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About The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 6, 1895)
UMATILLA COUNTY IN PIECES Newsy Items of Interest From Our County Exchanges. From the Weston Leader, After a run of twenty days Henry Stamper's heading outfit has laid up for the season. Prof. W. E. Marsh, a graduate of the E. O. S. N. S., will commence teaching at Blalock in a few days. where he was formerly employed. The infant child of Mr. and Mrs, N. R. Springer died recently at ' their home in rendleton. Ine be reaved parents have the sympathy of many Weston friends. A young man by the name of ISodine, working in the beading outfit of E. B. Duncan, had his shoulder dislocated by the over turning of his header bed the other day. William Henry, accompanied by his brother Hiram, returned to Weston Thursday. The boys have been traveling through Idaho see ing the country with a view of lo cating. A lawsuit between Horatio Tay lor and Nate Sams has been set for next Friday in the court of Jus tice Wood, having been transferred on a change of venue from Athena The contending parties are brothers in-law. There are plenty of grouse in the mountains, and rumor has it that several gunners, most of them campera from Washington, have not waited for the close season to expire before slaughtering the Ore con birds, killing them with im punity and handsome shotguns. John Forbear tells the Leader that dozens of grouse roost around on the fences at his mountain farm. From the Milton Kagle, Miss Maude Waid, who is well known in Milton, left Monday evening for the Umatilla Indian agency where she has accepted a position for the ensuing year. A. Mr. Pacy, of South Dakota, is here looking up the fruit interests with a view of shipping to his coun try. He represents a sommission house in Wheatland. F. E. Wilcox, the fruit dealer, has shipped four car loads of prunes and pears in the past ten days. 1 he prunes shipped are of the Ital ian and Hungarian varieties. " Wm. Anderson, . a gentleman from Adams, this county, purchas ed a fruit tract from Frank Nichols this week and will move his family up and abide with us as soon as the necessary building can be con structed. The following Milton teachers are attending the institute this week at Meacham aside from those mentioned elsewhere in this issue: A. F. Bade, Julia Edson, Maggie Daisley, M. Ward, Prof. S. 8. Shields, Prof, C. W. Duffield. ' The Columbia River Conference of the M. E. church is now in ses sion at Spokane. Rev. W. Bowser has not been able to attend on &c- count of sickness. He has decided not to take any regular work in the ministry for a year. He has had , no rest from the work of, hia pro fession for peven years and hopos to recuperate by the change which he has resolved upon. It is ex pected that ho will preach his fare H well sermon next Sunday at 11 a, m. Kroin the Pendleton Tribune" C. C. Ewert and Miss Rodger's will open the public school at Ad ams on September 9. Mr. Ewert will preside as principal. Miss Rodgers is a graduate of the East ern Oregon State Normal school. I. U. Temple leaves this morning for the eastern cities to inspect the various medical colleges with a view of entering one. He will be absent for three years. He will be accompanied east by Ed Drake, who goes to Kansas City to visit his parents. Professor Christol, of the Pend leton Athletic Club, intends to in struct a class of eight boys and eight girls in the use of dumbbells and Indian clubs and have them give an exhibition at the LaDaw opera house before he leaves for Portland. The professor's object is to show the beneficial effect of athletic exorcise upon the young. ' ' From the Mlot Rock Record. The apportionment for the Pilot Rock school this year was nearly $100. The Ukiah school closed last Saturday, owing to the illness of the teacher, Oscar DeVaul. Dr. Carlisle and family and Fred Noble left the first of the week for thoir now home in Condon, Gilliam county. u We wish them success in thoir new field. ' , t During, the thunderstorm Wed nesday a son of Dougals Belts went out to the windmill to get a bucket of wat er, and whrn ho took hold of thfMvlre which throws the pump in and out of gear he received a shock which nearly knocked him to the grouud. On exaiuiuatiou next morning it was discovered that two bolts that held the cover on a small box connected with the pump, and about 40 feet from the ground, were out of their place and the cover off. We have heard a great deal of late about the accom plishments of electricity, but vhen it comes down and unscrew ooltd and lifts covers off of b ve come to the conclusion tiwi l. i)is world is getting to smart. Wm. Johnson brought info o tr office a stalk of corn raised in 1. is garden below town which stands about 8 feet high and had two well developed ears of corn over a foot long. Who knows but that Birch creek may yet rival old Illinois in the production of corn. From the East Oregonian. Deputy Sheriff Alex Hudson has recovered from his injuries sumc iently to go about on crutches and will soon be attending to his official duties. Roy Raley expects to go to Port land this fall to attend the business college and learn shorthand and typewriting. Next year he will probably go east to Faribault, Mm nesota. to attend Shattuck military school. J. M. Speaks, H. Ross and J. L Boardman, appraisers of the estate of Mary J. Davison, deseased, have filed a report which shows that the estate is composed on an 80-acre farm in section 22 t 6 n r 36 e, value 1250, and $47.50 of personal property. A group of Umatilla county farm ers were discussing the wheat situ ation this afternoon. There were five in th'e group, and they repre sent a trtal acreage of 7d7U acres James Elgin, 1300; Henry Pierce, 1800; J. M. P. Snyder, 2000; T. J. Kirk, 1300; Chris Simpson, 060. They were all inclined to believe that prices would improve later in the season. From the Alliance Herald. Col. Wm. Parsons, who has been under the weather for sometime, is confined to his home with a severe attack of typhoid-pneumonia. J. D. Lanham. of Willow Springs, half way between Alba and Ridge, says the grass in that section is entirely gone and range animals are browsing on the underbrush. Four cowboys seen in the act of altering the brands on cattle in Grant county, were captured after a hard chase and jailed at Canyon City to wait the action of the grand jury. BREVITIES C. S. Wheeler, the Pendleton photographer, was a Press office caller Tuesday. Mrs. Fred Rosenzweig received intelligence by telegram of the death of her sister. The lady resided m Illinois. Last Sunday Mrs. L. D. Lively received a telegram from her old home in Melvern, Iowa, announcing ine deatn ot her mother. When in Pendleton stop at the Golden Rule Hotel. The best of rooms and elegant fare. Free bus to and from all rains. Five hundred and thirty car dadft.df wheat was shiDned from Adams Tast year, it is said shim ments this year will not exceed 150 car loads. . Monday Sheriff Houser turred over to County Treasurer Kern the 'sum of $10,503.15, which he had collected for taxes between August 16 and 31. A special tariff on ice from Thorn to( Walla Walla junction, Ellens buig to Dayton, Holmes to Pendle ton and Thrall to Athena has been made of $2 per ton. " Rev. H. W. Eagan united in marriage on Sunday evening, at his residence, in Walla Walla, Willis 11. Calder and Belle Mar tin, both of Umatilla county. The monument which was erect ed to the memory of the late neigh bor Tennery by Pendleton camp, Woodmen of the World, will be unvailed on Sunday, the 8th inst. C. S. Wheeler, the well known photographer, of Pendleton, will be in Athena at the old photograph gallerv, Sunday, Sept. 15. Mr. Wheeler will make regular dates in Athena after that date until further notice. 2t. Rev. E. A. Leonard arrived in the city from Fresno, California, Tuesday. Mr. Leonard has been absent in Tennessee and Virginia for the past two years. He is now general missionary for Eastern Oregon of the Baptist church. Which is the worst, imprison ment for life, or a life-long disease, like scrofula, for example? The former, certainly, would be prefer able were it not that Ayer's Sarsa- parula can always come to the res cue and give the poor suffer health, strength, and happiuess. Karl's Clover root will purify your blood, clear your complexion, regulate your bowels and make your head clear as a bell. 25c., radfl.UO. , . Shiioh's Cure, the great Cough and Troup Cure, is in great demand Pock' size contains twenty-five dose . only 25c. Children love it. bold y all Drugists. W- are acting as agents for Knaj .. Burrell & Co., in this city, and repairs for machinery or implements handled by them that you want, can be procured by us. Also remember that you don't have to chase out of town for repairing, for our machine shop is' still at the old stand. Blacksmithing in all its branches is done by us. tf. Thaep Beos. Memory is a little treacherous now and then, and causes one to forget some things worth remem bering, unless one has an experience like that which came to Mr. D. E. East, Moffatt's Creek, Va., who says "I had been suffering for years with a torpid liver and found no relies until I took Simmons Liver Regulator when I was entirely re lieved of my troubles. I never in tend to be without Simmons Liver Regulator." Session of the County Court. The county court held a brief session Saturday, Judge Martin and Commissioners Adams and Gilliland being present. County Assessor Gilliam asked and was granted until October 1 to i complete and make his returns j At t upon ine assessment roil. Melvin Shutrum, a son of the late Georee Shutrum. was aoDoinfc- ed supervisor of road district No. 4z, ana j. i. uatnardt was appoint-! ed to straw the worst part of the Rourke canyon road. James Martin was appointed special constable for the Willow Springs precinct, with Dower to take up and sell stray, animals. A hacking cough keeps the bron chial tubes in a state of constant, irritation, which, if not speedily removed.may lead to chronic bron chial. No prompter remedy can be found than Ayer'B Cherry Pec toral. Its effect is immediate and the result permanent. FREE. The Northern Pacific Farmer. Published at Portland Oregon, now in its twenty-first vear. is the best and in fact the only truly weekly agricultural paper published in the Northwest. It'is edited by Frank Lee, the granger editor, assisted bv scores of correspondents, and con tains trom lb to 61 pages weekly, of agricultural, horticultural, stock, poultry. Western market renorts. childrens, household, and other terns of interest that no one who has any interest in the farm or the Northwest can afford to be with out. At $1 cash in advance per year tor this large weekly makes it the beet and cheapest paper in the United States. To all new sub scribers who will pay one years subcnption to The Pkebs in ad. vance. and all old subscribers who will nav their back subscription and one years subscription in ad vance to The Press will receive this great Northwest journal free for one year. No one pan afford to De witnout it. Notice. . The undersigned having been art- pointed by the court Receiver for the C. A. Barrett Co.. all narties owing said firm are requested to can and settle their accounts. C. A. Barrett, Receiver Side Headache crmanently Cured "I was troubled, a long time, with sick headache. It was usually ac coaipanied with severe pains in the temples and sickness at the stom ach. Iteied a good many remedies jjtV recommended for eV this complaint; but Wl. f t it was not until I be i M f gan taking ; ft&y AVER'S $iSt?N Pills that I received Cjjy; v. anything like perma- WV nent benefit A sin gle box of these pills did. the work for me, and I am now a well man. C. H. IIutchisgs, East Auburn, Me. For the rapid cure of Constipa tion, Dyspepsia, Biliousness, Nau sea, and all disorders of Stomach, Liver, and Bowels, take In) Cathsrtic Fills Malai ema Diploma at Warid't Fair. - Jft Crlem O. ranUKtr Wal Walla, Wash. IniisitsnfRliipmtni Much Treatment Without Avail M4'0 arttparflla Effect Benefl clal Change In Oenatltueten. 1 "CLBeotAOo., UweU,J4ae. I "DauSlMi Attheefeef ttyeenXwM eonflead toa;M wttfc InflMuuleiy rkaematiaa. I wm tnatod fcy e fowl pkyaiJ,M leltafmto eame te MewUfc ihwMkwwtbr. feUreaiieeol 4 we but Urn fe4. MM the mat ehanra Boa S -s- oM effect In tie antlra eUtfea. We eeaolde4 to glr it feklMd Him Ma New Young Wren of M. i After taklM tba eoittaste at tkrae ot tlm. WM. ". I aaatlenad to teka it aac bare eat mtetaS a day tor aix atoatka. Xhrfisf tkaltai winter waatatr nor any Mart tinea ftateX moj i un mjmpteima or im raters gAwsagg, Will WB, Washington. Hood's Ptlle art purtly vctatea4de ftetpwee, paiaw gripe. AU draislstt. 35a. J liririiS Aoents. $75 VMk. Ixtluiif territory. Tfea KM DhkWaAw. WMkMlll IM 4iaM fw taaily In iu mIbum. ffwbM, rlwM And drill rbm vidua WMtinf the baud. To pioathobottoa, tatiu&tliiaodooi Uio roH. Brink', rolUhrt dlibM, ml ohwrfnl -Wp. N oeoMot 0ftM,noailf.ftiDiiMraotBtnf. 'Ho orokoa mmm. Chouo W. P. CM Chrk St. 11, OoImtM-s 4araalt,wrMU. CirmUrfTroa Furniture ; Did You Say? Furniture Is Just What JOHNS. BAKER, The 2ndST Man of I, Court Street, Pendleton, Sells so Cheap. top' -L t TOB mm wilt be sent by mall upon receipt of price. Box. Booklets and proofs free. Mi FOR QUICK RETURNS, ADVERTISE Ifl THE ATHENA PRESS Tffi FRANK BEAL, proprietor. FRESH MEAT : ALWAYS o ON o HAHD- Highest Cash Price paid , v; for Butcher's Stock. YOU GET THE VERY BEST AND LOTS OF IT, WHEN YOU SPEND MONEY WITH BALE Haix Stkbkt, - Tkeaaae F. aket, Hrary C. rayae, H. C aaie, Bacclver. . GIFEG U N S PULLMAN ELEGANT TOURIST SLEEPING CARS DINING CARS f SLEEPING CARS ( Pud MlnaeapalM tfalath i rn tiraad Fork rrookulua WluaipK . Hrlraanoil ' Batle, Ta THROUGH TICKETS. ' - TO - (kirns -WabiaatM Pklladelpbia New tork Rostoa A ad All ralata East aad Saath , TIM? SCHEDULE. Trains arrive every Wednesday at 11 a. m., and depart at 11:15 a. m. for time cards, cards, maps and tickest, call on or write J. A. Muelrbead, Agent, Atbena, Oregon. Or A. D. Charlton, Assistant General Passenger Agent. 2oo Morrison SU (tor. Third, Portland, Or. E. M ONE ILL, Receiver. ; TO THE EAST Gives the choice of TWO TRANSCONTINENTAL ROUTES cieat umonii : IIORTflEEil RY.PACIFIC RY VIA VIA SPOKANE M1HKEAP0LIS DENVER OMAHA AND AND ST. PAUL KANSAS CITY Low Rates to all Eastern Cities. Ocean Steamers leave Portland every 5 days for SAN FRAUOISGO For full details call on O. R. . & N. Agent Athena. ; Or address: W. H. HUALBUT, Gen, Pass Agl. Portland. Oregon. HQiiuo liio Its Injurious to stop Suddenly and don't be imposed upon by buying a remedy that re quires you to do so, as it is nothing more than a sub stitute. In the sudden stoppage of tobacoo you must have some stimulant, and iu most all cases, the effect of the stimulant, be opium, morphine, or other opi ates, leaves a far worse habit contracted. Ask your druggist about BAeO-CUKO. it is purely vege table. You do not have to stop using tobacco with BAeO'CURO, It will notify you when to stop and your desire for tobacco will cease. Your system will bean free from nicotine as the day before you took your first chew or smoke. An iron-clad written guar antee to absolutely cure the tobacco habit in all its forms, or money refund ed. Price 31.00 per box or 8 boxs (30 days treatment and guaranteed cure) $2.50. For sale by all druggist or will Send six two-cent stamps for Sample Eureka Chemical A MTg Co., La Crosse, Wis. We buy for Cash and sell for .... Cashstrictlv Atheka Okegos DO YOU KNOW g You can buy the best ; ; K . o i - jl r oa ' M 3-ply Carpet for 80c; good Brussells for 50c ; Rugs, Lace and Silk Curtains and House Furnishing Goods con I 9 siderably cheaper than any place in the fj " State of Oregon, of Jessee Failing at Pen dleton? : : : : : : Sewing Machines l Warrented 10 Years ' b For $25. i p. Jess'J Failing, Pendleton, Or j TUC ATUrVA DtTOTAIIDAUT IIIU MlllUIrt lilAJIMUHHni it? MRS. HARDIN, Proprietress. : : : H. P. MILLEN, Manager. -nr.; 'r- Can be recommended to the publio as being first-class in every particular. ; J!?-' l.V , We i'; ; ' -.,; Employ r White help only. HfT im Ann k -w -w -w-rvvmr v al.KdA.LiO Ax AL.L, . THE ' G0L1L1ERG1AL LIVERY FEED and SALE STABLE ' The Best Turnouts in Umatilla County Stock boarded by the day, , week or month. FROQME BROS., Proprietors. : a Main Street, : Athena. gtTijrsn acaE-4f witi. wot tt : Aniurrabl8 LtxaMre and NKHVS TONIC. Sold by Druggists or tent by mail. 3o,.6da end 5L0O per package. Bamplea free, F TT The Favorite TC9T1WTOB liii X Of or the leath andareaai.Zaa. wofk m. Do6 Job way l-Down I Bates V 5 i