ATHENA PRESS F. B. BorD, Ppblibheb. . Entered at Athena postomce as ireuuu-v. ail matter, , . . . Advertising Ketees lyochi reading notices, first Insert ion, 10c per .lue. Each subsequent Insertion, 5c. '- Subscription 'Rates: Per year, In advance, - . H-M Single copies. In wrappers, 6c. All communications should be addressed to the I'REBB Athena, Oregon ATHENA, MAY 27, 1898. The Scientific American has quite an exhaustive article com paring .the navy of the United States with that of Spain. In the course of the article it says: "In battleships we have five times the displacement, higher average speed, ten times the number of guns, and nearly four times the energy of gun fire. In cruisers we have over 2000 tons more displace ment, slightly higher average speed, 40 per cent moro guns, aud over 180,000 foot-tons greater energy of gun fire. It is only in torpedo boats that Spain is strong er, having double the displace ment, 2 knots greater average 6peed, more and heavier euns, and seven or eight times the energy of gun fire, Tho greatly superior gun fire of the torpedo boats is due to the fact that most are torpedo boat destroyers, and carry heavy batteries for the express purpose of sinking the enemy's , torpedo boats. Spain has absolutely noth ing to oppose to our . monitor, and if she wishes to releaso her bo leaguered army, she must meet and break through a line of battle which will include these powerful ships' The Oakesdale Sun states that farmers residing, between that city and Colfax have petitioned the Northern Pacific railway fur tho construction of a line between the two points to afford them a better market for their grain. Right-of-way has been gi anted and it is understood that tho Northern Pacific is favorably considering the proposition.' The line for which a preliminary' survey was once made, would run from Oakes- ,1 l I,..' , C 1 I. - MM l I uaic mijr ui mu 4 liuru BUUOOl house and west of Steptoo Rutte i n if .1 it to v,ouax, passing inrougu a rich agricultural country, capable of producing an immense quantity of grain, but badly handicapped by rjcing lemoto from railroad con nections. If you are a democrat, a freo silver republican or a popalist, according to Mr. Charles II. Dodd, of .Portland, Multnomah county, Oregon, you aro a traitor to your country and disloyal -to tho flag of the United States, all because the union party platform, through carelessness on the part of thos who drew it up, omits a Cu ban plank. Mr. Charles II. Dodd, of Portland, Multnomah sounty, Oregon, is considered an able speaker by the republicans and they place much confidence in what he tells them. At least they profess to. , The present apparently unfriend ly attitude of tho French in furn ishing coal to tho Spanish navy may possibly be explained by the suggestion that living, as they are, side kby eidc, their sympathies naturally would be with Spain, and another and more material reason, that the French own hundreds of millions of Spanish bonds. This unfriendly act of the French will doubtless form a very interesting chapter in diplomatic correspondence after tho Spaniards have been disposed of by Admiral Sampson, Tho success of the Oregou dis play at tho Columbia Fair at Chicago will bo repeated on a far more comprehensive scale at the Trans-MiBsissipni ExDosilion. which opens in June. The state commissioners appointed by Gov emor Lou?, having in charce the work of preparation have gone actively to) work and not a day has been , lost. Funds aro pledged there is over G,000 feet of space of the department buildings at the exposition, and everything is pro gressing toward a successful end. The old saying that every dog hart his day ia exemplified at the present time in the ca3e of the farmers of the Pacific Northwest. Three years ago tbe farmers of this section produced nothing that would sell for '.a profitable figure but today there is scarcely an article they produce but wbat brings gilt-edged prices, and the farmer's occupation from being an exceedingly profitless one has be come the most remunerative call ing in the country. The office of superintendent of public instruction is, or should be, nonpolitical, but there is a matter in connection with this office that should be considered. That is, shall the publications of the Am erican Book Co. be fastened upon the school patrons of Oregon again at an advance of what similar books are supplied to Washington and Idaho? W. W. Harrah, the union candidate, will, if elected, guard the interests of the schoo patroiiB. Tho United States is now ship ping steel rails to Russia as well as to Australia. A recent an nouncement from Australia shows that American bidders were suc cessful in obtaining a contract for the delivery of a large lot of steel rails for use in that country even against bids coming from England and Germany, and now comes re ports that the new Siberian rail road is to be metalled with Ameri can steel. Charles Emory Smith, of Phil adelphia, is not tho first news paper man to become postmaster general. Benjamin Franklin, the first man to occupy that position, belonged to tho grand army of writers. Amos Kendall left an editoral desk to become post master general in Van Buren's cabinet. Montgomery Blair, Lincoln's postmaster-general, was an editor, and Thomas L. James began life as a newspaper man." For the edification of our friend of the Tribune, we will admit that while we like mince pies, it has been several moons since we were hit in the head with a sour apple cocktail. The stock business might prove profitable, but what would our "model country paper" do without us. All the talk now is war. And there will be a battle of stuffed clubs if the country punsters don't stop their work on the name of Commodore Dewey. In other words the populace won't "Dewey" a thing to them. Ex. The political pot has not yet simmered, so far this year, with the intensity characteristic of former campaigns. But it is hard to tell what's coming. Cavite is pronounced Ca vce-tay, with tho accent on the vco, but Dewey's fighters rechristened it Dennis with the accent on the eight-inch guns. Wm, McBride, ... v.JVulw ln.' ! PURE DRUGS & MEDICINES. Flue Cticinicals Pharmaceutical Specialties, Dye Ms. Toilet Fancy article, Comba, Brushes, Horrumery, Powders, Pre parationa Tor the teeth. rrvstHiptlons carefully compounded. Everything rti'.t-i'!ns id the "Vilace." Administrator' Notice. Notice ta hereby uiven that the under elKneit bag been duly appointed ailmUtls trator fl the estate ot Henry T. J aires, deceased, etui ell person having claim egiiiuet Ihe mAA estate are hereby re quired to present the same with proper vuuutu re, witlitn tlx modUii from tMs date, to raid !Mtminiiraiu, at the c til re ot K. J S!t. r, at Athena, Umatilla count V, C)rCOIl );. tl.U 17;h dy ol April. 1808. ' (? vUi;l James. Constipation Causes fully halt the sickness In ttie work!. It retains the digested food too king in the bowels and produces biliousness, torpid liver, bull- ij " Li CbjI oii, bad usie, coated tongue, sicK headache, In somnia, etc. Hood's Pills cure constipation and all its ills results, easily and thoroughly. 25c. All druggets Prepared by C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell. M-'s. The ouly Pills to take with Hood's Sarsaparilia. . . State Populist - Bcmocratic-SilTcr-RepnlJlicaii Ticket. For Governor, W. K. KINO, POPULIST, of Baker County. For Secretary of State, II. K. KINCAID, SILVER REPUBLICAN, of LaceOonnty. For Supreme Judge, W. M. RAMSEY, DEMOCRAT, of Yamhill County. For Attorney General, J. L. STORY, POPULIST, of Waeco County For State Treasurer, J. O. BOOTH, DEMOCRAT, of iroerpbine County. For State Printer, CIIAS. A. FITCH, POPULieT, of ClACkmas County. For Superintendent of Public Instruction, II. 8. LYMAN, POPULIST, of ClatGop County. District Ticket. For Congress, Second District, C. M. DONALDSON, fiiLVER REPUBLICAN, of Baker County, ' , For Prosecuting Attorney, Sixth District, J. T. HINKLE, POPULIST, . of Umatilla County. County Ticket. Senator L. E. PtDland, Populist. Representatives A. D. Stillioaa, Democrat. K. M. Powers, Democrat. J. N. B. Gerking, Populist. Shtrifl W. M. Blaseley, Democrat. Clerk-C. W. Uatee, Populist. Recorder J . VV. JUaloney, Democrat. Treasurer It M, Simpson, Silver-Republican. County Commissioner " Fred liuscall, Populist. County Superintendent - W. VV. Warrah, Populist. Asbeseor M. M. Wjrick, Populist. Surveyoi F. J. Van Winkle, Democrat. Coroner Charles Beale, Democrat. Platform. Flrxtr-we decluro our ulleglnnce to thoKC prliivlplcB of justice, liberty and equality ol in i cuiKtMiB ueuire me u upon wuivu our in Bllluriona re founded. Heeond We dumund the Immediate restor ation ot me rree and unlimited coinuge ol silver lit the dichcM leul ratio of lti to 1. without milting for theA-onsenl of any other nation or power, mid thai the stiinilurd Kllvrr dollar s.'iiui be full legal tender for all debts, public and private. Third We denounce us nnbiiHiiie.snlike,and una nuud uoii the lnduNtriul peoole or the United Stales, tbe surrender bv the nreHent udiiiiiilNtrutioii, to the bondholders, of the option reserved to the government, in Its con tracts, to redeem Its obligations in either gold or silver. , Fourth - We favor that form of direct lecls- Union knowauBtheiiiillatlveaudrclereudum und Imperative mandate. ,iuh v e ueinuua tne election orall publlo otlieeis by direct vote of the people, Hixth we deeliire that money i.i the crea tion of law,- and we atlltiu tlie right of the leoptu to Issue a sulticlent quuntity to trans act the business of the country without the intervent ion or any banking system. Heventli Wo demand a graduutcd Income lax to tbe end that aggregate wealth shall bear lis Just proportion ol taxation. Kightti We are unulteraDly opposed to the Issuance of Interest bearing bonds, und we favor the "reduction of all public expenses within the limits of the public Income, so that public debts may be obliterated. Ninth We demundthccoiistructlon of such locksor tbeCelilo fullsor rapids of the Columbia river, as will obtain for tbe use of tiie producers of the Inland empire, and particularly of Uuiatillu county, the Columbia river, provided by the God of nature lor their prosperity, und we denounce the insutterable trilling upon the part of the republican sena tors und representatives In cotieress from this slate, during tbe last 20 years, that has per mitted two uifdtdes to go by without any work being done hi tho Celiio rapids, oruuy serious enoii w uo uny worn mere. Tenth We condemn our present rcDUblt can representatives and seuutors in congress for causing a tax to be placed on grain sacks, which lias unnecessarily caused the farmers ui iMiiauiia eouiiiy to pay approximately SfiHl.tXW lino the national tieusury without re ceivlng the benclit of uny compensating pit teetion. KlevcuthWotlomandsuch a reform In ihe attachment laws of the state, that will give uiLniivrs in every in sun ice, a nrsi lien on ail proiierty their labor bus created, or improved. 'Iwelitu We demand a lubor lieu law in this suite, that will cive laliorers in every In stance, a 11 tst lien on all property their lubor bus created or unproved. Thirteenth We demand a reform of the luw of this suite with reference to the collec tion ol attorney's fees In civil actions, to tho end that all contracts for the payment of at torney's tees iu notes, bonds or similar obliga tions, shall be void, but providing that the prevailing party in a tried action at law, may have Judgment in addition to the amount ol the verdict for sueli sum as tbe court may ad Judiro reasonable us attorney's fees. And providing further, that nothing In the nature ol attorney's fees be ulloweu In any ease, , mortgage foreclosure or otherwise, where there Is no contest on behalf of the real puny lit Interest, except the statutory cust provided Fouitecnth We denounce the reckless management ol the tliiaueiul atlaiin of Uma tilla county by the present administration. In the payment of large sums of money to tanous county oinccro lu addition to tne emoluments allowed them by law, In the employment of unnecessary and useless ucputica in tne ontevs ol tne snerin, clerK. iirorder and assessor, uud the wronghil allowance of large sums to the county school suiaM'intvndent in excess of the salary allowed him h.v law, uad such reckless extravugaDce in omer ways as lias greatly increased tne county debt, while tuxes nave not been reduced. Knov; that your house looks bad for the want of paint and paper? DO YOU Maloney & Stamper can Gx you out in painting or paper-hanging. See him at once about it. Good work at reasonable prices. State Republican Ticket. I For CoDgrettmsn. MALCOLM A. MOODY, U ! he Dalles. For Governor, T. T. GEEB, of Macleay. For Justice tf Supreme Court, FRANK A. MOORE. of 6t Helens. For Btste Treasurer, . S. MOORE, ' of Klamath Falls. For Secretary of State, FRANK I. DUNBAR, of Astoria. For State Printer, W. II. LEEDS, . cf Ashland. For Supt. of Public Instruction, J. H. A. KE8MA.N, of Fortland. For Attorney General, D. R. N. BLACKBURN, ' r of Albany. For Prosecuting Attorney, Sixth District, ' HENRY i. BEAN, of Pendleton. County Republican Ticket. For State Senator, , O. W. FROEBSTEL, . of Weston. For State Representatives, -J. 8. SMITH, of Pilot Rock. J. K. WILSON, of Cottonwood. L B. REEDER, of Pendleton For County Clerk, B. 8. BURROUGHS, ; of Pendleton. For Recorder of Conveyances, HARRY E. BICKERS, of Pendleton. ; For Sheriff, ' H. A. FAXON, of Pendleton. For Assessor, GEORGE BUZAN, of Helix. For Treasurer, W. C. KERN, of Helix. For School Superintendent, JOHN F. NOWMN, of Weston. For County Commitsioner, T. P. CILLILAND, of Ukiah. For County 8urveyor, JOHN W. KIMBRELL, of McKay. For Coroner, RALPH FOLSOM, of Pendleton. Platform. The Hepubllcans of Umatilla county, by their representatives In convention assembled, appenliiur for the popular justification of their claims, address theinselves to the conscience and Intelligence of the voters of Umatilla county in the following declaration of prin ciples: w e believe In the principles of the republi can party as maintained for a period of 40 years, with the exception of the Cleveland p-iuiuiD.iaiiuii.Diiu iviiciuk; mull uuuimie; and especially do we approve the principles of ui rau jjvuia piutioriii oi ioy. Protection We declare our renewed faith and confidence In the policy of protection as the means of limbering the industrial advan tage of employment to our laboring classes. We believe In securing the American market for the American producer, and upholding the highest possible wages for the American workmen: and especially do wn favor rv. cnue fully adequate to producing the current needs of the governmental all times of peace. Money We are onuosed to the five oiniurn of silver at uny other ratio but that of its com mercial value: and we are opposed to every measure calculated to debase our currency or impair the nation's credit. Wre favor the maintenance of all our silver and paper cur rency at a parity with gold, and we favor all payments of national obligations with money of the present standard value. tteciproetiy we .oelleve lu reciprocity and demand its renewal and extensions on such terms as will equalize our trade with other nations und secure as large markets for our products of farms and factories. We endorse the firm stand taken bv our government in regard to the condition of tuna, ana we rnvor a policy wnicu may result In the entire and SDeedv indenendenrn nfthn island, without wur If possible, with war if necessary. County Aflairs In county affairs we de mand on the part of the oflicerg that the law shall be enforced: that tbe revenue of t.h county shall be protected; that no money of the county sliull be paid -without warrant of niw, mat ine taxes snail ne collected, and when collected they shall be speedily paid to the proper officers, and to that end we favor the keeping by the county of a set of double entry books, that the accounts of the county can be more conveniently, accurately uud plainly kent and audited. "We favor making the county treasurer the collector oi tuxes, ana paying uliu a sa'ary commensurate, with his duties. "We favor such legislation as will secure an amendment ol the present tax laws, mak ing taxes dcliiinucntou October I of each year uirueuu Ul April 4." SUMMONS. la tbe circuit Court of the State of Ore gon, fur the county of Umatilla. C. A. Ritrrett, receiver, plaintiff, , vs. y 0. A. Fischer and Eliza Fischer, . defendants. J To C. A. Fischer and Eliza Fischer, me auove uamea aeienaants: In the name of tbe state of Oregon xouare hereby required to appear sad answer the com t lain t filed against you in the above entitled action on or before tbe fit st day of the nut regular terra of the above named court, to-wit on or before tbe 6th day of J uue, 1898, and if you fail so to answer, for want thereof, the plaiuiiff will take judgment against you for tbe sum of $75 60, for goods, wares and merchandise, sold and delivered to deiendants on and between Isovember .'Otn, 13!)3, and the firet day of Januarv, 1894. and for bis costs and disbursements. This summons is published by order ot the Hon. S. A. Lowell, judge of the above-named couit, made at chambers tbe 21st day nf April, 1398. - R J. Slater, Attorney f jr Plaintiff. Guardian's Sale. Notice is hereby given that under and by virtue of a license issued by the hon orable County Court of tbe State of Ore gon for Umatilla county the undersigned guardian of the person and estate of Leo Coos, a minor, ill on the Utb day of May, 1898, at half psst one o'clock, p. is., at the premises hereinafter described, sell at public auction, to the highest bidder for cat h in band, all the right, title and in terest of the said minor, to-wit : An un divided one halt interest in and to lots 7 an d 8, block 11. Kirk's second addition to CenterviUe, now called Atheua, in Umatilla county, Oregon. EtLi Cock, Guardian of the Person and Estate of Leo Cook, a Minor. ; PUBLIC NOTICE. Not ice Ishereby given that we wilt apply to the Mayor and common council of the eitjr ol Albvua, Oregnn, at a meeting thereof to be held on the lflh. day of May, l.-W. tor a license to sell spirituous, roaltand vtnoua liq uors iu less quantities than one quart, said liq oors to b sold ouly In a building situated on In! 7 In M.wfc S.of sldcitv ISonHsa limw . LODCK tIKECTB AF. A A. M. NO. 80 MEETS TBE . First and Third Saturday F.veningB 3f each month. Visiting bretheren cor lially invited to visit the lodge. f O. O. F. NO. 73, MEETS EVERY 1, Friday night. Visiting Odd Fellows n good standing always welcome. AO. U. W. NO. 104, MEETS THk Second and Fourth Saturdays ot each month. Lake France, Recorder. STHENA CAMP, NO. 171, Woodmen of the " World, meets 1st and 3rd Wednesdays ot jach month. Visiting Choppers always wel come. G. C. Osbubn, Clerk, YTHIAN,NO. 29, MEETS EVERY Thursday Night. g F, SHARP, Physician and Surgeon. Calls Dromntlv answered. Office on Third Street, Athena, Oregon. J. C SMITH, M.D. Athena, Obegon. Office' at Palace Drug. Store. Calls promptly answered, day or night. J A. BEST, M. D. Physician and Surgeon. Office over Brant's Store, Weston. R. J. SLATER, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, - Athena, Ore, LOUIS F. TOVAR, M. D., 8URGE0N DENTIST. Fine work at short notice, with the best kind of materials, neat and artistically done. Fillings in Gold and bilver a specialty. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. Thibd St. Athena. Oregon .Take the .'. WASHINGTON & COLUMBIA RIVER RAILWAY In Connection with the ISTox'ljIfcLex'ii. . FOR "i TACOMA, SEATTLE, SPOKANE, ST. PAUL, ST. LOUIS, CHICAGO, KANSAS CITY and OMAHA, AND ALL POINTS EAST AND SOUTHEAST. The Best Tourist Sleepers. Pullman Sleepers Dining Cars For further information apply to ' J. A. MDIRHEAD, Agent, Athena, Or?gqn. Or to FREDERICK ROGERS, Q. F. & P. Agt , Walla Walla, Wash. .LOWEST RATES. BKPART Tf MR SCIIEDUMH ABIUVB 2 i a. m. Pendleton, Salt ; 9:27 p. m. I,ake, Denver.Oma hn, Chicago and East via Oregon Short Line. "nT n m. Spokanc.Bosslnnd, i':lo a. m. v stY Paul, Dulnttt,, Chicago and Kastj via Ureal Northern 11:10 a. 111. Weston, Milton 3:45 p.m. and Waila W'alia 8:io p. ni. Pendleton, Port- 11:10 a. m. land and points east and west g p. m. OCEAN STEKMSHtPS . i p. 111. All sailing dates subject to change. For San Fronico Sail May 1, 4, 7, 10, 13,16, 1U.2J, itt, 28. 7 p. m. To Alaska 5 p.m. Sail May 8, 1, 28 g p. m COWMHIA RIVKB 4 p. Ul. Ex. Sundaj- sieamkhh. Ex. tr'nnday To Astoria and waylaudivgs . . m WILI.AMKTTK 4:30 p. m, Ex. Sunday biverjEx. Sunday Oregon City, NCw- berg, Salem t way landings. 7 a.m. wii.i.amkttb and 8:30p.m. Tucs., Thur. Y amuill kivkrs Mon., Wed. and Sat, Oregon t'lty, Bay- ud lri ton and way-lands 6 a.m. wimAmutts 4:30 p.m. Tue.,Tbnr. rivkb Tues , Thar, aud Kat. Portland to Corval. snd su jlis and's i.ltepariul 8J,AKK r.vkr BaTiS. wJd Kewria to lwlsfn Son., .Taes. "TWblayj dltlr- W. H. Hurlburt, C P. Brake, Ascnt tien'l Pass. Agent, Akhcna. Iortland, Ore. DO YOU ATHENA BOWUM ALLEY Xortli Side Main Street. M. Row, Trep'r. The Athena J. E. REEDER, Pres. II. H. CURTIS Mgr. We Respectfully Solicit the Trade of the People of Athena and , Surrounding Country. The Athena Lumber Company respectfully call your attention to the fact that they have established a lumber yard on Main street, west of Railroad and respe;olly solicit a liberal share of your pat ronage, feeling that we cafi'lt euTfltNeatisfaction. ; We ask you to give us a call. Athena Lumber Co. U A FIRST MTIQML H. C. Adams, President H. McArthur. Vice-President. CAPITAL STOCK, 8UBPLUS, - ' Proper attention given to and domestic E, It. BAKNSTT, Cashier, FRANK J. BEALE Proprietor oi THE ATHENA MARKET FRESH MEAT ALWAYS ON HAND LIVESTOCK Bought THE EXCHANGE" SALOON WILL WELLS, PROPRIETOR , . I KEEP THE ,'-o.:.v'" ,..";'; COOLEST AND BEST BEER To Be Found in Town. South Side Main Street - - - - - Athena The f purth ot July To Be Celebrated at BINGHAM - SPRINGS There Fill be a grand celebration at Bingham Springs of three days, the 4th, 5th and 6th of July. : ; No pains will be spared to make the celebration most enjoyable. The elegant Dance Hall will be thrown open each day from 10 "to 12 a. m., 2 to 4 p. m., and from . 8 p. m. to the wee etna' hours. Kirkrnan'a Orchestra will furnish fine music. . Persons wishing to dance will be charged one dollar a couple or fifty cents each. This price includes all the dances for the 4th, 5th and' 6th. Children free. All are invited. There will be : i ' ; ' NO CHARGE FOR GATE ENTRANCE. ... .... The Swimming Pool has always been found a great attraction. Bathing suits on hand. For further information address : ' - , MilS. H. E. WING ARD, Troprietoress, Bingham Springs, Oregon. "We are onto bur Job" with the largest stock of Carpets, Oil Qoth, Linoleum 3 and Wall Paper ever brought to Pendleton. Also fcn 3 elegant line of Portieres, Lace Curtains, Table Covers and 2 Lounge Trimmings all of the latest styles and patterns. "Beautiful" is the word for these goods. A few samples of 3 Carpet at Miller's furniture store, in Atheua. JESSE FAILING, Pendleton, Oregon. 3 J. W. Snjifti, Office over Plrst rtotlonal Bank, P ARE YOl and Overcottt if IP V n T5 i r.Lvr c:.: t- ?v4nf CALL OS ATHENA MERC ANT LiLmber Co. .BENE OF KTEEM ; 8. D. Davis, ) 1 T.J. Kirk, J-Directors f E.L. Baruett.) K $60,000 10,000 'A collections. Deals In foreign exchange. '4 jm. w. babnett, assisiui wisuier. SOUTH SIDE' MAIN STREET ATHENA and sold. The highest market price is always paid. ; . i "5 J? 1 tyotAtx l?Ji!)iiq. - - . ATHENA, OHESOAI j vwwwvwYYYn " A. COVARD ? : A f flrer t-'cfkt-this may seem to be JTXX, iUoi. iiikan impudent ques-nc tion. We are to!4 however, by the famous author, j Disraeli, that any man is a coward, even in spite of himself, if his garments re iii-litting or ii i siub-.r by condition. If you whh tQ enjoy the bravery j CO.. k..l L.-wil Cm. have kd a'J rivalry in Custom ..... - t J -t f.;tt4 a nf' in Material. Style cr'Wo! kmsm.hip. A BORN' suit viil cost ; you less than the km.i t-f taitorin? that men cowardly. Every Feature Guarantee J. . ' Patterns ta Chooss from. J V - WA CO Ml contracted for on tho ground lloo latc4Aprll li, lS. AppllvaiitS.