The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, December 11, 1896, Image 3

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    V -
3 Dl
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uy a Thing until you Examine hansel! Iwilaloney's
It Comprises all the Novelties of the Season and will please you both in
niiD ' cimc on coTinu nc nnnne uiiii r qtaiht tuc tcot every a rtj cle fj l led th rough an p th ko u c h with attraction, merit and true worth
you from having a Merry Christmas as you can get the Present you want for the Person
you wish at a Price you can afford; to pay.
A Beatiful Oil Painting; 24x38, framed, is absolutely givenlawaji with every $10 purchase of Christmas Goods.
HANSELL & MALONEY, ; The PostofBe Store, Athena Oregon.
fr'ilBii it'i'iriilirnifii
The Square Store.
Cut Prices
The Wright & Peters shoes, for
mer price $4 to $6, going at $1.75
to $2, or Jess than 5C cents on the
dollar of first cost.
Bannan & Sods ehoea f 4.50 to $6.00, to
closed out at 3.00.
Suits of clothes cost
Suits of clothes cost
Suits of clothes cost
Suits of clotbee cost
Suits of clothes cost
Suits of clothes cost
SuitH of clothes coet
Suits of clothes cost
$ 7.00 at
. . 6.00 at
6 25 at
7.70 at
11.00 at
8.80 at
. 12 00 at
13.20 at'
6 50
We will not sell our black suits below
cost but we'll sell them below what is
said to be below cost. Not an article of
these goods have been in oar store over a
year and are up to date styles. Over 75
patterns to select from
Square Store
Pendleton, Oregon
Watch Repairing
My Business
.. . . 1. . i '. i z x i v. and I give
careful, painstaking attention to it. I give
especial attention to the repairing of use
watches-tbekind of watches that need
extra careful adjustment I try to nave
my work give such satisfaction as will
win the confidence of all who leave their
watch repairing in my hands. I want
too to feel that when yon leave your
watch with me for repairs, the work will
be done to the beet of my ability and in
a competent manner. It ib my ambition
to add to the reputation I think I have
in a small measure already established,
of doing honest, thorough watch repair
ing. H. H. HILL, Athena, Oregon.
Local News.
Lewin has a fine stock of watches.
Choice hams and bacon at Beale'a.
Ut. 3. Kirk was in Pendleton Tuesday.
Charley Henry was in Pendleton Tues
day. -. - . .
J. W. Smith was in Pendleton Satur
day. ; , . ' .
Consult Hollis' new ad in today's
Press. - . ;
y W. L. Zeiger was in town from Helix,
Rev. W. T. Koontz is in Walla Walla
this week. -
Have you seen those Dress Serges at
Silk handkerchiefs for your best girl,
at Mosgrove's. ' :.. '-: '
B. F. McElroy had business in Pend
leton Tuesday. ' , .
y(h. M. Watrns was in town from Ad
ams, Monday. ; :
J. W. Smith solicits ' your insurance.
Call and see him, ' , r
hJohn-Adams was in town Tuesday from
rhia home near Adams. r . j
'Doll buggies 35 cents each, at the
Blue Front, Pendleton. j- : ;
Picture books from five cents np at the
Blue Jb ront in Pendleton.
Men's and boys ties at Mosgrove's, at
prices that sell them at sight. .
' Chas. Norris and wife have returned to
their fruit ranch near Milton. ; -: '
bC Mrs. W. T. Eigby will visit friends in
Southern Oregon tms winter. . ;
Air guns and. iron trains for the boys
at the Blue Frost. Pendleton. . .
W. E. Young, : the pioneer harness
maker is on the Bick list this week.
These drainage troughs on Main street
are a credit to the town in your mind.
- Born In St. Anthony, Idaho to Mr.
and Mrs. Irving McQuary, a daughter.
County Surveyor Kimbrell expects to
finiBh the Milton bridge inside of ten
days. ' , ,;;.;;
The voune ladies of Athena will eive a
leap year ball at the opera bouse to
night. A dance was given at, the home of
Louie Audette, on the reservation, lues
day night. - '
Ladies undesrwear and hosiery in end
less varieties, at prices to suit all, at
Moegrove'a. ' -
Most cornnleteiifook t 'v-l'p-i5tylc;
in Drees goods arid Trimmings are found
at Mosgrove's.. " ;
Table linens at Mosgrove's cheaper
than you can steal them off yonr neigh
bors clothesline.
Crockery and glassware, " in endless
variety at Moegrovee. Ko cracks, ex
cept in the price.
That "bicycle hump" still clings to
thoee Mackintoshes that are going at
Mosgrove'a at 13. 75. .
Only good insurance companies are
represented by Smith. Remember this
when taking ont a policy.
Vanled-ftn Idea
Protect ;
Wto emn thin
oC raw limp)
t -roar Mw: thrf tntr trrmgroa wcuii.
Wbia(TU. . C. for tktt LW priM He
Attention, Boys.
If yon want to gladden the hearts of
yonr eweerbearts, go to Max Le win's
and boy them a , box of those delicioos
bonbons. Tbey are all right, yoa bet.
. P. M. KIRKLAND'8 accounts must be
settled. Call at the First National bank,
and interview E. L. Barnett.
Mrs. Clara Pence Brown, a pioneer
lady of this country died in Pendleton,
Wednesday morning of dropsy. ;
)vMr. and Mrs. Lake France and baby
Mildred will spend the holidays with
friends and relative in Tacoma. . :,
Repairs have been made on the Pendleton-Walla
Walla branch, and all trains
are now running on schedule time, j ;
Cass Rogers, a farmer on Batter creek,
has ordered a car load of corn from Ne
braska, and will feed it to bis hogs. ;
The Adams Dramatic Co., will appear
at the opera bonse next Wednesday
night. .... The troup is said to be good. . .
jThe foot-bridges between Gibbon and
Bingham Springs have all been washed
out by the high waters of the Umatilla.
' The county assessor and clerk have
been advised that the state board of
equalization will meet at Salem December
21. ; r
" Parlor lamps for Christmas presents,
at Mosgrovee, for $2.50. Others sell
them at 4 and 6 dollars. Only a few
left. j . -V "
' The infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Chas.
Smith died Wednesday, and was buried
in the Athena cemetery yesterday after
noon. .. '. - .; i '
No prices marked with a forked pencil
at Mosgroves. Our prices, which are the
lowest in town, are marked in plain fig
ures. ... , ' ; ...
When in Pendleton atop at the- Golden
Rule Hotel. The best of rooms and ele
gant , fare. Free bus to and from all
trains. , - , i :
' W, M. Pierce has returned to his home
in Pendleton from Illinois, where be was
called by the sickness and death of Jiis
father. . . - -
Judging by the way goods sell at the
Blue Front in Pendleton, everybody can
afford to buy Christmas presents this
season. . .... .- i . ,t
WIenry F. Pierce, the reservation farm
er, is of the opinion that grgin in the
ground is uninjured oy tne recent cold
- Rev! G. Rushing, pastor of the Christ
ian church, will preach two sermons
Sunday from one text. Services morn
ing and evening. i .-
G. A. Barrett has been appointed sole
spent for the Buffalo Pitts threshers and
extras for all territory between Walla
Walla and Pendleton.
. Call and get oar prices on clothing. If
yoa can do better elsewhere we don't ex
pect your ;- bat-faa-rCacXThe
MqaafoTitore, Pendleton. t : .
John F. Elliott is in jail at Pendleton
for forging a check of 130 on Henry F.
Pierce. Elliott when arrested was on the
verge of delirium tremens. v ,
VOne of the Shutram boya, residing
eagle that meaenred six feet six inches
from tip to tip of the wings.
It is thoopbt among orchardists that
the recent cold weather has created havoe
among the fruit tree pests. An ill wind
that blows no one any good.
Sam F. McDonald has trongbt tpit for
divorce from Clara M. IfcDouaid, on the
grounds of desertion. 'Tbey were mar
ried at Montain Home, Idaho, in October,
1887. . .
Pickel, the artist, has put his rlagant
piano organ up to U rallied off. The in
strument is wortb J2Q(i;,fent the amount
asked for in the raflle is only $180. Buy
a chance.;,' X
"There is poetry in everything," mus
ed the editor. "Now, there is yonder
waste basket" and be laughed as he
Bometimes did when be was alone.
The young people of Athena and sur
rounding towns , will participate in a
Christmas . ball, at the Athena opera
house. A splendid time is expected. .
Just received from Factory over the
Hunt line, a new stock of Gang Plows,
Drills and Harrows. Prices to suit the
times. . O. A. Barrett.
4 Farmers should keep sufficient wheat
for seed purposes as it has been hinted
that not a few will sell so close that they
will be compelled to pay fancy" prices in
the spring. . - " - .
The La Grande Commercial Club bas
raised the preliminary fund of 1400 for
making the canvas of the subsidy for the
beet sugar factory, and the matter will be
pushed vigorously. , V ;
Now is the time for some enterprising
individual to lay in a good supply of
horses. Those noble animals can be
purchased of the city of Walla Walla for
ten cents per bead.
No excuse for colds, we offer prices
that make underwear, clothing, over
coats, mackintoshes, capes,'' jackets and
blankets cheaper than fuel.' Alexander
& Hexterj Pendleton, i t :
)rhe Knights of Pythias;; their wives
joymentat the hall last '.evening. An
entertaining program was rendered and
an elegant supper was served.
A Pendleton man bought a watch of a
gentleman of color the other day paying
$2.50 for it. When he opened the watch
some little time after, be discovered that
the works Lad been taken ont. .
: Hansel! & Maloney have-put in new
shelving, and are preparing to display
their large stock of Chrjatmaa goods,
which arrived this week. ? They tell you
all about tbem in today's Pkbss. ,
If in doubt what to select as a present
for your best girl, buy a gold, pen. There
is but one place in Pendleton and Uma
tilla county, where yon can find a good
assortment, that is the Blue Front. ,
The Phkss has" recently added a large
amount of printing material to its me
chanical department, and better abletban
ever to give prompt attention to all orders
in the printing and publishing line. " . .
V the past few days, sold bis 1894 wheat
for 67J6 cents per bushel, s lie oaereq it
two years ago for 40 cents per bushel but
could not effect a eale at tha price.
We don't say that we sell as cheap as
anybody, bui-. we that we sell
cheaper than anybody, when yoa
misrepresented, and through the lowest
prices. Alexander & Hester, Pendleton,
Ore. . ;-. k .
Mrs. Gus Byers, of Pendleton,' was
taken with sudden derangement of the
mind last week, thinking some personal
friend contemplated doing her bodily
'harm. She was taken to the home c?
her parents near Portland.
It is very probable that there will not
be another appointment of school money
until next April. It has been the cus
tom, though contrary to the state laws
governing school matters, to make ap
pointments tnrea times a year. ,
A Four Walla Walla cavalrymen who
' i i i i i - . : i u
tiau Deen nuniing iu mhj muuuraun uoui
Bingham Springs, passed through town
Monday, on their way to the fort. They
were successful in slaying three deor,
and report email game to be plentiful.
About the biggest whopper wo have
seen about the present enow blockade is
that in the Dakotas dynamite bad to be
need to remove the snow owing to the
fact that it had been rendered impervi
ous to pick or shovel by the intense cold.
hOudge James A. Fee, is an active
nanirant. far nnnitinn nf United States
district attorney, now held by Dan Mur
pny.and Zoeth Houeer .sheriff of Umatilla
county, is after the office held by Harry
Grady, that of United States marshal of
No matter who the customer is, where
he lives, what he wants, how much
money he ' has, nor how little be has,
there is no store in , Pendleton where
your dollars will do yoa eueh good service
as they will at Alxender & Hexter's store
in Pendleton. , '
' For warden of the Walla Walla peni
tentiary, H. T. Jones, of Spokane coun
ty, chairman of the state fusion commit
tee, is an active aspirant. He has in
fluential support in all parts of the state,
and his friends are confident that he will
capture the prize.
Hansell & Maloney have without doubt
arranged the prettiest show window that
was ever placed before the people of Ath
ena. The window is tastelalty decorated
with beautiful Christmas goods in end
less variety, and is the artistic work of
Mr. G. W. Hansell.
It is often a mystery how a cold has
been "caught." The fact is,however,that
when the blood is poor and the system
depressed, one becomes peculiarly liable
to diseases. When the appetite or the
strength fails, Ayer's Sarsaparilla should
be taken without delay. , ,
. "The trouble with some " men's adver
tising," says Printers Ink, "is that they
tried it as tt-e Indian tried feathers. He
took one feather, laid it on a board and
slept on it all night. In tbe morning ho
remarked: - Whi.t i-f'm,mmmm0
heap softFi."""
La Grippe. Cures in one day. "No
cure no pay." Price 25 cent, For sale
by G. 0. Osr-urn.
; The Paciflo Coast Elevator company
have ordered all their wheat that is stor
ed in elevators and warehouses to be
shipped at once to Portland. All grain
is wanted at the seaboard by Dec 20.
There is doubtless a fleet of vessels com
ing to Portland with charters that will
have to be filled. ,
. Wby suffer with Coughs, Colds, and
LaGrippe when Laxative Bromo Quinine
w ill cure you in one day. Does' not pro
duce any ringing in the bead like Sul
phate of Quinine, Put up in tablets con
venient for taking. Guaranteed to cure
or money refunded. Price 25 cents.
For sale by G. 0. Osburn. f
'-Hrports from reliable men, who are
good judges of growing grain, lead us to
form tbe opinion that so far no damage
has been done to grain in the ground, at
least none of consequence. It is die
covered that the ground is soft, the wheat
roots are healthy and the sprouts greon
and not killed to any extent. -
The Heppner Gazeite reports itself in
error in regard to publishing an article to
the effect that Clyda Thompson, well
known in Athena, had gone insane. The
Gazette says that Mr. . Thompson wail
only suffering from illness, and has re
covered. This is most gratifying to Mr.
Thompson's Athena friends.
XfftfBh91 GM'is succeeded in repairing
the bursted pipe at the water tower, this
week. The cold snap caused the water
tank to freeze several inches thick,, and
when the big pump was set in motion
the pressure was so groat that a defective
section of pipe up in the tower sprang a
severe leak. Large iron clamps were
used in connection with a cup shaped
piece of steel. .
George Hartmanof Pendleton, has in
vented a tumble-weed exterminator. It
is on the principal of the lawn mower,
and is to be drawn . over the field by , two
horses. The blades are so arranged that
they can be lowered or raised as wanted,
and when at work, are so constructed
that they will out tbe weeds off into the
ground. Mr. Harttnan will apply for a
patent, and the machine will be manu
factured in Pendleton.'
hThe charity ball, to be given in Athena
Fn .VtA n n ! r. n t .lit 1Q nnrla. til A
auBpicies of our business men, promises
to be largely attended. Extensive prep
arations are being made, and a good
time is promised to all who attend. Come
out and spend a pleasant evening and
aid a worthy cause. The proceeds devot
ed from the ball will be devoted excluoi
vely to purchasing provisions and fuel
Oaite a nnmber of voona: pennta
' Frozen To Death . :
Langdon, N. D., Dec.-; 7.-16 i-a maJk--
today since a train of any sort hfa arrived
in this town. The storm was tfceeuively
severe in this section, tbo temperature
dropped as low as 30 degrees belVw x.ero.
Three persons are known to havtf beau -frozen
todeatb near hero, sovernljthMrs
are missing. Mrs. Mikellson was vrozea
to death in her house, three miles noth ,
of hero, and a man and his wife lost their
lives fleeing from the storm after their
house had been destroyed by lire.
In Emmons county a pitiful case of
suffering and death is reported. A' Rus
sian family named Belovitzy ran out' of
firewood right in the midst of tne Btorn
and in their desperation they bad torn
down and burned a part of the house.
This let in the intense cold, and three
Childern, were found frozen to death.
; Deafess Cannot Be Cured,
by "local application as they cannot reach
the diseased portion oft he ear. There is
only one way to cure deafness, and that
is by constitutional remedies. Deafness
is caused by an inflamed condition of the
mucous lining of the Eustrchian Tube.
When this, tube is inflamed you havo a
rumbling sound or Imperfect hearing,
and when it is entirely closed, Deafness
is the result, and unless the inftamation
and be taksn out and this tube restored
to its normal condition, hearing will bo
destroyed forever ; nine cases out of ten
are 'caused by catarrh, which is nothing
but an inflamed condition of tbe mucous
We will give One Hundred Dollars for
any case of Daafness (caused by catarrh)
that cannot Ike cured by Hall's Catarrh
Cure. Send for circular; free. F. J.
Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio Sold by
Druggists, 75o. , . . - -
Notice to Stockho'Uovs,1 v ' -Tbe
regular annual met"ttn-,'S of tbo
stockholders of the First National BaiA
of Athens, Oregon, for tbre&uti?t
directors for the ensuing 'yt&t,
and for tho transaction
of such other business an may lawfully
come before it, will be held at its ofilee,
in Athena, Oregon, on Tuesday, the 13
day of January, 1897, at the hour of 1
o'clock p, m.
10. L. Barnett,
Athena, Or., Dec. 7, 1890. Cashier.
John Stadel was examined before
ted States CommiBslonpr
Pendleton, on a chp,'f v
from government
ton dofon'j,-"? 3 - ;
held St" " ' ;
to Pondleton we will convince you cp
fact. Max Bear, the Blue Front, W
leton. -, y
A case of diDtheria has b
one Whitman college stu v
school bone near the pie1'
young lady patient boan
closed nntil danger fromi
passed. . . - -.
Great Bankrupt Sale
201 Court St., Pendleto
ter In Prices. You ca
on every purchase. '. I
ly attended to. Spec!
made to people of Atl i
Your confidence it
in our proctem'on not
cain it through eariW
integrity, through rs
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