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About The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942 | View Entire Issue (April 1, 1898)
7 S I 1 ! : '1 KING FOR GOVERNOR. CoDtinaod from 1st Pago. Benton, loi Gatent, of Multnomau. a voto was olll. It require I only one ballot to decide the Domination, toe vote standing: Ramsey, 90, Bennett, C5. The '.nomination for state treasurer c Ailed forth one of the liveliest contests of the three conventions Tb9 candidates were Dr. Bernard Dtlr, of Lakeviow; W. E. Oraw, of Baker Citv. and J. O. of JosHphir.e c juuty. The news that tte populinta bad nominated a governor and the silver republicans a congressman from Baker City retired Grace nt the close of the second ballot, and, when someone suggested that Daly was a bold ox er senator, bis chances were material ly lessened. In nominating Grace, Pierce of Uma tilla, said: "The plums that have fallen to onr share are few and far between. I wish to present to yon as a candidate for this office of trust a man who for 20 years has been a worker in the ranks of the dem ocratic party, and who will bring to the party the unanimous vote of his city and uounty. His honor has never been im peached, and bis nomination will reflect credit on this convention." Bryan, of Benton, placed in nomina tion, Dr. Daly, and WilliarJ Crawford nominated J. 0. Booth. Uolvig, of Klamath, in seconding the nomination ot isooth said : "Gentlemen, this Is a man who has Riv;i his heart and soul to the cause of iicsinocracy. A man who has never been appealed to in vain to help the cause, and who has more than once gone down into his pocket for a generous donation to a campaign fund. He is a man who is known all over the state, who has been successful in every business ven ture he ever undertook, and against whom the voice of suspicion cannot be raised." Booth received the nomination on tho third ballot. After these nomination! the various district conventions reported as follows t 8econd district J. V. Hamilton, judge. Third district P. H. D'Arcy, judge; 8. L. Hayden, district attorney; John P. Koberteon, member board of equaliza tion. Fourth district-J. V. Beach, judire department No. 1 ; Thomas O'Day, de partment No. i. Filth district No nominations. . . Sixth district J. Q. Henkle, district attorney. . Seventh district W. L Bradford, judge. Eighth district No nominations. Ninth district M. G. Clifford, judge; juickb, district attorney ; J . it Uregg, cietnDer state Doard ot equalization. Several committees from the silvor re publicans and populists called during the day to announce the nomination of dif ferent candidates, all of which were duly ratified, although it was apparent that some o( them were received with very little relish. At 8 :30 a lormal adjourn ment was taken, and the delegates bur ned away to prepare to get back once more to home aud fireside. Free Silver Republicans. - The free silver republicans will "cut Ico" in the coming campaign, reports lo the contrary notwithstanding. jhey nominated Harrison Kiocaid for secre tary of state, and C. M. Donaldson, of Baker City, for congressman, second district. 8electioa of the candidate for the second congressional district was not such a matter-of course affair. C. M Donaldson, of Baker City, was plainly I no lavonte, but other considerations blended for a short time. Mr. Donald son's stanch support from bis home section was augmented by many admir ers about Portland, but as the guber natorial chair, allotted to the democrats, was to receive a man from Baker, the fear arose of showing partiality to a par ticular county. This gave the name of Dell Stuart, of Portland, prominence. When the delegation of the second dis trict went into caucus, there was but little time lost before the uame of Mr. Donaldson was reported favorable. When it was announced to the conven tion, there was a great demonstra tion, attesting the popularity of the miner from Baker, Middle of theRoaderS Nominate. The middle-of-the-road populists that walkod out of the populist convention, indorsed the Omaha platform, passed several resolutions on state issuer, issued an address to the people, and nominated a state ticket. The following were placed in nomina tion: Governor John 0. Luce, of Grant county. Secretary of state Ira Walkefleld, of Jackson county. State treasurer J, K. Sears, of Polk county. Superintendent of publlo instruc tion J, E, Hoamer, of Yamhill county. State printer D. L. Grace, of Harney county. Congressman, first district J. L Hill, of Linn county. Nominations for congressman from the second district, supreme judge aud attorney general were passed. They will be filled by the state ceuteral com mittee at Portland. The Oregon Wonder, The Canyon City mine, tho Great Northern, is still bringing surprises to its ownor In the shape of gold nuggets. The pay streak in the ledge of talo varlea from three to oight Inches in width. (Joker takes out his gold from the crevi ces with a knife, and has found pieces ranging in richness from So to $1000, the latter being a monster specimen. Still a large one was left sticking in the talc when last I visited the mine, it being hard to remove it by the pocket-knife process. It was covered up, but no doubt has been taken out by this lime. The part exposed was 14x8 inches in dimen sions and U inches thick. It will be worth at least $1500. Three pounds of the talc or clay yielded $92.70. Acetylene Gas, the Light of the Future. Why not be Independent and own your own little gas plant which will gi7e four times more light than the ordinary gas or electric lights at one hall the cost? Applicable for use in churches, stores, factories, hotels, residences and country homes ; safer than the ordinary gas or kerosene lamps. Approved by all the Hoards of Underwriters throughout the United States. We want a first clara agent iu every town. Write for catalogue and prices. The Acetylene Uaa Machine' Co., Akron, Ohio. The Observance cf Easter. The observance of Easter dates back to about tho year t3, at which tia.e there was much contention among the East ern and Western churches as to what day the festival should be observed. It was finally ordained at the Council of Nice in the year i?25 that it must be ob served throughout the Christian world on the tame day. This decision settled that East r should bi kept upon the Sun da? first (er the fonrtwr.h Uy of th (lis. Jewish mouth. but ru irmieral u in clusion was arrived at as to the cycle by which tho festival was to be regulate I, and some churches adopted on rule and some another. This diversity of usage was put an end to, ana the Roman rule making Easter the first Sunday after the fourteenth day of the calendar moon was established in England in 6G9. After nine centuries a discrepancy in the keep ing f Easr wm canssd iy the authori ties o: the English tburcli d -daring to adopt the reformation o! the Gregorian Calendar in 1582. The difference was settled in 1752 by the rule which makes Easter Day always the first Sunday after the full moon which appears on or next after the twenty-first day of March. If the full moon happens upon a Sunday, Easter is the Sunday after." April Ladies' Home Journal. Local Flurry in Wheat. Tbero was more excitment in the Pen dleton wheat market Saturday than at any time since the first bulge early in August, says the E. O. The city was thronge.l with farmers who seemed to think that the time had come to sell, and they were met half-way by buyers. Besides local buying agents who have been here during the wheat season there was a new man in the field in the person of Balfour, Guthrie & Co.'s representa tive, David A. Pattulo. This added somewhat to the competition, by which the farmers no doubt profited a cent or so per bushel above ruling market ratea. It is said that nust of the transactions were on a bisis of 05 cents for No. 1 club, aud in some instances as high as 60 was paid for choice lots. It is also reported that a lot of fine blue stem even commanded nearly 70 cents. The heavy selling occurred late Satur day afternoon, and i here was an air of exgornces and activity apparent em ng both farmers and huvers. It h estimat ed that fully 125,000 biiihels were Hold la the aggregate to different buyers. ThU clears up much of the choice whaat left in the country, although thofa is (till more left to bo marketed. Arjajr Day Exercbes. Appropriate exercises will be held in the public school of Athena on Arbor Day, Friday afternoon, April 8, com mencing at two o'clock. According lo the custom of naming a tree after some person, the pupils, by vote, decided to couiur the honor upon Hon. T. J. Kirk this year, and tho tree thus named will be planted in the pres ence of the school and visitors in due form. Short exercises will be held out of doors at the planting of the tree, con sisting of songs, a salute to the flag, an invocation and an address, aftor which exerciees will be held in each of the rooms, of such nature as to stimulate, and encourage the planting, cultivation and protection of trees, shrubs, add all valuable plants. A cordial invitation is extended to all citizens to bo present, and witness the exercises. It is especially desired that all parents, school officers within reach, and all others interested in the welfare of the rising generation be present. D. V. S. Ried, Principal. Bea's the Klondike. Mr. A. C. Thomas, of Maryeville, Tex., has found a more valuahio discovery than has yet been found in thi Klon dike. For years he Buffered untold agony from consumption, accompanied by hemorrhages; and was absolutely cured by Dr. King's New Discovery for Uonsumption, Uoughs and Colds. He declares that gold is of little value in comparison with thin marvelous cure; would have it, even if it cost a hundred dollars a bottle. Asthma, Bronchitis and all throat and lung affections are positively cured by Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumpiion. Triol bot tle free at G. O. Odbnrn's Drug Store. Regular size 50 cents and $1. Garan teed to cure or price refunded. Resolution of Condolence. Whereas, .The Grand Guardian of the Uuiveree in His infinite mercy and wisdom has called to rest the beloved sister of Mrs. Jennie McUride : therefore, be it Resolved, That we tho members of Mignonette Rebekah Lodge No. 80, 1. O. O. F., extend to the sister of deceased our sincere sympathy in her bereave ment, Resolved, That Sister McBride be furnished a copy of this tesolution, a copy be spread upon the minutes of this lodge and that a copy he furnished the Athena Pasts for publication. Alma Wilkinson Lizzie Stamper Laura Young The Sure La Gripps Cure. There is no 'use suffering from this dreadful malady, if you will only get the right remedy. You are having pain all through your body, your liver is out of order, have no appetite, no life or ambi tion, have a bad cold, in fact are com pletely used up. Electric Bitters is the ouly remedy that will give you prompt relief. They act directly on your Livor, Stomach and Kidneys, tone up the whole system and make you 'feel like a new being. They are guaranteed to cure or price refunded For Sale at G. C. Oeburn'a Drug Store, only 50c per bottle. Hope Pioneer Ole Olson appeared in the opera house and there was not standing room, the seats were full, the aisles were full, and standing room was at a premium. At any rate a large crowd was present to see Ole. A. E. Markham as Ola is Vipr. wa over saw and if he wants to corao back to our cay we win be glad lo play his dates any time he wants to return to our city. He kept the audience in an uproar all tho ti.nn! thn nthr rlmruitara vata equally as good. Athena Opera House. April o. - What Dr. A. E. Salter Says. Buffalo, N. Y. Gents: From my personal knowledge, gained in observing the effect of vour Shiloh's Cure in cases of advanced Consumption, I am pre pared to say it is the most remarkable Remedy that has ever been brought to my attention. It has certainly saved many from Consumption. Sold by G. C. Osbnrn, tho prescription druggist. Now is the Time To purify your blood with Hood's Bursa- panlia. At this season your wood is loaded with impurities which have ac cumulated during the winter and which should be exiw?!leJ. Hood's Sareaparilla In accomplished thousands of remark able cares of blood diseases. It is what the millious take in the spring to build up health and ward oft' sickness. The Maikhana New York Theater Co. played to a full home Saturday night. Ole Olson, jr., was the plav and it was greatly enjjyed by all. Markham is all risht as a ISwedieu character. The Wimbledon News. Athoua Opera House, April 5. Almost Blind Scrofula Afreets LTyes Little Boy Treated l.y an Oculist With out Relief-Dtr. liovj He 13 Wail. ""When my litMj Ihrcj months old his eyes becc::io very Hero un I he v. ai almost blind. I leek hiri toa i ot-eiist who tr?at -A Li-.i fc." : i.: lr.on.fc.i, and l?ft I h'.m r. bai C3 I.o v- nf, tl.a bcm'r.jr. I'i.-.Mly Hood'a rar,ry.r:'!a v.aj rstj'.a-. mencicd end I I an c'vizg ii to LI:-.'.. In lc3j than tU c vrccl.s ) o wr.i aV to go into 11:3 run r.J. bout covering hi3 eyes, and todny !iW cyei tre perfectly well, and his a -s end noac, which were badly affected, nlso wcT'. Hood's SarsapariiU hn.i r: ti'.::"y do ;e wonders for my boy." Kzz. JaxesII. Painted, Amador, California. Remember lELrrJl jsiv 3fcH i. Sarsaparillar Ono Blood l'i:r'fl:-r. All druggists. 81, six for 85. Get Hood's. rm are tho only pills to take HOOd 3 PUIS with Hood's Sarsaparllla. Cuba Will Surely ba Frei. Washington, March 31. Congress will allow the president reasonable time to complete negotiations which are now going on with S?in regarding Cuba. The preridjnt has promised that if nego tiations are not brought to a head one way or the oth.-r by tomorrow night that he will lay ths whole affair bafore con gress and shara with it tho responsibility of any action taken. Unles the presi dent settles the matter before Monday the house and. senate will pisi a resolu tion recognizing Cubaa independence and perhupa ditclare war on Spain. A majority of the republicans say they will not wait longer and democrats and pop u'.iets are in favor ot action now. It is settled that Cuba will ba free. It may be purchase and it may be by wr. Htre You Are. Iron City Dish-washer. Dish-washing made easy. No more drudgery, the woman's friend and helper. Try one. Clark Walter, Uen'l. Agent, Athena, Oregon. M. L. Yocum, Cameron, Pa., says ''I snndrea tor ten ye us, trying most all kinds ot pile remedies, but without sue cess. DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve was recommended to me. I used one box. It has effected a permanent cure for piles DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve has no equal. Sold by Wm. McBride, Pioneer Lrug btore. Weekly Excursion to ths East, A tourist sleeping car will leave Port land every Tuesday evening at 0:00 p. in. via the O. R. & N. without change to Boston, and under the supervision of experienced conductors. No change of card to the cities Omaha, Chicago, Buffalo or Boston. The ideal trip to the East is now before you. Remember this serv ice when going E8t. and consult O. R & N. Agents, or address. W. H. Hukluurt, General Paesenger Agent, rortland, Ure. Markham'a New York Theatre Co, played here last F.riday and Saturday nights to fair bouses. Mr. A!. Markham as Ole Olson jr., is a little the best Swede comedian it has been our lot to see, and is suppotted by a first class corps of act ors. Everyone seemed well pleased as the house kept up a continual up roar of applause. Msyville Farmer. Athena Opora House, Tuesday, April 5th. Low Rates East. The O. R & N. Co. sell through tickets to St. Paul for (25 and $20: to Dnlutb, for $25 and $20 ; to Chicago, for $31 50 and $20 50; to St. Louis, $32 50 and 27 00 j to New York, Boston and intermediate points on direct line, for $40 and $30, plus regular rates to Spokane or Portland. O. R. & N. steamer will sail from Portland to San Francisco Feb. 25, and every fourth day thereafter, in stead of every fifth day, as before. O. R. & N. steamer will leave San Fran cieco Feb. 20 and on each fourth day thereafter. Thousands of sufferers from grippe have been restore to health by One Minute Cough Cure. It quickly cares coughs, colds, bronchitis, pneumonia, grippe, anthma, and all throat and lung diseases. Wm. McBride, Palace Drug Store, Athe na. Executor's Notice. In the County Court of the State of Ore gon, for Umatilla County. Ia the matter of the estate of Louise Ar"a Briebo, deceased. Notice is hereby given that the under signed has been duly appointed executor of the last will of Louise Ada Briabo, de ceased, by the above named county court, and all persons having claims against said estate are required to pre sent the same, with proper vouchers, to the undersigned at his ranch on the Umatilla Indian reservation, 4g miles south of Athena, in Umatilla county, Oregon, within six months from this date. Dated Feb. 25, 1S93. Petsr Pambuun, Executor. A little boy asked for a bottle of "get up in the morning as fast as you can," the druggist recognized a household name for "DeWitt's Little Early Risers," and gave him a bottle of those famous little pills for constipation, sick head ache, liver and stomach troubles, sold by Wm. McBride, Palace Drag Store. "He Who Right Is, Shall Reign." Last year some of Athena's physicians wrote to Portland for a dentist. At this time came Louis F. Tovar, physician-urgeon-dentiBt, and the doctors engaged him, because of his high recommenda tions. Dr. Tovar is a studious man and understands his business as well as the beet dentists in the cities. His work is very fine and prices reasonable. Our people should patronize him because he is the right sort of man for the town. Public Notice. Nolk-ois hereby given UuU I will apply to the mayor niut common councilor ihe t'ityof AUicim, ireon, at a tne?ttH tlicrcor to be held on the 30th day of April, lSsW, for a license U soil limit liquors In hvw qunntltlcsttlian one quart, stud liquor to be wild only In a build ing KittiHlcit on the west half of lot No 7, iu bUK'k No. S, of Ki.Kl city. liLKS 8AUSO, IfcUt April!, ISSiS. Applicant. Public Notice. Notice hereby Riven that I will apply to the mayor wnl common council of tin- city of Athena, Drvjfon, at a meeting thereof to be held on the Suh tiny of April 1SW, for a license to sell spirit uoust, mall and vinous liquors in lens q imnt it U's than one quart, aid liquors to be sold onlv in a tuildimr situated on the cast one-luOf of M .No. 8, In block No. 5, of said city. Wjll Wklls, lxucd. April I, ISiW. Applicant, Real Estate. 480 ACRES ten miles north of Athena 320 acres of good wheat land, 160 acres pasture. Good house, barn, out buildings, wind mill, etc. A bar gain at $5,500. 160 ACRES splendid wheat land, six and a half miles north of Athena well im proved. Yours for J4.250. 1120 ACRES 600 acres in cultivation, balance pastuie; about 250 acres summer fallow. Well improved with house barn, two wells, wind mill cistern etc. Cheap at $12,000. 240 ACRES on Pine Creek, About 80 acre in cultivation. Abundance of water for irrigation and plenty of wood for use on the place. Nearly 600 fruit trees' now bearing. $2,400. 180 ACRES good timber land. You can get it if taken now, for $900. 400 ACRES pasture land, one half suitable for cultivation. Good spring of water and is only two miles from railroad station. A snap at $1,000. 1 HOUSE one 7 roomed house and good barn with 3 lots in Railway Addition $050. 160 ACRES 5 or 6 milec from Athena, good wheat land. $3200. 320 ACRES 130 acres in cultivation, balance pasture, part in summer fallow. A good place for $3,750. 80 ACRE fruit farm, between Walla Walla and Milton, 25 acres of bearing fruit trees, 4 acres in strawberries, 3 acres in blackberries, 2 acres in asparagus, balance in alfalfa. A good house, barn, etc., abundance of water for irrigating purposes, no rocks. A model home and a mon ey maker. . Price, $12,000. 1 FIVE room house on Jefferson Street, Athena, for $500. 2 LOTS on Washington Street, Athena( a good house and barn, fine location and cheap at $500. 160 ACRES on Weston mountain, part sum mer falow, good house and barn, growing orchard, all well improved $2800. 320 ACRES in Sand Hollow, 135 acret sum mer fallow, good house and barn, plenty of water. An excellent wheat farm. $7500. J. W. SMITH, Athena, Oregon. WmMcBride, -.Dealer in.-,' I PURE DRUGS & MEDICINES.: 'Fine Guemicals. Pharmaceutical i ' Spialties, Dye Ms. Toilet A Fancy articles, Combs, Brushes, Perfumery, Powders, Preparations for the teeth. rrescrlptioiiB carefully compounded. JTcCIGARSJ Everything first-class at the "Palace." The-- COMMERCIAL1 LIVERY, FEED and SALE STABLE. Best Turnouts In Eastern Oregon. Stock Boarded by the Day, Week or Month. PlNKKKTOX & FkOOJIB, Pro's R. J. SLATER. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Athena, Ore. J. B. Huntington, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Athesa, Ork. ANDY VVBfe C7 C2 CUREC0K5TIPATI011 10$ SO ABSOLUTELY GUARlTO&r.V.r pltaaskMklctrnc 1. STERLING BEBKDI CO.. Ckicaro, Botrl, Can., erKrw York. Knr B8bt Ready-mixed Paints, Wall Paper, Leads, Brushes, t'118, UiaBB, U1UU Tomlinson Estimates cheerfully furnished, and all work guaranteed. PARKER & FERGUSON .Proprietors of THE SHAVING, IIAIRCUTTING SHAMPOOING, IIAIRSINGING, In Latest Styles gCT HOT OR COLD WATER BATHS, 25 CENTS. J3t I GUARANTEE.... All my work. I use nothing but good stock. My harness is all hand-sewed. I make low prices in order to make quick sales. I do all kinds of repairing promptly. FBBD FISCHEB, The Tland-sewed Harness Maker. Main Street, Athena THE NEW LUMBER YARD, i MAIN STREET, A Complete Stock of J Rough and Dressed Lumber. LOW A. M. GllvIylS, Pastern report "State Jfermal 5cKoqU WESTPN?OREOON Only State School in Eastern Oregon. Located on the 0. K. 4 N, Railway midway be tween Pendleton and Walla Walla. Students admitted at all times of year. First-class Training School For Teachers .... Vocal and Instrumental Music taught by competent instructors. A graduate of the Boston Conservatory has charge of the Instrumental department. The Ladies Boarding Hall Is thoroughly equipped and offers excellent accommodations at leasonable rales. Send for Catalogue. Address, M. G. Royal, President of Faculty, or P. A. Wobthing- ton, Secretory Board of Regents, Weston , rThe"wORIiD!SBEST BOW An ! 4 M ATl CiU ATHENA MERCANTILE COMPANY. ? 1 J. . Stirh, Ortlco over Plrt national vanx, CATHARTIC luiwo, civ,., eco & Sharp, Pendleton, Oregon. ELECTRIC BARBER SHOP. ATHENA, OREGON. PRICES. Athena, Oregon. Oregon. J the Wrtrld't mml friendly Smile are 1 always ready for the well-dressed Z man. There's no mistake about i this. Energy may miss its mark. Talent f may go i-beggmg. Virtue useit may aie of neglect. But there is always a welcome ml mur nf surreys for eood clothes. m i If you wish to test this bit of Philosophy, 2 just order one oi tne eiegani suns w .BORIS'S: -.Go. THE GREAT Chicago Merchant Tailors WkM fnimcUm mn mUi trtnmhu for cfc.k uttriil, .cut fit and CaUh, mm4 pnfect pte-4t ttfU. A "BORN" Mlt f cixhti i fit t tk. W.rld. frinfeklp! A PERFECT FIT GtURAITEED. SOO Selected PaiMerns to order from. i I Olt - i Fof IPiiUie;. ATHEnA,Qneon -s In, j -4 v ,!, ' L," LiAter i ' .... -: v-i - h . i-. , w -.- , , . f LODCK BIEECTOKY AF.&A. M. NO. 80 MEETS-THK . First and Third Saturday Evenine. f each month. Visiting brethcren cor- lially invited to visit the lodge. T 0. 0. F. NO. 73, MEETS EVERY 1. Friday niht. Visiting Odd Fellow, n good standing always welcome. AO. U. W. NO. 104, MEETS TH Second and Fourth Saturday ol each month. Lake France, Recorder. ATHENA CAMP, NO. 171, Woodmen of the World, meets 1st and 8rd Wednesdays ol each month. Visiting Chopper always wel come. G. C. OfiBUKK, Clerk, PYTHIAN, NO. 29, MEETS EVERY Thursday Night. F, SHARP. !( Physician and Surgeon. . j Calls promptly answered. Office on Third street, Athena, Oregon. J. C SMITH, M.D. Athena, Oregon. Office at Palace Drug Store. Calls promptly answered, day or night. J A. BEST, M. D. Physician and Surgeon. Office over Brant's Store, Weston. LOUIS F. TOVAR, M. D., ; BURGEON DENTIST. Fine work at short notice, with the best kind of materials, neat and artistically done. Fillings in Gold and Silver a specialty. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. Third St. . . - Athexa, Oregojt. .Take the WASHINGTON & COLUMBIA RIVER RAILWAY ; In Connection with the IsTox'ijli.ex'xi. Paoifio - FOR TACOMA, SEATTLE, SPOKANE, ST. PAUL, ST. LOUIS, , CHICAGO, J lVA113An lii 1 I anU II HAMA.w4i AND ALL POIIITS EAST AND SOUTHEAST. The Best Tourist Sleepers Pullman Sleepers Dining Cars For farther information apply to J. A. MUIRHEAD, Agent, Alhena, Oregon. Or to FREDERICK ROGERS. G. F. & P. Agt , Walla Walla, Wash. iaXOWEsT RATES. GIVES THE CHOICE OF TWO TRANSCONTINENTAL ..ROUTES,. GREAT OREGON NORTHERN SHORT LINE VIA VIA SPOKANE SALT LAKE MINNEAPOLIS DENVER ST. PAUL , OMAHA AND AND CHICAGO KANSAS CITY LOWEST RATES TO ALL EAST ERN CITIES. Ocean Steamers OREGON, GEO. W. ELDER AND CITY OF TOPEKA Leaves Portland Eyerj Five Days for Alaska Points OCEAS STEAMERS LEAVE PORTLAND EYEBY FOUR DAYS SAN FRATIGISGO Steamers Monthly from Portland to Yokohoma and Hong Kong; via The Northern Pacific Steamship Co., in connection with 0. R. & N. For fall Information call on O. R. A N. Aent BCKT, Gen t V. Agent, Portland, Oreron IkKlwell Carlill CX., (n'l Aeenti North! ern Pacific Steamship Co, Portland, Oregon To Cnr Coastlmtlon Forerer. V C C C 1 ail to cur, druggist refund niuuer Oi Mb Mm TO THE EAST