The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, May 17, 1895, Image 4

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A Expressed in the Northwest Maga
' zine.
E. V. Smalley, editor of the
Northwest Magazine, after return
ing to St. Paul, wrote thus of his
impression of Umatilla county;
The county of Umatilla, in East
ern Oregon, produces more wheat
than any other county in the state,
and probably more than any coun
ty in Washington, unless it should
. be Whitman. The annual yield is
said to range from 3,000,000 to 4,
000,000 bushels. There are less
than 15,000 people in the county
and over 5,000 of them live in
Pendleton, thena and other towns,
bo that the proceeds of this enor
mous crop is distributed among a
farming population of less than
10,000. If we take out the wool
growers and stock raisers we shall
bring the number of people who
live upon the results of wheat farm
ing down to 8,000. As these peo
ple have been raising big crops for
ten or fifteen years, in times of
' good prices, one would suppose
that they be in a prosperous con
dition and able to go through a
period ot depression without any
hnancial distress. 1 was told in
Pendleton, however,, by the local
banker, Mr. Sturgis, and by the ed
itor of the East Oregonian, Mr.
Jackson, that nearly all the farm
ers are heavily mortgaged and that
many of them cannot meet the in
terest on their loans. The explana
tion of this unfortunate state of af
fairs is that the farmers lived care
lessly and extravagantly in the
good times, buying their food at
the grocery stores (instead of rais
ing garden stuff, pigs and poultry
and keeping cows) speculating in
mines and in Tacoma and Seattle
town lot?, and got in debt for more
land to put in wheat and more
machinery to work the land with.
The old tragedy of one crop coun
tries is being' repeated on these
lich, rolling plains, and there is no
remedy except the old fashioned
one of economy and industry. The
farm loans ought tat bo re-adjusted
at lower rates ofinterest nine and
ten per cent are much to high fig
ures in these times of low prices
for all farm products the big
farms should be divided and more
people brought into the country,
and then everybody should work
more and spend less. ,
. Trials of a Showman.
The "Norse Musee," a pretty good
show that include among its attrac-,
tions a mummified giant nine feet
tall, which, if not genuine, is a
mighty good deception, gave exhi
bitions here on Tuesday, Wednes
day and Thursday evenings, in
the Armory- hall. A traveling
snow in ineso times nas a rather
precarious existence,' and the
JfkT '
"ixorse .nusee" combination is no
exception to the rule. Thursday
the teamster absconded ; with the
big wagon uped in transporting the
mummy, and the following day
two ot the actors started afoot for
the railroad. This left the pro'
prietor, Zelma k Linzio to go on to
Mitchell with the whole show in
one wngon. Their headquarters is
at Milton. Fossil Journal. ,
A Wool Item.
Oregon stands seventh of .tho
states in the number of her sheen,
having 2.45G.077. She is fourth in
tho production of unwashod wool,
having 19,648,616 pounds, and
fourth in scouring wool, with 6,
877,016 pounds. Ohio ranks first
with Texas a very close second and
California third, with onlv 210,000
le8S sheep. Texas produces the
most unwashed wool, but her pro
duct looses 68 per cent in scouring
while that from Ohio looses but5i
per cent, so that the latter outranks
her in the scouring product Ore
gon wool looses 65 per cent weight
in scouring. The average weight
of tne Oregon lleece is 8 pounds.
' Your Physical Condition.
Needs attention at this time. If
you are tired, weak and nervous,
it is clear that your blood is im
pure, and without doubt thore has
been too much over-work or strain
on brain or body. The course of
treatmont for such a condition is
plain and Bimple. The blood mu?t
first be purified so that the nervous
system, and in fact all the organs
will be fed, upon pure blood. In
telligent people without number
have testified that the best blood
purifier and nerve tonic is Hood's
. .III.. !
Don't Crack Barley. ,
The farmers of Eastern Oregon
are admonished by the managers
of the Pacifio Const Elavator Com
pany to guard against cracking
barley, as all such is thereby ren
dered unfit for browing purposes.
Cracked grain is from a fault in
threshing. Some machine men
are'careless in tbia rospect and only
watch the straw to see that nothing
is wasted there. It how transpires
there is liable to bo as much wasto
through breaking the berries as
through leaving the grain in the
An Oregon Boy.
Percy Olmstead is the only Ore
gon boy who has gone through the
Annapolis nsval academy. In the
examination, twenty-two cadets
will compete for promotion to fill
five vacancies, and if the Oregon
boy is successful, he will be ad
vanced to the rank of junior lieu
tenant' his present rank being ca
det ensign and his position that of
aide to Admiral Walker on the
flagship Philadelphia. Young Olm
stead has won the distinguished
honor, of ranking second in .the
world with an average of 96 per
cent out of a possible . 100 points,
in the operation of high power
guns. During the past two years
he has been in South American
ports, China, Japan, the islands and
many other foreign countries. Ore
gon people wiil take pride in their
only cadet who thus takes high
rank among the hundreds of young
men whom Uncle Sam is training
up as officers, and success in secur
ing promotion will please every
He Was Noisy.
A young man, or boy rather, in
dulged "all same Injin" Sunday
and was comfortably "full." He
created quite a disturbance in the
north part of town by cursing and
loud talk. He was under the im
pression that he wanted to fight
some one and emphasized his de
sires in that direction in a voice
that could be heard all over town
Meacham creek affords fine fish
If you want your advertisement
read, put it in the Press.
Meacham promises to be an at
tractive "camping" place this sum'
Pendleton has retained the pres
ent corps of teachers for the com
ins vear.
ham springs last Wednesday, kill
ed two bear.
Mr. Gaeen will incorporate his
mine for $150,000, the par value of
each share to be $100.
Several gaily decorated Pocatello
Indians came down to visit among
friends on tho Umatilla reservation.
Col. J, K. Mead left Pendleton
by team Saturday for a trip across
the continent to Florida. Rather
a long trip.
When in Pendleton stop at the
Golden Rule Hotel. The best of
rooms and elegant fare. Free bus
to and from all rains.
W. E. Lees, who formerly .prac
ticed law in Milton, has been ap
pointed official stenographer of the
eight judicial district by Judge M.
v. cwiord.
Shiloh's Cure, the great Couch
and Croup Cure, is in great demand
Pocket size contains twenty-five
doses, only 25c. Children love it.
Sold by all Drugists. t
AMiss Woodruff will read a paper
at the teachers' convention, at Eu
gene, tomniorow, entitled, "What
can college men do in the county
Shiloh's Cure is sold on a guar
antee. It cures Incipient Consum
ption.. It is the best Cough Cure
Only one cont a dose. 25 cts., and
$1.00. ,
Milton has a thoroughly organ
ized fire department, with the of
ficers: Chief, J. F. Danaher; first
assistant chief, .William Webber;
secretary, H. F. Wright.
X A party of Weston Normal stud
ents discovered a bee-tree on the
headwaters of the classic Pine,
one day last week and extracted
therefrom 125 pounds of pure sweet
ness. II, 'II. Hill, tho jeweller, who has
had 18 years experience at the
trade and one year in the horologi
cal Bchool in Cincinatti, will do
work cheaper this year than ever
before, All work guaranteed
K.A big pow wow, was held Satur
day at tho agency, attended by
Agent Harper, and epocial agent
McCormick It related to the visit
recontly made by the chiefs to
An unknown man was killed
while walking the railroad track
Friday, near .Rochester, N. Y. In
a note book was found the name of
M. E. Avery, Detroit, and Mrs.
William Ikldbridge, Box R. La
Grande, Oregon.
D. B. Watson and Wm, Atchison,
of Mission station, have again is
suod a challenge to any two men in
the country for a sack piling con
test. They offer for money to pile
whoat sacks one row higher than
their antagonists, and they are
anxious to mako a match with
someone. .
A lady in Tooleys La., was very
sick with bilious colic when M. C,
Tisler, h prominent inenhant of
the town gave her a bottle of
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and
Diarrluva Remedy. He says she
was well in forty ' minutes" after
taking the first dose. For sale by
Oshurn. '
Walla Walla Gazette: A. C.
Cummins, the foreman of the Gaz
ette office, is tho first deafmute pub
lisher of tho territory and slats of
Washington. " He was the first
deafmute to learn the publishing
business in California. He is
fine newspaper and job printer.
Mr. Cummins was at one time a
resident of Athena.
Karl's Clover Root, the great
Blood purifier gives freshness and
clearness to the Complexion and
cures Constipation, 25 cts., 50 cts.,
Ward and Jack Da vis, two broth
ers, residing near Milton, aged re
spectively 19 and 21 years had a
personal encounter on Wednesday
morning which resulted in the
younger brother receiving a broken
skull at the hands of the other.
For whooping cough Chamber
lain's Cough Remedy is excellent.
By using it freely the disease is
deprived of all dangerous conse
quences. There in no danger, in
giving the remedy to babies, as it
contains nothing injurious. 50
cent bottles for sale by: Osburn,
Examination papers have been
looked over and as a result second
grade certificates issued to Miss
Maggie Daisly, Millie Cheney, Zel
la Matthews; third grade to Misses
Alice James, Belle Grant, Lottie
Coolidge, Cora McEwen. ' Mips
Cheney lacked or ly 6-10 of 1 per
cent of making a first grade aver
age, bers being the highest.
How to Cure Yourself While Using It.
The tobacco habit grows on a
man until his nervous system is
seriously affected, impairing health,
comfort and happiness. To quit
suddenly is too severe a shock to
the system, as tobacco, to an invet
erate user becomes a stimulant
that his system continually craves.
Baco-Curo is a scientific cure for
the tobacco habit, in all its forms,
carefully compounded after the
formula of an eminent Berlin phy
sician who has used it in his pri
vate practice since 1872, without a
failure, purely vegetable and guar
anteed perfectly harmless. You
can use all the tobacco you want,
whie taking Baco Curo, it will no
tify you when to stop. We give a
written guarantee to permanently
cure any case with three boxes,or re
fund the money with 10 per cent,
interest. Baco-Curo is not a sub
stitute, but a scientific cure, that
cures without the aid of the will
power and with no inconvenience.
It leaves the system as pure; - free
from nicotine as the day you took
your first chew or 6moke. Sold by
all druggist, with our ironclad euan-
tee, at $1.00 per box, three boxes,
Dull Times or not,
,We are ready for you.
In Dress Goods, J
Calico andi Ginghams!
Are just what you wdnt.
On giving: our Customers
the benefit iof prevailing
Low Prices. .... !
Some .
Choice .
Bargains .
Of. I,-..;,
Main and 3rd.
thirty days treatment, $2.50, or
sent direct upon", receipt of price.
Send six two-cent stamps for sam
ple box, booklet ajSd proofs free.
Eureka Chemical .Manufacturing
Company, Manufacturing Chemists
La Crosse, Wisconsin. '
If King Solomon was alive he
would now say: "Go to the travel
ing man, learn his iwavs, and be
wise." Mr. C.'W; Jattell, Cincin
nati traveling man representing the
Queen City Printing Ink Co., after
suffering intensely for two or three
days with lameness of the should
er, .resulting from' rheumatism,
completely cured it with two ap
plications of Chamberlain's Pain
Balm. ; This remedy is gaining a
wide ' reputation for its prompt
cures of rheumatism, lame back,
sprains, swellings, and lameness.
50' cent bottles , for sale by Os
burn. " ' 1 - -
V. HARNESS . . .
: 'It will pay you to call and ex
' amine stock and get my prices
: at my shop on Court Street,
F. ' II. WESTON,! Proprietor.
Ahead. .
Is the place
to find Bargains
) . ; . : 7
S Main Street,
, MEALS, 25c. BEDS, 25c. I
I : p i
j Meals J c
v At all Hours
Day or Night.
Is a necessity became the tonlo of winter
It Is gone, and milder weather, Increased
moisture", accumulated Imparities In the
blood and debilitated condition of the
body, open the way for that tired feeling,
nerrous troubles, and other Ola. The
kin, macons membrane and the various
organs strife in rain to relieve the im
pure current ot life. They all welcome
parilla to assist Nature at this time when she
moat needs help, to purify the blood, ton.
and strengthen the laboring organs and
build np the nerres.
UI was not able to wait on myself and
eon Id not gain any strength until I began
taking Hood's Barsaparllla about three
months ago. Now I am doing my house
work. My right lang was badly effected,
and in the spring ana summer I was very
weak, but Hood's Barsaparllla has don. me
ruuoh good and I have great oonfldenoe In
it." Mbs. E. K. Khight, Teouznseh, Okla.
The Blood
"I hare taken Hood's SaraaparCla and It
has always built up my system, given me
a good appetite and cleansed my blood."
Thomas Kboqeb, Tulare, California.
Hood's Pills
The undersigned having been ap
pointed by the court Receiver for
the C. A. Barrett Co., all parties
owing said firm are requested to
call and settle their accounts.
C. A. Barrett,
. Receiver.
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder
. Awarded Cold Medal Midwinter Fair, San Francisco.
BAeO -
and your
I Job
j work
! Eates
will be
sent by mall upca receipt of price.
Booklets and proofs free. .
Office of Tbk Pioneer Press Co., G. w.Hornlck.Bupt. '
St. Paul, Minn., Sept. 7, 18M.
Eureka Chemical and MTg Co., La Crosse , Wis.
, Dear Sirs 1 have been a tobacco nend for many years, and during the past two years have
smoked fineen to twenty cigars regularly every day. My whole nervous system became ar
fected, until mvphvsician told mel must give up the use of tobacco for the time being, at
least. I tried the so-called "Keely Cure," 'No-To-Bac." and various other remedies, but with
out success, until I accidentally learned of your "Raco-Curo-" Three weeks ago w-r . a;
menced using your preparation, and to-day I consider myself completely cured; I am In perfect
health, and the horrible craving for tobacco, which every inveterate smoker fully appreciates,
has complete'y left me. 1 consider your 'KiusoCuro" simply wonderful, and can fully recom
mend if Yoars very truly. C. W.Hobsick. .
b the whol
ol Iraltatlaa trada
marka anj labeia.
Si S.ea -i4r?FAf Costs no more
& 111 JCiaG-3. ibur-Hiruvtnanyt
H only ly GTJROI k CO. Kc t Yart. SaiabyjjocmcTsryvlicre.
fi VTeiUt or Arm and Hammer Sock of raJaaiJa Eocipi-FZS3&.
The Northern Pacific Farmer,
Published at Portland Oregon, now
in its twenty-first year, is the best
and in fact the only truly weekly
agricultural paper published in the
Northwest. It is edited by Frank
Lee, the granger editor, assisted by
scores of correspondents, and con
tains from 16 to 32 pages weekly,
of agricultural, horticultural, stock,
poultry, Western market reports,
childrens, household, and other
tern a of interest that no one who
has any interest in the farm or the
Northwest can afford to be . with
out. At $1 cash in advance per
year for this large weekly makes it
the best and cheapest paper in the
United States. To all new sub
scribers who will pay one years
Bubcription to The Press in ad.
vance, and all old subscribers who
will pay their back subscription
and one years subscription in ad
vance to The Press will receive
this great Northwest journal free
for one .year. No one can afford to
be without it. -
Sji? "ftpi r
The thumb i an unfading Index
of charitcter. 1'hc tqimn- 'I ! in
dicates amruig will, giiui cir'-gy
' and flnniir?. I losti o!liu ir tho
Spatiilatid 'i'vpr, ilu ifti.mbo' tlut
of adviincC'l kb& oiid Iiiiium
ability. li.Mii of there yy.v fa-long
to the bfy or m.iuun; and
Demorc?t' 1 an:i.y I', a o.ini; pre
pares evKrUli) f.j n:c!i pwsim a
whole voltiK.i! f mw IitcM". con
densed In a. tinoll c hut the
record of ti l-uio vr:d' work
for a month nsy l e n ml in fcnlf on
hour. The O-iiitul 'J.vpe iudicatea
refinement, culiui". uiitl a love of
mueic, po'. trv. unu fleliim, A person
with thin lyp;! i f ilnmiu wiil thor
oughly enji y l' : Y-ti rmy tttimctioiis
of 'Deniitrfot't! M:i!.ii.c. The Ar
tistic Tj'io 1....Vi t ) tote of
beamy niri in', v. iw:h will fir.t rore
pleasure in Hie jtisv-niflci nt oil-piot.
ure of roMS, x SW Incite, repro
duced from tlie 6r;fint:i painting by
Dc Loiiffpre, I'k tni-l ceiehratrd of
living flcwerpHiiitei. which will
I be given to cv-ry mVciibcr to
Demorest'O .MiH'turine for M'5. The
cost of t.M M)pu work ol ai t was
toStm'; r-P'l tiin leprocuennn
cannot be i.i t ryeifl eii from the
original. J'.'.-!.iie ll'-?. K" c.'.(iu!lte
oil or wnttr-i !!! pi, ti ro in pub
lished tu tiimibi r cf ito Mapa
xino, anil the. t: it ties ivu ro pu
fnsely ami suiperMy li!i'inud tl.ot
the ttaisaziiia is, ti reality, a pun
folio of art wiri.if or the UrlH'-t
order. Tlie Pliil aiilifr. Typo is tho
thumb of tho tnlnkcr nnd Inventor
of Ideiip, vho will be deeply inter,
ested In those developed monthly
In Dcmorest's Wn-?-.ziiie, in every
one of its numerous depin tmei.ts,
which cover the en'lro arilHic and
scieutiflc field, fhronielius every
fact, fnncy, mid fail of the day.
Deraoreeri Is. simply ft perfect
Family Mnsrszinc, anil wns lonir ago
crowned Queen of the Monthlies.
Send in your iilicriptinu: it will
cost cnlv S'i.CO. aed you will linve
S dozen lifrtne; in Address
W. Jenninus i. woi!t:s.T, rul:!i her,
15 Ka.-t 14; li Sneet, Kew Yoik.
Thoueli not h fashion nm-jr.zir.o.. its
perfect fashion pn.'e.nnj lii-artle'es
on family ami domestic tnui'ers. will
be of piipevl-tive ii n nt in tlno
possessiiig tie Fm. inliic Tvpo of
Thumb, which hi Ur-ten in liennnll
size, elendei, h ft mil, and
smooth, rouuilwl tii. tho-e traitf
-orhU'h. htiloe'r tiuilv, to the.
rentier sex, every one of wloin rhiinld rnbi-ciibo to
Bemorest's Magazine. . If yoa are unacquainted with
Is merits, send for a specimen cony (free), and
foa will admit that seeing these Tllt'MI'.S bus put
roa In the way of savfng numey by Cruiuft in one
Kagazine everything to satisfy the literary wauts of
whole family. -
50cts. and
81.00 Bottle.
It ia sold on rnarantee) tT all dm(
eiata. xs eurea xnoipiensj yonaumptioa
ad lath best Cough and Croup Our
Notice Is hereby given that I will apply to
the Mayor and com moo council of the city of
Athena, Oregon, at a -meeting thereof to be
held, on the 25th. dav of May im, lor a
license to sell spirituous, malt and vinous liq
uors in less quantities than one quart, said liq
uors to be sold ony in a building situated on
lot 7 In block 6, of said city Alex McKay -Dated
May 1st, 1895. Applicant.
. a
Its Injurious to stop Suddenly and
don't be imposed upon by buying a remedy that re
quires you to do so, as it is nothing more than a sub
stitute. In the sudden stoppage of tobacco .you must
have some stimulant, and in most all cases, the effect
of the stimulant, be opium, morphine, or other opi
ates, leaves a far worse habit contracted. Ask; your
about B ASO-eU'RO. It is purely vege-
You do not have to stoo using
CUIlO. It will notify you when to stop
desire for tobacco will cease. Your system
obacco with
will be as free from nicotine as the day
before you took your first chew or
smoke. An iron-clad written guar
antee to absolutely cure the tobacco
habit in all its forms, or money refund
ed. Price Sl-00 per box or 8 boxs (30
days treatment and guaranteed cure) For sale hy alldruggist or will
Send six two-cent stamps for Sampls
Eureka CUemical & MTg Co., La Crosse, W Is.
than other package soda nrva- spoils
you .
and :
for .
year. .
i. '
.: . . l
1 : nCi.j.
; E. MoNEILL, Receiver.
V, . ;
Gives the choice of ;
; ' . '' AND . ' ' ' ''' 'AND ,
5 Low Rates to all Eastern '.v :
: ; Qties. ;'
Ocean Steamers leave Portland :
every 5 days for
" For full details call on " O? R." ::-
& N.:Agent, Athena. 1 ; :- :
. .Or address: ,W. H. HURLBUT, ' Gen. Pass
Agt. Portland. Oregon. ' ; , '
..... - j - ... - i ' ' . t - .- J r . I
Tliomas F. Vakes, Henry t'. Payne, B. .
Boose. Receiver. .'
St Pattf
Far '
Craad Forks
Heleaa aad
Wiuatactoat . .
Philadelphia '
New Tarlt ' '
Boslea And All -
folBis East and Hoath
. K '; '"1" TIME SCHEDULE. ) " . s ' '
Trains arrive every Wednesday at U a. m
and depart at 11:15 a. m. For time cards,
ciu-ds, maps and Uekest, eall on or write i. A.
Mueirhead, Ascent, Athena, Oregon. Or A. D.
Charlton. Assistaut General PaHnenser Agent.
265 Morrison St, Cor. Third, Portland, Or.
Wltf&l'fZfi lLB1""Lt-i P"I. write to
leal and aotexitifia book aant freeT
Patetna takes through Mann A Co. mmiw
PfoVe mtb. Sole li rtJ eriT
Ot Cost in tii
noiii "ST ZZS7V5Zi - 7' ? -u Bins
hMHw& w plana. enablui
" v.., mi auvw Ij
Agents. $75
. w aujia n.ka
VuhM. lIlllU Bud iiin
. r ". a tvtok.m,
IfcUMI- Bf4l.i t,
.. -.i.L'.. - ...rsiM. wnM . ,', ......
U . :::
'N t. .
' -. i ... "' V