The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, February 22, 1895, Image 2

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Published Every Friday Morning
By J. W. SMITH, Proprietor.
Entered at Athena pogtofHce ai second-clwss
mall matter.
Subscription 'Rates:
ler year, In ad ranee, - - - $1.50
Single copied. In wrappers, 5c "
Advertising 'Rates:
Local reading notices, tirat insertion, 10c per
line. Each subsequent Insertion, 5c.
All communications should be addressed to
he PRESS, Athena, Oregon.
If the tales told by the press of
the country are true there must be
alack of intelligent management
on the part of the Nebraska Relief
Commission. With numerous car
loads of supplies standing on the
sidetracks of the principal rail
road centers of the state, their per
ishable contents spoiling for vant
of attention, and at the same lime
numerous appeals coming in from
people who are starving to death,
indicates that there is something
radically wrong. It is estimated
that there have been enough pro
visions and money donated to pro
vide for the residents of the drouth
stricken sections of that state for
12 months; and if this is the case
it doesn't speak very highly for
those who have chargo of its dis
tribution that there are now people
All Wio Bta.bQ mil uic ill UUIIgcr UI
losing their lives on account of a
'lack of food and fuel. The legis
lature of the state has taken hold
of the matter and it is to hoped
that the defects will be speedily
remeuied.Elgin Recorder.
The city well is to receive an
other test. The one made yester
day by E. W. Cummings was not
satisfactory to somo of our citizens
and they propose to further, test
the well at their own expense. We
are glad to see that another test is
to be made, but are of the opinion
that it will result in proving that
Mr. Cummings' test was thorough
and correct. It does not seem reas
onable that the amount of wuter re
quired for the present system that
is being put in 350 to 400 gallons
per minute can bo furnished from
a six inch hole with the surface
water shut out. It is our opinion
that the only supply would be ob
tained from Jhe amount of water
(standing in the well surrounding
the hole, in case of fire, where high
pressure is expected, the supply of
water would be only that which
the natural How of the six inch
hole would afford, which is our op
inion would be insufficient. We
may be mistaken in regard to the
capacity of the well, and are glad
that another test is to bo made.
The Spokane Daily Times says
the most ardent advocates of the
restoration of Bilver to the position
gi ven to the founders of our govern
ment scarcely hope for tavorable
congressional enact ment during tlie
present session. Yet it is gratify
ing to note the lapid change of sen
timent in favor of the white metal
all over the world. England has
been the leader in the movement in
favor of the 6inglo gold e tandard,
but even there the money of the
common people is no longer with
out able and persistent advocates.
Wall street in our own country,
and the Eastern money centers,
have porsistently fought against
anything looking toward a re-enactment
of the financial legislation
which stood unquestioned on our
statute book for eighty years, but
'they are now willing to listeu to
arguments in favor of a return to
the conditions established by the
framers of our Constitution and able
advocates of free coinage may now
be found among the leading bank
ers and most prominent financiers.
Where credit is due, there give
it. The Portland Oregonian justly
remarks: "Tho secretary of state
of Oregon gets $15,000 to $18,000 a
year. It is an outrage on the peo
ple that this tax upon them should
be allowed to continue. Tho con
stitutional salary of the secretary
ofBtate is $1500 a year. It is
enough, for the clerical work of his
office is fully provided for, and it
is more than the secretary lias abil
ity to earn in any private employ
ment. Moreover, the state repub
lican platform gave a pledge that
the compensation of officials should
not exceed the constitutional al
lowance. What is the legislature
doing that it obeys neither party
platforms nor the constitution of
the state?"
"A wholesale mei chant in the
city who became rich in business
says his rule is that whenever he
sells a bill of goods on credit . he
immediately subscribes for the
local newspapar of his debtor. , So
long as he advertised vigorously,
he rested but ub soon as he began
to contract his advertising space he
took it as evidencs that there was
trouble ahead and he invariably
went (or the debtor. He Baid the
man who is too poor to make his
business known is too poor to do
business. . The withdrawal of ad.
is evidence of weakness which
wholesale men are not slow to act
In speaking of the proposed cap
itol building at Olympia, the Wal
la Walla Statesman says:
'The legislature will probably
cap the sheaf of their ugelessness
by encouraging the million dollar
state capitol swindle. Yet Penn
sylvania, a state that has dollars
where we have not cents, or sense,
has just completed a state capitol
at a cost of $800,000. There is over
a quarter million steal in our
scheme else it would not be so pop
ular with the legislators."
If Walla Walla were in Olym-
pia's place she would have no kick
coming as to the cost of the build
ing. Selfishness will crop out in
all sections.
As a prophet in a political sense,
the Portland Oregonian is a gigan
tic failure. It prophesied Dolph
would be elected on the first ballot,
after the memorable caucus it would
have him elected on the third.
Then it suddenly changed its prog
nosticating tactics for that of bull
dozing the "opposition." It then
came to the sad conclusion that
such methods were uselees and re
sorted to banquets and taffy, and
now in alarm exclaims: ''Is there
to bo no United States Senator?"
Many farmers of" Umatilla coun
ty are raising lios and many more
would em hark in that industry
were there a packing house estab
lished at some point where the
freight on the product would not
consume the bulk of the proceeds.
With a little exertion on the part
of her citizens Athena could secure
that boon to farmers, a packing
Thomas S. Land said some time
ago, through the columns of the
Oregonian, "Mr. Dolph should be
elected" to the United States Sen
ate r "because he is needed."
Strange to eay, but the Nicaragua
Canal bill passed the Senate with
out Dolph's vote. Most people be
lieve, as Dolph does, that he is
needed more just now in the lobby
at Salem than in the national seat
of law at Washington.
Says the Florence West: "We
have been iloodod with countrv cor-
raspondence tb is week. A portion
of it sought the waste basket for final
repose." We earnestly wish a flood
of that kind would turn our way.
We will guarantee our journalistic
brother that none of them would
find the waste basket. "Country
correspondence" is what makes a
country newspaper.
Stephen A. Lowkm., the popular
young attorney of Pendleton, re
ceived the highest vote given to
any candidate for state senator, ex
cept Dolph, Tuesday, when he re
ceived 29 votes. Lowell would
make a good senator. He' would
represent Eastern Oregon credita
blysomething that has not been
done heretofore.
Clark Woon, the well krown
newspaper man. is to assume man
agement of tho Weston paper.
Clark is a journalist in every 6ense
of the term, and we predict will
meet with merited success in giv
ing to the people of JVeston a NEW3-
Sati'ruay last the German reich-
stag passed a resolution "advising
the federal council to issue invita
tions for an international mone
tary conference. The call coming
from the source it does, gives hope
for silver.
And now it is asserted that there
is to be a "deadlock" on the silver
question in the United States sen.
ate! Let 'er lock. The people of
Oregon are becoming accustomed
to deadlocks. .
As we have all along predicted,
the bill to divide Umatilla county
met its fate in the Senate. This is
in accord with the wishes of the
vast majority of Umatilla county's
Every established local news
paper receives subscriptions from
large cities which puzzle the pub
lisher, but the New York Times
explains as follows:
Senator Price Introdcues This Bill In
the Senate,
The following bill was presented
by Senator Price in the Senate last
Tuesday, passed and referred to the
House. The amendment surely
provides for the appoint
ment of the City Marshal,
by and with the approval of the
common council, instead of his be
ing elected by the vote of the citi
zens, as at present. Following is
the full text of the Bill as it was
passed by the Senate:
A Bill, For an act entitled an
act to amend the act entitled an
act to Incorporate the City of Ath
ena, in Umatilla county, State of
Oregon, to define the powers there
of, and to repeal an act entitled,
an act to Incorporate the city of
Athena, in Umatilla county, Ore
gon, and to defend the Powers
thereof, filed in the office of the
Secretary of State February 20,
188D, filed in the office of the Sec
retary of State, February 18, 1891,
as amended by an act, filed in the
oflice of the secretary of the State
on the 8th day of February 1893,
entitled an act to amend the act
entitled an act to Incorporate the
City of Athena, in Umatilla coun
ty, State of Oregon, and to define
the powers thereof, and to repeal
an act entitled an act to Incorpor
ate the City of Athena, in Umatilla
county, Oregon, and to define the
powers thereof, filed in the office of
the Secretary of State, February
20, 1889.
Be it enacted by the Legislative as
sembly of the State of Oregon:
Section 1. That Bection 1 of ar
ticle II of the act entitled "An act
to Incorporate the City of Athena,
in Umatilla county, State of Ore
gon, and totlefino the powers there
of, and to repeal an act, entitled,
An act to Incorporate the City of
Athena, in Umatilla county, state
of Oregon, and to define the pow
ers thereof,' filed in the office of the
Secretary of State, February 18,
1891, as amended by an act, filed
in the oflice of the Secretary of
State on the 8th day of February,
1893, entitled 'an act to amend an
act entitled an act to Incorporate
the City of Athena, in Umatilla
county, State of Oregon, and to de
fine the powers thereof, and to re
peal an act entitled an act to In
corporate the City of Athena, in
Umatilla county, Oregon, and to
define the powers thereof, filed in
the office of the Secretary of State,
February 20, 1839," be and the
same is hereby amended so as to
read as follows:
Section 1. The officers of said
corporation shall he a mayor, five
councilmen, recorder, marshal, and
treasurer, who shall hold their of
fices for one year, and until their
successors are elected and qualified,
except as to the marshal who shall
hold his 'office during and at the
pleasure of the common Council,
Section 2, That section 2 of ar
ticle II of said act be amended so
as to read as follows:
Section 2. The said mayor, five
councilmen, recorder and treasurer
shall be elected annually by the
qualified electors of such corpra
tion on the first Tuesday of March
of each year. The qualifications
of aa elector shall be 80 days, residence-
within the limits of the cor
poration, and he shall pay taxes
other than street and poll taxes;
and no person shall be eligible to
office who has not been a resident
of said city for six months immedi
ately proceeding such election; nor
shall any person be allowed to vote
at any municipal election who is
not a legal voter of the State, or
who has refused to pay any city
fine or tax legally assessed against
him. The marshal shall be ap
pointed by the mayor, by and with
the consent and approval of the
common Council.
Section 3. , All acts and parts of
acts in conflict with the provisions
of this act are hereby repealed; and
inasmuch as the city of Athena is
in great need of the foregoing leg
islation, this act shall go into ef
fect from and after its approval by
the Governor.
Work has commenced on the
big tank which will hold the sup
ply of water for the Athena water
works. Mr. E. W. Cumminsrs who
is superintendent of construction,
DroDoses Dushin? th svstera to
a J
completion as rapidly as possible.
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder
Ladies Black Cotton Hose Per Pair. . 5c
Black Figured Satin, New Pattern Per Yard . . 12 Jc
42 Inch Cashimers. All Colors 29cJ
Chattel Mortgage Sale !
a Everything below
5 First Cost.
I Look
J These Prices:
Wood Beam Plow, 16in. .$ 14.75
Iron " " .14in.' 14.5Q
" " " 16in...... 16.35
Sulky Plow, 16in . 40.00
;Gang " 12in..;.;..,..V.... .....$55to 60.00
D. S. Plow, . ... . V . . . . . : ..... ........... 4.00
Riding Corn' Plow,. .......... 28.00
Land Roller 15 foot .... ... . . . . 45.00
14 Hoe Broadcast Seeder,: 48.00
16 noe Davis Shoe Drill,... 85.00
12-foot Iron Lever Harrow, 18.00
w Terror tor Trah Convict.
Life In the French penal colony at
New Caledonia has been pictured as so
agreeable, both by reason of the cli
mate as well as the leniency with
which convicts have been treated, that
transportation seems to have lost most
of its terrors. Criminals do not con
ceal their preference for a long sen
tence in the beautiful Pacific island to
a much shorter term with hard labor
in one of the penitentiaries at home,
and when perpetrating a misdeed have
sought as a rule to render their offense
as serious as possible, so as to entail
transportation if captured. It is with
a view of putting an end to this senti
ment th'4 the French government has
now de. jd to stop sending convicts
to New Caledonia, and is making ar
rangements to deport them instead to
Gaboon, the fever-stricken and most
pestilential of all districts of French
Congoland in Africa.
Talav Lrnl In tho Morgue.
The old keeper of the morgue in this
city, who has seen hundreds of un
known bodies exhibited for identifica
tion, has arrived at some interesting
conclusions, says the Philadelphia Rec
ord. If the face of the dead person is
perfectly composed and natural, of
course, intimate friends or relatives
recognise them immediately. But, he
says, if the face is distorted through
puin or disfigured by injuries, a casual
acquaintance can identify the body
much easier than the closest relation.
He explains this by saying that people
who have known a person well for a
long time lose sight of the features and
see rather the personality reflected in
the lines of the face. A casual ac
quaintance notes the features, and can
reeognie them wuii seen again, even
If cousidcably distorted.
Here is an anecdote about a young
woman who was making her first essay
at housekeeping. A friend had sent
her by mail a recipe for some new kind
of bread, giving her directions to take
a certain portion of the dough at. a
time and make it into the requisite
form for baking. This seemed ex
plicit enough, but what was the sur
prise of the ft lend to receive a tele
gram frun the young housekeeper to
this effect: "What shall I do with the
rest of the dough? Please answer."
The pope Is fond of sitting in his gar
den with his secretary on clear, warm
days. He is a most attractive figure,
seated thus, in his pur white robes of
exquisite testur and immaculate
cleanliness, lie is a precise and fas
tidious man, and on those robes is never
seen a truce of the snuff to which Pio
Noiio was so devoted. Tho face of Leo
XIII. is a benevolent one, and his fine
skin and white hair combine with his
gentle expression to create the atmos
phere of purity and sweetness about
- - - J - '
5 Gallon Keg Syrup.
18 Lbs Granulated Sugar. ........
50 Lbs Sks Liverpool Salt. . . . .
Main St.,
Notice U hereby fH-n that I will apply to
th mayor and common eouixtH of the city at
Athena, Oregon, at a meeting tbervof to be
held on tbe 30th day of March, lt&. for a
lkUHf to mU xplHtnotM, and vlmmti
liquor In lesa qtuu Uttt than one oiiart, anid
liquor to b old only In the Mattock building
Bituatcd on lot . In block 4. of mU4 city.
O. RUSIE : :
Main Street, Atlienet, Oreg'rn
Dealer in
I Guarrantee a Perfect Fit.
iWe I
Do j
I Work j
ay I
I Eates
! t
Mens Heavy Wool Cassiinere Suits. .
Mens Heavy Working Shirts.
Mens Heavy Cotton Socks
Plows, Harrows, Buggies, Hacks, Wagons; Carts,
Windmills, Cultivators, Lime- Cement, Staves
and Hardware Cheaper than ever : : : . i :
Bed Room Suits
. . Parlor Suits
Don't Say
A Word !
If things haven't come your way for a year or two
try and forget the past and begin the New Year
hopefully : : : : : : :
"We Are Right.
at the verge of a period of activity. If you wish
proof of this come to Lively's and see what he has.
His stock of GOODS and PRICES will convince
you that we are entering upon an era of : : :
Good Times..
IF YOU WISH TO borrow money on real estate,
Sell or buy farm or city property; have your life in
sured; have your property insured against firs in
the best companies in the world; invest money at
good interest and have it well secured; have Deeds,
Mortgages, Contracts, Leases, etc., drawn correctly, call on W. T.
GILM AN, Athena. Ore. He represents the following first-clasa
fire insurance companies: Phoenix, Home, Royal, Ger-
iuu( uiihuuuiau auu nuimncau -lie writes
his own policies and guarantees correctness, :
and at the lowest rates at which responsible com
panies will take risks. He has the agency for the
Equitable Life Insurance Co., -the best of an?
Per Pair.
South side Main Street.
$ 31.000
interest on time deposits. Proper attention
given to collections. Deals in foreign and
, domestic exchange.
D. Lively, Cashier, .
Athena, Oregon
Dinning Room
Kitchen Furniture
a f ,