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About The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 17, 1893)
1 -1 . - '.v." -v i ' v - . w - i. A v-'"-. -.. ; 'JV--"J "'.-'-V' .""""-''.- ; T:.-- - " v I H 1 V . LABOR IN 1 HE VINEYARD?. . . .... . A Grower Explains Why the Chines Are Employed at White Men1 Wage. A California raisin grower, in di cussing the dispatches recently pub lished regarding the driving out by white laborers oL the Chinese em ployed in picking, drying and packing raisins in the raisin district, said to a New York Sun man: "I should be sorry if these dispatches created the impression in the east that we are opposed to white labor coming into our district.' It is upon white la bor we must finally depend for our permanent resident labor, and instead of opposing it we have made repeated efforts to induce a class of white peo ple to come and settle there, upon whom we could draw for labor during the packing season. It is probably not generally known that we now have to pay Chinese full farm laborer's wages, so that there is no economy in hiring them. . ... "The reason we have naa to empioy Chinese is that the class of white labor th?re is unreliable. The Chinese are hired in gangs through one boss, who attends to their transportation, lodg ing, feeding and pay. They work steadily through the season and give us no trouble. The white laborers we can obtain demand weekly payments of wages and many of them take their wages on Saturday, go into town and stay there two or three days, or until their wages are spent, ana oniy men return. That won't do for the raisin business. We dry in the sun and when the raisins are in condition to go to the sweat houses or from there to the packing houses, they must go on that day or they are ruined. "The raisin-growers are all largely interested in Fresno real estate, in the city's banks, gas and waterworks and in the material interests of the city, which would, of course, be bene fited by an increase of the resident white population and they have tried many ways to induce a reliable white labor class to settle thereabouts. We have offered them small holdings of irrigated lands at low terms, for if a " white man is once settled on a piece of land the orchard or vines of which ho can easily attend to we are assured of his work during our busy season and, perhaps, the labor oi ms wne ana cnu dren in the packing houses. "We do not want the Chinese, but in the present state of the country, with practically no agricultural laboring class, we are compelled t6 take them. The whites who are driving out the Chinese by force are not the substitute we want. We must have whites who will drive out the Chinese by settling on the land about us." A CAT WITH JFALSE TEETH. Feat of a Young DentUt Who Had a Kind Heart. The cat that owned the false teeth had lost his own, and had his jaw . broken besides by a drunken wretch who beat him with a cobble stone. With great care, the poor animal final ly recovered, says Harper's Young Peo- . - . at uv 11111. plo, but he hatt to De ica wun a urae milk in a spoon for a longtime. When able to pursue his ordinary business of catching rats and mice, he could not eat them, because he had no teeth to chew with. Something must be done for him, for life supported on "spoon n. burden, and a vo'untf dentist in the neighborhood, who had become greatly interested in the un fortunate cat, resolved to try the ex Dreiment of making him a set of false ' teeth. ' ' "1 Taking the cast of the plate was a terrible piece of work, as Captain ob jected to it with all hiB might, but it was nothing to wnui ionowea wnen the teeth were fairly in. If the ani mal had plunged and scratched while the plate was being fitted, he acted like a mad thing when it was firmly attached to his jaw although it was well made, and fitted perfectly. He could not understand that it would en able him to continue the luxuriou feaBts to which he had been accus tomed, and for several days he wa furious over It. Every possible an impossible Bcheme was tried to get th iinnntnfnl't.n.hlfl thinLT Out Of Ills IllOUth he tore at it with his claws, he shook his head violently to make it drop out, he butted against heavy pieces of furniture, and if anyone camo near him he growled and scratched at them. There seemed to be danger of his going mad, and his friends were sorely puzzled to know what to do with him, when, greatly to their relief, ho calmed down, and appeared to have come to the conclusion that his new possession was, after all, a blessing in disguise. He was once more gentle and affectionate, as he had been pre vious to his misfortune; and the plate was now often taken out between meals and put back again. In this way it was worn comfortably for over a year. , A Chance of a T. F mrcn. Evaneelist. 3f Ix- Molnen, Iowa, wrltfn under date of March Zi. 13: . S. R. Med. Mfg.. Co., Dufur, Oregon. , Gentlemen: " ' On arring home last week, I found ill well and anxiously awaiting. Our little girl, eight and one-half years old, who had wasted away to 39 pounds, is now well, strong and vigorous, and well fleshed up. S. B. Cough Cure has done its work well. Both of the children hite it. Your S. B. Cough Cure has onrfid and kett awav all hoarsness from me. So give it to every one, with grfcrjjgs or all all. Wish ing vu prosperity, we are Y'pjrrs, Mb.A Mrs. J.F. Ford. If yowUh to feel freHh and cheerful, and eady for the Spring's work, cleanse your system with the'Headache and Liver Cure, by tuklng two or three doses each week. 50 cent ner bottle bv all drngelHts. Sold under a positive guarantee by the I'lOlieer urug Bujre. ST. NICHOLS : SHAVING PARLORS, NEXT TO HOTEI . I TO &ET A AMD': .F ARM i. k A 6 V I WE WILL TAKE (HAMILTON & ROURKM Grain Dealers, I ARE STILL HERE GRAIN BAGS FOR SALE. DAVE TAYLOR AGENT. Athena, - - Oregon. id So. 1 WHEAT GHAS. G.SHARP, Successor to N. A. Miller, I . PAINTER iPAPERHAIICER I have 1250 acres of excellent wheat land, located in the Helix country, and 480 acres North of Athena, which I will sell and allow the purchaser to pay for the same IN EOT First-Class Work Guaranteed Ladles Shampooing C. L. REEVES, AHpecinity Proprietor ATHENA RESTAURANT. Mrs Hardin, Proprietress. . TT P. ATtt.',:en. Manager. Main Street bet. Second and Third. S I I k 4- I I 8 AT '50(prs Per Bushel on All Subscription Accounts. i S a 8 i Estimates on all WorK Furnished. j House painting, Decorating, Paper Hanging a specialty, Car '; riage Painting. 1 i 1 'I P H0T0GRAPHS! PHOTOGHAPHSI Photographs in Everv S T L Er -Call on- If THF MISS K PHOTOGRAPHER. Haeecisor to t nuimliiK, , ' Main St. Athena. UlATTn Can be recommended to the pub lic as first-class in every particular. None lut White Help Employed, i - MENS AT ALL HOURS. DAY UK MUiil. AT 50 cts Per Bushel All the land is well improved, has good houses and plenty of water. Will sell in tracts to suit purchaser. If you desire to secure a good farm, call and see me. I will make terms to suit you. . Suppers for Special Occasions V " LS S3 C. . Coptvinz and Enlarging; Viewing at eas- onaoie races. uuanuse mm. , Cox, McRae & Co, Dealers In HARDWARE And FARMING IMPLEMENTS ; J .. .,' . ..- : ' RUSHFORD WAGONS, ! N ; GATE CITY HACKS THE ST. NICHOLAS HOTEL J. W. Frooms & Son, Props- Th" Only; . '. First-Class Hotel in" "the City; kud tlie onlv one that can accommodate pommercial men and travelers. ARE YOU A HUNTER? Send Postal Card for illustrated Catalogue of WOODS ' HARVESTING MACH r INERY, AND EXTRAS OF ALL KINDS. I am not in the Real Estate Business; it is individual property that I wish to dispose of, aud I also have some choice sesi. denco property in Athena, which I will sell very reasonable, IHE ST. NICHOL HOTEL. Can be rcicouimended for its clean and well ventelated rooms, in whlon win be found everything congenial riie'dining rooms ate under the supervision of Mrs. Froome ana ine kidib ib sup plied with the best the market affords. 'ATHENA,' OREGON. inchestef ReDeatine lflllv3 0T .44 . W Repeating Shot Guns IISIJPjJ Ammunition:;,: Jl . TO "WINCHESTER REPEATING ARMS COMPANY, !V::.T7;;5 NEW-HAVEN, CONN; 'J,- :b Call and Get Prices. Cox, McRae & Co. Athena Jjrugatore Humor. Drug clerks often derive amusement from the prescrlptious that are left with them. A prescription which called for certain tablets, and which was written hy a Chicago physician, was put up in a down-town pharmacy the other day. The directions were as follows: "One tablet every two houri for five days, skip four days and com mence again." The pharmacist smiled when he wrote the label, and profes sional etiquette alone prevented him f mm nsli intr the customttr.who weifrhcd about 180 pounds, if he thought he t?itt T T A13TTPTTT A CALL ON OR ADDRESS, would survive after so much skippimr. FOR FULL FA1111LUL.AKS ULL KJIX mxjlxx, Another prescription caused the pa tient himself to laugh when he read the doctor's directions, which were: "Take fifteen drops one hour after eat ing in a little water." "I don't eat in water," said the man, "although I did chew an apple once when I was bath ing at Long llranch." Strangely spelt communications are tften brought to the druggist, A woman handed a slip to a clerk recently, and said: "Gimme ten cents' worth of that The clerk ad, "Uroeer's Supplement." "I guess mean corrosive sublimate," he said, that is poison, and we can't sell The woman went away ' that she wanted it to --i .... , "ructed ia PROF. J. S. HENRY, INSTRUCTOR ON PIANO AND ORGAN lt'lll 1,. I.. IhnnA nn Thliriifkv'fl fllirl WpA YV lit UO 111 u" " j i wQab- HorAnftPiv Tipiivp orner witb F. Roenaweig, at C. aV. Hollis Athena. the-" G 0N1M ERGIAL Livery, Feed & gale STAB LES, Athena, - - Oregon. BALD HmoI What Is the condition of yours? Is ypur-halr dry, harsh, brittle? Does it split at the ends? Has it a K lifeless appearance? Does it fall out when combed or brushed ? Is it full of dandruff ? Does your scaip ran r Is it dry or in a heated condition ? If these are some of your symptomsbe warned in time or you will become bald. cirAlrniYi I? a At Hair drawer i SSLSl0 Kled"e dta-of the ImirSnd scalp 1 W to. dijeOT. g ?rnr how to treat them. "Stooliara "contain neither mlnertsnOTOtli. It " tba folUclSi, rtp$ Ming huir, cure oundrujf aiui grovitharonbaid htaivm Ken the icalD clean, heatthr, and free from Irritating ernntlonk by C theufs FSkkZrJl!Kp. It destroy. pa.xuUic intccu, AwS cei o g and etotro Jht hah-. , , , to -nd we win forward ""THE1 sSbKUri ROOT HAIR GROWER CO., 5 5T Soath FiftU Avenue, New York, N. T. . . . Ji J. "W SMITH, Athena, Oregon. The best ? Turnouts in Umatilla County. Stoik boarded by Day, WeeK ov Month. Special attention given to Commer- cial travelers. Give me a call. ! G.M. FROOME. I A ll I 5 TBA1EV.VBC Krointcrtd, THE ATHENA LIVERY STABLE Smethermen & Fosfef, Prop's. ; (Secceesor to J. A. Nelson.) . NONE BUT FIRST-CLASS RIGS AND SAFE TEAMS. STOCK BOARDED BY THE DM WEEK OR MONTH. Give Me a Trial. Corner Fourth & Current, Athena. MTiiils 'jt'Cr. ,rf) . ON SA'.E Do You .-4 Tnf4.M.rlrnhtaineL and all Pat' ent businea conducted for modcratc Fits. OOR Omcf 0W5itc U.S. aTiMT Ornct and ws can secure patent in less time Uian those . .... U.'..kil.MAII 1 Send model, drawing or photo., with descrip tion. We advise, if patentabla or not, tree of charge. Our lee not due till patent securea. i Mnnt loOhnin Pmttnts." with co of same in the U. S. had foreigacounuies sent tree. Address. iC.A.SfiOW&CO. J. Bloch & Co, have just - re ceived a large stock of ladie's and Misse'B cloaks and jackets, of the latest designs, and are selling them very cheap. See them before pur chasing for the fall and winter. Disease commonly comes on witji slight t symptoms,, which when neglected increase 1 in extent and gradually grow dangerous. JSZT-r. take Rl PANS 'TABU LES take RIPANS TABULES 'SSa ve RIPAriS TABU LES For OFFENSIVE BREATH and ALL OiSor,. TAKE R j PANS TABU LES OCRS Of THE STOMACH, ... ftifHIW mMMM.W Ripans Tabules Regulate Vie System and Preserve the Health. rAZY TO TAKF UINti numr to act GIVES RELIEF. ! Sold by Druggists Everywhere. QMAIIA, KANSAS CITY, ST PAUL, CHICAGO, ST. ; . -; ; . louis, : - AND ALL POINTS EAST, NORTH AND SOUTH TimeTableof Trains: , Psssennr. No 5, from Athena to Spokane and Interme diate points, leaves - : n m lVo fl from Athena to Portland and Intermed- late points, leaves - - 8:39 p m , !. Freight: No 41, from Pendleton to Spokane, leares Athena - - 4Spiu No 42, from Spokane to Pendleton, leaves Athena . - - 4:45 piu PULLMAN SLEEPERS, COLONIST SLEEPERS, RECLINING CHAIR CARS I and DINERS ... SAVE MANY A DOCTOR'S BILL. ' TICKETS om EUROPE tninmw UTii -1 ' (, PRIHTING""11" H!iDS F AT TKE PRESS CFHCE. Steamers Portland to San Francisco every 4 Days. For rales and general Information call on A. R. Bradley, Depot Ticket Agent, Athena, Oregon. W. H. HUXULBOT, AmV. Gen. Paaa. At254 Washingitoa St Portland, Oregon, .