The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, October 16, 1896, Image 3

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The Square Store.
Cut Prices
The Wright & Peters shoes, for
mer price $4 to $6, going at $1.75
to $2, or less than 5C cents on the
dollar of first cost.
Bannao & Sons shoes $4 60 to $6 00, to
ue cioeea oat at fs.w.
Suits of
Bults of
Suits of
Suits of
Suits of
Suits of
Suits of
Suits of
clothes cost
clothes cost
clothes cost
clothes cost
clothea cost
clothes cost
clothes cost
clothes cost
$ 7.00 at
6 50
6.00 at
6 25 at
7.70 at
11.00 at
8.80 at
12.00 at
13.20 at
7 50
We will not cell onr black suits below
cost but we'll sell them below what is
said to be below cost. Not an article of
these goods hare been in our store over a
year and are up to date styles. Ovr 75
patterns to select from -
Square Store
Pendleton, Oregon.
Watch Repairing
Is My Business
and I give
careful, painstaking attention to it. I give
especial attention to the repairing of fine
watches the kind of watches that need
extra careful adjustment. I try to have
my work cive such satisfaction as will
win the confidence of all who leave their
watch repairing in my hands. I want
you to feel that when you leavs your
watch with me for repairs, the work will
be done to the best of my ability and in
- a Nimnatun mannar If. i a mv o m Kit inn
to add to the reputation I think I have
in a email measure atteady estaDitsnea,
ia doinfir honest, tnorouen watcn repair
ing, ll. 11. hj.LiL, Aiueua, uregou.
You can get
better photograph e
ia Athena for your money than any placl
in the country. All the latest styles, als
kinds of fancy work, and first class cray
ons, in fact you can get anything you
want in the picture line, at the Umatilla
Art Oallery.
' Notice far Publication.
Land Office at La Grande, Oregon, Sep
tember 10. 1896. ,
Notice is hereby given that the follow
ing-named settler has tiled notice ot ma
intention to make final proof in support
of bia claim, and that said proof will be
made before county clerk of Umatilla
county, at Pendleton, Oregon, on October
17, 1896, viz: . ,
H. E. No. 5091, for the eej, of sec. 3, tp
4N. R.34E. W. M.
He names the following witnesses to
prove his continuous residence upon and
cultivation of, said land, viz : James W.
IT rati. John Berlin, all of Athena. Ore
, B. F. Wilson, Register,
Notice for Publication.
Land Office at La Grande, Oregon, Sep
tember 10. 1896.
Notice is hereby given that the following-named
settler has filed notice of his
intention to make final proof in support
of his claim, and that said proof will be
made before county clerk of Umatilla
county, at Pendleton, Uregon, on uctoDer
17, 1896.
H. E. No. 5110, for the ewi of sec. 11, tp.
4 N. R. 34 E. W. M.
He names the following witnesses to
Drove his continuous residence nron and
cultivation of said land, via: Victor M,
Bhick, John Brookner, John Keen, John
Berlin, all of Athena, uregon.
B. F. Wilson, Register.
Churnine Done in One Minute.
T have tried the Liehtaina Churn, yon
recently described in your paper, and it
ia certainlv a wonder. I can churn in
less than one minute, and the batter ia
elegant, and yon get considerably more
butter than when you nee a common
churn. I took the agency for the chain
here and every batter maker that sees it
buys one. I have sold three dozen and
they give the best of satisfaction I know
I can sell 100 in this township, as they
churn so. quickly, make so much more
butter than common churns and are so
cheap. Some one in every township can
make two or three hundred dollars sen
inz these churns. By addressing J. F,
Caey & Co., St. Louis, Mo., you can get
circulars and full information so yon can
make bin money right at home. I have
made 80 in the past two weeks and
never sold anything before in my life.
A Farkbb.
Alio NailMi
Consumption and bronchitis are by no
meana the same, aithougn it is nam to
fliaf in&niah mia from th Athnr. Bron
chitis is an inflammation of the lining of
the wind tubes or air vessels of the longs
causing soreness of the same, cough, sore
throat, horaeness, difficulty of breathing,
Fpitting of matter and sometimes blood.
Thraiunili Hia nnnallY with this dread
disease. Wilbur's Cough Core will core.
Price 50 cents, sola by unburn.
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder
World's Fair ru3tcst awto.
Local News.
Tomorrow '
Afternoon at 2 o'clock.
Roads are io fine shape now.
C. W. Hollia was in Pendleton Mon
day. -
J. W. Smith solicits roar insurance.
Call and see him.
T. I. Kirk and Bam Purdy were in
Pendleton Saturday. . - .
Chas. Marsh has returned from a trip
to the Pelooee country.
Miss Lillie Fischer visited the parent
al home in Athena Sunday.
Win. West was added to the Pbiss
force a couple of days this week.
Mrs. J. E. Froome visited relatives
and friends in Pendleton last week.
Everybody goes to the Umatilla Art
Gallery for their photo even Senators.
Miss Mae Fischer visited her sister
Lillie, in Pendleton, Saturday and Sun-
A new boy arrived at the home of Mr.
and Mra." James Froome, in Pendleton,"
last wees.
George S. Martin and wife, this week
moved to the T D. Taylor place, in the
south part of the city.
Only good insurance companies are
represented by Smith. Remember this
when taking out a policy.
P. M, KIRKLAND'S accounts must be
settled. Call at the First National bank,
and interview E. L. Barnett.
Harness, saddles etc.. at Crawford's at
Portland prices. When in Pendleton
call on him and be convinced.
Our prices are lower all the time than
any closing out or retiring from-busicess
prices. J. 8. Haye, Pendleton.
Thos. Lienallen came no from Adams
Saturday night to hear the brilliant ad
dress of Hon. J. K. Weatherford.
The grand jury returned not true bill
in the case of ick Brisbo, who bad been
charged with the larceny of two geldings.
When in Pendleton atop at the Golden
Rule Hotel. The beet of rooms and ele
gant fare. Free bus to and from all
trams. .
0. A. Barrett has been appointed sole
agent for the Buffalo Pitte threshers and
extras for all territory between WbIIs
Walla and Pendleton.
Call and get oar prices on clothing. If
you can do better elsewhere we don't ex
pect your trade but you can't, ibe
Square Store, Pendleton.
Dr. Richardson will be in' Athena next
Wednesday. Thursday and Friday to do
dental work, and you most patronize him
it yoa want mm to continue his visits.
Just received from Factory over the
Hunt line, a new stock of Gang Plows,
Drills and Harrows. Prices to suit the
times. 0. A. Babsktt,
Henry Miller, administrator of the es
tate of John Miller, deceased, has filed
an inventory of the estate in the county
court and has ordered the sale of the
property, -
(.Sportsmen are now enjoying them
selves trolling for salmon and shooting
ducks at Wallowa. A Walla Walla man
hooked and landed a 281 pound salmon
last Sunday.
ar occured in the Chinese quarters
of this city Tuesday night. Gambling
was at the bottom of it all. Joe Lee, the
wasbee man was worsted in a scrap with
another Mongolian. .
yJL. L. Maloney has been acting as post
master this week, during the absence of
Post-master J. w. Maloney. who is in
Portland, attending the meeting of the
Grand Lodge, K. of P.
The Pbkss has recently added a large
amount of printing material to its me
chanical department, and better able than
ever to give prompt attention to all orders
in the printing and publishing line.
Miss Seine, of Walla Walla, has just
returned from San Francisco and Port
land with the latest styles in hats and
millinery goods. She invites the ladies
of Athena to inspect her stock. The
lowest prices. 3t
A desperate battle between horse
thieves and deputy sheriffs is reported
from Wallowa county. George Smith,
one of the thieves, was shot through the
head, and Henry Bmith was captured
and lodged in jail at Enterprise.
Donald McRae. is agent for the great
Oxydoner "Victory" the , invaluable
remedy which cures all form of diseases
without medicine or electricity. Price
only $15. Lasts a lifetime. Address,
Donald MvRae, Milton, Oregon. .
Great Bankrnpt Sale at the "Leader"
201 Court St., Pendleton. Great Slaugh
ter in Prices. You can save 50 per cent
on every purchase. Mail orders prompt
ly attended to. special reduction win te
made to people of Athena.
Johnson Brothers and Henry Cadle
have delivered 350 head of cattle from
Prineville to the Frye & Bruhn buyers in
Pendleton for shipment to the Yakima
country. The cattle came through in
good shape from the long drive to Pend
leton. Dr. N. G. Blalock. of Walla Walla, re
ceived a telegram Friday afternoon from
Spokane stating that the Walla Walla
fruit exhibit had been awarded first
rrize. and that be had been awarded the
trophy prize of $100 for the best personal
There passed through Athena Friday
last a family who propose making an
entire trip to Florada by team. Palmer
was their name and they make their ex
penses of the trip by giving musical per
formances, the entire - family being
With two little children subject to
croup we do not rest easy without a bot
tle of Chamberlain's Congh Remedy in
the house, for the most severe attacks
quickly auccomb to a few doses of it.
Morrison. Colo.. Bud. For sale at 23 and
50 cents per bottle by the Pioneer Drug
Joe Tallman, the Pendleton druggist,
is an expert taxidermist. He recently
came in proseeseion of a large elk and
concluded to mount it. which be did.
and it now occupies a place in a show
window, where hundreds of people stop
to admire the fine specimen of the mon
arch of the forest.
At Enterprise, in Wallowa county,
Thursday, F. S. I van hoe, a well known
attorney, shot and seriously wounded R.
C. Gregg, a druggist Mrs. J. W. Dal
zell bad attacked Gregg with an umbrel
la. Ivanhoe appeared npon the scene,
and seeing, as be supposed, a man as
saulting a woman, took a sbot at the
There is more Catarrh in this section
of the country than all other diseases put
together, and until the last few years was
supposed to be incurable. For a great
many years doctors pronounced it a local
disease, and prescribed local remedies,
and by constantly failing to care with
local treatment, pronounced it incurable.
Science has proven catarrh to be a con
stitutional treatment Hall's patarrh
Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney &
Co., Toledo, Ohio, ia the only constitn-,
tional cure on the market. It is taken
internally in 10 drops to a teaspoonfol.
It acts directly on the blood and mucous
surfaces of the system. They offer one
Hundred dollars tor any case it lai is to
cure. Send for circular and testimonials.
Address. F. J. Cheney A Co. Toledo, O.
8old by druggists at 75c.
East Oregonian : There are too many
boys in politics in Pendleton. They are
encouraged to make "hoodlums" out of
themselves and the Pendleton boy does
not require any too much encouragement
in order that he may be a nuisance of
the cheapest order. Men, instead of en
couraging these forces to act as tbey do,
should discourage them, should attempt
to develop the minds of the boys rather
than increase their animal spirit and en-
good name and. intelligences -of" f entile
ton and gives outside people to under
stand that the town is run by the "hood
lum element." ...
The Darlington, Wis., Journal says
editorially of a popular patent medicine :
"We know from experience that Cham
berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea
Remedy is all that is claimed for it, as
on two occasions it stopped excruciating
pains and possibly saved us from an un
timely grave. We would not rest easy
over night whithout it in the bouse."
This remedy undoubtedly saves more
pain and suffering than any other medi
cine in the world. Every family should
keep it in the house, for it is sure to be
needed sooner or later. For sale by G.
0. Osburn. -' . -
Wm. Henry was in town yesterday
from Weston. He has just returned
from Wallowa'county, and was in Joseph
when the bank was robbed of 18,000. He
says bullets were flying thick and it was
dangerous to be safe anywhere on the
main street of the town while the shoot
ing was going on. People over there
don't seem to know anything of the bard
limes ; the credit system prevails and
the only articles thatsell for cash is coffee
and sugar. '
If your children are subject to croup
watch for the first symptom ot the dis
ease hoarseness. If Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy is given as soon as the
child becomes hoarse it will prevent the
attack. Even after the croup cough has
appeared the attack can always be pre
vented by giving thia remidy. It is also
invaluable for colds and whooping cough.
For sale by G. 0. Osburn. . ; .
W. M. Pierce, well known to Athena
people, will address the voters of this end
of the county in this city, tomorrow af
ternoon at 2 o'clock. Mr. Fierce is
very interesting talker, and has built np
a reputation of being able to handle the
money question with the best ot 'em.
Ladies are respectfully invited to come
and hear him.
Editor Wood has returned to Weston
from a visit to Portland. The Portland
Telegram told stories on Wood, one of
which was that our friend was "for sound
money and McKinley." The assertion
ia false, as every, body knrtwa that Mr.
Wood and bis excellent paper, tne lead
er is for "sound money and Bryan
Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets.
moves the bowels gently, relieves the
cougn, cures the tevensn conditions ana
headache, making it the best and Quick
est remedy for Doughs and Uolds and
La Grippe. Cures in one day. "No
cure no pay." Price zo cent, for sale
by 3. 0. Osburn.
Why suffer with Coughs,1 Colds, and
LaGrippe when Laxerative Bromo Quin
ine Will cure yoa in one day. Does not
produce the ringing in the head like Sal'
phate of Quinine, rut np in a tablets
convenient for taking. Guaranteed to
cure or money refunded. Price 25 cents.
For sale by G. V. Osburn
The McKinley club was adressed Mon
day night by J. J. Balleray, of Pendle
ton. Quite a number of republicans were
out to bear htm. The club would bave
better attendance if their meetings were
held somewhere where neat could be
furnished. These nights are too cold to
meet at the school bouse where there is
no fire.
tffiometime during Saturday night,
thief entered the barn at the Rogers place
east of town, and made away with
brand new $35 saddle. One of the boys
purchased the saddle in Athena only
about two weeks ago. No clue as to the
identity of the thief.
This is an exceptional Cloak Season
buvers are looking for particular gar
ments at low prices. We anticipated such
a demand, and bave a line of capes and
jackets which answer every requirement
and tney are cneap. Alexander
Hexter, Pendleton.
We want your mail order trade. We'll
fill it the same day. We'll refund your
money if what we send yoa is not satis
factory. We'll go out and get anything
you mav want if we haven't it. Alexan
der & Hexter, Pendleton.
Charles M. Ely, executor of the estate
ot Philologus Ely, deceased, having filed
his final report, the judge of the county
court ordered that November 21 should
be the day npon which objections to the
same would be beard,
John Endecott. a Pendleton liveryman
mourns tha loss of a good horse which
was hired out two weeks ago to a man
who has since failed to report. The
sheriff has had the matter in hands for
some days. . ,
When yoa think of underwear think
of us. Our Fall and Winter line is by
far the best line shown in Pendleton and
our prices will surprise you. Alexander
A Hexter.
Mr. J. L. Mitchell the well known
civic order man, delivered an interesting
address to the people of Pendleton Sat
urday night, on "Fraternaliam."
The long looked for and mnch need
ed rain came gently patting down. Sat
urday night, to the delight of our farmer
friends and every one else.
Chas. Bowling, the Adams druggist,
who is every inch a democrat, and don
care who knows it, was in town Saturday
Have yoa seen those beautiful Mantel
la sienette's at the Umatilla Art Gallary,
tbey are only 89 eta a dozen
Col. J. H. Raley was in the city Sat
urday from Pendleton. Mr. Raley had
case in Justice Smith's court.
Master Clayton Sharp came up from
Pendleton Friday on a vi6it to bis cousin,
Master Ralph Gulis. ; ? .,; s
J. L. Killian, the sage of Vansycle
in Baa Francises. .,
The gentleman that found a light
colored, boy's hat on Saturday, the 3rd,
between H. Mc Arthurs' house and the
crossing of the railroad, will confer a
favor by leaving the same at this office.
Jerry Stone found a valuable package
ot dry goods a few miles east of Pendle
ton, on Friday evening. The owner can
have the same by calling at this office,
describing property, and paying for this
notice. - -
L. B. Reeder, the Pendleton attorney,
well known here, has developed into
quite a campaign speaker. He recently
delivered an excellent address to the
voters of Echo, on present campaign is
sues. Mrs. W. E. Young, Mrs. C. W. Hollis
and mother, Mrs. J. W. Smith, Mrs. G.
C. Osburn, Mrs. E. L. Barnett, Mrs, F.
B. Boyd, Mrs. W. R. Taylor, and Mrs. J.
W. Callender were in Pendleton Friday
last. . ,-,
NjTred Williams reports an exceptional
ly 'good run the past season with his
threshing machine, in 39 days ma ma
chine turned out in good shape, 35,680
sacks of wheat, and avrage of 912 sacks
per day for the season's ran. lnis was
done with a 32 inch machine
I . - i ! - - i ...., ,,.
p - p. W. McDannald told the Walla Wal-
la Statesman that tbe Slide placer mines
are likely to turn out richly and that the
first tests were very encouraging. Mr.
McDannald also said that in Valley pre
cinct, where he lives, a poll showed 110
men for Bryan and 10 for McKinley.
Mr. and Mrs. McDannald have gone to
Los Angles to remain for several months.
Yrhe other evening as Wm. Wells was
returning irom renaieton a reuow grasp
ed the horse bits with the intention of
topping the conveyance. A few well
directed blows from a whip in Billy's
hands, caused the fellow to change his
mind in regard to stopping the team.
The flooring for Owen Rusie's Opera
hall arrived from the Sound Wednesday,
aod workmen are engaged in getting the
hall in readiness. The floor is being pnt
down with neatness and accuracy, which
insures a good place for dances this win
ter, something the town has not bad for
a long time.
LA& well known Athenaite wants to bet
In i n ,11 . 1 .11 t i l
mat cryan win carry tuviouowiug bvuwb,
and offers to bet on each state, respect
ively : On Oregon. $20; on Washingrnn,
$20; on California, $20; on Missouri, $60.
All states to be taken or no bet.
t. . - "
X W. H. 8cott, the Helix farmer, was in
rtdwn Tueedav. on his way home from
Walla Walla. Mr. Scott was in the Gar
den City for the purpose of negotiating a
sale of bis wheat crop, tie sold lor ouo
per bushel.
The home of James Gardner, at Oakes-
dale, Cal., burned Saturday night, and
Gardner's 12 year old son was cremated.
The mother is nearly crazed by her loss
and tbe father is a raving maniac.
The grand , jury yesterday returned a
not true bill in the case of John Mason,
who was charged with unlawfully carry'
ing away 50 cords of wood belonging to
G. W. Tittaworth.
J. L. Mitchell and others will address
the citizens of Athena on "Fraternaliem"
at the Masonic hall, Monday evening,
Ladies are especially invited. .
AUncle "Billy" Willaby and wife have
returned from their visif to Newport.
Idaho. Mr. Willaby reports fine sport
h untie and fjahine. ;w -..
V.i..JN, . C
XL. L. Montague added 4 new hack and
Commercial Livery citable this week
There will be work in the second rank
next Thursday evening. All Knights of
Pythias are requested to be present.
Mrs. Frank Knowltonr of Newport,
Idaho, is down on a visit with her parents
Mr, and Jirs. Wm. Willaby.
Lester Swaggart, came up from Eugene
thia week on a visit to bis parents. He
will remain for some time.
G. Peabody has resigned his position
with the W. & 0. R., and will leave next
week for California.
Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Boddy were over
from La Grande this week on a visit to
Mrs. Ida Gillis
Farmers as a rule are through seeding
and much of the grain is up and looking
One, "
.Samuel Johnson, of Cottonwood pre'
ciact was in tne city on business rues
Jones & WinBbip's steam saw has
been working in the country this week
Elevators and warehouses . are filltd
with wheat to the point of overflowing,
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Froome and J. W,
Froome were in Pendleton Tuesday.
J. Beale has fitted no an office in
the front part of his meat market.
Born. Near Adams, October 14, 1886,
to Mr. and Mrs. Unas. JNye, a eon.
W. G. Lvnn, the local politician of
JUelix, was in town Wednesday,
Alex McKinzie, well known to Athena
people, was in town Tuesday
JamerLieuallen and son were in town
yesterday from Adams.
Wm. Gholson has been working with
the steam saw this week.
Chancey Turner was In town from
Weston Wednesday. ; .
J. B. Huntington ft iq eodleton at
landing court. . ,
Miss Celia Vaughn it visiting relatives
in Pendleton
J. W.
bananas and figs are on the
Keen it attending , court this
0. A. Barrett was in
day. .
Pendleton Tues-
f Awarded
Highest Honors World's Fair,
Gold Medal, Midwinter Fair.
Most Perfect Mide.
40 Yean tbe Standard.
lXlnley Assured of all in Holmes
County, Ohio.
Through coartesy of Dr. F. 8. Sharp.
the Pbxss reporter was permitted to
pernae the columns of tbe Holmes coun-
(Ohio) Farmer, yesterday. Among
many articles . of a political character
nich impressed the scribe that tbe
Major it not having things all his own
way even in Ohio, was tbe following :
lbs Holmes county Republicans called
npon Major McKinley today. The coun
ty is a democratic stronghold, and it
conld not otherwise than be expected that
the effort on the part of the republican
managers to make a showing should havs
neen tne lauure that it was. mere was
comparatively small handful of people
io line including the Hugar Creek band.
but nearly every republican in the coun
ty was preeent. the crowd was so small
that the Major adjusted his glasses long
oeiore be commenced reading bis speecn.
Dr. J. G. Bingham of Millerburg present
ed the delegation to the major, and when
they shook McKinley's hand, several of
tnem ventured tbe encouraging state
ment that he was sure ot receiving the
entire colored vote of Holmes county.
Tbe delegation arrived at 12 and left at
14. Canton Newt-Democrat, Sept.
"Entire colored vote of Holmes coun
ty I" That's good. The "entire colored
vote" just at present consists of one black
rascal confined in jail for attempting
rape. McKinley may be able to pole tbe
full "colored vote" of tbe county, bat it
is doubtful, without he ehould be able to
devise some scheme to liberate tbe
colored vote" before election time.
Better put Mark Hanna onto the job,
Major. Farmer.
A Bryan Man.
When the excursion train pulled out
from the station last Friday an enthusi
astic Bryan man was seen to be running
toward it, waving his arms frantically in
the air. The engineer good naturedly
slowed up and cane to a standstill op
posite tbe Hamilton & Kourke ware-
hous, at the lower end of Main street.
The fellow, a stranger, bad a long ran
of it, and when crossing the bridge near
tbe mill, tell and bruised bis bands ano
forehead to such an extent that the blood
flowed freely when he reached the train.
rie proved conclusively that be was a
Bryan man, through and through, and
was determined to bear Pennoyer speak,
or bust. - .
The Irrepressible "Butch."
A Press reporter, while in Pendleton
Saturday, waa pleased to meet Co'. W. F.
Butcher, a former Athenaite. "Butch"
is prospering in tbe Queen City. He is
also till a democrat, and admonished
the Pekss not to overlook this fact, all
reports to tbe contrary notwithstanding.
Mr. Butcher reports much activity to
business circles at Baker Citv. and says
everybody seems to be employed at fair
ly good wages, ue attributes tne gooa
times op at Baker to tbe mining industry
of that county, and not to the present
gold standard, for "Butch" believes in a
little silver now and then.: like tbe rest
of nt "anarchists."
Wheat Sales.
Many thousand bushels of wheat were
sold in Athena this week. The prices
paid by - tbe buyers was from 48 to 52
cents for No. 1. The bulk of the big lot
sold this week brought 48 cents, although
many big lots changed hands for from 50
to 52 cents.
Portland, Oct. 15 Wheat, valley 65 to
66; Walla Walla 62 to 63.
Ublcago, uct. 15. Wheat, casn, o 5
to70J ; f ,
San Francisco, Oct. 15. Wheat, JJec,
$1.22i; May $1.35.
Chicago! Oct. 15.-Hoga-light, $3.10 to
$5.10 ; heavy, $5.00 to $2.90. $3.20.
Cattle beeves, $3.43 to $0.15; cows
and heifers, $1.50 to $3.90.
8beep steady.
- . .. 1 . . .
Are you tired all the time? Then your
blood needs to be enriched and purified
by Hood's. Sarsnpanlla, tbe One True
Blood purifier. It givos vigor and vital
t .
Hood's Pills cure nausea.
ache, indigestion biliousness,
gists. 25c.
will be allowed for old shoes brought to us
before Dec, 1st, 1896, providing a new pair .
is purchased of us worth $2 or upward.
. 4 . ' r ..- .. , ,. ,v" .'
' V ' , (':.(
Cash sales and price allowed only on one
pair at each sale. : : : : ' :
a"W. HOLLIS, Main Street, Athena Oregon.
Ill l j-' ' V jfT '
Normal Notes.
Weston, Oct 15 All have watched tbe
columns of your valuable paper, and not
noticing any matter from our school this
year, we take the pleasure of offering a
few items that may be of interest to those
who might wish to hear from our school,
and its progress so far.
The school opened this year on the 14
of Sept., with a very large attendance,
and we are glad to say that new scholar
come in every week.
Professor M. G. . Royal went to La
Grande Wednesday morning to attend
the grand institute, which commences
there thia week.
Mr. Robert Stanford went to Pendle
ton Saturday, and came back Sunday
Mr. Louis Proebstel returned from
Idaho last week.
Weston's new church house it begin
ing to show up pretty well now.
Oh 1 those evening walka that the boys
take, and while stroling along engaged
in talking. They say eavening walks
are healthful, and the delicious fresh
air how about it boy a T Eva Star.
Mountain Valley News.
Mountain Valley, Oct. 10 After some
little silence from this locality I will en
deavor to jot a few locals ; so here goes
for a starter.
Born on the 9 inst. to Mr. and Mrs.
William Corley an 8 lb. boy, and though
not old enough to vote for silver, he is
big enough to boiler if necessary.
Jb. Corley bas sold bis place known as
the W. O. White place, to J. H. Mo
Broom, Consideration $300.
Quite a number of valley residents
have made trips down en Butter creek to
tbe Thompson fruit farm of late after
fruit, and returned home laden with the
slippery stuff, -
E. Campbell, the substantial sheep
grower ot this county, bas been dipping
Gold, .
IIANSELL & MALONEY, Proprietors,
South Side Main Street, - - - : - ' Athena, Oregon.
16 lbs of Dry Granulated Sugar for 1 Silver Dollar, . .;
5 lbs of Arbuckles Coffee for 1 Silver Dollar.
5 lbs of Lyon Coffee for 1 Silver Dollar.
10 boxes of Fraziers Axle Grease for 1 Silver Dollar.
1 Bucket of Syrup for 1 Silver Dollar. . ;
All other Goods reduced in proportion, at MAX LEWIN'S
CASH GROCERY STORE. Leader in Low Prices.
-Just received: Fresh Candies, Nuts, Bananas, Figs, Sweet po
tatos and Comb Honey. .
of Old
his flock this week to cure the scab.
J. W. Gurdane, of Pilot Rock, has been
visiting in the valley this week. .
Jos. McLaughlin has purchased the
ThreBher place of J. Rust
Chris Nelson, a sheep man of this
vicinity, made atrip to Pendleton .this
' J. A. Horseman, who had his ankle
thrown out of place about two weeks ago,
is getting so that he can get around
again. Dixix.
Burned up a Road.
East Oregonian: Ben Hagen came
into town Saturday night with a load of
wheat He came over tbe road wblcn
leads down into Rourke canyon and over
tbe Lee street bridge. While descending
tbe canyon be found tbe straw anre
which had been placed on the road. He
was into the fire before he discovered it.
Tbe banks were too steep above and be
low, so he could not turn ont, and the
space was too narrow for 1 i n to turn
about, so he whipped 1, r hinifmm aud ran
the horse all tbe way uivnt.''i the fire.
It was ratber hot, ea i'-u. ku .' as proof
of it may 4 be stated !i .' f "i stacks of
wheat were set 0.-2 ti; vhil. 'heteam
was dashing through 'h.. fl m -r..
Some one eviden'ir r t ir. : Vraw road
afire, as it waa burni. g i p'u- -1. It has
been a positive i' j'i'y na "ill make
hauling over the roa i much heavier.
- Tons of Hay Burned.
Word comes from La Grande that a
heavy wind has been prevailing through
out the valley during the last 13 hours.
Fire broke out in the tules a few miles
east of La Grande, and bat swept over a
large area. It ia reported that 700 tons
of hay have been destroyed already, and
that much more is in danger. The rail
road company has sent all of Its men
available to fight the fire, but unless the
wind abates, little hope is entertained of
controlling the fire.
can buy as well as the POOR,
at the
o Post
& "--'-Store
where you can find the best of Fresh Family
Groceries, Stationery School Books and
School supplies all kinds at
Bedrock Prices.
lit Ilia
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