The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, June 17, 1898, Image 3

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    ;.:'::!i!AL banquet
Normal Regents Eat, Drink
and Are Merry.
Prof. Van Winkle Acted as
' Weston, Jane 13. Special. The beet
is always withheld till the last, an J eo it
was in thta instance, for the annual ban
qnet given by the board of regents took
place in the dining hall of the dormi
tory, immediately after the entertain
ment. Everything was under the able
management of Mr, and Mrs. Benefiel
and to them the Pre is under lasting
obligations for favors and a plate of love
ly cake.
The room was tastefuly draped in bant
ing, and the aix tables, with the snowy
linen, and a festoon around each table,
made a pretty picture. Covers were
laid for about sixty, and to the banquet
ball marched the guests, where they sat
from 10 o'clock till one enjoying every
The delicacies spread consisted of
roast chicken, chicken pal ad, sliced
oranges, ice cream, cakej nuts, lemonade
and coffee. There were twelve young
ladies, appropriately costumed, who act
ed as waiters under the guidance of Miss
l.niHAVA Ari.hiira.
Prof. Van Winkle acted as toast mast
er and presided in his usual dignified
manner, "Our Nation in War," brought
response by Herbert B. Bryaon, "97," so
weli and carefully prepared, end elo
ijif,nily delivered, that it was conceded
to ha the best of the evening.
In reeponje to "An Apology," Miss
May Caruiichael '93, made a neat lit
tl speech, showing that horeafter she
may be called upon and her apology will
be apropos.
"Class of '98," by Miss Butler and
who could have done justice to this, but
$lips B., for she has perhaps been more
plosely connected with the members
than any one else.
Miss Emma Oreen '97, in a manner
originally t Id of the "Experience of. a
uonntry iaooi leacner, ana sne was
fitted for the occaeion.
"Memories of the Boarding Hall," Dy
' Miss Ada Fierce '98, was so interesting
to tboea who had made the hall their
t.sima tnr ft-rt TAarH riAnt. in fftpr.. ftninVPfl
ffUUi. n u j - i i - -1 j -j
by all.
"The Ladies," by vyilllao. IJaad '08,
brought smiles to many faces for he
would not confess he had any interest
fbalpver in the ladies, but a "straw
shows wbitih way the wind blows." He
delt tenderly with bis subject.
"The Desert Fiower," by Miss Lulu
Ray '96, was peculiarly dainty in words
pud delivery.
"Our Chairman," Clark Nelson '98,
was well bandied by tba young man.
Who, bat Prof. Royal could epeak of
The Normal and its Mission?" His
words were fitting and all listened in
tently to what be said.
Both Prof. Talkington and Regent
Powers told of choosing a vocation.
"Hunting and Fishing," by Prof.
Levis, created considerable laughter,
for he told of the sport he would find
while hunting the deer, whereupon he
was asked if it was d e a r or d e e r.
The toasts ended. Then the good bye's
were said, and thus ended the banquet
and reunion of the Alumni Association
of the E. O. 8. N. S.
Copied From the Readable Columns
of the Leader.
Fred Roseosweig was over from Athe
na Sunday.
T. J. Price bas been suffering of late
from a serious attack of nasal hemor
rhage. Miss Lillian Proebstel departed last
Monday for ber field of mission work at
Aovik, Alaska.
Senator-elect G. W. Proebstel received
a bunch of telegrams of congratulations
Wednesday evening from friends in dif
fcrent parts of the state.
Charles E. May bee is now a lawyer,
having graduated from the state univer
sity after two years of study, and
passed the supreme court examination.
Tuesday night the third kiln at the
Weston brickyard was fired, and work
on a fourth is now in progress.
Donald McDonald has returned from
a pleasant visit to old friends and scenes
at Grant's Cornera, Ontario, Canada.
The boose occupied by Edward Bmth
erton and family in the Juniper neigh
borhood was destroyed Monday night by
fire. Ths lots on bonse and contents is
A b.rley sample brought to town from
the fted of George Carmichael is five feet
high add well headed. The Carmichael
hopeful who went out to secure this
bunch of barley was completely swal
lowed up in tbe sea of green.
Marion O'Harra leaves for Portland
next Monday to attend the Masonic
grand lodice as alternate for B. B. Hall
"Doc" has lived in Oregoo since 1865,
jet this villbebis first visit to its big
metropolis. He is no practicing up a
trifle, and hopes to so deport himself
that be will not be considered a bunch
grass curiosity.
A little consolation is left for the
county unionists in the fact that "William
M. Blakeley is elected sheriff, In spite of
diligent and futile figuring by tbe repnb .
licans, J. W. Maloney, recorder, and A.
D. Stillman, representative. All three
are men who will unquestionably serve
the people wall. A vote of about ten to
one in bis favor at Athena shows tbe
standing of Mr. Maloney at home.
Weston also gave him a good vote.
After attending tbe exercises at tbe
opera house, Miss Kate Henderson was
returning on horseback to her home on
Weston mountain, when near the
Rouase place the horse gave a sudden
jump and threw her. Her right arm
was dislocated at the elbow, but pluckily
disregarding the pain Miss Henderson
again mounted tbe animal and rode
home, wbtra next day she was attended
by Dr. Best.
Fruits to Eat aad Those to Avoid.
Fruits as food are peaches, apricots,
nectarines ; ripe, mellow apples : dates,
figs, fresh or dried; prunes without
skins; persimmons, papaws; very ripe
or cooked bananas; guavas without
seeds fresh or canned without sugar;
pineapples,grated or finely picked, never
cut; Mangoes, grapas; sweet plums
without skins, sugar cherries, and an
occasional cooked pear. Bartletts are
excellent when canned without sugar.
The fruits which must be used most
sparingly are lemons, oranges, shad
docks, currants, strawberries, cran
berries. This applies most emphatic
ally (o those persons who are inclined
to uric acid conditions. The rheumatic
and gouty should also most rigidly ab
stain. The tender lining of the child's
stomach cannot certainly bear such fruits
any length of time; serious results must
follow. Tbe ripe mellow peach is really
the child's fruit. Mrs. S. T. Borer in
the June Ladies' Home Journal.
Captain Qormon Qeafl.
All old timeB in the Inland Empire
remember Captain James Gormon. He
is dead, bis death occurre 1 in 8 an Fran
cisco in April list. Back in tho days of
old he came to Walla Walla from Mon
tana and s arent for the Northwestern
Stage company and sain had n;any
friends. He married his wife In Walla
Walla, an employe of the Statesman, a
Miss Btitterfleld. After leaving Walla
Walla he went to Dayton and ran a hotel
there for several years, afterward going
to Portland, and was mine host of the
Norton hous? wbich be by his cheery
bonbommie made the. most popular
hotel in Portland at that time. Moving
to San Francisco he engaged in tbe real
estate business. He died aged 61 years.
He leaves a wife and one son.
Bittenfey a, Rattler.
Dave Baoifer met with an exciting
experience up on Meacbam creek this
week. He was fishing and killed a
rattle snake. At least be thought he
had killed it. He took out his knife and
was in the ' act cf cutting off
tbe rattles, when tbe reptile struck him,
burying its poisonous fangs deep into
his right wrist. Dave at once wound
the fish line around his arm and sucked
a considerable amount of blood from the
wound. He was in town Friday and
showed a reporter two little red pimples
which mark the place where the f angs
Farmers Attention.
If you want a threshing outfit buy a
J. I. Case for wbich we bespeak superi
ority over all other machines. To de
monstrate this assertion we will put an
outfit in your field with an expert engi
neer and separator tender, run the outfit
until you are convinced that the rig is
what we claim for it. A complete outfit
can be seen at our warehouse about May
10th. Atjuna Mkbcastixs Co.
M.s. Ltwin Scared.
Mrs. Max Lew in was accosted by a
man who was p robably drunk, near tbe
resilience of Angus Gillis, Saturday even
ing, shortly af er 9 o'clock. The lady
wan badly frightened, and screaming,
ran to tbe home of her siator, Mrs.
Bloch, from which place she had started
for her home The lady was ntiable to
teir tfho the man was and he made
his escape. Yesterday a drunk man
frightened Mrs. Worthington, He was
wandering about the street without a bat
and escaped arrest. There is entirely
too much of this goicg cn in Atbena
without arrests being made by tb Bio
Free PilU.
Send your address to H- E. Bucklen
& Co., Chicago, and get a free sample
box of Dr. King's New Life Pills. A
trial will convince yon of their merits.
These pills are easy in action and are
particularly effective io the cure of Con
stipation and Sick Headache. For Ma
laria and Liver troubles they have bsen
proved invaluable. Tbey a e guaranteed
to be perfectly free from every deleter
ious substance and to b purely veget
able. Tbey do not weaken by their
action, but by giving tone to the stomach
rnd bowleg greatly invigorate tbe sys
tem. Regular sizs box 25;. Sold by Q.
C. Osburn.
Notice to Farmers.
Tbe Athena Mercantile company are
agents for the McCormick binders and
mowers, the best machine on earth.
Votes for Union Candidates Thrown
Out by Election Judges.
The official count of the election re
turns bas been completed and William
Blakeley is elected sheriff over II. A.
Faxon by 39 majority.
It transpires that many votes for the
onion candidates were thrown out by
the election judges, which undoubtedly
should be counted. In marking the bal
lot the voters instead of marking be
tween the number and the name, placed
the X on the second Hue after the union
candidate's number, the name of the
candidate and the title of the union tick
et occupying two. lines on the ticket,
while the name of the republican can
didates and title of tbe party only oc
cupied (one. In north Pendleton pre
cinct alone 21 ballots, marked in this
way for the union candidates were
thrown out and not counted, says the
East Oregonian, . With these ballots of
all the precincts in tbe county counted
as undoubtedly they should bp, it is
probable several more of tbe union can
didates will be found elected.
A Timely Warning.
Grain saved is money made. To ea7e
the grain use Fry's Concentrated Squir
rel Poison. This preparation is the
cheapest and most economics, for the
farmers. One grain kills. Guaranteed.
Price 25c. per can or $5.50 per case of
two dozen. For sale by all druggists.
The Normal Faculty
At the meeting of the board of regents
Saturday, in addition to the election of
Prof. Reld to the presidency of the
school, the entire faculty was chosen.
The chair of mathematics made vacant
by the appointment of Prof. Van Win kle
as deputy United States surveyor, Jacob
I. Hill, who is now at Woodburn, Ore ,
was elected to fill the place. He is a
prominent educator, and was recently
principal of the Los Angeles high school.
The other appointments by the board
were Prof. L. L. lewis, chair of science,
re-elected ; Prof. C. O. Correll, chair of
history and literature, re-elected ; Miss
Stella Wells, teacher in tbe trailing de
partment, and MUs Cosby Baley, musi
cal instructor, re-elected.
Miss Bottler, who taught in the train
ing department last year, resigned to
take a two years' course in college.
Your Face
Shows the state of your feelings and
the state pf your healthas well. Impure
blood makes itself apparent in a pale
and Fallow complexion, Pimples and
Skin Eruptions. If you are feeling weak
and worp out and da pot have a healthy
appearance you should try Acker's
Blood iixlr. It cures all blood diseases
where cheap Sarsaparillas and eo called
purifiers fail ; knowing this we sell every
bottle on a guarantee.
Acker's English Remedy will slop a
cough at apy time, and will cure the
worst cold in twelve hours, or money
refunded. 25 cts. and 50 cts. Palace
Dug Store, Wm. McBride, prop.
A shockina accident neenrad tn I).
Bronson yesterday afternoon, while he
was riding a gangplow near Atbena.
The plow struck a rock and threw him
toward the ground, but as ha fell, one
of the levers pierced bis bowels, inflict
ing a terrible wound.
He was assisted to the house and
brought to the home of his son-in-law,
William Hanna, of this city. Dr. W,
G. Cole temporarily dressed the wound,
and today, with Dr. F. W. Vincent,
will perform the necessary operation.
Mr. Bronson lives in the eastern part
of Pendleton. Pendleton Tribune.
Milton Teachers.
The following teaohera have been em
ployed for the Milton school: M. A.
Kees, I. M. Bowman, Mrs. Florence
Kelley, C. P. Strain, Daisy Wilson,
Emma Green, Julia Blackburn, Louie
Hartwell. Mr. M. A. Kees will be
assistant prihoipal. Mr. T. M. Bowman
will teach at Freewater as also will Miss
Julia Blackburn. Mr. Kees and Mr.
Bowman are both graduates of the Wes
ton normal.
See Gillis About Them.
Those desiring stands on the grounds
for June 30, when the Caledonian Society
has their picnic in this city, should call
on Angus Gillie, who has tbe matter in
The merit of Hood's 8arsaparilla
Is literally written in blood.
-"' It is traced in tbe vital fluid
Of millions of the human race.
It cures all diseases arising
From or promoted by impure
Blood by its intrinsic merit as.
The Qne True Blood Purifier.
Child Eats Morphine Tablets.
May, the little daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Lowary. of Sprague, who are
visiting near Walla Walla, ate several
morphine tablets Friday evening, and
was only saved after three hours hard
work by physicians. Sbe thought the
tablets were candy. She ate a grain and
a quarter of the drug.
If You Have Any disease due to im
pure or impoverished blood, like scrof
ula, salt rhenoj. dyspepsia, or t-atarrab.
yon eboold take Hold's f-arsaparilla
and be promptly cured.
Hood's Piil are eaey to take, easy to
operate. Cure Indigestion hiliousness.
On the Death of W. T. Ko.ntz.
Hark 1 the Heavenly voices calling
To tbe faithful man of God,
Come ; thy earthly work is ended,
Tread the path the saints have trod.
Many forms come forth to greet him
Telling of his deeds of love,
Joyfully tbey lead him onward
To the husta redeemed above.
Tbey recount how he did lead them
When on earth they strove to reach
Tbe goal, the Savior set before them,
He, with christian love did teaob.
Then tbe golden rule must follow
If eternal life they'd gain;
To be free from sin and sorrow,
Must show love to God and man.
Many here will miss him sadly
But they'll rejoice at his release ;
And through their tears will gladly
Say, tis well, he rests in peace.
! Mrs. L. M. Richards.
Athena's Principal to Manage the
Normal School.
X Professor P. V. S. Reld, who has so
successfully managed the Atbena public
schools tbe past year, has been elected
president of tbe Eastern Oregon State
Normal School in Weetory He was
elected today by the board of regents,
which held a meeting in Pendleton.
Mr. Reid was wired this information
of his election, and his acceptance was
asked for, but as he was absent from the
city no reply was sent the board.
The Scale.
Mr. O. A. Barrett Is . Iq receipt of a
letter from the Oregon Agricil tural
College, regarding the scale which has
made its destructive appearance on
many of the shade trees in this city.
Mr. Barrett Is informed that the (wigs
he sent to the college are lnfeita'''whh
a scale Insect o! the genus Lecanium.
The letter further states that it is rather
difficult to deal with these Inepcts dur
ing the summer months, although ap
plications of kerosene emulsion will
kill a good many. The beet time to
attacn them is in the fall, after tbe
leaves have fallen. Then a thorough
application of whole-oil soap, In the pro
portion of U'b of soap to a gal
lon of water, will destroy almost all the
One Minute is not long, yet relit f is
obtained in half that time by the use of
One Minute Cough Cure. It prevents
consumption and quickly cures colds,
croup, bronchitis, pueumonia, la grippe
and all throat and lung troubles. Palace
Drug Store, Wm. McBride, Prop.
leal Estate.
ten miles north of Athena 820
acres of good wheat land, 160 acres
pasture. Good house, bam, out
buildings, wind mill, etc. A bar
gain at $5,500.
splendid wheat land, six and a half
miles north of Athena well im
proved. Yours for jfi,250.
1120 ACRES
600 acres in cultivation, balance
pastuie; about 250 acres summer
fallow. Well improved with house
barn, two wells, wind mill cistern
etc. Cheap at $12,000.
on Pine Creek, About 80 acres in
cultivation. Abundance of water
for irrigation and plenty of wood
for use on the place. Nearly 600
fruit trees now bearing. $2,400.
good timber land. You can get it
if taken now, for $900.
pasture land, one half suitable for
cultivation. Good spring of water
and is only two miles from railroad
station. A snap at $1,000.
one 7 roomed house and good barn
with 3 lqts in Railway Addition
$650. ,
5 or 6 milee from Athena, ?ood
wheat land. $3200.
130 acres in, cultivation, balance
pasture, part in summer fallow.
A good place for $3,750.
fruit farm, between Walla Walla
and Milton. '25 acres of bearing
fruit trees, 4 acres in strawberries,
3 acres in blackberries, 2 acres in
asparagus, balance in alfalfa. A
good house, bam, etc., abundance
of water for irrigating purposes, no
rocks. A model home and a mon
ey maker. Price, $12,000.
room hous9 oft Jefferson Street,
Athena, for $500.
2 LOTS ;
on Washington Street, Athena, a
good house and barn, fine location
and cheap at $500.
on Weston mountain, part butn
mer falow, good house and barn,
growing orchard, all well improved
J. W. SMITH, Atuea, Obeuun.
.larvolous Effects
System Broken Down and Hope Al
most Abandoned Health Re
stored by Hood's Sarsaparilla.
" For fifteen years I have sa.7e.-cd with
caUi-.-k in4 iudigesliYn and my vholo
system was broken down. I had aiuiost
abandoned any hope of recovery. 1 pur
chased six bottles of Hood's Sarsaparilla
and its effects have been marvelous. It
has made me feel like a new man. r I am
able to sleep well, have a good appetite,
end I have gained several pounds in
weight." James Wilder, Oroville, Wnsh.
"I had a scrofula swelling on ono aide
ot my neck and ulcerated aores Jn my
nostrils, caused by catarrh. I also had
small, Itching sores on my li:v.b3. I
bought three bottles of IIou J's Sarsapa
rilla and began takl'ig it and the aores
soon healed. My bl xd Is purified, and
the scrofula has disappeared." ' O. D.
McMANUS, Mission, Washington.
? Sarsa-
Is the best intact tlc flue ? ruop!pol Pui'lficr.
Hnnd'5 Pi1la nausea. Indigestion,
MUUy S rU!3 biliousuess. ascents.
1 to i
$ Mrs. Hardin, Proprietress. S
I H. F. Milln, Manager.
1 m
p Can be recommended to the yb$ as
jr "einswpsf-Piass m every h
1 ' i
i We ... I
1 Employ
I White help only.
Best Turnouts
In Eastern Oregon.
Stock Boarded
by the Day, Week
or Month.
Only First-class Hotel in
the Citv
Iff J
J 1h the only one that can accoimnodut? J
commercial travelers.
fan beiecomendcd for Its clean and
weU ventilated rooms.
ivinere m
must be chosen with
' f nt1er If rnn ffan Vp tlio wet nut
. of your liL- it in mil ruttiwifrteit. Ouly
; Martin Repeaters
t bnTftftn!l4TotMhnli"iiiirwafcr1!kas
1 .".':k ", '''X- I'tp-i'i'l'ifi Ountout)
I U 1 lxut Jiiem. t B-tfHlst lufor'
million it mUuri.llH-k ituil mnoke.
projier nii, quantities, Iiow to
nt. Mitaflliues, now in
llf!M..f titiil... Ii.l all....,..!
ja. kpti-.l. Kitt-nmfd, iiiuHliriKiiii, etc. I
tnlwtoric. veliH:ltli!n.ciiptrtioin. All
eullbivn k to 4.'. ; how tit cure tor arm HMt
Ijjo other iiiiiiKi, tnclmlii.K iiiMiy tra9
ret uercr Ixifore kIvi h to tlws ptiiilic
im ivh "til intii kttdritH fnrp4ttlatj to
s Tt Murli F.mrat Co., Ntw litres, &.
7 ,'
Public Notice
Notice 1 hereby given that I will apply to
the Mayor and common council of the i-ity til
Atlnma, Oregon, at a liiwllnn tnereof to be
lii-ld on Hie 2",tu day of June, ltew, for u
llrt-nx: to Hell uplrli noun, malt itiitt vlnoim
liiinrn m lntiKjuariliym thon otic quart, iwld
liquor to I aold only in a hulldltiif nit unlet!
on the iiottti-vunt corner of lot 7 in blot-it d, of
guhlclty. -H, T. JiAli.KY,
iMtted, Junta, JSQS. i ' AH'liou"!.
V "A"
jVy i ' t T ? ' jut
I?Or Bri8hti Ready-mixed Paints, Wall Paper, Leads, Brushes,
Oils, Glass, Wind Mills, etc., see j
Estimates cheerfully furnbhed, and
all work guaranteed.
Main Street,
In all Branches
Neatly done by Chapman,
Has Bargains for All
fesisJl If1
r: rz4 f i m
;jft.i-:T-r - t x --HiLy- 1
Main Htreet
The nbove cut Is of the Harding Shoe
for deformed feet and limbs; alo the
Honest John Truss for all kinds of rup
tures. Both ar late inventions, and the
best yet devioed by man. With proper
surgery aided by these apparatuses per
fect cure is effected in nearly all canes.
Address I) r. J M, Uoyrt,
Vvalla Walla, Wash.
'Nothing Shoddy in ily Line
Push my poods along and mattes
businesi lively.
Atbena, .... Oregon
j " - -4
r h
Good : : j
; Shoes
j Is the line I bnk on.
5 Sharp,
Pendleton, Oregon.
Among the Violets
And prirrroses, breathing the
balmy air of spring time, while
driving a good horse through
mead and pasture, is combining
health with pleasnre, if you have
a good strong, well made harness
on your animal, purchased at
Leading manufacturer antf dealer in
' llarneea. Saddles. Bridles, Bits, Spurs,
Combs, Brashes, Lace Leather, Touts,--Wagon
Covers and Canvass.
: Pendleton, Oregon
& NELSON, Athena
I can save
You Money
On your
A. MILLER, Athena
that your house looks bad for
the want of paint and paper?
Maloney & Stamper
can fix you out in painting or
paper-hanging. See him' at
once about it. Good work
at reasonable pricea.
and l the reiult ul colds and
udden climatic changes.
Vor your Protection
wo positively etaie tluit till
rumedy docs not contain
mercury or any other iujur
lom drue.
Ely's Cream Mm
la noltnowleiHicn' to bn the moet thorough enre for
Kannl Ctttarrli, Cold In Jlcad and JIy ietst ot all
remedies nnem and cleanses tho nasal paaagea,
allays pain nna Inllunimation, heali tha sorca, pro.
torts tlie mcmliraim from colds, restores the ienim
of tas t and smell, i'rire 51c. at i)rnL'Kltsor by mail
ELY JiUOU'liiillS. 64 Wrreubtrict,how TCork.
Lung Troubles and Consumption Can
bo Cured.
An Eminent Ken York CbemiKt and Scientist
Malcoa a Free Offer to Our Readers.
The Now York chemist,
T. A. Slocuto, ttetuonptratiB(r his dis
covery of a reliable and absolute cure
(or coustimptiou (Puloionary Tubercu
losis) and all bronchial, throat, lung and
chest, stubborn couiihtt, catarrhal alfec
tioDS, fHeral drcliue and weakuese,
loss of tit-sli, and all conditions of wast
Ine nwHV, will send THREE FKKK
BOTTLES (all dillerenl) ol his Nets
Discoveries to any alUicted reader of the
Prksh wrii ing for them.
His "New HcientiUo Treatuaent" bas
cured thousands permanently by its
timely use, and considers it a simple
professional duty to BuflurinK humanity
to donate a trial of his infallible cure.
Science daily dovelopes new wonders,
and his great chemist, pailently expert
mooting for years, has produced results
as buneliiial to humanity as can be
claimed by any modern genius. Hij
inserting that lttn troubles and constnp
tion are curabls in any climate is pro
ven by "heart felt letters of gratitude,"
filed In his American and Euroean
laboratories in thousands from tUos
cored Id all parts of the world.
Medical experts concede that bronchial
chest and lung trouble lead to Consump
tion, which, uninterrupted, means speedy
and certain ikutb.
Simply write to T. A. (-locum, M; D,
98 Tint street, New York, giving pofli
oiliee and txpipta su'ilrrtH, and tbe frt-e
uit-dii itie will be pmnptly sent. Jruffer
ers should icstnttt (iviotns of hU
generous proposition
atta o r,n