The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, December 11, 1896, Image 4

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lasLewin's Cash Store ;
Itake the plesu&.j!rf.jtt)f&frmng
tn5?pEojne or. AMiena-ancr-vicinuy
that I have added-a complete line -
of Gent s Furnishing Goods,
to my stock of Groceries and will
sell the Bame at such astonishing
r Liiif Prices that I defy all compe- -
tition. - ' - ' t -t ,
Convincing makes believing. All
- . ,...,. ..,.-.... ,. ,
ask is to come to ray store and ,
get prices beiore; purchasing else- i ,
?eie. Thanking yoa for- your
ptisl patronage,
; t remain, yours respectfully,'
P. S.-I
tailoring establishment.
Fit guaranteed. J .
am headquarters for Joseph Weil & Company,
Suits made to order from $12 $
Farmer's Son Fiercely Attacked by a
. ' . .' Wounded Bird and Its Mate. -
Martin E. Hirnson, the youngest son of
,,'Oliarles Wunson, well-to-do farmer
living near Willow Sprinns, is certain to
!o?e tbe eight of one eye bb the result of
an encounter with a pair of Jarge owIh in
a atretch of woodland near the- drainage
canal on Sunday afternoon, eays tne
Chicago Chronicle. Young Simeon is
nearly 14 years old and his parents
granted bis request Sunday when he
, aeked their consent to a hunting trip
down thfl Ddeplaines river. 4 .
After leaviug home he 'followed the
river south until lie reached a 'patch of
woodland between Willow Springs and
woods he raw a huge owl perched high in
a tree and brought it to the ground with a
,W'.'U directed ehot. Supposing it to be
"dead he stoped to pick it up wheu the
birfl which was only slightly disabled
meJ.h a fierce attack upon him and before
. bf could defend hiniBeif fastened Its
, ty'ous into the flush of his right band. -6hi;ieking
with pain he tried to i best
A ' . ' ' '"..
the angry bird oft but " before he tjonld
succeed another owl, apparently the mate
of the iojcired one,' appeared and with
a free swoop fastened its claws iu the
boy's uplifted - arm and with its beak
destroyed the right eye at a single stroke.
Tbe lad, fought desperately for bis
life and succeeded in - freeing himself.
With the gun he quickly dispatched the
injured bird and finally succeeded in
beating its infuriated mate off. ' ''
Blinded by blood which , flowed from a
dozen cuts Irnd almost crazed by pain aod
excitement the boy roacbed a neighbor
ing farmhouso where his wounds were
dressed and he was sent home. '
, A Inspiring Scene. , i V
A paspenger on the State when it met
with its lfttle accident the other night
tells the Whatcom Revoille that tbe
scene was an inspiring one.. Wheu tbe
crash came everybody was asleep, and
everybody thought that the boat was
sinking. Tbe passengers got out of
their rooms clothed in night wear and
life preservers, f Several men rushed
frantically around in the cold wind vainly
trying to get a shirt on over a life ; pre
server. Two fir thrfa hd to be held to
prevent their Jumping jnio the cold bay.
Others got out on the Art ln-.the snow
and puts on tlu i- v' '. Tn-iyjwere in
their room, and, fjuny to feUt nevwr
knew ttwo wa an.aeeidnnl, it! when
the boat luined round and steamed back
to Seattle, they got off at the wharf and
thought they were in Whatcom.-
Blest Be the Tie that Binds.
Garfield township, Seward county,
Kansas, cast only two votes at the recent
elec kn. One of tbe voters cast a straiubt
republican ballot, while the other voted
the populist ticket straight with the
exception of one county office. ' Garfield
township has 20 Inhabitant, eight of
whom are voters. Tbfe are four republic
cans and four populists. On election day
three of the populists paired off with three
republicans, and six did not vote.' The
other republican wished to pair off with
the remaining populitt, but tbe latter
refuse 1 as be wished to vote for one
republican candidate. There was a tie
on all township office?, and tbe candi
date bad to cast lots to determine who
would serve.
Churning Done in One Minute.
I have tried the Lightning Churn, you
recently described in your; paper,' and it
is certainly a wonder. '. I can churn in
less than one minute, and tbe butter is
elegant, and yon get considerably more
butter, than , when you use , a common
churn. I took the agency for the Churn
bera and every, butter maker that eeej it
buys one.- I have sold three" dor.fin and
they give the best of satisfaction I know
I can sell 100 in this township, as they
churn so quickly, make so much tncwJ
butter than common churns and araVf
ebeap. Some one in every townsKp can
make two or three hundred dollars sell
ing these churns. By addressing J. F.
Casey & po St. Louis, Mo., you can get
circulars and tail lniormauon so you can
make big money right at home. I have
made 89 in the past two Weeks and I
never 6old anything before in my life.
A. Farmer.
' ' The Long and Short Haul. -:
A petition bat been 'filed with the
interstate . commerce .commission at
Washington, by the representatives of the
Santa Fe, the Rio Grande, Rio Grande
Western, ;the : Southern Pacific,1 the
Colorado Midland and the Union Pacific,
aeking that these roads be riemHtad to
charge less In the aggregate for longer
distances, between Colorado points and
California then lot shorter distances over
the same lines. The purpose is that
these railroads be allowed to make a
schedule of lower rates from Denver and
coast points of thia state to tbe Pacific
coast then Salt Lake City. The interstate
commerce 'Commission .has. set. the
bearing on tbe petition for December 18
at Washington. . . 'V.-?
Beata the "Stolen" Jewelry Dodge :
Tne approach of winter always brings
what might be called an avalanche of
street beggars, A new dodge is for Some
young follow to approach you on the
street with four pennies in his hand and
ask for another to make five to get a cup
of coffee, for he had nothing to eat -tince
morning.' No person ouUide of a miajr
can harily refuse such a lequest, and so
t ha 'begger gets lots of coppers and nickels,
too,' for a person who has no coppers will
say : "Here,s a nickle," and would scorn
to ask for the chttnga. It is said that
the begger reaps an easy harvest, about
$1 a night in this way, ,
The "East End" as Reflected
By Our Exchanges;
. There Is no excuse for any man to ap
pear in society with a grizzly beard since
theintoductlon cf Buckingham's Dye,
which colors natural brown or black.
Taken to Pendleton for an
Misfffns Henderson, of this city,
wasficently united in marriage to Joe
Hudspeth at Baker City.
There is a girl in Condon so modest
that she absolutely refuses to wear her
watch in her bosom because it has hands,
remarks the ulobe.
Frank Blair is under a doctor's care at
Walla Walla, where be submitted to an
operation for varicose veins. Mr. Blair
is being nursed by Charles Marsh. .
iff. B: Davidson intends to remove to
Pendleton soon with bis bride, to reside
permanently. Mr.-Davis contemplates
engaging in tbe photographic business
there. ,
" Mr. and Mrs; Charles King, of McKay
creek; have been visiting at the home of
Mrs. King's father, W, H. Stamper, near
Weston. 1 heir infant child was recently
seised with a serious sickness, but is now
out of danger.
The Weston Kmgbts ot ryt&ias ex
pect to give a fine dance at opera hall
Christmas eve. It ' will be a hard times
masquerade, !- affording opportunity for
novel and appropriate costuming at email
expense. Iho fact that Kirkman's orch
cstra has been engaged is a guarantee of
excellent music. ,
Jack Johnson, the blacksmitn, was
knocked out by a ennning and vicious
horse, at ' McEachern's " shop the other
day. The animal waited for a good op
Dortnnity and then turned loose ' with
both hind feet at the blacksmith, who
was trying to shoe it. One hoof struck
Mr. Johnson's hand . inflicting an ngly
and painful wound and nearly severing a
cord. " -r. -
The recent cold snap was .bad medicine
for "spuds." William - Allen; on 1 Wild
Hone, lost his whole harvest of 700
sacks. The sacked potatoes had been
placed in a pile and covered with earth
and straw, but the rain penetrated them,
and the cold - weather immediately. lot
lowing froze the entire mass. On the
mountain many field of potatoes are yet
undug. and the potatoes have nndoobt
edly frozen. beneath the ground. John
Davidson estimates that be is looser by
at least 700 sacks, and many other
mountain! farmers have-also suffered
Potatoes aught to bring a good price
now. . .,' .; j;:;: r:
J, E. Barnss ia either insane, or else
has been ' making a spectacular fool of
himself with an object in view free
grub and a good place to sleep during tbe
winter. - Anvway be became such
nuisance to Weston citizens that. they
could endure him no longer, so he was
..' V) . ' . 1 1.;.
1 C r
4 r
Just tell tlieni i
saw ii
kill 11
Our Shelved are loaded arid we are enjoying a trade that ia exceeding
our most Bangui ne$ Expectations. ULere are a few of many stun
ning Bargains we are now offering: ,
were keptvftu , . . '
und the Dalles Uu
.. cm board that could
transfcred, started to rt
this city, and waa wrecked. S
il !. .. .! f .... .
una inisionuno cannot be reme
died, it should serve as a reminder
in the future to the government
officials to stay at their posts of
Ladies Heavy;Eangaroo Calf Shoes, for Q K -Ladies
Dongblak Shoes, Patent Tip, for V 0 U
Tt 13 to be hoped that-the com
ing legislature will not occupy all
its time in selecting a U, S. Senator
and passing appropriation bill?, as
did it's predecessor, ns there is
needed legislation to perform. If
Senator Mitchell is to be his own
successor it Is to be hoped that he
without any nn-
the legisla-
ast part of
Slippers;, ... . .$ MO
the .wealthy abstract companies
employed skilled legal talent to
the end that the law was declared
unconstitutional. But the people
of that state seem to be determin
ed that they will have the law,
and will therefore have the coming
legislature enact another one. '
will be selected
IRArsTREKT'8 does not present a
very encouraging account of the
condition of business for the past
week. It says: ''Where business
havo been more active it is duo to
lllling-in orders and the demand
for holiday goods. Confidsp
a revival ot demand, v
nrt appeared, was j i'sibla
Men's all- Wool Black Suits, (Oregon , . ;
.imake) 8-00
the joiuftr' tixt-rrkintoshes, 3.75
iHousanns or peopis nnh,- p(-,.
Hood's Sarsaparilla a positive and pero'""-
anent cure for rheumatism.
A Churn that Churns in one Minute.
I have been In the dairy business all
my life and have many times churned
for an hour before butter would appear,
so when I heard of a churn that would
churn in a minute, I concluded to try it.
Every day for a week I used it, and not
only could I churn in a minute, but I got
wore and better butter than with the
common churn. Thia is very important
information to butter makers. The churn
works easily, an .1 will churn an ordinary
churning in. less than 60 seconds. I have
sold two dozen of theee churns in the
past month. Every butter maker that
ha" FWn thechnm in less than a minute
has bouiiht one. " You ran obtain all de
sired information regarding the churn by
addressing J. P. Caeav & Co., 8t Louis,
nd they will give vok prompt and court-
er Pair,.
tous attention.
A Dairy Man.
of fresh Staple
' r to find them.
UuL; to go to your
i Oregon,
" Cures talk " in favor
of Hood's Sarsaparilla,
as for no other medi
cine. Iu great cures recorded in truthful,
convincing language of grateful men and
women, constitute its most effective ad
vertising. Many of these cures are mar
velous. They have won the confidence ot
the people; have given Hood's Sarsapa
rilla the largest sales in the world, and
have made necessary for its manufacture
the greatest laboratory on earth. Hood's
Sarsaparilla is known by the cures it has
made cures ot scrofula, salt rheum and
eczema, cures of rheumafcjji, 'neuralgia
and weak nerves, cures of dyspepsia, liver
troubles, catarrh cures which prove
Is the best-In tact the One True Blood Purifier.
. . - , cure liver Ills', easy to
tlOOU S PillS take, easy to operate. 25c.
; Tills Is Tour Opportunity.
On receipt of ten cents, cash or stumps,
a generous sample will be mauea oi tne
most popular Catarrh and Hay Fever Cure
(Elv's Cream- Balm sufficient to demon
strate the great merits'of the remedy.
60 Warresn St., Kew York City.
-Her. JohnReid, Jr., of Great Falls, Mont,
recommended Ely's Cream Balm to me. I
can einpbasizo his statement, "It is a posi
tive cure for catarrh if Um ns directed."
Rev, Francis W. Poole, Pastor Central Pres."
Church, Helena, Mont.
"Ely's Cream Balm 'is the acknowledged
cure for catarrh and contains no mercury
nor any injurious drug. Price, 50 cents.
taken to Pendleton yesterday by "Uncle
Dick" Powers to be examined for insan
itv. Barns, not lone sko. was an inmate
of the asylum tor six montne, ana since
bis return he has mado his experience
the subject of - street orations. He ad
vertised bimeeit once as J. Bj. freeman,
and drew a crowd to tbe opera house to
whom he delivered a - "lecture" with
ffreat eueto. Lately he- has been dis
coursing on . tne street at-- tne lop or. nis
voice. Hiving a mixture o! views concern
the insane asylum . and. the. Adventist
faith.. He was his own brass band, pos
eessing a faculty for producing etrange
sounds known as ' luna music' from tne
denth ot his inner anatomy. Opinions
are divided as to whether Barnes is really
insane or .wanted to go to the asylum
and be supported at the state's expense
Barnev Prine. of Weston, likes to pros
pect for mineral. He is among the old'
est of our old pioneers, having founded
Prineville in Crook county, and has pros,
pected and mined nearly all his life'
Mr. Prine has just returned from six
months of "roughing it" in Brttieh Col
umbia northern Washington and Idaho,
With pick and shoveL he traveled the
famous Roseland region, the Colville res
ervation and the Pierce City country,
Associated with others, he located some
good ledgesrnear Pierce City, and these
will be developed in the spring. Owing
to the favorable nature of Washington's
minine law. thousands and thousands of
c!airie;have been located on the Colville
reservation, and Barney Prine couldn't
find a piece of ground worth uavuag.
Every man able to walk had gone out
and taeen all tbe claims possible. Some
have dozens of claims, '. and one enter
prising man has . actually recorded 120.
The Colville country shows the same
class of ore that is fonnd in the Roaeland
district, but' it is considerably richer.
Ore is hard to find near .Pierce Oity, all
tbe ledge being hidden, but a prosoec
tor who is not afraid to work eventually
has his efforts rewarded. ,.
; ; . . ; HILTON XAOUb . , ;
Up in Maine they tie toy calico cats in
the fruit trees to scare the birds away.
Now let some man invent some toy tbat
can be tied to the roof to scare the cats
away. ;. ... -, fJ ;. ... , v...
A large white owl was captured a short
distance below town lueaday by three ot
our local spor tsmen who found his owl
ship entangled in a barb-wire fence.
He ie now on exhibition' at Tolen's bar
ber shop..
Mr. I. M. Overman died at his home on
Dry creek at an early hour Friday morn
ing of ' paralysis, h The funeral took
place Saturday from the residence. ! The
remains wera interred in the Milton
yw cemetery., . . . , -.
' Considerable damage was done last
night to the stores of B. L. Wright and
tbe Milton Mercantile Co. by the water
from the melting snow leaking throngh
the roof ot the Nichols 'building.- The
worst damage, however, was done to the
ball and furnishings of the Knights of
fytnias. the carpets and parspbenaua
were mucn injured.
The Waitaburg Times is still running
the Merwin s wort's advertisement reia
tive to loans. The Waitaburg Times
editor should read the papers. By so
doirg he would long ago have discovered
8worts was a fraud and so declared by
the postal authorities, and that he will
never receive a cent for the space Swort'a
aavrtisement. All other paoers dron
ped S worts like a hot brick some weeks
s?o - . - , .
Monday "morning Joe Twyroan, who
lived on Wljitehouee & Crimmins' farm
Sve miles southwest of Walla Walla, was
found dead lving on tire floor .of the
house, by William Coe and L. Rnspell
Beside him was an armful of wood which
he evediently had in his arms when he
fell. His feet were encaeed in gunny
sacks aod mittens were on his hands.
His death is attributed to heart disease.
Mr. Barnes Not Insane. ;
There has been an attempt made to
tffvTT.f. Barns", 6Y V4a, Ctmamlfted
to the insane asylum, but it was not suc
cessful. After an examination of Mr.
Barnes, the county court is not satisfied
that he is crsxy enough to warrant his
being committed. He appears to be a
little "off" on religion, bnt on other sub
jects he talks and acts as rationally as
the average man. It is very probable
that the county court will order that Mr.
Barnes be admitted to tbe county hospi
tal for a time, Pendleton Tribune. ,
Creditors to Refund Money. .
Tribune: in th uanlUr of the estate
of SoloraunWoreoIey, the First National
Bank has shown to tbe satisfaction of the
court that it hold preferred claim against
the eatata," and, ia accordance with this
the assignee. L- D. Lively, has been in
etrucked to collect from all creditors ot
the estate whom he had already paid
18 3 per cent of their claims, 20 cents for
every dollar they received from him as
assigaee. A'
-- "v"l:
Then ADVERTISE in the
- - r ........ -V , ..... , ,
And Get Business.
The ATHENA PRESS guarantees a larger
circulation than that of any other paper in
Eastern Umatilla County, : : : : :
The IridestructibIeuMaywobd,,
Ths Host (odern,
Post Reliable, ..
, ' , ; (lost DorsU
' Whl on Earth.
THIS $75.00 COM
4r - - - -a I " ' ?
V : Wl COUP0N'
kyn jM ayvvood f! wSsT
viTvicTQ SVeb. 24, 1891 Oct. 3, 180S Jan
VATENT8 Mlt; J7; 181)1 Jan 1.1804. Oth.
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cided, to make a special coupon offer, giving all j.j.4 . t4.n
Coupon No! 2 7
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readers of this paper a chance to get a first-class
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ceipt of $35.00 and this coupou we w ill ship
anywhere, to anyone, the above : described Bi
cycle, securely packed and crated and guarantee
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$36.00 and coupon, provided $5.00 is sent,yvjth(i.i..j...4.'4.j.j,
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warranty with each Bicycle. ' This is a chance of a lifetime and you
cannot afford to let the opportunity pass. Manufactured by
CASn BUYERS' UNION, Chicago, 111.
Address all orders to '' :
The Athena; Press'; Atheiiay Ore.
wrw ui f if
S t t
W B 1
P'STP fS"?!?"S55 by the only concern that rrr
Chlcaffot San Fr&n.
CImo. Cat: Ft. Worth.
fun inbinio. ti. : Lin- Bince '8a reduced the cost of win
eola,Meb.:KansM Tbroueh gratitude, aod because we aro price makers, and nrev- '
!rita e.,.Miw. A . . . : . & .nfnn. ,a mtl, nnA hum,Ma mr nr. t), onln nrioinalnr, if. .
iUo.; SumxCity, t ,,. ot ail that is' good ia the modern steol windmill and b -A
1 .
volantanlv reduced rrices. or
in recent times orieinated a new idea in Windmill and
Water Surnly Goods. Evervthine the farmer ceils 3 low.
Who aells low to him ? We have repeatedly refused to loin,
ma nave inereiore aeteaiea wiuqihui coaiuiuauou, kuu iiva, y.t:y
since '80. reduced the cost of wind power to what it was.
Fmria.111.: Detroit.'
y ar. lore
, in low prices, high grades and large sales.
We believo 1
We make short 1
9 X. tUlttlM' fl
si hand with lone power stroke pumps, with best seamless " J
brau tube cylinders, lower than Iron ones a e z 16 inch at 3
i3-S3- We prepay freight to 20 branch houses. Send now for .
Deantiruiiy liinsrrateu cataioirne or up-to-aate taeas,
Itnis appears bat once. uur Imitators may not nave 1
print our latest plans. Mo one knows tbe best
I Mill, Pump or Price nntil ha knows ours.
.A.. J. PARKER, 3?T?0T?iL7el30:c of
" ... I
In Latest Sta les.
In order to make room for new goods, .we offer special
prices on Seeders, Sulkey and Walking plows, Harrows,
Wagons, "Wagon boxe?, .Wood Backs. Now on the way,
and just received' new Plows, new Drills, new Harrows.
New Prices to suit all. Call and Examine.
Get our Prices before Buying.
THE C A. BARRETT COMPANY, - . Athena Oregon
-i j