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About The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 20, 1895)
ion, its advertising Yates are within the reach of all. THE" PRESS "touches the spot." f I if :). ... w - ,. . I . i : ,1 NT I ' " j - , 1W 13 . will, the one all that dares to do as it ' pleases without regard to any or all'oth& i-he one by which a - strange, diploff Atic fiction has long been called th6 "Sick Man," and the vei y existence of which has . been Baid to depend upon the favor " " "of Europe. Ve'jjnow the truth at last. ; It is the jfest'bdf Europe that 1 exists through the sufferance of the ;JTurk, France, Germany and Bus- " sia secretly acknowledge the sultan I as their suzerain. ' Italy and Aus- S triallungary are tributary states ' ! to Turkey. Great Britain is actu--' ally under an Ottoman protector- " ute, the queen wearing her crown only by virtue of a license issued by the porte. , The jrailroad statistics of the piftiTof Pennsylvania show that only one pnssenger out of every 4, ' 325,'718 carried was killed during , la3t year, and only 1 out of 204,- 947 injured, but the imployes were not so fortunate, as 1 out of every 23 was injured.1. We have all along suspected that it was safer to be a pa?finger than an employe, evea if you travel on a pass. Tub Ellenaburg Register makes the startling announcement, that the opening of the free wool market has knocked in the head fifty ' mil rJions'o'ptfr sheep, and if nothing Our Next President . Is hid behind the obscurity. The lirm of C W. Hol lis, however, is not bothered any political drapery, and politics may come, and politics may go, but we sell on forever. This week we put on our counters, a splendid line of v..' . - ' m . M 5 MBOY'S CHEVOIT SUITS, AGES 5 TO 12 YEARS ... .3 Boy's Blue Eton Caps. ........ Boy's Navy Caps, vith'cover Boy's and Gir' Yacht Caps. . . Boy's and Girl's Tarn O'Shanters N i. MOLLIS' slaughter in two reat resource of le will have van- a take into con- jthat there wm ep in the Uni- e en the market ool, the Btate of them have 4he head thereby, Nearly 5,000,000 lad when the free lit into effect have Vm r robabjy it Has knocking in the ep over in &ng- some other free Jt Republicans are Ids all important hey were elected for any one par as to bring back quick about it. Will they meet expectation by putting H pnnp.t.incr Hneedilv a o " A T .1 e measures i n iaey deserve the continued :ie country and prob- But if, as seems like- plajv a waiting game, do .nng ana try io iooi peopiw mcy V 3.. J f yp&y have to face a reaction. The office of collector of internal revenue for the district of Oregon, which includes Washington, Idaho and Alaska, has been abolished, and the district is merged into the California office. This lets Henry Blackmail out of a fat office, which he has held little over a year. As he has been ordered to report in Washington it is likely the admin istration will provide for him. All internal revenue business for the Pacific states will have to be done in San Francisco. Thebe is a pleasant prospect that this country will have to deal not only with the Nicaragua Canal question but with the whole Nica' rngua question 'at the present seasion ofcongressV The dispatch es frqm Managua and from London indicate that the American com pany which holds the preeent con cession is trying the dangerous ex periment of a "bluff" on the gov ernment of the United States. This is not only unpatriotic but in judicious. One of the neatest publications we have seen for a long time is be fore us. It is called '"The Clarion," and is published in Portland in interest of Bi-Metalism. The persecuted Armenians make a most patheticappeal to England for protection. Half a million have sought safety in the confines veil of political HAVY BLUE AND BROVIIJ AT $2.75 PER SUIT. 35c 40o COo G5o Athena - of the mountains and are subsist ing on herbs. Death either from "cold or starvation must result un less immediate relief is had. If the cries of these half million starr ing Christians do not arouse all Europe to action, their boasted civ ilization should never" again be paraded. -" ' - The assessor's office of Umatilla county has been catching it hot and heavy for the past lew days.. The returns of every other county in the state, except Umatilla have t, in the handa of the board of equalization at Salem, and the delay of Umatilla's returns have but taxed extra and unnec essary expense to the tax-payers of the state. THE MONROE DOCTRINE MAIN- J TAINED. A Ringing Message From Cleveland on the Venezuelan Question. Tuesday President Cleveland sent to congress a message on the reply of Great Britian in the Venezuelan dispute. The reply is embodied in two communications addressed by the British prime minister to Sir Julian Paunceforti, British ambassador. The president savs: "It will be seen that one of these communications is devoted exclusively to observations upon the Monroe doctrine, and claims that in the present instance a new and strange extension and develop ment of this doctrine is insisted on by the United States, and that the reasons iustifving an appeal to the dectrino enunciated by President Monroe are generally inapplicable to the state of things in which we live at the present day, and especi ally inapplicable to the controversy involving the boundary line be tween Great Britian and Venezue la. "Without attempting extended arguments to reply to these posi tions." the president eays, "it may not be amiss to suggest that the dostrine upon which we stand is strong and sound, because its en forcement is important to our Doun try and safety, as a nation and es sential to tbe integrity ot our tree institutions and the tranquil main , tenance of our distinctive form of government. It was intended to apply to every stage of our national life and cannot become aosoieie while our republic endures. That we should not seek to apply the Monroe doctrine to the pending dispute becaie it does not embody any principle of international law is' in my opinion erroneous. "This government has proposed to the government of Ureat .Britian to resort to arbitration as the proper means of settling the ques tion. It will be seen from the cor respondence herewith submitted that this proposition has been de clined by the government upon grounds which, under the circum stances, seem to be far irom satis factory. The course to be pursued by this government, in view of the present condition, does not appear to admit of serious doubt. Noth ing remains but to accept the situa tion, to recognize its plain require ments and deal with it accordingly. The dispute has reached such a stage as to make it now incumbent upon the United States to take measures to determine with suf ficient certainty for its justification what is the true divisional. In order that Buch an examination should be prosecuted in a thorough and satisfactory manner, I suggest that congress make adequate ap propriation for the expenses of a commission to be appointed by the executive who shall make the nec essary investigation and report up on the matter with the least pos sible delay. When such a report is made and accepted it will, in my opinion, be the duty of the United States to resist, by every means in its power, as a willful ag gression unto its rights and inter est, the appropriation by Great Britian of any lands or exercise" governmental jurisdiction over any territory which, after investigation, we have determined of right be longs to Venezuela. In making these recommendations, I am fully alive to the responsibility incurred and keenly tealize all the conse quences that may follow." There's no calamity which a great nation can invite which equals that which follows supine submission to wrong and injustice ar.d consequent loss of national self-respect and honor, beneath which is shielded and de fended the people's safety and great ness." Virtue Mine Hold-up. Saturday night two masked men held up the store at the Virtue mine, in Baker county. The store keeper was ordered to open the safe and 14 in silver was found. Several miners in the 6tore were not molested. it Save. Lives Every Day. Thousand of cases of Consump tion. As bad Coughs, Colds and Croup are cured every day by Shil ho's Ci'Jor sale by Odburn. us. . j'j If "Vnii mill waint I CHRISTMAS PRE8ENT8, OF iTViii re you want to buy presents where VJM. MJmac you can gnd the best assortment and where your "Big Iron Dollar" will buy the the most. QUESTION: WHERE? ANSWER: When in Pendleton, be sure The "Blue Front" to lookup if yori don't know tbe place, any child can tell you where "they have those nice Dolta." for so little money, we have everything suitable for presents for children as well aa for grown follts. Dolls from 1 cent to Five Dollars. Albums (good ones) from fifty cents, up. 1 Tea Sets 5, 10, 17, 33c to $1.50. " ,.' Bound Books at 20c or 6 for $1.00. Nice Doll Buggies for 35c. Celluloid Picture frames you used to pay 50 cents for, we sell 2 for 25 cents. Picture Books for children from Scents, up. Rocking horses, wagons, drums, horns velocipedes, toilet canes, shaving nets, vases, cups and saucers, and other goods too numerous U mention. You must come and see for yourself, if you don't want to buy, come and see, any way. It Is a treat and will do you good. Be sure and re member the place, THE "BLUE FRONT." ; . . . 715 MAIN STREET, PENDLETON. TO HOMESTEADERS. The Law In Regard to Cutting and Dis posing of Timber. La Grande, Ore., Dec. 11. Inasmuch as much interest is be ing manifested in the 'question as to whether or not a homesteader is permitted to cut timber and remove the same from the tract embraced in kis entry, and as an erroneous impression is going abroad as to just what the law , is on he sub ject, we have thought it a matter of justice to those concerned, to state the rule applicable to such cases. Homesteaders will find the same printed in red ink upon the margin of the duplicate receipts is sued by the land office officials, and it is a follows: .. ''Timber land embraced in a homestead, of other entry not con summated, ikty be cleared in order to cultivate wie lind and improve the premisesut for no other pur pose. If, "after cleaning the land for cultivation, there remains more there is no objection to the tettler flisnnsinir of the same. But the question whether the land is being cleaned for ita timber for legitimate purposes is,a question of facts which is liable to be raised at any time. If theStimber is cut and re moved for any other purpose it will subject the entry to cancella tion, and the person who cut it will be liable to civil suit, for the value of feaid! timber, and also to criminal prosecution under Section 2,451 of the Revised Statutes. This has been the law of the case for many years and is the law now, and persons interested should act accordingly. B. F. Wilson, Register, : J. II. Bobbins, Receiver. 1 ASSESSMENT HOLL COMPLETE. Was Forwarded to the Board of Equa lization Last Night. Yesterday's Tribune says the as sessment roll was completed short ly after midnight last night, and will be forwarded to the state board of equalization at Salem today. It shows that the gross value of all property in Umatilla county is $7,471,535; exemptions, $455,U71; total taxable property, $7,016,464. The number of persons who pay poll tax is 1767. Tho roll shows the value of pro perty to be as follows: Acres of cultivated land, 138,01)7; value, 2,7&?,978. Acres of unimproved land, 338, 279; value, $577,975. Improvements on deeded lands, $404,641. Improvements on land not deed ed or patented, $106,070. Value of city property, $1,613, 542. -! t Miles of railroad bed and tele graph and telephone lines, 316; value, $838,284. Value of merchandise aud im plements, $528,997. Money, notes and accounts, $279 618. .Households furniture, carriages, etc, $182,65(K Number cf horses and mules, 13,393; valui, $192,620. Number of cattle, 12,938; value, $140,000. i Number of sheep and goats, 2C4, 284; value $104,284. Number oi swine. 6801; value, $21,846. J : vCotiiVy Cllerk BurroughV night and day forces of clerks are engag ed Jn copying the roll and will have te work completed by this afternoon.; t .-'-The delay on the part of Asses sor Gilliam U getting the roll ready for the board of qualization has been unjustly criticized,- fia it was Get Them at the "BLUE FRONT" Pendleton, Oregon, TUC ATUrilA DCCTAIIRANT IIIL M I llLlin iikuinwiinin w MRS. HARDIN, Proprietress. : : : H. P. MILLEN, Manager. w Can be recommended to the public as being flrst-class in every particular. ' :.; we i. : Employ White help only. Ifr" 1TD A ATT TTrVTTTC! C1VT1TS. TRADE MARKS. DESIGN PATENTS, COPYRIGHTS. ttoJ For Information and free Handbook write to MV.TM Or V. OV4 - " TT I . ' T . V ' I I . Oldest bureau for aecurlng patent In America. Ererv natent taken out by u is brought before MUM a CO., 861 BBOADWAT, MW Yon. tbe publlo br a notice given free of cliarge la toe Larmat circulation of any aclentlfle paper In the world. BDlendidlr illustrated. No lntelllirent man should be without It. Weekly. 3.(10 a year; f 1.90 MX months. Address, BUNK ft C roausBUS, S61 Broadway, Hew York City, CO., wholly due to a desire to equalize the assessment as nearly as pos sible. Bailey Sues Rourke. - D. W. Bailey has brought suit in the state circuit court against T. F Rourke, Bays the Portland Oregon lan, for a partnership accounting. alleging that Rourke is his debtor in a large sura. Bailey states that he and Juourke, during tne vear 1891 and the year 1892, and up to March o, were engaged in various enteiprises and business together and that there existed betwee them an open and mutual account Bailey asserts that at divers times Rourke received large sums of money, to be used for their benefit Bailey says he has often demanded an accounting from Kourke for th several joint sums in his possesion and that he has related to com ply. t , The wife of Mr. D. Robinson, prominent lumberman-of Hartwick N. Y., was sick with rheumatism for five months. In speaking of it Mrs. Robinson savs: "Uiiamber Iain's Pain Balm is the only thing that gives me rest from pain. For the relief of pain it cannot be beat. Many verv bad . cases of rheuma tism have been cured by it. For sale at 50 cent per bottle by Pioo eer Drug Store. - How's This. We offer One Hundred Dollars reward for any case of Catarrh tbat cannot be cured by Hani catarrn vurv. F. J.rHENEY CO., Toledo, a We, tbe undersigned have known F. , Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him f ions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by their Arm. Wst & Tai'as, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, waldino. KisKAK A Marvix, Wholesale Drufrgista, Toledo, O. Hall's fatarra Cure Is taken internally, act ing directly npon the blood and mucous sur lace of the system. Testimonials sent free Price 73c, per bottle. Bold by alt Druggists. perfectly honorable in all businesa trar I Sclentlfio American fh s , Afleney Administrator's Notice. Notice Is hereby piven that the undersigned has been appointed administrator of tin es tateof Joe. t . Depot deceased, and all person having rlalms against tlteestai wl mid d eeawd are hereby mHitled to present the me, duly verified as by law required, to the under signed el his place of business in Atbena, rnutiilWrauuty, tiregon, within six ntoutha from the date hereof. Dated this mix day or November, lsav tV lu. M tw ro vt Aduuuitrator. The Peoples ;;-.WMQuse" Pendleton's CASH Traders. T7VERYTHING io woolen or cotton, that is made -into Dress Goods can be found on our. shelves. Ladie's Cloths fron 37 to 60 inches wide, Henri- i ' ette's from 15c per yard up to. 756, in all the fash- ; ionable shades. Crepons, jjoleil, . Bengaline, Whip- cord, French Serge, Storm Serge, and in fact any- thing you may want. Trimmings in silks, Velvets and Pa8samenteries we . have them all,' nothing missing. You'll save yourself both time and money by going direct to -: : : . : : - THE PEOPLES WAREHOUSE. . COLE agents Broadhead's Worsted Mills, producers ' of best wearing Dress Goods, in handsomest variety of samples u.-de in the United. States. Samples, sent on application. ' Muslim Canton Flannels, Calicos and Ginghams in every cooeievable quality and patterns at prices have no competition; , WE LEAD AND OTHERS FOLLOW TPABLES Linens from 20c per yard ' upwards, and Towels from 5 cts. a piece upwards. Flannels in all colors and grades. Hosiery for men, women and children in wollen or cotton, plain or ribbed, black or gray. Underware for men, women or children in heavy, flat goods or jersey-ribbed, in red, white or gray and at any price you need. Hoods and fascin ators galore, Capes and Jackets, all season of 1895, nothing old, all bright, new stuff. LARGEST As sortment. LOWEST Prices. : : : : : "COR men, boys, youths and children, from Den- j im : to Broadcloth and clay Worsted, from the ' . cheapest to choicest and in styles to please a dude or a" clergyman. Immense assortment. Unlimited variety prices tbe lowest and fit guaranteed." 126 suits that we've sold at from $12 to $22 wilLbe closed . out at $10. : : ' : Si ': ;-- : v : j CHILDREN'S Shoes 35c up, women's Shoes from $1 up, men's fine shoes from $1.50 up. men's '. good, Calf Boots,' $2.50 and up.' "We sew, free of charge, all shoes bought of us that rip." ' : : : The foregoing should be of interest to you, only if you are a cash buyer; not otherwise, as ours is the strictly Cash Store in Pen dleton, that buys goods for Cash and CaRh only; that sells goods for Cash, and Cash only, and that haR only to do with Cash people Goods marked in plain figures and no deviation in price. THE PEOPLES WAREHOUSE SOLE AGENTS FOR BUTTERICK'S PATTERNS Pendleton, Oregon. . W. P. LEACH, am SUCCESSOR TO ;.;.a-,---NA;M!.LLE.R THE - ' LEADING FURNITURE DEALER THE ATHEM MARKET FRANK BEAL, proprietor. AFRESH e MEAT ALWAYS OH HAND Highest Cash Price paid 4. for Butcher's Stock. -L- YOU GET THE VERY BEST AND LOTS OF IT, WHEN YOU SPEND MONEY WITO BEALE Main Street. WHEAT? Yes, wheat bought at all Stations on the O. R. & N., and W. &C Go's, railway lines. Farmers may see me in Athena every day this winter. C F. BULFINCH, .Agent for Dement Bros. CHRISTMAS GOODS AT .. THE PEOPLES CASH GROCERY TOY TOYS TOYS Having received a Consignment of Fancy Goods, and also Toys in the line of Christmas Presents, and as they "have been invoiced to me at cost, I will be ' able to sell them at Hard Time Prices- Way down to Bedrock, and Every Body will be able to Gladen the Hearts of their Children, or friends witn Presents at a very small figure. Yours Respectfully. . MAX LEWIN, Proprietor. J W SIV1ITH, ATHEHA, OREGON, THE PRESS FOR THE NEWS-ONIXt lower man me lowesi. ve- : :. : '. : '' We buy for Cash and sell for ' ' . . . Cash strictly Athena, Oregon OTARY PUBLIC 5.. - ,:. s f.