The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, March 25, 1898, Image 2

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Published Every Prlday Morning
F. B. Boyd, Publish Ett.
Entered at Athena postofflce ai second-clans
(nail matter.
Subscription Kates:
Her year. In advance. - - - 11.50
Single copies. In wrappers, 8c.
Advertising latest
Local reading notices, first Insertion, 10c per
.1 ne. Each subsequent Insertion, 6c
All communications should be addressed to
he PRESS, Athena, Oregon
ATHENA, MARCH 25, 1898.
Fusion was the result of the de
liberations of the democrats, popu
lists and free silver republicans in
convention at Pendleton, Friday
last. The harmony which pre
vailed, and the declination of many
who were placed in nomination for
different offices, point strongly to
the fact that the offices, generally
speaking, sought the man, and not
the man the office. "The ticket
placed before the people is, there
fore, one that has been placed by
the people and not by machine pol
iticians. The ticket, in our estim
ation, could nave been stronger in
some individual points; but. where
is the ticket that could not have
s been made stronger, had it been
remodeled a second time? The
' party lash is a thing of the past;
and the old way of "voting for a
yaller dog, if he's on .my ticket,'1
doesn't go any more with the in
" telligent voter in local politics
Promises have been held out time
and again by the office-seeker to
the voter for more economical gov
ernment in our county affairs, but
no material good has come from
them. Democrats and republicans
alike have made promises that
have never been fulfilled. Prop
erty owners of the county, bur
dened with taxation, have turned
on the extravagant methods in
vogue heretofore, and resolutions
are ripe to support only men who
will strictly practice economy in
office. We say it and we sincerely
believe it, that the ticket now be
fore the people and tho one to be
brought into the field by the re
publicans, stand on their merits
only, and only on their merits will
they be supported by the people,
irrespective of party affiliations.
. A little more than one-half of
. , the publio domain of the United
States is either reserved or appro
priated. A report from the inter
ior department shows that the area
still remaining vacant amounts to
491,343,953 acres, without includ
ing Alaska, which is supposed to
embrace nearly 400,000,000 acres
more. ' The entire area of the Uni
ted States is placed at 1,835,017,
G92 acres. OX this 741,702,365
. acres is now'owned by individuals
orbfcorporations or by state, or
general government. The amount
: reserved for schools, Indians, mili
tary and naval purposes, railroad
grants, parks, forest reservations,
etc;, including all territory reserv
ed from salo for any purposo what
soever, amounts to 132,441,741
acres, so that, taking the reserve
land and the vacant land together,
only about one-balf of the area of
the United States has actually
passed out of control of the gov
ernment, and, if Alaska is includ
ed, the unoccupied area is larger
by 300,000,000 acres than that
which is occupied. Settled as
closely as Belgium this area would
accommodate the 15,000,000,000
supposed to constitute the world's
The breaking of ground for the
erection of a new cotton mill at
Concord, N. C, the other day was
an event of importance in the na
tion's history. New cotton mills
are not unplentiful in the south,
as manufacturers elsewhere can
testily to tneir sorrow, out this is
the first mill to be erected, owned
and operated exclusively by no
groes. For two. years a colored
merchant named Stoneman has
been working for the promotion of
this enterprise and has been able
to raise all the funds necessary for
the enterprise from members of
his race.
New England, now greatly inter
estcd in the depletion of her cotton
manufacturing industry through
the development of the south, must
eventually face a similar problem
in the wool trade. The west is
destined to encroach upon eastern
supremacy in this branch of man
ufacture in a steadily increasing
degree. As he great source of pro
duction with the great cost of trans
porting the row wool east in our
favor, there promises a rapid
growth in the making of woolen
goods in the Pacific states. The
past year has been productive of
considerable progress in this di
rection and the future will bring
greater developments.
The average charge of the rail
roads long and short for the
transportation of freight is esti
mated by experts at one cent a
pound. The average charge of the
same railroads for carrying mails is
more than five cents a pound, even
if we include the land-grants roads
that get only 80 per cent of the
price paid to others. The average
freight charge has been reduced by
no less than 40 per cent during the
last twenty years. The charge for
carrying the mails has not been
reduced at all. Here is the fraud
that causes an annual postal de
ficiency. 1 The way to stop the de
ficiency is to stop the steal.
From the tenor of the Portland
dispatches it is gleaned that fusion
is not having smooth sailing in the
convention. J. P. Young,, chair
man of the populir t state central
committee, heads a considerable
following who are in the middle of
the road, and who are doing every
thine; in opoosition to fusion. In
case th , populist convention in
sists on fusion with the democrats
and silver republicans, it is prob
able that a large number of dele
gates will walk out of the conven
tion. '
The returns of the adjutant gen
eral of the array show that the na
tion is not so badly prepared for
war, at least as far as the available
men are concerned, ns some be
lieve. In addition to the small
regular army, tho militia of the 45
states Includes 114,365 men, New
York loading with a total of 13,894.
The total number of men available
for military service is placed at
10,301,399, which would insure in
an emergency a very formidable
army in point of numbers.
Nathan. Pierce, who ran for gov
ernor on the populist ticket four
years ago, is ono of the delegates
from Umatilla county now in the
city, Milton, hia town, has been
fighting for a division of Umatilla
county for many years and Mr.
Pierce says the struggle is by no
means over, ns his neighbors have
to go too far to Pendleton, the
county scat.--Fortland Telegram-
J. W. Maloncy, of this city, was
the unanimous choice of the con
vention as candidate for the office
of Recorder of Conveyances, on the
union ticket. Mr. Maloney is ono
of the best qualified men that
coulJ have been chosen to run for
this office. He is a clean, compe
tent man, well known and well
iked by the people of Umatilla
county. ; '
Dogs are destined to play an im
portant part iii the affairs of the
world from now on. The English
foreign office has a bcrious question
of dog-muzzling diplomacy to set
tle, Kentucky is struggling with
tho canine tax business, and it is
impossible to reach Klondike with
out a spanking ouir of brindle
For the important office of Sher
iff, Wra. Blakely, who made the
race on the democratic ticket dur
iug tho last campaign, ia again be
fore tho people. . Mr. Blakely's
strong popularity throughout the
county, coupled with his ability,
will make him a hard man to de
feat. Planted now on the eastern
coast of China are Russia, Japan
Germany, England and France. It
is now a sort of happy family and
beats the concert of Europe for
C. . (Sates, nominee for clerk
on the union ticket is a competent
man, a royal good fellow and, if
elected, will make a good official
K.t urate Your llnnnU Willi CsMraruta.
Cnmly CmtmriUs curw onminatton forever.
lOc.sac. II C C. O. tall, tlru-lsts return! money.
When you take Hood's Pills. The big, old-fash
ioned, sugar-coated pills, which tear you an to
pieces, are not in It with lood's. Easy to take
and easy to operate, Is true
of Hood's Pills, which are
opto date In every respect
Safe, certain and sure. All
drttgglsts. 25c. C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass.
The only Pills to take with Hood's Sarsaparllla.
Notice for Pubiication.
Land Office at La Gi aorta, Ort gon,
Feb 23, 1898.
Notice ia hereby given that th follow
ing named setllt-r lias filed notice of his
intention to make final proof in BUDDort
of hU claim, and that said proof wilt be
mace before the Uonnty Werk of Uma
tilla County, Oregon, at Pendleton, Ore
gon, on
April I.?, 1N9K,
viz: Alex McDonald, H. E. No. 6103, for
the E4 8 and Lots 3 and 4, Sec 31.
Twp 4 N., U 34, B. W. M.
11 named (lie follow u g witnefnes to
prove his cantlnmm residence npm and
cultivation of. said land, viz: . "'
Lyman M. Walrus, Lee Price, Jpese O.
Hales, ell of Adams. Oregon ; Daniel K.
Bell, of Pendleton, Oregon-.
K. VV. Bartlett, R-giater.
Free Pilli.
Send your address to H. E. Bucklen
A Co.. Chicago, and net a fro samolo
box of Dr. Kinii' New Lit Pilln. ' A
trial will convince j on of their merits.
Tries pills nre ey in action -and ar
pirticula-ly effective in thn car of
Constipation ai.d Sick Headache. For
MaUria and Liver troubles they' have
been proved invulnablu. They ara
guaranteed to be perfectly freo from
every deleteriom nl.-afanoe and to tw
purely vetfi'tthK rhay do no: woak-
by their action, but by giving tone to the
stomach und bowels cre:itlv invigorate
the system Rogular eim 253 per bos.
Sold by U. O. Oabnrn, Druggist.-
Bucklen's Arnica Salve.
The Best Salve in tbe world for Cuts,
Bruises, Sore. Ulcers, Sale Rhoum,
Fever Sjrec, Tetter, Chapped Hand3,
Chilblains, Corns aad til Skin Erup
tions, and positively cures files, or no
pay requirod. It is guaran'end to give
perfect satisfaction or money refunded.
Price 25 cents per box For Sale by Q
O 0?burn.
f Everybody Says So.
Cascarcts Candy Cathartic, the most won
derful medical' discovery of the age, pleas
ant mid refreshing to tho taste, act gently
ond positively on kidneys, liver and bowels,
cleansing tho entiro system, dispel colds,
cure headache, fever, linbltunl constipation
and bilionsnoss. Pleaso buy nnd try a box
or C. C. C. to-day; )(), ", 50 cents. Bold nnd
euarontced to cure by all druggists.
Wanted-ftn Idea I
Who can think
some einiDle
Protect your Idesa; they may bring you wealth,
thing to patent?
Write JOHN WEUPRKBURN ft CO., Patent Attor
ney!. Washington, D. C, for their fl.SlX) price offer
and list of two hundred Inventions wanted.
l-I. II. MILL.
i IUoueer Drug Store, Athena, i
tlstlc Fashionable. OrftrlnaL Perfect-
Fittlnr. Prices 10 and 15 cents.
None higher. None better at any price.
? nearly every dty or town.. Ask fcr
R them, or they can be had by mall from
I us in cither New York or Chicago.
Vstm nKU mMvhirit r 1 ! t nm in
t oiamps jatci rasuiuu wucct r
tent upoa receipt of one cent to pay 1
I postage. - . , J
p.- ai i -. fc tr ci ci &
I Brightest ladles' magazine published. 7
I Invaluable for the home. Fashions of I
the day. Home Literature. Household 1
I Hints, Fancy Vork, Current Topics, f
I Fiction, a.l for only 50 cenb a year, in- I
5 eluding a 1'rco pattern, your own selec- !
( tlou any time. Send two 2-cent staups 7
for sample copy. Address v
J 13-146 West Hth Street, New York.
Should be In Every Homa and Library.
I Fsgfi's EiDlB History
I written by RUM Hon. WlllUm Ewiirt 0sdtone,
Ki-l'reruier of Cirwil Hrltion ntl Irolnnit, I liwl.r,
Kim.s K. A. H. bfcsoo. Vuu' tVllen. Oiford. Kn.:
Km. K.munl Ivan ('wrlixs U IV, Chii-MO 1 heologiejl
Hpmlnry,'.hlcio. II).; Ker. 1 khImio W r arrr, 1) D.,
r'.H.S.. 6ai ot tlants-tbury. CsnterhiitT, n,; K.
KlmerM.ien. l.U..'l'utt Colltsi. SouktvIII. Hum
)U. Frank W. tiunwulnik 1. IV. Armour luMmito,
Chiawo, lll.s hot. Uacw r. JVntwwrt, M.iv. mi
il. Hriul. 1.D.. First MathadM .KrM"Pl t'hnrc.
Knalan.lll.i K. W. T. Jrtour. l.lOV'Th t hrifc
listt 'oinmonweolth.'' Imlon, Eng.! Bn. f ilwrnr
Vwrett Hul IVIV. South Connwiittonal t hnrch.
KmaUiwu K. Joaofh kar KM, l IV. W twloxn
("ollsits, Kiehmmut, Kna i H. Clt R ttrjr,
lii'iiil I'ammtr, Lupiui, liwuiany; H. .
Cltmvur Wiikinann, D IV, l'uiril ot Ohicwato, Uu.
rBO. Ht.l H. Himl llrt. IVIV. Irlnuj tH,
IWtfnrd. tmn.l K. J. Mi.u W) GSbi. l).l.. StJoku
W iwJ l'rwhylriiu Chorch, tUtndan, hvui ri.
O. l M iinr, VI.. I, Tb Tml. Biwton. Mwo.
vtHiLiH iiiruii.-JH3 , 61 lull-s.! illustra
tion., .lti, cloth, tvlMi tlt lovaui, tuil
l fciiroUitTIOt rw. fwl)-P lllinrrtv
.1...- fc tii 1,' mift Volume.
l5rtk jW -4o wtjlttiwm. IH lovant, (nfswl,
la 16 FAti iJSOOrio ntinn'ini '."""V
BRtwr Nvsra, trml, trimin .lis:hil). 1 H ix.a wt
ir to t 1 UnrtHM a.l l bo.wli..r .
fnhr informal i.m. writ. JIKNUlf U. MIM AKi.
rui -v-
Is the place to get the best of Harness. "Good
Workmanship and best of material," our motto.
W. E. YOUNG, Proprietor, - - - Athena, Oregon
The Athena Lumber Co,
J. E. REEDER, Pres. II. II. CURTIS, Mgr.
We Respectfully Solicit the Trade
of trie People of Athena and
Surrounding Country. .
, The Athena Lumber Company respectfully call ybur attention to
the fact that they have established a lumber yard on Main street,
west of Railroad and respectfully solicit a liberal share of your pat
ronage, feeling tbat we can give entire satisfaction. We a6k you to
give us a call. . ' - .
Athena Lumber Co.
.lh-44j 60 YEARS'
Trade Marks
r'fftf1 Copyrights Ac.
Anyone sending sketch and deecrlptlon may
quickly ascertain onr opinion free whether an
Invention Is probably patentable. Communica
tions strictly conadentlaL Handbook on Patent!
lent free. Oldest agency for lecurltiK patents.
Patents taken through Munn Co. receive
' ipecUti notice, without ehsrae, in tbe
Scientific American.
A handsomely lllnstrated weekly. I freest cir
culation of any scientifio Journal. Terms, 13 a
year: four months, $1. Bold by til newsdealers.
,1UNN&Co.381Bro,dw,if' New York
Branch Office, 626 F Bt, Washington, D. C.
Thli la Your Opportnnitjr.
On receipt of ten centa, cash or stnmpB,
a generous sample will be mailed of the
most popular Catarrh and Hay Fever Cure
(Ely's Cream Balm) sufficient to demon
strate the great merits of the remedy.
66 Warren St., New York City.
Rev. JohnReid, Jr., of Great Falls, Mont.,
recommended Ely's Cream Balm to me. I
can emphasize his statement, "It is a posi
tive cure for catarrh if used as directed."
Rev. Francis W. Poole, Pastor Central Pres.
Church, Helena, Mont. 1
Ely's Cream Balm is the acknowledged
cure for catarrh and contains no mercury
nor any injurious drug. Price, CO cents.
Bucklen's Arnica Salve.
The best salve in the world for cats,
bruiuofl, sores, ulcers, salt rbenm, fever
sores, tetter, chapped hands chilblains,
corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi
tively cures piles, or no pay required. It
is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction
or money refunded. - Price 25 cents per
box. For sale by Pioneer Drug store,
G. O. Osburn, proprietor. '
liiluciiie lour llowela With Cuaeareta.
Candy Cathartlo, eure constipation forever.
10c, 2So. It O. C. C. fail, drut'Rlsta refund money.
Lung Troubles and Consumption Can
be Cured.
An Eminent Yer York Chemist and Scientist
Jlchvi a Free Offer to Our Readers.
The distinguished New' York chemist,
T. A. Slocum, demonstrating bis dis
covery of a reliable and absolute care
for consumption (Pulmonary Tubercu
losiB) and all bronchial, throat, long and
chest, stubborn coughs, catarrhal affec
tions, general decline and weakness,
loss of flesh, and all conditions of wast
ing away, will send THREE FREE
BOTTLES (all different) ot his New
Discoveries to any afllicted reader of the
Press writing for them.
His "New eicientiflo Treatment" has
cured thousands permanently by its
timely use, and considers it a simple
professional duty to suffering humanity
to donate a trial of his infallible cure.
Science daily developes new wonders,
and his great chemist, patiently experi
menting for years, has produced results
as beneficial to humanity as can be
claimed by any modern genius. His
deserting tbat lung troubles and cousin p
tiou are curable i'i any climate ia pro
veu by "heart felt letters of gratitude,"
tiled in bis American and Euroean
laboratories in thousands from those
cured in all parts of the world.
Medical exoerts concede tbat bronchial
chest and lung trouble lead to Consump
tion, which, uninterrupted, means speedy
and certain (loath.
Simply wiite to-T. A. Slocum, M. D.
98 Pine street, New Yoik, giving post
office and f xprces address, and tbe free
medicine will bo promptly sent, buner
ers should take instant advaotnge of bis
generous proposition"
' Fills bottle of common glass with
urine and let it ctand twenty-tour hours;
a sediment or settling indicates an un
healthy condition, of the kidneys. When
urine stains linen it is evidence o kid
ney trouble. Too frequent desire to
urinate or pain in the. back, are also
convincing proof that the kidneys and
bladder are out of order.
. There is comfort ia the knowledge so
often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's
Swamp-Root, the great kidney remedy
fulfills ever wish in relieving pain in the
back, kidneys, liver, bladder and every
part of the urinary passages. It corrects
inability to hold urine aud scalding
pain ia passing it, oi bad effecta follow
ing use of liquor, wiae or beer, and
overcomes that unpleasant necessity of
bainc counselled to get no many times
during the night to urinate' The mild'
and the extraordinary elleoi oi Bwamp
Root is tooa realised. It stands the
highest for its wonderful carea of the
most distressing cases. If you need a
medicine you ehoohl have the best
Sold bv druggists, pric fifty cents and
one dollar.
You may have a ramp!e bottle and
pamphlet both sent free by mail, upon
receipt of three two-cent stamps to cover
coet of postage on the bottle. Mention
tbe Press and uend yonr address to Dr.
Kilmer A Co., Binghamton, N. Y. The
proprietors of this paper guarantee the
genuineness of this offer.
rVa.. m ; 1 . . . . .fc fc. -1 V.. ....
ConHlder If yen can keen the wet nut
of yourritleitwl
wui not riuinourette. only - ar;
tells all about them. Up-todnle infor
mation alHtut powtlrs,black and smoke
less; proper sizes, mmntitles, how to
load ; hundreds of bullets, lead, alloyed,
Jacketed, soft-nosed, mushroom, etc.
trajectories, velocities, penetrations. All
cal lbres 22 to 45 ; how to care f or arms and
1,000 other tlilnxs, including mnny trade
X rea tr vom mil tena itamm for noMtaan hi
uever uviorts Kivtm 10 me puoilu.
J Tbe MarllQ Flreinni U., New Itsvea, CI.
that your house looks bad for
the want of paint and paper?
" $ '
can fix you' out in painting or
paper-hanging. See him at
once about it. Good work
at reasonable prices.
V!fi,, e'sis,vA'i4x''!KSi, ts.xs
' in .
fi Mrs. Hardin, .Proprietress, i
1 H. P. Milln, Manager.
I' ;',: .-: " "iff ; '. J
Can he recommended to the public as
y being first-class in every A
S ' particular.
X ' " 1
I We ' -
I Employ I
I White help only; I
and is the result et colds and
sudden climitio changes.
For your Protection
we poeitirely state that this
remedy doe not contain
mercury or any other injur
ious drug.
Ely's Cream Bali
is acknowledged to b the most thorough eon (or
Natal Catarrh, Cold ia Head snd Bay Fever of alt
remedies. I opens snd cleanses ths caul passages,
allays pain and inflammation, heals ths sores, pro
tects the membrane f rout colds, restores the senses
of tsete and smell. Price 60c. at Dratreists or by mail.
LV iSKUXiiEKS. 6S Warren Street, hew York.
Only First-lass Hotel in
the City.
Is the only one that can accommodate
commercial travelers.
Can be tecomemled for its clean aad
r well Tentlluted rooms. J
Cob. Maix andThiud, Atbkna, Or.
7 ?r w Q wast icEtcr,
J '. r Kan VMnf.MA. f
a marlin Repeaters
'f have Solid Tops, shedding water llkea
duck's back. Our lHT.nfin? tnwttliHn null
Proprietor ox
I IUP QTflPff Bou8ht and sold. The highest parket i
LlwL OlUUll price is always paid.
Honest business methods is what tells. Your Grocery trade
is what I want. -We bid for it on square business principles,
with a big fresh grocery stock from which to supply all of
your wants, and at prices that are reasonable and just and
that defy competition.
Next Door to Postofflce.
rand opening
The ladies of Athena and vicinity are cordially invited to attend the
spring display of domestic and imported pattern hats, March 22,
1898, nt E. E. Purington'e La Mode millinery, Pendleton. Miss E.
M. Bernard, the designer and trimmer of the house, has just re
turned from Chicago where ehe devoted six weeks to tho study of
iew designs and combinations under the expert instruction of a
French artiste. LA MODE MILLINERY;
Main Street, next to First National Bank. Pendleton, Oregon.
H. (". Adams, rresldent.
H. McArthur, Vlce-Vrcsldent.
Pays interest on time deposits.
Deals In foreign and
E, Jj. Baknett, Cashier,
In all Branches
Neatly done by Chapman.
Has Bargains for All
Main Street.
"We are onto our Job"
with the largest stock of Carpets, Oil Cloth, , Linoleum
and Wall Paper ever brought to Pendleton. Also an
elegant line of Portieres, Lace Curtains, Table Covers and
Lounge Trimmings all of the latest styles and patterns.
"Beautiful'' is the word for these goods. A few samples of
Carpet at Barrett's hardware Btore, in Atheua.
JESSE FAILING, Pendleton, Oregon.
Athena, Oregon.
. Sold By . "
C. A. Barrett & Co,
Dealers in.
A Car-load of t .
"Flyins Dutchman'
Gang Plows V .
3Iain Street, '.A then
H. P. Davis, 1 t
T. J. Kir! J. Directors.
E. Ii. Harnett,)
$ 60,000
Proper attention given to collections.
domestic exchanga.
. K. W. Barnett, Assistant Cashier,
is a pleasure when done with a 6et of
Joe Ell's stylish harness. We are
displaying a most comprehensive and
attractive stock of light and heavy
team harness, saddles, bridles, bits,
spurs, combs, brushes, tents, canvass,
wagon covers, etc.
Joseph Ell's
Leading Harness and Saddlery
Pendleton,' Oregon.
I can save
You Money
On your
A. MIIvLER, Attiena.