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About The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942 | View Entire Issue (July 17, 1896)
THE PRESS has the circulation, its advertisingrates are within the reach of all, THE PRESS "touches the spot" $1.50 per year I .4 ATHENA PRESS Published Every frldey Morning By J. V. SMITH, Proprietor. F. B. Boyd, Editob. Kntered at Athena postofflce as second-class mall matter. Subscription Hates: I'cr year, in advance, - Single copies, In wrappers, 6c, . 11.50 Advertising Kates s Local reading notices, first Insertion, 10c per line. Each subsequent Insertion, 6c. All communications should be addressed to he PRESS, Athena, Oregon. ATHENA JULY 17,1896. Once upon a time our woods and valleys were vocal and resplendent with song birds and birds with rare : and beautiful plumage. But they are gone I Were they the worst en emies instead of being among the best friends of man, they could not have been slaughtered more success' fully. The man with a shot-gun destroying everything he can find with feathers on should be sup pressed. Boy's parents should be made to suffer the keen edge of a sham law if thev allowed them to kill birds with be.anshooters or any other murderous devices. The in sect armies that destroy millions ef dollars worth of fruit are the most forcible effects of bird murder. Every wild bird is of great money value to the country and is entitled to the most careful protection, and every one should join in decrying the cruel destruction of the most beautiful and uselul of all God's creatures. "Having behind us the comercial interests, the laboringjinterests, and all the tolling masses, we shall answer their demands for the gold standard by saying to them: 'You shall not press down upon the brow . oflabor this crown of thorns. You shall not crucify mankind upon the cross of gold.' " . These were the closing words of Wm.' J. Bryan's great speech which y sot the Chicago convention wild and won for the speaker the nomi nation for the presidency. This is an entirely new record for the pow er of oratory. Many great speeches have been made in national conven tions in behalf of others. The speech of Ingorsoll in Cincinnati . which gave to Blaine the title of the "Plumed Knight," was a great piece of oratory, but it didn't nominate Blaine. Mr. Bryan was not speak inn in behalf of himself but, 'it was what nominated him. Notwithstanding the fact that Oregon has a law against the use of tobacco bv norsons under 18 years of age, it is an everyday oc currence to see boys under that age either puffing away at a cigarette or munching a cud of chewing to bacco. Then the question natur ally arised what is the use of hav ing this law? If a law ifn't enforced it 3b far better that it be repealed, and the next session of the legisla ture should either repeal this law or make Borne additional arrange ments for its enforcement. If the constable of every justice of the peace district was given explicit instructions to look out for viola tors of this law and receive extra compensation for every offender arrested, it is certain that the num ber of youthful tobneco users would crow wonderfull v fewer in a very short time. The Telegram announces that Bryan is a weak man in his own state, and that he cannot oven carry Nebraska this fall, As to the consistency of this statement we have but to refer to the vote of Ne braska two years ago. By an ar rancement of the laws of that state the people have the privilege of ex. pressing their choice for United : States senator, and in the election of 1894 Bryan received 80,371 votes, more than all the other candidates ; but the legislature was republican and John M. Thurston who received only 1,806 was elected to the senate, v If the people of Nebraska have not changed their minds in the past two years, Bryan will carry the 'tale by a handsome majority. 'tji melancholy and Connell and the confession of one of the actors may be a clue to the revelation of the whole facts as to who did the bloody work. Not withstanding the work done by the government officials to unravel the secrets of a crime enormous in its magnitude, the work and expense was a failure, and it was left to be disclosed by the actors themselves, or one of them, who, like his kind, has a morbid appetite to commit crime then talk it over with some one. How seldom the exceptions that the trite saying that murder will out proves false, and none more 60 than the disclosures of a crime perpetuated twelve years ago and almost forgotten by an entire community. Cornelieus Vanderbilt is spend ing a few million of the dollars taken from the producers of the country in decorating his New York mansion, the principal part of which operation consists in'cafving groups of nude and semi-nude girls upon the huge pedestals that support. the columns of the porte cochere. This will be pleasing news to the producers, for when the single gold standard has converted them all into tramps fchould their wandering lead them to New York they may forget the vacuity of their stomachs while feasting their eyes upon Mr. Vanderbilt's open air art exhibition. Ohio, from which state the repub lican? have taken their presidential candidate, has never been lost to the republican party, in a presiden tial contest since its establishment in I960. New Jersy, from which state the republicans have their vice presidential candidate, has never been carried by the republi cans in a presidential election since the foundation of the republican party, with the exception of 1872, when the defection of old line dem ocrats from the Greely and Brown ticket were strong enough to throw the electoral vote of New Jersey in to the republican column. A majority of the republicans of the state are loud in their demands that Jonathan Bourne be removed from the . office of secretary of the republican state central committee, as they contend that be is a populist and has no business in the republi can party, even aa a private, much less as one of the leaders of the campaign and their views of the matter are certainly correct, as a free silver man is not a very ap propriate individual to conduct the campaign of a party that stands on the St. Louis platform The genial, big hearted "Cap" Martin has again been afllicted by one of his benevolent "spells" and has entered into contract with ex County Recorder Fred Hendley whereby Hendley is to receive $5000 out of the taxpayers' pockets for furnishing new indexes, that will benefit no one only those who have private business at the court house, and make. the job of clerks a little softer, in these times of burned wheat and low prices, Uma tilla county can ill afford to be put to useless exponse. All eyes are turned now on little Curry county, says the Jack sonville Times, where an election contest over the offico of county judge bids fair to have far-reaching results, as it may make a change in the legislature and defeat Tongue for congress. Numerous evidences of fraud in counting the votes o that county have been lound and there is no doubt but what a re count will develop some astonish ing results. The Walla Walla Gazette is fas reaching the point where it may be classed as a fit medium for that class of the reading public who were wont to read with interest the trash published by the late Sunday Mercury. Walla Walla represents too much of a newspaper field to stand long undsr the tiresomo rabble of several columns of silly love letters each week, in one of her leading papers. Jar loose. Congressman Ellis is liable twist himself inside out trying to to explain his position on the St. Louis platform. He is a squirmer from Squirmville. "You - shall not press upon the brow of Labor this crowu of thorns "foil, shall not crucifv mankind X'n .i i.n,Ea nf mild w T!l'tn W the closing words of Bryan's speech at Chicago, and theye as elo quent and brilliant as the English language can make them. . Tee Sacramento Bee, one of the most influential republican papers of the Golden Gate state, says the adoption of the cold standard plank at St. Louis will cause Cali fornia to be lo3t to McKinley by 40,000 votes. UNVEILING CEREMONIES. As Reported to the Pacific Wood man. Esteemed Editors: The beau tiful monument erected by the Woodmen of the World, to honor the name and memory of our de ceased neighbor, E. E. Brown, was unveiled on Sunday the 7th inst., by Athena Camp at Weston with a very impressive ceremony of the order. The officers of the Athena Camp covered themselves all over with glory by the thorough and efficient manner in which they performed their duties. The day was all that could be asked for and there were many hundreds of men, women and children gathered from all parts of the country to witness for the first time the unveiling of the monument of a Woodman. he orator of the day was Neighbor W. M. Pierce of Pendleton Camp No. 41, and the beautiful and touching thoughts delivered by him tfent deep into the hearts of his listeners, xne poem, "un Why Should the Spirit of Mortal Be Proud?" was delivered by Con- ul R. O. Hawks of Athena Camp. Neighbor G. C. Osburn acting in the capacity of consul on the occa sion. The Athena Cornet Band furnished mueic suitable to the occasion and only gave another evidence that Athena Band is the best in the county. Many were the comments and every one agreed tnai it meani something to be a Woodman. . Athena Camp turned out in full force also Weston. .Delegations r r t Jl . were also; present irom renaieion and Adams Camps. In L., H. & R., G. C. Osburn, Clerk 171. HIS RETORT. A Democratic Delegate Had an Answer for the Banker, Hon. T. J. O'Donnell, delegate- at-large from Colorado, left for Chicago the other day. Before eaving he mailed a reply to a letter 'rora N. W. Harris & Co., bankers, under a recent Chicago date, urging him to work for a financial plank to maintain the gold standard, giv ing as his reason that the firm had so far invested $777,000 in Colora do, and stood ready to do more of this when the financial question had been settled. In his reply Mr. O'Donnell says: Your draft upon principle pa triotism and integrity of the demo cracy must be refused. Reason: No authority to draw, stranger to us; no-confidence in your resources of ideas or political tenets. You cannot purchase the sovereign right of the people of Colorado to take that part in the government of the republic gurranteed them by the constitution for $777,000. A duplication of your boasted total investments $il0,000,000 in the West and South will not serve now to swerve the democracy of those sections one iota from the straight path of duty. The government of this country has been left too long in the hands of bankers and bond dealers. If any additional reasons were needed to justify their decision it would be furnished by such letters as yours. I leave tonight for Chicago to assist the militant democracy of the South and West in preparing a declaration of inde pendence, which shall be free coin age, 16 to 1, regardless of any other nation on earth or syndicate ofbankers or money lenders. - Deafness Cannot Be Cured by local applications as tbey cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure deafness and that is by constitutional remedies. Deafness is caused by an inflamed con dition of the mucous lining of the Eus tachian Tube. When this tube is in flamed "you have a rumbling sound or imperfect bearing, and when it is entire ly closed, deafness la m result, ana unless the inflammation can be taken out and tbis tube restored to its normal condition, hearing will bo destroyed for ever ; nine cases out of ten are caused by catarrh, which is notalnit but an unnam ed condition of the mucous surfaces. We will give Que Hundred Dollars for anv case of deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars; free. F. J. Chssiy & Co., Toledo, O. Kff-Pold by Druggists, 75o. P-,r ?css Cream Daklnjf Powder '" "A1 Midwm Fiif . Sa FmiwiK Painting .... In all Branches Neatly done by Chapman. HOUSE PAINTING AND DECORATING. , J. W. CHAPMAN, Athena. jU.U.UJU.UiUJUra 0 A THBNA mm THE LARGEST LINE OF SPORTING COOPS carried in Umatilla county, composed of FIRE ARMS, FISHING TACKLE, HAMMOCKS. CRAWFORD and SYRACUSE ...BICYCLES... BICYCLE REPAIRS can bo found at TAYLOR'S, the PRB&S iff Pendleton nardjv Notice to . & !) e cy & yJ You can purchase our Drapers and Extras for all Headers -Threshers and Horse-powers from Will Mosgrove, Athena, Oregon. GILBERT HUNT & COMPANY, Pylachin eiger'Q Shop, at Helix, can repair Ma- chinery. General W. L. ZEIGER, W. D. HANSFORD & CO., Dealers In Hardware.... and Stoves. TIN AND COPPERWARE. Pumps, Pipe, etc., ... - Baker Barbed Wire. PLUMBING A SPECIALTY. ALL WORK GUARANTEED. 629 Main Street, Pendleton, Oregon. . : - J V SMITH, ATHENA, OREGON, W. P. LEACH, SUCCES rk. LEADING FURNITURE DEALER M3E 4U Carpet Store II HI Largest Stock ever brought to Pendleton. Better Goods and cheaper Prices, Agent for the Standard and White Sewing Machines. Carpets and machines at about half former prices. Come and be convinced. JESSE FAILING, Pendleton, Oregon. THE ATHEM MARKET ; FRANK BEAL, proprietor. v f. FRESH MEAT ALWAYS ON HAKD Highest Cash Price paid for Butcher's Stock. YOU GET THE VERY BEST AND LOTS OF IT, 1 WHEN YOU SPEND MONEY WITH RFAI Main Stbekt, - - Athena, Obegon FIRST HSTIOHSL BHEK OF ETHEIIfl. Fays 1 E, FISCHER'S MEW HARNESS SHOP On both Harness and Collar, You can save the dollar; . Uliile the pennies take care of themselves. Farmers Walla Walla, Wash. Shop O BP Q Blacksmitriing. - Helix, Or NOTARY N. A. IVIlLLtK, a i nii i F" THE I II We buy for Cash and sell foi Cash strictly t South side Main Street. e IS CAPITAL STOCK, $50000 $21,000 STJBPLTJS, interest on time deposit. Proper attention ' given to collections. Deals in foreign and domestic exchanga. L. Barsbtt Cashier, Athena, Oregon Athf.xa, Osegox -r i r