jane 20; h witn 20 bead of work mn'es
and several head of driving males, which
will be offered for sale.
celebrate July 4 p$
Athena, Oregon
Main Street. Athena
Circuit Court.
M. H. Gillett vs. Squire Besworth,
dismissed without prejudice.
Z, Houser va. Teter West, allowed un
til tomorrow, Tuesday, to file a notice
for a new trial.
State vs. Walter Ward, examined for
the reform school. Whether he goes to
the school or not Judge Lowell will de-
i cido later
Thornton vs. Dand, continued for the
Hamilton-Rourke Company vs. Sib
son, Kerr et al, motion denied and the
court is further of the opinion that it
baa jurisdiction.
State vs. Mahafley. The defendant
enters a plea of not guilty of the kill
ing of Melvin Green, as charged in the
indictment returned by the grand jury.
A Good Showing.
In a financial way Athena is making
a good showing. Treasurer Oibnrn in
forms a Prxss repoiter that aomethios;
like 8500 in warrants will be redeemed
this month, which amount will call in
all warrants op to October 1896.
I Takn Up.
One bay mare, braad A. W. on left
shoulder, 3 years old, weight about 800
One black mare, brand N. on left
shoulder, age 3 years, weight 650.
The above described animals were
taken up in Athena, 'and impounded on
June 9, 1S93, and unless redeemed by
owner, will be sold to the highest bidder
at the city p--ind of Athena on Tuesday,
June 14, 1898.
C. M. Casdes, Marshal.