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About The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 30, 1896)
G-OOD JOB -WOEK: -A.T "VIErsr LOW PRICES. The Squar Store. Cut Prices The Wright & PeterB shoes, for mer price $4 to $6, going at $1.75 to $2, or less than 5C cents on the dollar of first cost. ACTUAL. WHOLESALE COST. Hannan & Sons shoes $4 50 to f 3 00, to be closed oat at J3.00. Suits of clothes cost Suits of clothes coet . Pnite of clothes cost Suits of clothes cost Bait of clothed cost . Bui's of clothes coet Suits of clothes cost Suits of clothes cost $ 7.00 at 6.00 at 6 25 at 7.70 at 11.00 at . 8.80 at 12.00 at 13.20 at 6 50 5.50 6.00 750 10.50 8.50 11.50 10.00 We will not eeli oar black suits below cost hat we'll sell them below what is said to be below cost. Not an article of those goods have been in our store over a year and are up to date styles. Over 75 patterns to select from . Square Store Pendleton, Oregon. Watch Repairing Is My Business and I give careful, painstaking attention to it. I give especial attention to the repairing of fink watches the kind of watches that need extra careful adjustment. I try to baye my work give such satisfaction as will win the confidence of all who leave their watch repairing in my hands. I want you to feel that when yon leave your watch with me for repairs, the work will be done to the best of my ability and in a competent manner. It is my ambition to add to the reputation I think I have in a small measure already established, of doing honest, thorongb watch repair ing. H. H. BILL, Athena, Oregon. You can get better photograDhe ia Athena for your money than any piacl in the country. All the latest Btyles, als kinds of fancy work, and first class cray ons, in fact yon can get anything you want in the picture line, at the Umatilla Art Gallery. Notice for Publication. Land Office at La Grande, Oregon, Sep tember 10. 1896. Notice is hereby given that the follow. ing-named eeltlt-r has filed notice of ni intention to matte nnai prooi in suppoi of his claim, and that said proof will made before county clerk of Umati county, at Pendleton, Oregon, on October 17, 1806, viz: VICTOR M. SHICK, H. E No. 5091, for the sej, of sec. 3, tp 4N. R.34E. W. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of, said land, viz : James W. Pinkerton, jr., John Brookner, John Keen, John Berlin, all of Athena, Ore gon. . B. F. Wilson, Register. Notice for Publication. Land Office at La Grande, Oregon, Sep tember 10. 1896. - Notice is hereby eiven that the follow inz-named settler has filed notice of hiaj inteotion to make final proof in supports of his claim, and that said proof will bff made before county clerk of Umatillt county, at Pendleton, Oregon, on Octobei 17. 1896. JAMES W. PINKERTON, H. E. No. 5110, for the swj of sec. 11, tp 4 N. R. 34 E. W. ST. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Victor M, Shick, John Brookner, John Keen, John Berlin, all ol Athena, uregon. B. F. Wilson, Register, kiirninff ilnna in OnA MirttltA. T trinri tha T ioKtninu flhnm. vtm recently described in your paper, and it is certainly a wonder. 1 can churn in lees than one minute, and the batter is elegant, and yon get considerably more r batter than when yon us a common kr T tnnfr tha KTnCV fflT th Chlirfl LUUI U a rw " O J " hers and every butter maker that see3 it bays ono. I have sold three dozen and they give the beet of satisfaction 1 know T nan anil 100 in thin trurnshio. as thev A f u ov. w - " r churn so quickly, make so much more batter than common churns and are so cheap. Some one in every township can make two or three hundred dollars sell ing these churns. By addressing J. F. '. Casey fc Co., St. Louis, Mo., yon can get rirrnlarn and full information so von can make bis money right at home. I have mn;ln 80 in the nast two weeks and I never sold anything before in my life. A Faembk. A Lie Nailed. rnnonmnltnn nrl hrnnchitis are bv DO means the same, although it is hard to (mm tha other. Bron chitis is an infUmmation of the lining of the wind tubes or air vessels of the longs causing soreness of the same, coagh, sore throat, horsenees, auncuuy 01 Draining, cn;fini Almsttar iiut ikimptimefl blond. Thousands die annually with this dread disessff. Wilbur's Ctwgh Cora will cure. Price 50 cents. Said by Usburn. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder World's Fair litest Award. Local News. Go " And hear Stillman Tonight. ' A shower of rain occurred Wednesday niffht. - I Q TAfienry tod John Adams were in town J. W. Smith made Pendleton a visit Friday last. J. W. Smith solicits your insurance Call and see him. H Ed. L. Minims! revenue collector, wai in the city Wednesday. K George Peabody and G. W. Harper left Sunday for California. f-The election returns will be received W. E. Young recently received a 'con signment of saddles from Portland. They sell at sight. Miss Florence 6mith, of Walla Walla, spent the week in Athena visiting Mies Cera France. A lares number of freisht cars are be ing hauled by the railroad company in moving wheat. . , Complete election returns by the As sociated Press Report, at Well's saloon, next Tuesday night. Only good insurance companies are represented by Smith. Remember this when taking out a policy. P. M. KIRKLAND'8 accounts must be settled. Call at the First National bank, and interview E. L. Barnett. Harness, saddles etc., at Crawford's at Portland prices. When in Pendleton call on him and be convinced. OsMise Joeie Hastings, who is teaching l C.U. 1 I ill . I. . l i on iwuv, ubs uecu ill mo ynun wees, Ba her mother's home in this city. Our prices are lower all the time than any closing out or retiring from-busicess prices. J. 8. Haye, Pendleton. It is estimated that 500.000 bushels of wheat have been sold in Umatilla county since the price reached 50 cents. Say, there are oceans of dogs dogs of ages and color racing about town with no register tag on them. Kill them off. When in Pendleton stop at the Golden Rule Hotel. The best of rooms and ele gant fare. Free bus to and from all trains. Wm. Welle, proprietor of the "Ex change" Saloon, has made arrangements to furnish tne election returns at his popular resort. Quite a number of horses were sold by the pound master Tuesday. They brought all the way from 10 cents to $14.59 per head. C. A. Barrett has been appointed sole agent for the Buffalo- Pitts threshers and extras for all territory between Walla Walla and Pendleton. Call and get our prices on clothing. If you can do better elsewhere we don't ex pect your trade but you can't, ine Square Store, Pendleton. Dr. Richardson will be in Athena next Wednesday, Thursday and Friday to do dental work, and you must patronize him if you want him to continue his visits. Just received from Factory over the Hunt line, a new stock of Gang Plows, Drills and Harrows. Prices to Buit the times. O. A. Barrett. When yon. think of underwear think of us. Our Fall and Winter line is by far the best line shown in Pendleton and our prices will surprise you. Alexander & Hexter. The Novello quartette was in town a short time Wednesday. Thev left in the afternoon for Waterman school house, where they assisted Mr. Spencer in en tertaining an audience. J. L, Mitchell, deputy supreme com mander Kniehts of the Maccabees, who recently visited A tbena in the interests of the order, was given a rousing recep tion in The Dalles Friday night. Saturday, Nov. 7. at 10 o'clock a. m., the First National Bank will auction off the stock of hardware and implements. knows as the Umatilla county co-operation stockSee ad in today's Press. Great Bankrupt Sale at the "Leader" 201 Court St., Pendleton. Great Slaugh ter in Prices. You can save 50 per cent on every purchase. Mail orders prompt ly attended to. Special reduction will be made to people of a men a. Donald McRae, ia agent for the great Oxydoner "Victory" the invaluable remedy which cures all form of diseases without medicine or electricity. Price only $15. Lasts a lifetime. Address, Donald MvRae. Milton. Oregon. Mr. and Mrs. Lake France entertained Saturday evening. The puesta were: Miss Areta Barrett, jIibs ten winaDy, Miss Florence Smith, of Walla Walla, and Miss Cora France; Mr. Henry Loyd, of Milton, and Mr. Henry Barrett. John Fo8s and James Mitchell have purchased a blacksmith shop in Weston and soon leave AtheDa, and become busi ness men of our sister town. We wish for them nothing but success, and as tbey are honest, upright boys they will gain it. This is an exceptional Cloak Season, buyers are looking for particular gar ments at low prices. We anticipated such a demand, and have a line of capes and jackets which answer every requirement and tbey are cneap. Alexander & Hexter, Pendleton. With two little children subject to croup we do not rest easy without a bot tle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy in the house, for the most severe attacks quickly euccomb to a few doses of it. Morrison. Colo.. Bud. For sale at 25 and 50 cents per bottle by the Pioneer Drug Store. - . A recent report from Fossil brings the news of a robbery that occurred at that place last Friday, $300 being taken from Mr. Hoover's safe. I he thieves entered his merchandise store, and with tools they bad taken from the blacksmith shop, broke off the handle of the safe snd with the nee of powder blew off the door when tbey easily reached the money, which was composed almost wholly of five dollar pieces. There is no clue to the robbery at the present time. According to tbe Joseph Hearald, the Wallowa people are not easily fooled. It says the McClearys had a hard time get ting out of tha country last wet-k. They stole goods at almost every place tbey stopped on their road in. Besides what they took from tbe hotel at Joaeph, they took a $7 cape from McColly & Co.'s store. When this was missed a message was sent to Eliria and they were arrested and released after paying for the caper and tbe costs, amounting to $11. As far as could be learned ev-rytbing they tried to get away with was gotten from them. Attend - The speaking, At the school bouse tonight. Lee Mitchell was in town Monday from Walla Walla. It is unlawful after tomorrow. to go fishing for trout There will be a republican demonstra tion at Milton today. TThe condition of the roads are very favorable for bicycling. Hanflfill A Malnnnv huvA a n rl in today's paper. Read it. , 7Mrs. E. R. Cox returned from ber . w. ...... w..B. L. A. Githens has been doing; carpen- er work for Mosgrove this week. m. Leach has been overseeing work on his farm, east of Weston, this week. Dave Hendricks, np in Montana, is bawling against silver at so much a bawl. If you want a good pair of leather sus penders, get Young to make you a pair. Many bands of sheep are in the moun tains, moving almost daily to secure grass. Gathering apples is now the general order of work for those who have orch ards. , . 3 Lou Montague has repainted a number of the vehicles, at the Commercial stable this week. PA scrap occurred at the "Exchange" saloon Tuesday, between Billy Wells and L. D. Lively. J. B. Hnntington addressed the- young men's McKinley club, at Pendleton Wed nesday evening. Tuesday the agony will be over, and everybody and his friend will quit talk ing politics and go to work. George Curry, the expert butcher at Beale's market has on hand a large sup ply of dried beef of most excellent qual ity. Mince meat at Hansell & Maloney'e, 10 cents per package. The Press can recommend it as being good, for we tried it. ' fVWhile some of the eastern states have m i : -- 1.1. lL" oeea wrapped iu a niauue oi wuue, iuib section has been enjoying exceptionally fine fall weather. SSome very fine specimens of turnips Vmav ha Boon of fKa Pnnf fPRoa atnra They were raised on the monntain farm of John Davidson. A mob of drunken Warm Spring In dians on the streets of The Dalles last Sunday night out-howled any political gathering of the campaign. 2NA. D. Stillman wilt address the voters of Athena this evening. Everybody should turn out and hear the issues of the campaign ably discuosed. bvWm. Mosgrove is having box stalls put 7 in his barn, and the building otherwise Improved. Billy likes good horses am 3 lookB after their care personally. A wire from the depot will conned with the building on the corner of Main and Fourth streets, for the purpose of receiving and posting the election-re turns. lhe eastern Oregon Observer, a new paper will appear in La Grande next Thursday. It is sure to live until after the campaign is over and may even live longer. Now is the time to nay what vou owe the Press on subscription money to run a newspaper. so pleased come forward with a little of the silvers is good enough. j Tuesday and Wednesday of this week many of our farmers were engaged in burning stubble and the festive tumble weed. The rain Wednesday night put a stop to tbe work. I - Tnforoafc In uaproA. ntffara ia aaain Aa veloping in Athens. The Maccabees made a ten stroke, and other orders, in eluding the K..of P., and the I. O. O. F. are having initiatory work to do. The Press bas recently added a large amount of printing material to its me chanical department, and better able than ever to give prompt attention to all orders in the printing and publishing line We want your mail order trade. We'll fill it the same day. We'll refund your money if what we send you is not satis factory. We'll go out and get anything you may want if we haven't it. Alexan der & Hexter, Pendleton. CD. Fratt, cashier of the Everett National Bank, of Everett, Wash., was in the city Wednesday. He says the city of Everett will give McKinley a ma jority of ber votes, bat that the county will nrobablv so for Brvan fSCGeorge Hansell, of the firm of Haneell trial and tne holidays. He informed Press reporter that bis holiday stock this year will surpass by far, any that bas heretofore been displayed in the city. Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets, moves the bowels gently, relieves tbe cough, cures tbe feverish conditions and headache, makinz it the best and quick est remedy for Coughs and Colds and La Grippe. Cures in one day. "No cure no pay." Price 25 cent. For sale by G. O. Osr-urn. FredW. Hendley closed a deal in Pendleton last Friday whereby he dis posed of 17 carloads of wool, or about 290.000 pounds. The price realized was not given out, but the total amount re ceived will not be less than $17,000. The wool will go to Boston and will bs ship ped as soon as it can be loaded. Hon. Joe Parks, Hon. J. J. Ballersy and Hon. Richard Lambrict, of rendle s.n wnnan,-! vr&f-Ava rtf (ha vaadnra. tion,atthe Louie Bergvin place, lastfl night. After the speaking the meeting fl was turned into a dance, and the "lihtJ fantastic" was tripped witu a repuoncan vim until a late boar. A Sabbath school has been organized at the Baptist church in this city, with Prof. G A. Dunn, superintendent; Mies Effie Royce vice-president; and Miss Eloise Hnntington, Secretary. Much in terest is being taken by tbe children and vennz people, and tbe attendance is ex pected to increase so that in a short time a large baooatn scnooi wm oe we re sult. Tribune: Judae W. C. LDow, who returned Monday evening from a trip east, while away bad the p'.easire of ahakina hands with W. Jenning Bryan at Minneapolis and of visiting McKinley in his library at Canton. Tbe judge says that Mr. McKinley give him a xiniiy welcome, brought out bis box of cigars, and tbe two smoked and chatted for some 15 minutes. Mr. McKinley seemed nleael to meet a citizen from tbe ex tretneweet. Mr. La Dow told the major a Dow told the major 1 believed that tbey that the r-pnblicans would carry Oregon. CAMPAIQN SPEAKERS. Francis Clarno Friday Night Cun ningham's Lecture. 'Francis Clarno, a Portland lawyer, spoke to a small audience at the school kouse last rridey night. Mr. Clarno is a free silver republican and was tbe first republican who believes in Bryan, to speak befor an Athena audienoe He proved himself to be a goofj talker, made a great many good points for the cause of silver, but like many republican speakers in this campaign, resorted too much to ridicule. , Mr. Clarno spoke. In Weston Saturday night. ' Monday evening tbe Bryan club and tbe voters of Athena listened to a lecture bv Rev. W. R. Cunningham, of Ritzville, Wash. The subject, as the reverend gen tleman put it, was "Gold, Silver IS to 1 from a Bible standpoint. Mr. Cunningham began bis lecture by reference to Gen. 13-2, showing that sil ver and gold was classed with cattle as wealth, but not as money. Mr. Cun ningham proceeding, stated that the first reference that the Bible makes of silver or gold being used as money, is found in Gen. 23 8-16 "400 shekles of silver, current money with the merchants." Ihe lectnrer having snowed tnat silver was the first money need in the world. cited Kings, 12. 13-15, as (be first in stance in history of gold being mention ed in history as money about 1000 years after tbe mention of silver as money. This," said the lecturer, "was tbe be- gining of bimetallism, and it continued from that period, 878, years B. C, until 1873. Silver having been used as money for 3733 years, and gold for 2771 years." Mr. Cunninghams lecture was interest ing and instructive . to the fairly good sized audience that was present. The Ball Season. The dance at tbe opera bouse last Fri day night was a most pleasant affair. A large number of young people , from the country and surrounding towns, partici pated in tripping the "light fantastic,", and together with the Athena people, swelled the number to nearly meet tbe hall's capacity. The music was fairly good, and the evening was most pleas antly spent. Manager Rusie of the opera bouse, has spared no pains to make nis hall a desirable one to have gatherings in, the floor is perfect, and gave entire satisfaction as is attested by those in at tendance on the first bail of tbe season. Tonight there will be & ball at tbe opera house. The music will be furnished by an orchestra of five pieces. Milton Is All Right. L. B. Plants, vice president of the Mil ton Bryan club, writes to state Commit teeman Stillman as follows: Milton, Oct. 17 Dear Sir: Here we are again, yesterday was a gala day for the republicans. Hon. W. R. Ellis and Chas. Fulton spoke to the old reliables here, with good results for the Bryan club here. When Mitchell spoke here, I received 24 new names and reported 338 members in all. Now I have tbe pleas ure of reporting so more, tne result of yesterday's work, which makes a total of 368 for the club here. We have a good prospect for 400 before election and will bave no trouble in getting them if tbe republicans will only send some more of their noted speakers to make high tariff speeches. What's the matter with Milton? L. B. Plants." Epworth League Entertainment. The Epworth League entertainment and supper at the opera house, Tuesday evanine. of this week, was a success soci ally and financially. The program of entertainment was most nleaeantlv car- juried out, and those in attendance were It takes4entertained in fullest sense of the term. ine supper was eieganc, ana aainuiy served. The proceeds amounted to $19. 30. ti Walker Wilson in Jail. The constable of Milton precinct today brought down walker Wilson of Athena, and bad Mm locked an in the county jail. Mr. Wilson is charged with the larceny of a team of horses by Katherine Duffy, formerly Wilson's wife. Wilson and his wife separated last April. The horses in Question have been in Wilson's posses sion all the time, bnt were claimed by the Duffy woman. Recently Wileon sold the team and tbe arrest followed .v East Oregonian. If your children are subject to croup watch for tbe first symptom of tbe dis ease hoarseness. If Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is given as soon as the child becomes hoarse it will prevent the attack, liven after the croup cough ha appeared the attack can always be pre vented by giving this remtuy. It is als invaluable for colds and whooping cough For sale by G. O. Osburn. Mr. Killian No Better. Mrs. J. L. Killian having received by telegraph Friday discouraging' reports of tba condition 01 ber buanand wno is at a fSan Francisco sanitarium, left ior that city on tbe evening train with the inten tion of bringing Mr. Killian back to bis borne if bis health is not improving. There seems to be serious doubts as to his recovery. East Oregonian. Why suffer with Coughs, Colds, and LaGrippe when Laxerative Bromo Quin ine will cure you in one day. Does not prodnce tbe ringing in the head like Sul phate of Quinine. Put up in a tablets convenient for taking. Guaranteed to cure or money refunded. Price 25 cents. For sale by Q. O. Osburn. ' Class Legislation. VOver in Heppner tbe Chinese laundry 'men nrged tbe passage of an ordinance requiring the lanndrymen to pay a li cense. They succeeded, and now they have a license law which reads : "Lann drymen must pay a license of (5 per quarter, providing that this ordinance applies to Chinese only." Feed the nerves upon pure, rich blocd and you will not be nervous. Pure blood conies by taking Hood's Sarsaparills which is thns tbe greatest and best nerve tonic. , Hood's Pills rare nausea, sick head ache, indigestion, biliousness. All drug gists. 25c. Cil of Gladness, ia a pleasant, palatable preparation, en tirely free from all oily taste, and may be administered Internally or applied ex ternally. It will remove all pain that "human fleeh is heir to," if properly ap plied, and might be rightly termed "a panacea for all ills." Price 50 cents. For sale by Osburn. To Cure a Cold in One Day. Tk Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund tbe money if it failsf n Pn Vnr aal Vit (i. Ci. Oaburn. 25.' V V yrm - J - cts. - Dress Making. S. Uavs bas resumed dre;i Mrs. J. making. Ailtbose wiabinit work done ill do well to call at her residence. i , , . Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder Worfcl's Fair Highont AUdal a4 D'.plea. Hi i OS Ridge News. ( Ridge, Ore., Oct. 29. W.E. Hiatt and mother returned home the first of the I week from Milton. ! W. li. Bimonton and family started on the 21 inet, on a trip to Milton. A. J. Nichols returned home tbe first part of the week after a summers ab sence, In Boise and Baker City. A heavy: shower of rain fell in the Ukiah neighborhood the night of the 20, but did not reach this vicinity only to a light extent. , E. B. Gambee, of Ukiah, i erecting a two story building, 60x30, with an ell on tbe west side, 30x40. J. F. Nowlin tbe (OUity school super intendent, was visiting in Ukiah and vic inity this week. H. L. Tracy, the village blacksmith of Ukiah, and Chas. Reynolds are putting up neat residences ia Ukiah. Athena will have to get a movo on itself, if it wishes to keen up with rapid strides of the thriving little town of Ukiah. - School is progressing finely in Ukiah with Mies Grace Tillard, of Pendleton, as teacher; ' J. 8. Gurdane and wife made a trip to Alba the 22. T. B. Gurdane had a runaway the 21 which caused some little excitement. Mr. Gurdane had bis left shoulder and arm hurt pretty badly but fortunately not seriously v' The wagon and team es caped uninjured. f J. L. Hall returned home the 21, from a trip down, on the Columbia where he went to secure range and feed for the winter, j ;:ii.;h ; Mrs. G. FL Jones has been on the sick list the past day or so but is improving. Nearly every one in this vicinity are busy baaling wood or poles. ' A couple residents of this valley were out io the mountains one day this week and report seeing a deer within 80 or 90 yards of them, and did not seem but very little alarmed. Thev cannot ac count for the fact, in that they were both Bryan men,, and consequently be was not afraid, knowing that Bryan men were friends to the homeless and down cast. v Dixie. : The Darlington, Wis., Journal says editorially of a popular patent medicine: "We know from experience that Cham berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy i all that is claimed for it, as 1 on two occasions it stopped excruciating pains and possibly saved us from an un timely grave. We would not rest easy over night wbithout it in the house." This remedy undoubtedly saves more pain and suffering than any other medi cine in the world. Every family should keep it in the house, for it is sure to be needed sooner or later. For sale by G. 0. Osburn. Shocking Accident. A shocking accident occurred about noon Tuesday on what is known as the Divide hill between Wallula and Walla Walia, in which tbe fireman and brake man of a special west bound freight train were killed outright, and the engineer suffered the dislocation of a shoulder. Tbe conductor escaped unhurt. The names of the two killed are Carpenter, fireman, and Roy Williams, brakeman. The engineer's name is Rhunko, whose home is in. La Grande. Conductor Alv ord, who was running in the place oi Blonde Watson, had charge of the train. The whole crew was a special one. ' . With th6 train runniug at full speed the engine. No. 136, struck a defective rail on a hillside grade and a moment later the whole train was in ruins and the lives of two men crushed out. Ow ing to the accident having taken place several miles distant from a telegraph of fice It is difficult to obtain positive infor mation. Carpenter was found crushed to death between the engine and tender soon after the accident happened, but the body of Williams was not found for sev eral hours. Finally some one discovered a hand protruding from under the wreck surrounding tbe engine and after much difficulty poor William's mangled body was extracted from among tbe mass of iron and splinters. Engineer Rhunke ia being cared for at the W alia Walla hos pital ' ; 1 , ' . . : A Dandy Thing to Sell. I have been doing so well this summer 'el ling combination dippers that 1 think t is my duty to tell others about it. I have not mida as much money as soma I read about, but I never make lees than $3, and often $5 a day; the dipper can be used as a fruit jar filler ; a strainer fun nel; a sick room warming pan, and a pint measure. These eight different uses makes the dipper each a necessary article that it sells at nearly every house, as it is so cheap. You can get a sample by Bending, as I did, 13 two-cent stamps to pay postage, etc., to W. H. Baird & Co., Station A, Pittsburg, Pa., and tbey will mail you a dipper, and you can go right to work. Anyone can make $3 or $i a day anywhere. A Reader. Troubled with Rheumatism Read This. Annapolis, Md., Apr. 16, 1894. I have used Chamberlain's Pain Balm for rheu matism and found it to be all that is claimed for it. I believe it to be the best preparation for rheumatism and deep seated muscular pains on the market and cheerfully recommend it to the public. Jno. G. Brooks, dealer in boots, shoes, etc., No. 18 Main St. ALSO READ THI8. Mechanicsville, St. Mary County, Md. I sold a bottle of Chamberlain' Pain Balm to a man who had been suffering with rheumatism for several years. It made him a well man. A. J. McGill. For sale at 50 cents per bottle by G. C. Osburn. - Marry This Girl, Somebody! I have been reading in your paper about several men and women that bave been very successful selling self-heating flat irons, and I concluded I would see what a girl could do. I have worked 12 days and have sold 151 irons and have 218 dollars left after paying all expenses. Everybody is delighted with the irons and I sell one almost every place I show it, as people think they can't afford to be without one, as they save so much fuel and time and don't burn tbe clothes. I know I can clear five thousand dollars in i BOOKS, I STATIONERY, P NOTIONS $ and r MUSICAL GOODS, A Full L,ine of and Everything usually Grocery stores. j rices are Plight li Call and see us, at the j 1 Post - Office Store, j HANSELL & MALONEY, Proprietors, S South Side Main Street, - Max Lewin's Cash Grocery Store. THREE GRAND PRIZES DISTRIBUTED One Gent's Gold Watch v One Handsome Mantel Clock One Handsome Stand Clock Any person purchasing to tho amount of one dollar in cash, at the above Store, is entitled to one chance, and any additional dollar's woith purchased, entitles th9 purchaser to one additional chance. The prizes are now or exhibition at MAX T.FAVIN'S CASH GROCERY STORE. Main Street, Athena. a year. How is that for a girl ? A Graduate. Splendid, my girl, splendid, you are a true American girl. Anyone can get complete information about the self-heating iron by addressing J. F. Casey & Co., St. Louis, Mo. It seems to be a winner, as everybody selling it writes in ita praise. PUBLIC NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given that I will apply to' the Mayor and common council of the city of Athena, Oregon, at a meeting thereof to be held on the 18th. day of Nov?. 1W, lor a license to sell spirituous, malt and vinous llq. uors in less quantities than on'quart, said liq uors to be" sold only in a building situated ou lot 7 in block 5, of said city, w: ll Uakdex. Dated Oct. 23th, M. ... , Applicant Awarded Highest Honors World's Fair, Gold Medal, Midwinter Fair. CREATrl m Most Perfect Made.,, 40 Years tbe Standard. neaaquarrers ior . H ' CHEESE, 8 HONEY, A CRANBERRIES, U MINCE-MEVT, g BUCKWHEAT FLOUR ft carried by First-class, n , - Athena, Oregon. , Leader in Low Prices.