The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, June 19, 1896, Image 3

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    GOOID job woee: at yeey low peices.
The Square Store.
A Big Line of the Celebrated
We throw in a good pair of
Suspenders to boot.
Square Store
'f;; Pendleton, Oregon.
Watch Repairing
Is My Business
and I give
careful, painstaking attention to it. I give
especial attention to the repairing of fine
watches - the kind of watches that need
extra careful adjustment. I try to have
m y work give such satisfaction ai will
w in the confidence of all who leave their
watch repairing in my hands. I want
yon to feel that when yon leave your
watch with me for repairs, the work'will
Da aone to me oesi oi my aonity ana in
a competent manner, it is my ambition
to add to the reputation I think I have
in a email measure already established,
of doing honest, thorough watch repair
ing. H. H. BILL, Athena, Oregon.
" . Notice of Sale
Of shares of Stock in the First National
Bank of Athena, Oregon, No. 4516, for
failure to pay assessment upon said
whereaBby order and direction of the
Comptroller of the Currency of the Uni
ted States, the First National Bank of
Athena was required to assess its capital
stock for sum of Fifty (50) ots. on the dol
lar thereof, and whereas, noon the '25th
day of February, A. D. 1896, by resolu
tion of the board of directors of the said
First National Bank of Athena, the said
board levied an assessment of Fifty (50)
cents on each dollar cf its capital stock,
and due notice waa given thereof to each
of the share-holders as required by law,
and whereas, the following-named per
sons as share holders In said Bank own
the amount of stock set opposite to their
names, to-wit:
L. D. Lively, 44 shares.-
Minnie A. Lively, 50 shares.
Portland Savings Bank, 50 shares.
J. M. Lively, 10 shares.
Clark Walter, 10 shares. . ' .
And whereas, the said sbare-hoderB
bare failed to pay said First National
Bank of Athena, or the Cashier thereof,
the said sum of Fifty (50) cents on the
dollar of capital stock held by each of
said stock-holders; now, therefore, by
the authority vested in me as Cashier of
the First National Bank of Athena, and
pursuant to the said order of the said
Comtroller of the Currency of the United
States, and by direction of the said board
of directors of the said First National
Sank of Athena, and by virtue of the
laws of the United 8tates, will, on the
; 11th day of July, 1896, in front of the
door of the First National Bank of Athe
na, on Main street, in said city, expose
for sale and sell to the highest bidder for
cash, the following shares of stock evi
denced by certificates :
No. 6, 60 shares ; No. 20, 44 shares ; No
10,10 shares; No. 21, 50 shares;
50 shares ; No. 34, 10 shares, or a suffic
ient amount thereof to satisfy the said
assessment thereon j said abates of stock
now being owned and held and appear
ing upon the books of said Bank to be
long to the following persons in the fol
. lowing amounts, and evidenced by the
following certificates, towit :
Minnie A. Lively, certificate No. 6, 50
shares, $5,000; L. D. Lively, certificate
No. 20, 44 shares, $4,400; Clark Walter,
certificate No. 10, 10 shares, $1,000; Port
land Savings Bank, certificate No. 21, 50
(shares, J5.0QQ; J. M." Lively,
certificate No. 34. 10 shares, $1,000, for
the purposes of satisfying the said assess
ment and the costs of the said sale.
Dated at Athens, Oregon, this 10th
dav of Jane, 1896. E. L. Bakjuttt,
Cashier of the First National Bank of
Athena, Oregon. -
A reliable lady or gentleman to
distribute samples and make a
houae-to-house canvass for our
Vegetable Toilet Soaps and Pure
Flavoring Extracts. 140 to $75 a
month easily made. Address,
Crofts & Reed, Chicago, III.
In Pound.
One brown work horse, 9 year, old,
brand O. B. on left stifle. Will be sold
on June 23 unless redeemed. Dated
June 19, 1896. A. M. Gluis,
Or. Price's Cream Baking Powder
Awirded Cold Mcdil Hidwinttr Fiir, Sn Fraacixro.
Local News.
Will soon commence.
Highest price paid for produce at Max
Lewin's. -
Barrett is headquarters for lawn
H. McArthur had business in Pendle
ton yesterday.
Hollis talks business in a new ad to
day. Head it.
J . W. Smith solicits your insurance.
Call and see him.
Noah Remalord is laying brick on Joe
Rain ville's new bouse. -
Just received another barrel of German
Dill pickles at Max Lewin's.
Frank Henry was in Weston yesterday
accompanied by Johnnie Froome.
Beale's meat market has a large quan
tity of excellent bolocna on hand.
hDaye Lavender and Geo. Williams
were in town yesterday from Weston.
The largest stock of straw hats in the
county, are at J. 8. Haye's Pendleton.
The warm days and nights of the past
week, is making wheat grow rapidly.
Crops are looking well, grass is green
and there is lots of it, and stock is doing
Mr. and Mrs. George Froome and son,
Roscoe. were tm from Pendleton venter.
yjVm. Gholson is acting as city marshal
In Angus Gillie' place, during the latter's
Mrs. Edincton has hann rnnflnod tn
her home this week with an attack of the
Your case is hopeless if vou can't ha
made handsome at the Umatilla Art
Max Lewin is aeent for the Rnval
Manufacturing Company. Ail goods
Ed. Murphy has cone to Walla Walla
near which place he has secured work in
a saw mill.
To save money and set value received.
go to Max Lewin'B as he is the leader of
low prices.
The witnesses in the Estes case have
returned home. The jury found Estea
not euiltv. " ,
-Tleaac Mansfield, an old time resident
fumatilla county, is down on a visit
trom Uray's tier bar.
If we cannot elve vou better bargains
in clothing than any one else in the citv.
don't trade with us The Square Store.
band boys rendered several selec
tions on the street Tueadav eveninar
hich were sreatlv appreciated bv th
public. .
When in Pendleton ston at the Golden
Rule Hotel. The best of rooms and ele
gant fare. Free bus to and from all
trains. , r
A son of Lot. Livermore. of Pendleton .
bad the misfortune to sever an artery in
the leg, by falling on broken class re
oentiy, . - v . . ....., -i.
1 Mrs. O. '-V. Hollis and '."children re
turned from San Francisco this week;
Mrs. Hollis mother accompanied her
Yon can now net a suit of the cele
brated Albany Woolen Mills clothing for
$8.50. You cannot get such a bargain
O, A. Barrett has been appointed sole
agent for the Buffalo Pitts threshers and
extras for all territory between Walla
Walla and Pendleton. .
Chas. Btansell, Nate Pinkerton and
Sam Boober have . returned from their
prospecting lour. On account of hi eh
water and snow, not much progress was
For anything in the job printing line.
don't forget that we are strictly "in it"
when comes to price atd quality of work.
We have good presses and everything in J
me stationery line.
The Press has recently added a laree
amount of printing material to its me
chanical department, and better able than
ever to give prompt attention to till orders
in the printing and publishing line.
Ben Hagen has been placed in jail to
serve out his three months sentence, and
O. C. Cunningham, of Milton, Is also in
an, not naving paia me two nnes ot jsuu
each imposed for selling liquor to minors
It was reported here yesterday that
Henry F. Pierce, was married to Miss
Dora Auerback, ot San Francisco, at
Oakland, Cal. , on J une 11. They are ex
pected to make their home in Pendleton.
Y County Treasurer Kern has paid out
Nearly all moneys appropriated for the
different school . districts. There now
remains only eight districts which have
not colleoted the amounts laid aside for
fxB. B. Nelson, the genial Weston brick
mason, is erecting a brick dwelling on
tbe Joe Kainvule larm, south of town.
Mr. Rainville'a handsome home was
recently destroyed by fire, it will be
Donald McRae. is agent for the creat
Oxydoner "Victory" the invaluable
remedy which cures all form of diseases
without medicine or electricity. Price
only $15- Lasts a lifetime. Address,
Donald MtiRae, Milton, Oregon.
J. M. Zimmerman says that the pros
pects" for a big wheat yield are good if
there occurs no more unfavorable weath
er. A few miles this side of Cold 8 prices
Mr. Zimmerman noticed while on the
way to town, that the potato tops were
J as. Maloney, F. B. Boyd, Chas. Nor
ris and Joeeph France, were fishing on
Pine creek, Tuesday of this week. A
total catch of 14 was made, the largest
trout measuring 10 inches, and the
smallest 1. Their many friends are
very thankful for the huge messes these
expert (?) anglers presented them on
their return,
If it required an 'annual outlay of $100
to insure a family against any serious
consequences from an attack of bowel
complaint during the year there are
many who would feel it their duty to pay
it; that they could not afford to risk their
lives, and those of their family for such
an amount. Any ope can get this in
surance for 25 cents, that being the price
of a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. In al
most every neighborhood tome one has
died from an attack of bowel complaint
before medicine could be procured or a
physician summoned. One or two doses
of this remedy will cure any ordinary
cae. It never fails. Can you afford to
tke the rink tnr to small an amount?
For sale by Otsburn. i
Now is the time to provide yourself and
family with a bottle of Chamberlain's
Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy as
a safe guard against an attack of bowel
complaint during the summer months.
It costs but 25 cents and Is almost sure to
be needed before the earn tner is over.
This remedy never fails, even in the
most severe caees, and is in fact the only
preparation that can always be depended
apod. When reduced with water it is
Pleasant to take. For Hale hv Oathnrn.
Mr. James Perdue, an old soldier
silling at Monroe. Micb., was severely
afliieted with rheumatism but received
prompt relief from pain by using Cham
berlain's Pain Balm. He Bays: "At
times my back would ache bo badly that
I could hardly raise np. If I had not
gotten relief I would not be here to write
these few lines.- Chamberlain's Pain
Balm has done me a great deal of good
ana x reel very thankful tor it." For
sale .by Osburn,
The people in the vicinity of Cayuse
sttrtion are making a united effort to pro
cures bridge across the Umatilla at that
point. Iho crossing at that place is very
dangerous during the spring freshets,
ana several persons have been drowned
mere ine county should construct a
bridge at Cayuse station.
Mathers will find Chamberlain's Cough
ttemeay especially valuable tor croup
ana wnoopmg cougn. it will give prompt
relief and is safe and pleasant. We
navepoid it for several years and it has
neve failed to give .the most perfect
satisfaction. G. W. Richards, Duquesne,
ra. poia ny usnurn.
Tribune: Orval O. White lost his
young Chinese pheasants yesterday.
They were hatched on Mark Patton's
place about 10 days ago and were kept in
a mouse-tight coop but some mischiev
ous boys yesterday broke into the coop
and the birds got awav, much to Mr.
White's chagrin.
Byron used a great deal of hair-dressing,
but was very particular to have only
the best to be fonfld in the market. If
Ayera Hair Vigor had been obtainable
then, doubtless he would have tested its
merits, as so many distinguished and
fashionable people are doing now-a-days.
some people are constantly troubled
with pimples and boils, especially about
the fade and neck. The best remedy is a
thorough course of Ayer's Sarsaparilla
which expels all humors through the
proper channels, and bo makes the skin
become soft, healthy, and fair.
J. W. McCormach has instituted pro
ceedings to recover $1500 damages from
the Washington & Columbia River rail
way company, alleged to have been
caused by the company's lines being run
across his Wild Horse IandB.
As Athena will not celebrate the glor
ious Fourth this year, our citizens will
probably take advantage of the different
points where tbe eagle will spread its
tail feathers and leave town for a day or
' Tbe Congo Oil Co. will bo in Athena
Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of
next week. ThiB is a patent medicine
concern with a show in connection,
WmJ Leach is another of Athena's
crack 'anglers'; He made two trips to
Wild Horse the other day, and succeeded
in landing one diminitive fishy.
: Captj'J. O. Moore, of Wallula, Wash
ington was a Press office caller Monday.
Mr. Moore reports crops looking well in
his section of the country.' - 1 ,
The Woodmen of the World will, on
Sunday next, unveil the monument of
Barney Dangherty, a deoeased Woodman
of the Pendleton camp.
Rose Btark, the prosecuting witness
against' John Estes, hat been put under
bonds to appear and testify when the
case comes to trial.-
Have you seen those new style photos
at the : Umatilla -Art Gallery, Athena,
Oregon? They are only $1.50 per dozen.
.Geo. Hewitt worked in the Pioneer
g store a couple of davs this week.
during Mr. Osburn's absence from town.
Rev. RuBhing has recovered from his
late illness, and will occupy his pulpit as
usual next Sunday morning and evening.
, Mrs. "C. A. Barrett will leave on this
evening's train for Baker City, to attend
the meeting of the BaptiBt Association.
John M. Fountain and two sons, of
Boone county, Mo., are guests at the
Frank Mansfield house west of town.
The jtadies' Aid of the M. E. church
and the Athena Band will give their con-
cert on the evening of June 26
EH and Max Baer. Pendleton
lwheelmen, were in the city Sunday and
tooE dinner at mo est. mchols.
Grand Chancellor, E. P. Geary, K. of
P., will, meet with. Pythian Lodgo, No.
29, on the evening of June 25.
Only I good insurance companies are
represented by Smith. Remember this
I when taking out a policy.
hCjohn Fobs is managing the Mitchell
umu&Bujiiu ouup uunug iur. iMncueil B
absence in the country.
E. L. Barnett, the bank cashier is in
Port Townsend, Wash., this week, on
business for the bank.
Mr. Lawrence Frazier, of Pendleton,
was in tbe city Sunday, the guest of his
sister. Mrs. Dr. Sham.
sThe Indian Fish Hawk was sentenced
to serve four months in the county iail
for stealing a saddle.
Lawn sprinkling is now carried on ex
tensively and as a result there are many
fine yards in Athena.
The C. A. Barrett Company have on
hand a large supply of extras for Piano
headers and binders.
I uNBob Hudspeth was down from his
l Wild Horse ranch yesterday. Crops
look well up there.
Miss Josie Wright, of Weston, visited
in Athena Wednesday, the guest of the
Misses Bradley.
Rev. F. A. LaViolette. was in town
from Dayton this week. He was attend
ing conference.
The street sprinkler has a great deal to
do in making it more pleasant on Main
A traveling sign painter has done con"
siderable work in Athens tbe past week'
Mrs. F. B. Boyd visited relatives in
Washington the past week.
- Mrs. Osburn visited friends in the
country this week.
Oil of Gladness,
is a pleasant, palatable preparation, en
tirely free from all oily taste, and may
be administered internally or applied ex
ternally. It will remove all pain tbat
"human fle,h is heir to," if properly sp
plied, and might be rightly termed "a
panacea for all ills." Price 50 cents.
For sale by Osburn,
Pistol Ball Through the Head Ended
His Life.
Walla Walla, June 16. George W.
Powers, a well-known man, 40 years old,
and unmarried, committed auicido this
morning by shooting himself in the
head. About 10 o'clock, persons occu
pying the room next to Powers, in Mrs.
Mabry's boarding-house, heard a muffled
pistol shot in Powers' room. They broke
in the door and found Powers lying on
a lounge, a stream of blood gushing
from his mouth. His right band crisped
a revolver. Physicians were immediate
ly summoned, but Powers expired before
their arrival. Tbe bullet entered his
mouth and passed out through the left
ear. On a table was found a number of
letters, addressed to various persons,
and an open note saying: "May God
wither tbe hand that opens those letters
except those to whom they are ad
Powers was a native of Tennessee and
came to Walla Walla several years ago
with troop A, U. S. cavalry. Two years
ago me canteen at the garrison was
robbed. Powers was accused, but proved
nis innocence. Soon alter be purchased
his discharge, and entered the employ of
a grocery here, fcver since his dia
charge from the army he has talked of
certain wrongs, and carried on an exten
sive correspondence with the war depart
ment. For a long time he has brooded
over his troubles, real and imaginary.
and several times talked of committing
suicide. . La&t fall be took a dose of mor
phine and chloroform, but the timely aid
of physicians saved bis life.
It is said by some of hla most intimate
friends tbat Powers loved a young widow
of this city, who did not return his affec
tion, which caused him to take his own
life.. .
Mckinley gets it.
Easily Nominated on the First Ballot
St. Louie, June 18. McKinley was
nominated on tbe first ballot this after-'
noon, '
"The republican party is unreservedly
for sound money. It caused tbe enact
ment of the law providing for the re
sumption of specie paymeuts in 1879 ;
since then every dollar has been as
good as gold.
"We are unalterably opposed to every
measure calculated to debase our cur
rency or impair the credit of our country.
We are therefore opposed to the free
coinage of silver, except by international
agreement wim the leading commercial
nations of the world, which we nledee
ourselves to promote, and until such
agreement can be obtained, the existing
gold standard must be preserved. All
our eilver and paper currency now in
circulation must be maintained at a pari
ty with gold, and we favor all measures
designed to maintain inviolable the obli
gations of the United States, and all our
money, wnemer com or standard, the
standard of the most enlightened nations
of the earth."
j, Rebekahs at Athena.
Athena Friday night to organize a Re-
oeitan lodge, i. o. o. F., John Hailey
oeing me organizing omcer. rnev were I
royally received and entertained, being
given a sumptuous banquet after the
lodge work had been completed. The
new lodge is called Mignonette No. 86,
and the officers are : Mrs. Mary Rush
ing, noble grand ; Mrs. Anna. Gross,
vice-grand ; MiesLeola Young, recording
secretary; MrsM. L. Barnett, treasurer
and permanent secretary ; Mrs. A. L
Swapgart, chaplain; G. Rushing, R. 8. to
N.G. ; Miss Anna Gholson, L. 8. to N. G. ;
Mrs. M. M. Johns, R. 8. to V. G. ; Mrs.
E. DePeatt, L. 8. to V. G. ; M4ss F.
Kemp, warden : Miss Lvdia Beale. con
ductor ; Mrs. Lizzie Beale, I. G. ; Mrs.
Geo. Tittsworth, O.
lho new lodge has membership of
47. A degree team was organized and
some excellent initiatory work was done, !
after the institution of the lodge.
ine following persons came un from
Pendleton by team : Mr. and Mrs. John
Hailey, jr.," Mrs. T. B. Wells, Mrs. R.
Alexander, B. E. Coon, Mrs. H. S. Fax
on, anas Carrie Enple. Miss Margaret
Leonard, Miss Amy Matthews. R. Alex
ander, Mrs. Shelly, Mrs. Lumpkin.
Methodist Conference.
The M. E. Conference convened in
this city this week, and among the reso
lutions was me loiiowing:
ine committee on investigating tbe
character of Frank Parrish made their
report and the following substitute - was
"Resolved, that we express our deep
sorrow that lrank Parrish, a local
preacher of Pilot Rock charge, who gave
great promise of usefulness in the minis
try of the gospel, has seen fit to betray
tbe trust bestowed upon him by leaving
his work without consent of the presid
ing elder, by dishonoring our beloved
church by actions totally unbecoming a
minister oi tbe gospel and ot the Metho
dist Episcopal church, by travelling un
der tbe title conferred npon bim by our
"Resolved further, that in Justice to
tbe church and to christian psople at
large tbat we condemn such actions and
it be published to the world tbat he is
not a minister of the Methodist Episco
pal church."
Hope to Re-Employ Her.
R. Alexander, of the executive com
mittee of tbe Weston normal school
board of regents, stated to the East
Oregonian that Miss Cannon was not
re-engaged as teacher of tbe model de
partment only because the funds at the
disposal of the board did not permit con
tracting the necessary expense. Doubt
less tbe money at the board's disposal
will be such as to warrant making the
appointment of a teacher for this de
Mies Cannon's work, has been emi
nently satisfactory, and Miss Cannon is
recognized as one of tbe most talented
primary teachers ia the kindergarten
line who has been in Umatilla county.
Her retention would be wise and her
friends will learn with pleasure that the
prospect is good that the money will be
forthcoming to continue her in tbe de
partment of work which she has done
such excellent work during the past year.
Simon Ticket Wins. .'. .
Portland, June 12 The official canvas
of the vote of Multnomah county was
completed yesterday afternoon. Follow
ing is tbe votson the supreme judge:.
Bean, 9,221; Burnett, 2,972: Gaston,
4 303; congressman, Etlis, 4 334; Quinn,
5,088; Northao, 5,957; Bennett, 197;
Mc-Kercher, 431.
Simon electa three out of the four
senators and five out of the nine repre
sentatives. The closest vote was pn the
recorder, Malcolm. Simon republican,,
his a plurality of 39. There is talk of a
recount, '
A Bride's Awful Death
Baker City, June 16 While on the
way to their future home on Satke river,
W. W. Wheaten and bride, who were
married in this city last Wednesday, met
with a runaway accident which resolted
in the death of the bride.
They were in a cart and the horse ran
away down a grade, throwing tbe occu
pants out. The lady's dress caught in a
wheel and she was dragged 25 yards.
Her skull was crushed and her body
badly mangled. She expired last night.
Wheaten is a prominent fruit grower on
Snake river.
Helix Wilt Celebrate.
lOur neighboring town of Helix will
celebrate the Fourth in a grand old-fashioned
way and it would make your heart
glad to see the magnitude of the scale in
which the preparations for the event are
being carried on. Here is a partial list
of the amusements and attractions which
the good people over there promise to
have: Orations, reading, processions,
games, racing, dancing, the grandest
picnic dinner ever spread, two brass
bands and Huson's orchestra have re
ported for duty. There will be swings,
base ball, and, in fact, everything to
make the day pass pleasantly Bee pos
ters for further information. By order
i Committee;.
Woodmen Assemble.
The Fourth District, Pacifio jurisdic
tion, Woodmen of the World met in
Pendleton Wednesday in convention.
Athena, No. 171 was represented by G.
O. Osburn, Lake France, A. M. Gillisby,
R. O. Hawks, proxy. The Dalles was
selected as the place for holding next
year's convention. Tbe delegates and
alternates to the head camp, to meet in
August at Helena are: G. C. Osburn,
of Athena, G. R. Lash of Pendleton ; A.
L. Richardson of La Grande, F. O. Hin
dis of Arlington ; alternates S. S. Durk
heimer of Old Dixie, E. L. Freeland ot
Heppner, C. B. Leatherman of Weston,
8. R. Haworth of La Grande.
Found a Skeleton.
ank Baling, of Weston, found the
skeleton of a man near Saline's camp, on
Weston Mountain, Wednesday of this
week. What remained of the skeleton
was brought down to Weston, yesterday,
and the bleached bones, boots with the
tops gnawed off. a pair of rusty spurs
and a blue handkerchief once worn
around the dead man's neck, afforded
much curiosity and speculation as to who
and what the dead had been. From tbe
general appearance and condition of the
bones brought down in a box they are
supposed to be the remains of a young
man under 20 years of age, and that
death came to him four or five yeara ago.
A Lie Nailed.
; Consumption and bronchitis are by no
means the same, although it is hard to
distinguish one from the other. Bron
chitis is an inflammation of tbe lining of
the wind tubes or air vessels of the lungs
causing soreness of the same, cough, sore
throat, borseness. difficulty of breathing.
spitting of matter aud sometimes blood.
Thousands die annually with this dread
disease. Wilbur's Cough Cure will cure.
Price 50 cents. Said by Oaburn
Teachers Seeking Other Positions.
MisB Harriette Woodruff, who has iust
returned from a short trip to Portland
reports that several of the young ladies
wno were elected teachers of the Pendle
ton public schools, for the next school
year, have been trying to secure timilar
appointments in Portland. Miss Wood-
rbu Bays the two who have been most
active in trying to secure positions in
Multnomah county are the Misses 'Mary
and Ethel Ritner.
I Blood Will Jell.
The many different skin diseases such
as ringworm' tetter, salt iheum, erysip
elas, eczema, itching or an eruption of
pimples, pustules, blotches, chaps or
cracking open of the skin, scrofula, are
directly the cause of impure blood. Wil
bur's Blood Purifier is acknowledged to
bp the best medicine known for any of
these unsightly complaints. Price $1.00
per bottle. Osburn sells it.
To Walla Walla.
; Tbe Athena Band has been engaged by
the 4th of July committee of Walla
Walla to furnish music for the big cele
bration at the Garden City. Negotia
tions were also on with Pendleton, but
the county seat people were too slow in
accepting the band's proposition. Pen
dleton made up its mind that it wanted
the boys but Walla Walla accepted first.
( Robbed of $16.
) Last Sunday while Fred Williams and
Wife were absent from their home, at
tending church in this city, some theif
gained admittance to the bouse by climb
ing through a window. On the wall a
pair of pants were hanging, in which Mr,
Williams had carelessly left $16 in
Change. The theif lost no time in discov
ering the money and making away with
' - Fourth of July Rates.
( ; For the Fourth of July the O. R. & N.
will sell excursion tickets, to any rail
station within 300 of this station at the
rate of one limited or unlimited fare, as
the case may be, for the round trip.
Will sell on July 2, 3 and 4. - Limit
tickets returning up to and including
July 6th, 1896.
A Brakeman Fatally Injured.
. An O. R. & N, brakeman named Con
way was run over by tbe cars at Arling
ton last night. No particulars have been
obtained, but it is supposed he fell under
the train. One of his lezs was cut off
and he was otherwise injured. At an
early hour this morning the unfortunate
man died from tbe effects of tbe injuries.
Dr. Price's Cream Baking: Powder
World's Fair Highest Mdl and Diploma.
' For Sale.
The Julius Levy residence, on Fifth
street is for sale. There is a bargain in
this property for some one. Apply to J.
Rloch, Athens, or write Julius Levy,
Walla Walla, Wash.
I Awarded
Highest Honors World's Fair,
pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. Free
from Ammonia, Alum or any othtr adulterant
IN pAPTevervthin8 dually found in a first-class Grocery Etore,
1 11 IflU I good as the best, cheap as the cheapest, at the
ost Office
IIANSELL & MALONEY, Proprietors,
South Side Main Street, - Athena, Oregon.
During the day there will be Processions, Music, Literary Exercises,
Dancing, Foot and Bt cycle Races apd other attractions. For further
particulars see programme.
: t,
i ,
jib .aim'..
The only kind of fishing we get time to do is fishing for
customers, and with honest goods and fair prices for bait,
we are usually pretty well satisfied each evenmg'with the
day's catch. Our stock of bait is being added to all the
time. Swim in and get caught.
C. W. Mollis, Athena.
Until you get our prices on
jW .T.
' j ...IN . '
'vi -
w, July 4