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About The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942 | View Entire Issue (May 3, 1895)
ATHENA PRESS Published Every frldy Morning By J. W. SMITH, Proprietob. F. B. Boyd, Editob. Entered at Athena postofflce as second-class mall matter. . Sl , Subscription Testes: Per year, in advance, - ; - tl.00 Single copies, in wrapper, 5c. Advertising Kates: ijocai reading notices, first Insertion, 10c per lino. Eacn subsequent insertion, 5c. All communications should be addressed to he PRESS, Athena, Oregon. ATHENA, V MAY V 1895. JFew people east of the Ohio ap pear to recognize the tremendous strength of the agitation for the restoration of silver to an equality with gold of money of final redemp tion, which prevaifs all over the West and South. It is not con fined to men engaged in silver mining, for the total numbec of these so interested is but a email percentage of the total number who favor the movement. Indeed, it is strongest among the farmers and planters, says the Toledo Blade. It may be set down as a fact that at least 90 per cent of the people west of the Mississippi and south of the Ohio are in favor of the gen eral proposition for restoration of silver. There are divisions as to the methods of doing this, but none on the general proposition. The intelligent among them realize that the practical working out of the problem is one which will re quire the broadest statemanship and the highest intelligence con gress can command, and are not equivocally and blindly commit ted to one plan, The details of the method, they recognize, must be the work of congress; that some thing must be done is all they de mand. They want no paltering, no evasion, no postponement -but an energetic and successful effort to settle the question in the best " way. v But nothing can bo done during the next two years in the way of legislation. Cleveland is commit ted to the single gold standard, and will not change his views. He never does. His veto would stop all efforts congress might make. Hence it is said it will be the over. shadowing issue in the campaign of 1896. The effort will be to nom inate and elect a majority to con gress in favor of the rehabilitation of Bilver, and of a president who is friendly to the movement. Over in Union, Union county, is a little paper called the Eastern Oregon Republican,' that devotes much of its denouncing the present administration. It is al so introducing political cartoons ? There is also a paper not over 20 miles from Athena, whose edit or is seriously trying the nerves of his readers with columns of such rot. Wa don't object to a paper upholding or opposing president Cleveland, but it does make us weary, and the people too, to see a little country editor pawing up the ground and continually cursing the president. What they say has no weight, and if it did, it would be as light as the little editor's head, therefore it amounts to noth ing. They had much better devote such time in writing up the town and section in which they live, They can be a power in that direc tion, but they are a small potato in the other. Give us a rest on politics anyhow unless you amount to something or know what you are talking about. . Savo your labor and brain for state and coun ty politics. Cleveland is the presi dent and what are you going to do about it? Six .western governorsthose of Missouri, Illinois, Wyoming, Kan sas, Montana and Nebraska de clare themselves for free coinage, in opposition to Fresideut Cleve land's recent letter, and say their position holds good irrespective of party associations. Never nsk an editor, "why do I have to pay a dollar a year for your paper, when I can get an eastern weekly for a quarter?" People ought to havo sense enough t kr.ow the reason, and yet some one is always asking the fool ques tion. When you feel inclined to do bo, go to some quiet spot and ask yourself what the weekly paper from the eastern city ever did lor the building up of your immediate locality. If you can't see the con nection you ought not to be allow ed to read any paper. . The dispatches of Sunday con tained a forecast of a straight dec laration in favor of silver by the democratic state convention of Il linois. Of course this is only a forecast, but it is given with such positiveness, and evidently comes from such a preponderance of sil ver sentiment among the democrats that it may be accepted as settled that the silver question is regarded as the foremost issue. Wonder if the republican edit ors of the West, who have so much to say about the appreciation of the gold dollar and the demonetiza tion of.silver are aware of who iff repponsible for this condition of af fairs, asks the Elgin Recorder. If they are we would be pleased to read a dissertion from them on this important subject. Setting forth how the people may expect a rem edy through the republican party. Mr. DuBois, of Idaho, speaking of silver and its prospects, said recent ly: "In my judgment the outlook for silver is bright. A great ma jority of the voters want it restor ed, and they will find a way to se cure what they want. They will not be fooled any more with mean ingless resolutions in national plat forms, or by politicians who talk one way and vote another. The Pall Mail Gazette says the courteous stand taken by the Unit ed States in connection with the Nicaraguan eposode is favorable au gury for a close understanding be tween the United States and Great Britain upon the China-Japan question. It asserts that England's action toward Nicaragua will teach the South American republics bet ter manners. An Idaho farmer, who has re cently been missing his egga sus pected that dogs had something to do with it, and in order to do away with the animals put poison in a few of the eggs. They disappear ed, but the dog did not die nor show any . signs of it, but it took three doctors to save the lives of a neighbor's family, A proposition has beon made in Chicago, and it emanates from a charitable society, to feed the poor upon bread made partly out of wood. It is asserted that in Berlin there is a great bakery where two hundred weight of wood bread is turned out daily for popular con sumption. The bread is made out of sawdust and rye flour. The grain markets have had their awakening and there is far less talk of manipulation than in the recent upturn in provisions and advance of wheat, corn and rye ar gue a change in sentiment which may be the commencement of a boom in which old time prices for wheat will be approximated. Wheat gained strength steadily through the week, but the improve ment was not so much due to legit imate trade wants as to a specula tive movement based upon crop conditions in Europe and low av erage of the growiug American crop. Gilmam county ranchers are cutting wheat this spring with reaper and binder. It is some of last year's crop that was not cut last fall and is said to be in good condition. It speaks volumes for Eastern Oregon climate. Don't you k now that there are 189 bank presidents in congress, and that they rep resent less than a two-thousandth part of the peo ple? Can you expect those men to maki laws to reduco the rate of interest? The man who says "I don't know" generally knows as much as the other follow. The city dailies are getting too big. and pretty soon they will be run, out by bright little paper?, sold for one cent, .which will con tain all the news worth knowing and will not take twenty-four hours to read. The increase of population, to gether with the advancement of civiliztaion tastes, habits and desires has been greater than the increape made in our production of the vari ous necessaries of life. The foreign crop situation seema to be much better than was ex pected for a few months back. Consumption of wheat in this coun try is estimated per capita 4.15 bushels per annum. Why should . a banker be sup posed to know more about finance than anyone else? Does the man who handles the poker chip3 nec cessarily understand the art of mak ng celluloid. , It seems the proper caper now a days is to propose to the young lady of your infatuation and if she re fuses, kill her on the spot and then blow out your own brains, if ycu have any. One of bur neighbors expresses himself as willing for the pops to have all the fun they can before 1896. He predicts that they shall die then with the campaign. Gen. Gordon, ot Georgia, is said to be a prospective candidate for governor on a gold-bug platform, and Hoke Smith will undertake the Senatorship. The Texas legislature has caught the infection. Seventy-five of them met and organized for the campaign on 16 to 1 silver. Ex-Senator Rea gan was in it. m Col. McClure, of the Philadel phia Times, has had to pay $45, 000 for libel committed against a man named Smith. This is hard on the Colonel. In the legislature of Tennesee, the house passed the free silver resolution by a vote of 47 to 33. The republicans all voted against it. Senator Blackburn, of , Ken tucky, announces himself in favor of free silver, with or without the consent of other nations. If you want to build up your own town patronize home indus tries. Don't merely talk that way, but practice it. Harry T. Hayward, the St. Paul murderer, has been denied a new trial The judge did right. A Yen is 81.9 cents , and the Chinese indemnity will therefore be $327,600,000. Only a Rumor. The rumor that the W. & C. R. contemplates extending its line in to the John Day country appears to be only another of the many railroad reports sent out by the press without authority. W. D. Tyler, receiver of the road was . re cently interviewed while in Port land upon the subject, and said: "We wish to correct the false report Eublished that we intended to uild extensions in various direct ions, and particularly in.the John Day country. At present we have no intention of constructing branch lines." A Terrible Arraignment. Birdie McGoogin-with emphasis -Hal Rosilla McGraw,- yer got on yer brudder Chimmie's last year baseball pants and yer posin' by his werlocipede, wich yer can't ride, but yer might as well under stand fust as last, yer gettin' yer self disliked. Der Fourt' ward has no use fer de Comin Woman. See? New York World. Expensive. Dicker-Have you got twenty five you don't have to have? Ticker What's the matter; broke? ? DickerYep; wife kissed - me good-by before I left home this morning. How's Thi. We offer On 3 Hundred dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hull's Catarrh Ciuv. V. J. Cheney A Co., Props. Toleds, O Ve the undersigned have known K. J. Chen ey tor the last 15 years, and believe him per fectly hoiiorablein all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obliga tions nuuiebv their firm. Went A Truas, Wholesale Prujtgist, Toledo, O. WaUtittt;, Hitman A Marvin, Wholesale DrnRKbtt, Toledo. Ohio. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken internally, aet liijt directly upon the blood and mucous sur of the system, l'rtce, Toe, pr bottle. Mold by all PrtiKglxlH. lestlmonials live. Dr. Price's Cream Raking Powder WorSJ' rait Highest Award. LOW PRICES . . CONSEQUENTLY BIG STOCK AT TEJ Pendleton, $C00 Men's Shoes, U - ouus. rur 20 in Colored 24 in " 0VnQ MUSLIN CDl I I IO CANTON FLANNEL rTS I A 4 Vy GINGHAM KU 25 "ST3DS-, S51. We Want Your Cash "Biz." )The Boston Store. FIRST NETIOHEL MI'; ' OF ETHERS. Fays ti, D. jr. 3?.a.:r:k::e:r, SHAVING, IIAIRCUTTING, SHAMPOOING, IIAIRSINGING, In Latest Styles. THE - . , it t 'f'-.i.-Sv' :--k.v W. P. LEACH, LEADING FURNITURE DEALER IF YOU WISH TO borrow money on-real estate, Sell or buy farm or city property; have your life in sured; have your property insured against fire in the best companies in the world; invest money at eood interest and have it well secured; have Deeds, 4 Mortgages, Contracts, Leases, etc, drawn correctly, call on W. T. OILMAN, Athena, Ore. He represents the following .first-class fire insurance companies: Phoenix, Home, Royal, Ger man, Caledonian and isortnwest. ile writes his own policies and guarantees correctness, , and at the lowest rates at which responsible com panies will take risks. He has the agency for the Equitable Life Insurance Co., the best of any Athena Bakery And . . . Cash Grocery ; Will Sell Maple syrup, 1 gal can. . .G0c. Golden Poppy syrup gal. 50c Corn Meal, 10 lbs. ........ 35c Rice, 12 lbs . 1 Every thing else in the Grocery line at bottom Prices. . . . A. SCIFNAEBELE. Prop'r. ADVERTISEMENTS IN ' THE ATHENA PRESS ARE READ BY THE PEOPLE. LARGE BUSINESS fa Oregon. (MOO Boy's $125 Knee Suits I i China Silk 35c Japan " 50c 00 South side Main Street. S0B CAPITAL STOCK, STTEPLUS, $fcoooc $21,000 interest on time deposits. Proper attention given to collections. Deals in foreign and " domestic exebang. Lively, Cashier, Athena, Oregon i5xko-pz?ietoz? o ELECTRIC BARBER SHOP. ir.-, t'f;,! ' w . X- l J.'... .. .4 !.,.: -" gj IMW,1 ! II" i; 1141,-1' M 1 9' J-lU'Jlfc. minillWMIHiVILinijU U Htl IJiM'UJWi 1 JHUH, -SUCCESSOR TO N. A. MILLER, THE A Gold Dollar A Silver Dollar , All IrOTl Dollar 5 IT MAKES no DIFFERENCE Take it with you to Weston and see" Worthington, the Blue Front Groc ery man who will give more goods for it than any other house will. THE "BLUE FRONT," II. O Worthington, - Prop.