The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, February 11, 1898, Image 2

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Published Every Friday Morning
F. B. Boyd, Pcblisiikb.
Entered at Athena pofrtofflce as second-claM
mall matter.
Subscription 'Rates:-.
Per year, Jn advance, " I1-50
Single cop!-. In wmpitcrs, 5c.
Advertising Hates:
lAeai rcadius uotlcf s, first iuwrtion, 10c per
4lne, Eahsubicquent Insertion, 6c.
- L
All communications should be addressed to
lie I'REBH, Attiena, Oregon
The condition of Main htreet is
terrible. - It resembles a huge hog
wallow from one end to the other,
and is a black eye to the town.
How long will it remain so.
Property owners in Athena are
this year called upon to pay a 30
mill tax, divided ns follows:
County and state, 18 mills; city, 7
mills; school, 5 mills. Pendleton"
pays 33 mills and Milton 30.
Great energy lias certainly been
manncsted in building a tramway
fivfir thfi f!hilpnnt nnsa wViipVi
makes it possible, from this time
on, to cross the range in an hour.
The trip from Dyea to the first
i i i . i
jane can oe maae in a day, wnere
as it formerly required a month.
With this tramway and the system
of steamers nn the lakes, it will be
no trick at all to go to Dawson
City when spring opens.
When the dispatches announced
that the president had appointed
George E. Roberts . of Iowa to bo
director of the United States mint
there were not nany persons who
were able to identify the gentleman
promoted to this very responsible
office. But he will bo recognized
by many when they havo been
told that ho is tho same Roberts
wha wroto tho little book which
was acknowledged to bo the best
reply to "Coin's Financial School."
He iB a young newspaper man, the
editor of the Fort Dodge Messeng
er and a writer of considerable
ability upon financial topics. There
are sometimes strango chances in
politics. "Coin" Harvey started
the campaign of 1800 by putting
out his book, and had free silver
won, Harvey might have bocomo a
cabinet minister. Roberts wroto a
reply, and as his side won, he
reaps tho political profit from Har
vey's efforts. La Grande Chroni
cle. The statistics of lynching in the
United States indicate that this
reprehensible crime continues to
flourish in spite of the well meant
effort in' some parts of tho country
to stamp it out, says the Oregon
ian. The whole number of lynch
ings for the year amounted to ICG
against 131 in 189G. Of thoso oc
curring during tho last year i4G
were in the south and 20 in tho
northern states, 122 of the victims
being negroes, 30 white? and 5
" It was a prudent and sensible
precaution that placed tho battle
ship Maino in Havana harbor. She
is within easy hailing distanco of
.Consul-General Lee, and the con
stant menace afforded by her grin
ning guns may inspire the riotoU3
SDain to have a moro rpsneetml
regard for the lives and property
f Americau residents in the un
happy city, .
vThe Oregon uprintcr, I Don't
Know, has got into trouble again.
At Oakland last Monday he was a
4 toSJavorite in a field of ordinary
horses, and A. Moore, his rider,
managed, by . a long pull and a
strong pull to land hire in 'third
position. Mooro was suspended
and Reed ordered to find other
quarters for his horso.
; Tho government crop reporter
. has been given a tip evidently in
fc 'making up the estimate of the
wheat crop of tho Pacific North
west. Heretofore tho statistical
showing of the output of this state
has been too low by a considerable
margin, but for 1897 the figures are
more than doubled, and represent
the maximum of present estimates
on the yield. Washington is cred
ited with 20,12 1,G 13 bushels cf
wheat from 85C,-3GS acres, or nn
average of 23 bushels to the acre,
holding n position far above the
average of other wheat growing
slates, as everyone acquainted with
the growth of the ceeal realizes is
the actual situation. Oregon is
credited in the government report
with 18,155,031 bushels of wheat
from 1,067,943 acres cropped,
West Coast Trade. '
Tho British Columbia New Year
Honk tnye: "How a country like
the Yukon ran support and hic
cessfully. accommodate the thou
sands of people who arc about to
rush in la a question which cannot
bo easily determined; but as a note
of warning is necessary to the ca
pabilities of country wholly unde
veloped to maintaining for any
length of time from 100,000 to
500,000 persons, whose livelihood
must depend upon mining and, in
absence of success in that, on the
resources which they carry with
them. The New Year Book de
scribes the severe climate of the
whole region, sets forth the terrible
hardnhips of prospecting a country
where the bedrock is under a crust
of moss and frozen sand, tells what
mining under these forbidding con
ditions entails for the workers, of
whom nine out of ten need not ex
pect success, and gives some idea
of the risk to life and health from
cheerless, comfortless existence in
a raining 'shack' ".
The engineers beaten in the great
strike in England numbered 80,
000 men. The eight-hour rule was
not the only issue involved. The
unions proposed to control tho use
of machinery, to reduce the em
ployment of apprentices, and reg
ulate overtime. Tho amount of it
was to make labor scarce and put
up the cost of production, compell
ing England to turn over much of
her work to Germany.
The most conservative and ap
parently impregnable businoss man
will sometimes buy a gold brick or
back a wildcat mine, and a long
and unapproachable business ca
reer is no Bign that the 'confidence
man will not at some time get in
his fine work, Francis Grable,
who gathered in $200,000 of the
cash ot tho ultra-conservative
Chemical National bank of New
York, through tho presentation of
his golden promises to Cashier
Quinlan, was equally successful in
other high places in getting money
for groat schemes in tho west. John
E. Suarles, of sugar trust fame,
Benjamin F. Tracy, Den Butter
worth and other men of national
reputo havo been let in on the
ground lloor of money-making
schemes by Grable, who has real
ized over !f3,000,000 by floating se
curities. . The ignorant and confid
ing are not alone in demonstrating
the wisdom of " P. T. Barnum's
trite remark that the public in
general like to be humbugged.
A sloop left Philadelphia last
week primed for the Klondike gold
fields by way of the Horn. Going
down the river tho party struck a
6now flurry, and five of them at
once lost all appetito for nuggets,
and expressed a feverish desire to
go back home. They were accord
ingly landed at Cape May, and the
rest went on. It would be inter
esting to learn what these week
kneed voyagers expected. It is
just as well that fate oponed their
eyes early; sooner or later the news
that there were no electric elova-.
tors in the Dawson hotels would
have becu broken to them.
German statesmen have always
been past masters in the art of
backcapping American products.
Germany could fiud trichina in
our pork when none was. ever
thought of at home. Our horses
have been found to have influenza
and the largo shipments for table
consumption and other , purposes
are being discriminated against by
being held in quarantine. . Tho
Prussian minister of finance last
week issued a decreo prohibiting
the importation of American fresh
fruit of all kinds, avering that they
were infested with various un
known bugs and vermin. The
latter order was modified upon the
prompt and vigorous protest of
this government, to include only
such fruit as should bo found to bo
infected upon examination, and
leaving customs officials to carry on
the war, which, as has been shown
Causes fully halt the sickness in the world It
retains the digested food too long in the bowels
nd produces biliousness, torpid liver, IikII-
geation, bad taste, coated
tongue, tick headache, In
somnia, etc. Hood's Fills
cure constipation anHU its
results, easily and thoroughly. 25c All druggists.
Prepared by C I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass.
The only Pills to take with Hood's Sarsaparilla.
by tho ready method of discover
ing defects in other products they
ore perfectly competent to do.
Germany values that portion of
American trade which affords her
a great market in this country for
sugar, wines, cutlery, woolens, etc.,
but adopts methods which are nar
row and unfair to discriminate
against the United States in coun
ter commercial relations.
Tha vote in the senate on the
Teller resolution is evidence of the
fact that the silver issue is the
issue before the people and will
continue to be until settled by a
vote in 1900. Tho vote stood' 47
to 32. All the wegtern silver re
publicans voted for it and Senator
Chandler. Democrats who had al
ways been regarded as gold men
voted for it.
New York City and several oth
er eastern cities have mail deliver
ed to all residents of tne place six
to eight times a day. This is all
uncalled for, besides, if law, is no
thing but the worst class legisla
tion. Out here in Oregon we are
extremely lucky if we are able to
get a single- daily mail, without
any free delivery.
Tom Watson will be named by
the populists of Georgia as their
standard-bearer for governor.
And the Sweet Llt tlo Maiden Ho Met on
tho Train. '
She was a pretty, sweet looking girl,
and she took a seat just in front of
Colby, in. the parlor car. lie had scon
her upon the platform of the station be
fore she got uboavd. A young innn had
held her hand in his and looked sadly
into her eyes. Colby thought they
might perhaps be lovers. He traveled a
great deal and he. generally contrived to
btrike up an acquaintanceship with per
sons to whom he took a faney.'no mat
ter what the circumstances happened to
The girl had not been upon the twin
for nn hour or more, when Colby picked
up a newspaper tlint somebody had left
lying near her sent.
"May I look nt it?" he asked.
Site aid it didn't belong to hor, but
the ice wns broken, nnd they were soon
chatting quite fnmilinrly.
She had never traveled nlono before,
she said, nnd that was her future hus
band whom she had left, at the station.
She had been visiting his parents, who
were the wealthiest people in the little
town bnck there, and very proud. She
was nn orphan. Site lived with, her aunt,
and Charlie's people rather looked down
upon her because she did not have
Colby f el t indignant at them, and told
Iter that if Charlie didn't teach them
that n good, sweet girl wns worth more
than nil the riches in the world, he wns
no true man.
Colby flattered himself ihnt he was
too much n mnn of the world to be eas
ily worried over the nff n irs of other peo
ple, but this girl's frankness touched
him, and he felt a jealous pnng when he
thought of Charlie's good fortune, niul own loneliness. lie had often said
that he would never marry while he
wns on the rood, and be never felt just
like settling down, anyway. But this
sweet, confiding creature sent n new
feeling through hfm. Tie .told hinwlf
that if she would be likely to prefer him
to Charlie and his uninviting parenfi,
he would her to be his little wife,
nnd they would have n modest home
somewhere, and he would be willing to
give up the world nnd Its allurements
forever. What 'these fancies might
have led him to enn never be known,
for the sweet little maiden suddenly
began gathering up her belonging.!, ns
tl;ey nenred n station which the conduc
tor announced ns "Brmooth."
"Yes," she said to Colby, "here is
where I get off.. Some day I hope we
may meet ngnin. You have marlo my
ride a very pleasant, one, nnd it made
me so happy to confide in you."
He tried to tell her how she hnd
changed the current of his thoughts of
life, but. before he had finished site was
upon the pint form waving him an adieu
as the train pulled away.
Half nn hour later Colby came out of
dreamland to feci for his wntch. It
wasn't in hi pocket, nnd while hunt
ing for it he became aware of the fact
t ha t h is w n 1 le t, wh ieh coti t a i net! Severn 1
hundred dollars, was gone, too.
Then he rat nnd scratched his hind
for a- long time, nnd finally be decided
that ho would never believe innpnenr
ances again. -Cleveland News nnd lh
Scrofula is the advertueuasnt of fool
blood. Il my b entirely driven from
the system by the faithful use of Hood's
Sarsaparilla, which thoroughly purities
the blood.
Hood Pills are easy to Ufce, easy to
operate. Cure indigestion, biliousness.
1T53. t
Wanted-fin Idea
Wbo on think
of some tiiupio
thttut topatttitP
- iiiin, w twniir
Pmtawt joMt Mms: thT may hrag y wMlih.
M'-i. . lAuu ..' . i . T, . . .....
iwti. WiwMnt tuu, IX C. for thtr priM o8r
Is the place to get the best of Harness. "Good
Workmanship and best of material," our motto.
W. E. YOUNG, Proprietor,
tLim NtilWNML
fT nn t rm rsT rr T
H. t. Adams, President.
i H. McAithur. Vlce-i"reitldent.
P&yn interest on time deposits.
Deals la foreign and
E, L. Barmktt, Cashier,
This Is Tour Opportunity.
On receipt of ten cents, cash or stamps,
a generous sample will be mailed of the
most popular Catarrh nnd Hay Fever Cure
(Ely's Cream Balm) sufficient to demon
strate the great merits of the remedy.
60 Warren St., Kaw York City.
Bev. John Beid, Jr., of Great Falls, Mont.,
recommended Ely's Cream Halm to me. I
can emphasize his statement, "It is a posi
tive cure for catarrh if uned as directed."
Bev. Francis V. Poole, Pastor Central Pres.
Church, Helena, Mont.
Ely's Cream Balm is the acknowledged
cure for catarrh and contains no mercury
nor any injurious drug. Price, 00 cents.
wkfc.M4 SO YEARS'
Copyrights &c.
Anvone sending a sketch and description may
quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an
Invention la probably patentable. Communica
tions atrictly confidential. Handbook on Patents
" tent (roe. Oldest aaency for securing patents.
Patents taken through Munn & Co. recelvo
Ipeclat notice, without charge. In the
Scientific Jltiterican.
A handsomely Illustrated weekly. Largest cir
culation ot any scientific Journal. Terms, 3 a
ynar ; four months, ft Bold by all newsdealers.
JUNN&Co.36,B New York
Branch Office, 626 F BU Washington, D. C.
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder
World's Fair Highest Medal and Diploma.
Bucklen's Arnica Salve.
The boat salve in the world for cats,
bruises, eore3, ulcers, sait rheum, fever
sores, tetter, chapped bands chilblains,
corns, and alt skin eruptions, and posi
tively cures piles, or no pay required. It
is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction
or money refunded. Price 25 cents per
box. For sale by Pioneer Drug store,
Q. O. Oaburn, proprietor.
Don't Tobacco Spit and Smoke Your Lire Awai.
To quit tobacco easily and forever, be mag
netlc, full of life, nerve and vigor, talte No-To-Bac,
the wonder-worker, that makes weak men
strong. All druggists, 60o or I. Cure guaran
teed. Booklet and sample free. Address
Sterling Remedy Co. Chicago or New York,
Lung Troubles and Consumption Can
be Cured.
An Eminent
New York Chemist and Sciontist
' Hakes a
Free Offer to Our Readers.
The distinguished New York chemist,
T. A. Slocura, demonstrating bis dis
covery of a reliable and absolute care
for consumption (Pnlmonary Tuberca
losis) and all bronchial, throat, lung and
chest, stubborn coughs, catarrhal affec
tions, general decline and weakness,
loss of flesh, and all conditions of wast
ing away, will Bend THREE FREE
BOTTLES (all different) ot his New
Discoveries to any a til ic ted reader of the
Prbss writing for them.
His "New tJcientiflo Treatment" has
cared thousands permanently by its
timely nse, and considers it a simple
professional duty to suffering humanity
to donate a trial of his infallible cure.
Science daily developes new wonders,
and his great chemist, patiently experi
menting for years, has produced results
as beneficial to humanity as can be
claimed by any modern genius. His
asserting that lung troubles and consmp
tion are curabls in any climate is pro
ven by "heart felt letters of gratitude,"
filed in his American and Euroean
laboratories in thousands from those
cured in all parts of the world.
Medical experts concede that bronchial
cheet and lung trouble lead to Consump
tion, which, uninterrupted, means speedy
and certain death.
Simply write to T. A. Blocnm, M. D.
98 Pine street, New York, giving post
olBce and rxpreES address, and the free
medicine will be promptly sent. Suffer
ers should take instant advantage of his
generous proposition-
Fill a bottle of common glass with
urine and let it Etand twenty-four hours;
a sediment or settling indicates an un
healthy condition of the kidneys. When
urine stains linen it is evidence of kid
ney trouble. Too frequent desire to
urinate or pain in the back, are also
convincing proof that the kidneys and
bladder are out of order.
There is comfort in the knowledge so
often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's
Swamp-ltoot, the great kidney remedy
fuirills ever wish in relieving pain in the
back, kidneys, liver, bladder and every
part of the urinary peesagea. It corrects
Inability to hold orine and scalding
pain in passing it, bt bad effects follow
ing 08 ot liquor, win or beer, and
overcomes that nnpleasant necessity of
being compelled to get on many times
during the night to urinaW The mild
and tha extraordinary effect of Swamp
Root is soon ralixtd. It stands the
highest for its wonderful cures of the
most distressing cases. If you need a
medicine you should have the beet.
Sold by druggists, prici fifty cstita and
one dollar. You may have a sample
bottle and pamphlet both sent tree by
mail. Mention tha Pk mi.i nil vnn.
addreja to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Bingham-
ton. i. x. ine proprietors of this
paper guarautea the rentiinenesa of thin
Athena, Oregon
MM Ur hlnDlm
8. D. Davis,)
T.J. Kirk, Directors
E.L. Burnett,)
$ 50,000
Proper attention given to collections.
domestic excbDgft.
N. W. Babsett, Assistant Casnler.
N. W. Babsett, Assistant Casnler.
Worth of.
To Be Slaughtered
Our entire Stock of Merchan
dise, consisting of Clothing,
Overcoats, Boots and Shoes,
Hats and Caps, Socks, Shirts
etc. must and will be closed
out at once regardless of cost.
Square Store
The Clothing . Emporium.
Remember the place, first door south of
PostofBce, Pendleton , Or.
t a.
Pioneer Drug Store,
I THE ' j
I . . . W x
p Mrs. Hardin, Proprietress, i
k Can be recommended to the public as
4 . being first-class In every
l "I I
- We :.. '
I Employ " I
I White help only.
Educate Your liowela With Cascaretn.
Candy Cnthnrt.i;, cure constipation forever.
Wo. 85c. It a O- C. fail, druKRista refund money.
Eferybody Bays So.
Cascarets Candy Cathartic, the most won
derful medical discovery ot the age, pleas
ant and refreshing to tno taste, act gently
and positively on kidneys, Hvor and bowels,
cleansing the entire system, dispel colds,
cure headache, fever, Habitual constipation
and biliousness. Please buy and try a box
of C. C. C. to-day; 10, S3, 50 cent. Koldand
euaranteed to cure by all druggists.
Only First-class Hotel in
the City.
Is the only one that can accommodate
commercial traveler.
Can be recomended for Its clean and
well ventilated rooms.
Also a large assortment of
Spring Rollers.
20 to 65c Each
35ct Washboard for 25c.
COct Waahbourd for 40c.
Clothespins ,cr doz .2c,
Pie Tins per doz... : ... ..r .......... ... .30c.
Heavy Tin Dish Pans ...... ... . . .'. . . .'. . . 25c. '
Granite Iron Diph Pans ..... . .. , .... . .... . .'60c.'
We are alway giving you good Bargains
Come and see us,
Yours for Bafgalns, t
Bioch Building TT C. Mnratiardaen.
Office over First National Bank,
Painting.. .
In all Branches
Neatly done by Chapman, '
J. W.
nas Bargains for All
Main Street.
"We are onto our Job"
with the largest stock of Carpets, Oil Cloth, Linoleum
and Wall Paper ever brought to Pendleton. Also an
elegant line of Portieres, Lace Curtains, Table Covers and
Lounge Trimmings all of the latest stvles and patterns.
"Beautiful" is the word for these goods." A few samples of
Carpet at Barrett's hardware store, in Athena.
Just received a big
line of White F;
Ware, which
we are selling
at prices that
knocks all
Window Blinds, all on good
' Sold By ' '
Dealers in
A Car-load of
"Flying Dutchman"
Gang Plows
Main Street, Athena
Puttin' On Style -
won't do unless you have the correct the way of a turnout. If
you want an elegant Buggy, Cart, or
Heavy Team Harness, you can get
them at . ' . . '.,
Joseph Ell's
Leading Harness and Saddlery
" Pendleton, Oregon.
I can save
You Money
On your
A. MILLER, Athena.
... H
J LSSE FAILING, Pendleton, Oregon, j ;