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About The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 17, 1893)
r - ? ATHENA PRESS Published , Every Friday Mornln Dy J. W.' SMITH, Proprietor i. W. SMITH AND F. B. BOYD, EDITOR Entered at Athena postofflee as second-cltis mall matter. 'Subscription Hates: I'cr year, in advance, - Single copies, in wrappers, 6c. SCRIBBLER'S LETTER$1 Advertising Kates t Local reading notices, first Insert ion, 10c per lne. Each subsequent insertion, 5c. All communication should be addressed to the FRE8S, Athena, Oregon. ATHENA, NOVEMBER 17, 1803, a remarkable man-nunt was successfully prosecuted by Montana marshals and sheriffs recently. On August 2oth,, a Northern - Pacific passenger train was held up and roDDecl at uraycliit, a lonely sta tion in the Yellowstone Valley, fifty niles from Livingstone. The robbers were followed by the officers for five weeks across mountains, plains and rivers and through regi vons very sparsely settled, where inhabited at all.;; The desperadoes know ; the country well. They were bold men and good riders and got several days' start before the pursuit was well organized. Yet they were finally caught over five hundred miles from the scene of the crime, and after two battles with the 6fficers. ' One was killed and one wounded and one of the pursuers was killed. Montana is a poor place for the train-robbing industry. There is such an active spirit in the matter of the sup pression of crime an inheritance, perhaps, from the old vigilant day that private citizens will put themselves to great, inconven ience and often incur risk to their lives to aid the ofliicers in hunting down criminals. Besides a wild country is a poor hiding place. In such a country a man leaves his trail wherever ho goes and his flight is noted, with all peculiarities as to his person, his garments and his horse, by every human being he meets. Jt is only in a croud that can efface himself and escape curious observation. ' to is What Should Have Been Done. Just as the street car was plung ing over tho brink of the - Madison street bridge in Portland, at the recent sau accident, a young wo wan uu ooara was rougniy and suddenly seized by a gentlemen and thrown 'ylfvnff' thw car.. He -Mutrao nad to do it in order save her life, yet ho has been "cen sured" Jor his "roughness." The question of etiquette comes inhere What the man ought to have done was as the car was going over the chasm to lift his hat and say: " imvo nub me pleasure ot A'our ac .. ! . - i 1 i 4uiunuiuce, ana we navo never boen introduced, but as danger uiwnuiuin, ptease auow me to as Bist you oil the car." In acting tuns iney would Doth navo gone to Kingdom Come, but the amenities ol society would have been preser ved, and that is all some , peoplo uvo tor. This society precedent was estaDiisiied in early days in Victoria when, after the arrival of a British man o' war, a ball was given. - One of the officers, a sprig vi nuuwuy, wisning to enjoy a whirl approached ono of the dusky utjiiuwes men very prevalent and .. ii i . . . m Hem u huiia. uuL LiiH vn intf fudy of the forest scornfully drew ncrsen up and exclaimed, "wake niko tikky dance, halo introduce." walla Walla Statesman. What Opium Will Do. 1 he hast Oregonian says: Sam, the chinaman who was arrested and jailed for keeping an opium (ion, came near dying to-Uay from nomg Kept so Ung without tho so jui;oii n: uumuoo pipe. 11 19 now ,ixl days since he was taken in .j custody by Marshal McBrain uuu HQ provision was maaeiorfur nislung him with an occasional smoKc, that being necessary to Keep him alive. This morning he was put to work on the streets and tins afternoon he was found in the city jail noarly dead with onium cramps. Some lively hustling was uono anu a cninaman lound who would go to tho jail and cook some opium for Sam to smoke. A Railroad Using Horses. The railroad business in the fur west is somewhat diversified at prenent. All-summer long teams hauled freight to and from the Ore gon Pacific at Corvallit to Eugene, on the Southern Pacific. Now, at its own exponso, the Southern Pa cific is hauling hops from Lyons, on the 0. P., to West Stsiyton,' on the S. P. and the Farmers Ware house company, at -Albany, is hauling wheat by team from' Tan p.cnt, on the S. : P. to Ablany, for jliiijiierit over the 0. P. To pro . -. ie a necessity for such extra expense in transportation, tho railway was established. Cor vallis Times. c-siuiL.U, Nov. JJ 1893 I'ress: j J. N. B. Gerking has been sum-1 moned to serve as a juror in the United States district court, which convenes at Portland, Tuesday, Nov. 22, 1893. "Herein not fail" Mr." Gerking will leave for the me tropolis Sunday evening, and ex pects to be gone sometime, if not longer; but intends to return be lore vnnsimas, ii ne nas to come afoot or walk part of the war. -V Athena should make aDDlication to the post office department for free mail delivery; the mail busi ness having grown to such im mense proportions, on account of the great number t of "pleaso re mit" letters, that the office is en titled to carriers. . forward, one can imagine how de JlightAil it will be "when the spring i: L t l il. ume comes geuwe Anuie anu me wild flowers are scattered o'er the plain," to hop off between stations while running on schedule time, trot on ahead of the trains and pluck a boquet of sweet little po sies, buttercups and daisies, that nod and bend in the breezes by the wayside; then hunt a cool shade and wait for the train to come on. There is one thing, however, that the management should not neg lect to do, and that is to look after the safety of the travelingpublic and Missourians, by putting the cow catcher on the rear end of the ca boose to prevent the cows from run ning over the train. 'r: . ."Scribbler. Thanksgiving will be observed as usual. .' Commencing on the 23 it wijl continue till the 30th of No vember if the gobble gobbles hold out. It is rather an unusual oc curence to have such a cluster of Thanksgiving days come in one year; but there is so much to be thankful for that it would be im possible to get through in less than a week: anyway, that is what Syl vester and Grover say and it must be so. If the the Thanksgiving menii should indicate or reflect the present nnancial situation, repub licans will be found eating turkey, uemocrais win do ieasung on crow, while the populists should be thankful if they have a cold potato or anything else with which to fill the'aching void. If that freckled dude, with the celluloid collar, boxtoed box and sorrel mustache, throws mud on my new suit of clothes again, he is liable to-find himself going around peeping through the openings of a porous plaster, and wearing a thumb-stall on his smeller. Enough of anything is too much sometimes. Say, Yolo is a regular mud splasher, ho can't trot a little bit, I've seen horses that could beat him if he did't half try. If this item meets the eye of the sorrel dude, he will please conduct him self accordingly., A hint to the wise is sufficient and a wink to a blind mule is as good as a nod. HELIX HAPPENINGS. MOLLIS I Very few people are aware of the fact that a maain Athena got Bhot recently. Owing to the high social standing of the participants, the af fair has been kept as quiet as pos sible, but, as everyone knows, it is a very difficult matter to suppress such sensational news as anyone getting shot, so the particulars final- y leaked out. Though ; the affair is to be deeply regretted, 5 it might nave, been vorse. The narties. themselves should really not be blamed, as any of us under like circumstances, would no doubt, do just the same. The blame should rest;fher-oll properly belongs; that is, on the questionable social and hnancial condition of tho country It seems that money, the root of all evil, got in its work here and while the party who - got shot will probably recover, he will be crip pled for life financially. As near as could be learned, the facts in the case are substantially as fol lows: Tillman 0. Taylor, of the C. A, Barrett Co., was in tho store alone working on the books, when some one yanked on the latchstring,, wmcn, Dy ine way, always hangs out. Mr. layior, looking up from nis ledger, beheld a long, lank iridi vidual, whose name we are notf at liberty to give, enter tho store nil, being well acquainted tvith him and thinking he was on a friendly call or desired to make a purchase, greeted him cordially, familiarly calling him by name, not even suspicioning him of being angry or having blood in his evo. The long, lank individual, mutter ing in a hoarse whisper snrnethinar about "ten cents," thrust his hand into his pistol pocket. Instantly comprehending tho situation, Till man, who is always cool and calm in time of danger, with a smile illu minating his countenance that would easily discount the celebrat. ed smile of Daniel Boone, when he grinned a knot off a sycamore tree, j for a coon, hopped gracefully over the counter,. all the samo as a gazelle or mountain goat. Quick as a flash he siezed a hand ful of shot and before the follow could say "scat!" or get -his- dime out of his pocket to pay for them, Till had them wrapped ud for him. So end a bloodless tragedy, Rats? No rats about it; it's a fact. Sidetracked. This is the present condition of affairs on the Branch Road between Pendleton and Wal- a Walla, as regards passencer. mail and express accommodations. The regular passenger train has been taken off, leavinc nothing but the cattle train, which the manage ment seem to think is good enough for common people and Missouri ans. Passengers leaving Pendle ton in the morning arrive at Wal la Walla in time for a Iato stiDDer. A letter addressed to Weston from Athena goes via. Portland, Spo- ane, alia Walla, and if it don't wear out or get lost, finally reach es its destination in the sweet by and by. The new arrangement is almost perfect, and uo doubt will be highly appreciated bv the trav eling public and Missourians when they once get used to it. Looking Helix, Nov. 8, 1893. Editors Press: - News is not scarce in this "neck o' woods;" all we need is some one io write it up in good shape, and at the same time not offend any one. ror instance, we need somed one who will tell who stole chicflt- ens last'Iinday, night between. teev"-' O V. VWVV. il W V 1 J M J wants to know who stole themV jbut we would like to know ivho robbed them of their beautiful plumirge,' and we would like a news 'hustler who could tell us who burned the coal that was stolen a few niehts :o; some one that could tell it and not be personal, and thereby give offence to any one, for some of our people hat e personality, espec ially in a newspaper. Dr. Osmun reports an eleven lb boy at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. K Bott, in Liitle Greenwood gulch. . Mrs. Mary Montgomery's family, is having a Beige of typhoid fevers First, Sarah, the oldest daughter, was attacked but has fully recover ed and is now able to assist in wait ing on Thomas, Robert and : Lucy, all of whom are. very sick but are getting along well. . Chas. and Myrtie Huson are past the crisis of typhoid fever, and will soon be turned over to the "cook," as the doctor expresses it. Some of the boys are talking of a goose hunt in the near future and you may expect to hear of a record broken when they get back. Two elderly gentlemen were in the city this; morning looking for the money that has been taken out of the commercial channels. They had to stay but a short time to , be convinced that we did not have it. We think they- went to Pasco. X. : Bound Over. Saturday Louis Bergevin swore out a warrant injustice Gilman's court for the arrest of J. B. Her sey, charging him with the lar ceny of; a knife, cleaver steel and certain other articles.' Hersey acted in the capacity of cook for Bergevin's harvest crew the past summer. The plunder was found in the French Restaurant where Hersey has been stopping. He was arrested in Pendleton and brought back to Athena and on Monday waived examination be fore Justice Guman. In default of $1000 .bond, he was sent to jail to await the action of the grand jury. OIOOQ the Test. 1 he following are the names of the pupils who merit special hon or for successfully passing the ex amination in multiplication in the intermediate grade of the Athena public school: Alma Kirk Claud Estes Rosie Taylor Edgar Knight Mary Stanton Archie Bostwick Theresa Hays Manly Ely Nellie Foss Ora Ilaeler Blanche Banta. - ; : : The sheriff took possession of the Washington State Building at the world's fair grounds under an attachment by the Union National ank to enforce a claim of 11325, IS STILL 3" - I BMNJSS fFpu might have thought he wa not, from the fact of his not Advertising recently, but that is a mistake. rices to Times- the G. W. HOLLIS, Athena, Or. - TO THE 'TJBXjIC'r " I BEG 'announce to the people of Athena and surroundingoun country that I still carry a full stock of Drugs and Chemicals, Patent. Medicines,'' Jewelry, Toilet articles and Perfumery, Ulass.Oils and Pain. Also a Choice Line of Fresh Liquors ' y" and pure Wines for Medical purposes, only. THE PIONEER DRUG STORE. P. M. KIRKLAND, PROPRIETOR, - Athena, Oregon, FIRST MWML BENE o o OF ITHENff. South side Main Street. CAPITAL STOCK, SUBPLTJS, q ouuuu $21,000 Pays interest on time deposits. Proper attention given to collections. Deals in foreign and domestic eschango. L. D. Lively, Cashier, Athena, Oregon l-TT B-iLIKIRElTT. CO. j j I ''' '' DEALERS IN SHELF and HEAVY HARDWARE. FARM IMPLEMENTS, THRESHERS, .MOWERS, RAKES, nARROWS, GANG PLOWS, MACHINE REPAIRS Main Street, . Athena, Oregon MILLER ;THE RUSTLER THE ; IF YOU WISH TO borrow money on real estate, . Sell or buy farm or city property; have your life in sured; have your property insured against fire in , the best companies in the world; invest money at good interest and have it well secured; have Deeds, Mortgages, Contracts, Leases, etc., drawn correctly, call on W. T. GILMAN, Athfcna, Ore. He represents tho following first-class XXX fire insurance companies: Phoenix, Home, Royal, Ger man, laieaoman ana norm west, ne writes : his own XXX policies and guarantees correctness, and at the lowest rates at which responsible com- panies will take risks. He has the agency for the Equitable Life Insurance Co., the best of any Goifta; to buy Household Furniture? any IP nft ir ou U DEALER Call on us andg et our Prices before going elsewhere Be assured it pays to call on us Do not be influenced by what our opponents may say to eep you from coming to Bee our goods. Come and see for yourselves. We car ry a' full and complete stock of Furniture, wall paper and. underta ing goods. . GILLIS BROS. IFAMNR niRMITIIDI I Ulllll I Ulll Wants Some Gash ND TO GET IT, he will for the next 60 days, sell FURNI o TURE at the bottom notch. Bed, Room Sets - Extention Tables Rocking Chairs - . Sofas Bed-Lounges Parlor Suits Springs Mattresses , AT .: YOUR .: OWN .: PRICE :. FOR :. CASH. Wall Paper from 15 cents (double roll) to 65 cents. Bordei to match all paper, from 10 to 20 cents per yard. N. A MILLER STORE ON MAIN STREET, ; ATHENA, ORE. AFRESH FRANK BEAL, proprietor. MEAT e ALWAYS OH o HAND e yf solicit the patronage of Meats at the lowest prices ' the public and in return will give yon the best of fresh FRANK BEAL; N Sacrifice Sale a u Bloch &Co's. Laud Office t La Grande, Oregon, October Slrd, 1098. Notice Is hereby Riven that the following named sol tier lmx filed notice of his Intnntlou to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will lx made before the County Cleric of ITmatilla county, at Pendle ton, Oregon, on Powmber 2nd, 1SSB, vli Frank Knoi.isii, Hd 5177 for the 8 K H Hee a Tp 5 N R 85 E W M, He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cul tivation of said land, vis. John WalKer, Jr., Alexander Walker, iAwivnce Hutchison and George farmichael, all of Vaon. OreRon. B. F. Wlisos, Register, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. LnndOftlee at 1 Grande, Oresron November lSth. lMH. Notice Is hereby given that the following named settler has filed not ice of bis intention to make final proof tn support of his claim, and that said proof will tw made before 11 J. Ueau.Cnm. U. fc. Circuit court at Ifeudlc ton Otv.on December 29th lSfiit. Vli. KW'KRT A. Mans, ltd 57UT for the N W Vi See a, T 4 N R S3 E W M. Ho nnmefi the loHowing to prove his contiuous residence upon and culti vation of, said laud, vis: (Hoscoc A. Hostwlck take notice) Abraham 1). Leedy and John Ksitt, of Helix, Ore., J. J. Galuther and Area ta McKiuuos, of Ada ais. Ore. . r. WtuwjJ, Beglster. FROM NOVEMBER 18th 1893, UNTIL JANUARY 1st, 1894. HAVlJNli LAKUL UJiLilliAllUiMd IU MJblii lilil WliHIM IMU W AISU THE 1ST OF JANUARY AND NOT HI? ING ABLE TO COLLECT THE AMOUNT SUFFICIENT ON OUTSTANDING ACCOUNTS, WE lIAVECOTT imFnTn INAUGURATE A " j uuiajiu A GREAT SACRIFIOESALF. FOR OARH ONLY! we must have. To convince the public of Athena and vicinity that we mean BUST. Ac MfYVrV va nf.l 5tn1 MOVEV V iMiMs, we quote a tew prices wnicn wm give you some idea that the Sale is no sham but FA. JEHU A.T i SACEIPIGE SALE. . DRY GOODS DEPARTMENT. 18 yards good print?, - 1 " Indigo Blue Calico. 12 " Bleached Canton Flannel for $ 1.00 1.00 1.00 14 yards Apron Check Gingham for 12 " Dress Gingham, 14 " Cabot White Muslin. " 1.0 1.00 1.00 All Otlxox Gr-oocLs xl Thi s Departm ent xl IExiopox,TjioxL GENTS EURNISIIING GOODS DEI VRTMENT. i Strauss' Spring Bottom Pants reduced to $1.00 per pair; I v clothing Hoping the above quotations will give you some idea of our Sale we solicit yourl Jest Quality Overalls reduced tn iv. 5 we willsell at 50 per cent. less than the ordinary price. Boots and shoes we will it past t17 .1 IDIES CLOAKS: Having a complete line on hand, to realize money, we will sl - 1 Our cost.