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About The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 1, 1895)
Yes, Our Ship Pulled in ...... 1 mwz In 1 . Si 1 ' i '-av- And we 'been sawing wood' ever since to get the big stock of Dry Goods and Clothing it was loaded with, placed for your inspection. 3TOf course, this IiUiUiiuiuuiuauuiiiiiuaiiiiiuuiiiiUiUiUiiiiiiiUiaiUii UMATILLA COUNTY IN PIECES Newsy Items of Interest from Our County Exchanges. From the Pilot. Hook Record. Mark Sturtevant has brougl t the A. J. Sturtevant band of cattle out of the mountains for the winter. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Johnson and daughter Carrie left Wednesday for a brief visit to Mrs. Johnson's Bis tor nt. Wflston ' There are nt present C2 f-cholnra in the public ochool. There is nothing remarkable about this, but it is rather a remarkable coinci dence that there should be just 31 boys and 31 girls and marriage a failure. Rev. P. E. George and family ar rived lust Friday from Milton and are now comfortably dfmociled in the parsonage, where they invite everybody to call and got acquaint ed. : Pilot Rock ..does not propose to a behind the time9 in any particu lar. A short time ago the E. 0. chronicled the fact that an opos sum which would make the colored man's mouth water was killed noar Pendleton. This week Oscar Do Vaul killed a racoon down in Stur tevant's field, which, when dressed, reminded one of a miniature two year old beef. The coon is relish ed by the gentleman of African des cent fully na much as the 'possum. I From tlio ptmclU-ton Tribune Some of our ranchers are buying straw for winter feed, not having raised sufficient feed for their stock for the coming winter. At the first annual meeting of the subscribers to the stock of the Pendleton Woolen Mills, held in the oflice of the scouring mills Sat urday afternoon the following board of directors was elected: E. Y, Judd, T. E, Fell, E. P. 15oyd, W I). Hansford and F. E. Judd. A report was received from Pilot Rock to the effect that a young school teicher there tried to com mit suicide on Friday morning by doubling a tape line around her neck and pulling it until she turned black in the face. A man appeared on the scene in time to gave her .it'o. .' From tlio Milton Eagle. Mrs. Dr. '"Stiles, of Weston, has been spending tho week with Mil ton friends. ..-. Mi Maude WVid and Mrs. Ben nett, two ladies of this city, have charge of the laundry department at the Umatilla agency. Married, in this city on Sunday, October 20, 18'J5, at tho office of the Justice of the Peace, Edwin S. Stowe, Mr. Pclbert Hughes to Miss Mary E. Lecdy. Wm. Anderson the Adams gentle man who bought the Frank Nich AYl have 5 ia at HOLLIS- s ols place, is over this week making extensive repairs preparatory to moving over his family. , An Eagle compositor, who has been enjoying a week's vacation on Eureka Flat, reports that geese have lately been Coming in there in largo numbers and that many of the birds are being bagged by sports men. Chris Majer was thrown from his buggy and severely injured Satur while on his way to Cottonwood from Walla Walla. HesufFered the fracture of two ribs and severe bruises about tho chest and head. Pan McEachren and wife return ed home from Medical Lake, where they havo been spending the sum mer, last Saturday evening, and Pan has been busy every since shaking hands and greeting old friends who one and all are glad to see him once moro with us. From tho Milton Mlllonliui. 0. W. Ilansell, Athena's genial deputy postmaster, came over Wed nesday for a supply of fruit. E. S. SummervUle had the mis fortuno to have ono of his legs ser iously sprained by a horse falling with" him while out riding near Pendleton last week. Elder Paisley's lectures at the Christian church are attracting large audiences. Last Sunday even ing standing room could not be secured by many. ,' George Ireland traded for a span oi muu-eyea aonneys inis ween. Just what George is going to do with them he does not know, but he thinks likely he can secure a situation as sditor-in-chief of the Eagle for the more intelligent one. From the Kmt OregonlMi. A Rpecial meeting of the Com mercial Association was held Fri day evening, to consider the pro position which Messrs. Bunphey & Burns had to make regarding the establishment of a plant to manu facture water moters and concen trators. I Friends of. Mrs. J. P. Wager nave received announcements of her wedding to Mr, Arthur C. Wood ward at Geneva, Ontario county, New York. Mr, and Mrs. Wood ward will reside in Watkina, New York. The wedding occurred on October 3. Thanksgiving night, November 28, The Pendleton Lodge, B. P. O. E., will entertain. Preparations are now being made ior an elabor. ate affair, and the various commit tees appointed will see that noth ing in tho way of endeavor is lack ing to render this social session the most enjoyable yet given. Coyotes will eat watermelons, a fact of which but few persons are aware. Recently, the man ot the ( Bailey Ditch company's larru near Umatilla put poison in the water melons and the coyotes no longer howl of nights down around that ranch. The coyotes will bite off the end of a melon, and eat out the entire contents, leaving only the rind. By putting poison inside a melon," the night prowler eats his way into the melon and death. Miss Woodruff has returned from visiting schools. She found the schools in Umatilla, Echo and No lin in a fairly prosperous condi tion. At Echo the room is crowd ed, causing an extra amount of work for one teacher. Miss Mor gan at Nolin is doing the best work that has been done for several years. She also has the largest attendance of which Nolin could boaBt for five years. . DON'T LIKE CITIZENSHIP. A Memorial to be Presented to Con gress By the Indians. Young Chief; Charlie Chapless better known as Charlie Whirl wind and other Indians of influ ence on the reservation, don't like the degrading customs that are en tailed by the modes of civilization. They are planning for one of the big gest pow-wows in tho history of the three nations who inhabit the hills of the Umatilla reserva tion, which is to take place in a short time. At this great pow-wow tho whys and wherefores will be entered into detail, and congress in a lengthy memorial will be in formed that citizenship has demor alized the Indians; that citizenship privileges him to fill up on fire water to hir heart's content, and that he is brought to shame and degradation by ending up in the "skookum house," and then con signed to the chain gang, which is far beneath the dignity of the royal siwash. No doubt the big meeting of the red men will be one of great inter est and considerable eloquence, for there are other chiefs and braves who have many followers, who, be it said to their credit are stoutly in favor of citizenship and whiskey. Among those who will stand up in the council and defend citizenship and the paleface customs, are two chiefs of high rank and who carry themselves in the light of "big In jun" among their red brethern. A merry time is expected. How to Prevent Croup, Some reading that will prove in vesting to you mothers. How to guard against the disease. Croup is a terror to young moth era and to post them concerning the case, first symptoms and treat ment is the object of this item. The origin of croup is a common cold. Children who are subject to it take cold very easily and croup is al most sure to follow. The first symptoms is hoarsness; this is soon followed by a peculiar rough cough which is easily recognized and will never be forgotten by one who has heard it. The time to act is when the child first becomes hoarse, If Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is freely given all tendency to croup will soon disappear. Even after the croupy cough has developed it will prevent the attack. There is no danger in giving this remedy for it contains nothing injurious. For sale by P. M. Kirkland, Pioneer Pnvj Store. Another Change Talked of. A change in time is talked of on the 0. It. & N., which would make a radical difference in the train schedules. It is not officially spok en of. but it is understood the U. P. is figuring on reducing the run ning time by eight or ten hours. This arrangement, if effected, would also change the Spokane train, probably making it a night run, and giving the Great Northern at Spokane a better connection with the 0. R. & N. would put on day local trains from Pendleton to Pay ton or some other point up the Washington division. At present it is all speculation, and no official information can be obtained on the subject. f Indians Returning. .Umatilla Indians have been re turning to Umatilla county from Wallowa county in considerable numbers for several days past, with their packhorses heavily la den with salmon, which they had caught in the streams of that coun- ty. , Pendleton Machine Shops. Pendleton is about to have a foundry and machine shop. Two gentleman are negotiating for the old plant there, and should they get it, water moters and stamp mills will be manufactured. Gamblers Indicted, Gamblers were indicted by the wholesale by the late grand jury. Forty indictments were made. The most of the gamblers who were fined were from Milton, Echo and Pendleton, , Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder World's Fair Highest Award. MINING IN ATHENA. A Lady Asks for Information and Gets It. . There is a lady in this city who is interested in the Trail creek country and is trying hard to learn and understand mining phrases. Her husband is doing his best to teach, her as will be allowed by the following. The other night when he return ed h ime, as he sat on three chairs and peeled off his boots for the evening, she said: "My dear, I wish you would tell me how they get gold and silver out of a mine. I thought they bored into the ground with a pay streak till they struck the shaft, and then they drifted for the " "No, I must stop you there; you are getting a little off the proposi tion; you probably have the" right idea, but you are using terms that are not quite correct. When they get the wall of rock on the dump, then they pick the night shift, salt the contact and blast out the ver tical line, then they drift for the blossom rock, baled hay and pov erty till they strike the varicose vein, which is a good proposition. After that it's a 6hort job to put on the bias fold and sample their stockholders, where bituminous du plex bisects the brocaded porphyry and scallops the gouge with cross eyed shearings of bi-carbonate and bilious colic, interlaced with an tique quads of free copper and free milling erysipelas. This is not always a good proposition, how ever, for indirectly, or reversely, perhaps more or less, as the case might be, and still we might not. according to whether we did or did not, perhaps if not as already described, we wouldn't be positive about anything that might be doubtful," and he laughed a cold laugh and went to bed. . The only permanent cure for chronic catarrh is to thoroughly expel the poison from the system by the faithful and persistent use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla. The won derful remedy proves successful when all other treatment has failed to relieve the sufferer. For Sale. One of the best residences in town. Will sell cheap or trade for cattle. For particulars apply at this office. " J A cough which persists day after day, should not be neglected any longer. It means something more than a mere local irritation, and the sooner it is releived the better. Take Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. It is prompt to act and sure to cure. FREE. ' '' , . The Northern Pacific Farmer, Published at Portland Oregon, now in its twenty-first year, is the best and in fact the only truly weekly agricultural paper published in the Northwest. It is sdited by Frank Lee, the granger editor, assisted by scores of correspondents, and con tains from 16 to 32 pages weekly, of agricultural, horticultural, stock, poultry, Western market reports, childrens, household, and other tems of interest that no one who has any interest in the farm or the Northwest can afford to be with out. At $1 cash in advance per year for this large weekly makes it the best and cheapest paper in tho United States. To all new sub scribers who will pay one years Bubcription to The Pkess in ad vance, and all old subscribers who will pay their back subscription and one years subscription in ad vance to The Press will receive this great Northwest journal free for one year. No one can afford to be without it. Sictt Headache Permanently Cured "I was troubled, a long time, with sick headache. It was usually ac companied with severe pains in the temples and sickness at the stoni nch, I tried a good many remedies recommended for this complaint ; but it was not until I be gan taking AYER'S , Tills that 1 received anything like perma nent bcnetlt. A sin gle box of these pills did the work for me, and I am now a well man. C. II. IIctchixgs, East Auburn, Me. For the rapid cure of Constipa tion, Dyspepsia, Biliousness, Nau sea, and all disorders of Stomach, -Liver, and Bowels, take Cathartic Pills Medal and Diploma at World's Fair. Ask 9at drsisitt lor Ayer. SarufiriRa, mm llz3 J li Scrofula in the Blood Causes Glands of the Neck to Swell Up Thla Trouble and a Casa of Rheu matism Cured by Hood 'a. 0. L Hood ft Co., Lowell, Maw. " Dear Sirs: A little ot a year ago ) had swelling come on the aide ot taj Deck. I waa ia very poor health generally and doctored two months with (ha family phyiloiaa who said my com plaint was a billons attack. His treat ment failed to hel me so I determined to try Hood's Bar saparilla. ' To n "5g great Joy, the iwdU ling on the aide oj my neoc disap peared. I waa ben- Mrs. w. n. Maiierne eflted for my other Meadow, w$b. ailments. ' Alt t taking three bottles ot the medicine,! hart not had a sick day since, I for one, reo ommend Hood's Sarsaparilla to the affllo- Hood's5 Cures ! ted, knowing what it has done tor ma la t the past. My husband was afflioted with ; rheumatism and had that tired reeling. He took Hood's Sarsaparilla and found It Just the Medicine Needed. We believe it will do all that is claimed for It, if given a fair trial. Both ot ns have used Hood's Vegetable Fills and are well pleased with them." Mbs. W. B. MA1 LEENEB, Meadow, Washington. N.B. Be Bare to get Hood's Sarsaparilla, Hood's Pills are purely vegetable, and de not gripe, purge, or pain. Sold by all druggists. CONFECTIONERY STORE ... AND BAKERY MISS LILLIE FISCHER, Pro . Candies, Nuts, " t Canned Goods, etc In endless varieties FRESH HOME-MADE BREAD EVERY DAY. Fischer Building, North side Main Street, THE PEOPLES ffi.. .,;:. n.-T .1 iTM.f THE LEADER OF LOW PRICES ONE PRICE TO ALL I announce, to the public that I have received a full stock of new goods, consisting of Groceries, Candies, Nuts, Oranges and Lemons, and which I now offer at the very lowest prices. Before purchasing your Fall Groceries, call and get prices. I defy all competition. Max Lewin, . Proprietor of "THE PEOPLE'S CASH GROCERY." DON'T STOP ' TOBACCO will be sent by mail upon receipt of price. Send six two-cent stamps for Sample; uUU mm FOR QUICK RETURNS, ADVERTISE IN THE ATHENA PRESS THE ATHENA MARKET FRANK BEAL, proprietor. MEAT ALWAYS OH a HANIH AFRESH Highest Cash Price paid v4 We buy for Cash and sell for for Butcher's Stock. "K Cash strictly YOU GET THE VERY BEST AND LOTS OF IT, WHEN YOU SPEND MONEY WITH BEALE Mais Street, The tbnmb is an unfading Index of character. The Square Type in. dicates a strong will, great energy and firmness. Closely allied la the Spatulated Type, the thumb of those of advanced ideaa and business ability. Both of these types belong to the busy man or woman; and Demoreat'a Family Magazine pre pares especially for such persona a wkolo volume of new ideas, con densed in a small space, so that the record of the whole world's work for a month may be rradein half aa hour. The Conical Type indicates refinement, culture, and a lore of music, poetry, and fiction. A person with this type of thumb will thor oughly enjoy the literary attractions . of Demoreat'a Magazine. The Ar tistic Type indicates a lore of beanty and art, which will find ran pleasure in the magnificent oll-pict-nn of roses, 16)4 x 4 inches, repro duced from the original painting by De Longpre, the moat celebrated of living Bower-painters, which will be given to every subscriber to Dcmorest's Magazine for 1895. The cost of thia superb work of art was $350.00t ' and the . reproduction cannot be distinguished from the original. Besides this, an exquisite oil or water-color picture is pnb liehed In each nn ruber of the Maga zine, and the articles are so pro. f uscfy and superbly illustrated that the Magazine is, in reality, a port folio of art works of the highest order. The Philosophic Type w the thumb of the thinker and inventor of ideas, who will be deeply Inter ested in those developed monthly in Dcmorest's Magazine, in every one of Its numerous departments, which cover the entire artistic and scientific field, chronicling every fact, fancy, and fad of the day. Demorest'a is simply a perfect Family Magazine, and was long ago crowned Queen of the Monthlies. Send in yonr subscription; it will cost only $2.00, and yon will have a dozen Magazines In one. Address W. Jhnkinub Dkmorkst, Publisher, 15 East 14th Street, New York. Though not a fashion magazine, its perfect fashion pases, and its articles on family and domestic matters, will be of superlative interest to those possessing tho Feminine Type of Thumb, which Indicates in its small size, slenderncss, soft nail, and smooth, rounded tip, those traits whirh belon? essentially to the 'Si v.. rentier sex, every ono of whom should subscribe to Bemorest'sMngazine. If yon are unacquainted with ta merits, send for a specimen copy (free), and ron will admit that seeing these THUMBS has pnt ron In the way of saving money by finding in one Magazine everything to satisfy the literary wants of k whole family. a wMk. ZxcluiiT. territory. Ths lUsMVht WMkMV WHh all UM Stihei for a huoilT ursa. mioate. Waakaa, rlam ant artta tbna wlUuml muiaz tha band,. Toa paab tha btattoa, tba machine dees toe riiv. Hrtgat, pouanea wineo, ana abaarhil wires, Ne aeaUel ODsera.BOeoiledhandearalethiDg, N. broken dies.., ao aavae. Cheep, erable,iramatea. Ctrealanfree IT. P. BABBUOH CO., dark Is. U, Vetaa 1', CASH GROCERY Its Injurious to stop Suddenly and don't be imposed upon by buying a remedy that re quires you to do so, aa it is nothing more than a sub stitute. In the sudden stoppage of tobacco you must have some stimulant, and in most all cases, the etfect of the stimulant, be opium, morphine, or other opi ates, leaves a far worse linbtt contracted. Ask your druggist about "BAeO-eUHO. ltis purely vege table. You do not have to stop using tobacco with BAeO-eURO. It will notify you when to stop and your desire for tobacco will cease. Your system win oe as ireeirom nicotine as t lie clay before yon took your first chew or smoke. An iron-clad written guar antee to absolutely cure the tobacco habit in all its forms, or money refund ed. Price il.00 per box or 8 boxs (30 days treatment and guaranteed cure) fi.oO. For sale by all druggist or will Mill mm Athexa, Oregon S Ado you know 1 You can buy the best m ' 3-ply Carpet for 80c; good Brussells for 50c ; Rugs, Lace and Silk Curtains and House & Furnishing Goods con siderably cheaper; than any place in the . State of Oregon, of Jessee Failing at Pen dleton? : : : : : : Sewing Machines Warrented 10 Years ' For $25. v r;: :.; I 1 Jesbu Failing, Pendleton. Or RIP;A-N-S The modern stand ard Family Medi cine: Cures the common every-day ills of humanity. THE- J COMMERCIAL, LIVERY - ; , FEED ; - g and ' U .SALE . ... . S STABLE i ' ' I The Best Turnouts in Umatilla County S Stock boarded by the day, , ' week or month. m ' ' 1 . FROOME BROS, Proprietors, - . ' m . ., - i Main Street, : Athena. tcAVEATSJRADEMARKst CAW I OBTAIN A PATENT? For a prompt answer and an honent opinion, write to WUSN & CO., who have bad nearly fifty rears' experience In the patent business. Communica tions strictly confidential. A Handbook ot la. formation concerninir 1'atentt) and bow to ob tain them sent free. Also a catalogue of fuechar. leal and scientific books sent free. Patents taken through Munn ft Co. reeelTO special uotloeln the Bclentiflc American, and thus are brought widely before the public with, put coat to the Inventor. Thla splendid paper, issued weekly, eleKantljr Illustrated, has byfar the largest circulation of any scientific work In the world. S3 a year. Sample conies sent free. Bullatna Edition, mnnfhlr. 2 filla tmr. Hlrurlo Copies, d.) cents. Every number contains beau. Copl tlfu uvm x co nw irons, ai bboaswat. Way Rates Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder W orld s Fair Highest Medal aa4 Oipkauu ao 'k xEjj'aiam i r We Do wor uown