Items in Brief. Rm the new hn&fM itn A. Rarratt Jt. EmpirfjCoinsdy Ca.fOn'tght and to morrow nighk.'-V.f','':, - See the 93 Crescent wheel at C. A. Banett & Go's. .8. Waterman was over from Walla Walla Wednesday. Hollis has made prices that will torn bis torplos stock into cash. . L. Barnett left Sunday evening for a short visit in California. Mrs. B. G. Slater and children are viBittng relatives in Pendleton. Mrs. Minnie De Pealt and Mrs. W. E. Young spent Snndsy in Adams. N. A. Miller hfft samples of JeeBe Failing carpets. Bee him before baying. Go to the Pal ice Druir. Store for pare drags, and the best perfumeries on earth Thomlioson & Sharp have received a large stock of wall paper. Latest de signs. Plaid and stripe, wide, all silk ribbon at 15, 20 and 25 cents. Mew York Cash Store. Mrs. McKay, of Dixie, spent u few days of this week with . her son, Wm. Winship. ,.;.,... Free wool couldn't put the prices of underwear any lower than Hollis has them now. Harris L. Bur ford and Miss Nellie Page was married Monday evening at Walla Walla. We mean business when we ay we can save yon money on lumber. Owen & Thompson. G. W. Bradley, representing the Sioger Sewing Machica Co., was in the city Tueeday. Get oar prices before j o l buy Lumber, Shingles, Pickets, Pastes, Fencing, etc. Owen 4 Thompson. L. D. Lively has been confined to his homo with a severe attack of quinssy, tan past two weeks.. My, aren't those oranges, lemons and bananas delicious that you get at the Bakery, and so cheap. Go to the Athena Bakery when you want nice, fresh candies. Always fresh, lowest prices, largest line in town. Joseph Shambough, of TJnioa ciunty has sofd his entire band of sheep, num bering 1400, to U. C. Bdrtieson, of Pen dleton. ' For Sale Cheap : I offer my residence property in Athena, for sale at a .bar gain. Address, J. . Gobham, Walla VValla, Wash. If yon have to sell your wheat on the 60-cent basis you can make up for some of the loss by getting your dry goods and family supplies at Hollis'. Best of work is clone by the Pendleton steam laundry. Leave orders at billiard ball or barber shop. Washings are col lected and delivered promptly. . Deputy Organiser J. M. Slays is meet ing with flattering tuicets in estabisli ing Maccabee Tents. He is a hustler and we are pleased with bis success. Mrs. G. W. Bigby, who has been visiting bpr daughters in' Portland, for the oast two weeks, returned home je terday, accompanied by one of her daughters. Dan Matheuy, au employe of the JWpegrotes became insane at Pendleton Wednesday, Whether temporarily or not, remains to te seen. He is detained lor further development of the malady. Captain Tolley and Cadet Lynde, of the Salvation Army corps, stationed at Pendleton, conducted meetings at the Jtf.E. church, in the city, Wednesday and Thursday evenings of this week. Wednesday was "groundhog day," and if bis pork-ship was out of his hole between three and four o'clock, bedida't do a thing but play with his shadow. We may -expect reveral- "spells'? of weather any time now. fc; Wboopipg cough is the most distress ing malady but its duration can bs cut short by the use of One Minute Congh Cure, which is also tha best known remedy for croup and all bronchial troubles, Palace Drog Store, Wm ... Mc Bride, Prop, There are three little things which do more work than any other three little things created they are the ant, the bee and PeWHt's Little Early Risers, . the last being the famous little pills for Btomach Mid liver troubles,. Palace Drug 8tore, Wm. McBride, Prop, f ; . . East Oregouian John Bell, a suc cessful farmer who resides six miles north of Athena, attended the Caledon ian society's entertainment Saturday night. Mr. Bell's rendition of Gaelic and his "Highland Fling" wereimucb appreciated. v : " . What pleasure is there in life with a headache, constipation ana DiuousneBs r Thousands experience them who could become perfectly healthy by nsing Da- Witt's Little Early Risers, the famous little pill. Palace Drug Store, Wm, McBride, Prop. : V A thrill of terror is experienced when a brassy cough of crono sounds through the house at night. But the terror soon changes to relief after One Minnte Cough Cure has been administered, gftfp and harmless for children. Palace Drug Store, Wrn. McBride, Prop. . The Ldy Maccabees, will have public Installation on the evening oi reuruar 22. After the installation, a dance and upper will be given. A charge of one dollar per coaple will be made to the Hn. innlndin? aiiDoer. the proceeds to be need in purchasing paraphernalia for the Tent here. V an nrimm bdo l little BOOd in this world and can think of no pleasant er or better way to do it than by recom mending One Minute Cough Cure as i preventive of pneumonia, consumption nrt other sorionn lani troubles that lot low neglected colds. Palace Drug Store, Wm. McBride, Prop. tv knn that manv have wanted to trade with n, bnt felt the need of pasb, i tiia yitr you nave u ana ww : vn tit nuna V.varv one Waited OI nrnmnllv On mftii'a dollar is as good as . . n i r. im Anas ti all eomera. Good valne goods bring caah buveia back. Back yon corns. Max Lewin. ever popular with his man fiat AmnPI mmM trtthe front tola oak with anMhnr nriA nflferiDZ. This . v r;n oisa his cnstomeis chance to aecnrs a beautiful and reliable - Any person purchasing to the amount of one dollar in caeh will be entitled to a chance to draw the instrumert. additional purchase to the amount oi one dollar entitles the buyer to an addi tional chance. East Oregonian: G. M. Froomo is here frorn Waitsburg, Wash, greeting old friends. After successfully conduct ing a livery stable there for six months past, Mr. Froome latelv disposed of it and wi l engage in other pursuits. His family will remain at Waitsburg. The caeh accnmmulations continue to pi.e up in the banks and are in sight for use when the boom comes. There is no doubt that a change is near at hand. Prices must advance. Yon should deal quickly if you wish to secure Hollis' present-day bargains. Mrs. Jerry St. Dennis died atler home couth of town Monday night and the funeral took place Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. St. Dennis bad been ailing for some time from dropsy, but her death resulted directly from hemorrhage of the lungs. Rev. J R. N. Bell, formerly "pastor of the First Presbyterian church in Baker lity, who accepted a call tx the Presby- ! terian church at Hollister, San Bmita county, Cal., for one year, has entered upon the discharge of his duties. Children and adults tortured by burns, scalds, injuries, eczama or ckin diseases may secure instant relief by using De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve. It is the great Pile remedy. Palace Drug Store, Wm. McBride, Prop. W. M. Roes, who is ausociated with Ben Swaggart in the new bowling alley, was a Press caller Monday, and added his name to our subscription list. Mr. Ross comes from Heppnerand bis fam ily will arrive soon, Don't annoy others by vour coughing, and risk your life by neglecting a cold. Due Minu(e Cough Cure cures coughs, colds, crodp, giippi and all throat and lung troubles. Palace Drug Siore, Wm. McBride, Prop. Joe Mueller, the piano fcend, was in town from Pendleton this week. Mr. Mueller has hut one failing -that of sell ing pianos and organs for the best and most responsible house on the Pacific coast. There 13 very seldom such an oppor tunity as the one offered by the New Store. Those lace scarfs are a lot t of manufacturer's samples which are sold at about one fourth the regular price. . When a lady buys a Butterick pattern, and cuts out a dress by it, she is sure it is the right .thing. Beware of cheap immitations. The New Store has But terick's agency. 1 be condition of the roads is some- hat better and more people from the country are coming to. town and mer chants report trade picking up, as a result, - .. Mrs. Lina writes from the East, where she is visiting relatives, that she will re turn home sometime this month, accom panied by her oldest eon, who Is a phy sician. " .... McBido, of the Palace D.-ugstore, has just received au elegant stock of domes tic and imported cigars which inelude all the leading and most popular brands. Measles, two cases of them, are in Athena. Jesse SaliDK came home from Pendleton with them, and a case is re ported at the Rainvillc home. Charles Maekree. late with the Pen dleton Republican, has gone to Baker City, where be lakes a position as city editor of the Daily Republican. F. 0. Maranardsen went down to Pen dleton Sunday and met his wife and son, who have returned from their visit to Payette, Idaho. Mrs, J, P- gmith and daughters Hazel and Georgia, returned home Tues day from their vit-it to relatives and friends in Jefferson. 1'R.innn T li.Vifa Kiv htt Wan " thfl nth lecture on "Bunjons Pilgrims Progress" will be given by the pastor at the Baptist church Sunday night. Underwear for men, women and children. - The only complete line that ever came to Athena. Prices from 50 cents per suit up, at Mosgrove's, A lodge of Maccabees was organised at Adams by Organizer J. M. Hayes. One was organized at Weston also this week. Several Westonites were over Tuesday. When seen bv the Peejs man they were bawling up- in the new bowling alley. The best shoes for the money in East ern Oregon at "The Sqnare Store" shoe department. J . b. naye, proprietor. One Minute Cough Cure cures quick ly. That's what you want! Palace Drug Store, Wm. McBride Prop. Butterick'a pattern?, the Delineator and - Metropolitan fashion sheets fcr February, at the New Store. Don't wait to lone if you want to get one of those nice double lap robes, at the New York Cash Store. - Tot .analmia.l a larffA Int. ' cA ftrftnit.A IfUCt IOlCI!V M an.gv -w. " ' Iron Ware, and prices reduced. New York Cash Store. W. H. Fletcher was in town Tuesday. He reports plenty of snow at his sawmill east of town. Joe Riinviile will soon build another cottage on the lots recently purchased of J. Bloch. . Look here! ' Plain tea cups and saua ers, 45c per set, at the New York Cash Store. Spring styles in gents, ladies and children shoes at the New Store. Plain white plates 40 and 50 per set at the New York Cash Store. Big line of white ware just received at the New York Cish Store. Fog in big chunks was thrown about this section this week. R. M. O'Brien waa io town from Pen dleton Wednesday, - Snow at Meacbatn is reported to be 6 feet on the level. - The Greatest Discovery Yet. W. M. Repine, editor Tiekilwa, III., "Chief "says: ' We woc.t keep house without Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Cough and Colds. Ex perimented with many others, but never cot the true remedy until we used Dr. King's Sew Discovery, fco other remedy can take its place in our borne, as in it wa have a certain and sare cure for Cousbs, Colds, Whooping Cough, etc " Xt is idle to experiment with other remedies, even if they are urged on you as Juet as good as Dr. King a New Discovery. They are not as good, because this remedy ba a record of cures and besides is gaaranteed. It never fails to satisfy. Trial bottle free at Pioneer Drug Store. A New Building. ! t : ,A, as h1aflmmith Herman iyyj - - shop is being rapidly pushed to com pktion. The new boil litig is located ha rcfr of Third snd Current t streets, ia front of the city hall. Wcodman and Circle EnterUinment. On Wedneeday evening, Feb. 9. the members of onr Woodman Camp and Ladies Circle will give a publio enter tainment at the new opera house. Ful lo ring is the program : March. "El Capitan," Orchestra Address of Welcome C A. Barrett Vocal Solo, , Vergie Stamper History of Pacific Circle, Mrs. Bradley History of the Woodman Lodge, G. C. Osburn. .-. Oultar Solo,-, Dr. Tovar Recitation,. ..-.;......... Myrtle H awks Piano Solo, Grace Bradley Tusr of War Woodman vs. Circle Ladies Qaartett, Mrs. Gillia, Mrs. J. Smith, Mrs. W. R. Taylor, Mrs. Lake France ' Vocal Dust, by Mnrphy's Kids Medley Overture, Snap 8bots. Orcheitra Vocal Solo, ...,.E. D. Murphy Tableau Woodmen Duet, Miss Vergie 8tamper, Etta Leach Dress Reform Convention, ....... .Circle Woodman Goat Instrumental Solo, Grace Bradley Life'ia Dream, "Waltz,".... Orchestra A Good Show. The Empire Comedy Co. which com poses stronger and better actors and act resses than any company that has been here for a long time, has baen playing good comedy and drama, me company is far above the average and are produc ing new plays, and introducing new and pleasing specialties. iis( mgni, a. Prisoner for Life," a piece that calls for a cast of ability and stage experience, was rendered in a most pleasing and satisfactory manner. On Wednesday evenina "Dad's Darling" an excellent play, which was written expresoely for this company, by Miss Cregan, was rendered bv the company with an ef ficiency that at once stamped them as be ing very clever anl clearly demonstrat ing that Miss Cregan is an authoress of much talent and versatility. The com pany merits the esteem and patronage of our citizens, and us tne prices oi aarais sion are very reasonable, we bespeak for them good attendance, lbs play to- night is. "The Police Alarm." and to morrow night toe strong come ay arama "M'liss." . Aftr Many Years. Mrs. J. K. Baling, of Athena Oregon, wife of a well-known Eastern Oregon farmer and politician, arrived in the city last week to attend the tonerai ot ner mo. her, Mrs. Mary S. Webb, which took nlacs Tuesday afternoon. Ibis is Mrs. eating's nrBt visit alter an absence of forty years, and the changes that time has inane is so marked that, as she stated, "it is as though visiting strange city. Old scenes have changed, old friends have passed away." Not a landmark is left to remind ner of the Sacramento of nearly half a cen tury ago. Before returning she will visit her two sons, U. r. and tranit soener, of Davieville. -Sacremento Record-Un ion. Great Slaughter in millinery goods. Call and see the finest stock of goods ever brought to. EaBtern Oregon bv anv firm. Mrs Rigby and Mrs. Hales have just returned from Portland where they have laid in an immense stock of hats, flowers and ribbons, and a comolete slock of millin erv goods of the latest styles, which will be opened by the first of March at greatly reduced prices Some of the patterns have last been shipped from Paris, - ' - Mkbiiames Rigby & Hales. A New Light. Will Wells, of the "Exchange" saloon has recently put in a moat complote and satisfactory light plant. It's something new, and consists of a reeervoir which is filled with patrolaum. Pipas lead from the reservoir to several clusters Rochester burners, which are Use fully arranged on the interior of this popular resort. A large glass bulb acts as an air arrester, and the result is the light does not flicker, and, burns es steadily as if it was electric. She Had a Sure Thing. A lady in San Francisco was notified by her cook that ehe intended to get married. "I hope, Mary, you have given the matter serious consideration." "Oh, I have, ma'am," was the earnest reply. "I've been to two fortune tellers and a clairvoyant, and looking in a sign book, and dreamed on a lock of hair, and been to one of these astrologers, and to a 'meeium,' and they all tell me to go ahead, ma'am. I ain't one to marry reckless like, ma'am." "U. S. A." Toilet Soap. This Boap is a natural product of the earth. It is without doubt the most wonderful discovery of the age. The soap is a thorough cleanser and you never in your life used a soap that in any way equals it. Do not fail to try a cake. Sold at 5 cents per cake by Matt Mos grove, Max Lewin and Curtis & Rigby. Raising It Up. The Knapp-Borrell building, next door to the postofftce, which was recent ly purchased by Jaoob Blocb, is being raised this week. The building, which will be used by Mr. Bloch as a store, will be generally overhauled, repainted and arranged to the extent of being a very neat store room in every respect. On March 1. Tuesday March 1, is municipal elec tion day in Athena. As yet there have been no "slates" made up as we know of. However, there is yet plenty of time left for petition to be filed and grand work laid oat f r a "hot time in the old town " - Sheets and Pillowcases. - On St. Valentine's night, Feb. 14, there will be a grand sheet and pillow case ball at the opera bouse in this city. The price of admission will be 75 cents, ladies free. Dmce as long as yon want to. Currie Gats Two Years. George Currie, who was found gnilty of forging the name of F. J. Beale to a check for $20, was sentenced to two years in the penitentiary. His motion for a new trial was denied. Ia was taken to Salem Monday night. , ' .... L 1 . I ' ' ' Ere Long. , Ere long it will be dog tax day, and we hope the marshal will f hoot every son-of-a gun of a dog gaeted dog, that does not wear a tag. Then maybap we'll get some we have not bad for sometime sleep. Has Sold Out. Matt Mosgrove has sold bis general Merchandise stock to Mr Z. F. Kenedy. Moegrove goes out of business, and Ken edy will close out the stock at once. To Cure a Cold in One Day, Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. AH Drngiisis refuud the money if it ; fails to cure. 25c. THE WALLA WALLA POST. It Will Continue a Cavalry as in tne Past. TLe Walla Walla Union says : Frank W. Paine, who with W. D, 'lyier, com Dosed the committee sent to Washing ton to consult with the war department relative to the future of tort Walla Walla, has returned, la an Interview be said: " 'I can say." said Mr. Paine, mod estly, "that our visit bas been valuable to the peop'e oi waua waua in a iew words the result is that Fort Walla Walla will not be abandoned lor say three or four years, if at all. The only objection we found to me posi neie n mo erroneous reports sent tut about the water supply, upon our arnvat we called npon General Sternberg, surgeon general of the irtny. gentleman who at one time was stationed at Fort Walla Walla, aad whom I have known person ally for years, end laid our grievance before him. The doctor was more than glad to give na any information that he could rrgrdipg the objections made to me retention oi me poa. tip rgiu yuo most important thing for the people of Walla Walla to look i'er waj the water supply." - - 'We are very grattful," continue! Mr. Paine, ''for the oeurtees extended by our delegation in congress. Bi'h senators and representatives very kinlly oS'ered to do anything tbey could to aacUt us. Senator Wilson was with us when we called qpon Assistant Secretary of War Melalejohn. Secretary Alger was ill and we were unable to meet him Our talk with the assistant Fecretary. however, was more than satisfactory. We laid cur arguments' before him and be assured us, npon taking onr leave, that the poet would not be abindoned for some time to come, if ever. He ex pressed himself as being satisfied that Walla Walla was a good point for a cavalry post an I that hi saw no im -mediate cause for its abandonment.'' . Mr. Paine remarked that Foit liar neon, Mint.,, a n?w rfglmental p"fit, had been hung up owing to the fact that the water supply was not satis factory. Nearly $500,000 had been spent on the post before it was discover ed. With the splendid showing Walla Walla can make for water suppliep. Mr. Paine is certain this Question will never come np again as being detrimental to Fort Walla Wall, Marriage and Divorce. For every four marriages in Walla Walla county during the year 1807, there was one application for divorce. This somowhat remarkable fact was diecov ered, says the Walla WalU Unio'. "after a careful seargh of the reoord) i the marriage tie. VI this number of divorce cases, only one was dismissed without the decree prayed lor beirg granted, and eight are still pending. Some of which were instituted durirg the last few days of the year, and the time for default or answer has not vet expired. In two cases which have been pending several months, lack of money with which to pay the fees required has prevented the issuance of the final de crees, and in one case death intervener and dissolved the bonds before the slow ly moving machinery of the. law could reach a verdict. Out of the-33 cases, 32 were com menced by wives the grounds upon which the complaint was based being io three-fourths of the cases abandon ment aad. non-support, , : Result of a Feud. Paul Ducleos, a farmer living in the Webfoot neighborhood, about 10 miles southeast of McMinnville, was shot and instantly killed at 10 o'clock this morn ing by Fred Clemmens, 20 years old. The trouble was the result of an old feud that has existed between the two fami lies for a long time. Coroner Fenton, of Dayton, . and Sheriff Henry, were hastily summoned to (he ecene The coroner inquest disclosed facts as to the cause of the killing which are cor roborated by the residents of the neigh borhood. Trouble has existed between the Ducleos and Clemmens families for a long lime,. and it nearly reached a cli max last fall during harvest, when Clem mens and bis father . and the two Ducleos boys came near fighting. Since then the bitterness bas been more intense, and the Ducleos boys have promiscuously threatened the lives of the two Clemmeqa men. Ducleo3' gun was found by his side in full readi ness for shooting Ths Seufert Case. At Portland Saturday the- government rested its case in the Seufert condem nation suit, and the government, whicH objects to paying the Seuferts (35,000 for the boat railway route, commenced its side. Senator Taylor, of Umatilla county, was the first witness called by the gov ernment. He testified that, in his judgment,' the , property in question might be damaged temporarily $5000 to $10,000, and $15,000 at the very .out-" side. He based bis figures on the in-' convenience to be suffered, and the'pjs 'ble interference in the carrying on of the fishing business; particularly dur ing the time the road is being construct ed. T. J. Kirk ga7e testimony in much the same strain. His outside figures on the damages from all sources was $15,000. Mexican Burros. D. J. Shaw and J, Y. Henderson, ac companied by Jack Curtias, as a helper, arrived in Prineville last week with 41 Mexican burros that they bad brought overland all the way from Durango, Colo., intending to take them to Alaska and go into the packing business. The beasts are miserably poor, as one might expect them to be when it is said mat tbey have been on the road since Octo ber 10, and have traveled something like 1500 miles. The men to k them out to the Powell bnttes neighborhood, to let them rest and fill up, for probably a month, if the winter continues open, when they will resume their journey to ward the land o: the midnight sun. Several hundred of the little animals are now on their way from Wallowa county to Pendleton from which place they wilj be shipped to Portland, Oregon's Flour Trade George W. McNear, who Is president of the the Port Costa Milling Company and is the first or second largest wheat exporter in San Francisco, is quoted as saying the other day that within ten or a dozen years Oregon will manufacture all her wheat crop into flour. "Califor nia," said he, "cannot compete with Ore gon io the flour trade, and I will tell yon why : Freights for wheat, ou an average n 10 shillings, or $2 50 a ton higher horn San Francisco than from Portland to European ports; ttiat means 30 eeota a barrel. And that 30 cents will drive California out of the manufactured flour for export.' Weekly Excursion to the East. A tourist sleeping car will leave Port- land every Tuesday evening at 9:00 p. m. via IbeO. K. & JN. without change to Bostou, and under the supervision of experienced conductors. No change of cars to the cities Omaha, Chicago, Buffalo or Boston. The ideal trip to the Eist is now before you. - Remember this serv ice when going East, and consult O. B. & N. Agents, or address, W. H. HoKLBfRT, General Parsenger Agent, Portland, Ore. . ' After tetrs of untold suffering from piles, B. W. rursell, of Knitnereville, fa., was cured by osing a single box of DeWitt's Witch Haul Salve. Skin dis eases such as eczema, raeh pimples and obstinate sores are readily cured by this famous remedy. Palace Drug Store, Wm. McBride, Prop. We will not be jn the grocery Ijne, Cqrtii 4 Rigby. Letter List. ' i Letters for the following named per sons remained unclaimed in the Athena, Oregon, postoffice, Jan. jjl. 18,981. fjr rons Ealing for the same will please lay 'advertised.'' , Vrmstrong, Minnie Rider, Mrs. Eva lenner, Mrs. E. B. Rted, Mrs, Martha Berbendt, Otto RiJer, Miss Edna Baldwin, Geo, W. Rice, Ren (3) Stevenson, Malcolm Shaw, Elmer Shaver, Mis. J. M. 8eey, Miss Lonle Sorlvener, Norma Toles, Jaokson Cain, L O. Cook, W. F. , 1 Gregoire, Stephen Harkena, R. Hardesty, Fraoaia Matthews. Mra.8. Preston, R. N. Tennery, Ella Pierce, Mrs. ManjielWhi;, i8a m. L - L A. GlTHBNS, Postmaster, Wheat Market. Athena, Feb 4. Wheat Sales slow. 62 cents A Clever Tilck. It certainly looks like it, but there is really no trick about it Any body can try U who has Lame Back and Weak Kidneys, Malaria or nervous troubles We mean he can cure'- himself right away by taalng Electric Bitters, This medicine tones up the whole system, acta as a stimulant to the Liver and Kidneys, is a blood purifier and ner v e tonic! It cares Constipation, Head ache, Fainting Spells, Sleeplessnsa and Melancholy. It 3a purely vegetable, a mild laxative, and restores the system to its natural vigor. Try Electric Bit ters and be convinced that they are a miracle worker. Every bottle guaran teed. Only fjQs. a bottle at Pioneer Prwg Store, , SEVERAL HAPPY PEOPLE- Visitors in Pendleton .Cured Dr, Darrin. by The Large Number Who Have Been Successfully Treated by . the Doctor are Loud in - , Their Praises. (Pendleton Republican ) William E, Brotherton, of Vansycle, was a visitor to Pendleton Tueeday. He was treated by Dr. Darrin on December 27 for crosBeyes, and reports, that the operation was a perfect Buccess. He came to town to transact business and was well pleased at the success he met with in bavins his eyes straightened Mrs. Chris Breding was a visitor in Pendleton on Thursday rejoicing over the recovery of her little son from asth ma, bronchial trouble and catarrh. Her other little boy now has perfect sight, after having been operated upon by Dr. Darrin. The little fellow's eyelids had grown last to tne eye nan. me doctor disected them away so that the eyeballs now turn naturally and the boy baa his perfect sight. Mrs. i. a), uraety, ot uiddoo, was in town this week kicking because she had nothing to complain about because she had been cured by Dr. Darrin of disease of which women are heir. She ii now in the best of health and reports further that Harry Swart'a girl, also of Gibbon, who was cured three years ago by Dr. Darrin in Portland of spots on the lenses of the eyes, is still enjoying the best of sight, bhe had been given up by all other phvBicians. Mr. Swart is very much pleased that the trouble bas not returned after a lapse of years. Mr. R. H. Patton, who resides ten miles south of Pendleton, was in the city Thursday and reports Mra. Patton as cured to the extent that she ii now able to do her own work. She was treated by Dr. Darrin for diseases pecu liar to women. It will be remembered that Mr. Patton'a daughter was cured by Dr. Darrin two years ago of discharging ears, with wnicn sue nao been ainicied from early youth. John Bell, of Athena, was in Pendle ton the other day, and was enthusiastic over the result of treatment by Dr. Dar rin for scrofulous lump, of which ho was completely cured, together with dieuase of the blood- i , Miss Mary Wbittaker, of Ridge, who was attending school in Pendleton, was cured by Dr. Darrin. of strained and in Aimed eyes, the result of overstudy, To-Night! NEW OPERA HOUSE ATHENA, OREGON SPECIAL ENCACEIWENT OF THE FAMOUS EMPIRE COMEDY CO "The Police Alarm," ' A Comedy in four acts. New and pleas ing Specialties. TO-MORROW NIGHT "M'liss" The great Drama of Western life, writ ten by Bret Harte. . NEW AND PLEASINC SPECIALTIES CHANGE OF PROGRAM EACH EVENING. PRICES: Children, 15e General admission 20e Reserved seats 30c SEATS 08 SMI AT THE PIONEER DRUG STORE -.sfVV W v.X -v 4 wm MORRIS BLOCK, 4 HAVE YOU SEEN THOSE BEAUTIFUL Ti 0 V Lace' Just Received at the THE NEW STORE mmn?mnrmitntfmitrmWfnmrfnfmmi!n!minrarar5 A Home Production : We have the exclusive agency in Athena, for the sale of Dr. Blalock's Home Made Apple and Pear Butter, put up for the trade in 1 gal lon tins, Blalock's evaporated fruit is fine. The Brick Grocery, CURTIS & RIGBY, Proprietors, : : Athena, Oregon The Muiison Typewriter IS I'mrm riTKimii utw;- ifn.t,;A TtRv, ? 1 y'! iA h J.A - THE THE HIGHEST GRADE AND . . . . Controlled by no Trust or Combine .... Address for particulars: . MUNSON TYPEWRITER COMPANY, ' . Manufacturers, 240-244 VV. Lake Street, Chicago, Ills. A FINE 1 PLAYS ANY PIECE ANY COMPOSER. : WILL BE GIVEN AVAY AT MAX LEWIHS, THE PEOPLE'S FURNISHER Any person purchasing to the amount of $1.00 in Cash is entitled to a chance in a drawing on this fine musical instrument. Each addi tional purchase of $1.00 in Cash'' will entitle the buyer to an additional chance. The in strument is on exhibition MAX LEWIN Leader of Low Prices. Agent for Royal Tailors. "Better i he grade, the bigger the trade," ia our Motto. fSiJVivv k ,a ..v.. lew Store f 1 r. ATHENA. OREGON, ! r. Scarfs 9 e f f Agents for Butterick's Patterns. Py injj BLoi" wimiiji maumuc SPECIAL FEATURES: Interchangeable Steol Type wheel, Insuring permanent alignment, Perfect light-swinging carriage, Metal erasing plate, Simplicity of construction, Writing in sight, 90 letters and characters, Standard keyboard. "MUNSON" is especially guarau teed in writing for live years from date of purchase. STANDARD OF EXCELLENCE RIG BO) OF MUSIC COMPOSED Bf WAS. 8