The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, March 04, 1898, Image 4

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A Brave Pe pie, But Not Fit for Open
v . Fighting;.
Portlnml Oregonian '. The area ofcoa
tinental Spain is 191,100 rrj'iare miles
hoot double tliat of Oregon. The pop
ulation, according to Ute ee imsle, it a
little less than 18,000,000 For to old a
conntrv, iber bat been iitiin receut
time eanaioVrable increase of popula
tion. In 1798 the popnlatioo rai eeli
maMlo number 10,(01 430: in 1828 it
waa 13 698 029; In 1880, 15.658,631.
Tbe pupulalioa of Spaniah colon 'al
poeaeaeion in America if estimated at
2.438.395 now much reduced by the
rniian .r : in Aaia. 7.1J1.172: in Africa.
186,000. Total, 9,695,667. The total J
population OI Spain ana ner iwiumee,
" therefor, is about 27,600,000.
; According to the statement of the
' minister of finance, tbe debt of Spain,
June 20, 1S96, amounted to 6,941,459,300
' pesetas. Tbe peseta is silver coin, of
tbe nominal value in our currency of
46J rents. Tbe debt of Spain, then,
measured in our money, would amount
to the prodigious sum of $2,500,000,000 a
gam nearly as great as the debt of the
United States at the close of our civil
war, and three times as great as the
present interest-bearing - debt of the
United State.
, In a financial sense, then, Spain is
verv weak. Her revenue for manv Tears
tores, btie nae, , moreover,, employed
evrry pofeible means of raising revenue,
and has no further resources to draw
upon ; ana ner create is so low tnai ad
ditional loans are Impossible.
- act arujY, uu papier, id iuiuoihuh iui-
rcidable. The forces consist of a per
. . . - , 1 -1 . L. -1
niDeni nrnJT vi a normal aireuiuu ui
183,000 men and officers, and ol a nrst or
active reserve and of a second or leuen
tary reserve, for which no number are
quoted, ine greater pare oiiue active
army has been sent during tbe pest three
years to service in the East and Wed
mutes, ana n is uoinveu an nicnicnin
part have perished. Spaiu's army is
.. ........11.. fAMt.l.UlA nn.fiAnLUhanh
gauize really formidable armj. But sne
, UBS, a.oavy oi consiuerauio siieugi".
with winch losses mtgut be inuicteu on
us at points along our extended a a
hniil i ill rnnru aha ftnnlii land na
luixtts uu uur uuron. jur uivubuij
should e attempt to laud an army on
the coast of Spain. We should, how
ever, speedily send an army to Cuba,
and every tilort would be made to des
troy the Spanish navy, to blockade the
ports of Spain, and to force them, where
It might Seem possible. The commerce
of Spain is very considerable, and it
would be an important part oi our effort
to blockade tbe ports of tbe country.
Spain has no resources that would en
able ber to compete with us in making
additions to naval strength.
Tbe Spaniards are a brave people, but
for an open field fighting are not good
soldiers, f hey are capable, however, of
making desperate resistance, when under
cover. It was only when within fortifi
cations that they made any real resist
ance to Napoleon's armies. True, they
captured oue French army corps during
the Napoleonic wars, but that was due to
the Incompetency of the French com
mander. But tbe Spaniards have high I
opinion of their own soldierly qualities
and of their national prowess; they are
vainglorious braggarts, and really believe
they never were beaten, but they have
been victorious in all their wars. It ie
their fixed belief that it was their own
might that expelled Napolean from
opatn, and tney doubt not u opatn nad
been in the place of France in 1870 the
German armies would have been burled
back in defeat over tbe Rhine.
Of tbe soil of Spain, about 80 per cent
is classed as productive. Of this 35 per
cent is devoted to agriculture and gar
dens, 3 6 per cent to vinyards, 1,6 to
olive culture, 20 to natural grass, and 21
to fruits. : Wheat, rye, barley, maize,
esparto, flax, hemp and pulse are the
leading farm . crops. The vine is the
most Important culture, and large quan
tities of wine, oranges, raisins, grapes,
nuts and olives are exported. Great
Britain takes annually from Spain pro
ducts worth 10,000,000 to 12,000,000.
Contrary to common opinion, Spain
has a very considerable merchant navy.
From the latest return, it contained 427
steamers of 313,178 tons net, and 1041
sailing veptels of 172,729 tons net; total,
1468 vessels of 485,907 tons. In 1805
there entered 20,268 vessels, of 13,193,629
tons, of which 11,054 carried the Spanish
nig. ; - ,
U The Sunday-School Decaying.
Not for a long time has the Sunday
school as an institution bsen handled so
absolutely without gloves as in Edward
Bok's editorial on "The Decay of the
Sunday' School" in the March Ladies'
Home Journal. Mr. Bok bas evidently
studied his subject closely, and tbe re
sult must have been far from satisfactory,
judging by the way he bandies tbe entire
topic. In words which no one can mis
understand, with sure aim, he pillories
tbe average Sunday-school, and declares
it to be "a rebuke to the Intelligence and
a discredit to the church." I'robsbly no
religious article of recent publication
willcaueeso much comment or e?oke
such bitter controversy as this remark-
. 1. 1 n : . ;i i. .. i. 1 1 l. 1 1 . i . i i
'UIB BUILUriBl UV lUB 1 11 imur 1 DUil Muiinr.
Free of Charge to Sufferers.
Cut this out and take it to your drng
gist and get a sample bottle free of Dr.
King's New Discovery for Consumption,
Coughs and Colds. Thev do not ask
you to buy before trying, this will show
you the great merits of this truly won
derful remedy, and show you what can
be accomplished by the regular size bot
tle. This is no experiment, and would
' be disastrous to the proprietors did they
not kuow that it would invariably cure.
Many of the best physicians are now
using it in their practice with great re
sults, and are relying on it in most se
vere caaee. It is guaranteed. Trial
bottles free at the Pioneer .Drug Store.
Regular sins 60c and $1.
State Convention.
The democratic state convention will
meet in Portland Wednesday, March 23,
to nominate state and district officer?,
including candidates for congress from
the first and second districts. The con
vention will consist of 267 delegates, the
mini being one delegate for each 200
votes, or fraction thereof over 100, cast
for William J. Bryan.
Fred Rogers In Chicago.
Fred Rogers, general freight and pas
senger agent of tbe W. A 0. R. Ry is
In charge of tbat road until such time as
the Northern Pacific officials formally
take profession. It is rumored tbat Mr.
Rogers ill be made general agent of the
syetent, but it may be aeversl weeks be
fore the Northern Pacific makes a move
in the mutter.
Certainly Out of Luck. '
Thirteen young Englishmen, under
the leadetsbipof Viscount Avonmore, left
Montreal on December 13th last for
Klondike. Since their departure they
have bad all kinds of bad lack. From
Montreal they proceeded to Edmonton,
! N. W. T., where n fw days ftr their
artival Captain All ejn died of pnen
momn.eoa traded by venturing out when
tbe temperatnre was 20 degrees below
sen Dr. D. D Hoop, another member
of the party, fell and bi lly sprain! his
ankle a few days later. Then Captain
Powell, whil on a short t ip into the
country, had hir feet badly frozen, and
an English colonel, who was one of the
ill-faied 13. broke IU arm. Captain
Powell left tbe patty and proceeded to
Vancouver, where, three days laujr, he
died. Tben Dr. Hoops met with an
other accident by falling across a dog
sleigh, breaking bis ribs. Mr. Banner
man, another of the parly, was arrested
at the instance of Captain O'Brien, on a
charge of embezzlement. Captain
O'Brien, who bad assumed the leader
ship of the party, was arrested on tbe
charge of assault for atiempting to stsb
a man in his employ. The captain bas
Just been bound over to keep the peace
and tbe party is broken op. .
I . What Dr. A E. Salter Says,
Buffalo, N. Y. Gents : From my
personal knowledge, gained in observing
the effect of your Shiloh's Cure in cases
of advanced Consumption, I am pre
pared to say it is the most remarkable
Remedy that bas ever been brought to
my attention. It lias certainly saved
many from Consumption. Sold by G.
C. Oaburn, tbe prescription druggist.
As stated, the dynamite had expWid
The heavy freight train coming 'at full
speed, completely closed tin tunnel,
thereby transforming it into a huger cannon.-'
Tire compressed air caused by the
rapidity of the train, added consl-hrably
to tbe force of the explosion, which
naturally found vent at the open end.:, or
muzzle, The first t thought . of Shot ty
Jones cur Klondiker was tbat hn had
been blown to atoms, and, as be felt
himself borne outward and upward
through the air without an effort of bis
own, it fUsbed through his mind tbat he
was climbing the golden staiis. '
For only an instant did these thoughts
occupy his time; for, on feeling around
and pinching bimeelf, be found that he
was all there, and very much alive and
so far as be could determine alter a hur
ried examination but slightly damaged.
His next thoughts were of a soft place
to alight, but he derived no comfort
from their entertainment, His contem
plations and anticipations being some
what confused be defered action till
later. In It as time than it takes to tell
it he was sailing through tbo air at an
elevation cf four miles and at a rate of
speed of ten miles a minute.
Seeing some object whirling near him,
he involuntarily put out his hand, as
a drowning man would grasp st a straw,
gradually stopping its gyrations. It
proved to bo a box containing two hun
dred pounds ot onions, the only part of
his outfit he had seen since be had been
so unceremoniously elevated. Drawing
it to him be placed it under himself,
reclining on it, as it were. It seemed to
buoy him up; to give him strength;
which no doubt It did -onions being
noted for their buoyancy and strength
giving qualities. Becoming somewhat
accustomed to his aerial flight, our Klon
diker found by experimenting that he
couli change his course, up or down,
to the right or left, at will, by simply
extending bis hands forward and inclin
ing them in the direction he desired to go.
Thus was demonstrated by sn accident
which had hitherto been but a theory ;
that is, with tbe proper altitude and
sutlicient momentum one can sail
through the air indefinitely, with little
effort on his part; like a bir J with mo
tionless pinions, the resistance of the
atmosphere being equalised by the pres
sure of the same, as it closes in after the
aerial navigator. .
On making this discovery, Mr. Jones
proceeded to make his calculations ac
cordingly. He decided to steer for the
Klondike, regardless of consequences.
We shift the scene to Athena. For
the paBt weeks entertainments and fes
tivitiee have been te order of the day.
The numerous orders; Masons, Odd
Fellows, Knights, Workmen, Woodmen
and Maccabees, each had their innings,
as did also the public school, affording
an opportunity for local talent as varied
as pleasing. One of the most unique
and pleasing of tbe entertainments was
that given under the auspicies ol the
Rebekahs; the Female Minstrels. ' Both
'ota era';
i a;- u i i i
the street parade and tbe performance
at the opera house would have been
creditable to professionals.
- The United States of America, once
the land of the free and the home of tbe
brave, is now the land of the trust and
home of the slave.
Trust corporations and monopolists,
control almost the entire wealth of the
nation, compelling every free-born
American citizen to do their bidding or
cease to exist.
To them we are bound as Irrevocably
as was ever Africans during cruel slavery
days, and unless a combined and vigor
ous effort is made to throw off the
shackles, ere long we will have to bare
our backs to the lash. All staple pro
ducts are being cornered by speculators.
The standard Oil Co. control the
entire oil business, Joseph Letter has
cornered 13,000,000 buabels of wheat,
Armor has a cinch tn the pig, and last
but not least Thompson tbe "village
blacksmith," he of the "sinewy hands"
and "brawny, arms," has recently,
l i 11 . a i n
On the Neck and Great Weakness
Caused by Impure Blood -Vas
Constantly Crowing Worse.
M When my son tvas 6 years old bo was
In very poor health snd we could get
nothing to relieve him. At the age of 7
years he began to complain of soreness on
both sides cf his neck and soon lumps be
gan to gather on one side and grew to
halt tbe size of an egg. We then became
more uneasy and began to doctor him for
scrofula. lie gradually grow worse, how
ever, until at the age of twelve years we
had lojt all hope of his recovery. He be
came so weak ho could sit up but a few
minutes at a time. My v. ifo saw Rood's
Sarsaperilla recommended as a great blood
purifier and we sent and got a bottle. We
began giving our boy tbe medicine ac
cording to directions and it was not long
before we saw he was Improving. He
continued taking it until he was in very
good health. lie is now 13 years old snd
Is well. We recommend Hood's Sarsapa
rilla for all troubles caused by Impure
blood." B. M. Silveb, Grouse, Oregon.
Hood's Barsapnrllla Is told by all druggists.
$1; six lor 15. Get only Hood's.
made a corner on ton! stools.
"Week in, week tut, from m
You cm bear his belbwe blow,"
And his corner on Fresh mush
rooms, .
Is what makes hii bailors go.
It is rutuorttd that Ilks and Githen
are interested in the d jtl ; Accessaries
after the ac, as it were; but Thompson
is credited with having tutnipnlated tbe
"Auil children,- coming home from
School, ' .
Look in at the oten door," ; j
And see him, feasting on French
mushroims, " .
As he scbemea to corner some more. '
It behooves over patriotic citizens to
rise in their might and nip this innova
tion in the bud. In a well regulated
community there is no place for Pluto
crats. Down with monopolists. Live
or die ; sink or swim ; survive or perish ;
eternal vigilance is tbe price of liberty,
and don't you forget it.
At the entertainment given by the
Woodmen Circle, Mr. Parrett delivered
the address of welcome. As a spell-
bounder Mr. Barrett is a success, procf
of which is tbe fact that some of the
audience shed tears as large as prunes.
The bovine species, from time imme
morial bave been noted for their total
disregard for the rights of humanity
and their base ingratitude for favors
kindly shown. Tbey have a way pe
culiar to themselves of gaining one's
confidence and when least expected
presumably from motives nf pure cuss
edness betraying it at tbe very first
opportunity presented. When ever a
person arrives at the conclusion that a
cow is innocent and harmless, and can
be trusted, then that person is in danger
Remember it was Mr. O'Leary's cow
that kicked the lantern and caused tbe
destruction of Chicago. How much
better it would have been bad she kicked
the bucket before having an opportunity
of kicking the lantern.
Then more recently Joe Saylor. who
was a victim of misplaced confidence,
while milking bis favorite cow she up
set him, and, to add insult to injury, she
deliberately stepped in his face, making
a track tbat resembled the letter B. Joe
being of quick perception took the hint
and let her be. Since then he has taken
his coffee and strawberries strait.
Recently an incident occurred at the
Rosonsweig residence, which for pure
unadulterated ungratefulness and pre
meditated abstractiveness surpasses any
similar occurrence on record.
Mr. Fred Rosensweig keeps a cow,
and that she may the more readily and
willingly accede to the demands on her
generosity, she is abundantly supplied
with all the dainties and luxuries that
are eupposoJ to keep a . cow in good
humor and condition. Being docile and
content she thrived and fattened but
from want of sufficient exercise she was
inclined to be a little foxy.
The other day the young hopeful,
Rosensweig Junior, while watering her
tied her to the sill of the kitchen win
dow. No sooner had he done so than
the obstreperous brute started off with
the Rosencweig residence, inmates in
cluded and if the window frame hadn't
Sven way, the re ia no doubt but what
r. Fred Rosensweig and family would
soon bave been enjoying the pleasures
and comforts of country life, and pos
sibly Fred would bave been accused of
jumping some ones ranch. The house
was considerably damaged and Mr.
Rosensweig ia loser, having neglected
to take out any cow insurance. Mr.
Rosensweig ia deliberating as to whether !
or not it would be advisable to hang :
tbat bovines hide on the fence, as a I
warning to those who have implicit I
connaence in a cow a lutegrity.
(To be contiaued.)
Children and adults tortured by
bums. BCalda. inillrl Miam nr aVln
diseases may secure instant relief by
using De Witt's Witch Haiel Salve.
It is tbe great Pile remedy. Palace Drug
Store, Wm. MoBrUe, Prop.
Real state.
480 ACRES !
ten miles north of Athena 320
acres of good wheat land, 160 acres
pasture. Good house, barn, out
buildings, wind mill, etc. A bar
gain at $5,500.
splendid wheat land, six and a half
miles north of Athena well im
proved. Yours for $4,250.
1120 ACRES
600 acres in cultivation, balance
pastuie; about 250 acres summer
fallow. Well improved with house
barn, two wells, wind mill cistern
etc. Cheap at $12,000.
on Pine Creek. About 8Q acres in
cultivation. Abundance of water
for irrigation and plenty of wood
for use on the place. Nearly 600
fruit trees now bearing. $2,400.
180 ACRES .
good timber land. You can get it
if taken no w, for $900.
pasture land, one half suitable for
cultivation.' Good spring of water
and is only two miles from railroad
station: A snap at $1,000.
one 7 roomed house and good barn
with 3 lots in Railway Addition
5 or 6 milec from Athena, good
Wheatland,- $3200.
320 ACRES -
130 acres in cultivation, balance
pasture, part in summer fallow.
A good place for $3,750. ;
fruit farm, between '.Walla Walla
and Milton." 25 acres of bearing
fruit trees, 4 acres fn' strawberries,
3 acres in blackberries, 2 acres in
asparagus, balance in alfalfa.. A
good house, barn, etc., abundance
of water for irrigating purposes, no
rocks. A model home and a mon
ey maker. Price, $12,000.
1 FIVE - -'i
room hous? on Jefferson Street,
Athena, for $500.
on Washington Street, Athena, a
good house and barn, fine location
and cheap at $500. - -"
on Weston mountain, part sum
mer falow, good house and barn,
growing orchard, all well improved
in Sand Hollow, 135 acret sum
mer fallow, good house and barn,
plenty of water. An excellent
wheat farm. $7500.
J. W. SMITH, Athena, Obegon.
Wm, McBride,
-.Dealer In.-.
Fine Cbemicals. "Plariacentical
Specialties, Dye Stuffs.
Toilet dk Fancy article, Comba,
Brushes, Perfumery, Powders,
Preparations for the teeth. '
Frescrlptlon&carefuUy compounded.
Everything first-class at the "Pilace."
Best Turnouts
In Eastern Oregon.
Stock Boarded
by the Day, Week
or Month.
Athena, Ork.
J. B. Huntington,
25 SO
ABSOLUTELY GUARAHTEED 1? "rf"of co?s,'p"o- t uu w
l n Sotlt tnt. is. CTKBUSfl RKMEDI CO.. Chlauro. Montn-.l. feu,., w Ww TorfcT SmJ
' J?qj Bright, Ready-mixed Paints, Wall Paper, Leads, Brushes,
Oils, Glass, Wind Mills, etc., see
Estimates cheerfully furnished, and
all work guaranteed.
PARKER & FERGUSON .Proprietors of
. .
In Latest Styles
f.rr i,.
Lumber FliUmber
t i !
Owen & Thompson, in connection with their Blacksmith and
General Itepair Shop, now
,; ' .. Shingles and Cedar Posts of
in car-load lots, or by clubbing in together, can save ' money by
. seeing them and getting their prices. ;
A Great Magazine Offer.
The regular subscription price of
. "Demorest's Magazine,"
"Judge's Favorites and
"Funny Pictures" is $3.00
"Dciiioreftt'ii Mngii'liK'" )g by far the best family magazine published. There Is none of our
iiniumiicii iii wuivu me ucuutiiui anu me useuii, pleasure ana proflt.rushlon ana litem.
, ture ore so fully presented an In Domorest's. There is. In fact, no publication pretending
to a similar scope and purpose which can compare wllh it. With each number is a tree
pattern coupon. . (
"Judge's Library" Is a monthly mtigazlne of fun, filled .with illustrations in caricature
ru n ny Pletu res" is another humorous
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Cut here and return Coupon properly filled out.
PEMOREST PUBLISHING CO.. 110 5th Ave . New York.
For the enclosed $2 please send 'Demoresfs
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v uu vail i
O yY' White Plume from a S
3k Sjs'J?ii Crow's Tail, nor a good P
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yvSS. Monarch f
P r S SSsSWW 14 good through. Q
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3k Jr fnd nine two-cent stamps lor Afoaatxa v
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all grades. ' Parties wishing to buy
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monthly: there is a laugh in every line ot it. All
i.n a riocr rr a mnytnnn n.iiu -.-! iiinut -atiku
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Family Magazine, Judge's Library
- office.............
1.0 DCS BISECT ii v ; j
A. F.U.U. HO.- 80 MEETS TBI,
. First and Third Saturday KvenLne
f each month. Visiting fcsethereu J
iiaUy invited to visit the lodge.
r O. O. F. NO. 73." MEETS EVER
1. Friday niht. Visiting Odd Fellowa
n good standing always welcome. i
A- O. U. W. NO. 104, MKM3 ln( ,
Second and Fourth Saturdays ol
each month. Lake France,
A THENA CAMP, NO. 171, Woodmen of the
A. World, meets 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of
sach month. Visiting Chopper always wel
come. O. C. Osbces, Clerk,
Thursday Night. .
Physician and Surgeon.
" Calls promptly answered. Office on Third
Street, Athena, Oregon. ,
J. C SMITH, M. p.
r j - Athena j Oregon.,.;
. .Office, at Palaca-OlrBf vStorer Calls
promptly answered, day or night.
J A. BEST. 3L D.'
Physician and Surgeon.
Office over Brant'a Store, Weston.
Fine work at short notice, with the best
kind of materials, neat and artistically done.
Fillings in QolcLaud Silver a specialty. :
Third St. . 4 ' . athbsa, Okboon.
. Take the 'i
' I ! i-r-nT iv. 1
In Connetionwith-the
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I. L I HUH Lifilll I III Hill
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-The Best Tourist Sleepers"
Pullman Sleepers
Dining Cars
For farther information apply to
J. A. MUfRHElD, Agent,
Afhena, Oregon.
G. F.YP. Agt, Walla Walla; Waeh.
, . . VIA
Ocean Steamers
Leave Portland Every Five Daya for
Alaska Points
Steamers Monthly from Portland
to Yokohoraa and Hong KoDg; vi
The Northern Pacific Steamshin
Co., in connection with O. R. & N.
For fall information cull on O, R. Jf. Afent
SHflT'.Pt?,,Pw- Agent fonJ. Oregon:
Iodwrll Carlill Co., Ga'l Anu JCorth
en Pacific .SteftHthip Co, Portijiud,OiTfin
a-To-IUM tor Fifty Oeitt.
r r r i 1 1 ri i ti i i nrii.M i)
lillii iVa
1 TO THE r "