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About The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 23, 1896)
G-OOD JOB "WOEK .A-T VEEY LOW PEICES. Athena PRESS, vi A BIG TOB. BUT ITS "1 DEAD EASY NOT ONE DAY CAN BE FOTTNTJ - i I tieoDle a day anything that t (n (hn WMill tint. t hfk.t. Vftll dnnni aaH utntlnnaro r arxtna 18 dead easy if doue the riirbt ? I: Now we furnish neat, clean printing at the very lowest rates. Mud- em presses, modern types, modern work, prompt delivery, I ' way. Thn paper will tell Beveral thousand at ouce at nominal cost. I 4 VOLUME IX. ATHENA, UMATILLA COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 23, 1896. NUMBER 43. wan Id he a biff lob to toll one hundret I woulil Interest them in vourcoods. but I 1 if n ti i i I 3 srMMOMSX regulator7 Reader; did you ever take Simmons Lives Rbqulatok, the "Kma of Liver Medicines?" Everybody needs take a liver remedy.' It is a sluggish or diseased liver that impairs digestion and causes constipation, when the waste that should be carried off remains in the body and poisons the whole system. That dull, heavy feeling is due to a torpid liver. Biliousness, Headache, Malaria and . Indigestion are all liver diseases. Keep the liver active by an occasional dose of Simmons Liver Reg ulator and you'll get rid of these trou bles, and give tone to the whole sys tem. For a laxative Simmons Liver Regulator is better tan Pills. It does not gripe, nor weaken, but greatly refreshes and strengthens. Every - package . has the Red Z stamp on the wrapper. J. II. Zcilin & Co., Philadelphia. ; CAVKATH. TRADE MIRKS. DESIQN PATENT8. COPYRIGHTS, mta. rot inrormatton and free Handbook write to MUNN & CO.. 861 BnoDWAT, New York. Oldest bureau for securing patents In America. Every rintent taken out by us ia brought before the publio by a notice given free of charge lu ttia mmtu Isrmist circulation of any scientific paper in the world. Splendidly illustrated. No lutellifreut ' man should be without It. Weekly, $3,00 a "V year; 1.50 six months. Address, MONN ft CO., Fvbushicbs, 46i Broadway, New York City, JAR LOCAL.'DISEASE and is the result of colds and 'sudden climatic changes. For your Protection we positively state that this remedy does not contain mercury or any other injur ious drug. Ely's Cm Balm mm, is acknowledged to be the most thorough core for Nasal Catarrh, Cold in Head and Hay Fever of all rmueuieB. V opens and cleanses the nasal passages. allays, ' ipain and inflammation, hesis the cores, pro the membrane from colds, restores the senses ite and smell. Price 60e. at Drasreists or bv mail. Wets t! of taste i ELY UKOTHKI13, 66 Warren Street, New York. Wanted-An Idea SSS? Protect your Ideas: they may bring you wealth. Write JOHN WKDDERBURN CcCnCent Attor neys, Washington, D. 0 for tbelr $1,800 prise offer and list of two hundred Inventions wanted. TO THE EAST Gives the choice of TWO TRANSCONTINENTAL ROU GREAT ES UNION HORTHERN RY.PACIFIG RY VIA via. . , SPOKANE MINNEAPOLIS DENVER OMAHA w. AND AND ST. PAUL ; KANSAS CITY Low Rates to all Eastern CitiesT Ocean Steamers leave Portland every 5 days for San IPaxLoxscb No. 2, Past Mail, East bound. No. 1, " " Westbound, No. 42, Mixed, Eastbound, No. 41, " Westbound S:01 a. ni. 0:32 p. m. 2:125 p. m. 10 a. to. For full details call on O. R. & N. Agent, Athena. Or address: W. H. HURLBUT, Gen. Pass A gl. Portland. Oregon. E. McNEILL, President and Gen. Mg'r THE- COMMERCIAL Iff LIVERY FEED and SALE STABLE s A The Best Turnouts in Umatilla County 5i Stock boarded by the day, week or month. s 7 5? i L. L. MQKTAGUE, Proprietor. J t Main Street, Athena. Scientific American , . f . Agency for . IN OUR BIG ORCHARD . Everything is LOADED With Seasonable FRUIT Belo y we describe a few., . , "Dead Ripe'' Plums Ready to drop in the possession of every buyer: Dry Goods at 5 cts a yard Groceries Jt Calicoes, Unbleached Muslin, Oat 17 lbs Granulated Sngar, fl.00 ing Flannel, Ginghams. Drees Lining 30 lbs Rolled Oats, $100 Bitter Cloth no better; none asgoriri 20 lbs L M Raining, $1 00 Underwear Mackintoshes for everybodyMen's Woman's and .. You'll find a large line of Boy ai d Children's till grades, 25 cents np Cape Mackintoshes Prices : $3.75, better values than others offer. $4 50, $7 50, $9 50, $12 00 and $14 00 Shoes " Glothing Every shelf in this big Department . Mens very oncommon suits at is crim full of bargains-"The Littlt common prices Boys big stock, all Giant" School 6hoa has no equal siees, law prices. Come and see us, we have shaken the tled down and they're yours ALEXANDER & HEXTER, . . PENDLETON, OREGON. Painting .. . In all Branches Neatly done by Chapman. HOUSE PAINTING AND DECORATING. J. W. CHAPMAN, Athena. Largest Stock ever brought to Pendleton. Better Gooda and cheaper Prices. Agent for the Standard . and White Sewing Machines. Carpets and machines at about half former prices. Come and be convinced. C JESSE TAILING, Pendleton, Oregon! I!! HI 71 THE ATHEM MAMET FRANK BEAL, proprietor. AFRESH MEAT ALWAYS ON HAND Highest Cash Price paid We buy for Cash and sell fo for Butcher's Stock. Cash strictly YOU GET THE VERY BEST AND LOTS OF IT, WHEN YOU SPEND MONEY WITH BEALE Main Street, Ji,SH- FIRST HSTIOHHL BHHK OF ETHESH. Pays E. L. r -5T r '"T safest deal of au 1 tower. -14 MALU Paw coMPANr. H CUtast Sn tnm f! i f-m,Cl.t rt.Wrt, f f Sm Antony, T.) Luv- M I Ja.ituaCHr, 12511 l-!"lM 3512 "ih wi I? awi.:BrtMit.i i low pnees, hitih grades and large sales. W hand with lone power stroke pomps, with b brass tabe CTlinders, lower than Iron ones H i3-5 We prepay freight to so branch bonses. Sei beotirally iilastrated cataJofne of op-oata i this appears bat once. Oar imitators may no fe 1 &" ?r tes raaa. No one kmwi the) 1 titu. riunp r HAM1LIT0H-BDUSKE WAREHOUSE SYSTEM GRAIN AIID COfriMISSIO'l MERCHANTS Dealers in Grain, Grain-bags and do a general Warehouse and Commission busi ness; pay the highest prices for all kinds of grain. Handle grain on either road at the same price. BE SURE YOU SEE THEM BEFORE YOU BUY SACKS CR SELL GRAIN. DAVID TAYLOR, Agent, : : : Athena, Oregon. business bushes ; Bargains have rat Athena, Ohegc NOTARY rUBLIf South side Main Street. CAPITAL fJTOCK, SXfBPLTJS, $ 60000 $21,000 Interest on time deposiUi. Proper attention given to .collections. Deals Jn foreign oad domestic exchange. ... Baksett Caotaier, Athena, Oregon bv the otlv eoneern thl mr in recent times oriftsasted new idea in windmill ! Water Snppi y Gock?s. Ever thta tiM termer sells Is .. low to 'jxm t VS bave repestedlv refused t and have thenr9 deleatad windmill combinatioa, i '8ft red'')4 th emu. of wind power to i whs N. Through jfjd'ade. and becue we are price maker With, and bscansa we are the sole originators tnat good la the modern steel windmill i tub skuilb ui aiu.u itia hamth ITS sVIMDMILL BuaiNBSS. We believe maUI be knew wara. FACTS ABOUT WOOL How to Protect this Great American Industry. BOSTON MERCHANT Converts an Ohio Wool and Sheep Owner. The following discussion between a Boston wool merchant and an Ohio wool grower presents new methods of protec tion for wool that are vitally important to all wool growers and manufacturers : Grower: Well, if McKinley is elected, the wool grower will receive ample pro tion before marketing their 1897 clip. Merchant: No, unfortunately they can not obtain relief by high duties on wool before 1901, possibly not then, unless fa vorable silver legislation is enacted. A majority pf the United States Senate, as it now stands, will not pass a protection bill which ignores silver. G: But will there be a change in the Senate that will give high tariff members amajority? ; . ,,. M : No, bat before 1901 ; that has been very carefully calculated. If you wish details refer to the Salt Lake Tribune or the Denver News. G: What are we to do? The outlook is dismal now, even if McKinley is elect ed. We must be protected. M: Well, as we cant put high duties on imported wools, some other method of checking foreign competion must be ad opted. G : But I have "always thought a high tariff wsb the only way to protect Ameri cans. What is your scheme? M : I will explain briefly, and that you may understand my idterest in this sub ject, will state that twenty years ago I begsn the Wool commission business, aft erwards became owner of a woolen, mill and a little later started a sheeo ranch in New Mexico, Being at the same time a wool merchant, manufacturer and grow er, I have studied the matter from these three standpamts. I have always voted eTToTByTtie WilsonWman bill? M: Not all. The decline in price of silver (fully 25 per cent) after the Sher man law was repealed (1893) is reeponsi ble for much of it. Tbe contraction of oar money volume and the consequent decrease purcha ing power of our people accounts for the largely increased im port of shoddy. Q: Most of this is news to me. As you are a protectionist, why not apply tbe remedy of high duty? M: While silver remains at about its present price between 65c and 70c, the import duty would have to be over 100 Eer cent to equal the profit maile by the ondon brokers on silver, and thus stop his shipping wool here. Now so much import duties would raise the cost of wool to Americans to a point where most of them would by obliged to substitute cheaper cotton g ods. If the demand for wool goods ceases because of high prices, my factory would have to close. G : Could you not export? M: No, because I could not compete with manufacturers in silver standard countries, who ere given an enormous artificial advantage by cheap silver. G : Well, I have no factory, still, if ths American manufacturer is handicapped, he can't be a good customer for my wool, so I wish to ondcrftand that phase of tbe subject. Please explain. M: The nations ueiij? silver alone aa standard money contain 880 millions of people. One ounce of silver bullion will bay, on a average, the same Quantity of leading com a o li ties as bef ore 1873, but it will boy only half ss much gold When a gold standard nation, for example the United States, sells to a silver standard nation, tbe bill ia payable in gold, and this difference between silver and gold mast be borne by tbe buyer that is tbe silver standard purchaser looses the dif ference in exchange. To avoid that loss, the siver standard nations began to man ufacture at home what formerly they bought largely from the Unfed States. The mischief did not stop there. For mer customers became our competitors. Japan for instance, increased her exports of textiles from $611,000 to $23,000,000. Even if we shut all foreigo wool out of the United States, those silver countries will begin to do just what Mexico has they will manufacture their own wool by labor paid in cheap silver and put their goods on the market to undersell us. G; Where does the "cheap silver" come from ? M: About half is furnished by the United Slates, the rest largely by Mex ico and South America. . G: How cau it be made higher in price? M : By opening onr mints to its free coinage at a ratio of 16 to 1, (1.29 per ounce, as before 1873. G : But wouldn't we have to coin all the cheap silver that these 880 millions people own? M: No, sir; because their siver is al ready coined at a ratio of 15 or 15 i to 1, that is, $1.40 or $1.33 per ounce, and they would loose the difference between (1.29 per ounce and (1.40 or (1.33 per ounce, also cost of transportation. Besides, what would they do with silver bearing our mint stamp ship it back or buy gooda with it? G : But a free coinage of sliver law would give the mine owaer a large prof it. M: Yes, to the successful ones; bat they are just aa much entitled to helpful legislation as we woolen men ; in fact, that special plank for wool interests which tbe republican platform contains reads : "To all our products, to those of mine and the field, as well as those of the shop and factory, to wool, the pro ducts of tbe great industry of sheep hus bandry, as well as the finished woolens, we promise the most ample protection." That promises ample protection to all American products, which includes sil ver as well as wool. I regret that Mc Kinley is not true to his past, or the re publican party's past, or to this plat form. G: How so? M: He advocates a final policy that shuts the mints against our own miner als and compels the National Treasury and individuals to borrow the products of English gold mines and pay that rival nation enormous sums for interest. It is neither fair nor good policy to ignore the silver miner. You can't discriminate against him and not barm dependent in dustries. We will help our wool interest directly by giving the silver miner the legislation he asks for ; and would also help all other American farmers at the same time and for the same reason. Our wheat, cotton, etc., are exported in large quantities and must compete abroad with crops raised in silver countries, the cost of producing which has been paid in "cheap silver." The farmer and wool grower are alike injured by the compe tion. The wool grower has received Borne help by high tariff, but no duty can add to the price received for wheat or cotton exported so the only '.ray to protect thoHe is to rise tbe price of silver. G : Yes I see how (1.29 an ounce would hurt foreign competion and am glad you made the point that high duties will not increase the price of farm exports. Many combine general farming and wool grow ing and the information should reach them. M : You see, then, it is practicable to protect tbe gold and silver miner, the wool industry the general farmer all by open- Incr niir minta in fiilunr. f I (4; Yna. hut I nnvflr iinnrntnrtjl ihn subject before. M: The foregoing are not all the ad vantages which would result from the free coinage. The benefit of gold and silver mining are distributed more wide ly than any othor industry. It competes with no other. The opening of one fac tory may close another, but we can't have too much gold and silver, especially that taken from our own mountains, The product of silver and. gold mine s adds to the permanent wealth of our country, and by enlarging the volume of money increases the purchasing power of the people. The miner is the best customer of the farm, factory and railroad, and as he produces nothing that bo consumes, all his needs create demand for labor in other lines. It is stated by Carroll D. Wright, I think, that each gold and sil ver miner underground gives employ ment to ten ether men, directly or in directly. G : I can see that this industry creates a demand for everything, and produces the money to pay for it. But when this government a fixed mint price of (1.29 for our. silver, coins it, is that not making "flat" money? M : No more than by its fixed mint price of (20. 65 per ounce for gold, regard less of what it cost to produce, which in some mines would be $2. and in others HiAl Sfil oraCB.Wjiy favor oJd,and dls- rim nsiH uunl nnvHr i G : But would there not be an over production of silver? 11 : My ranch being in New Mexico, give me an opportunity fot practical study of mining. I found it was for more dif ficult to wrest silver from nature's store house than to iocrease tbe wool clip or coal product. Nature wedded gold, sil ver, and other metals. Often silver and gold are linked, very generally silver is combined with lead, also copper and zinc. Ail five of these metals are mixed io many mines. So that every ounce of sil ver produced means more or less of all these others. G: This conversation has been very instructive. Lt me summarise it. That legislation is bert which benefits tne greatest numbur. You have shown. 1. That by opening our mints to silver, as they are to gold, needed money wouli be taken from American mines, and we save the interest paid for the use of Brit ish gold. 2. This miniog would pot in operation dependent industries, and thus create a new borne market for our fio ories and farmers. 3. A fixed mint price cf (1,29 per ounce for silver would destroy the advantage given competitors by cheap silver, i. e. it would protect American farmers, man ufacturers and labor at the expense of foreign rivals, and not, ss does a hih tariff, make all our people contribute for tbe direct benefit of one claas. 5. That a bill imposing high duty on foreign wool can't pass the Senate until silver is restored to tbe place it occupied for eighty years prior to 1873. 5. Therefore, the only way to restore prosperity is to elect Mr. Bryan. M: Correct. Although heretofore a republican, I consider that party has for feited all claims to my allegiance by its radical departure from previous plat forms. It is intensely humiliating to an American when his party confesses that tbe present harmful gold standard must remain until rival nations consent to a change. We enact a tariff and other leg islation independently, and can choose our monetary policy also, consequently I shall support the Chicago platform and vote for Mr. Bryan. Highest of all ia Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report yen mj VV77(U. i i v x-yy THE COUNTY NEWS The "East End" as Reflected By Our Exchanges. TEMPLE IS FOR M'KINLEY He Loans Money, is the Reas on he Gives. WKSTON LEADER. 1 Prof. J. 8. Henry has organized a ladies' band at Heppner, . Herman HeBsel contemplates making a journey soon to New York City to meet his parents, who are coming from the "old country." H. W. Weaver has disposed of his blacksmith outfit at Weston to John Fobs and James Mitchell, of Athena, who will continue the business here. A small second crop of strawberries is being gathered in the Milton neighbor hood. T. M. Hicsman picked a half crate and sold them in Walla Walla at ten cents per pound. Hon. J. L. Killian, the well known Vansycle wheat man, has gone to Ban Francisco to obtain medical advice. Mr. Killain has been much reduced by stomach trouble, and is senrcely a shad ow of bis former self. The wedding of Miss Susie Still and Mr. Cliff Overturf occurred recently at the State hotel in Walla Walla. Mr. and Mrs. Overturf left immediately for Fort land, and will make their home in the Willamette valley". City Marshal Logan insists that boys under eighteeu years of age must keep off the streets after seven o'clock, and warna parents that he intends to enforce tbe curfew ordinance, The youngsters are making themselves altogether too promiscuous. Mr. Asa Overby, of Garfield, WaBh.. came down last week with the view of purchasing one hundred or more last spring calves. He has been disburden ing bin pocket-book of late by distribu ting his silver and gold among the farm ers of this vicinity. R. M. O'Brien was surprised recently at hia Wild Horse home to note that the red squirrels are as chirpy and playful ae in the merry springtime. They may be seen out in the sua shine, soampering around In play or hunting food. It is the first time these squirrels have ever made their appearance exceot in spring, and Mr. O'Brien would like to have some weather prophet tell him what it means. W. H. Fletcher, widely known aa the "sawmill man," came to town Wednes day on business. Mr. Fletcher has just resumed operation with his big mill, after a ten days stop on account of a break-down, Meantime many logs were piled ud for tbe benefit of the voracious circular saw. Tbe mill will be kept run ning as long as the weather conditions permit. Harlowe Richmond was in the city re cently from Helix. He is just recover ing from a sever Beige of typhoid fever, which attacked several members of a crew of harvesters of which be belonged, on account of drinking i in mi re well water. One of the men went to Gilliam county awl. died there. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Itichuluid also euflored from the dis ease. ' ' Will Johnson, fli of U. F. Johnson, lost a finder at Fiivlew i'wra.-. on Wild Horse, iast Saturday night. The ii'mV-t before some intruder was heerd prowling about the premises, and Will wont nut, to take a pistol shot at bim, bwt the parly decamped. Saturday night he wji in the act of taking the cartridges out of the piBtol, in order to put it away, when the hammer slipped, exploding the weapon. The ball passed through the third finger of Will's left hand and then entered the floor. In spite of the pain the plucky boy rode on horse-back to town, and at midnight reached here and had the finger amputated near the band by Dr. Htiles. It is now healing rapidly. mh-tok eagle. Mr. O. F. Monty, a former reeident of this city, returned Wednesday from Coeur d'Alene county where he hss hern for the last two years, working in the mines. He expects to bo with us for a moath when he will return to the mines. He reports times somewhat dull there at present, also that there is scarcely a Mc Kinley man to be found in Northern Idaho, , Nelson Manela, an entorprininfl; young man of Milton, is opening a store In Free water next door to the postoffice to be known as The Peoples Store. Ho will do a general grocery business, and hamlla alt kinds of feed, flour and hay. He slno expects to put in a stock of gents furnish ing goods coon. Mr. W. H. Bailey returned the first of tbe week from an extended trip on I ho Snake river, where he had been in the interest of the A. B. B. gold machine. There were quite a number of hoirs brought into market this week. The price being paid was 2 couts, Mr. Austin, while returning home with a load of empty fruU boxes, ran into an irrigation ditch near Mr. Reel's farm about four miles below to urn, and was thrown from t!ie wagon. The front and bind wheel passed over his leg, breaking mm " n an g I &a. nm TOW' 'W i it just above tbe knr Dr. A. W. Hill, who was called to hi tit injured limb reports the patient cettirg eLug as well as could be expected J. F. TEMPLE A McKINLEYITE He Says He Turned from Bryan Be cause He is a Money Loaner. John F. Temple was interviewed by a Pendleton reporter, and asked if be was, as commonly reported, turned from W. J. Bryan to Major McKinley. He informed the reporter that he had. Mr. Temple was asked to state succinctly his reasons for giving up his advocacy of of the principles of the populist party, and taking up with the republican policy. Mr. Temple put bis reply in few words : "I am a money loaner, I have been loaning money for the past 13 years in Umatilla county, and now have out a large amount due me on mortgages which I hold. I am for a gold Btandard simply for the reason that, as a money loaner, I consider it to my interest to vote that way." - . Mr. Temple wan the nominee of the populist party in Umatilla county laet June for the office of county commission er and was defeated by Henry Frazier, democrat, who is now in office. - WAGES AND SILVER. Wages Reached Their, Highest Point In 1878. In an unguarded moment the Oregon ian makes a fatal admission regarding the rise and fall of wages and their pur chasing power in this country. It quotes from the often quoted report of the; state committee in 1892." It admits that starting with 100 in 1800,'.the purchasing power of wages rose to 107 in 1873, reach ing the highest point in that year. "They fluctuated down to 140 in 1879," says that paper, "and up to 160 in 1891." No more powerful argument in thd sup port of the coinage of silver has been laid before the working m$n. The Port land paper admits that Wages reached their highest point in 1873. That year silver was demonetized, and from 1873 to 1878. the mints were closed against sil ver. In that period wages fell from 107 to 140. Then the Bland silver law was paFsed, and from 1878 to 1890 the United States had liberal coinage of silver. In that period wages rose from 140 to 160. In 1890 the Bland law was repealed and the Sherman law substituted and in 1893 the Sherman law was repealed, and the mints again cioseu against silver, Every wage earner knows what has transpired since 1893. There has been a frightful fall in wages. That which fol lowed the demonetization of silver in 1873 has followed the second demonetiza tion of silver in 1893. These are impressive facts for the wage earner. They are all the more impres sive coming as an admission from one of the leading ndvocotea cf the single gold standard. Spokesman- Review. Another Smart Woman. My husband is poor but proud and he does not want me to work, as I have nothing to do I got reetlens, and after reading in your paper Mrs. Kusaoll'a ex perience selling self-heating fiatirons I concluded I would iry it. I wrote to J. F, Casey & Co., St. Ljuis. Mo., and they treated me so nicely that I felt very much encouraged. As soon as I got my samplo iron I started out, and sold 8 irons the firet day clearing $12. I have not sold lees than eight any day since, and one day sold 17. I now have (220 clear money, and my husband does not know I havo been working at all, but I am afraid ho will be mad when I tell him. Have I done right or nbould I quit work and leave him to struggle alone. , ' An Anxious Wife, You are doing just right, your husband should be proud of you, go ahead and show (he world what an enerjietic woman can do. That self heating iron muBt be a wonderful eeller, as wo hear of bo many that are succeeding selling it. A Stage Driver Killed. , Last Thursday night at 7 :lo the driver of the L-mj-c flrv if-.Pfe, when about one irirViiiit frir',7r.h:'i Vw'. ft with a fatal eccidont, 'ni.ys the -Oay.ori Oity Nw8. Ji'fit. haw the iWaiiyr vwnrrJid ia f ir. tfiv ' a matter of conjocliI?aJ'tba.J.'.t. -.MUr very iltu-k, fttid it ia PCf-pod tii(' Mvvt part of the barner brct.-tm lnw, fctt-'V Ing one or both of kurj?!- ,fh -fr. ahead, and tbe tongua .-of tihu vr-iv-le m drop down. Tbe horeos, w.'ii v.tid. probably became frightened, and BtuLji to run away, At ;.!l events they came into John l)ay w'.: bout any rig or driver. A search party at once started up the road, and noon came to the overturned vehicle. About 20 feet away the driver, Frank Evans, wan found in an uncon scious condition. lie was conveyed to the home of hii grandmother, Mrs. O. Lewis, and mei"l aid summoned. An examination r- v mled a ba'ily fractured skull. Every.' that medical skill could devise wh. 'one to relieve tbo suf ferer, but all to i eflVct, He did not recover conscious oss, and died Satur day morning. i nai wonaerxui unurni I want to add my tostiraony to the list of those that have uaed the Lightning Cham, It does all that is claimed for it, you can churn easily in one minute, and got a large percentage reo.-a. butter than with the common churns. I -never took the agency for anything before but bo many of my neighbors wicnted churns, that I ordered 30 and they are all gone, I think in a year every farmer will have a Lightning Churn ia fact they can't afford to be without one as they make so much more buttor, and a good little bit of money can be made in every township soiling these chorus By writing to J. F. Casey &Uo., St. Iouie, Mo., you can get circulars ami full particulars ahont the churn. A Reader, Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder WorW'a Fair Highest Award.