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About The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942 | View Entire Issue (April 24, 1896)
THE PRESS "touches the spot," $1.50 per year ito otrprtisiTiD' rates are witliin the reach of all. i 9-1 m: it n ..-- imh ri in liiliiuuuuu a uw vv imin rww. - , i n small Hinn. I innRH HLrawa h.uu tuk iuo w.,.v.w w , . i i . . I rrt .. Kama a nrvxn I I even, men yuu um 6-1 broom. Gaius Gbeenslade. riTN T loj0 THE COUNTY NEWS The "Iast End" as Reflected By Our Exchanges. DISTURBED THE PEACE. Walla Walla Ball Tossers Arrested at Milton. From the weaton Lender. Willis IS to be to MnrnVi. who has been teaching school near Pendleton, has returned to Weston. M. D. A. Iteeder and Miss Effie Bostwick, of Athena, were the guests of Mrs. Ilattie Mosier aur inn thA nook. Rpnort ftomea from Umatilla that n two Vinurft' exnerimenal run of - s f.hfl irtAA machine near there re- niiHprl in a r.lean-un of $2. Ran Jose scale is seen on fruit treeB in Weston yards. This one of the worst peBis Known horticulturists, and should looked after by those who wish nanrvA their fruit trees. Charles Powers, son of It. M. Powers, is in the city on a visit to Kin rolnt.ivpa Mr. Powers IS a nrintor nf much experience, and has long been employed in the oflice of the Call at San Francisco. Fnothnll on the common below tnwn hits been the rase, and the boys rushed, pushed, struck and wrestled with the ardor of grid-iron athletes. The ball was ruined by hard usage before the services of a Biirceon or undertaker were re- rj quired. The sad intelligence has been re omvpA that Mrs. Ben Walden is rnt.iHll v ill at her home in Kend- rick. Idaho, death being hourly expected. Her brother, George Staggs, has gone to Kend rick to be present nt her bedside. . Mavor Proebstel has returned from his visit to Portland and Vancouver. t Portland he at ImApA the rpnuhlican convention as a delegate from this county, and at. Viinnniivpr hp, visited hin brother. Jacob Proebstel, formerly of Wes- t.nri. , "Wisfl men chance their minds," ho there is no occasion for wonder hi thfl fnct that II. L. Bowmer is now editing a democratic paper, the n ! . . T . .1 H,,.n r n n I ri A uouner, ui uay wu, nuu nus mcv a deleorate to the democratic state invention of Waahircrton. Harry was a good republican when he left Umatilla county. (From the Milton Engle. to let them return to Walla Walla if they would put up 12 each as a guarantee to appear for trial Mon day. The boys, owing .to hard times, did not have the necessary money and told him that u they did have they would rather be fed at thn nxnense of Milton than mnVft that citv a cash present of 118 "' A hearing was demanded and re fused and the frisky ball tossers were left to repent of their partisan ship under the guard of a fat, good natured Miltonite, who permitted - t . i them to watcn tne game ironi mc top of a near-by fence. Alone about 3 o'clock the hunger began to make the boys desperate and they rose in their wrath and told the marshal that they must have food. The fact that if he con fined .nine baseball players, with eood, large-sized appetites, tor three days in the city j ail, he would have to send to i'ortiana lor sup plies, seemed to bring him to his senses and at 5:15 the boys were fed at the expense of the populace nnd turned loose. , "We disturbed the peace of Milton," said one of iUa victim tti ft renorter. ''but if r..v ' - I that is the peace of Milton, the ball hova never want to see the whole lr,ino- After the nine was arrested, the ..mall bovs of Walla Walla who had gone over to see the game, picked a team from amongst them- oIvpo and nlaved the Milton nine, hoat.Snor bv a score of 18 to 10. "The onlv reason." said one of the boys, "that could be obtained for t Via hnlrlinir nf the boVS BO loilK is that. Milton noli tics are' divided into two factions, the Advents and the anti-Advents. Yesterday be- ina thn Advent Sabbath and it heme verv near election, the pres nt marshal was working for vote?." , , But he Had the Power of Eighteen Men tn the State Convention. The Tacoma Ledger in its ac count of the democratic slate con vention recently held in that city contained the following paragraph about II. L. Bowmer. As he was formerly editor of the Weston Lead er and is widely and lavoraDiy known in Athena his many friends here will be pleased to see that . ... . . , llarrv is rauidiv coming to tne front in Columbia county. It is written in rather a humorous vein, but is none tne worse on mat ac count: , 'Under a placard "Columbia county," with 11 vacant chairs alongside of him sat H. L. Bowmer, editor of the Dayton Courier. Mr. JLsowmer is asmaii man. ne oc cupied only one corner of the chair. He gazed solemnly at the conven tion through glasses and folded his arms over Ins breast pocket, wnjen contained a stack of proxies. Columbia county has 12 delegates. . , , - i j lie was one oi tnem ana ne nuu proxies from the other 11. He alan hnrl Oftrfipld countv's fiix VOte8 buttoned up in his posket. When n came o appointing comum-uees by counties Mr. Bowmer was on all of them twice twice." ESSAY ON ATHENA, Read by Died, in t his city on Friday even. ing, April 1U, 18U0, or near, disease, Mrs. Martha A. Church, aged 50 vears. 3 months and 18 days. flinrl. in t.hia ftitv. on TuesdaV. April 14, 189G, of a complication of chronic ailments, nugn ratterson McLimans, aged 67 years, 5 months and A days. Born, near this citv. April 1G, 1896, to the wife of Hon. E. Davis, a snn. Thn Efitrla nonurratulates. - A mnvn in nn font hv the Kniirhts of this city to institute a lodge of llathbone sisters here, i nis praer is the ladies' auxilary. to the If nf P. Thn onrlv Bf.mwhfirrv nron is said to have been injured by the recent .r.. . . , , . - 1 Hosts. This n tne croaiter s siory for it and should be taken With a crrnin nf milt. Clark Wood, the intellectual giant of the Weston Lbader, was over to hear Weaver Monday. While in the city he called nt the Efttrle offine to secure a chew of tobacco and make a fraternal visit The late rains have caused the Walla Walla river to swell to en ormous proportions and the water running out over its banks have caused the citizens in the upper part of town much annoyance. The Eairle is in receipt this week of a letter from B. Bischl, of the Pabst Brewing Co., of Milwaukee, WMm.. in which it is stated that the writer hns organized a colony that will loonte somewhere in tno ivorin- west to encage in the fruit dustry. TAXES CANDIDATES PAY. Names on All the Tickets es Repre ntd an the Assessment Rolls. Various inauiries have been maAn pnnp.pminff the amount of tiucea naid bv the various cmdi flutes for county offices, the East Oregonian caused the rolls to be gone through and the amounts op posite the various names were found to be as follows. The legis lative candidates were left off since they do not have to do with the making of county local taxation as do the county ofheers: Republicans 1( or county judge, William Martin, 128.60. For commissioner, 1. f. uun land, if 48.88. For Bhnr tt. Zoetb llouser. For county clerk, B. S. Burroughs none. For recorder of conveyances TI. K. Bickers, none. 1 For treasurer, William C. Kern, nonn. For fiRRessor. E. Gilliam. $2.45. For school superintendent, J. F. Nowlin, none. ' m m WW It For surveyor, J. W. lumbreii, 111.101 For coroner, Ralph Folsom, none. Democratic For sheriff, William Blakeley, $212.28. For county cleric, John vert, 4.10. For recorder of conveyances, Jas. A. Howard, $68.62. For county judge, William Scott, $16.88. " For commissioner, Henry Frazier $155.83. For treasurer, Chas. Bowling, $5.40. For assessor, D. W. McDannald, Before the Normal School An Athna Raw. The following essay is from the pen of a bright Athena boy, and was read bv him at the Weston normal school recently: ATHENA. ,. Athena is situated about three miles west of Weston on a level tract of land a little north of the Wild Horse creek. It is on the Union Pacific R. R.. and also the end of a branch of another rail-1 road called the Hunt. ' . It : is supplied with water by well? and a large tank fixed far up on poles. The water is pumped into this tank from a large well by the Mill Company There is a large pipe coming from this, and going to nil parts of the city. From this other pipes come on, and come above the ground. From inis wuier is lasen tor mo Liuryuoo of washing, drinking, quenching fires, etc. . Athena has a broom factory which ships many brooms to differ ent places. They first sort the broom straws; then there is a handle put into machinery, a little dent cut into it, into which wire is fastened. Then the straw is worked in little bv little until there is enough in. Then wire is wrapped around to hold it firm. Then it is fixed in the shape of a broom and sewed. The next and last process is to brush off the Fined Fifty Dollars. L. F. Inman, better known as Doctor Inman, is again in the grasp of the law. He was arraigned be fore Justice Parks and proven omit rf nrnnticiner medicine With- J I o . - . out a license as required by the statutes of Oregon. The court decided that $50 was a just amount for Mr. Inman to pay lor vioiaung the statutes and he accordingly assessed him that amount. Notice of appeal to the circuit court was filed. Pendleton Tribune. Do not despair because you have tried many medicines and have failed to receive benefit. Remem ber that Hood's Sarsaparilla cures when all others fail to do any gooa whatever. HoocFs Pills are the best family cathartic and liver medicine. Harmless, reliable, sure. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder World's Fir Highest modal ana mpnmm. Fifteen Inches of snow. It is uorted that fifteen inches of snow fell the past week over in the Lone Rock country, says the Heppner Gazette. Many sheep men were in the midst of lambing and the cold snap has proven very disastrous to this industry in that section. A Sufferer Cured "Every season, from the lime I was two years old, I suffered dread fully from erysipelas, which kept . growing worse until my hands were almost useless. The hones softened so that they would bend, and several . of my fingers are now crooked from dm this cause. On my hand 1 carry large scars, which, but for AYER'S Sarsaparilla, would he sores, provided I (was alive and able to carry anything. Eiirht bottles or Ayer's Sarsaparilla cured me, so that I have had no return of the disease for more than Iwenty years. The first bottle seemed to reach the spot and a persistent use of it has perfected the cure."-0. C. Davis, , Wautoma, Wis. NT m nwT.Y faib Ml w AXES' 8 Mii8rootii 0wl Digestion, L 7 111- DISTURBED MILTON'S PEACE. Walla Walla Ball Boys Have Peculiar Treatment by East Enders. The baseball team that left here vesterdav mornine to play in Mil ton. savs" the Walla Walla Union, has a forcible illustration of the value of silence. When the hack For school superintendent, F. J. Van Winkle, none. For surveyor, G. 1. La Dow, $73.86. For coroner, Chas. Beale, none. Ponulist For countv iudae, Robert Laing, $08.53. For commissioner, J. r. lemple, $219.23. For sheriff. W. H. II. Scott, $51.45. For county clerk, Henry l1. Pierce, $37.97. For recorder of conveyances. W. T, Sellers. $0.85. Far assessor, John b. Hams, $32.99, For treasurer, P. M. Gerking, $14.40 For school superintendent, C. C. Ewcrt, none. Leasure May Run. It is trenerallv exuected anions the politicians of Pendleton that John C. Leasure will be the independent cold candidate for congress, although no definite as eurance has been given mat jh. Leasure will accept the nomination. . ... .... V ill no Ul eliuucc. it iicu uio iiuua- licnsurti n in anrp iuo nuiuiiintiuui loud of players entered Milton, they Several Pendloton gentlemen state made their presence known by that Mr. Leasure expressed himself giving the "College Yell," and very as anxious to take it. Heisavig- i r. o l .. 1 I J ll..... hortlv afterward wero creatly sur prised to find the heads of their horses in the grasp of a man who nroved to bo the city marshal. Although this gentleman'o only weapon was a milk bucket, the boys peacefully submitted, and they were inarched to the "notei unaer a strong cuard. Here they were told that thev were under arrest for "hoUerin' on the streets of a ritv." niwl when thev tried to ex rfi rf - plain that tliey wero simply giving the college cry, they were asked "what that whs," by a man who paid that he had never heard of one before. The marshal, out of the goodness of his heart, offered nrrins nmonitrnnr ami ivnnlrl throw into the canvass as much energy as ! J any man wno couia oe nameu. Tliprn is nnw rnnciilfrnlilfl talk to the effect that an independent gold congressional candidate will in oreaso Judge Bennett's chance and perhaps cause hii election, juage Hpniipfl hR hich fstamlinz all through the district and is a good vote getter. Some men think his chances good for election. Hull' llnir Uenewer renders the hair lustrous and silkcn,gtves it an even color, and enables women io put it up in a great variety oi I btyles. The SIOE Ptodi Is All i osition Eight! Closing Out Half the Stock ! We need the Space, as we are Crowded. The Boston Store, Pendleton. It is often difficult to convince peo ple their blood is impure, until dread ful carbuncles, abscesses, boils, scrof ula or salt rheum, are painful proof of the fact.. It is wisdom now, or when ever there is any indication of ''?. ft M. NO. 80 MEETS THE Fir and Third Saturday Kvanings )f each month. Vuiting brethercn cor iially invited to visit the lodge. IO. O. F. NO. 73, MEETS EVERY Friday nifht. Viiiting Odd Fellow n good standing, always welcome. A O. U. W. NO. 104, MEETS THE Second and Fourth Saturdays of month. , Fred Eoxenswieg, Recorder. blood, to take Hood's Sarsannriito, nml prevent such eruptions and suffering. I had dreadful carbuncle abscess, red, fiery, fierce and sore. The doctor at tended me over seven weeks. When the abscess broke, the pains were terrible, and I thought I should not live through it. I heard and read so much about Hood's Barssparilla, that I decided to take it, and my husband, who was suffering with bolls, took it also. It soon purifled our in the Jutlce'.urt for Adam, strict. illtam Baker, Plaintiff, John Parkyn and mnS.Ere In the I.aine i " " ii., hii(1 above named defendants, John Parayn ua t.k i Parkyn. are hereby summoned to Jnn,rteforeme''the undersUed L Jutl rail din am $ Vn?'.UaUhe hour of.O o'ck in the forenoon or aaia aay , Xi'irir.t to an- tlce of the Peace in the said d st rict, to an swer to the complaint of W !lam.1,ae,!j founded on Joint and severe D,otrrt 'd wherein he demands .46, principal and . l a teand ten dollars a. attorney -j: fee. and cohU and diobuniemcnt. of tliU ctlon ror wh chVum 1udKennt will be rendered aenlnut you U yo? faU vo appear andannwer i jeom- l)1i1.llt . i. nnhiiuht hv order of the ungTed J.Uce of the Peace of Adams district, lor Umatilla county, state of regon. Kaid order wa. made this 13th day of 3 AttyPlatntlfr. Justice of the Pece. "Administrator's Notice. .meSf,S 1? 8. SHARP. tat.SWK Depot deced,andall - . . Snrseon. A THENA CAMP, NO. 171, Woodmen of the Worid. meeu 1st and 8rd Wednesday of sacl. month. - Visiting poppers alway s wel- . come. PYTHIAN, NO. 29, MEETS EVERY Thursday Night. (1 jOjll ood built me up and restored my health eo that, although the doctor said I would not be able to work hard, I have since done the work for 20 people. Hood's Sar saparilla cured my husband el the boiu, and we regard it wonderful medicine.'' Mbs. Anna Peterson, Latimer, Kanaas. jiiii i" i j0$hk. sSSSlk s kll(DjS r"5." 5tr. thA AntRte ot Hald de- mfly verified as by law required, to the , under ,,gnyed at his plac of business in Athena Umauiiaooumj', u6""i n.v.- from the date hereof. Cued this 18th day ofNorembeMSOo. Administrator. nnswered. 'Office on Third Btreet, Athena, Oregon. 1 PUBLIC NOTICE. , Notice is hereby given that I, will apply to the Mayor and commoo council of thedty of Atben Oregon.atameeth.gthef field ou me unu. " - license to sell spiritnovis, malt and vinous Jtq- " .' mtii4hnniianliapr. 81.1 tl Mil pvR. I. N. RICHARDSON, rEHATlVK ' PHTETIt '.'dESTIST . 1THENA, - - OREGON.) j uors in less quantities than one quart, said liq ,,nr. to sold only in abulldlng situated on ot7in block 5. of snldcity. W. It. Hardbn. Dated Jan. 24th, 18H6. , Apnllcaiit. E.D;Peatt, n -v- ' ATTORNEY-AT-L AW. i : v- ' ' Athena, Obe. Sarsaparilla Is the One True Blood Purltter. All drogglsts. ft. . n.t( ciirellverl)ls,easytot!!' tlOOd S FlllS eay to operate. 25c How's This. any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hull's catarrn uur. . We, the undersigned have known F J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transac tions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by their flrm. WkSt & TRUAX.Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, WALMNO, K inn an & Mabvin, wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. . , , Hali's catarrh Cure is taken internally, act ing directly upon the blood and mncous sur face of the system. Testimonials sent free Price 75o, per bottle. Bold by all Druggists. PACIFIC R D THE PIONEER HARNESS SHOP Is the place to get the best of Harness. "Good iv io0K5 anrl lvef nf material." OUT motto. N PULLMAN SLEEPING. CARS ELEGANT, : '. : - v ' mvivn PAifii TOURIST, W. E. YOUNG, Proprietor. Athena, Oregon.' """l -1 ' : ilBtoYeV;;..:. SYou I An... ;. '. ; i SLEEPING CARS ij ; ' ' ' .-. : t Haul , I Minneapolis I Onlalh I Inrgo J Grand Forks i i rooKsion I W!hullCK I Helena and I Bi(t(et THROUGH TICKETS. TO rhlrmro Muxhincton ' rhlladelphla - , New rk " 'l HMtM lad .All Points East and South ;:;V?'tIME SCHEDULE. Trnlnn arrive everv ednesdavatU a. iu. i n it.iri a it Vnr tlmA tn.riiB I (lull UCpit W m. r ' cards, maps and tlckest, call on or write J. A. Charlton; Assistant Oenenil Passenger Aget. SVi Morrison St! Toor, TWW, PoftUvna, Of ' 1 ' TO BUSINESS? Then APVERTISE in the ATHBNA And Get Business. The ATHENA PRESS guarantees a larger circulation than that of any other paper in Eastern Umatilla County. : : : : 5 . WE DO JOB WORK hR-I-P-A-M'S The modern stand- elne; Cures the common every-day ills of humanity. TIUDC m7 ciTAVllWP THE ELECTRIC BARBER SHOP. HAIRCUTTING SHAMPOOING, - " ' HAIRSINGING, t T T a f faf StvleS. g$r. HOT OR COLD WATER BATilb, 2ji ctr( ii5. XJ ' . (SfiK.'-MV, ''Y' ' ...... . m.- The thumb in an nnfnlllrg lndes of chamctcr. '1 !ic Miniin; Type ln- 3 diratct a nr. ng iil. cnut euergjr A A . I I., -lit I .t. Sn!iilatitl Typo, theltinmbof thoM of oilvaiivol idras and bnnineet Ability. Boili of these types brfons ill J L?g' N OTAR Y PUBLIC l THE C. A. BARRETT COMPANY t X rsrs Carry a full line of 7 HARDWARE, SASH, DOORS, PAINTS, OILS, ALSO A WELL SELECTED IMPLEMENT STOCK, We are now clotJug out our stock of Boggles, Hacks and Cart. The goads are all ...... ... Ko uih . nnnrarna. We are sole acents fbr thf Piano Steel Header, A ,1,0 agents for ntts and Hodec repairs a fuU stock of which we any, l Get our Prices before Buying. X THE C A. BARRETT COMPANY, - - Athena Oregon ? THTpIIsilSilSLY $1.50 PER YEAR and flrniiiC!"".; I Uwly allied ' " - - 1 ' n to I lie hr.'Y man or tvomin; and Deimr-sl" Family Wataaine pre pnnn ei-H-ri:illy fur tuch peraviia a wimlo nf luw Idem, con- ri-cord ill i!.e h'!e wurld'a work 1 or a moinu nny nt n-mi in dbii a tmtir 'i it. CtiiiicMl Tvtm turlirntp' relliiioteiit, ctUim-. atd lpve'6 muic. po tr -, nn'. flitlun. A person with thiK type or thumb will thor oughly enjoy !; liumry attractions of Dcniri:t' Msgaaine. The Ar titie Tyic iimiii.tcs a love of luniiiraiid art, which will tndran pleasure in the magnificent oii-pict-nre of ioe, V'AX x 81 InchCT, repro duced f 1 01:1 the criminal painting by De 1-oiifpre, this nwt celebrated of living Hou'cr-painter. which will , plien t cv.ry ubriber to 1) nior, ft' !a'.'ite for 1k06. Th cot of I..i4 Mipcrb work of art was tljO.Mi; r.pd the rcprodactioa camirt he diit'npiilHd from thj) original. Ikrk'.ea thij, an ejqaisitfl nil or water-color picture is pub lished In each anmber of the Magal rjv.r, ami tho articles ar io pro. final r ar., mprrlily lllnsrtraicd h the lU',) la, io reality, a port folio of art works of the lii"bet order. The riiilnenphic Type it tha tlinmb of the thinker and inventor . of We-, who will bo deeply Inter ested In tlioffl developed monthly In DrnioMt'i Mapaairte, In every arte of It nnmeruaa depart meute, wh eh cover the entire artistic and Kkntifie field, chronicling every fact, fancy, and fad of tn day. Demon fi '"a i simply a perfect Family Magazine, sod wat long ago cmwnVd Queen of tba Monthlies. Send In yonr anbecritina; it will eoM only $i.00. and yoa will hava a dozen Magazine, in one. Address V. 1 irnmoj Dmoaitf T, rWlbet, East Hih street. New Torki 1 honch not a faahlon maeulne, its perfri fahion pacet.and lla articled on family ami donieWic maltera, wil) be of rnpcrlativr interest to tboss poHfii g the Feminine Typa ol Thumb, which imkatra ia Its amall ai, lendevte, soft sail, and ' which 'belong enemlally to tba I , HI Lwl4 temorest'a Magazine. If yoa ara unacquainted wli SMni, acna lor a siweimen copy nreej, ano oa wilt admit that seeing theaa THUMBS has pat na la Um war of faving money by aodiag in om laaxio every thing to aaatXy Ihs Ltenvy wants a ss'vaoi fanaly. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder World's Fair Highest Award. Mi ;p,: