ATHENA PRESS Published Every Prf day ' Morning By J. W. SMITH, Pbopbieto.- I W. S553TJI ASD f. B. BOYD, : : ; EDITORS. " Entered fttAOinftiotoJ!lceftecoiid-clBwi mail inatter.yr. : . Suberlptlon Hates: Per Jrear, In drBce, ' 11.50 Hingle coploii, In wrappers, 6c , Advertising Hates: - Local reading notice, first Insertion, 10c per Iw.J Each subsequent Insertion, Sc. AH eonimuulml loin should be addressed to ((lie PRESS, Athena, Oregon. ' ATHENA, OCTOBER 13, 1893. A GOOD MOVE. We understand there ia a move on foot to call a citizen's mass meeting to be held in some one of the towns in the East End to con sider the advisability of some ac tion in Jhe matter of the Lee street bridge. We believe it is a move in the right direction. Since the coun ty officials concerned in this affair, . do not seem to heed the demands ' of the people to explain their ac tion in this matter, it would be well .for' the citizens of the East End to pee if there is not come recourse to defeat their little scheme to compel the taxpayers to pay for Pendle ton's bridge. Should such a citizen's meeting be called, we suggest that some ac tion be taken also to have the coun ty court employ two experts to in vestigate the books ot the county court, clerk, sheriff and treasurer. There is much dissatisfaction a mong the people with the way the county's affairs are conducted. It is claimed that, while the taxable property of the county has increas ed rapidly for several years, the rate of taxation has not decreased. If the books of these officers are straight, the officials themselves will have no objection to such on investigation, but rather favor it, that the taxpayers of the county . may know they have been true to their trust. Should there be any jobbery, and some believe there has been, the sooner the people know it the better, i. t "SENATORIAL COURTESY." During the greater part of the time a senator was holding the sen ate entranced by his eloquence yes terday, there were present as his audience eight republicans and three democrats. At last his col league came to his rescue, and up on a call of the senate forty-six senators answered to their names When the call was dispensed with, they silently glidod out, one by ono, and the speech was, probably, finished before an audience little larger than that which had excited the active sympathies of his col league; and yet, it is asserted that the senate cannot reach a vote on the repeal of the silver-purchnsing law because of the ''Senatorial courtesy." Surely, this fiction . should be dropped, and another name submitted for the impregna ble barrier that stands between the people and their demands. The Milton Eagle last, week in commenting on a Press article to the effect that we endorsed the Eagle's action in opposing the county court for purchasing the Lee itrcet bridge in Pendleton says: 'The Eagle is glad to know that the Athena Press has at last fell in on the side of the tax-payers, and it has our warmest commendations for so doing." The Press is "on the side' of the tax-payers," now, always was, and ever will be, but unlike the editor of the Eagle, who has for the past two weeks been filling his paper full , of Lee street bridge matter, we say our little piece and quit, , print the news and have no ax to grind. A NEW LEGISLATIVE SYSTEM. The following is a complete proe pectus of a new plan of legislation which it ia proposed to introduce to the voters of this commonwealth by an amalgamation of organua gad which is known as the s!Mive and referendum" sys- sU nder this system every bill I ' receive the majority vote of uens at the ballot box before it tan become a law, which is com mendatory from the fact that the will of the people should be as the .voiea of the law. " The- "initiative" means that any citizen mar write a projosed law, and if three per cent of the citizens sign a petition in its favor, the sec retary of state must submit it to a vote of the citizens at the next elec tion. The legislature hag no pow er over the initiative method of making laws. The law is propos ed by some of the people, filed with the secretary of state and by him sent direct to the people at the bal lot box. The ''referendum" means that the legislature has the power to propose bills, but any act must be accepted by a majority of the vot ers at the ballot box before it can become a law. This is the Swiss method, where in some states it has been in suc cessful operation for six hundred years Zurich state, population 340,000, and Zurich city, popula tian 92,000 for forty years have permitted no law, tax levy or ap propriation of public money to be made without a majority vote of the citizens, and they have no beg gars, paupers nor home-made mil lionaires. Wealth cannot buy law. Word fresh from the people through the ballot box is the highest law and cannot be over ruled. Under this method making law is merely a business proposition of public welfare. Demagogues, wire pullers, ward heelers and pot-house politicians lose their power. Any man advocating a worthy law can bring it to a vote within a year, while bad laws are as easily repeal ed. By constant study of law making, the people are ready for wise action at all times. Proportional representation gives every party rcpresentaion in pro portion to the number voting its ticket. Suppose a district or coun ty casting 4,000 votes and entitled to five representatives; then any candidate receiving 800 votes,' or nearer that number than any other candidate, is justly elected, because he represents one-hfth of the voters Under the present system, if the democrats have 1,600 votes and re publicans, populists and prohibit ionists 800 votes each, the demo crats would elect all five represen tatives and shut out the other two parties having 2,400 votes, from any representation or hearing. To prevent this wrong, let each voter set the figure 1 opposite his first choice, 2 opposite his second choice 3 for third choice and so on. Then if each democrat marks A as his first choice, B as his second choice and C as his third choice, when 800 ballots are counted for A, he is elected as the representative of one fifth of the voters; the other 800 ballots are then counted for B; their second choice, and he is elec ted; no votes are left for C. Every democrat has voted; they have elected their share of representa tives and cannot get any more. Each of the other parties, having about one-fifth of the voters, will elect one representative and will be heard in the council or legislature in proportion to the number of votes it casts. All the people will be represented, and instead of par ty government by party machinery we will have a country governed by the people. Under this sys tem each party will nominate only as many candidates as it probably has votes to elect. The Press is receipt from John II. Mitchell, of a conv o the Mem orial Addresses upon the Life and unaracter ol Leland Stanford. GENERAL COMMENT. - The wool growers of Ohio have passed resolutions, asking congress not to remove the duty from wool. The vegetable growers of the island of Bermuda want the duties on vegetables removed so they can 1! . it . rviiiize a ueuer price in una country. It remains to be seen which the present congress will favor the citizens of this country or the for eigner. Ex. The Oakland Home Insurancce company, long regarded as the most stable corporation in Califor ma, is in distress. Its license has been revoked. Insurance Com missioncr J. N, D. Wilson finds that there is an impairment of capital amounting to $100,000 and it seems highly probable that the concern will have to go out of ex istance. Richardson Beck. The marriage of David Richard son of this city, and Miss Elsie Beck of Pendleton, was solemnized Wednesday afternoon at the home of the bride. Mr. Richardson is a young man who graduated at the public school last term and has lately been studying dentistry unci er his brother, Dr. I. N. Richard- eon, in Athena. The young couple took a pleasure trip to Portland and on their return, will take up their residence in Athena. The Press and many friends extend congratulations. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. l-umt Otltee tit Ia Ommlc, Oregon, ' , October JO. lH. notice! hereby riven that the folloutng nametl oettler lm tiled notice of hU Intention to nutke dual proof In Kiipport of his clultn, and that mild proof will be made before the fonnty JudKe of I'niMtllla comity, at IViiU'e ton, Ore, ou Nov. li via Nkil MeDoNAT.n, Hd 5HM, for the N K H sec SI, tp 4 N II St K W M. He name the luUowliijt wrltucwtea to Firove hU contlnuoim rtmlilem-e upon and cul- (ton, J esse 6. Halt. John i'. Irlc and Alex ander McDonald, all ot Atlanta. Oregon. k Sure Thing! No Mother ceiving PHOTOS made by KENNY: A Great Is going up on account of the damp weatherthat is now prevailing. But there will be many a long face when they find that Kenny is gone. H AKD On the Doctors! A good laugh is often better than a dose of medicine, and those who go to see Kenny al ways have the laugh on the others. Will be with you but lore week. 1 .1, L. v HOWL. ESenny TO THE I BJIG to announce to' the people of Athena and surrounding coun country that I still carry a full 6tock of Drugs and Chemicals, Patent Medicines, Jewelry, Toilet articles and Perfumery, Glass, Oils and Paio. Also a Choice Line of Fresh Liquors and pure Wines for Medical purposes, only. THE PIONEER DRUG STORE. P. M. KIRKLAND, PROPRIETOR, - - - Athena, Oregon. FIRST.. SHTIOML " BMK o o o OF 3THEM1 . l. ! Jj. TIbe .AblfcLexLa Meat iMIazcOsielj FRANK BEAL, proprietor. FRSH V MEAT ': ALWAYS ON o flAND aoiicit the patronage of the pnblio and in return will give you the best of fresh eats at the lowest price. . - FRANK BEAL. ARE Going to buy any Household Furnit ture? ." Be assured it pays Do not be influenced by what from coming to see our goods. IF SO ry a full and complete stock of Furniture, wall paper and underta goods. 50c For Wheat. IF YOU WISH TO borrow money on real estate, . . Sell or buy farm or city property; have your life in sured; have your property insured against fire in the best companies in the world; invest money at good interest and have it well secured; have Deeds, " Mortgages, Contracts, Leases, etc., drawn correctly, call on W. T. GILMAN, Athena, Ore. He represents the following first-class XXX fire insurance companies: Phoenix, Home, Royal, Ger man, Caledonian and Northwest. He -writes his own XXX policies and guarantees correctness, and at the lowest rate at which responsible com panies will take risks. He has the agency for the Equitable Life Insurance Co., the best of any 9 Is now in its NEW THE "Where we will be pleased to meet all of our old customers and as many new ones as we can accommodate, and we can accommo date a great many by giving them To all Gash e e w PONT FORGET ! The fact that we give youl a 10 per cent rebate for every cash purchase of! One Dollar and upward. ; 1 BERGEVIN BROTHERS, IFTTBXjIC I South side Main Street. CAPITAL STOCK, $ 50000 $21,000 STJBPLUS, - Pay Intercut on time deposit. Proper attention ' given to collections Deals in foreign and domestic excbuDgo. D. Livei.t. Cashier, Athena, Oregon U Call on us andg et our Prices before going elsewhere to call on us our opponents may say to eep Come and see for yourselves. We yo u car . GILLIS BROS The proprietor of the Ath ena PRESS will give Fifty umts per bushel lor No. 1 Wheat on Subscription ac'ts. BUILDING, I A 10 Per Cent 1 - - g Purchases f DISCOUNT I have the largest stock IN THE CITY. have the freshest Groceries! U IN THE have the largest stock of shoes in! EASTERN OREGON. 1 i C A' BAEBBTT CO. p Mil Misn O I ' . DEALERS IN SHELF and HEAVY HARDWARE. FARM IMPLEMENTS, THRESHERS, Main Stheet, MILLER W RUSTLER ing leading furniture dealer Wants Some Cash ! ND TO GET IT, he will for the next 60 days, sell FURNI- TURE at the bottom notch. VWv Bed Room Sets Rocking Chairs - Parlor Suits - AT .: YOUR .: OWN Wall Paper from 15 cents to match all paper, from 10 N. STORE. ON MAIN STREET, 0 Corner mm) Main and 3 m Z of Dress Goodsg CITY. 1 ATHENA, OREGON. 5 MOWERS, RAKES, HARROWaBfiS GANG PLOWS, MACHINE REPAIRS Athena, Oregon THE Extention Tables Sofas Bed-Lounges - i , Springs Mattresses. .: PRICE ':. FOR -;. CASH. (double roll) to 65 cents. Border to 20 cents per yard. MILLER, , ATHENA, ORE. On 3rd Sts.y 30f $1.00 and - - Upwards.