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About The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942 | View Entire Issue (July 17, 1896)
GOOD CTOB -WOEKI -A.T "VE3E1T XjO"W peices. MDied-Io f lmin P. W The Square Store. A Snap!- IN GOODS THAT YOU KNOW A Big Lice of the Celebrated AtBANY WOOLEN VMILli'.:. ;: SUITS OF COAT, PANTS AND VEST, FOR - - $8.50 We throw in a good pair of Suspenders to boot. , ; ' 65 styles of..;.'; r: . - V CLOTHING IN STOCK. "IN COMPLETE SIZES. Square Store Pendleton, Oregon. ..:v,?u Watch Repairing Is MjBusiness , ' -7. ';' '-' and I give careful, painstaking attention to it. I give especial attention to the repairing of fine watches tbe kind of watches that need extra carefnl adinstment. I Irv to have my work give Bach satisfaction aa will win the confidence of ali who leave their watch repairing in my hands. I want watch with me for repairs, the work will be done to the best of my ability and in a competent manner. - It is my ambition to add to the reputation I think I have in a smell measure already established, of doing honest, thorough watch repair ing. H. H.HILL, Athena, Oregon. Local News. Cbas. Stansell waa in Pendleton Sun day. Barrett is headquarters for lawn mowers. - Chas. May bee, of Weston, waa in town Wednesday. Dr. Richardson came np from Pendle ton Wednesday. Lillie and Mae Fischer were Pendleton visitors Saturday.' - J. W Smith solicits yonr insurance. Call and see him: R. F. Johnson, the mountain politician was in Athena Wednesday. Hon. H. J. Bean was in the city Wednesday from Pendleton, . The largest stock 6f straw hats in the county, are at J. S. Haye'i Pendleton. Mrs. M. M. Johns, accompanied by Mrs. Mays, will leave for the mountains. Ed. Murphy has returned to Athena to find employment in the harvest field. Come to the Umatilla Art Gallery, Athena, when you want fine photo work done. Hood's pills are purely vegetable and do not purge, pain or gripe. All drug gists. 25o. ..-;; . T. D. Taylor came np from Pendleton Sunday and spent the day with friends I and relatives. ICa. R. Bradley and family spent Sun day in a cool, shady nook on Pine creek, above Weston. Call and examine the "Maywood" Athena, Jnly 14, 1896, Ben jamin F. Waterman, aged 75 years 11 months and 5 days. At, Waterman had been confined to his home with illness for many months. His death came peacefully. The foneral took place Wednesday afternoon from the M. . church, conducted by Rev. Rigby. A large number of friends and relatives followed the remains to their last resting place in the Athena cemetery. ... Prof. Thomas Condon, the eminent geologist, who is a member of the faculty of the University of Oregon, Eugene, has been asked to come to Pendleton and ex amine the formation in that vicinity, with artesian water and its probable find ing as the question involved. The sub ject of boring for artesian water has been agitated considerably of late, and this appears to be a definite step in the direc tion of trying to find it. Papers were filed in the county clerk's office which carries the Brownfield Houser fee and mileage case to the su preme court The case was decided in the circuit court adversely to the plaintiff, although it was not ruled on as to its merits by Judze Lowell, the nreaidintr jAt the N. A. Miller residence Tuesday r : i 1 . j : : l j - i cvouiug, aoverni muiea wiuibbbuu u ueau- tiful sight. A rare cactus, which blooms but once a yearas the attraction. The bloom, of which there were three, was of a rich creamy white, trumpet shape, and 9 inches in length. . ' The case of Philo Meno Smith vs, Hi-yut-een-ul-kin was yesterday argued be fore Judge Lowell on a motion to dissolve the injunction. The court ordered that both sides file further affidavits. The suit involves the possession of certain lana on tne reservation T2il'A&uKMavhMUoronl, $35,K Bertha A. Bales and William Potts Death of Governor Russell. Boston, July 16. Ex-Governor W. E. Russell, of Massachusetts, was found dead this morning in B. W. Datton't fishing camp at St. Adelaide, near Grand Pabos, Quebec. Grand Pabos, the nearest telegraphic station to St .Adelaide, is a little fishing place of only 300 inhabitants, an A thava ara (a ur faf.fllt.taa fnr flTAttinff more explicit information at present. It appears that thia morning the guides found he slept longer than usual and when they went to wake him np, it was found he was dead. It is supposed he died of heart disease. Cure for Crippled Children. The National Surgical Institute, No. 319 Bush st., San Francisco, successfully treats all cases of orthopsetic surgery. One or more surgeons of this institute will be at Froome'a hotel, Athena, Satur day, July 18, one day, to examine cases. The success of the institute in treating all cases of curvature of the spine, die- f. eases of the hip and knee joints, club feet, crooked limbs and bodily deformities as well as piles, fistula, paBat catarrh and all chronic diseases has made for the in stitute a national reputation. Write for circular. References may be had to: Mrs. Governor E. P. Ferry, Olympia; Supreme Judge J. P. Hoyt, Olympia; I. W. Berry, Milton ; T. J. Price, Weston, and hundreds of others. . Blood Will Tell. The many different skin diseases such as ringworm tetter, salt rheum, erysip elas, eczema, itching or an eruption of pimples, pustnles, blotches, chaps or - cracking open of the skin, scrofula, are directly the cause of impure blood. Wil bur's Blood Purifier is acknowledged to be the best medicine known for any of these unsightly complaints. Price $1.00 per bottle. Osburn sells it. Oil of Gladness, is a pleasant, palatable -preparation, en tirely free from all oily taste, and may be administered internally or applied ex ternally. It will remove all pain that "human flesh is heir to," if properly ap plied, and might be rightly termed "a panacea for all ills.' Price 5Q cents. For sale by Osburn. Five Dollars Reward Five dollars reward will be paid for the return of a gray mare, about four years old, branded O half-moon circle, on left hip. The mare strayed from Joe Rain ville's place on the reservation. Reward will either be paid by Joe Rainville or . the Athkha Press, Athena, Oregon. . For Sale- The Julius Levy residence, on Fifth street is for sale. There is a bargain in this property for some one. Apply to J. Bloch, Athena, or write Julius Levy, Walla Walla, Wash. Public Notice. Holice is hereby given thai I will apply to trie mayor and common council of the City o( Athens, Oregon, as meeting inereoi to &e held on the 1st day of August, 1(96, for a licence to sell splrltous, malt and vlnou liquors In less quantities than one Quart, said liquors to be sold only in a building situated on the west one-half or lot No. 8, In block No. 5, of s.ld city. Ham Doble, Dated Joly 10, 1898. Applicant. Public Notice. Kniinv i herpbv eiven that I will apply to the mayor and common council of the city of Athena, Oregon, at a raeeimg mcrcui i beid ou the St day of Jjly, la6,ora iloens tosell spirilous, malt and vinous liquors in less quantities than one quart, said liquors to be sold oulv in a building situated on the east one-half of lot Ho. 6, in block No. 5, of w cliy. Wiix Wells, Mate4 July 2, 1SS8. Applicant. The Press sells them Austin and John Fobs are engaged in cutting , hay. The services of the boys are greatly in demand. X Lew Estes and the Stanton boys de- for a few week's outing. Only good insurance companies are represented by Smith. . Remember this when taking out a policy. . . JFrank Martin has commenced cutting wheat on bis reservation lands .with a combined header; and thresher. , . . Farmers in need of babbit metal should call at the Press office. We have the best metal in the world for babbiting. . If we cannot give yon , better bargains in clothing than any one else in the city, don't trade with us The Square Store. When in Pendleton stop at the Golden Rule Hotel. The best of rooms and ele gant fare. Free bus to and from all trains. ; - You can now get a suit of the cele brated Albany Woolen Mills clothing for 18.50. Yon cannot . get such a bargain elsewhere. . ; ; ; i Fred Rosenzweig and family are rusti cating in the mountains this week. They will locate huckleberry patches for future reference. ' 7A. J. Criglar, the Milton fruit rancher, was in town Tuesday. - A. J. has many warm friends over here, who are always pleased to see him. , " Mrs. Ida Gillie, Miss McDonnald and Mrs. F. B. Boyd, were Pendleton visitors Saturday and Sunday. They were guests of Mrs. C. O. Sharp. , OVA. Barrett has been appointed cole agent for the Buffalo Pitts threshers and extras for all territory between Walla V" alia and Pendleton. - i ; . . If you want good crayon work done go to the Umatilla Art Gallery, Athena. Do not patronise irresponsible . people, We guarantee our work, : , , (X Mrs. Lake France and baby Mildred, and Mrs. U, A. Barrett and family are enjoying an outing at Woodward's toll gate, in the Blue mountains. Dandruff is an exudation from the pores of the skin that spreads and dries, forming scurf and causing the hair to fall out. Hall's Hair Renewer cures it. Claud iSteen was in the city on busi ness Tuesday. Mr. Steen's large acreage of wheat is damaged to some extent by the hot winds, but he expects a fair crop. Ninety per cent, of all the people need to take a course of Hood's Sarsaparilla at this season to prevent that run-down con dition of the system which invites disease At the municipal election in Walla Walla, Tuesday, Jacob Betz defeated Dr. N. G. Blalock for mayor by a majority of 50 votes. M. Ames was re-elected marshal. . : .. . For anything in the job printing line. don't forget that we are strictly "in it" when comes to price aud quality of work. We have good presses and everything in the stationery line. ' VBorn In Athena, July 14,1896, to Mr. ana Mrs. a. l.. aiaioney, a c-oy. "bow says the young man is a democrat, be lieves In free coinage, and will bear through life the name of Bryan. The Press has recently added a large amount of printing material to its me chanical department, and better able than ever to give prompt attention to all orders in the printing and publishing Use, ' There is displayed in the Farmer's & Trad era's bank at La Grande $4000 in gold, which is the result of 20 days' run at the Basin mine. This brings the total output of the Basin mine up to about f20,000. Harvest hands do not eeem so plenti ful in this section this season as in form er years. However, it is yet early, and no donbt the farmer will have no tronble in finding plenty of help to assist him in harvesting this year's crop. Donald McRae, is agent for the great Oxydoner "Victory" the invaluable remedy which cures all form of diseases without me.iicine or electricity. Price only $15. Lasts a lifetime. Address. Donald MvRae, Milton, Oregon. vGeo. Martin and wife are now residents of Athena,, Having moved over from Weston, last Saturday. They reside in the Alex McKay reeidesoe. - Mr. Martin will be employed seen by Manacer Wil kinson, of the Pacific Coast Elevator Company. While playing in Kirk's pasture one last week, "Tot" Miller effected the capture of a giant grasshopper. The in sect measured just 4 inches in length. A negative was taken of bis hoppersbip bp Artist Piekel, a copy of which may be seen at the Pbess office or at the Umatil la Art gallery. . Mrs. is. V- Alien, ot l'endleton, bad a narrow escape from drowning in the swimming pool at Bingham Tuesday. Bhe accidentally let goof the rope stretch- en between ine shallow and deep water. and went down three times before she was rescued by ber husband. were united in marriage, by Rev. ti. Rushing, at the home of the bride's motheryMra. Walker, Sunday afternoon. The yonng coupie are well and favorably known to our readers. The Press ex tends congratulations. .V James Falk was arrested and taken bafore United States Commissioner But ler lor taking from the poetoffice at Wes ton a letter addressed to Isaac Larsen. It is alleged he destroyed the letter v. The bonds are placed at fcaO. Marshal Glllis and Deputy Gholson this week laid some new cross walks on Main street that are very substantial and bear tesiimony of good workman ship. '. -: ': Mrs. Leeper left on Friday evening's passenger for a summer's visit with re latives . and mends at Uentralia, Wash. Her many friends wish for her a pleasant time. , ' , - Assessor Gilliam has petitioned the county court for extension of time in making the tax roll. . Ha wants until Uctober. The petition is allowed. . Dr. Richardson, the dentist, will be in Athena Wednesday, Thursday and Fri day, Jnly 22, 23, 24. Come and have your work done without failure. NMis. Callender is in Portland this week. J he lady represents Clover Leaf Lodge D. of H., at the grand lodge, which is in convention in the metropolis. Kb orn Near Athena, July 12, 1896, to Mr. ana Mrs. i. r. rage, a girl. Three good cigars will make it all right with the Press, Tom. ' S. L. Burrell, a former pastor of this city, but now of Sprague, WaBh., was recently married Mt. Morris, Illinois. The crop prospect in the McKay creek section is not very flattering. It is said many of the fields will be cut for hay. J. W. Maloney, Chas. Henry and others, cast the lice for trout in the Uma tilla, Wednesday with good success. N. A. Miller has been engaged in painting and papering the farm residence qt xnos. isarger, this week. W. H. Stamper and family have re turned from a visit to Mr. and Mrs. C. G King, on McKay creek. memoeraoi tne woodman uircie are requested to meet at the hall Wednesday aiternoon at o ociock. County Clerk Burroughs has issued 233 mariiige licenses during his two years' term of ofhee. - Mrs. m. Defeatt is III. Iter many friends and acquaintances hope for im mediate recovery. Mrs. Mays returned from Pendleton Tuesday, where she was visiting her son William. . . 1 Mrs. C. W. Ilollia will discontinue her afternoons during the present hot weather. Judge E. DePeatt tried a case before Circuit Judge Lowell, in Pendleton, Monday. -The youngest son of Mr, and Mrs. Thos. Barger has been very ill the past week. ' G. W. Proebstel, Weston's mayor, had business in Athena Monday. The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. G. W, Hansell, is ill with whooping cough. Alex. McKay and wife were up from Pendleton on a brief visit, Monday, L. M. Witrus, the Adams farmer and politician, was in town Tuesday. Rev. Greenslade preached in Weston last Sunday morning. A Lie Nailed. Consumption and bronchitis are by no means the same, although it is hard to distinguish one from the other. Bron chitis is an inflammation of the lining of the wind tubes or air vessels of the longs causing soreness of the same, cough, sore throat, horseness, difficulty of breathing, pitting of matter aud sometimes blood. Thousands die annually with this dread disease. Wilbur's Coogb Cure will cure. Price 50 fents. Sold by Osburn. WESTON The "East IetuP and milton; as ' 'Awarded ' J 1-- Highest Honors World' Fair, CnEAT.3 DATTTirK: iU' MOST PERFECT MADE. A pure Crape Cream of Tartar Powder. Free from Ammonia, Alum or any otbtr adulterant, 40 YEARS THE STANDARD, Reflected By Our Exchanges. 'MILTON AOL.J ' Hercules Lodse. No. 51. K. of P.. held its semi annnal installation of officers on Tuesday evening. . ; The different relielous denominations ioined in a onion service at the grove last Sunday. The meeting was conducted bv JMder Daisley and Revs. Parsons and Taggart. I The farm? residence of A. F. Grillv. three .miles from Milton on the middle Walla Walla road, waa burned. Nona ot the contents of the bouse were saved. A poetoffice called Tanks has been established at the French place on Line- ton mountain with Hewitt O. French as postmatt3r Tanks p( suffice will be supplied for the present with a twice a week special mail service from this city. C. C. Cunningham has exhausted his resources in the circuit court and was re manded back to the marshal on Mondav evening to finish his term in the city jail. lie maae three distinct and separate attempts te regain his libarty, but all were without avail and the onlv resource now left him js an appeal to the snpreme court. r; W.-Wt Bellmire wants to be sunerin- tendent of the county poor house. A petition, asking the county court to ap point him to that petition has been in circulation in the "East End" for the past two weeks. Mr. Bellmire would make a painstaking and efficient officer should ' tbe connty court see fit to grant the prayers df the petitioners. . cirs. JNeuiabnes, nee JNelhe fierce, is down on a visit from her home in Oakes- dale, Washington. Prof. Sikes, her hus- uanu, wuo is wen ana lavoraDiy Known in this city, has been employed again as principle of the Oakesdale school, all of which goes to prove that be is recognized as a first-class instructor by tbe people in our neighboring state. Mrs. Bikes will return Wme in about ten days. Richard Alexander, a hand at Fletcher's mill on the, mountains, lacerated his hand in each a manner on Mondav in an edger saw that be lost one fiaeer and stands a fairihow of losing others. He was Drongnt to this city an soon as pos Bible after tbe accident occurred and Dr. O. W. Thomas dressed tbe injured mem ber. The entire hand was badlv torn and amputation of other digits may be necessary, ' a , Robert Esto.uD. son of Michael Estoun. who lives on Mud creek, attemoted suicide by hanging himself last Tuesday night at about 10 o'clock. The attemDt was maae at niB tatuer's bouse, but the rsMia Muttln WonH of wuim ani ,.J-1 J'. ,! IU.- . " """""I juuuB iuu m uubibos bi, sen aestrucHon-Mrs. ilorence MclJonnald, of Summer caped by others, and farmers ar corres pondingly blue or hopeful. But it's a oig slump from happiness to gloom when we think of the magnificent prospects early in the season and now gaze in sad ness at the sickly color of some of the fields. It is a slip between tbe cup and the lip that means the loss oi thousands of dollars to Umatilla county. Wheat and Fire. J. D. Isreal, Hamilton & Rourke's agent, at Walla Walla, was in town Tues day, He Tcame over on the freight and met Tom Rourke here and the two pro ceeded by team to Walla Walla. Mr. Isreal informed the Pbkss man that grain was damaged both in quantity and quality in the Walla Walla valley by the hot winds. As far north aa Dayton the hot waves of wind have been playing havoc with growing crops. Mr. Isreal was of the opinion that crops look much better here than over in the valley. In regard to the reports recently cir culated in regard to incendiary fires at the Hamilton & Rourke warehouses in the Garden City, Mr. Isreal stated that they were only too true, two attempts having been made to destroy the property. The second attempt was made last week, by placing car waste saturated with oil, underneath the platform. Fortunately for the owners the fire was discovered before it had gained headway. Mr. Isreal was at a loss to account for the motive of the incendiaries, in destroying this particular property. Charged With Rape. Justice Smith had bis first case Wednes day. The case was one wherein Isaac Larsen, a Finn, was charged by tbe state of Oregon for the crime of seducing Delia Lebti, a 14-year old girt. According to tbe statutes of Oregon, seduction of a girl under the age of consent constitutes the crime of rape, even though the victim was a willing party to the transaction. The state was represented byPiosecuting Attorney Bean and Judge R. M. Powers, and George Martin defended Larsen. The defendant was bound over to appear before the grand jury in the sum of $500, in default of which he is now in jiil. The testimony whs of such a character that all spectators were excluded from the court room and only witnesses and attorneys remained. Larsen is the prosecuting witness against Jacob Falk, who is charged with taking a letter addressed to Larsen from the Weston postofuce. Came Near Drowning. A correspondent, writing from Lehman Springs to a Pendleton paper gives the loiiowmg: were interfered with by reason of the rope breaking. Young Estroup eat on the porch of ftr.s father's house Tuesday evening conversing with the other mem- Dersot the family as usual until a few minuteB. before 10 o'clock, when he re tired for th night, as - his father and mother supposed. Later they heard a commotion in. the carriage shed and found the young man on the ground un conscious. A short piece of cord hanging to Za beam overhead told tbe tale. He had climbed into tbe buggy to fasten the cord around his neck and then leaped out. Dr. Thojmas was called to attend the young man and succeeded in bring ing him to consciousness, but his neck is pretty badly jswollen and may require a surgical operation to bring hirq around all right. A&mall bone in tbe neck is fracturedotherwise the patient's condi tion is not (considered at - all critical. Young Eetoap is 25 years of age and is sober and industrious. The attempt at suicide is thotight to be due to temporary insanity. It , is said he has not soemed entirely rigbtln his mind at intervals for over a month 1 J WBSTON LEADER. ' Hamilton & Rourke are preparing to build a new Warehouse at Spotford sta tion. ; t, Mrs. George Williams is critically ill at her home in Weston. Dr. Blalock was over from Wajla Walla yesterday to attend her. - Six earloads! of Mose Taylor's wheat were shipped today to the Peacock mills at Milton. Three went out Wednesday to Portland. I Last Sunday was the hottest day of the season on Wild Horse. J.R. King left his thermometer in the sun for a short time and found that it registered 120. On Saturday, July 18th. Presiding El der Swift will be present to hold the fourth quarterly meeting of the M. E. Church, 8onth, at Weson. The elder wilt remain over Sunday and hold ser vices mornioejand evening. Fred W. Kajaten, who has charge of construction for Hamilton & Rourke drove to Weston Wednesday from Day ton. Mr. Kara ten saw no very badly burned fields along the route, and be lieves there wijl be a good crop yet. -Salings' camp on the Weston moun tain will be again popular this season as a summer resort. It Is said there are al ready twenty boarders at tbe hotel, and a number of ( campers. Huckleberries are plentiful in the mountains, and will ripen during August. , Last Friday the public school in the Banks district, taught by Norval Bradley, was closed after a successful trm. A public entertainment was held, and brought out a; large number of school patrons, who enjoyed a good program. Mr. Bradley witl teach again next fall in the same district. Mountain residents have arranged with Uncle Sam for k more convenient mail service, in ordfer to dispense with fre quent trips to town. Two postoffioes were established, Briggson, with Wm. Mc Corkle as postmaster, and Tamarack, with L. A. Ram bo as postmaster. The mail will be cairied tfrora Weston. The service has not vet begun. . The Masonic searching party who went oat a week ago to hunt for Wood ward, the aged toll gate keeper found that vegeta tion had obtained such a start in the mountains that it was impossible to prosecute a tbforonsrb rearch. After a day of work, tbo Milton members re turned borne, and those from Weston went to the Looking Glass on a fishing trip. ;'- ... In district No. 75, ap Pine creek, a road is being built that will be a great convenience to tbe people of the neigh borhood. It leads from Logan's place to the main road on the hill, and will furnish h'ghway eafy of travel. A large amount of grading and rockwork baa been done, tbe most and best for tbe time and monef , it is claimed, ever ac complished in Umatilla county. Work is being pushed with ten men under tbe direction of O. -L. Cbnstenaon. super visor of tbe district, and will be com pleted in about a week. Reports front the wheat fields are con Aiding. Borne, say that "wbeat'a a) pone," others atimit that there will be "half a crop." and other are disposed to believf that thore will be a fair average yield. Evidently extensive damaei has been suffered by some localities, but es- ville, had a narrow escape from drowning wnne Datningsin tne swimming pool last Monday. The rope between deep and shallow water had been temporarily re moved, and before the ladies were aware of the danger, they were called upon to swim The first Bcream of a bystander brought Joe Wood to the rescue, but his efforts alone were fruitless against the frantic struggles of the ladies. Fortun ately, Tom Montgomciy and Charlie Mc Farland reached the spot in time to raise the three drownicg people from the water and to save their lives. ... r i SHE NURSED THE NOMINEE. Mrs. In Trying to Beat the Record Egan of Walla Walla Dressed Bryan When He Was Born. Mrs. Eagan, a well-known and highly respected lady of Walla Walla, claims the honor of placing the first wearing ap parel around the form ot William J, Bryan, tbe democratic nominee for presi dent. The Eagan family lived across the street from the Bryans at Salem, Illinois. It appears that Mrs. Eagan was present at William's birth and dressed the new comer. Mrs. Eagan is greatly delighted with the nomination made at Chicago, When she read of the enthusiasm for tbe "boy orator of tbe Platte" she clapped her hands and exclaimed : "I do believe they will nominate my baby," and her predictions came true. Father Eagan says that ;Judge Bryan, the fathor of the democratic nominee, was one of the finest orators Illinois ever produced. At the outbreak of the rebellion he took a firm stand with Douglas for the Union, and his powerful influence in Southern Illinois prevented the division of that state. Tbe elder Bryan came from Virginia while still a young man and settled at Salem, Illinois. He mado his way through college by working in the harvest fields in the summer and thus earned money enough to pay his way at school during the fall and winter. Burned With Grease. Mrs. T. J. Ormond, of La .Grande, was severely burned about the face and neck last Friday with tbe contents of a pan of blazing grease. The accident occurred while Mrs. Ormond was engaged in the usual household duties. She had placed a pan of fat and grease in tbe oven and in a sbort time thereafter it caught fire. Mrs. Ormond seized the pan and started out of the house with it. She pushed the screen door open with her foot, and it is probable that the door swung back and struck the pan, throwing the burning contents into her face. . . We Make this Effort SHsllsMBBSISllssssssssssssssssasMSBSHsssslsssM By asking you to call and inspect goods and prices on HAEVEST SUPPLIES. New goods constantly arriving, which we offer you at BED ROCK PRICES, at the Off nee 9 IIANSELL & MALONEY, Proprietors, South Side Main Street, - - Athena, Oregon. IMPERIAL EGG FOOD WILL MAKE YOUR HENS LAY Especially adapted for young Chickens and Turkeys . 1 i It is estimated that one-half the chicks and turkeys annually hatched, die fa before reaching maturity. When Imperial Egg Food is fed according to direc- p tions, sick and dropping chicks will never be seen. It supplies all needed ma- J p terial to form healthy fowls. , For sale at $ MAX LEWIN'S GROCERY STORE, Leader in Low 8 T . XT 1J J Oii--A 1 J 1 r-rices, norm siue vi main oireei, Ainena, uregon. $ Metal at The , Press Office Cheaper Than Cheap. Ginghams.. . Prints Shirting Indigo Blue Prints Outing Hannels 20 Yards for OneBollar ooYcooYo C. W. HOLXJS, Atlieno, Oregon.