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About The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 6, 1895)
ATHENA PRESS Published Bvry. Friday Morning By J. W, SMITH, Proprietor. T. B. Boyd, Editob. Eivtered at Athena poetoffice m second-class mall matter. Subscription Tlateat Per year, In advance, Single copies. In wrappers, 6c. . 3dvcrtlajngataaj Local reading notice, first Insertion, 10c per line. Each subsequent insertion, 5c. All communications should he addressed to he PBES9, Athena, Oregon. ATHENA, SEPTEMBER 6, 1895. The homely maximum that the "early bird catches the worm" has been aptly applied to the ealea of wheat this year in Eastern Oregon and Washington, says the Port land Oregonian. Farmers who sold early have no cause to regret their action, and bo far nothing has occured to point to a change. On account of heavy shipments and offerings of wheat from Russia and India, European markets have as sumed a decided sluggish and' weak condition, and prospects which a few weeks ago were considered en couraging to our producers now look rather gloomy, or at least -uncertain! There is evidence that "reserves" in Russia are larger than had been estimated, and buyers were not expecting such heavy sup plies from that source. '" ; Our local wheat markets which, depends upon ", Europe for an outlet, are accordingly depressed, and buyers are inclined to operate - with caution. As threshing pro gresses, crops in the Northwest are ,' generally resulting better than was expected, many yields being re ported at thirty-five and forty bush els per acre, and even more. The general quality of the crop is prob ably equal,' if not superior, to the average of last year, It is now es timated that the exportable sur plus of the territory tributary to the Columbia river and Puget sound will approximate 75 percent of last season's shipments, when there were dispatched from this port 105 ships, and from Puget sound 32; in addition to which about 135, 000 tons of wheat were shipped to San Francisco, making ' a total ,. movement, inclusive of flour, of about 20,000,000 bushels of wheat for the year ending July 31, 1895. Another interesting feature of last year's wheat business is that, in addition to these shipments by steamer to San Erancisco, about 30 large vessels were brought from that place to load at Portland or on Puget sound. It is hot prob able that so large a movement in that direction can take place this season, as there is practically no disengaged tonnage at that port available, and other sources of sup ply must be looked to for our re quirements in this respect. The amount hoaded to our Northwest ports at present is fair, but not ex cessive.and rat&s are steady at about 35 shilliugs for ships near at hand, Somo movement of wheat is noted from tho interior, and the volume of business is daily assuming larger proportions. , Some recent vital statistics, to New England show that about one half of the people of that section live in cities and towns of over 10, 00Q population. In the urban half the annual marriage rate is given as 21 in 1000, the birth rate SO, and tho death rate 21; in the rural group tho marriage rate is sixteen iu 1000, tho birth-rate 20 and the death rato 19. It is also; shown' that people of .the first ..class are much more likely to die of ' diph theria, typhoid ; ff ver,' cholera in fantum, bronchitis .and .consump tion than those in tho country, while those of the latter are jnio're exposed tot mortality from pneum onia than the urban population. The average annual rate of mortal ity in the rural district is only 94, as compared to 100 in the cities. As a rule, vital statistics corrobor ate few of the theories of mankind in general upon the topics of which they treat, and those above present ed are no exception except, per haps, as they attest the. larger death rate of the cities and the larger birth rate, in proj -n :? n to the marriages, of the tv.--.:', communities.1 The bond syndicate made ajay mentof 12,000,000 gold into the Treasury' on Wednesday of last week to compensate for ' the day's withdrawals for export, and was ex pected to pursue a similar course in case of further losses. The De partment officials consider the syn dicate pledged to keep (he gold re serve above $100,000,000. The position of the syndicate would be a matter of much less doubt out side of Treasury circles were there any indications of a pronounced improvement in the general gov ernment revenues. The settlers near Burns, Har ney county, are said to be greatly incensed at the Indians, among whom are the Umatillas, for slaugh tering deer and other game in that section. It is said the countv i judge of Harney has notified Ag ent Harper to keep the Indians from hunting there, and it is al leged that the agent has paid no attention to the matter. The In dians are there and trouble is an ticipated. It may be that the Jack son Hole trouble may reach in this instance. There is no denying the fact by any fair, honest man, regardless of his political or religeous proclivit ies the everyday evidence of returning prosperity all over this broad land is the souiest grape our Republican .friends have had to swallow for many a day, and it al most chokes them when they at tempt to deny it. As a rule when a fellow's occupation becomes ex tinct he grows desperate and the present is no exception. This week we publish a couple of communications from parties in the east. They are from the single tax standpoint, and are published merely to show in what light the single tax theorists of the east re gard their proposed system of taxation would have in the up: building of factories, and other in dustries in the west. The carnival of crime record in each issue of the daily papers is a sad commentary on .the boasted civilization of the 19th century. crimeB are daily perpetrated that would make the' blush of shame burn the cheeks of the barbarous and untutored cannibal, and that, too, in the land of churches. Whither are we drifting? "I am for sound money," shouted a republican orator. "Yes," shout ed an ' old straw-hattcd, American on a back seat, "and you only want to wait until European bosses tell you what sound money is to do their bidding." He about covered the ground. The Dalles has a Democratic daily now. The Times-Mountaineer has been sold to J. A. Douthitt, formerly of the Prineville Review, who will hereafter conduct it as a democratic newspaper. The size of the Press is dimin ished this week. This is only temporary, however, as it is ex pected by the management to make some notable improvements in the course of a month or six weeks. The Monthly 'Oregonian is be fore us. Its subscription rate is 50 cents a year. It ia publishtd in the interest of the upbuilding of Oregon and the Pacific Northwest. The Grande Ronde Agricultural Society has the thanks of the Press for complimentary tickets to the fair which begins on the 16th. Did you ever think of it? Ohio is the only state in the Union where the Governor has no veto power. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder Awarded Gold Kjl Mid win tar Fair. Saa Francisco. ENCOURAGING ENTERPRISE. A Boston Man's Theory of the Single Tax. Boston, Sept. 2, 1895. To the Editor. In a recent issue it was stated that a representative of a Chicago syndicate would make a tour of Eastern Oregon with the aim of touring a locality for a beet Bug: r factory, and the fertility of the f iil for beets was shown to be excf ' k-nt. N,-, Mr. Editor, if it is decided to locate in your vicinity, the syn dicate will first be compelled to ac cept the demands of land specula tors, for beets cannot be grown, or factories erected without the use of land. Then after land has been purchased, and cleaned, fences constructed, and a factory erected, the assessor comes along and levies a fine in the shape of taxes on the syndicate, for the enterprise in do ing that which will be of great ad vantage to the people who labor in the factory, and those who cultivate land and grow beets. Surely this is not the way to encourage indus tries to locate in Oregon, or any where else. If the people in Ore gon desire to encourage the estab lishing of industries in that mag nificent state, let them insist on having laws passed that will ex empt from taxation on all buildings ana improvements on land in fact all products of labor. That would encourage enterprising man ufactories to locate in Oregon. But it the labor products are ex empted from taxation where is the necessary revenue to come from, to defray the expenses of state and local government? By taxing in to state and local treasuries the rent of land, or land values. And the value of land being due to growth of population, and the in dustry, it is perfectly just that the value which the community in their collective capacity create should be taken to defray the cost of governments, for the necessity of government and the value of land are both the result of popula tion, and the revenue of ground rent from the one should be used to pay the cost of the other. When ever ground rent is thus taken for the support of government no in ducement will remain for holding land without using it. Land 6pec ulation will cease, and all those forms of unused natural opportun ities embraced under the general term of land will be opened' to lab or and capital. .Everybody need not take to farming, but with un used agricultural, mining and building lands accessible to those willing to put to use, there would be no lack of employment and on fines on industry, thrift and enter prise. W. L. Crosman. PROSPERITY FOLLOWS SINGLE TAX. So Says An Iowa Correspondent to the - ' "Press." Rowley, Iowa., August 23. To the Editor. In a recent issue you made mention of a Chicago syndi cate that was about to make a tour of Eastern Oregon, in the near future, with the aim in view of establishing a large beet sugar fac tory. You called upon the citizens to make it on object to induce manufactors to locate there. I in close a leaflet written by myself, but expressing the philosophy of one of the worlds greatest thinkers, and I wish to state that were those principles in force you would have the greatest incentive in the world for manufactories to locate there. I suppose that you are well aware that the little state of Deleware has started such a movement, and I see no reason why 'Oregon could not follow with a great advantage. You are just- recovering from one of the greatest real estate booms that ever swept the earth, and I trust that you will not allow it to be repeated, and the only way it can be prevented is by adopting the single tax. Yours for equality, J. R. HlRMAN. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder World's Pair Highaat Msdal and Diploma. We are acting as agents for Knapp, Burrell & Co., in this city, and any repairs for machinery or implements handled by them that you want, can be procured by us. Also remember that you don't have to chase out of town for repairing, for our machine shop ia still at the old stand. Blacksmithing in all its branches is done by us. tf. TharpBros. $IOO Reward, SIOO. The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there Is at least one dreaded disease that science hag been able to cure in all lu stages and that Is Catarrh. Hali's Cnttnrrh ture is tlieonlv rxwitlve cure now known tn the medical fraternity, cattarrh being -con- luuiioiuu Atseauie require onstitutlonal treatment. Hall's cattarrh cure is taken in ternally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby des troying the foundation of the disease and riving me patient ptrengta ny building- up the constitution and assisting nature in doing ita work. The proprietors have no much faith In Ma curative powers, that thev offer On Hundred Dollars tor any case that It tails to euro. rcnn lor Testimonials. Addrexs, K.J. cHKNKY a c., Toledo, O . Bold by ail Druggists, 75c. loney IS Many times by a disregard of the :;"'.bei5t -place - to', trade Money By trading with. C. W. BOLUS, mmuiuiuiuiuiuiuiuiuiuiuiuiuumnuuimuinimiuK armecs THE PRODUCERS' WAREHOUSE COMPANY'S HOUSES are now open and ready to receive wheal along the line of the Washington & Columbia River railway, which gives you a market at Tacoma, Seattle or Portland These house? are open toall wheat buyers at all times. Each lot will be piled separate and loaded out as taken in. We think too expensive to farmers to send men out to drum ud and solicit your buglness, as all such expense is charged to you in some way or other. CumtuxT PRODUCERS' WAREHOUSE CO. J. L. KILLIAN, MANAGER. Clark Walter, - - - - - Agent at Athena. IF YOU WISH TO borrow money on real estate, Sell or buy farm or city property; have your life in sured; have your property insured against fire in the best companies in the world; invest money at good interest and nave it wen secured; have Deeds, Mortgages, Contracts, Leases, etc., drawn correctly, call on W. T. GILMAN, Athena, Ore. He represents the following first-claBs .. fire insurance companies: Phoenix, Home, Royal, Ger man, iaieaonian ana mortnwest. lie writes his own 'policies and guarantees correctness, and at the lowest rates at Which responsible com panies will take risks. He has the agency for the Equitable Life Insurance Co., the best of any Read These Prices. 11 cans Axle grease.. 5 gal can Machine oil... ........ Binding twine per lb Draper 12-foot Hodge Header. . , Spout draper.". All Kinds or extras for the following machines. Threshers-Pitts, Case,' Advance. Powers Pitta, ( ase and Woodbury. Headers-Pitts, case, Pjjndolph, C raver, Piano, Oregon Haines MSt.n,ma?hl,f extnK for, Chejopion any style, Whitely, Empire, Woods, Buckeye- Binders chines Buckeye, Deerlng and Piano. Draper and draper-sticks for any kind of rua- We can furnish repairs for any machine if uoton hand at shortest possible time and at lowest possible cosf If you do not see what you want you must ask for it we are sure to ha veit. I i r"j rn yv r - I l I'l V -C3k- JD-fc. J W-SMITH, ATHENA, OREGON, THE FARMER'S Meat Market The place to get your fresh 11 All kinds of smoked meats. ....Beef, Veal, Pork and 'iV Hams lard and Bacon... Mutton, i ish m season, if J. BREHMj Proprietor, Athena, Oregon. Los u I Athena, Oregon. $ 1 00 1 75 8 cts 28 50 10 00 a t -r- i . n i n i i -m-v JTfc -JT& EU JL J-. NOTARY- PUBLIC Y The very best of Sausages Attention NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at La Grande, Oregon. , August 17, IKS. Notice it hereby given that the following named settler has hied notice of his Intention to commute and make final proof In support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before County Clerk of Umatilla Co. at Pen dleton, Oregon on beptember 28th, 1895, vis: JAMES H. GALLAHER. Hd 6618, for the NEJi 8ec2S Tp4N R33,E W. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of. said land, vis: J K Bott of Helix William Beeder, of Athena Archie McKlnnonof Adams, Clinton Mun ford of Pendleton, Any person who desires to protest aganst the allowance of such proof, or who knows of any substantial reason, nnder the law and re gulations of the Interior - Department, why such proof should not be allowed wlU have an opportunity at me aoove mentioned time and -place to cross-examine the witnesses of said claimant, and to offer evidence in rebuttal of that submitted by claimant, B F Wilsow, Register Summons. in the circuit court of the state of Oregon for Umatilla county, Ross Scott, Plaintiff Vs. I 3 A Johnson, J B Stewart and f J 3 Johnson, Defendants J To J A Johnson, J B Stewart and J J John- son the above named defendants. i In the name of the State of Oregon. You are hereby required to appear and ans wer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled action within ten days from thedateof the service of this summons upon you, if served in Umatilla County, or if served In any other county in the State of Oregon, then within twenty days from the date of such service upon you, or if served upon you outside 01 the State of Oregon or by the pub lication thereof then by the first day of the next regular termof said Court next follow ing such publication, to-wit: the 14th day of October. 1895. DEFENDANTS will take notice that if they fall to appear and answer or plead to the plaintiff's said complaint within said time, the plaintiff for want thereof, will take Judg ment against them for the sum of J457.03. with interest thereon at the rate of 8 per cent per annum from the 6th day of May 1893, until paid together with the costs and disburse ments of this action. E. jePeatt. Attorney for Plaintiff, This summons in rmhllKherl hv rtrrfarnf FTnn. 3. A Fee judge of said court, made at cham bers in Pendleton Oregon, on the 21st, day of August 1806. E. DePeatt, Attorney for Plaintiff. Summons. In the circuit court of the state of Oregon for Umatilla county, j. ti. razier, riainiin, vs Robert Ferris, Alexander Ferris and B. F. Stone. Defendants. To Robert Ferris, Alexander Ferris and B. F. . Stone, the above named defendenw, In the name of the State of Oregon. You are hereby required to appear and ans wer the complaint filed against you in the above ent itled Court within ten days from the date of the service of this summons upon you, if served in Umatilla Co.; or if served in any other Cout.ty in the stale of Oregon, then within twenty days from the date of Ruoh ser vice upon you, or if served outside the state of Oregon or by the publication thereof then by the first day of next regular terra of said court next following such publication, to wit: the 14th day of October, 1895. Defendants will take notice that if they fall to appear and answer or plead within said time, the plaintiff for want thereof, will take judgment against them for the recovery of the possession of the following described lands and premises situated in Umatilla county State ofOregon, towit; The Southwest quarter of Section 25 in Township 6 North of Range 34 East of the Willamette Meridian and for tne sum of Eight Hundred Dollars dam. age for with-holding the possession of the same from the plaintiff, and for plaintiffs costs and disbursements of this action, C. H. Finn and E. DePe att. Attorney's for Plaintiff. ' The above summons is published by order of flon. James A. Fee, made at chambers at Pendleton Oregon, on the 81 day of July, 1895. c, H, Fins and E. DbPeatt, Attorney's for Plaintiff. ' CAATS,TfflDEffiiS; COPYRIGHTS CAW I OBTAIN A PATENT? prompt answer and an honest opinion, write to JVtUNN &.(., wbo have had nearly fifty years' experience In the patent btuineus.. Commnnlca. iwra siriouy connaem.uu. jl uanaDoea ol in formation concerning Patents and how to ob tain them sent free. Also a c&talooue of mecaan leal and sotentlflo books sent free. Patents taken through Mann k Co. Teoelva peotal notteeln the Scieatlfio American, and that are brought widely before the public wit h ont coat to tne inventor. This splendid paper. Issued weekly, elegantly illustrated, has by far the largest circulation of any aolenttna work In the World. , 93 a year. Sample copies sent free. Building Edition, monthly, tlM a year. Single eopiea, 33 cent. Bvery number contains beau tiful plates, in colors, and photographs of sew booses, with plans, enabling builders to show the -latent designs and secure contracts, Addreaa MUMS & CO Klf toss, 361 fiBOAOW. The thumb is an unfailing index of character. The Square Tjp in dicates a strong will, great energy and firmness. Closely allied is the Spatulated Type, the thumb of those of advanced ideas and business ability. Both of there types belong to the busy man or woman; and Demorcst'i Family Magazine pre pares especially for such persons a whole volume of new ideas, con densed in a small space, so that the record of the whole world's work for a month may be read In half an boor. Tbe Conical Type indicate refinement, culture, ana a lore of music, povtrr, and fiction. A person with this type of thumb will thor oughly enjoy the literary attractions of Dcinorest's Megaziue. The Ar tistic Type indicates a love of beauty and art, which will find rare pleasure in thv maimificent oil-pict. ure of roses, ltij x 44 iuches, repro. duced from tbe original painting by De Longpre, the most celebrated of living flower-painters, which will : l given to every ubriber to Demorcst's Maaazlne for 115. The coat of this superb work of art was 350.00; and the reproduction , cannot be distinguished from the original. Besides this, an exquisite oil or water-color picture is pub lished in each number of theMaga r.ine, and the articles arc so pro fusely and superbly illustrated that the iiaeazine is, in reality, a port folio of art works of the highest order. Tbe Philosophic Type in the thumb 6f the thinker and inventor of idexs, who will be deeply inter ested In those developed monthly la Demorcst's Mainline, in every one of it numerous departments, which cover the entire antetic ana scientific field, chronicling every fact, fancy, and fad of the day. Ms 5i .2 vwi iremunn i luip'j num. A Family Magazine, and was long ago crowned Queen of the Monthlies. Send in yonr subscription; it will cost only J 3.0O, and yoa will have a dozes .Msci'.inns In one. Address vi'SI w. Jri!osIriioBi!sT, inait'oer, C-'a 15 Eat 14th Street, .New York. ; 'J Thonsh not a fashion masrasine. ita perfect fashion pases.nnd itsarticiee on family and domestic matters, will be of superlative inrerrft to those possessing the Feminine Ttpe of Thumb, whkh lnckates in its email t sine, slendenieas, soft vail, and mnoth, rounded tip, those trait ' wdicu oeHisg coennoi'V to ino antler sex. every one of whom should sci-cribe to MnoreM'sJiiiaziae. If you are aBacqusJmedwii'a U merits. fud foe specimen cpv ifreeu and too will admit that seeing these Tlll'MMS has pot sou iu the way of Riving moccv by finding in. one': i . Magazine everything to satisfy tha literary wanu at he whole family.