The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, September 18, 1896, Image 3

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The Square Store.
Gut Prices
The Wright & Peters shoes, for
mer price $4 to $6, going at $1.75
to $2, or less than 5C cents on the
dollar of first cost.
Bannao & Sons shoes $4 50 to $6 00, to
be closed out at 3.00.
Suits of clothes cost
Suits of clothes cost
Baits of clothes cost
Suits of clothes cost
Suits of clothes cost
Suits of clothes cost
Suits of clothes cost
Suits of clothes cost
$ 7.00 at
6.00 at
6 25 at
7.70 at
'-11.00 at
8.80 at
12.00 at
13.20 at
We will not sell our black suits below
cost but we'll sell them below what is
said to be below cost. Not an article of
these goods have been in our store over a
year and are np to date styles. Over 75
patterns to select from .. '
Square Store
Pendleton, Oregon.
Watch Repairing
Is My Business
and I give
careful, painstaking attention to it. I give
especial attention to the repairing of fine
watches the kind of watches that need
extra careful adjustment. I try to have
my work give such satisfaction as will
win the confidence of all who leave their
watch repairing in my hands. I want
you to feel that when you leave your
watch with me for repairs, the work will
be done to the best of my ability and in
a competent manner. It is my ambition
in 8 small measure already established,
of doing honest, thorough watch repair
ing. H. H. HILL, Athena, Oregon.
Notice for Publication.
Land Office at La Orande, Oregon, Sep
tember 10. 1896.
Notice is hereby given that the following-named
settler has filed notice of bis
intention to make final proof in support
of bis claim, and that said proof will be
made before county clerk of Umatilla
county, at Pendleton, Oregon, on October
17, 1896, via:
H. . No. 5091, for the sei, of S9C 3, tp
4N.B.34E. W. M.
He names the following witnesses to
prove his continuous residence upon and
cultivation of, said land, viz : James W.
Pinkerton, jr., John Brookner, John
Keen, John Berlin, all of Athena, Ore
gon. B. F. Wilson, Begister.
Notice for Publication.
Land Office at La Grande, Oregon, Sep
tember 10. 1896.
Notice is hereby given that the following-named
settler has filed notice of bis
intention to make final proof in support
of bis claim, and that said proof will be
made before county clerk of Umatilla
county, at Pendleton, Oregon, on October
17, 1896.
H. E No. 5110, for the ewj of sec. 11, tp.
4 N. R. 34 E. W. M.
He names the following witnesses to
prove bis continuous residence aron and
cultivation of paid landL viz: Victor M,
Snick, John Brookner, John Keen, John
Berlin, all of Athena, Oregon.
B. F. W ilson, Register.
Money Loaned.
First mortgages on improved farm
property negotiated. We are prepared
to negotiate first mortgages on improved
farms in Oregon, Washington and Idaho
with eastern parties and foreign capital
ists at the usual rate of interest. Mort
gages renewed that have been taken by
other companies now out of business.
Address (with stamp),
M KRViN 8wobts, Baker City, Or.
A Lie Nailed.
Consumption and bronchitis are by no
means the same, although it is bard to
distinguish one from the other. Bron
chitis is an inflammation of the lining of
the wind tubes or air vessels of the lungs
causing soreness of the same, cough, sore
throat, horseness, difficulty of breathing,
spitting of matter and sometimes blood.
Thousands die annually with this dread
disease. Wilbur's Coogh Core will cure.
Price 50 cents. Sold by Oaburn.
Wanted at Once.
Active agents for each county. Ex
clusive control and no risk. Will clear
12 to 25 hundred dollars a year. Enclose
stamp for full particulars or 25c for f 1
sample. Big Rapids Mineral Water Co.,
Big Rapids, Micb.
Blood Will Tell.
The many different skin diseases such
aa ringworm tetter, salt rheum, erysip
elas, eczema, itching or an eruption of
pimples, pustules, blotches, chapa or
cracking open of the skin, scrofula, are
direct? the cause of impure blood. Wil
bur's Blood Purifier is acknowledged to
b the beat medicine known for any of
these unsightly complaints. Price $1.00
per bottle. Oaburn sells it.
Wanted fin Idea
Who can think
of toBM mraim
tiling to pauper
write johs uliWDEliiiUKS jj, rw
WaataiMrimi, li C ft Uew (I '
Local News.
The '
McKinley"" " -
Club, tomorrow night.1'
Oven Basie was in Walla Walla San
day. Drive down the nails in yonr side
walk. The welcome sound of the school bell
is heard.
Drop in and pay np your back sub
scription. J. W. Smith solicits yonr insurance.
uail ana see mm.
D( Wood sells In Athena, for $3.50 pe:
cord, and is scarce at that.
. Kirk has bia wheat under cover
and feels secured against loss from rain.
Lou Montague has added a carriage to
his vehicle line at :ne commercial
B. E. Crow assisted Marshal Gillis in
work on the tank of the water system
this week.
Alex McKay and wife were np from
Pendleton Wednesday, and visited their
relatives and friends.
Only good insurance companies are
represented by Smith. Bemember this
when taking out a policy.
Harness, saddles etc., at Crawford's at
Portland prices. When in Pendleton
call on him and b9 convinced.
Our prices are lower all the time than
any closing out or retiring from-busicess
prices. J. S. Haye, Pendleton.
Wheat continues to pour into the ele
vators and warehouses. The market has
a tendency to be somewhat stronger.
Now that hiruat io
many of our farmer friends are encieed
in hauling their winter supply of wood.
A shed addition to the Hamilton &
Rourke warehouse was put on this week,
to accomodate the storage of more grain.
J. R. King was in town yesterday from
his farm, up Wild Horse. He was down
making some improvements on his town
A. J. fiorie will sever his connection
with the O. R. & N. Co this month and,
with his wife, will leave for Southern
The few showers which have accurred
op to date, have effectually laid the dust,
and the roads are now in the "pink of
Miss Mary MacDonald, the young lady
who recently arrived from Canada, and
has been visiting at the Gillis home has
left for Tacoma.
Frosts have now hnnanriA p.nnnmnn
i Most any morning this week, if you were
np early enougn, you could have seen the
sparkling guest.
While other towns are complaining of
a scarcity of water supply, Athena's water
system has been proven inexaustible for
the general demand.
Call and get our prices on clothing. If
yon can do better.else where .we don't ex
pect your trade but you can't. The
Square Store, Pendleton.
Harvest ia over and the overworked
blacksmiths are not rushed with work.
They are enjoying the lull, as it were,
between harvest and fall seeding time.
About one-third of the grain, it is esti
mated, remains nntbreshed in the Grand
Ronde valley. The crop over in that
section, was exceptionally good this year
The county court has denied the peti
tion for the removal of Gilbert Mintbron
from the guardianship of the children of
Rose Minthorn, a deceased Nez Perce
Pete Pamburn threshed 21 acres of
wheat that yielded 135 bushels. Another
reservation farmer, Ed. LaFave, reports
1095 sacks of good wheat, spring sown,
from 70 acres.
Samples of wheat received from the
Vansycle country show the effects of the
dreadful hot winds which occurred in
that section before grain matured. It is
badly shriveled.
Superintendent of water works, Gillis,
has been engaged this week in repairing
the big water tank, which has leaked
considerable ever since its construction
by the contractor.
The genial Sam Ward, has been doing
brick work in the city this week. When
you need your chimneys repaired, or
new ones built, have Sam do it. His
charges are reasonable.
The Press has recently added a large
amount of printing material to its me
chanical department, and better able than
ever to give prompt attention to all orders
in the printing and publishing line.
From all accounts Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy is a Godsend to the afflicted.
There is no advertisement about this ; we
feel just like saying it. The Democrat,
Carrlton, Ky. For sale by the Pioneer
Drug Store.
Big excursion I Date any day. Cut
rates on all lines in our Great Shoe Sys
tem. Coma to us and procure a cut rate
ticket half price on all ladies fine Shoes
and all intermediate points. Alexander
A Hexter, Pendleton.
Donald McRae, is agent for tbe great
Oxydoner "Victory" tbe invaluable
remedy which cures all form of diseases
without medicine or electricity. Price
only $15. Lasts a lifetime. Address,
Donald MvRae, Milton, Oregon. '
Mr. CD. Tonker, a well known drag
gist of Bowling Green, Ohio, in speaking
of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, says :
"I take pleasure in recommending it to
my customers, for I am certain that it
will always pleaee them. I sell more of
it than all other kinds put together."
For sale by Oaburn.
Several years ago I was taken with a
severe attack of flux. I was sick in bed
about ten days and could get nothing to
relieve me until I used Chamberlain's
Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy,
which cured me and has been a house
hold remedy with us ever since. J. C.
Marlow, Decaturville, Mo. For sale by
. As a rule I am opposed to proprietary
medicines. Still I value a good one, es
pecially when such is the source of relief
from pain. As a topicai (external) appli
cation have found Chamberlain's Pain
Balm the best remedy I have ever used
for neuralgia of any kind. I have const
antly recommended it to many persons
William Home, M. D., Jenesville, Wis.
Sold by Osburn.
In a recent letter to the manufacturers
Mr. W. F. Benjamin, editor of the Specta
tor, Rushford, N. Y., says: "It may be
a pleasure to yon to know the high ea
tfm in which Chamberlain's medicines
? held by tbe people of your own stale,
' most be best known. Aa
aunt of mine, who resideiat Dexter, Ioa.,
was about to visit me a few years since,
and before leaving home wrote me, ask
ing if they were sold here, stating if they
were not she would bring a quantity with
her, as she did not like to be without
them." Tbe medicines referred to are
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, famous
for its cures of colds, and croup ; Cham
berlain's Pain Balm for rheumatism, lame
back, pain in the side and chest, and
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar
rhoea Remedy for bowel complaints.
These medicines have been in constant
nse in Iowa for almost a quarter of a
century. The people have learned that
they are articles of great worth and merit,
and nnequaled by any other. They are
lor sale by us burn.
Angus Gillis is seriously contemplat
ing a trip to Africa. His brother John,
who is already there, writes of flattering
prospects, and if nothing profitable turns
np, between this time and early winter,
the probabilities are that Angus, and
perhaps his family, will emigrate to that
land of gold and speculation. Athena
friends would indeed be sorry to see them
go, and earnestly hope they may decide
to remain.
It's about as hard to break soma peo
ple of bad habits as it is to break Malarial
Fever when it once gets a firm hold upon
one. Mr. C. Himrod, of Lancaster, Oh.,
says, "Simmons Liver Regulator broke a
case of Malarial Fever of three years,
standing for me, and less than one bottle
did the business. I shall use it when in
nead of any medicine, and I recommend
it." . .
IXjhe Athena mill started in on another
f lanrtA trlav fatm fKa flriina f va An WaA-
nesday. We understand two shifts of
workmen have been put on. The mill,
which has just completed a large order,
shut down Tuesday in order to put grates
in the furnaces, in order to burn coal.
This was necessitated on account of scar-
sity of wood.
TV'Jinks" Dudley's big back tsam pass
ed through town Wednesday with a load
oi wood, and a stranger in hearing of the
reportar remarked that it was the finest
looking team he bad seen in his travels.
"Jinks" never has any other kind. He
knows a good horse, and also knows bow
to take care of them.
It don't cost a cent to come and see us.
You can make our store your headquarters
and ask forty thousand questions about
dry goods, clothing and grcceries all one
price. We think we can give you perfect
satisfaction if it is low prices you are
looking for. Alexander & Hexter, Pend
leton. East Oregonian : The "Pocatello bank"
was robbed on the 10 inst. of about $800.
The "bank" was located in the Board of
Trade saloon. A gun in the face of the
dealer was used to keep him
quiet and then the money being secured
the robber bf eked out of tbe room.
Pendleton camp of the Woodmen of
the World, at their regulrr meeting the
other evening, decided to give a novel
entertainment some time during the
winter months, which will be nothing
less than an exposition of the initiatory
degree of that order.
EaBt Oregonian l Charles A. Frazier
was at Athena Tuesday and learned that
at the foot-bills beyond Athena there are
several hundred acres ef wheat of fine
quality which has been beaten into tbe
ground by the heavy rains and complete
ly ruined.
At Weston on Saturday evening a Mc
Kinley club was organized. J. B. Hunt
ington, of Athena, was speaker of the
evening. He went over from Athena
accompanied by Messrs. Barrett, Rigby
and several other republicans of promin
ence. The twelve temptations were nothing
compared to the many temptations we
place before you this season. Low prices
and generous values are the temptations
we offer every buyer. Alexander & Hex
t8r, Pendleton.
H. Chestnut superintendent of the
county poor farm, has been re employed
by the county court at the same salary,
he has been receiving $75 per month.
Applicants for the. position were numer
ous. Miss Daisy Shaw, of Pilot Rock, visited
tnends and acquaintances in Athena this
week. Miss Daisy left Tuesday night for
Monmouth where she will attend the
state normal.
At the Heppner term of circuit court
there were six true bills. Three cases
were continued, one person plead guilty
and two jury trials were held, one for at
tempted rape.
The O. R. & N. company will sell
round trip tickets to Portland every Wed
nesday during the Exposition for $11.50.
This includes admission tickets to the
Exposition. .
"Senator John H. Mitchell will speak in
Atnena on uct. 5. his address will be
made under the auspices of the Mc Kinley
club, which will be organized tomorrow
Donald McKay has been officially noti
fied of his appointment as interpreter at
tbe agency of the Umatilla Indian reser
vation in place of the late John McBean.
Dr. Richardson will be in Athena next
Wednesday, Thursday and Friday to do
dental work, and you must patronize him
if you want him to continue bis visits.
Low rates are expected to prevail dur
ing the Portland Industrial Exposition,
and a number of our citizens have signi
fied their intention of attending.
Damp weather the first of the week
caused threshing men to stop work.
Most of the grain in this section is har
vested and under cover.
C. A. Barrett has been appointed sole
agent for tbe Buffalo Pitts threshers and
extras for all territory between Walla
walla and rendleton.
Mrs. Irene Freeman arrived in the citv
Saturday to take ber position in our pub
lic scnoots. bhe is stopping with Mrs.
When in Pendleton stop at tbe Golden
Rule Hotel. Tbe best of rooms and ele
gant fare. Free bus to and from all
Alex McKay, wbo is engaged in the
iiloon bminesH in PenH!tnn huaraf rim
ed from a trip to Roesland, B. C.
Rv. W. T. Koontz, will preach at the
M. E. church, Sunday, at (11 a. m. All
are cordially invited to attend.
P. M. KIRKLAND'S accounts must be
settled. Call at tbe First National bank,
aad interview E. L. Barnett.
Henry Pinkerton, a prosperous Wes
ton farmer, was in town Wednesday.
John Walker baa finished work with
his threshing machine, for this year.
Deputy Sheriff Chas. Frazier was in
town from Pendleton Tuesday.
Chas. Karris and wife have returned
from a visit to Heppner.
Mrs. F. B. Boyd visited in Weston
Saturday and Sunday.
A. R. Booher was in Pendleton Satur
day. The cem gallerv leavea town next 4lon4
Lute Roth rock was np from Adams
Born. In this city to Mr. and Mrs. R.
O. Hawks, a son.
Haneall & Maloney talk about grocer
ies in today's paper. ;
J. B. Huntington bad legal business in
Weston Wednesday.
M. M. Johns and family visited , in
Walla Walla last week.
Chas. Bryson and family have moved
into town for the winter.
Max Le win's "New DaDarture1
interest you. Read up on it.
Ed. Broughton was in from his ranch
Wednesday, transacting business.
X Hardin Mansfield and Willis Bush are
harvesting in the Palouse country.
G. DeGraw, farmer, and Chas. Pierce,
cashier, was over from Weston, Wednes
day. ,-
John Adams will remove to - McMinn
ville, to take advantage of that city 's
school facilities. ,
Miss Lillie Fischer has accepted a
positipn in Pendleton with Campbell &
Wilson, milliners. . . .
Wanted. A gantle pony, suitable for
a young girl to ride. Enquire of W. H.
Haws, Athena, Ore.
James Nelson and family have return
ed from their ranch near Pendleton, and
are quartered in their home.
Vacant bouses are becoming scarce in
Athena. They are becoming occupied
by families, who have children to school.
Ex-Govenor Pennoyer has consented to
come to Pendleton and address the
voters there on the evening of October
Robert Cummins has sued for divorce
form his wife, J. C. Cummins, on ground
of desertion. They were married at
Pendleton on October 20, 1894.
Earl and Grove Hays, the youthful
sons of J, M. Hays, last week construct
ed a barn 16x20. This is very commend
entory when the age of the lads is taken
into consideration. i
Mrs. Smith, of San Francisco, will be
in town for a short time, and would like
to meat ladies who are in poor health.
Cases considered hopeless by physicians,
solicited. Can be found at the residence
of Mrs. Foss, Consultations free. 9 to
12, a. in., 7 to 8, p. m. ,
East Oregonian : J. P. McManus, ed
itor of the Tribune, came borne this
morning from a trip to Portland. He
says Eastern Oregon is comparatively
peaceful in discussing politics. Down in
Portland they engage in free fights on
the streets and tbe excitement is intense.
At the opening of the Normal School;
in Weston, every seat in the studv hall
was occupied, and many new faces are
to be seen. There are a number of pupils
from a distance who will take up t he
Normal course. Zoology is a pleasing
study and Athena ia ahead of Weston in
asmuch, as the grasshopper specimens
are finer here than there, and have to ba
imported for class study. Insects in
general will be studied except the gold
bug, as those are tco rare and scarce.
Tbe members of Athena GroveNo. 19,
Woodmen Circle, are to entertain the
Woodmen and families Wednesday evert
ing, Sept. 20, in a pleaeant social. Su
preme Guardian, Mary J. Hane. of Oma
ha, has contributed a pleasing encouragi
ing address, wnicn will be read, and
Deputy Supreme Guardian, Mrs. F. A.
Falkenberg, of Denver, wife of the
Head Consel Woodmen of the World, has
sent her address delivered at Helena,
which tells many interesting things. A
cordial and urgent invitation is extended
to the Woodmen and families of Athena,
Adams and Weston.
Organized in Athena on Saturday
WStt 8 p. m. Saturday night a crowd of;'
eutuuBiiwiiu Jjiynu ujbu gatuereu ai iiiq
school house for the njurpose of organiz
ing a Bryan club.
A memberehirroll of 143 actually sign
ed, was displayed at the club meeting
and a report from the workers that two
or threa lists were still in circulation, and
had not vet been turned in. insures a
possibility of running the membership of
the Athena club up to 203. !
Much enthusiasm was displayed at the
meeting, tnougn the threatening attitude
of the weather kept many away, who
would otherwise have attended. Col. E.
D. Boyd, of Pendleton, was present and
addressed the audience on the political
issues of the present campaign in a most
thorough and comprehensive manner.
After Col. Boyd had finished hts speech,
J. E. Latbrop, of tbe East Oregonian,
talked on politics in a most impressive
The officers elected are : J. W. Smith,'
president ; John Foes, secretary ; J. M.
Hays and A. L. 8waggrt, vice presi
dents; W.E. Young, treasurer. Com
mittees will be appointed later and meet
ings held during the campaign.
The Market.
Portland, Sept. 17. Wheat, valley 52
53: Walla Walla 50 to 51.
Chicago, 8ept. 17. Wheat, cash, 59;
October, Wt.
8an Francisco, Sept. 17. Wheat, cash,
Chicago, Sept. 17. Hogs-light, $2.85 to
$3.30; heavy, $2.45 to $3.15.
Cattle beeves, $310 to $3.00; cowa
and heifers, $3 00 to S3 60.
Sheep slow and weak.
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder
Awarded Gold Medal Midwinter Fair. San Franciaco.
Honors World's
A n;ir One Cream of Tartar Powder.
" Free
fcoin Amii;'iii, Aum or ary rthr aiiul'
5 -
New York Democrats Endorse the Chi
cago Platform.
Buffalo, Sept. 17. After the reasembl
ingot the democratic state convention
today, business proceeded with expedi
tion. Ex-Congressman Hosea H. Rock
well of Chemung, was elected permanent
chairman. He made an able speech in
advocacy of the Chicago platform and
ticket. The platform unreservedly endor
sed the platform adopted by the demo
cratic party in the national convention at
Chicago, pledges William J. Bryan and
Arthur Sewall a hearty and active sup
port and declares as its deliberate judge
ment that never in the history of the
democratic party has a platform been
written which embodied more complete
ly the interest of the whole people, as
distinguished from those who seek legis
lation for private benefit, than that given
the country by the national democratic
fconvention of 1896.
J John Boyd Thatcher of Albany, was
nominated for governor ; Hon. Wilbur F.
Porter for lieutenant-governor, and Rob
ert O. Titus for judge of the court of ap
peals. Presidential electors were chosen
and the convention adjourned sine die.
j ' The Arkansas Election.
y Little Rock. Ark., Sept. 15. Official
results from 61 out of the 65 counties give
JoneB, democrat, 71,345; Remmel, re
publican, 26,410: Files, populist. 11.280:
Miller, prohibitionist, 1,643. JoneB' plu
rality, 4o,Z34; Jones' majority 33,310.
The indications are that Jones' majority
is considerably less than first estimated.
1 Ruddock Again Escapes.
! East Oregonian : Isaac Rudock and
John Riley, prisoners in the Umatilla
county jail, walked out from behind the
bars through the open jail doors Monday
evening and made for tall timber.
Riley made a successful escape, and.
when night had closed down, he was still
at liberty. But Rudock was quickly re
captured, and, for the second time,
brought back to the jail, a captured fugi
tive. Ruddock was seen walking toward
the railroad track, and the officials in the
sheriff's office were informed that Rud
deck was abroad in the land. A quick
search of the jail was made, and the dis
covery was that Ruddock and Riley were
missing. ,
Ruddock was found down at the O. R.
& N. Go's track hiding under a car.
: He remarked when once more in cus
tody that he would always walk out of
jail when the doors were found open and
be could so easily escape.
I Challenges Mitchell,
r A. D. Stillman, the well-known Pend
leton attorney, has issued a sweeping
challenge to Senator John H. Mitchell,
for joint debate in Pendleton, on Octo
ber 3rd. Mr. Stillman brings the chal
lenge to an end in the following words:
"The exalted position you and I res
pectively hold you as a United States
senator, and I as a sovereign citizen of
the United States justifies the challenge
I now make to you in a joint debate on
the third day of October, you aa champ
ion for McKinley, and I will lay on for
V "You cannot have the prudential reas
ons that caused McKinley to refuse Bry
an's challenge, and Harrison to decline
the challenge of Teller, and I will there
fore expect your acceptance of tbis chal
lenge by return man, so that proper
rangements may be made.
- . "Yours very respectfully,
"A. D. Stillman."
,- Will The W. & C. R. Extend.
It iB understood, although the officials
of the road are reticent about the matter,
rtbat should the 0. R. & N. extend its
road from Dayton to Covello that the W.
& O. R., will also branch out in that
direction, probably as tar as Lewiston,
Idaho. The trade of the rich agricultural
region east of Dayton is a bone of con
tention between the rival roads, which
will probably end before fall in both
roads having linej into that part of the
The intimation that the W. & O. R,
contemplates branching out to lewiston
seem to partially fulfill predictions made
some time ago that, according to the sur
vey of the Burlington route, it was highly
probable that the line would strike Lew
iston, thence go on to Dayton, where the
W, A C. R. would be utilized to tbe
Columbia and so on to the coast. It is
with this end in view, possibly, that
this extention will be made, which, fi
carried out, will place Walla Walla on a
main line of one of the great transconti
nental roads.
Eva, the 13-year old daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Clark Walter died of typhoid
fever Monday. The remains were taken
to Walla Walla, Wednesday for inter
ment. Eva was a brinht and lovable
child whom to know was to love. Tbe
family have tbe sympathy of a large cir
cle of friends.
SC. Caught In a Thresher.
Elroy, made a miscalculation while oil
ing the horse power of a threshing ma
chine one day last week, which cauxed
his rieht arm to be caueht in the eear
'and be very badly laceratedy'Tbe in-
Ginghams . .
Shirting Prints
Indigo Blue Prints
Outing Flannels
iuries consist of a compound comminuted
racture of lower end of radius of right
arm the laceration over the end of radi
us severing the long extensor muscles of
the first and second fingers two deep
laceration of the flexor surface of forearm
and a laceration of the inner and outer
portion of the elbow joint of tbe same
arm which laid the joint wide open. It
is feared that amputation may be neces
sary, but every effort is being made to
save the arm.
Run Over and Killed.
A distressing accident occurred at
Grants Monday, resulting in the instant
death of J. H. Graham, a breakman on
No. 23, in the employ of the O. R. A N.
Co. When the west bound train reached
Grants at about 9 p. m., a stop was made
to take a car from the switch. Graham
cut the engine loose from the train, open
ed the switch and stepped on to the pilot
In front. The next seen of him he was
lying on the track, the engine having
passed over him cutting his body in two
and mangling his head fearfully.
An Old Scout Killed.
Robert Hanshaw, of Powder river, re
ports the old scout, William McFadden,
had been found dead on the ranch of his
son-in-law. His body was found on the
barn floor, his head crushed and a great
cut over his eye. A piece of board was
found near by on which was written :
"I was kicked by a borse and am dy-1
A wild horse was kept in the barn and
he was seen to enter the building alone a
short time before his body was found.
KA McKinley Club.
Athena and vicinity will organize a Mc
Kinley club, at the school house in this
city. Everybody irrespective of party
b3iief is cordially invited to be present,
E. L. Barnett, the republican committe
man, has a roll of about 70 names, and
there are two other lists out, which is
thought will swell the membership of
the club to about 100-
A Wife Equal to a Gold Mine.
Will some of your readers give me a
good recipe for makiog cold starch? I
am selling self-heating flat irons and
iron a little at every house and have to
nse some Btarch every place and want to
know how to make good cold starch.
My husband was in debt and I being
anxious to help him thought I would sell
self-heating flat ironB, and I am doing
splendidly. A cent's worth of fuel will
heat the Iron for three hours, so you
have a perfectly even heat. You can
iron in half the time and no danger of
scorching the clothes as with the old
iron, and you can get the moBt beautiful
gloss. I sell at nearly every house, as
the iron eaves so much fuel everybody
wants one. I make tl 50 on each iron
and have not sold less than ten any day I
worked. My brother is doing well and I
think anyone can make lots of money
anywhere selling Irons. Tho J. F. Casey
In Trying to Beat
South Side Main Street, - - - - Athena, Oregon.
,16 lbs of Dry Granulated Sugar for 1 Silver Dollar.
5 lbs of Arbuckles Coffee for 1 Silver Dollar.
5 lbs of Lyon Coffee for 1 Silver Dollar.
10 boxes of Fraziers Axle Grease for 1 Silver Dollar.
10 boxes of Castor Oil Axe Grease for 1 Silver Dollar.
1 Bucket of Lard for 1 Silver Dollar.
All other Goods reduced in proportion, at MAX LEWTN'S
CASH GROCERY STORE. Leader in Low Prices.
& Co., St. Louis, Mo., will start anyone
in the business, as they did me, if yon
will address them. Mas. A. Russbll.
In Pound.
Taken up Sept. 18, 1896. One black
mare, blaze face, left hind leg white, '
blotch on left side, brand looks like fig
ure 8 with bar running across, on right
One sorrel stallion both hind feet white,
brand looks like HJ connected, running
Bidewise on right stifle.
One sorrel mare, blaze face, both bind
feet white, brand NO on left stifle. With
her is a two-year-old colt and one, one
year old colt both branded NO on left
One bay gelding, star in face, left front
foot white, brand with circle with bar ex-
tended upward, on left shoulder.
One bay gelding, branded with door
key on left stifle.
One gray mare, left bar slit, brand C
with dot above, on left shoulder. With
her is two black colts, one two year-old
and one, one-year-old, brand same as
' These animals will he roll unless re
deemed by owners, on Tuesday, Septem
ber 22 1896.
Dated Sept. 18. 1896. A. M. Gillis,
Marshal. ,
Gray Hair Made Dark.
I saw in your paper a statement that
I Zula Vulier would restore any head of
nair to natural color in tnree weeks. As
I was very gray I sent for a sample pack
age, and in less than three weeks my
hair was perfectly restored to natural
color. My wife's hair was a light red,
and by using Zulu Vulier, her hair is
now a beautiful auburn. Any one can
get a sample package ot Zulu Vulier by
sending 21 two-cent stamps to Wilson &
Co., New Concord, Ohio, and if it does
not restore the hair to natural color in
three weeks they will return your stamps ;
it not only restores the hair to natural
color, but will stop the hair falling out
immediately and is one ot the beet hair
tonics made, and you take no risk, and
if it does not satisfy, you perfectly they
will return your stamps. A Header.
Oil of Gladness,
is a pleasant, palatable preparation, en
tirely free from all oily ' taste, and may
be administered internally or applied ex
ternally. It will remove all pain that
"human flesh is heir to," if properly ap
plied, and might be rightly termed ' a '
panacea for all ills." Price 60 cents.
For Bale by Oaburn.
You can get
' better photographs
ia Athena for your money than any place
in the country. All the latest styles, all
kinds of fancy work, and first class cray-.
ons, in fact you can get anything you
want in the picture line, at the Umatilla
Art Gallery.
the Record
. . We Make this Effort
By asking you to call
and inspect goods and prices on
New goods constantly arriving, which
we offer you at BED ROCK
PRICES, at the
MHlB 8
20 Tito
'it'".' "
Athena, Oregon.