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About The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942 | View Entire Issue (June 7, 1895)
AS IT STANDS. A Letter From the Secretary of the In terior. There are many lovers and devo tees of the rod and reel in thena who are very much discommoded in the pursuit of their favorite sport, by being prohibited from fishing in the Umatilla river on the reservatlan conceded to b one of the finest trout streams in Oregon. v" ' ' There are a . number of fishing cranks in this city who have writ ten Agent Harper for permits grant ing them permission to fish and hunt on the reservation, and he has referred them to the Secretary of Interior. But from the follow ing it would appear useless to do 'so. M. S.Hanckel, government guag eratthe Weston distillery,' wrote agent Harper for a permit, and the agent forwarded Mr. Hanckel's re quest on to the Secretary of Inter ior at Washington. The Secretary in answering the agent says: "In reply you will inform Mr. Ha.ckle that this office cannot grant him the desired permission, for the reason that hunting in the Indian country is prohibited by sec. 2137 of the Revised Statutes," etc. While fishing is not mentioned in the above extract from the Sec retary's reply, it is generally con ceded that if hunting was prohib ited in Indian country, fishing is also.. . ,U i 'L w ALARMING SITUATION. Squirrles Devouring Hundred of Acres of Grain, says Mr. Killlan. John L. Killian, of Vansycle stated to the East Oregonian re porter Sunday that the squirrel problem has become one of grave moment to the farmers of Umatilla county. Mr. Killian says that one who has not traveled over the fields and observed the myrids ot ground squirrels which are literally eating the crop of the country, or of many parts of it, has not an adequate idea of the amount of damage be ing done. Says Mr. Killian: . '." " "The situation is desperate in deed.' I would hesitate to sound such a note of alarm, but, under the circumstances, it is the duty of every one who knows the fact to speak, arid speak emphatically. Imagine the situation the worst you can, and you will not form an exaggerated idea of the havoc be ing played in our wheat fields. I believe that I am in a position to know, and I have no fear of over stating the facts. "The squirrels travel in enorm ous colonies and make clean sweeps as they pass along. I would not give three coppers for a piece of wheat they have worked in for a day or two. "Some of our fatmers are putting forth every effort to stamp them out, but owing to the fact that many show no disposition to resist the ravages of the pests and that a 'large area has been deserted by farmers, their efforts are practical ly unavailing. Louis Anderson, one of the heaviest wheat growers in the county, is working early and late and making a noble effort to save his crop, but they are defying his attempts and fairly devouring his broad acreage of grain. I have done my best to chock them, but am compelled to see my efforts come to naught. "I want to say to the business public of Pendleton and other coun ty town, that immediate action TiiUBt be taken. Delay means ruin to crop prospects in ranny parts of the county. . I am inclined to fav or the county court offering a boun ty for squirrels and setting a lot of people to work of exterminating the animals. The bounty, I be lieve, will be more effectual than the purchase and distribution by the county of squirrel poison, though it might be well for the county court to furnish the poison and hire roliablo men to scatter it and do the poisoning themselves. If free poison is offered, there ml be dozens of persons who will neg lect to put it out. "The effort must be kept up un til there is no trace of the army of squirrels in the country. Last February, I had cleaned them out. Today, in the same places are le gions of them, and they are conquer ing legions, too, which are threat ening defeat and financial disaster to many hard working farmers who are powerless unless united action be taken." , JURORS FOR JUNE COURT, Guy and Lee, French Have Forfeited Their Bonds. The grand jury for the June term of court has been 'drawn and con sist of the fallowing, men: Doug las Belts, Alta," foreman, JuliuB Hudemann,' Union; C. E. Berry, Milton; Josephs West, South Mil ton; N. Loveridgo, Pendleton; S. B. Elder, Prospect; Chas. Hover, Alba. f ha petit jury a called and re tained, is (Composed of Alexander McKende, Adams; Geo, C. Parsons, Prospect ; D, W. Harris, South Mil ton; Henry Rosenberg, Fulton, Rod McDonald, Alba. Julius Wagner, Alta; C. W. Fielding," Pendleton; J. L. ytaekwan, Vansyjle; B. F. Ogle, Willow Springs; W. II. Boyd, Umatilla; J. S. McCloud, Pendle ton; P. Hoon, Valley; L. J. Foss, Athena. Jurors excused for the term were: J. L. Killian, Vansycle; W. D. Hansford, Pendleton; S. T. Den ton, McKiy; J. P. Whittemore, Mc Kay; Hugh McArthur, Athena; II. Pinkerton, Weston; Fred Freudig, Echo; J. Tomlinson, Pendleton. CO. French is officiating as bailiff for the grand jury, and Lee Moorhouse and John Hailey for tbe court. Bonds to the amount of $1500 for Lee and Guy French, have been forfeited. The "men were indicted at the last term of court for lar ceny of cattle, and the case con tinued. Their father,' John French, and S. P. Sturgis were the bondsmen. Makes pure blood. These three words tell the whole story of the wonderful cures by Hood's Srsa parilla. , It is the best blood puri fier and spring medicine. Hood's Pills bave won bigh praise for their prompt and efficient yet easy action. Brevities. ' Prof. Liston, of Milton, visited his many Athena fiiends Saturday. 0. C. Osburn is a practical drug gist, that's the reason he is having such a nice trade. See? When in Pendleton stop at the Golden Rule Hotel. The best of rooms and elegant fare. Free bus to and from all 'rains. W. S. Byers, the Pendleton mil ler, contemplates shipping flour to Kansas, where wheat is said to be worth 90 cents a bushel. Shiloh'sjCure, the great Cough and Croup Cure, is in great demand Pocket size contains twenty-five doBes, only 25c. Children love it. Sold by all Drugists. . Leader: R. Jamison recently "sold 1200 bushels of wheat to agent Wilkinson, of the Athena elevator, at forty cents per bushel. Karl's Clover Root, the great Blood purifier gives freshness and, dearness to the Complexion and cures Constipation, 25 cts., 50 cts., $1.00. We are in receipt of a program for the Oregon State Sportsmen Association meeting which occurs at La Grande the 13th, 14th, and 15th, of June. Between $800 and $1000 will be paid out to the men with the best eyes. Leador: A Weston man who visited Milton recently wants to know if the Eagle is asleep. He thinks that it has ample right to scream over the condition of Mil ton sidewalks, and wonder why it presarves such a clam-like silence in this matter. Leader: J,' R. Beaton had a good strawberry crop on Little Dry creek from one-eight of an acre which he planted by way of experi ment. He will now set out a half acre, believing that strawberries can be grown here as well as any where. . . ,' The Frazer stable of Pendleton, is to be entered in Portland for the summer meot, and when the races are over there they will be taken south for the California circuit, which will includo Sacramento, Napa, Los Angeles. Petaluma and Santa Anna. The farm residence of Mr. R. M. O'Brien, which is on the Wild Horse, above Athena, came near burning to the ground at an early hour; .Monday morning, prompt work with a force and hose saved the O'Brien Only pump home from destruction. Deputy assessors have finished their work in the following pre cincts: Fulton, Union, Juniper, Vansycle, Cottonwood, Valley, Weston, Echo, Alta, McKay, and Encampment. Milton is nearing completion, but work remains un finished in Athena, Pendleton and Ukiah precincts. ' Tribune: Word was received Wednesday at Ole Hendricson's home about 10 miles northeast of Pendleton, that his two sons had been drowned while fishing in the Columbia. Both wero young men, Albert Hendricson being 21 years of age. Up to that time their" bod ies had not yet been found. La Grande Chronicle: F. D. McCully went to Athena Friday evening where he has two cars of hogs to load, that will be added to the shipment of twelve carloads from Elgin. These are the hogs which are shipped by McCully and Middle. Part of the lot goes to Montana and the other to Chicago. Some time ago I was troublod with an attack of rheumatism. I used Chamberlain's Pain Balm and was completely cured. I have since advised many of my friends and customers to try. the remedy and all speak highly of it. Simon Goldbauai, San Luis Roy, Cal. For sole by Osburn. Pilot Rock Record: We under stand that a couple of vaqueros captured a squaw at the head of Big 5IcKay creek, for the purpose of robbing her of any valuable she might possess. After binding her hands and feet so tightly that the flesh was cut to the bone, they let her go, not finding any money about her. Shiloh's Cure is sold on a guar antee. It cures Incipient Consum ption. It is the best Cough Cure Only one cent a dose. 25 cts., and $1.00. A lady in Tooleys La., vas very sick with bilious colic when M. C. Tisler, a prominent mershant of the town gave her a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. He says she was well in forty minutes after taking the first dose. For sale by Osburn. Your Physical Condition. -Needs attention at this time. If you are tired, weak and nervous, it is clear that your blood is im- Eure, and without doubt there has een too much over-work or strain on brain or body. . The course of treatment for such a condition is plain and simple. The blood must first be purified so that the nervous system, and in fact all the organs will be fed upon pure blood. In telligent people without number have testified that the best blood purifier and nerve tonic is Hood's Sarsaparilla. DON'T STOP TOBACCO. How to Cure Yourself While Using It. The tobacco habit grows on a man until his nervous system is seriously affected, impairing health, comfort and happiness. To quit suddenly is too severe a, shock to the system, as tobacco, to an invet erate user becomes a stimulant that his system continually craves. Baco-Curo is a scientific cure for the tobacco habit, in all its forms, carefully compounded after the formula of an eminent Berlin phy sician who has used it in his pri vate practice since 1872, without a failure, purely. vegetable and guar anteed perfectly harmless. You can use all the tobacco you want, while taking Baco Curo, it will no tify you when to stop. We give a written guarantee to permanently cure any case with three boxes,or re fund the money with 10 per - cent. Interest. Baco-Curo is not a sub stitute, but a scientific cure, that cures without the aid of the will f ower and with no inconvenience, t leaves the system as pure, free from nicotine as the day you took your first chew or smoke. Sold by all druggist, with our ironclad guan tee, at $1.00 per box, three boxes, Day Ugh t Dull Times or not, We are ready for you. .Iff llf lff : : OUR NEW ARRIVALS In Dress Goods, Calico and Ginghams Are j ust what you want. AMD 7E DOTE On giving, our Customers the benefit of prevailing Low Prices. . . . Some . r Choice . Bargains . Take . Advantage Of. Them . r Corner Main and 3rd. MOSGROVE'S thirty days treatment, $2.50, or sent direct upon receipt of price. Send six two-cent stamps for sam ple box, booklet and proofs free. Eureka Chemical & Manufacturing Company, Manufacturing Chemists La Crosse, Wisconsin. If King Solomon was alive he would now say: "Go to the travel ing man, learn his ways, and be wise." Mr. C. W. Battell, Cincin nati traveling man representing the Queen City Printing Ink Co., after suffering intensely for two or three days with lameness of the should er, resulting from rheumatism, completely cured it with two ap plications of Chamberlain's Pain Balm. This remedy is gaining a wide reputation for its prompt cures of rheumatism, lame back, sprains, swellings, and lameness. 50 cent bottles for sale by Os burn. BEFORE BUYING . . . HARNESS . . . Iff :,. It will pay you to call and ex amine stock and get my prices at my shop on Court Street, Pendleton " Oregon. F. H. WESTON, Proprietor. A he a. d Is the place to find Bargains 1 AT COMBS RESTAURANT rrrr. I S Main Street, 5 MEALS, 25c. BEDS, 25c. I Meals I At all Hours c Day or Night. WHITE -HELP 'EMPLOYE Mr. Arthur J. llenday Woodland, Wash. it I Am Cured" Eczema For Over Three Yeart Purified the Blood With Hood's Sarsaparilla and Is Now Well. " C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass.: "Dear Sin: I wish to forward you a statement of my case. Eczema ap peared three years ago and since then I hare tried all kinds of remedies fox the care of the disease and had given up all hope of ever being oared. At last X was told to try Hood's Sarsapa rilla and Hpod's Olive Ointment. I did so and I am happy to say that , . I Am Cured of that dreadful skin disease.' I have taken sixteen bottles ot Hood's Sarsa - parilla and need five boxes ot the Oint ment. I would have written before but I wished to wait until I was confl- Hood's Cures dent the disease would not return again. It has not and I oan say I am perfectly oared. I gladly recommend Hood's Sarsaparilla." Aethub J. Mbndat, Woodland, Washington. Hood's PINS do not purge, pain or gripe. but act promptly, easily and efficiently. 28o. . Notice. ; . The undersigned having been ap pointed by the court Receiver for the C. A. Barrett Co., all parties owing said firm are requested to call and settle their accounts. : " C. A. Barrett, r - - ; . Receiver. Dr. Price's Cream Baking1 Powder , Awarded Cold Medal Midwinter Fair, San Francisco. and We Do Job work Way Down BjSL j6S DON'T STOP 1TOBAC CO will be sent by mall npos receipt Box. Booklets and proofs free. of price. Office of THE iiearMrs i nave oeen a louacco nena jor nuuiy joibhu uuhhr i-- ,. - smoked fifteen to twenty cigars regularly every day. My whole nervous system became ar- ' . ... .. . . i ' i I, rected, until hit pnvsietan tout me i must give i.)ui t rin.i thi ,woii..rt '.-ot.itf "Nrt out success, until 1 accidentally learned of your 'Baco-Curo" Three weeks ago to-day I com menced using your preparation, and to-day I consider myself completely cured: I am in pert health, and mat lie nomoie craving tor tooacco, wincn every nmy c.h.....". plete.'y le me. I consider your "Baco-Curo" simply wonderful, and can fully recom has com mend it i oars very iruiy. - ft Insist 'mf Costs no more than inferior package soda 7 K j ucvu sjA iuc iiuui, xcj soil, tm (ukturdaiged purest f r'tt f-wk-m "urmr- T n nf Tlnti' FREE. t I The Northern- Pacific. Farmer, Published at Portland Oregon, now in ita twenty-first year, is the beet and in fact theonly truly weekly agricultural paper published in the Northwest." It is edited by Frank Lee, the granger editor, assisted by scores of correspondents, and con tains from 16 to 32 pages weekly, of agricultural, horticultural, stock, poultry, Western market reports, childrens, household, and other tems . of interest that no one who has any interest in the farm or the Northwest can afford to be with out. At $1 cash in advance per year for thU large weekly makes it the best and cheapest paper in the United States. To all new sub scribers who will pay one years subcription to The Press in ad. vance, and all old subscribers who will pay their back subscription and one years subscription in ad vance to The Press will, receive this great Northwest journal free for one year. No one can afford to be without it. The tlmmb Is d niifulllnt; Index of cliai aeter. The Fqutire 'J j pe in dicates a wr ng will, grrat ciicref and flnnney. i ien'iv cilied i the Spatulatt'd Typi ihumb ot Ihoee of advance! hum tinil businetsa ability. Both of these types btlone to the but or uumnu; anu Deiuorcst'.i Family l!u:azine pce purea esiioil: lly fur such ptranna a whole volume o! Tiew icleno, con densed in u M.mll time, to that the record of tho whole world's work for a month l.:ny tc r -ad In half an honr. Tho t'onicul Type iudicatea rcflnemeul, culture, and a love of manic, port rv, an'i fiction. A person with thin type of thumb will thor oughly enjoy ilii- Uicrjtry attractions of Derooruvt s Mrgnziiie. The Ar tistic Tj io iin i ate 8 a love of beauty and art, v i:ioh will find rare pleasure in tl.e cuifru'licent oil-picture of roses, 3C 24 inches, repro duced from tbe origins! paiuiin by De Loutrpvo, themon celebrated of living Cower -painters, which will he given to enry nbcriber to Dt-moreefs Jfncuzir.c for 11-95. The cost of i iiperb work of art wae 850.00; and the reproduction cannot be c!Nt -:hcd from the original. I'.c -Mis Ihlf, an e.quiilte oil or- wuter-eoior picture is pub lished in cacii number of IhoSlaKa elne, and tho iirt-eles on: so pro. fnsclvanil superbly iilnslialcd that the MaKazino is. in reality, a port folio of art v.-oiks of the highest order.. Tho Phllosoiil-.icType is the thumb of the thinker and inventor of idens, who will ho deeply inter ested in tln-pe developed monthly in DcrnnrcBt's Jlagaglne, in cvory one of its numerous departments, which cover the eniirn art it-tic and ' scientific field, chronicling every fact, fancy, and fad of the day. Demoresi's 1s simply a perfect Family Magazine, and was Ions ago crowned C'luen of the Monthlies. Bend in vonr sulxcnntiiHi: it will 3 t V TO MS,! cost only J in d yon will have a do-en Slnptv're-s in one. Address W. Jknninc'D: "Ji-ii -st, ruhn-her, 15 East lllh K'liet. Kevv Yoik. 'i houeli not a f.-M-.imi n:ii"iizii'e. its pcrfeci fashion ;.-.:;cK.'ti;d is:iriie!es on family - dowK'-e m-tieir. will bo of HIWl pnasi-asiefr 11. i: F . Thumb, whWi If size, elendi- i.i- , smooth, rc-"'i.;.-! trail! rJ'ye. of i i-.i in liftman fl l r.'l, and i. lrriMi traits i i::.!lv to the wnicii ULMOl.K v puww w:, vug vi . . Bemorest's Magazine, If yon are imac(;iw::iti ilwl'li a merits fiend fnr A Anl-ctm.-n eol.e iflee'l. Slid I MiVcr'be to fou will admit that seeing thei-e THV:: put rou in ine wav or savini inure., i.- ..a m Hagazine everything to satisfy the literary wants of M w uoie lauiuy, V TAKE EST ff ' -' ( A.V 111! ill mm SOots. Jtnd 81.C0 Bottl. Onesstdo99 Iti sold on suarants hr U drar. gltt. it cores. xnoipieniuoruiuinputH tud U th beat Cougii ni Croup Cura. , , PUBLIC NOTICE. : : -:v Notici is hereby eiven thut I will annlv to the Mayor and common council of the city of Atnena, uregon, at a meet ing mereoi to .oe neta on ine z.itu. any oi may ixo, tor a license to sell spirituous, malt and vinous lia uors in less quantities than one quart, said llq uors to tie sot oniy in a ouiiamg situittea oa lot 7 In block 5. of said city Alex McKay Dated May 1st, 1895. Applicant. H. . lilt I Its Injurious to stop Suddenly and don't be imposed upon by buvins a remedy that re quires you to do so, as it is nothing more than a sub stitute. In the sudden stoppage of tobacco you mnst have some stimulant, and in most all cases, the effect of the stimulant, be opium, morphine, or other opi ates, leaves a far worse habit contracted. Ask your druggist about BACO-eU'RO. It is purely vege table. You do not have to stop using tobacco with BACO-CURO. It will notify you when to stop your desire for tobacco will cease, rour system win ne as tree rrom nicotine as ineuay before you took your first chew or smoke. An Iron-clad written guar antee to absolutely cure the tobacco habit in all its forms, or money refund ed. Price ii .00 per box or 8 boxs (SO davs treatment and guaranteed cure, S .Ml Vnr aula Itv all dl'UL'L'ist or wil Send six twoeent sttmps for Sample Eureka Chemical MXg uo., i.a russe, vt in. Pioneer Pluses Co., C.W. Hornlek.Supt. St. Paul, Minn., Hept. 7, 18&4, - .1 .1 . I. it -ael 4 van 1-a liaVA tip ine use oi ujoiwcu ui mo "" vr'"s,,"v - TVvitA nnd varionsothcr remedies, out wivn- C. W.HllRKICK. BEWARE cf imitatioa trade marks . and labels. ana 15 urn . in tbs verU, Vm )jim TTTT 1 I- I 11 r - X Tf v A IS ) hi D5;, Vfr r. i v- ..-.iia(rlnvijB For $1.50 in advance you H V , . ,( get the v. PRESS and NORTHWEST ' PACIFIC FARMER for. one ": year. yi-- , - -. For - $2.00 the .v;v;.- PRESS and .-' the WEEKLY SUN.. - E. MCNEILL, Receiver. TO THE EAST . Gives the choice of TWO TRANSCONTINENTAL ROUTES GREAT : UNION IIORTHERI! RY.PACIFIC RY VIA ' ' - ' VIA ; SPOKANE DENVER MINNEAPOLIS OMAHA . AND AND ' ST. PAUL KANSAS CITY Low Rates to all Eastern Cities. ' : v - ... 1 Ocean Steamers leave Portland every 5 days for SAN FRAfJCISGO For full details call on 0. R. & N. Agent, Athena. Or address: W. H. HTJRLBUT, Gen. Pasa Agt. Portland. Oregon. .,.,,' Thomas F. akc, Ilenry "V. Payne. II. . Ronsc, Receiver. S PULLMAN ELEGANT TOURIST . SLEEPING CARS DINING CARS SLEEPING CARS fit Paul Minneapolis Itulath Fargo 4. rami Forks 4reoktna Winnipeg Helens and Butte, Ta THROUGH TICKETS. TO - ! Chicago Washington Philadelphia New lork Boston And All I'eluls East and noalh TIME SCHEDULE. - Trains arrive every Wednesday at 11 a. m., and depart at 11:15 a. m. For time cards! cards, maps and Hcfeest. call on or write J. A Mueirhead, Agent, Athena, Oregon. Or A. IX Charlton, Assistaut General Passenger A gent, 2aa Morrison St., Cor. Third, Portjand, Or. : .J COPYRIGHTS. V? i rJ3 OBTATH A PATEWT t For CT'APf ? u,d ? Iwweot opinion, writ tn w l. N & t. O., wiH hara bd iwrii HftT Teara eipenenoe in too patent busn.ftw. Conitr.anlofc. fonntion eonoeniinK latein aod how to ob. tain trwn, tmm freoTllso a ouvlu aJSb kl mkI sotoioao feiok sect t m7 "ocu" tt tekeo t fin nih A! on a Jk Co. ratmltva citeSS t???iA1T Public wtibZ SS1 Syoi'uon of tsr olentta work la Urn LadiMar awa. Br ftxriuaiva trfritrcv. Jim fcsi ahv W uhiv i i " Sir4, no Ma fcti 4tlr iu m Vt'buVt VUOJ Hit-, UmI a m jo) ':A; ;:-