THEY WANT IT "DUG UP." The Board of Regents Bring Action Against Kincaid, The regents of the Eastern Ore gon State Normal School located at Weston, propose to find out who is running that institution, they or the Hon. JI. R. .Kincaid, Secre tary of State. The'rnannerin which the regents proceed to find out who shall say aye and nay iit the management of the funds appropriated for the pchool's use by the late legislature, is, to say the least, impressive to the full extent of the term. It seems there is a. wood-pile somewhere in which is contained a son of torrid Africa.1 At least the board of regents think so, and back' up this belief by bringing 'manda mus proceedings against the sec retary of state. The papers were filed in the circuit court at Salem, Wednesday, July 10th, Judge Geo. II. Bennett, presiding. The suit is to recover the full amount of the appropriation made at the last ses sion of the legislature. , The attorneys for the regents are Judge J. J. Ballery and Hon. J. H. llaleyt both men of brain and le gal knowledge. Answer to the complaint must be made within twenty days from the date of filing, and the case will probably be heard at the .next term of Judge Bennott's court at Salem. It seems that the machinery at the capitol is "out of line,' to use a mechanical term, or" in other . words, the matter which' pertains to this particular appropriation, is somewhat conglomerated mixed up. According to the Weston Leader, Secretary Worthington, of the normal school board of regents, wrote to the state 'secretary, in re gard to . proposed improvements, the building of a dormitory, etj., and Mr. Kincaid replied that "he had referred the matter to the at torney general. As the board was , in a hurry to have the work com pleted, Mr. Worthington at once wrote to the attorney general, ask ing that he render a decision as soon as possible, as to the right of the regents to contract (for the im provements. The official had re plied that he is very much sur prised, no . such question having been brought to his attention, oltici ally.or otherwise, by .the secretary of state. This leaves tho resents slightly puzzled, and they have not as yet i been enlightened. There soems to be considerable red tape in the conducting of the state affairs down at balem, ; and probably it has .led to mixing things up a trifle.! ... .: . . i SURPRISE PARTY. Evidence in a Larceny Case Takes an ... Unexpected Turn. 1 Something of a sensation was developed recently at Milton. Henry Mahaffey was examined in Justice Stowe's court on achargo 'of larcenv from a person, and on account of insufficient evidence, was, on motion of District Attor ney Lawrey, discharged. But dur ing the examination, says the Pen dleton Tribune evidence came but which went to show, that C. C. Cunningham, who has a cigar and confectionery stand in Milton, was also running in connection up, i . vate saloons and gambling joint. Cunningham was at one arrested. He waived "preliminary examina tion and was placed under $500 bonds to appear before the grand jury. ; It is said that the character of the place has. long been known, : but that positivo evidence has not heretofore been obtainable. It is also hinted that during the ex animation above mentiond several other witnesses whose evidence ' might tend in the same direction were induced to make themselves invisible to the naked eye. Milton is somewhat stirred up over the mat tor and satisfaction is expressed that the "business is to be investi- , gated. ' - ''The Crack Athena Band." Speaking of the band's Sunday visit to f endleton, the JSast Ore gonian savs: "Sunday evening the band gave a short concert in the court yard, before starting on their drive home The Athena band is well drilled and has some artists among its members. They have lately pur chased new uniforms and are now accoutred for service at any time. It is, withoutdoubt, the crack band of Eastern Oregon. C. G. Sharp, the leader, is a thorough musician and always has a lot of good musi cians around him." .- Kicked in the Face. - The eight-year-old son of James Nelson, of Wild Horse, was kicked in the face by a colt Sunday even ing. Dr. G. W. King, of Pendleton, was' called and, found tho little sufferer's nostrils cut through and the bones of the nose shattered. He removed the pieces of bone and took " two stitches in the injured member. The boy narrowly es caped death. ; .1 f ; . ; Installation of Officers. Eureka lodge, I. 0. 0. F., Pen dleton, installed the following named oflicers, District deputy Grand Master, I. T. Barr being the installing officer: Elected officers J. It. Porter, N. G.; Wm Dial, V. (.; John Ilailey, jr., secretary; II. Alexander treasurer. Appoint ive officers D. Hernler, W.; C. II. Meyers, C: J. U. Willeke, R. S. N. G.; 8. O. Medernach, L. S. N. G.: Louis Larone, I. G. , - A Big Yield. . Robert Steel, a Polk county far. mer grew the phenominal crop of 4,000 bushels of barley on thirty acres of ground. ' more than 133 bushels to the acre. The field was formerly a huge pond, which was drained by Mr. Steel with a ditch to the Luckiamute, in a big bend of which river it lies. It has pro duced six cr.op of barley and the lowest average of any season was 60 bushel to the acre. In harvest ing the big crop of last year two weeks were required in cutting it with a binder drawn by five horses, and after the grain was cut the shocks so nearly covered the entire ground that the wagons in hauling it could not pass between them. Thef market value of last year's yield from 30 acres was about 11,600. ' ; A Strange Story. The Lewiston Teller says: ' The body of Pete Caddy, drowned May, 3 while crossing the LoLo with two other companions, was found a few days ago lodged against a large limb in that stream about one half mile below whet e tho accident oc curred by Charles Dickinson and son Bertv The strangest part in connection with the finding of the body is "that " Mrs.; Dickinson dreamed the night previous to the finding of the body, that it was lodged .Where found and , told her husband to go and get it. i A Veteran of the Mexican War. - Oak Harbob. "I met Geo. 0. Momeny, an old veteran of the Mex ican war, on the streets to-day who told me that after reading about Simons Liver Regulato he bought a bottle, and the first three doses gave him relief." Geo. Gosliner. "our druggist sells it in powder or liquid; the powder to be taken dry, or made into a tea. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder Awarded Gold Medal Midwinter Fair, San Francisco. BREVITIES. Weston has organized another brass band. , ,, , . Judge Gilman was in Walla Walla Monday. ' , h C. D. Hampton, of San 'Francisco was in the city Monday. Louis Bergevin began heading 800 acres hear Athena Tuesday. Tho blackbjrry and bewberrie crops are excelent and are bring ing good prices this seasou. , . R. IJ. Simpson, of Helix, went to Portland as a delegate to the grand lodge of tho A, 0. U. W. An exodus will soon begin fof the mountains if old Sol persists in inflicting us with his fierce rays. Clark Wood, the genial editor of the Weston Leadei, assisted the Athena band in Pendleton SsW day. ' Small change in Athena is scarce enough to convince almost anyone that a little more free coinage is needed. . . ; There is talk of strawing tho road between. Pendleton and the agency. .How. about Athena's streets. j , v . ' ;..-. .. . A force of twenty-four men is en gaged in laying steel on the 0. R. A N. line between Adams and Athena. 1 The 0. It. A N. Co. will enlarge their stock yards at this point. "An increaso of business," reports Agent Bradley. v ' Rattlesnakes are said to be un usually numerous this year on Mo Kay creek, probably on account of the dry season. : v. " When in Pendleton stop at the Golden Rule, Hotel. The best of rooms and elegant fare. Free bus to and from all 'rains. ; Abe'D, Leady of this county has been appointed chapel guard of the Oregon penitentiary, lie will as sume his duties on Monday. . County script will be received on taxes by the sheriff until September 1st, at. which time, .unless the limit is extended, costs will be add ed to taxes. A fire insurance waris going on in Walla Walla. It has brought about 20 special agents to the city, who are all using their efforts .in Suspecting of their respective com panies. Athena streets are made lively by the presence of large numbers of harvest hands who have come to assist in gathering the rapidly ripening grains Inquiry of farmers and thresher show that the wa ges of harvest hands are some lower than a year ago. V--1 ! j 5 Chamberlain's is the best of all. Vincent J. Barkl, of Danbury, Iowa, has" used Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, whenever in need of a medicine for coughs and colds, for the past fiv years and says: It always helps me out. If any one asks me what kind of a cough medi cine I use, I reply, Chamberlain's, that is the best of all. 25 and 50o bottles for sale by Osburn. J A horse kicked H. S.. Shafer, of the Freemyer House, Middleburg, N. Y. on the knee, which laid him up in bed and caused the knee joint to become stiff. A friend recom mended him to use Chamberlain's Pain Balm, which he did, and in two days was able tp be around. Mr. Shafer his recommended it to many others and says it is excel lent for anv kind of a bruiso or sprain. . This same remedy is altfo famous for its cures of rheumatism. For sale by Osburu. ' 1' ". We are acting as agents for Knapp, Burrell & Co., in this city, and any repairs for .machinery or implements handled by them that you want, can' be procured by us. Also rimember that you don't have to chase out of town for repairing, for our machine shop is still at the old stand. Blacksmithing in all its branches is done by us. tf. ' ' Thabp Bros. ' Wallowa Chieftian: Carl Thomp son, J. R. Carter, James Hanes, Grant Johnson, Dave Kuhn, Andy Forbs, V. Rl Robinson, W. N, Robinson,' J. E. Mathews, James Mathews and Miss Fanny Mathews, of B'lora, started on Friday for Pendleton and Athena to remain through harvest. ' - Rev. N, Evans, of Ellensburgh, Wash., preached in Wcsttm last Sunday. Rev. Evan? will be re membered by many as the paetof of the U. B. church of Weston, at one time, but is now working in the vineyard of the Congregational ists. A lady in Tooleys La., was very sick with bilious colic when M. C. Tisler, a prominent merchant of the town gave her a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. He says she was well in forty minutes after taking the first dose. by Osburn. " The trains of the 0. R. & N. Co., passed over the high bridge west of The Dalles on Saturday last, for the last time. The new piece of road which takes the place of the bridge , is all on solid ground, and is on a better grade than the bridge. Work has been commenced at the Weston station on a warehouse for the Pacific Coast Elevator Com pany, which will be 40x100 feet in dimensions. The huge one here in Athena is about completed. The Weston Leader's Poet ha3 "jagged over" and is writing prose. He is Mr. Frank Springer, the gentlemanly appearing young mar, who so effectually manipulates the tuba in the Athena band. II. H. Hill, the jeweller, who has had 18 years experience at the trade and one year in the horologi cal school in Cincinatti, will do work cheaper this year than ever before. All work guaranteed E. 0: The Main street bridge caught fire Sunday in an unac countable manner. The inciDient flames were extinguished by Dick Roberts and several other Pendle ton hotel guests. When in Athena stop at the St. Nichols Hotel. The St. Nichols is the only first class hotel in the city. Commercial men tind splendid ac comraodations there. Free bus to and from all trains. J ; The Weber Dramatio Co., played Monday and Tuesday evening in the. Weston Opera Houso. A num ber of Athena people attended and re ported' the acting good. . Shiloh's Cure, the great Cough and Croup Cure, igingreatdercmd Pocket size contains twenty-five doses, only 25c. Children love it. Sold by all Drugists. t . . C. C. Sharp left on Monday evening's passenger for Portland. He is a delegate to the A. 0. U. W. Grand Lodge, which convenes in Portland this week. Rev. V. E. Potwine, of Pendle ton, is commander-in-chief of a party of pleasure-seekers who are rusticating on the shores of Wallowa Lake. : ' Karl's Clover root will purify your blood,, clear your complexion, reeulate your bowels and make vour head clear as a bell. 25c, 50c., and $ 1.00. . 1 - ; ' F. Jw Van Winkle, of Weston, has been elected a delegato to the na tional" convention of the Y. P. S. C. E., which meets soon in Boston. Either the trout fishing is im proving or fishermen are getting more careless for their regard ot the truth. , . . T. J. Kirk and Marion Jack will start their heading crew to work Monday, on the Kirk place, east of town. Max Lewin handles the justly celebrated Imperial Fgg Food. He .has the agency for this section. Dr. Dell reports little Dick Win ship to be getting along nicely now and improving in health. The Oregon remedy, LIVERINE, is proving a great success and is sold by Kirklaud. G, M. Froome has taken his family to Lehman Springs for the sum mer. Oil and . Axle Grease cheap at Osbum's. ; UNCLE SAM, JUNKDEALER. He Bu a Prtoe Mat ot the Old Trumpery Ho Disposes Ot, Uncle Sam is a sort of second-hand dealer and rims a good-sized junk shop on his own hook. Not only that, says the New York Advertiser, but he sends out circulars to these of inquiring turn of mind,- with descriptions and price lists of his wares, just as a second-hand book dealer or postage stamp or coin collector would do. -' If a grand army post should conclude to festoon the rafters of its armory with old muskets and antique scab bards it will 'find Uncle Sam right on hand, for, though he has disposed of all his heavy arms, he has innumerable old pistols, muskets, bayonets and sabers which he is not averse to dis posing of at a fair price, and he will promptly forward a printed price list showing the comparative newness or antiquity of his second-hand wares and warranting the articles to be exactly as represented and to fill the bill pre cisely for decorative purposes. And they are offered very cheap, too. One can buy an old sword, blood-stained and full of memories of furious charges and well-sustained, assaults, for twenty-five cents, a horse pistol for a dime r a Spencer breech-loader for seven dollars, other articles varying to suit. . , Ballets Carried for Tears. Two extraordinary' cases of bullet wounds becoming active after.a lapse of twenty-four years are reported by a tierman medical paper. One is that of a watchmaker named Kleeman, living at Dusseldorf , who was wounded in the Franco-German war. Three years ago he had a bullet successfully extracted from his right shoulder, and a short time ago, after a month's illness, a second bullet was extracted from his left side. ' The second case is that of a. stationmaster who a few days ago was operated ' upon at Bonn and had a French bullet, which pierced his right shoulder is the war, cut fronubis right side. ' , Shiloh's Cure is sold on- a guar antee. It cures Incipient Consum ption. It is the best Cough Cure Only one cent a dose. 25 cts., and $1.00. . - o ' ' Your Physical Condition. Needs attention at thb time. ' If you are tired, wealc and nervous, it is clear that your blood is im pure, and without doubt there has been too much over-work or strain on brain or body. Tho course of treatment for such a condition is plain and simple. The blood must first be purified so that the nervous system, and in fact all the organs will be fed upon pure blood. In telligent people without number have testified that the best blood purifier and nerve , tonic is Hood's Sarsaparilla. f DON'T STOP TOBACCO. How to Cure Yourself While Using It. The tobacco habit grows on a man until his nervous system is seriously affected, impairing health, comfort and Jiappiness. To quit suddenly is too Severe a shock to the system, as tobacco, to an invet erate user becomes a stimulant that his system continually craves. Baco-Curo is a scientific cure for the tobacco habit, in all its forms, carefully compounded after the formula" of an eminent Berlin phy sician who has used it in his : pri vate practice since 1872, without a failure, purely vegetable and guar anteed perfectly harmless. You can use all the tobacco you want, while taking Baco Curo, it will no tify you when to stop., We give a written guarantee to permanently cure any case with three boxes,or re fund the money with 10 per cent, interest. Baco-Curo is pot a sub stitute, but a scientific cure, that cures without the aid of tho will power and with no inconvenience. It leaves the system as pure, free from nicotine as the day you took your first chew or smoke. Sold by all druggist, with our ironclad guan tee, at 1 1.00 per hbxj . three boxes, thirty days treatment, $2.50, or sent direct upon receipt of price. Send six two-cent stamps for sam ple box, booklet and proofs free. Eureka Chemical & Manufacturing Company, Manufacturing Chemists La Crosse, Wisconsin. If King Solomon was alive he would now say: "Go to the travel ing man, learn his ways, and be wise." Mr. C. W. Battell, Cincin nati traveling man representing the Queen City Printing Ink- Co., after suffering intensely for two or three days with lameness of. the should er, 1 resulting from rheumatism, completely cured it with two ap plications of Chamberlain's Pain Balm. This remedy is gaining a wide reputation for. its prompt cures of rheumatism, lama back, sprains, swellings, and lameness. 50 cent bottles for sale by Os burn. . BEFORE BUYING . . . HARNESS . . . W ' It will pay you to call and ex amine stock and get my prices at my shop on Court Street, Pendleton Oregon. F. H. WESTON, Proprietor. Scrofula in the Blood Causes Gland, of the Neck to Swsll Up Thl Troubl aruf a Case of Rheu matism Cured by Hood's. -0.1. Hood A Co., Lowell, Mass. i 'Dear Sirs: ,A little over a ytusgol had a swelling come on the aide ot my neck, I ws in very poor health generally ad doctored two months with thl family physlciaa who said my oom plaint was s bilious attack. His treat- -meat failed to hslj me so I determined to try Hood's Bar : sspsriHa. To my fe great joy, thsswel- ling on the sldeol my neoz disap peared. I was ben- tin. w. b. Haiiarnoe eflted for my other Hm4owi Waio. ailments. After taking three bottles of the medicine,! have not hsd s sick day sines.'' I for one, rec ommend Hood's Sarsaparilla to the affile- Hood's5 Cures ted, knowing what It has done for me in the past. My husband was afflicted with rheumatUm and had that tired feeling. Be took Hood's Sarsaparilla and f onnd it Just the Medicine Needed. We believe it will do all that is claimed fof it, If given a fair trial. Both of ns hava used Hood's Vegetable Pills and are well pleased with them." Mas., W. E. Mal- liEHNEE, Meadow, Washington. N.B. Be i tire to get Hood's Sargaparilla, Hood's Pills are purely vegetable, and da not gripe, purge, or pain. Bold by all druggists. We Bo work Way: Down Notice. The undersigned having been ap pointed by the court Receiver for the C. A. Barrett Co., all parties owing said firm are requested to call and settle their accounts. " - ; ' C. A. Barrett, Receiver. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder World's Fair Highest Award. Mill FOR. $3 Job Sj3j j6S QUICK RETURNS, ADVERTISE 111 THE ATHENA , PRESS TEE ATHENA MARKET FRANK BEAL, proprietor. TKSH MEAT ALWAYS OH o . HAHD Highest Cash Price paid y l We buy for Cash and sell for for Butcher's Stock. ; . . . . Cash strictly YOU GET TIIE VERY BEST AND LOTS OF IT, WHEN YOU SPEND MONEY WIT1T BE Main Street, - FREE. The Northern Pacific Farmer, Published at Portland Oregon, now in its twenty-first year, is the" best and in fact the only truly weekly agricultural paper published in the Northwest. It is edited by Frank Lee, the granger editor, asHisted by scores of correspondents, and con tains from 16 to 32 pages weekly, of agricultural, horticultural, stock, poultry, Wes'tern market reports, childrens, household, and other tems of interest that no one who has any interest in the farm or the Northwest can afford . to be with out. At $1 cash in advance, ner year for this large weekly makes it the best and cheapest paper in the" United- States. To all . new sub scribers who will pay one years subcription , to Tiie Press in ad vance. and all old subscribers who will pay their back subscription and one years subscription in ad vance to The Press will receive this great Northwest journal free for one year. . No one can afford to be without it. The tlmtnb is en unfailing Index of character. Tlio Square Tj pt in. dlcatcs ft will, great energy nd flnnitec. Clofrly allied i" the Snnuilutcd I'jpc. Hie tliimib of Ihone of advancoU ideas and bnainesi ability, lloth of these types belong to the bury man or woman; ana Demoreet's .Family Mitailjie pre pares evpcrinlly for such persons a whole volume of new Ideas, con. denscd In a email space, so That the record of the wholo world's work for a month iflay be read in half an hoar. The Conical Type indicates refinement, culture, and a love of music, poctrr, and Action. A person with this type of thumb will thor oughly enjoy the literary attractions of Demoret.t'8 Magazine. The Ar tistic Tvpe indicates a love of beauty and art, which will find rare pleasure in the magnificent oil-plct. ere of roses, 1M inches, repro duced from tho original painting by l)o Longpre, the moat celebrated of livings flower-painters, which will be given to ewry ubicriber to Dt'morest's Magazine for 1895. The cot of this- superb work of art was ?350.(jO ; and the reproduclion cannot be ditr.gnihed from the original. Besides this, an exquisite oil or water-colpr picture is pub lished in each number of the Maga zine, aud the articles are so pro fusely and Btiperbly illustrated that the Magazine is, in reality, a port folio of art works of the highest order. The Philosophic Type is the thumb of the thinker and inventor of ide'ic, who will be deeply Inter ested In those developed monthly in Demorest's Magazine, in every one of its numerous departments, which cover the entlro artistic and scientific field, chronicling every fact, fancy, and fad of the day. ' Ilemorest'a in simply perfect Family Magazine, and was long ago crowned Queen of the Monthlies. Send in your annwriptinn; it will 1i cost only 2.00, and yon will have a dozen Magazines in one. Add reps V. JenkinosDkjiorsst, rnblieber, 15 Knst 14th Street,. New York. Though not a fashion magazine, its IK'rfi'Ci favhion pages.and its articles on family and domestic matters, will he of mperhitive interest to those possessing the Feminine Type of Thumb, which Indicates in its small size, elcndfincs, soft nail, and - month, rounded tin those traits which belong essentially to the wntler sex, everyone of whom should subscribe to Jemorest'sMiigazlne. If yon are unacquainted with ts merits, tend for a specimen copy (free), and ron will admit that seeing these THUMBS has put roti in the war of saving money by finding in one Haizino everything to satisfy the literary wants of t whole family. YAKU - It la aold on Kuto. It onrti KaclUtu cess , PUBLIC NOTICE. , Notice Is hereby given that I will apply to the Mayor and common council of the city of Atruma, Oregon, at a meeting tnereor to be held on the 20th. day of May 1895( for a license to sell spirituous, malt and vinous liq uors in less quantities than one quart, said liq uors to be gold only in a building situated on lot Yin DiocKO, oiHaiaoity alii mchat Hated May 1st, 1895. Appllcan I'm ALE Athe.ya, Oregon For $1.50 in " ' advance you ' get the PRESS and NORTHWEST PACIFIC FARMER for one year. s: . For . , $2.00 the " " PRESS and the WEEKLY SUN.. TTT liuo E. McNEILL, Receiver. TO THE EAST' Gives the choice of TWO TRANSCONTINENTAL ROUTES GREAT UNION NORTHERN RY.PAGIFiG RY VIA VIA SPOKANE MINKEAPOLIS DENVER OMAHA AND AND ST. PAUL KANSAS CITY Low Rates to all Eastern Cities. '.. i ' Ocean Steamers leave Portland every 5 days for SAfJ FRAHCISGO , For full details call on 0. R. '& N. Agent, Athena. Or address: W. H. HURLBUT, Gen. Pass Agt. Portland. Oregon. ' Thuniaa F. Oukes,' II-ury (. Payne, M. I,'. , . , i . Reuse, Receiver. - 8 PULLMAN ELEGANT TOURIST SLEEPING CARS DINING OARS SLEEPING CARS PftHl Minnra polls' Ikulatu Fargo 4iraud Forks froakstoa MinalpcK Ilelmu and V Butte, TIIROUGII TICKETS. .TO rhleaso Wrthin(rtn Pbiladelpliia Sew lark Kostoa And All ratals Eaht and South Y3 TIME 8CIIEDOI.E. ' ' ' Trains arrive e ver Wednesday at H a: m., aud depart at 11:15 a. m. For time cards, cards, maps and tickest, eall on or write i. A. MuirbeLAeaVr AtttoiMt-OrcMsw Or iu D. Cliarlton, Assistant Ueneral Passenger Agent, Zm Morrison St., Cor. Third, Portland, Or. COPYRlGHTSs.- CAfl I OBTAIN A PATltHT? Far proiiot snwpr J an bont ovlntoa, writ to WI.S!! ., who hT kd MttrlT any years etpeneTMje In lue patent bosUsesi. Comioonieu. , t--.)is tijietly roi'oivi-J. A Hn4blt of 1 itwiBMioo conwsmiUK I'atrnts and bow to nb tai n tbvm setne tns. Also cislogiM of BeduUk. ksul d vutiii-ih bouts seat free. I'litent tucen thmngtt fciioa tt Co. Tees) to mwctaJ until in tho f-fetlc American, soil tiius aro bronnhi wiwtf oelorotbo publiesrttli t ftias ti tua lwiio. This snteoJtd Mper, iHMied IW'T, elHfantiy litetntBd, aa by far tho largest cnmiatitia ot any sciMHiBe work ia Uo j.-riit. J ayaer. Rampie copl sent free. t...-.r.. iviiluoo, ni.nuhiy, iiiaer. Bimlo emudt, 5 osnu, Kvry Dumber onitalM beau titul plates, in eotora, and photoeraptaa of new I.O' a- ft plans, e.m-Mir.p builoors to show tbo JiiT. ":ns and sntreetmtita, Addrs M.CX& CO &SW SOUK, Stil HOXbwutT. Agents. $73 frOHiWwW WttActallUM tA fm m ftaBUjf tM KiBww. W b 1 a, rwM ol 4Hm ttma Wtfaiai vtustf tit kwia. Y 4 9mrtta miwn. Stm fcw-4o4 4w m&i., wnmri dscfttftrari mm fjORTESERw' R PiOii 10 U ::: ' N