ATHENA PRESS Published Bvcry Prlday Morning F. B. Boyd, Publisher. Entered at Athena postoffice as second-olasa mail matter. Subscription ftatea: ter year, In advance, ... - 11.50 Single copiea. In wrapper, 5c. Advertising Ustcs: local reading notices, first Insertion, 10c per ,1 ne. Each subsequent insertion, 5c. All communications should be addressed to be PRESS, Athena, Oregon ATHENA, MARCH 18, 1898. The Milton Eagle now eays we may be trusted to grapple' with great questions, such as the erec tion of town hitching racks, and others of greater or less magnitude. Speaking of qualifications, reminds us that our friend Hull has been grooming himself for some time, through the columns of his paper, for the exalted and dignified posi tion of herder of the Milton town cow. The position, it seems, is eought after by our friend with great eagerness and, there being no other aspirant to the position of keeping the gentle-eyed "bos9y"off the sidewalks and out of the door yards, he will doubtless secure it with great eclat and sang froid. Should the "plum" fall within Mr. Hull's grasp, it is said he will at once change the cow pasture to uome region outside Milton's city limits. This fact, so far as we can see, is the only objectionable point the average cow owner of Milton can find againBt Hull having the place. Our best wishes are with him, and in the turmoil of our office work during the coining Bum mer months, when the city is dry and dusty and our head aches with the ceaseless grind of getting copy for the boys, what a solace, what a balm for that tired feeling known only to newspaper men, to imagine Hull out herding cows! Out on the hillside, mayhap where verdant grasses grow, little birdies sing and beautiful flowers are wafted to and fro by the gentle zephyr. What think you, reader, of the picture? And this one: A man, bare-head ed and footsore, tearing like mad down an alley; a street corner is reached; he pauses. And again. A woman appears with a look of expectancy on her face, and says; "Hyar! tie up our ca'f." He starts. A rustle of feminine skins is heard and turning, the man is confronted by an angry woman who has been pursuing him down the alley. She wants to know why he has not "fetched old Brin yet." "You fer got ter take Boss ter paster this inornin', Hull, an' ma's goin' ter break yer head," yells an urchin across the street. And so the pic ture goes on, and so does Hull. We envy the lucky star under which he was born. The earth apparently holds no attractions for Andreo and, after waiting all these months, an ex pedition is being fitted out in Swe den to search for the missing ex plorer. It is feared that Andrce will be harder to find than the north pole, but the expedition will start in that direction, and make the discovery of the pole an inci dental feature. The whole subject ia so bewildering that the average person is becoming totally indiffer ent to the existence of anything north of the flagstaff at Dawson City. A New York judge has granted a wife a divorce from her husband for six months. Notwithstanding all the cry against "plutocracy," this is an age when the necessaries and comforts of life were never more within the reach of the mass es. Divorces on the installment plan are one of many of pur mod ern developments which were un heard of in the so-called "good old days." Mr. Luetgert, of Chicago, is to be made chief sausage maker in the Joliet penitentiary. At the prison, precautions can be em ployed to prevent Mr. Luetgert from mixing any of his relatives with his sausage meat. Some pretended statesmen are advocating an alliance between the United States, aud Great Britain in opposition to Russia in dealing with the Asiatic question. Such an alliance would be an unholy one, for Russia is one of the best friends America ever had, while Great Britain has never been our friend commercially or politically. The German minister of, foreign affairs says the Chinese empire will probably exist for another 3,000 years, reopie laminar with Eu ropean history will beg to be ex cused from settling territorial questions that far ahead. The biscuit trust has a capita of $55,000,000, and yet there are people who seem to fear there will be a shortage in biscuits. Ladies' Home Journal Answered. By Rev. L. Green. We continue this week our criti cism of the article in the Ladies' Home Journal, on "The Decay of the Sunday School." In the article referred to. the 8iiperintentents are held up as be ing among the most ignorant class, lacking in personality and magnet ism. The object of this article u to defend the superintendents against this uncalled-tor attack, and to en courage them to go on in the work God has committed to them, and help to better the condition of the Sunday school. In the estimation of the Journal, the superintendents as a class, are almost entirely de void of understanding and abso lutely without personality or mag netism. Now, thinking seriously for a moment, one finds himself wondering how this thing can be; when the church has managed her affairs bo entirely to the satisfac tion of the Journal in every other department of the work. One thing ia sure: If this is the case, as the Journal assert?, it is some thing very remarkable and I am unable to see how such a thing could happen without an universal understanding among the churches and a desire to bring it about. While to say such a thing is to manifest at once to all christian people our ignorance of the hearty appreciation of the Sunday school and the good it is accomplishing, manifested by the christian world. That there are Sunday schools and superintendents of Sunday schools that are failures, all admit; but that all, or even a majority are failures, we deny. ' All must admit that the Sunday 6chool is best when properly man aged, and that it, as all institutions, could be made better; but that it is decaying and mouldering away, and that the managers are the most ignorant people we have, we deny. The allegation is an insult not only to the superintendent who has labored to build up the school, but to the intelligence of christians, and an outrage on com mon sense. It is much easier to write, con demning the superintendents and their mothods than to successfully fill their place; much eatier to say they are ignorant and lacking in personality and magnetism than to furnish the knowledge and mag netism necessary to make the schools what they are today. There is better literature used today, and more of it, than ever before. There is a greater effort being put forth to make the Sun day school what it should be, in most of the state3.. All things con sidered, the signs are full of hope for the future of the Sunday school. Great harm often come3 from looking on the dark side of life, and of saying things are going to decay, and everything is wrong sido up. Such is discouraging, to say the least. Tell a young man who has just started in the Christ ian life, that he will fail in that life, and you discourage him; then, when he makes a mistake, tell him you knew he would, and you have ruined his life. We can tell the people that the Sunday school is docayiug, and get this idea incul cated into tho public mind, and soon it will decay and vanish away. It is a good idea to always give people credit for all the good they do, and to look on the bright side and speak hopefully of those enterprises we would have succeed. Our words can help along these good works or they can be a detri ment to their progress. "The influence of a higher order of intelligence" is alJ well enough, but until we can furnish it, let us encourage tho intelligence that is at work and trying to make our Sunday school a power for good. If the Journal editor had to fill the superintendent's place awhile in 6ome Sunday schools, he might find that a successful school does not depend so much after all, upon the personal maenetism of the superintendent. Many things are necessary to a successful Sunday school, some of which we may mention hereafter. (to be continued.) To Cure a Cold in One Day, TVe Laxative Dromo Qaiuine Tablets. AH Druggists refund the mouoy it it faili to cure. 25c. When yon take Hood's Pills. The big, old-fash-loned, sugar-coated pills, which tear you all to pieces, are not In It with Hood's. Easy to take and easy to operate, Is true ol Hood's Pills, which are up to date In every respect Sale, certain and sure. All druggists. 25C. C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass. The only Pills to take with Hood's Sarsaparllla. Notice for Publication. Land Officu at La Oiande, Oregon, Feb 23, 1898. Notice is heraby given that the follow ing named eetuVr has filed notice 'of his intention to make Goal proof in support of his claim, aud that said proof will tie marie before the County Clerk of Uma tilla County, Oregon, at Pendleton, Ore gon, on April 15, IH9H, viz: Alex McDonald, H. E. No. 6103, for the E4 S'l4 and Lots 3 and 4, Sec 31, Twp. 4 N., R. 34, E. W. XI. He names the following witnerses to prove his continuous residence upin and cultivation of. mid land, viz.: Lyman M. Walrus, Lee Price, JpihO. fla'es. all of Adams. Orenon ; Daniol K. Bll, of Pendleton, Oieiwn. K W. Baktlktt, Register. Something to Know. -ft. may he worth cornet liing to know :liat ffae very bt ni'iii:i;m for rhetor icK the tirdd out nervous nyatnin t a healthy vior is Electric Bitters. This medicine is purely vegetal le, nets by giving tone to trio nerve centers in ihe Ktomacli, gently fctimnlatos the Liver and Kidneys and ida 1hnea orgaDS in throwing off impuritii'B in th blood. Electric Bitters improves the appetite, aids digestion and is pronounced bv those who bav tried it as the very bet blood purifier and nerve tonic. Try it. Sold for 50. or $1 per bottle at Pioneer Drug store, U. O. Os born, proprietor. Everybody Says So. Cascnrcts Candy Cathartic, tho most won derful medical discovery of tho ape, pleas ant and refreshing to tho tasto, act gently and positively on kidneys, liver nnd bowels, cleansing the entire system, dispel colds, cure lieoilaolie, fever, habitual constipation and biliousness. Plcaso buy and try a box of C. C. C. to-doy i 10, 85, 50 cents. bold and guaranteed to cure by all druggists. Don't Tobacco Spit mid Smoke Your Mfc Awsy. To quit tobacco easily and forever, be mag netlc, lull of life, nerve and vigor, take No-To- Bac, the wnnucr-worker, that makes weak men strong. All druggists, SOo or II. Cure guaran teed. Booklet and sample free. Address Sterling Remedy Co. , Chicago or New York. Clocks. MLVERWAREgc. AT VERY LOWEST PRICES t A SPLENDID STOCK TO SELECT FROM, AT ASTONISHINCLY LOW PRICES- t H.'H. HILL. 1 Pioneer Drug Store, . Athena. J sM-El-i-l'ttaBH4iBs04S ' BAZAR I It THE STYLISH PATTERN." Af lltfiir. FttfilnnsMe. fWlnaL Pwfect. Fitting. Prices lO and 15 cents, j iNone higher. XNone better at any price. Some reliable merchant sells them in ? nearly everv citv of town. Ask fcr !them, or they can be had by mail from 9 us in cither New York or Chicago, j J sumps lanen. Latest rasnioa sneet sent upon receipt of one cent to pay MS GULL'S MAGAZINE Brightest ladles' magazine published. i valuable tor the borne, rashlons ot the day, Home Literature, Household 2 pattei i iiou any lime, ocna two -ccn stamps i I for sample copy. Address . 3 C THE McCALL COMPAJNY.V S i J 12-146 West 14th. Street, New York. ! 159 Fifth Avenue, Chicago, I n r-..j . A THE GREATEST BOOK OF THE AGE I Should be la Ever; Home and Library. , tub fsguiq's Bis nisionj Is writtn by Kiht Hon. William Kwnrt Gtahton K-Jtremier of Grtmt Hritinu hik li-vlnml, Chester, Knir A. H. Kttyc. Uwwn'n tVlli. Oxford, Kng.i Knv. Hrtimwl Ivw Onrtiw, 1). U (liumro TheoloKicMl Seminary, Otucwo 111.; Hp. Frodtric W. Fdrntr. IU., F.H.S.. Vks&n ot Cantftrtmry, Canterbury. Kn.; lie. Klmr u.Ott,Mn I.l,,Tuft tVHoM, Sonervill. Mom.) Hot. Frank VV ittinnutuH, 1 l.. Armour Instil m. CtkicHM'V, 111.; Kr. Itporwtt F.lViitoooM, lVl., Mury Vrbjtertaa Church. London, fcf.ff.; H. H. fc. MrtcArthur, l.0.4 Calvary Bmlii Churvh, Npw York CUy, N. V.i Mftrtyit HummrbrH, tU.. Main Nrfi KrtwPaptUt Church, lwitcn. Me.i Rev. Frank M. HrintoL l.l Fir- MWhodirt KpiHCOiml Church, Fvimton,IJI.i H.iv. T. Mtwr I.L-U.'The Curia tiitn CotummwltU," London, F.nn-t Rv. Fdwitrd Kvwivtt 111 1M.. Bonth loncrfHtioiml Church, H'Mttm, Mwm.; Krt. Jixth Attar vmit 1.1 Wo)a&a i)Utr, Hictitwond, Kna.j Hh. Cnimr lien itrkry, ipiiil lsuimrUft l.etptit;, derma n ; lUv, Vru. Clever Witlurwoa, IV IV, 1'iuvrrMlji of CnicuKO, Chi tNwo. III.; Ke. Stimuel Hrt, lVl,t Trinity College, H art ford , ( Vn n . ; Ut . J . MonroGibwn,,St,Joh(r iwm) lrwbvtrinn Ohoh, lindvn, Knit.: Kev. 0Htrg O, lritnr, I.I..O , The Tempi limtim. Mnr, WVi I IHIHI. mi !irtv. M fuit--Ht ilnMm tion, tftlt (Kiisttt. clotu, half ktvtuii 4tX, fuil IvvHiir, Hi ulo Ei.moS.-l.W pmw. 3tV fn1I-i(H iMnstr. tton. ttt A ffitt ri4if. full Ifvunt, one vahime, tlSWK Pty,V-Hroiumw. full levant, tufthi, $aU; in If PAR T$, annrto n?, rriiw quest iin locwh.Rttff mir (v(ii, ttewvsi, trirumwl hltrhtly, $.iV v?-U r(, lor ale at all IwlKre nnd hv NvikwUfT. Fsr furthar infnrmatMn, wntsj HtAKV O. SHKPIU, i'uhiwhar.iUuud ill MounM titrwM.Clucal;o,llUuoik Wanled-An Idea Who n tbrnk of Haw stiupl Protect Tour lilww: ttiT mnj bring yo wwtitfc. bay. WhlBstoo, D. O.. fr their i.JO prlis oar 4kt ltot at two httadiwtl tuTailoii wuiteO. Va Car Constipation orever. Tnke Cascatf ts CamVv Cathartic. 10c or . Uf.CC. liiU to cure, druggista retunit mucey. Pills V Mints, fancy Work, Current xopics, I Fiction, all for only 50 cents a year, In- I eluding a 1'rco pattern, your own selec- Z THE PIONEER HARNESS SHOP Is the place- to get the best of Harness. ''Good Workmanship and best of material," our motto. . W. U. YOUNG, Proprietor, 1'SVS2VSS8V' The Athena Lumber Co. J. E. REEDER, Pres. II. II. CURTIS, Mgr. We Respectfully Solicit the Trade of the People of Athena and Surrounding Country. The Athena Lumber Company respectfully call your attention to the fact that they have established a lumber yard on Main street, west of Railroad and respectfully solicit a liberal 6hare of your pat ronage, feeling that we can give entire satisfaction. We ask you to give us a call. Athena Lumber Co. 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE Trade Marks Designs Copyrights Ac. Anyone sending a sketch and description nr quick)? ascertain our opinion free whether an Invention Is probably patentable. Communion tions strictly confidential. Handbook on Patents sent free. OldeBt agency for securing patent. Patents taken thronsh Munn A to. receive special notice, without charge. In the Scientific Atitericdn. A handsomely Illustrated weekly. I.nreest dr. eulation of any scientific journal. Terms. 13 year: four months, fL Bold by all newsdealers. PNN&Co.36,Bfd' New York Branch Office. 625 F St, Washington, D. C This Is Your Opportunity. On receipt of ten cents, cash or stamps, a generous sample will be mailed of the most popular Catarrh and Hay Fever Cure (Ely's Cream Balm) sufficient to demon strate the great merits of the remedy. ELY BROTHEBS, 66 Warren St., New York City. Uev. JohnReid, Jr., of Great Falls, Mont., recommended Ely's Cream Balm to mo. I can emphasize his statement, "It is a posi tive cure for catarrh if used as directed." Rev. Francis W. Poole, Pastor Central Pres. Church, Helena, Mont. Ely's Crenm Balm is the acknowledged cure for catarrh and contains no mercury nor any injurious drug. Price, SO cents. Bucklen's Arnica Salve. The beat salve in (he world for cats, ! bruises, sores, alcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped bands chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi tively cures piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to uive perfect satisfaction or money refunded.' Price '25 cents per box. For sale by Pioneer Drug etoro, G. O. Osburn, proprietor. Educate tour Dowels With Cuscarets. Cindy Cathartic, cure constipation forever, tOo, 2oo. If C. 0. 0. tall, druggists refund money. THE WONDER OF SCIENCE Lung Troubles and Consumption Can be Cured. An Eminent New York Chemist and Scientist Makes a Free Offer to Our Readers. The distinguished New York chemist, T. A. Slocurn, demonstrating his dis covery of a reliable and absolute cure for consumption (Pulmonary Tubercu losis) and nil bronchial, throat, lung and chest, stubborn coughs, catarrhal affec tions,' general decline and weakness, loss of flesh, and all conditions of wast ing away, will send THREE FREE BOTTLES (all different) ot his New Discoveries to any afflicted reader of the Fkkss writing for them. His "New Scientific Treatment" has cured thousands permanently by its timely use, and considers it a simple professional duty to suffering humanity to donate a trial of his infallible cure. Science daily developes new wonders, and hia great chemist, patiently experi menting for years, has produced results as beneficial to numaoUy as can he claimed by any modern genius. His deserting that lung troubles and consul p Hon are curabls in any climate is pro ven by "heart felt letters of gratitude," tiled in his American and Euroean laboratories in thousands from those cured in all parts of the world. Medical experts concede that bronchial cheat and lung trouble lead to Consump tion, which, uninterrupted, means speedy and certain death. Simply write foT. A.'Slocum, M. D. 98 Pins street, New Yoik, giving post office and e xprees address, and the free medicine will be promptly sent. Suffer ers should take instant advantage of hia generous proposition- HOW TO FIND OUT. Fill a bottle of common glass with urine and let it etand twenty-four hours ; a sediment or settling indicates an un healthy condition of the kidneys. When urine stains linen it is evidence of kid ney trouble. Too frequent desire to urinate or pain in the back, are also convincing proof that the kidneys and bladder are out of order. WHAT TO DO. There is comfort In the knowledge so often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's 8wamp-Hoot, the great kidney remedy fulfills ever wish in relieving pain in the back, kidneys, liver, bladder and every part of the urinary passages. It corrects inability to hold urine and scalding pain in passing it, oi bad effeeta follow ing use of liquor, wine or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant necessity of being compelled to get xtp many times during the night to urinate- The mild and the extraordinary effect of Swamp Root is soon realised. It stands the highest for its wonderful cures of the most distressing cases. If yon need a medicine yon should have the beet. Sold by druggists, plica fifty cents and one dollar. You may (have a sample bottle and pamphlet bath sent free by mail, upon receipt of three two-cent stamps to cover coet of postage on the bottle Mention the Thkas and send yonr address to Dr. Kilmer A Co. , Binghamton, N. Y. The proprietors of this paper guarantee the genuineness of this offer. i Athena, Oregon Preyai , I v V must- be chosen Tymh "' Ko.159 He JJontgoa. try St., r&. uonslrter If yon can keep the wet ont (6 Baa Iranckoe. Marlin Repeaters have Solid Tops, shedding water like a duck's back. Our l!t7-piae book (Just out) tells all about them. Up-to-date Infor mation about powders. black and smoke less; proper sizes, quantities, how to load ; hundreds of bullets, lead, alloyed. Jacketed, soft-nosed, mushroom,! etc.; trajectories, velocities, penetrations. All calibres 22 to j how to care for arms and 1,000 other things. Including many trade secrets never before Kiven to the public. r rm y vou nil tend ttiimpt for pottage to The Msrlli Firearms Co.. New Hsvea. Ct. KNOW that your house looks bad for the want of paint and paper? m R. L.MALONEY can fix you out in painting or' paper-hanging. See him at once about it. Good work at reasonable prices. I THE ATHENA HOTEL P Mrs, Hardin, Proprietress, p I H. P. Milln, Manager. & I ' w. i k Can be recommended to the public as f being flrstclass tn every S particular. I w . 1 1 We. Employ 1 White help only. I y Ml? ATS 2 PF'T. LOCALDISEASE and is the result ol colds and sudden climatic changes. For your Protection we positively state that this remedy does not contain mercury or any otber injur ious drug. Ely's Cream Balm Is acknowledged to be the most thorough care for Kssal Catarrh, Cold in Head and liay Fever of all remedies. I opens and cleanses the nasal passages, allays pain and inflammation, heals the sores, pro tvets ths membrane from colds, restores the senses of taste and smell. Price 5fle. at Draroists or by mail. ELY BHGTlLKllS, M Warren Street, New York. 444 Of THE ST. NICHOLS HOTEL J. W. FROOME & SON PROPRIETORS w Only First-class Hotel in the City. It? THE ST. NICHOLS l U the only one that can accommodate L commercial travelers. - 4 i w J I l-an be lecomendcd for Its ck-an and -well veutllalc-d rooms. , Coa. Maw as Third, Athssa, Or. 4L n 1 rwju;M;Liirm YOU 0k I GUARANTEE. All my work. I use nothing but good stock. '. My harness is all hand sewed. I make low prices in order to make quick sales. I do all kinds of repairing promptly. . FEED FISOHEE; The Hand-sewed llarness Maker. ; Main Street, Athena BLUSTER WON'T Honest business methods is what tells. Your Grocery trade is what I want. We bid for it on square business principles, with a big fresh grocery Btock from which to supply all of your wants, and at prices that are reasonable and just and that defy competition. The "BLUE FRONT" Next Door to Postoffice. rand Opening The ladies of Athena and vicinity are cordially invited to attend the spring display of domestic and imported pattern hats, March , 22, 1898, at E. E. Purington's La Mode millinery, Pendleton. Miss E. M. Bernard, the designer and trimmer of the house, has just re turned from Chicago where she devoted six weeks to the study of -new designs and combinations under the expert instruction of a French artiste. LA MODE MILLINERY, Main Street, next to First National Bank. Pendleton Oregon. C. A. BARRETT & CO., j. Siitk, . Office over First National Bank, Painting . . . In all Branches Neatly done by Chapman. ' i, HOUSE PAINTING AND DECORATING. J. W. "MILLER, THE RUSTLER," nas Bargains for AH -1 Main Street. N. "We are onto our Job" 1t II with the largest stock of Carpets, Oil Cloth, Linoleum, and Wall Paper ever brought to Pendleton. Also an elegant line of Portieres, Lace Curtains, Table Covers and Lounge Trimmings all of the latest styles - and patterns. "Beautiful' is the word for these goods. A few samples of Carpet at Barrett's hardware store, in Athenal JESSE FAILING, Pendleton, Oregon. Hi I 111 ... WIN Athena, Oregon. B " MODEL ART " Heaters Sold By C. A. Barrett & Co, Dealers In GENERAL HARDWARE A Carload of "Flying Dutchman" X Gang JPlows ; Main Street, Athena ro iPabiiq; ; ATH EAI A, ORESON & THEY HAVE A STRONG PULL Because their harness will not break or slip. Many a teamster has reason to thank us lor getting him out of the mire In bad weather. Our harness is made of such good material and by the best workmen, that if anything gives it will not be our harness. You can pull anything out with it. Try one of our heavy hand made team harness and you will be convinced that the place to go is Joseph Ell's Leading Harness and Saddlery Pendleton, Oregon. CHAPMAN, Athena I can save You Money On your -Furniture -k v': A. MIIJUBR, Atliena. HI M -1?? ill .n v. 4 m 9