.1 THE PRESS has the circulation, its advertising rates are within the reach of all. . :,. THE.! PEESS "touches kl.Q spot. 01.60 per year. With Seasonable Compliments, you .are invitee! to inspect, our Stock .of Christmas -Goods. ff 9 iai) Something T ' rV mOmmmmwOmmm '.;y " f ! . . , 1 : . , ..IN BOOKS.. Our Holiday Assortment tive. We have an endless variety of elegant-' ly colored Picture and Story Books. We have Children's Books of every description Do not be deceived by anyone claiming to have "just as good a stock," or to sell "just as cheap." Call and be convinced that our Holi day Stock is the largest and . most complete than any ever before brought to the city, Ouf Stock is the best and by far the Cheapest. , We will not be tANSBLL, -& MALONBY,: :. - BREV1TI1S. Johnny Ilidenour of Weston was in town Tucsd.ay. Only the best brands of tobacco and cigars arc kept at Lillia Fisch er's. . " . ' .- Earl Hurd returned Baturday from a visit to relatives in Cali fornia. r When your watch needs cleaning orr cpairing take it to Hill, the jowelcr ' Mb jc Lewin keeps the bent Mono r!nV cigar. Tlioy are made out of pure tobacco. , ' David UurgUl of Cold Springs, and familv visited at the home of V. D. rarker, Sunday. ynovv to the depth of two inches foil Sunday night. A few sleighs were observed on the streets. ' SalurJay was a meor-lliijtery day. Country people did not come to town, hence trade was dull. j G.O. O.sburn, Will Wells And V. Iti Harden went down toyl'ort l;u;t Monday night. Tlvcy. were witv.t;M ja the ItevnMfs case. TJjb h.-'ppy'iabrchant is Urn one -bo ad.'tiscs in the I'KRBS.'be lMriKivcrtisements in this paper .rhijf thu quickest' and surest re- Vol. l.t No. 1., of the Walla Wal la Jleformer, publibhcd by Crown tt Crai. is nn our exchange table. It it a populist' panrr well edited and nowsy. ' " NVl.'uo Volf," aVmatillabrave, wns up l:ufire Judge Oilman Mon d.iy inoruinp;, and plead guilty to thrt charge of being drunk. He was ft'Bcsscd $10. 3r:ink Tbarp and wifa returned p.'i'iU'.'iv from a trip to the coast. !,a Mr, and Mrs. Ilobt.Tharp 1 n a farm and well pleased tht- country. Mrs. Tharp, was injured in a runaway, recovered, . sett wit. i.:. 11. h-Mtherman, the Weston , : t nvcr wa3 in town S&turday. V . .t'.-.cnnun is "chief cook" in 5 -. ; : y, "Cost up by the Waves," v : n u) to produced by home f . i. -:-t . ;U t'.-.o Weston opera house i. i'.'.'.v !i!,,ht. When most needed it is not un iu for your family ph unci an to bo tvway from home. Such was the experience of Mr. J. Y. Schenck, editor oftho Caddo, Ind. Tor., Ban ner, when his little girl, two yearn of ago wasv threatened with a se vero attack of croup. He Bays: "My wife insisted that I 0 for the dortor, but as our family physician wps out of town I purchased a bot t! of Chamberlain s Cough Uera-i (-ly. v 'itch relieved her immediate h I uiSl not be without it in the tii iir" ai-.d DO cent bottles for ( by Tioncer Drug Store. For Every Persbn ' n u l Something for Every Purse..;. : is especially attrac Undersold. m pot Fail to Drop ' .Tarid. Bhsbi of the best hotels in that gectionl In speaking of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy Major Picton Bays: " "I have used it't myself and ' in my family for several years, and take pleasure in saying that I consider it an in fallible cure for diarrhoea and dy-, sentry, I always recommend it and have frequently administereid it to my guests in the hotel, and in every case it has proven itself worthy of unqualified endorsement. For sale by Pioneer Drug Store. - '. For the past few years deer have been increasing rapidly on the GiJ lima cattle range, commencing jat few milea southeast of . Fossil, and the settlers have been looking for ward to good shooting, but vtheir hopes are doomed , to disappoint -ment, as a party of siwashes mov ed in this season and killed 35 head, a number equal to the iri creaso of several years.; v. . ! . John Racqua, a sheep herder, who has been employed near Pend leton, left for a hunt in the mouri-. tains some time ngot and na he has not returned or no word from him has been received, fears for his safe ty are entertained by his friends, j li, J. Foss had the misfortune to receive a severe fall on an icy side walk Monday. He felt faint , after arising, and started back to the Btore, but was over come and fell unconscious. He was carried into the store where he soon revived. - , Miss Sadie Fosa and Mies Lena Coppock Saturdaj solicited funds for a Christmas tree. They were successful in securing enough mon ey to insure the Christmas trees being a success. Christmas is about two weeks off and the parents of the land are horrified to hear , that the bicycle girls are preparing to hangup their bloomers instead of their stock ings. Judge Lowell has overruled the demurrer filed by Miss Stevens, county superintendent of Union county, and allowed 10 days in which her counsel may file an an swer.'. , , : .;, :- , -j I : , The Eastern Oregon Farm Rec ord. last week,' issued a creditable edition in the interests of the orphans home, situated near Pilot Rock. . ; ; j Jim Mitchell, the Indian tried for stealing a saddle from another Indian, has been sentenced to 30 days in the county jail. : i ' : , A. L. Watts, who has been , liv ing in .town for -some , time, last week removed to his farm on Wj Id Horse.," .... ;- , . ' Miss Anna Harden and Miss Sela Vaughn, visited 'friends in Pendleton Saturday and SundaV. .. - -v- " s " Ed. Rash was in town from He lix Monday. sama urns n 1 atg--.'. " . -"."" ""J ' : .""7,1.7" T.. , S.Z'i'I.' """" ' ' TEE OTMSC . t . S ... . . . ? Eansell & Mplhh Proprietors, Athena, Oregon. UMATILLA COUNTY IN PIECES Newsy Items of Interest from Our County Exchanges.,' ' 1 (From tho Milton Eagle , , j And now , they .tell us , ;that,our old- friend ' and whilom partner, Harry'. Bowmer; has joined the Southern Methodist church and is resolved hereafter to lead a right-1 eous life; i The Eagle has been issued under difficulties this week, as the editor i has been held in quarantine, not only from the town, but also from the composing and press rooms of the paper. ; . . . ' ; . Here's to Mayor Richey and the newly elected officers! May their administration be a prosperous one and add much to the growth of our thriving little city. Ral ph Steen, the young son of the late W. M. Steen, received a severe fall from a horse on last. Saturday evening while returning homo from a . debate at Dry Hollow, school houBe.-1 Mrs. Nathan Pierce met with a painful accident yesterday which will probably prevent her from at tending to her household duties for several weeks to come. The lady was iri the hay-loft of . their . barn and in coming down the steps gave way. ; ' :- ' v. tKrom Im WostonLtadw, 3 Last Saturday, Uncle ' Charley Rowley suffered a svery severe at tack of sickness, greatly to ' the alarm of his relatives and ' friends.' A John Van Slyke, who went out with the coyote hunters, claims to have tho champion coyote dog in Eastern Oregon, and expects the canine to make a record. : ' , " Mrs. McMorria and daughter, Miss Lillian, expect to start next Wednesday on their visit to Cali fornia, where they will remain dur ing the winter months. San Fran cisco, Los Angeles and otner places will be visited. ... .Tuesday afternoon, a small hoy was caught in the. act of going through the pockets of students, cloaks and overcoats in the hall way at the "Normal school. No valuables were taken, and the youngster escaped punishment. A social danco was given .last Monday evening on Wild Horse mountain at. the home of R, F. Johnson, known as Fairview Farm, Everything proceeded merrily un til midnight, when, it is reported, there came an unexpected interup tion that put a "kibosh on the even ing's enjoyment. The story is that a young man by the name of Tom Good, who was aching to disting uish himself in some original man ner walked up to where the music ians were seated and cut all the strings of the fiddles ' with sundry sweeps of his jack-knife. Of course tho dance had now to be declared adjourned, and a' Uood was a "pretty, good man" physic illy,' and r- 7 ' -i 1 - jt - " in ci .our "'.Eviammoth'--Line 11 - ! i - t I. ' -s'.. : had some liquid; courage aboard, he escaped phptisement. ,v -. : ; i Froimthe lCastcrri Oregon Farm Eccord.) Robert- A. Wab' ron and Mis3 Rosa A. Dickinson . were united in marriage by Rev; George on last Wednesday. " .... , Supervisor Garrett has been re constructing the bridgeacross Birch creek i)ear the postofiice this week.- Monday Frank Jordan and Grant Horn dipped, their sheep. The weather was not very favorable for such work.; , ' ; ' ' - S. G.. Powell, a horse buyer, was in town Sunday. ., Mr." Powell is buying: horses for the Honolulu market", . He lokes none but heavy draft hbrses. It looks as if there wa3 still a demand for horses when they will send from the Hawaiian Islands for them.' ' - , In-the,fog and darkness Satur day nigh'i Chas. Stover ran into a fence and broke his buggy to pieces," bqtu-all ythe same, Jessie did not have to walk home. ; ' Sheriff's Fes. V ' In speaking of the expense the state is put too by sheriffs fees the Portland Oregonian says: '"In January Sheriff Houser, of1 Uma tilla county, charged the state the following bills for conveying con victs toi the -penitentiary: Janu ary -24U. $144 20; 27th, 145 20; 30th, .$211 30; 31st, $130 60;", total. $G31 40 He conveyed 10 convicts and usefi eight guards altogether. Milage (is of course, charged, up for the guards at 10 cents a mile, as welliaa for the sheriff. The ac tual exbense to the sheriff in rail road fcje of all these trips is, at a very lip eral estimate, " a little over $400, s that a profit of about $200 is realt'.ed." " . rr , , - - A Significant Departure. " With the closing of another year when a review is made of the con ditiiivof affairs, it is only right th:ii some thought be given to the phisiial body which enables every oneju battle with' life's problem. It suddenly dawrs upon many that goodj'iealtri has been greatly im poverished, by thtj low condition of thi blood. The lactic acid in the y tal fluid attacks the fibrous lissuts, particularly the joints, and causfg rheumatism. Thousands of poplo have found in Hood's Sars.parilla a positive and perm aneii' cure for rheumatism. . : . Dr. BUI Was Convicted. 1 J. I. Bill was tried and convicted in Julge Stephens' -court in Port landou the charge of the larceny of a vatch and chain, a field-glass, a revvler and several other artic les, tie personal property of Mrs. M. S.i Marvin. The goods were re covered bv the rolioe at various ' pawrlhops, where 1111 pawned j then 'unuer the name of William I Jon!. J. William j and E. II. Mil-iler... 0 Is new," eaclQ uarters E STORE." iJ b Li Main StreM, . Athena, . .; Milton Ejection, .-.r It is said that the' Milton Eagle ticket was somewhat "scratched" at t he poles Tuesday, and the "pop" ticket which the. paper was. inclin ed to poke fun at, came in on the stretch with a whoop. Those elect ed are; Mayor, , J. .S. Richey; re corder, E. . B. Tolen ; treasurer, N. A. Davis; marshal, J. W, Dyke; council men, L. J. Mclntyre, C, W. Armstrong, James Evans, H. L. Fnuier, S. A. Miller. . : . There are two reasonable things which everybody should do; take good care of one's 'health; " and if lost, regain it quickly, and to this everybody will agree. Aud there are a great multitude of people who are agreed that for - both purposes Simmons Liver Regulator is the best helper. ; "I am troubled with torpid liver and nothing gives re lief so quick like Simmons Liver Regulator." It. R. . Strange, Lake City, Fla. -, ' ... ... ., I " " ...... I.-', ' A Great German's Prescription. ' , Diseased blood, constipation, and kidney, liver and bowel troubles are cured by Karl's Clover Root Tea, i For sale bv Osburn. void . Pneumonia, diphtheria and typhoid fever, by keeping the blood pure, the appetite good and the body healthy vigorous by the use of Hood's Sarsaparilla. - . . .v ; Hood's , Pills have won high praise for their prompt and efficient yet easy action. Books! Booksl An endless vari ety at the Post-Office Store.."-'- - . 9 LtLTjI Cough-cure, the most, prompt and effective remedy for diseases of the throat and lungs, is' Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. As au emergency nietli. ,cie, for the cure of Croup, Sore Throat, Lung Fever and Whooping: Cough, AYER'S .?f i jl Cherry IVctoral cannot be equaleu. , A'-:t' the American -Bap. tist Publishing Society, Petersburg, Va endorses it, as a cure for violent colds, bronchitis, etc. Ir. Brawley also adds: To all ministers suffering from throat troubles, 1 recommend ' ,f as mrtk tjSiSiry t CCtCi al Aruizi IT at TfTcrld's Fair. im FILLS Got Unr ici f.csKa TroSis IS-. V Novel and Approprtiae Will bo found iu cur Doll Heads, Doll . Pans,-iron, hickle, . paper, at prices that Albums, Bibles, Christmas Girds, Games, Chi na and Glassware and in fact our store is re . plete with r' f -J , j - , - Big Hearted Bargains : Have sufficient variety to insure easy choice We will not J. 0". PAEKEE, SHAVING, HAIRCUTTING ' ' - SHAMPOOING, f . ,'t ; ' HAIRSINGING, THE In Latest Styles. WET HUT UK CULL) WATIiH liATlTS. 23 rPMTQ ointer, Cha.pman, C. W; 1 Of Thirty Years Experiance,' is Desireous of Locating in Athena. Sign and Buggy painting. Charges to suit the har3 times. Read These Prices. 11 cans Axle grease.,;...;..,.. 3 J 00 5 gal can Machine oil...' . ..... ..... ... .... . , ; ' 1 75 Binding twine per ib. . . . . . , . . . . . ... ... . . ' g cts Draper 12-foot Hodge Header. .-f. ........... ',. ......,. .' 28 60 Spout draper. . . .. . ........... . ..r ... . . ... . , ; ' 101V AU Kinds of extras for the fillovlru? mnt'hiiie. Tlireshcrs-PiUs. '8sp. dvnnrw'iwm -1'ittH, iiM! and Wooflhury. K(-adcrR-liit, cjiso. Kiiii.l.U!.l.iiir-:5.,t1l!ii'M.; (,rcffin Hntnci Mownipr mactiine extras for Champion any style, VU)itoIy, Kmpire. U ixxis. KurkejV t.imlvrs clilnoi nuckeye, Deerm and Plana Drniwr aud drapeMtUek. fur any kind of ma- We can fnniish repairs for any-nuw.hlnelf not on hand aisliorfwsr rxiMible thne nd nt ' lowest possible cot- If you do not sen what you want you mul ask for it we are nr? to haVeit. THE C. BAEBETT GO. J w-sFiim;,- ATHEHA, ORE0C:i r-Ti IF YOU WISH TO borrow money on real estate, r S?ell or hoy farm or city property; have yourlife in '. siired; have ymu property insured against fire io t!-.ixist companies in the world; invest money at god intent and have it well f-eiured; have Deeds, . UTS, Contract. Lens, etc., drawu correctlv. call on V. T. Mortsji GiLM AN, Athena, Ore. He represents the followinjr first-claea are insurance companies; Phccnix, Home, Royal, Gcr man, Caledonian and-Nortlrf V""-s tit. his own prdicies and gJAviill I. I j and at the lotst rate? at wl w w i.atiU'8 wt.I takfl r:i.!cR TT' Equitable Life Insura vast Selection of . . DOLLS . . Heads, Toys in Plaster of brass, tin, wood, china anU-t will astonish you-ll. be Undersold. 1 1 Oregon Proprietor of ELECTRIC BARBER SHOP. Jsutnf nut All Jobs. . . . Entrusted to him will be done honestly and in best of 1 Style .... ( Satisfaction is guaranteed in all his Work, Plain and decorative paper hanging, house rm n i i n i in I I I I I R I Jill-f I" in ULIl n fiTn iJUIll rrt.VS-OXLY