ATHENA PRESS K. B. Boyd, Ptbush eh. Entered at Athena postoince on nocond-clawi nail matter. Advertising Kates: local reading notlccn, first Insertion, lOcper Ine. Each ubgequent insertion. Sc. Subscription Kates: Per year. In advance, - - 11.00 Single copies, In wrappers, 5c. All communications should be addressed to (lie PKE88 Athena, Oregon ATHENA, JUNE 17, 1898. It is contended by General Miles and others that nothing will be gained by invading Cuba until we can send at least 100,000 men. Be cause it will be useless to make an nttack upon Havana with a land force much smaller than that. Al though nothing official has been or will bo given out on this subject, there iB excellent authority for saying that it will require at least three or four weeks to equip enough of tho volunteers to make up that number. Although extra efforts were put forth to make a good showing at Camp Alger when the president went to review the volun teers there, the lack of equipment was made painfully apparent by the fact that only two-thirds of the 20,000 men in camp could take part in the parade, and the equipment of many of them in line is utterly worthless for fighting purposes. The same condition exists at all the mobilizing points. The men are ready and anxious to fight, but they are not properly prepared to do so. But tho work of preparing them is not being allowed to lag. In the early days of America, and in fact up to thirty years ago, American men supported their women. It was not considered right that women should enter into avocations occupied by men. Their field for employment was confined to the school room and factory, but now we find women filling places in stores and offices, in the profes sions, on the road as commercial travelers, and in short, wherever there is employment offered to the American girl, there she is found. We honor her independence in earning a livelihood for herself, but deplore the fact that she has been forced to desert her natural sphere. Women were created to bo the wives and mothers of the race. Their natural attractions are to home and homo surroundings, but customs are driving them from.this sphere. Beplying to a question in the house of commons as to whether the British government or any of the European powers havo auy in tention of intervening to secure the termination of tho Spanish American war, Balfour, tho govern ment leader, said: "Her majesty's government will gladly tako any favorable opportunity for promot ing a cessation of hostilities und negotiations for peace, but any ac tion upon its part far this purpose can only be undertaken if there is a reasonablo proispcct that it will be well receivod by both parties and likely to lead to an agreement between them. Unfortunately there it not sufficient grounds for believing that this condition ex ists." The Spanish authorities hesitate about exchanging Hobson and his parly. Corvera refers tho matter to the local governor and the lat ter refers it to Blanco. The Boise Statesman is of tho opinion that it may requiro several months to reach Blanco, if tho insurgents have succeeded in severing com munication. In that event tho prisoners may remain in prison until the end of the war. It seems likely that the Spaniards fear that the men have gained too much knowledge of the fortifications, harbore, etc.; that they would bo able to furnish Sampson with valuable information if they wero permitted to return to the lleet at once. The Portland Tribune filled tho mission for which it was establish ed, that is, it fought to reinstate Senater Mitchell, and failing in that attempt, turned up its little ' t . rn twI AXnA Tlilia 11' 1 1 1 nil mn,n. llliu Ulbu. aiuo mil ait ijjviti- ing papers die that attempt to start in Portland, unless they are backed by sufficient capital to make them real newspapers. Any paper start ed in Portland must be equally as good as theOregonian. It must give all the news, and to do this must have plenty of money back of it. A paper cannot be run in Portland on wind, and whoever attempts to es tablish one with less than $250,000 will seek an early grave. Schley needed balloons on his fleet when he got Cervera bottled up in Santiago. Only within the last day or two has it b:en deter mined positively that all Cervera's ships are in tho harbor, the infor mation being gained from the in surgents. If there had been bal loons on the fleet one of them could have been sent up to com mand b view ol the harbor over the hills enclosing the entrance. The case was of a kind that was probably never thought of by naval authorities, and we may now ex pect to see fleets provided with means of looking over such eleva tions. A recently published article, commenting upon the reduction in value of farm land in New York and New Jeremy, calls especial at tention to the fact that tho markets in New York City, which were formerly supplied with vegetables from these two states, now receive their supplies from tho south, which, through recent develop ments in rapid transportation, re frigerator cars and other modern developments, are able to place the products of their cheap labor, rich Boil and favorable climate in the markets of the great cities in com petition with those located nearer. So far as the Spaniards are con cerned, the Philippine question is likely to be settled before our troops reach Manila. The Spanish commander is on his last legs, and in a few days wo may expect to hear that his forces have surren dered. However, our people will find plenty to do. A government is to bo established. No matter what may eventually bo decided upon, the islands must for the time being be ruled by our military authorities. Tho navies may not relish that program, but they will be obliged to submit to it. Tho time is not long until the fourth of July, and tho committees which have chargo of tho prepara tions for tho Athena celebration should got to work at once. Adver tising, posters and programs can not bo put before tho public, until tho features, attractions and amuse ments have been arrangod for. The feeling grows lhat a large force will be needed at the Philip pines. It is now suggested that at least 35,000 men will bo sent there. An exchange reminds Admiral Sampson that there is an excellent dry dock at Havana. This will come in handy a little later. lEasy to Take izaasy to Operate Are features peculiar to Hood's Pills. Email In size, tasteless, cfllclcut, thorough. As one man i r J L ji said : You never know you have taken a pill till it Is all I Pills over." 2M. C. I. Hood & Co., Proprietors, Lowell, Mass. The only pills to take with Hood's SarsanarlUa. Ym. McBride, V.lVrtler In.'.' PURE DRUGS & MEDICINES. Pine Chemicals. Pharmaceutical Specialties, Dye Staffs, Shnifie. Toilet Fancy article, Comba, Broahoa, Perfumery, Powder, Preparation for tho teeth. 3 Prescript loin carefully vompoumloit. Kverytlilng Hit-cutx at the "Palace." LVK tHKECTOMY AF. A A. M. NO. 80 MEETS THE . First and Third Saturday Evening f each month. VUiting brethereu cor iially invited to vuit the lodge. I O. O. F. NO. 73, MEETS EVERY 1. Friday nij(ht. Visiting Odd Fellows n good standing always welcome. AO. U. W. NO. 104, MEETS TH Second and Fourth Saturdays ol each month. Lake France, Recorder. A THENA CAMP, NO. 171, Woodmen of the M World, meet lot and 8rd Wednesdays ol aach month. Visiting Choppers always wel eome. o. C. Osburjt, Clerk. I)YTIfIAN, NO. 29, MEETS EVERY . Thursday Night. g F. BHARP. Physician and Surgeon. ChIIs promptly answered. Office on Third street, Athena, Oregon, J. C. SMITH, M.D. Athena, Oregon. Office at Palace Drng Store. Calls promptly answered, day or night. J A. BEST, M. D. Physician and Surgeon. Office over Brant's Store, Weston. R. J. SLATER, ATTORNEY-AT.LAW, Athena, Oke. LOUIS F. TOVAR, M. D., SURGEON DENTIST. Fine work at short notice, with the best kind of materials, neat and artistically done. Fillings In Oold and Silver a specialty. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. Third St. - Athkna, Oregon .. Take the .V WASHINGTON & COLUMBIA RIVER RAILWAY In Connection with the Isroz?-tItLexnzL 3?aco FOR TACOMA, SEATTLE, ' SPOKANE, ST. PAUL, ST. LOUIS, CHICAGO. KANSAS CITY and OMAHA, AND ALL POINTS EAST AND SOUTHEAST. The Best Tourist Sleepers Pullman Sleepers Dining Cars For further information apply to J. A. MUIBHEAD, Agent, Athena, Oregon. Or to FREDERICK ROGERS, G. F. & P. Agt, Walla Walla, IV ash. SLOWEST RATES. KIAHT TIMK BPUKliULKS ARIUVB 2:43 a in. Pendleton, 8alt 0:27 p. in. take, Donver.Oiim lia, Chicago and Kast vlu Oregon Short Lino. :27 . m. Suoknne.Rosslund, f:45 a, m. Hi. Paul, Duluth, Chicago and Ktwti via Ureat Northern 11:10 a. in, Weston, Milton 3:j p. m. and wnila Walm 3:13 p. in. Pendleton, Port- 11:10 a. in. land and points east and west 8 p.m. OCKA2 STKKMSIUM p. 111. All sailing dates subject to change. For San Francisco Hail June 3, , U, 13, 13, IS, 21, 1M, 27, 30. FpTTiu To Alaska 3 p. ni. sail June 7, 23 Sprint COM'MBIA K1VKH P. . Ex. Sunday btkamkks. Ex. Vnmloy To Astoria and waylaudlcgs ft . WIULAXKTTO 4:30 p. III. Ex. Sunday KIVliH Kx- "uy (Oregon City, New berg, Salem way. lauding. WII.LAMKTTR AND 3:30 p. III. Tues., I'liur. YAMHIJ.1.KIVNKS Mou., Wed. aud Sat, Oregon City, Day jton and way.lund's 6 a. 111. jVIUAXKITI 4:30 p.m. Tues., Tluir. rivkr Tues., Thur. and Sat. iportland to Corral. lis and way-Uui.t's I.v Heparin m IT L&1?!" Mm,"1 "w'.Ih Rewrlft to Lewlst'n Sun., Tues "iTVrhtay Midlhur. W. H. H. rlburt. C. K. Drake, Am'iit Uvu'l Pm. Agent, Athena. Pur'lnud, Ore. TAFTS BILLIARD HALL Carried the m et lin of Cigar , Tobaccos and a ift thioki in the city. Cril and inspect his stock. Athena, - Oregon JUNE SOth The Caledonian Society will hold a Grand Picnic and a series of Scotch games Athletic Sports . . of all kinds, with One in Pendleton, before departure of special train for Athena,, and one in Athena, headed by the Athena Band and Kilted Scotchmen and Bagpipes. Everybody cor. dially invited to attend the picnic. A. J. HISLOP, Secretary, . Pendleton, Oregon. The Fourth ot July To Be Celebrated at BINGHAM - SPRINGS There will be a grand celebration at Bingham Springs of three days, the 4th, 5th and 6th of July. No pains will be spared to make the celebration most enjoyable. The elegant Dance Hall will be thrown open each day from 10 to 12 a. m., 2 to 4 p. m., and from 8 p. m. to the wee sma' hours. Kirkman's Orchestra will furnish fine music. Persons wishing to dance will be charged one dollar a couple or fifty cents each. This price includes all the dances for the 4th, 5th and Gth. Children free. All are invited. There will be ' NO CHARGE FOR GATE ENTRANCE. The Swimming Pool has always been found a great attraction. Bathing suits on hand. For further information address MRS. H. E. WINGARD, Proprietress, Bingham Springs, Oregon. t QTTTTC! Tn TVTTT1 A ....$6.00 and up! Marly 1 00 Styles to Select From t i . - Finest (oieiKo and domestic fabrics, latest effects for this eeason. fvnm tka Kaof n-nannra in aia aI A mnsi.i Order Front Me Save mure than one-half and better fitting garment sv i - y-v t t - . n Lrarjnejiis uuv to i our jxacv measure By expert cutters and made by Cret-claes city tailors. Gent's Bicycle Suits 10 per cent off for 30 days on all goodd. VV, A. Saunders, : Summer Fallow Cultivator AVhich will not choke up in the heaviest etubble is what the farmer has been looking for. I HAVE IT FOR YOU W. H. Main Street, BLUSTER WON'T Honest business methods is what tells. Your Grocery trade is what I want. We bid for it on square business principles, with a big fresh grocery stock from which to supply ali of your wants, and at prices that are reasonable and just and that defy competition. The "BLUE FRONT" Next Door to Postofficc. THE PIONEER HARNESS SHOP Is the place to get the best of Harness. ''Good Workmanship and best of material," our motto. W. E. YOUNG, Proprietor, - - - Athesa, Oregon f THE NEW LUMBER YARD. T MAIN STREET, ATHENA, OREGON. A Complete Stock of Rough and Dressed Lumber. LOW PRICES. A. M. GILLIS, Atliena, Oregon. in Athena Prizes for Competitors o CJTTDTi1 in price, get a more stylish, belter made than you can get elsewhere. it r : : : Athena, Oke. HAWES, Athena, Oregon. Wl Athena, Oregon. The Athena J. L. REEDER, Pres. We Respectfully oi trie JPeople of Athena and Surrounding Country. The Athena Lumber Company respectfully call your attention to the fact that they have established a lumber vard on Main street, west of Railroad and respectfully solicit a liberal share of your pat ronage, feeling that we can give entire satisfaction. We ask you- to give us a call. . Athena Lumber Co. I FIRS! HM0N3L m H. 0. Adams. President. H. McArthur, Vice-President. CAPITAL STOCK, SURPLUS, Proper attention given to and domestic E, L. JUrxktt, Cashier, . , a: FRANK J. BEALE Proprietor oi THE ATHENA MARKET FRESH MEAT Bought THE "EXCHANGE" SALOON WILL WELLS, PROPRIETOR I KEEP THE COOLEST AND BEST BEER To Be Found in Town. South Side Main Street The Munson Is "THE BEST" f ritiniMacMnB : WW,!' p an Ji?::&: 4 THE THE HIGHEST GRADE AND STANDARD OP EXCELLENCE .... Controlled by no Trust or Combine .... Address for particulars: MUNSON TYPEWRITER COMPANY, Manufacturers, 240-244 W. Lake Street, Chicago, Ills. "We are with the largest stock of Carpets, Oil Cloth, Linoleum and Wall Paper ever brought to Pendleton. Also an elegant line of Portieres, Lace Curtains, Table Covers and Lounge Trimmings all of the latest styles and patterns. "Beautiful" is the word for these goods." A few samples of Carpet at Miller's furniture store, in Atheua. J. W. Srri, Office over Plrst Notional "Bank, PARKER & FERGUSON .Proprietors of SHAVING, IIAIRCUTTING THE SHAMPOOING, IIA1RSINGING. In Latest Styles HOT OR COLD WATER BATHS, 25 CENTS. rAt Lumber Go II. II. CURTIS, Mgr. Solicit the Trade MM OF ETBENfi I . H. D. Dnvls, 1 j; T. J. Kirk, VDlrectom is. U Burnett, J $ 60,000 10,000 collections. Deals In rorcign exchange. - 1 - i. SOUTH SIDE MAIN STREET ATHENA ALWAYS ON HAND and sold. The highest market price is always paid. TypewriteX- AtiienaJ' : ! SPECIAL FEATURES: Interchangeable Steel Typewheel, lustring permanent alignment, Perfect iight-swinging carriage, Metal erasing plate, Simplicity of construction, Writing in sight, 90 letters and characters, Standard keyboard. -MUNSON" is especially guaran leea in writing ior nve years irom date of purchase. onto our Job" JlSSE FAILING, Pendleton, Oregon. YoArx IPiibiiq. - . ATHEAIA, ODBGON J ELECTRIC BARBER SHOP, P i,