The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, October 09, 1896, Image 1

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    Attend th
iBi'yars lubj
f In the week but that you do not noedftiitlonery of some sort or other
T Now ura fiirniHfi ntil. e.leau rinMn at ihe vtrv loweptf ruipH. M,,,!- T
It would beat big job to tell one hundred people a day ffny thin that t
ttrntil.i inlnnwi limin In viillKirnna hi, t ta fiau iKaifi if Hnil ft th H V ik t. '
way. Thlx paper will tell several thousand at once at nominal cost. I
' eru pronses, modern types, modern work, prompt ditircry. j
I i
Reader, did you ever take Simmons
Liver Regulator,' the "Kinqi ov
Lives Medicines V" Everybody needs
take a liver remedy, , It is a sluggish or
diseased liver that impairs digestion
and causes constipation, when the waste
that should be carried off remains in
the body and poisons the whole system.
That dull, heavy feeling is due to a
torpid liver. Biliousness, Headache,
Malaria and Indigestion are all liver
diseases. Keep the liver active by an
occasional dose of Simmons Liver Reg
ulator and you'll get rid of these trou
bles, and give tone to the whole svs-
tem. For a laxative Simmons Liver A
Regulator is better tSan Pills. It
does not gripe, nor weaken, but greatly
refreshes and strengthens. '
Every package, has the lied Z
stamp ou the -wrapper. J. II.
ZeilLu & Co., Philadelphia.
For Information and free Handbook write to
MUNN & CO.. 861 Broadway, Hbw VoiiiC.
Oldest bureau for aecnrlng pntcnta in America.
Every patent taken out by un la brought before
' the public by a notice given free ot (.'barge tu Uie
lAnrest olrenlatlon of any scientific paper in the
world. Splendidly illustrated. No intelligent
man should be without it. Weekly, ..3.00 a
year; tl.SO six months. Address, II UNN CO.,
Pubushehs, 361 Broadway, New York City,
is a
and i the rejult ot colds and
- sudden climatic changes.
For your Protection
we positively state that this
remedy does not contain
mercury or any other injur?
' lout drug. I
Ely's Cream Bab
Is acknowledged to be the most thorongh care for
Nnsnl Catarrh, Cold in Head and Bay Fever of all
remedies. - I opens and cleanses the nasal passages,
allays pain and inflammation, heals the sores, pro
tects the membrane from colds, restores the senses
of taste and smell. Price 60c at Drnpffists or by mail.
ELY BROTHERS, 68 Warren Street, New York.
Wanted fin Idea
Who can think
of some simple
thing to nalent?
Protect your ideas: the
st Tour ideas: they may bring you wealth.
Write JOHN WEDDERBORN ft CO., Patent Attor
neys, Washington, D. 0., for their Al.BUO prise offer
and list ot two hundred Inventions wanted.
Gives the choice of
Low Rates to all Eastern
-. Cities, y:
Ocean Steamers leave Portland,
every 5 days for
San Francisco
No. 2, Fast Mail, Eostbound,
No. 1, " " Westbound,
No. VI. Mixed, Eastbound, ;
No. 41. " Westlxmnd
6:01 a. m.
9iTJ p. m,
2:25 p. m.
10 a. ii).
-FojcTuJl details calj "on 0. R.
& N. Agents Athena.
Or address: W. H. HDRLBCT, Gen. Pass
Agt. Portland. Oregon.
E, MCNEILL, freeideot and Gen. Mg'r
the f
The Best Turnouts In Umatilla Comity
Stock boarded by the day,
week or month.
L. L. OTAL Frjr.
: Athena.
k Esiontifio American
' ' Agency f-
TS) 0
Everything is LOADED with Seasonable FRUIT
Below we describe a few ,, ,
Dead Ripe" Plums
Ready to drop in the possession of every buyer:
Dry Goods at 5 cts a yard ' Groceries "
Calicoes, Dnbleacbed" Muslin, Oat 17 lbs Granulated Sngar, $1.00
Ing Flannel. Ginghams, Dress Lining 30 Iba Rolled OatB. $100
Bntfer Cloth no better ; none M (JO'lf1 20 lbs L M Raisina, $1 00
I ,r
" Underwear Mackintoshes '
' - ' -
for everybody Men's Woman'a anc4 You'H'find a large line cf Roy ai d
Children's -all grades, 25 cents up Cape Mackintrwhes Prices: $3 75,
hottprvalups than others offer. $4 50, 7 BO, $9 50. $12 00 and $14 00
Shoes ; Glothing
Every shelf in this big Departmem Mens very oncommon suits at
iscrimfullof bargains - "The: Litth com moa prices Boys big stock, all
Hiant" School 8hoa has no fqual , vizi's, low prices.
Come and see us, we have shaken the business bushes; Bargains have rat
tled down and they're yours. , i
PFiini FTfifi nRFnnii
Painting .;. .
In all Branches
Neatly done by Chapman.
. J. W. CHAPMAN, Athena.
1 Carpet-Store
Largest Stock ever brought to Pendleton. Better
Goods and cheaper Prices. Agent for the Standard '
and White Sewing Machines. Carpets and machines at
about half former prices. Come and 1e convinced.
JESSE FAILING, Pendleton, Oregon.
FRANK BEAL, proprietor.
Highest Cash Price paid We buy for Cash and sell foi
for Butcher's Stock. Cash strictly
Main Street; -V - v . Athena, Okegos
BMK o '
of smm.
E, L.
fhieflgof San 1n '
I ) cinco, Cl.: Ft Worth.
Who cells low to
. tnd have therefore
v 6ao ADloniff, Tz.i Liif
a cola,I1b.iKiuM T.
jf City, Hunt Louis,
j Bo.; 8oiCiti, j
1 tutri IlM HMIW u...
Bluett '8o. reduced
t I U-: Hinoopoin,
Min.;Tut(lo,0 ;V
V 1 ailwMkM, Wa.1
" V hew York Cltvt E
BilfKnoflt 1
bum, ruuip or
Dealers in
Grain, Grain-bags and do a general Warehouse and Commission bui
negg; pay the highest prices for all kinds of grain. Handle grain on
either road at the same price.
South side Main Street.
$ 50000
Interest on time deposits. Proper attention
given to collections. Deals In foreign aryi
domestic exchange,
Babnktt Cashier, . . ; Athena, Oregon
f i l i, uy me only concern uat ever s, ,v t
UV I riilViuw vduntarilj reduced prices, or W
in recent times originated new idea in Windmill and 1
Vstcr ShddIt Goods. B vervthinir the fanner sells Is law.
him ? We have reoeatedir refused to ioin.
defeated wiodmill combination, and have.
the cost of wind sower to 1 what it was.
" Tiiroagh gratitude, and because we are pries makers, and are
tafeat to deal with, and because we are the mole orit i naifirs
.. "-f of all that is good in the modern cteei windmill and i
4f in low pnees, nign grade and large (ales, we make abort ;
hand with lone power atmke pumpa, with best ceamlest I
brass tube cylinders, lower thaa iron ones 1 1 16 inch at
f3-53- We prepay freight to so branch bouses. Send now few
iwvuu(uii7 iimscTRxea cauiiogue ox trp-co-oaw loeae, u jr
this appears but once. Our imitetort may bo fce ia
print our latest plans. No one knows tiwt beat '
rrice tuiui bo anowa otura.
Athena, Oregon.
The Joseph Bank Sacked by
Three $lasked Men.
One Killed, one.Wounded, the
Third Escaped.
The bank of Joseph' was robbed by
three men between 2:30 end 3 o'clock
last Thursday afternoon. Ooe of the
robbers was shot dead, another one
wounded and the third escaped with the
"sw,B" towards the mountains. From
all accounts it was a most daring piece of
work. Three men came up to the bank
together, with their faces blackened as a
means of diBguise. Thore were four cus
tomers in the bank at the time, Ttiey
were ordered under cjver of double
bar relied gun to throw- up their
hands, and the same injunction was given
to J. D. McOully, acting cashier, One
of the robbers climbed the railing and got
access to the cash drawer and vault and
the third stood guard at the door. The
cashier was compelled to open up the re
ceptacle likely to contain money,, and all
the funds on band, amounting to $2000,
was swept into the sack and carried away
by the robbers. ....
In the meantime the people on the
outside discovered what was going on in
side, and two men, Fred Wagner, armed
with a repeating rifle, and a Mr. Donally,
with a shot gun, prepared to give the
bandits a warm reception as they em
erged from the bank. .
The four persons , in the bank were
marched out ahead and as the robber
who had the sack, a man named Brown,
came out he was immediately Bhot do wn.
The robber who guarded tbe door, a man
named Tucker, also fell from a bullet
Where Do You Stand?
, J. N.; Williamson, in The National Blmeiallist.
On February 20, 1896, in the United Stales Senate, Henry Cabot
Lodge, the apostle of the gold standard, speaking on the failure ot
Lord Salisbury to protect the Armenian Christian, said: ,
"But, Mr. President, Lord Salisbury obeys a stronger force, a
mightir will than his own. In the last resort, the power which
controls in Europe and ifi England, is the great power of money
and the money lender. The money lenders do not care how manyj
Armenians are butchered; the Armenians are not nominated in the
bond; but they care very much that nothing shall be done to dis
turb values; and they fear that if England moved to rescue the
wretched Armenians values might be disturbed and Ottoman bonds
decline." ' , -; ' "
The republican party admits, as fully as its opponents have; de
dared, that the experiment of the single standard of gold has been
'.a disastrous failure, even though it seeks to veil its admission be
hind an allegation of other causes, and the present difference be
tween political parties ia this: The republican party proposes to
entrust the relief of the American people to this "stronger force,"
this "mightier will" of money andt the money lenders which rules
Euiope and England; which cares not for the butchery; of men, but
demands that humanity and patriotism be laid aside; which is in
"different to everything as long as nothing shall begone to distutb
values, and that bonds may not decline; while the opponents of that
party propose rather to risk having gold at a premium than to
have that "stronger; force," that "mightier will," that "power of
money and the money lender" rule America and wipe out "govern
ment of the people, by the people, for the people." :..'
On which side of this fight are you going to place yourself? Tlje
men of '61 not only allowed gold to go to a premium higher than
any threatened by the gold men of today, but, also, risked their
lives in order that men of a different race should a land ded
icated to freedom, be slaves, and will you, for yourselves and your
children, put up your be bound by thtj ehackles of money
and the money lender, through fear that gold will go -to a prem-
wound, bnt the third robber Cy Fitz
bugb, ran and grabbed the eack and
dropping his gun reached his bores and
escaped. Ia the fusillade between the
robbers and citizens about 25 ehots were
exeba-ged. Before auempting the job
the robbers had stacked some guns and
ammunition outside the town n here they
expected to make a stand in cape they
were pursued. Fitzbugb, tho fleeing
bandit, went to this place and re-armed
hitneelf and struck for tbe mountains in
the direction of Cornucopia. At the time
of leaving he took a shot at a citizen who
chanced to be coming in his direction,
bnt tbe ballet did no further damage
than to pasa through his clothing. A
popsa started in pursuit and followed
Fitzhngh last night, but no news from
them have yet been received1. Tucket,
the wounded robber, made a clean breast
of the plan of tbe robbery. All three of
the highwaymen had been in Wallowa
for some time. Brown and Fitishugh had
been employed at farm hands in the
Prairie creek neighborhood east of Jest ph
fo' several months. '
Tbe bank officials have offered a re
ward of $500 for tbe capture of the rob
ber. Tbeposee that went in search of Cy
Fitzhogb, the robber that escaped with
tbe money, bas returned to Joseph. No
trace of Fitzhngh was found after be
changed horses, eicept that a hunter
claims to jbave seen Fitzhngh jnet before
dark Thursday evening, VI miles from
Joseph, and that Fitzhngh was on the
trail leading to 8nake river, and evident
ly intended to cross tbetiverat Brown
lee's ferrv. He was alone, and carried
no rifle, being armed w ith a pistol. It ia
thought that it is impossible for him to
Charged With Cattle-Stealing;.
William Hanley, of the firm of Hartley
Bros., stockmen of Harney county, has
been arrestod in Malhenr county, charged
with stealing cattle. On the drive from
Burns to Ontario, cattle on the road, as
is always the case, Ml In with Mr. Han
ley's band. On Willow creek, Brosna
hAn, a Ft'H'kn'iitn belonging to the .Mal
heur Stock AfSo itiui, found some of
his caHle in Hanly'i bnd, and had
them cut out. After his ( Hnley's) cat
tle were corraled at Ontario, Broenahan
found mure of his catMe, and Iiauiey
had them cut out.. BrosDahaa still in
sisted there were more of his cattle in
the band, and ordered Hanley not to
ship until he turned them all out, but
Hanley went ahead loading the cattle on
the cars, then others of the association
had Hanley and all bis men arrest
ed, and the cattle taken from the
cars. Ten or 12 cattle belonging to
the association and others were found.
Mr. Hud lev 's vaqueros were dismissed,
bat Hanley was held in the enm of $500
to appear before the grand jury at the
next regular term of the circuit court.
Bimeby Heap Sabbe.
Tbe Baker City Democrat publishes an
item of news which people would do well
to read and to beed the last sentence es
pecially: "Mr. I. E. Burch, several years ago a
frequent visitor in Baker City when he
was traveling route agent of the Pacific
Express company, now located In Ogden,
Utah, in the employ of the same com
pany, ia in Baker Oity and was a caller
at the Democrat .last evening. Mr.
Burch is a holder of $2000 in Baker coun
ty warrants, principal and interest,
which he has just ascertained are among
the $17,000 of advertised warrants can
celled at the last term of county court.
Mr, Burch is at a loss to know what to
do to be reimbursed and feels bis pre
dicament keenly, and which could have
been averted had be been a subscriber
to the Democrat. Here is a moral:
Don't speculate in a -town or a county
without subscribing for the leading news
paper of the place of investment." -
The Difference.
The poet Tennyson could take a worth
less sheet of paper and by writing a
poem on it make it worth $05,000 that's
genius. ; " '-r'.' '''!
Vanderbilt can write a few words on a
sheet of paper and make it worth $5,000,-000-that's
capital. . x
The United States can take an ounce
and a quarter of gold and stamp upon it
an "eagle bird" and make it worth 820
that's money.
" Tne" mechanic can take material worth
$5 and make it into a watch worth $100
ttfafs skill, i -The
merchant can take an article worth
75 cents and sell it for $1.00 that's busi
ness. -'.' '. ' '
A lady can purchase a very comfort
able bonnet for $3.75, but she prefers one
that costs $27 that's foolishness.
The ditch digger works 10 hour a day
and shovels three 6r four tons of earth
for $2 that's labor
The editor ht this poper ci writes
cheek for $80,000,000, but it won't be
worth a dime that's tough.
- Worth Your Confidence.'
The success of Hood's Sarsaparilia in
conquering scrofula in whatever way it
may mam last itself ia vouched for by
thousands who were afflicted by this
prevalent disease, but who now rejoice
over a permanent cure by liood'a Harga
parilla. Scrofula may appear as a humor,
or it may attack the elands, of the neck,
or break out in dreadful running sores on
the body or limbs. Attacking the mnc
ous membrance, it may be developed in
to catarrh or lodging in the lungs leads
to consumption.
Depew to Be Married.
TbeNework World says: Tboen
gagemeot of Miss Edith Collins and
Cbanncey M. Depew is now practically
acknowledged by their friends. Tbe
wedding may be looked for in November.
It will be celebrated at 8t. Bartholomew's
church. An intimate friend of MIps Col
lins received a letter from her. She is
now in Kuia, hut Wilt reach New York
tbe latter part of October. Miss Collins
is a beautifiil young woman, has a for
tune of $3,000,000 and is a grand daught
er cf Cotnmodoie Vanderbilt.
Df . Price's Cream liakin jr Powder
Awvdcd Gold Medid Midwinter Fair, linn FrunciKO.
Highest of all ia Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
1 1 Vw
The "East End" as Reflected
By Our Exchanges.
The People are Coming to See
. and Hear Pennoyer
Mrs, Hattie Mossr visited friends in
Athena during this week.
"v Prof, J. 8. Henry took his departure
Wednesday for bis new. field of musical
work at Heppner, accompanied by the
beet wishes of Weston friends. '
; The family of Neil afcEachern are all
afflicted wjth, measles, except Mrs. Mo
Eachern. Neil himself is having a tough
time with that measly disease, but his
children are now recovering.
XJDr. Dudley, father-of E. A. Dudley,
who is here on a visit from Lebanon,
Linn county, was in the city Wednes
day. The old gentleman, while not of
free silver p.-oclivitiee, gives it as hiB
opinion that Bryan will carry Linn conn
ty by at least 1000 majority. He would
not be surprised if the figure reached 1,
600. .
M. A, Baker, A. Allen and D.'W. Mc
Dannald visited this week the scene of
the recent gold excitement at "The Slide"
on the Walla Walla river. An A. B. B,
machine was used as long as water could
be had for its operation and $3.60 obtain
ed from a yard and a-half of dirt. Sev
eral parties have ordered machines. The
whole country is staked out, some of the
claims extending to the hills. Tbe dis
covery is considered a wonderful one.
Miss May Stevenson and sister, of Mil
ton, have been attending the Formal
chool. Miss May lately concluded to re
linquish student life for the delights of
matrimony, and last Saturday, without
the knowledge of her parent, it is said,
left her borne at Milton and was united
in marriage with James Willis. Mr.
Willis is a widowe? with several children,
and ilhe May had passed nineteen bum
mers when she embarked on a matri
monial voyage which her friend hope
will prove a pleasant ono. ,
When John Eeed went up recently to
Prof. Van Winkle's new summer resort
on the mountain, "Summit View," he
ran across' the bone cf a human leg,
while out hunting grouse. Not wishing
to be encumbered at the time with his
greweorae discovery, he placed it on a
stump and proceeded on his way, return
ing to town without it. The bone -had
been gnawed by animals. Tbe professor
and others afterwards hunted for the
relic, but were unable to find it.
Ernest Reynolds, the thirteen-year-old
who decamped with 1 00 taken from
Mies Ellice Wills' trunk, and a cayuao
belonging to Frank Blair, was found at a
etrawstack in the Whitman field near
town. Miss Wills swore out a complaint
for the commitment of the boy to the
reform school, and as this bad not been
bis first, offense against society he was
taken to Pendleton by Sheriff Houaer
for examination before the county Judge.
Mr. Uouser passed through last night for
Salem, with tbe lad in custody,
mimoh kaglb.
D. E. Burger raised a squash this year
on his farm below town that weighed
151ij Ids, It is now at Yates Bro'a store
and will be shipped to tbe Portland ex
position tomorrow.
The wife of Eev. D. E. George was
thrown from a hack and rendered on
conrcious by a severe contusion on tbe
head last Friday evening in front of
Judgs Kirkland's residence. Tbe ac
cident was caused by the neck-yoke atrap
Mr. Claude Bteen and Master Ralph
S:een went to Portland Saturday night,
the latter to enter upon a course in the
Bishop Scott Academy, one of Portland's
b.-st boarding schools for boys and young
men. Mr, Claude Bteen returned home
Tuesday morning after seeing bis brother
safely at work with bis studies.
Mayor Richey, accompanied by Jas.
Kirkland and P. J. Kelley, want down to
the Hlide last night so as to be up with
the early bird this morning to catch the
golden worm in the shape of a mining
claim, Excitement is growing space re
garding these mines and we wouldn't be
surprised to sea another Cripple Creek
boom there.
Commissioner Henry L. Frazier has
petitioned Judge Martin to be appointed
administrator for'the estate of his deceas
ed father, William S. Frazier. He says
the estate is of value less than $10,000,
about $9,505. Judge Martin has mads
the appointment and Mr, Frazier will
file a bond in the required amount. The
property consists of real and personal
property in this city, a number of notes
being included in the latter.
Tbe Weston Leader man has worried
over the fiaam.ial problem of late so much
that the strain has well nigh turned his
head It did change the head of all the
articles on the.4irst page of his pspar last
week and a scare free silver head was
placed over county news and th bead
lor unpretentious happenings of Milton
and Athena wai probably perched over a
let of ranting political argument over
i he Mnxican monetary system. Friend
rv V
f .Li V iff I A
Wood ain't the first man, however, who
owes bis downfall to too uiuoh politics.
The teat made at the Slide, of the A. B.
Gold machine and the pay dirt of that
region Wednesday e .-eaio was highly
satisfactory to those who have taken up
claims and the wildest visions of the men
who have been faithfully delving there
all summer in the face of the sneers and
jeerB of mining wiseacres who pronounc
ed their efforts thrown away, are likely
to be more than realized, Milton has a
gold mine at her very door that in rich
ness may equal the famous camps of
forty years ago in California. Mr. Allen,
as related elsewhere in this issue, went
down to the Slide and superintended the
setting up of the machine and testing of
the same in person. He was accompani
ed and assisted by M. A. Baker, of Wes
ton, one of the owners of the patent right
covering this wonderful invention.. Ac
cording to these gentleman one and a
half yards of sand wa put through the
machine and a cleanup made. The re
sult was $3.83 in gold. .'
The People are Coming to Hear Gov-
ernor Pennoyer Speak. '
Saya the East Oregonian : That train
of wagons from Milton to Pendleton, from
Helix to Pendleton, from Adams to I'end
lfltoa, from Athena to Pendleton,- from
Weston to Pendleton, from Pilot Rock to
Pendleton, from Echo to Pendleton, from
Ukiah and Alba to Pendleton, next Fri
day ia going, to be an interesting sight.
The people who will be in these wagons
are coming to hear Governor Pennoyar
epeak for free coinage and Bryan,
Remember this speech ia to be made
next Friday afternoon in Pendleton and
if you have not a wagon to come in you
can come on foot, or on horse bac on
the bicycle, or on the train at one and
one fifth rates for the round trip. Come 1
Itia knowu you will, and that ia the
reason there is going to be the greatest
crowd in Pendleton on next Friday that
has ever been 4n the town for many a
day. The Campbells'tire coining, oh ho !
The Campbells are.coming, oh hoi
There is no doubt but t;-,at. there will
be a vast number of peopie la Pendleton
today to hear G6vernor Pennoyfer, Mirny
democrats and populists in Athena will
go down this morning by team and after
dinner tho local freight will carry many
more The Athena Band bwi been se
cured to head the eilver men of the East
end countv in the procession at Pendle
ton this afternoon.
A McKinley Man Failed to Put up on
Oregon and California.
On Thursday evening the usual street
political talk was going on. and a big
crowd was congregated in front of a prom
inent Baker Oity business house, a favor
ite place for open air political discussions,
says the Democrat. There was present
Hon. W. F. Butcher, who never fails to
draw a crowd when he opens his lungs,
especially when the silver question is the
issue. The gontleman in the course of
his remarks made some reference to Cal
ifornia and Oregon, and asserted confi
dently that Bryan would carry both the
states by handsome majorities, A Mc
Kinley man who heard the Col.'s bold
s'atemeut, took exception to it and Bald
that he would b$ t $3J0 on each state.
Ooh Butcher invited the gentleman to
walk to tbe bank'and put up or shut up.
The McKinley man said the money bo
had offered to bet belonged to a friend
in Portland and , be would wire for it,
He further agreed to be on hand with
the money at the bank at 9 o'clock yes
terday morning. The hour arrived and
tbe McKinley man and his money failed
to materialize. When seen later, he said
that he had wired for the money but re
ceived In response the advice: "Not to
This ia about tbe way all the Oregon
and California offers to bet turn out. No
sane man will bet on either of these
states giving its electoral vote to Mc
Kinley. They are both sure Bryan win
ners. A Wife Equal to a Gold Mine.
Will some of your readers give me a
good recipe for makiag cold starch? I
am selling self-beating flat Irons and
iron a little at every l.oure and have to
use some starch every place and want to
know how to make good cold starch.
My husband was in debt and I being
anxious to help biui thought I would sell
self-heating flat irons, and I am doing
splendidly. A cent's worth of fuel will
heat the iron f t three hours, so you '
have a perfectly even heat. You can
iron in half the time and no danger of
dcorching tho clothes a with the old
iron, and y mean get tho most beautiful
gloss. I m 11 at nearly every bouse, as
the iron saves si much fuel everybody
wants one. In Ice $1 50 on each iron
aud have not p ' I less than ten any day I
worked. My hi her is doing well and I
think anyone can make lots of money
anvwhore selling irons. The J. F. Casey
& Co., St. Louie, Mo., wil. start anyone
in the business, as they did me, if you
will address them. Mos. A. Russell.
A Stuffed Elk.
A Mr. Evans and some others killed a
fine six-point buck elk out on the bead
waters of Birch creek Friday last and
brought it into town yesterday. Joe Tall
man bought the whole carcass, peeled otT
tbe hide in an artistic manner from a
taxidermist standpoint and will stun it
as it never was stuffed before. Thaeik
will be on exhibition in Tallinan & Co. 'a
drug store in a few days. E. O.
A Lemon Bath.
A fad borrowed, it is laid, from a West
Indian belle, is a lemon bath, which Is
supposed to be a great beautiflcr as well
as freshener. Three or four lemons are
sliced into tho water perhaps a half hour
before it is used and its cosmetic and
tonic virtues are thereby much incrta-ed.