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About The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942 | View Entire Issue (April 1, 1898)
A It's quite a feat to make glad feet, With shoes both cheap and true, But as that's the very thing you want, Here's what you'll have to do: Bring all your feet to our store, We'll fit them with SELZ Shoes. So you'll possess ten happy toes, That never have the blues. The Best Is None to Good That's why we carry a complete line of the Golden Gate Spices, Teas, Coffees, Baking Powders and Ex tracts. These Goods are Absolutely Pure and are not sold by giving away prizes or through expensive advertising, but are sold on their own merits. Believing that the Consumer wishes the best he can get at the Lowest Price. Lemons, per dozen, 15 cents, Oranges, per dozen, 15 cents, Good, Green Coffee, 8 lbs $1 We carry the best line of Groceries in Athena CALL AND Athena Mercantile Company, Bloch Building, Main Street, Items in Brief. For dental work Go to Dr. L. F. Tovar, 3rd street. Miea Linnie Coppock baa a new bi cycle. F;ed Fischer has received a Dew line of saddles. For yonr Easter bat or bonnet go to Mrs. Rigby's. If Osburn fills your prescription, you know it is right. Superior value-giving is the secret of Hollie' success. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Stanton, of Van eycle, March 29, a girl. The Press beats 'em all on commercial printing. .-. Prices reasonable. 17iiat oluBB crvaviaa of. Hprlrnnlr nriftRR A Mil VIUSD f, " . - w I at the Athena Mercantile Oo's. Mrs. Lewin and children arrived home from Union, Wednesday evening. Subscribe for the Evening Fuksb. Fifteen cents per week, free delivery. The foundation for Byer's new flour mill at Pendleton has been completed. Ed. Taftbas a fresh supply of the "Uncle Jack" cigar. A delicious emote Si Miss Aim a Kirk is the prond possess or of a new bicycle, a grand gift from her father. A very pretty and attractively arrang ed line of hats and millinery can be seen at Mrs. Rigby's. . Tamer Callender, the "hustling" news- OJJ Will IBU JTIfU Bit KUUUt HUO UllJiBW Pbkss. 8ee bim. The mow on the foot hills has disap peared, bnt the mountains are still en shrouded in white. J. W. Maloney, agent for the Kershaw Grain company, Saturday purchaeed 13, 000 bushels of wheat. Pendleton's water supply U short dur ing the tammer months, and the city council has decided to enlarge the city well. , The little 2-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. P. Mosley fell from a box one day last week, and sustained a brok en arm. It is acknowledged by all when it comes to stylish and up-to-date goods, The New Store claims the privilege of being the leader. George Marsh and Samuel Doble were in the eily Wednesday laying in auppHea for Doble'a lumber camp, on the moan -tain east of Weston. . Hm,lt A Crana this waak let tered an elegant sign for the" Athena lumber Company. It meuared 89 feet io length and 3 feet 4 inches wider John Eates has purchased the saloon Interests of bl J brother Green, of tbia city. Green will go to Sumpter. Oregon, and engage in the saloon bagioess. G. E. Stoeker, the Pendleton grocer whose creditors recently bronebt suits against him, bas Sled a deed of assign ment to ii. A. Fntler for the protection of his creditors. m a T I 1 1 1 .atnvnwl from Santa Cm i, California, at which place they ipent the winter, ine nmui of MeWiile is greatly improved. Tbey will reside in town. A Poetic eat n There are old feet and young feet, And little feet and great; Pretty feet and homely feet, And feet that do not mate. There are tender feet and tough feet. And narrow feet and wide; Chubby feet and bony feet. And feet you try to hide. SEE US. Athena, Oregon. S( Mr. W. H. Hats will engage in the f agricultural business in Athena. The location of the store room has not yet been decided od, but will perhaps be either the Page building, opposite the Commercial Livery Stable, or Spencer's machine shop building. The farmers, the mechanic and the bicycle rider are liable to unexpected cuts and bruises. DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve is the best thing to keep on hand. It heals very quickly, and is a well known cure for pilea. Palace Drug Store Wra. McBride, prop. " Jack Murphy, a pressman, employed by the Pendleton Tribune, forged the name of the manager to checks which were cashed by Pendleton saloon men. He skipped and at last reports had not been captured. Ihe Athena Lumber company this week filed orders for lumber to be used in the new residence of Mr. Russell, who will build in the norih part of town, and Mr. Sberrod, who will have a new farm house. A torpid liver robs you of ambition and ruinB your health. DeWitt's Little Early Risers cleanse the liver, cure constipa tion and all etomaoh and liver troubles. Palace Drug Store, Wm- McBride, prop, George Light returned to Pendleton from Alaska last week. He purchased 10 bead of horses and two wagons and returned to Dyea this week, and will go into the freighting The more good babits yon form the less room you have for bad ones. It ia a very noticable fact that Hollie' customers have few, if any, bad habits. The young men who are really ''in it," wear colored precale or madras shirts with cuffs to match, oud white collars. Hoilia has a complete assortment. Frank W. Djs Noyer, advance agent for the Ole Olson jr., Co., ia in the city. The company will appear at the Mew Opera House Tuesday evening, Mr. R K. Brady bas been seriously ill at liia home in this city the past week. He is afflicted with carbuncles and an attack of grippe. For Sale Cheap : I offer my residence property in Athena, for sale at a bar gain. Addreus, J. E. Gobman, Walla Walla, Wash. . The finest and moat complete etc t If of oils and paint to be found in town are at the Palace Drug Store. Mas Lewin has on display at bis po; nlar store a splendid line of gloves. Hji prices are reasonable. TMn. 0. F. Drake, wife of the O. R. & S. railroad agent, arrived in the city from Portland Sunday. - Moody, the sign painter, baa been writing some splendid sigas for Athena business hooeea. Standard patterns, the beet and most perfect fitting at the Athena Mercantile Co's. Thomliuson & Sharp have received a law stock of wail paper. Latest de signs. Like the flowers of spring, those beautiful Easter Bonnets, at The Xiew Store. Helfricb baa a splendid eaiortniant of Whitmore's Elite shoe polish in stock. Ail colors Your groceries, when bought of Lewin are of bettr qnalUy and cheaper in price. EXTEA THE CRISIS AT HAND. Spain has officially notified the American government that she will make no more concesEsions. The cabinet officials have been in ses sion all morning. The fleet at Key West is making preparations to intercept the Spanish flotilla, and the stock markets of the world are on the decline. In all prob ability before the Press reaches its readers war between the United States and Spain will have been declared. "The Blue Front." You'll see it in the Feess Monday evening. If you have painting to do, Osburn will save you money. A nice line of ladies' ehirt waists at the Athena Mercantile Co's. You will find the beet line of shoes at the Athena Mercantile Co'a. Go to the Palace Drag Store for pure drugs, and the best perfumeries on earth. Deputy United Stales Marshal Morse was in the city from Pendleton yester day. - Dr. Lannerberg and wife are now in Weston, where the doctor ia practicing his profession. v Turn over a new leaf Monday and read the Hvknikq Press f liteen cents a week, delivered. Lota of new goods our Bhelves and counters are loaded. Prices are right. Athena Mercantile Co's. Words aro wind, seeing ia believing. Go to The New Store and feast your eyes on those beautiful shirt-waists. .The Evening Press has 133 names to go with, and 93 of them- are Athenaites. How's that? Atbena against the world I Those shirt waists at The New Store are the admiration of all tha ladies. Secure one before the sizes are broken. There is a good deal of town talk about Hoilia, and with Just cause, too. Have you heard the offer he's making in shoes for men, women and children? . " We do not want ".the world but we want you to examine our line of shoes before purchasing. The New Store's guarantee goes with every pair. r Best of work is done by the Pendleton ateam laundry. Leave orders at billiard hall or barber shop. Washings are col lected and delivered promptly. Yesterday Charles Wilkins entered officially upon his duties as Indian agent, relieving G. W. Harper. Mr. WilkiDi received his commission about two weeks ago. Xlt ia reported that W. T. Rigby, of Rigby A Son, has sold the remainder of his wheat, 3000 bushels, on a basis of 65 centa for No. 1 club. The Pacific Elevator Company was the purchaser. Great success is never reached with out great effort; and commercial success must be founded upon . merit as well. Effort: and merit are combined at Hollie', and you get the benefit with every pur chase. The finest collection of Easter hats and bonnets to be found anywhere, are on display at Mrs. Cardan's. Owing to a large and increasing business, prices are greatly reducod, as compared with other seasons. Children like it, it saves their lives. We mean One Minute Cough Cure, tbe iufallible remedy for coughs, colds, croup, bronchitis, grippe, and all throat and lung troubles. . sold by Wm. McBride, Palace Drug Store. Several of the little girl friends of Dr. Tovar congregated Saturday evening at his dental parlors, and were most pleasantly entertained by the doctor. Games and mneic were the features of the evening. "A man can run into debt," remarks an old-fashioned philosopher, 'but when it comes to bis getting out he baa to crawl." The moral is plain enough. Deal at Hollie' for cash and never run in debt and pay other men's bills. Thirty-five years makes a generation. That is how long Adolph Fischer, of Zaoes7ille, 0., suffered from pile?. He was cured by nsing three boxes of De Witt's Witch Haxel Salve, sold by Wm. McBride, Palace Drug Store. It ia a great leap from the old fashion ed doses of blue-mass and nauseous physics to tbe pleasant little pills known as DdWitt's Little Early Risers. They cure constipation, sick headache and biliousness. Palace Drug Store, Wm. McBride, prop. A New York cigar drummer named George Arndt, went Into Ad Simon's cigar store at Baker City and at the point of a pistol made him hand back $5 be had won from tbe drummer on a bet. Tbe fellow was arrested, bnt was let off on a payment of a fine of S5 for simple astault. ' Parker & Ferguson's barber shop has a neat and attractive mug case, and in it are as fine a collection of shaving mqgs as can be tqund any where in the state. Many of these mags ar em blematic of the trades, profession, or business calling of many of tbe custom era of this popular barber shop. Ole Olson, jr.. appeared at tbe opera hou? e last night and there was not stand room. The teat were full, the sieles were full, and standing room was at a premium. At any rate a Urge crowd was present to sea Ole. A. E. Blarkbam, as O.e is very good, and kept the audi ence in an uproaf all the time. The other characters were equally as gnoi. Hops Pioneer. Athena Opera House, Tuesday, April 5'.b. Hist OregODian; It U expected that James Beagle will be able to bear the frorney from his mine on Salmon river, ilaho, to Pendleton, in about a week The laet report was that be ia recovering slowly from the effects from the fearful accident which be sustained at his rock bonnd camp on the Salmon. One of Mr. Beagie's legs wm amputated eight inches above the ankl?, but be will be able to wear an artificial limb. Markham's New York Theater Co. played We.tceeday night the 17th to bin house. . Mr. Markbam as Ole Olron. jr., is a little the best Swed Comedian it has been our lot to sen, and is supported by a fiiet class corps of stars ; everyone seemed to be pleased, as tbe house kept in a continual uproar of applause. In every place be plays the people of that city are pleased and want bim lo come back next season. Marys ville Farmer. Athene Opera House, Aprils. . Pendleton Tribune: Dan R. Kirk, of Weston, sold a fine three year old fillv to C B. Wtde yesterday for A'0. The colt was sired by Chehalis, out of Viei It will be U6ed for a driver. Mr. Kirk brought tbe animal from Weston joster day, and it was on exhibition here rtur ina the day. A number of lovers olhoreefl-sh were admiring its many fine qualifies. East Oregonian: Tbe Misses Ella and Maggie Hawkins and Miss Effie Wolfe, of Lewieton, Missouri, are tbe gueBts of Mr. and Mra. E. I.. Smith at Pendleton. The Misses Hawkins are nitces of the late John Edicgton, of Athena. Miss Wolfe is a school teacher, and may locate in tbia county. This is the first time the young girls ever set foot nnon Eastern Orrnrnn hnnphirrn. IXAn active interest was taken by tnrmn f taineer republicans in tbe primaries at Bingham Springs precinct, there being three separate tickets pot out. A tie re sulted between Con Murphy and Ban flaxen, who bad 12 votes each. Thev flipped up a half-dollar, and tbe former, woo is an Irish republican, woo. East Oregonian: A suit for $1000 damages has been filed in tbe circuit court of Marion county by Carrie dig ging against Jeff Tharp. The suit is based on allegations of seduction and abortion. Tharp is a farmer, residing near Stgyton, who formerly resided at Athena, in this county. Maxie M. Braeefieltl has aeke I for a divorce from Othonal M. Brassfield on the ground of desertion. The parties were married at Walla YValU JIaroh 80, 1889, and after a few yoara of matrimoni al bliss the plaintiff claims tbat the de fendant grew tired and fled to unknown pastures. V The verdict of th6rcor8ner's jury in the Indian case is that '-Onehodv came to his death by violence. That Jim Kanina was implicated in Onebody's death, or had knowlege of the means by which he came to his death." Edward Lemon jumped from an O. R. & N. train when near The Dalles Monday and was picked up dead. He was stealing a ride and in jumping off as the train approached the town Lis head struck a rock and he was instantly killed. -; Marshal Carden Bays all dogs whose owners have paid tax must wear name on collars. ' He promises a crusade against tbe canine race, and cannot in sure protection of your dogl unless it wears a tag. The delegates elected at the republi can primaries in East Weston and Wes ton were: David Lavender, H. B. Nel son. Harry Turner, M. G. Royal, Geo. Williams, John Cumming. In Adams: J. M. Morrison, H. A. Hales, John Kelsay, L. M. Watrus. ' J. M. Craig, a former employe of the Prkks, returned Wednesday from Lewis- ton, Idaho, where he was engaged for some time in tbe publication of tbe Daily Patriot. Mr. Craig will assist in making the Evening Press a newsy paper. ' Fred Normanden was in a bicycle wreck yesterday, He collided with a horse, and the horse didn't do a thing but kick the wheel into the middle of tbe coming week. The front wheel will bave to he replaced with a new one. i Joe Rninville and family are having a ood time in Montreal, Canada, where they are visiting relatives. Joe will have an operation performed on his eyes before ne returns. fAngus Gillls this week moved bis carpenter snop Dunuing wnicn stood on nis residence lots to uis lumDer. yara on Main Btreet, and will convert It into an office.' In one of the show windows of the Atbena Mercantile Oo's. ia a fine dis play of Golden Gate Baking powder, spices, tea, coffee and extracts galore. Dr. Luna and family left Athena J ej terday for Lone Rock, Gilliam county. The doctor will reside there and prac tice medicine. '.Yesterday Robert Coppock purchased ' 1 I A I 4 AL W a new Duggy oi ma aihod mercantile Co., and a splendid single harness of W. E. Young, , A new porch constructed this week in front of toe Athena Hotel, adds much to the appearance of tbat popular resort. Mrs. Waterman came over from Walla Walla this week to nurse hereon, who is afflicted with measles, f Dr. Lannerberg, the oculist, will be in Athena Tuesday of next week and will remain two days, Lew Montague left Wednesday on a recreation trip to McDuff Springs, Grant county. Mies Flora Kemp returned home Wednesday from a visit to Walla Walla friends - V Sallns A Clark are oat of the saloon Dusiaess. Their license expired jester day. B. F. MuElroy and family have re moved to their farm near Pendleton. Golden Gate 4Qc tea ia excellent. We have triad it and can voach for it. Mrs. McElroy has leased her town residence to A. R. Bradley, Fred Fisoher is at the agency today on reservation land business. Rigby & Hales have just received a fresh stock of candies. Frank Beale shipped a carload of bogs to the Sound Monday. J. E. Gorman was iq town from Walla Walla Wednesday. Bowling Scores Tbe scores for tbe week enJlog Thurs day as follows i sf la eras Mrs. Kernn. 27: Un. Onhnrn. 2Sf Mn. Harnett, 24; Mias Celia Vaughn, 26; Mug Anna Hardea. 26; Mrs. W. M Roes, 33; Miss Anna Leacb, 28; Miss tier Hi a wuiany, IKS, . L. Spencer, 53; Raton Shsw, 47; H. Hill. 63: J. W. Smith. 54: Edward Kooalx 43; J. M. Craig, 41. Clojiog Out Myitockcf clocks, jewelry and nilver ware, at coat and below, ii. U. Hiu.. . Goes to Moscow. Fttev. C. H. McKee haa accepted a call to the First Baptist church of Moscow, Idaho, and haa moved there with his familv. Ha Marred finr nhnrrhna in j this field, Athena, A'tams, Helix and r eetony ine report ot the fifteen montbr work is 220 sermooa preached, 60 lectures delivered, 119 prayer meet ings attended, 433 religions calls and visits, 25 additions by baptism and 24 by letter and relation, young people's and junior meetings 05, two junior so cieties organized, one chapel bnilt at Helix, cost $300; improvements, $152. 25; state missions, $63 45; foreign mis sions, $32 05; ministerial education, $10; benevolences, $183; Sunday schools, fonr, with a contribution of $177.10, for school expenses and other objects. Mr. McKee was weil lihed by Athena people, and all are sorry to see him and hie family leave the city. The Mitchellites Beaten. Tbe republican primaries in all fur Pendleton precincts resulted in the de feat of so-called Mitchell republicans by "railed McKintey republicans, says ths F. tat Oregonian. The fight was an ex ceedingly warm one throughout tbe entire day, and considerable rancor was apparent between the leaders and work ers of the different factions. Every available man went voluntarily or was induced to go to the polls, which ex plains the extraordinarily large vote, a total of 401 in the city. Charges are made that several persons who had not heretofore been recognised as republic ans were allowed to vota, The Evenlnz Press. ) Commencing Monday evening, the cress win be issueJ daily for three months. The proposition is merely a business enterprise and not for political purposes. A good circulation has been secured to start with and the advertising patronage exceeded the publishers ex pectations. Tbe price of subscriptions in the city will be 15c pw week, deliver ed by carrier. , Republican Delegates. ' The republican primaries were held in North and South Athena precincts Wednesday afternoon. Tbe delegates elected to the republican county conven tion were: North Atbena W. J. Wilkinson, E. L. Barnett and E. S. Waterman. 8outh Athena M. M. Johns, Herman Lippold, L, A. Githens and E. A. Dudly. Hood's Pills are easy to take, easy to operate. Cure indigestion biliousness. 25c. Attendance Wanted. Tha recnlar mnntinor n( A than o flUnla No, 10, will take place Tuesdav evening, April 6th, at 7 p. m., instead of 2 p. m. A full attendance urged for work of Im portance. Peabl C. Hawks. i . " V- Guardian Neighbor. , Letter List. ! Letters fnr tha fnllnvina mmail n. sons remained unclaimed in the Athena, Oregon, postoffice, Feb. 28, 1898. Psr- buus uaiuug ior iub same win piease say "advertised." Baker Jas A Barnes Geo Cork Tom Dow Prof A B Knowlton Belle . Marshall O P McOIafey Chas Modlin Eli Rolf Geo Rack Mrs Grace Welch W L. A. Githens, P. M. J neiiricn K'or Shoes A standing blow to the so called "bargain houses." A legitimate offer of legitimate Shoes, made in the best fac tory in thij world shoes you know Shoes you appreciate. The Shoes you're after are at HELFRICirS $ & Farmers, Look to Your interest A John Deere " New Deal" 12-inch Gang Plow, with latest improved Dust Proof wheel boxing for $55, delivered at your station. Call or write us before buying. CRIFFIELD & SMITTEN, Wholesale and Retail Dealer Cor 1st and Alder, Walla Walla, : : Wash. uperior Photographs! Exclling all others in life like, Artistic and permanent results. I The New Store ! MORRIS BLOCK, Our Spring Stock of Clothing. 3"? 3 m Furnishing Goods r Is Now 3 .Prices Unsurpassed THE NEW. STORE g fib Agents for Buttenck's Patterns. This Order ......Sugar, 16 lbs.. ....Coffee, 10 lbs..... ........... Peaches, 10 lbs Syrup, 2 J gal Flour, 1 sack . Rice, 13 lbs Tea.l lb Beans, 28 ...Lard, 5 ' . The Brick RIGBY & HALES, Proprietors, The Munson Is "THE BEST" ,f v,w,U 1 THE HIGHEST GRADE AND.' STANDARD OF EXCELLENCE .... Controlled by no Trust or Combine .... Address for particulars: MUNSON TYPEWRITER COMPANY, Manufacturers, 240-244 W. Lake Street, Chicago, Ills. ii . vi OYAL Tailoring is the standard, . of excellence (TO-DAY NEXT YEAR ALWAYS Quality ever improving Purse pleasing prices CTHE DfWAI TAILORS Chicago, U. S. A. ATHENA, OREGON, . and Complete E? for $10.00 . ...... . ..... lbs. lbs.. y--j. V'-TILII-TPJ. 1 US . . .Pickles, 1 keg ; . . Soap, 5 bars .. .Salt, 5 lbs... . .Baking Powder, 1 lb Grocery, Athena, Oregon Typewriter Writing Machine SPECIAL FEATURES: Interchangeable Steel Typewheel, Insuring permanent alignment, Perfect light-swinging carriage, Metal erasing plate, Simplicity of construction, Writing in Bight, 90 letters and characters, Standard keyboard. THE "MUNSON' is especially feuaran teed in writing for live years from date of purchase. A FINE MUSIC BOX PLAYS ANY PIECE OF MUSIC WILL BE GIVEN AWAY BY MAX LEWIN,: THE PEOPLE'S FURNISHER Any person purchasing to the amount of $1.00 in Cash is entitled to one chance in a drawing on this fine musical instru ment. Each additional purchase of $1.00 in cash will entitle the buyer to: an additional chance. In strument is now on ex-; bition at my store. ; V MAX LEWIN, Leader In Low Price. Agent for ttojM xnnori. r ii ana tatigiaction guaranteed. I MAKE A SPECIALTY OF FINE CARBON WORK 'LGJPIOKEL'- South side Main Street, , Athena, Oregon.