i 1- V 1 ATHENA PRESS F. B. Both, Ppbhsiikb. Entered at Athena pontofllcc tin nfscoml-clioi , nail matter. Advartlalnfl -Ratca: Local reading uotlcen, flint Insertion, 10c per I ne. Each subsequent Insertion, 5c. Subscription ftatca: Per year, In advance, 11.00 Single ooplei, In wrapper!, 6c. All communications should be addressed to I he FHE8H Athena, Oregon ATHENA, JUNE 10, 1898. A number of our exchanges have lately been urging their people to ceaBe sending away from home for their goods and to patronize their home merchants. A little advice of this kind would not be amies for our people. We hear bo many saying they cannot get what they want of the home merchant. This is to some extent true, but it is also true that the people who send their money to Chicago and other places for goods are in a great measure to blame for their not having a complete stock of goods. Trade with your home dealer and let them know that you depend on them for your goods and they will be supplied for you. The rule should be never to send to other towns for goods that you can get of your home merchants. You may think you save money by buying in Chicago, but all things considered you are mistaken. It always pays to help build up your own town. If you don't believe it, just try it for one year. The lessons of the war are com ing thick and fast, and they cannot fail to have a beneficial and lasting effect. One of the most important lessons already learned is that we should have long since annexed the Hawaiian islands and begun the construction of the Nicaragua canal. Already opinion on these subjects iu undergoing a change, and it cannot be long before all true Americans will reach a reali zation of the fact that tho time has passed when tho narrow doc trines of tho past can be adhered to. Indeed wo have reached a period in national affairs when we can no longer sit in independent isolation as a nation and take no part in the political affairs of the world. France and Italy have suspend ed duties on wheat until July 1st. The French duty is equivalent to 3C centa a bushel. The Italian is rather less. Both aio practically prohibitive, and their suspension opens up two rich markets that have been in effect closed hitherto. Added to this ia another piece of good newsi that Russia our great 'est European rival in feeding man kindfinds her grain supply so short that a decree has been issued forbidding grain exports. Thus we have new markets and a with drawal of competition at a time when our farmers still hold a great proportion of their last year's grain. All this means u better price for our wheat on hand, which will be shipped away, making room for the big crop we have growing. ' There is a strong sentiment in congress against granting any further appropriation for an Amer ican exhibit at the Paris exposition in 1900. The unfriendliness of the Frsnch people toward us in our conflict with Spain and the ill treatment received by Americans in Paris will probably lead to a national boycott of the Paris ex position, and tho refusal of our . people to buy French goods. Americans have been very lavish of their money in France, and the withdrawal of our tourists and our trade will lead the French to real ize that their unfriendliness to us is going to cost them dar, while we thall learn that wo can do best r.'.t1jy ourselves by spending our time artd money at home. When the war with Spain begun Mih price of sulphur was 2i? a ton, ' but as'the" result of Spain's action in declaring this article contraband of war the price has risen to $33 a ton, and predictions are freely made that it will bo $100 before many more months have passed. Here is an opportunity to develop another of the wonderful resources of the United States. There are sulphur mines in this country; yet we have always depended upon Sicily for practically our entire supply. The American product should now be given a great chance. "There's millions in it." The Oregon's journey of 13,000 miles, which began with its depar ture from San Francisco on March 22, and which equals a distance of more than half way round tho globe, is one of the most remark able voyages which a war ship has ever made. A far greater distance was traversed than any naval vessel of anything like the Oregon's weight ever covered in that time. So far os known not the slightest disarrangement to the boat's ma chinery occurred on the way. The Oregon's trip furnishes a fine illus tration of the capaoilities and sea worthiness of American warships. McKinlev'is now pursuing a course, which had he followed in the beginning, the trouble with Spain would have been ended. Every bit of war news is examined by government censors before it is given to the press. The jnanner in which all news since the de struction of the Maine has been given the press by the government and its agents served the purposes of Spain to the greatest advantage, Eveiy movement of tin United States army was known in advance, and Spain could ' direct her navy accordingly. " The present generation has never witnessed such an outpouring of tho sentiment of patriotism as the war with Spain has evoked. Never before have the national colors been so profusely, so universally displayed in city, town and village. Never before has the younger gen eration of men been so profoundly stirred by allusions to the country's cause. One exchange well remarks, "who would have thought a little while ago that in this vear of our Lord the French people would be jostling Americans from the side walks of Paris, and the secretary of state for tho colonies of Great Britain would bo recommending an alliance between the Stars and Stripes and the Cross of St. George. Tho doctors seem to be united on tho point that cigarette smoking is responsible for most of the rejec tions of militiamen who have come up rocently foi examination as ap plicants to enter the regular army. They ought to havo included the cocktail habit and lack of exercise. The three combined would wreck a Sandow in six months. If Spanish honor means any thing, the leader of the Spanish fleet now in the West Indies, would never see Spain again. Before h left thst country Admiral Cervera took an oath that he would never return to Spain unless he wai victorious. v- Lifer0ifls LIko biliousness, dyspepsia, headache, consti pation, sour stomach, Indigestion are promptly cured by Hood's Fills. They do their work easily ami thoroughly. Best After dinner pills. &teflnt. All 1rncroUt- I Prepared by C. I. Hood ft Co., Lowell, Mass. uie oniy I'm to take wita Hood's sarsapariiM. (at 1 WmsMcBnde '.Ivwler Iu.' PURE DRUGS & ME01C1KES. a Fine Chemicals. PtarmacraticalJ 1 Specialties, Dye Stuffs. Toilet a t-ancy article, Comtii, Bruahea, Perfumery, Powden, Preparation for the, teeth. Prescription carefully comouiuled. 1'IvrrytUlug fli-xt-elns at the 'Tlaoc." a i j j s -i j, i no UBC( DIKCiTOKT AF. A. M. NO. 80 MEETS THE . Firat and Third Hatnnlay Evening )f each month. Viitinj( bretheren cor Jially invited to visit the lodge. I O.O. P. NO. 73. MEETS EVERY 1. Friday night Visiting Odd Fellow n good Handing always welcome. AO. U. W. NO, 104, MEETS TH Second and Fourth Saturdays ol each month. Lake France, Recorder. ATHENA CAMP, NO. 171, Woodmen of the World, meet lot and 8rd Wednesday ot sach month. Visiting Chopper always wel come, u, uBBCBir, were, PYTHIAN, NO. 29, MEETS EVERY Thursday Night. , g K, BHAKP. Physician and Surgeon. . Call promptly aiuwered. Office on Third (Street, Athena, Oregon. J. C SMITH. M.D. Athena, Oregon. Office at Palace Drug Store. Calls promptly answered, day or night. J A. BEST, M. D. Physician and Surgeon. Office over Brant's Store, Weston. R. J. SLATER, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Athena, Ohe. LOUIS P. TOVAR, M. D., 8URGE0N DENTIST. Fine work at short notice, with the best kind of materials, neat and artistically done. Fillings In Gold and (Silver a specialty. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. Til i n I) St. - Athkna, Oregon . Take the .. WASHINGTON & COLUMBIA RIVER RAILWAY ' In Connection with the Paoifio for TACOAIA, SEATTLE, SPOKANE, ST. PAUL, ST. LOUIS, CHICAGO. KANSAS CITY and OfllAIIA, AND ALL POINTS EAST AND SOUTHEAST. The Best Tourist Sleepers Pullman Sleepers Dining Cars For further information apply to , J. A. MUIRHEAD, Agent, Athena, Oregon. Or to FREDERICK ROGERS, G. F. & P. Agt., Walla Walla, Wash. 9.L0WEST RATES. G. Hi c?ilrlD DKI'AHT TIM IS M'tlBDVLES . AR1UVK 2:1.) a ill. Pendleton, Halt 9:27 p. m. I-nke, Donver.Oma luv, Chicago and Euxt via Oregon short liine. 11:27 n. m. Hiioknuo.Hosslund, i-.Vt a, in. St. Paul, lHiluth. tliiniKO and East via Ureal Northern 11:10 ft. m. Weston. Milton 8:lAp. nt. nud WnilH Walla 8:15 p. m. Pendleton, Tort- 11:10 a. in. land nnd points cost and went 8 p. II). j OCEAN STKRMSlUrM i p. III. ; All sailing dates ' suhjwt to change. !Kor Han Francisco iSallJune 3, U, V, li, ! 15, 1H, 21, 21, 17, SO. rpTTiiT-!' Alnska 5 p. m. J bull June 7,23 8 n III" ' COLOMBIA KIVKll 4 P. 111. Ex. bimday ktkameks. fcs. Sunday To Astoria and wtiviaudtrgs A ft m WILIAMETTK 4:30 p. 111. Ex. Hunday K,VJR Es- "ndy Oregon City, New ;lxrg, Salem A ay I landings. 7 a.m. WII.LAMKTTK AM) SHD p. 111. TlleS , lliur. YAMHILL XIVKItS Mon., Wed. and 8aU Oregon City, Day "d ' ton nud way. hind's 8a.m. " wiLLAMKTrK 4:30 p.m. TuN.,Tliur.j mvkr Tue., Thur. and Kat, jportlaml to Corvnl- -IU and way.lan l's Lv. Keiiarla sxakb mivkr 1:45 a. in mH fta. nu Mini, Wed Rwta to tewlst'l) Sun., Tuts aiul Frlilny and Ihur. W. H. Hurlburt, C. , Proke, Aeent Uen'l lw. Agent, Athouu. ' - -, . IVirUand, Ore. DO YOU ATHENA 4 BOWLIKC ALLEY Nortu side Main Street, V, M. Koss, Prop'r. - Guardian's Sale. Notice ia hereby given that onrfer sod by v'rtue of a license issued by tbe hnn orat'e Conotjr Court of tbe State of Ore gon for UmatilU county tbe 'ludereigned tuadian ol tbe person and estate of Leo UooV.a minor.willon tbeHth day of May, 1898 at halt ast one o'clock, p. id., at tbe premises hereinafter described, ee.l at public eoe'ion, to the highett bidder Kt cah in band, ait the right, title and in U rest of I be said minor, to- it: An un divided one half interest in and to lota 7 an d 8, block 11, KIrk'a second addition to Centerfitle, now called Atheua, in Umatilla county, Oregon. Ella Cock, Guardian of the Person aod Estate of Leo Co k, a Minor. PUBLIC NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that we will apply to the Mayor and common council of the city of Athena, Oregon, at a meeting thereof to be held on tbe 16th. day of May, IHU8, tor a license to sell spirituous, malt and vinous liq uors In less quantities than one quart, said liq uors to be sold only in a building situated on lot 7 in blocks, of said city Booh k a Brob.. Dated April 15, im. Applicants. Public Notice Notice is hereby given that I will apply to the Mayor and common council of the city ot Athena, Oregon, at a meeting thereof to be held on the 25th day. of June, 18B8, for a license to sell spirituous, malt and vinous liquors in less quantities than one quart, said liquors to be sold only In a building situated on the north-east corner of lot 7 in block 5, of said city. u. Bah.ey, Dated, June 8, 1808. Applicant. To Cure Constipation Forever. Take Cascarets Candy Cathartic. lOcorESo. If C C. C fail to cure, druggists refund money. The Tourth ot July . To Be Celebrated at BINGHAM - SPRINGS There will be a grand celebration at Bingham Springs of three days, the 4th, 5th and 6th of July. . No pains will be spared to make the celebration most enjoyable. The elegant Dance Hall will be thrown open each day from 10 to 12 a. m., 2 to 4 p. m., and from 8 p. m. to the wee stna' hourB. Kirkman's Orchestra will furnish fine music. Persons wishing to dance will be charged one dollar a couple or fifty cents each. This price includes all the dances for the 4th, 5th and 6th. . Children free.. All are invited. There will be NO CHARGE FOR GATE ENTRANCE, The Swimming Pool has .always been found a great attraction. Bathing suits on hand. For further information address MUS. H. E. WINGARD, Proprietress, ...... Bingham Springs, Oregon. SUITS TO MEASURE ....$6.00 and up! Nearly 1 00 Styles to Select From f Finest foreign and dnmeatie fabrics, latest effects for this season. Ordtr From Me 8ave more than one-half in price, get a more stylish, better made and better fitting garment than you can get elsewhere. Garments Cut to Your Exact Measure D a v rtnfrt i f f ova A tm a A a Kn rtvaf.nlaaa nifi failrwvB . Pj7, r.infl nf T.n.rl.ita Tirp.sts Full suits from Boys suits from - W. A. Saunders, : Summer Fallow Cultivator Which will not choke up in the heaviest stubble is what the farmer has been looking for. T U A T7T? TT W. H. Main Street, BLUSTER WON'T WIN Honest business methods is what tells. Your Grocery trade is what I want. We bid for it on square business principles, with a big fresh grocery stock from which to supply all of your wants, and at prices that are reasonable and just and ' that defy competition. The "BLUE fRONT" Next Door to Postoffice. THE PIONEER HARNESS SHOP Is the place to get the best of Harness. "'Good , Workmanship and best of material," our motto. W. E. YOUNG, Proprietor, THE NEW LUMBER YARD. MAIN STREET, A Complete Stock of Rough and Dressed Lumber. LOW PRICES. A. M, GILLIS, Atliena, Oregon. SUMMONS. In tbe circuit court of tbe State of Ore gon, for the county of Omaiilla. C. A. Bsrretr, receiver. 1 plaintiff, , vs. ' . C. A. Fischer and Eliza Fischer, defendant!. J To C. A. Fischer and Eliza Fischer, the above named defendants: In the name of the state of Oregon : You are hereby required to appear aad answer tbe complaint filed against yoa in tbe above entitled action on or before tbe first day of tbe next regular term of tbe above named court, to-wit on or before tbe 6th day of Juue, 1898, and if you fail so to answer, for want thereof, tbe plaintiff will take judgment against you for tbe sum of $75 50, for goods, wares and merchandise, sold and delivered to defendants on and between November 20tb, 1893, and tbe first day of January, 1894. and for his costs and disbursements. This summons is published by order of the Hon. 8. A. Lowell, judge of tbe above-named coart, made at chambers the 21st day rf April, 1898. ' ( ' R. J. Slatkr, . - Attorney for Plaintiff. Administrator's Notice. Notice 1b hereby gken that the under signed baa been duly appointed adminis trator of the estate of Henry T. James, deceased, and all persons having claims agsinst tbe said estate are hereby re quired to present the same with proper vouchers, within six months from this date, to said administrator, at the office of K. J Slater, at Athena, Umatilla county, Oregon. . - Dated this 17th day of April. 1898. Sahukl James. Snm.nJ.psi - $2.95 up .65 up : : : Athkna, Oee. T?rTD VHT T HAWES, Athena, Oregon. Athena, Oregon. Athena, Oregon ATHENA, OREGON. The Athena J. E. REEDER, Pres. II. II. CURTIS, Mgr. We Respectfully Solicit the Trade of the People of Athena and Surrounding Country. The Athena Lumber Company respectfully call your attention to the fact that they have established a lumber yard on Main street, west of Railroad and respectfully solicit a liberal share of your pat ronage, feeling that we can give entire satisfaction. We ask you to give us a call. f " f Athena Lumber Co. I FIRST MWML h H. C. Adams, President. Pi H. McArthur, Vice-President. CAPITAL STOCK, SURPLUS, - v Proper attention given to b . . . and domestic E. ii. Baknett, Cashier, - --- i FRANK J. BEALE ' Proprietor ot THE ATHENA MARKET FRESH MEAT ? ALWAYS OH HAND I QTflP If oullt an( sold Te highest market LI Vm O I villi price is always paid. THE "EXCHANGE" SALOON WILL WELLS, PROPRIETOR V - I KEEP THE .!'C COOLEST AND BEST BEER v To Be Found in Town. South Side Main Street ..-..'.- - The Munson Typewriter , Is "THE BEST" Writing Machine Wit 'fUr rt:"--t C iji'.:n.iffcjwwiBr,,i,''-".' A (fci iiri'inl' rfrt-ti"-?iv-!-,---- J A THE HIGHEST GRADE AND STANDARD OF EXCELLENCE ... . Controlled by no Trust or Combine .... Address for particulars: ' MUNSON TYPEWRITER COMPANY, Manufacturers, 240-244 W. Lake Street, Chicago, Ills. "We are onto our Job" with the largest stock of Carpets, Oil Cloth, Linoleum and Wall Paper ever brought to Pendleton. Also an elegant line of Portieres, Lace Curtains, Table Covers and Lounge Trimmings all of the latest styles and patterns. "Beautiful'' is the word for these goods. A few samples of Carpet at Miller's furniture store, in Atheua. iFJELi ESTATE J. W. Srirk, Office over First Notional "Bank, Tho WOKJulIsS BBBT BOW mm CJUJ. B a- ATITIvN. ..UJHCANTILE COMPANY V Lumber Co. BMK OF ETHEHE B. D. Davis. ) T. J. Kirk, VDlrectom $ $ 50,000 10,000 collections. Deals In foreign ; exchango. N. W. Baenett, Assistant Cashier. . 1 SOUTH SIDE MAIN STREET ATHENA Athena SPECIAL FEATURES: Interchangeable Steel Typewheel, Ins-uring permanent alignment, Perfect light-swinging carriage, Metal erasing plate, Simplicity of construction, Writing in sight, 90 letters and characters, Standard keyboard. THE ''MUNSON" is especially guaran teed in writing for five years from date of purchase. mat JESSE FAILING, Pendleton, Oregon. nh JSUG;E. Tg IPiMiq. - ATHEMA.OHESOM 4 I the World's most friendly smile are f always ready for the well-dressed man. There's no mistake about this. Energy may miss its mark. Talent may go a-beggins;. Virtue itself may die ot neglect. But there is always a welcome and measure of success for good clothes. If you wish to test this bit of Philosophy, just order one of the elegant suits of M. Born & Go. THE GREAT Chicago Merchant Tailors Wkwo yndactira an t4 tTTirhcr hr ckctc material, atat at aad iaUa, aia awfect a-t-at atyU. A BORN" amlt af cletkca la paw-' art U Iht World Meaaiaia A mnZJ FIT B0ASlITr. SOO Selected Patteraa to order trvmm. 1 os jj r I a.