LIGHT AND AIRY. . Another Poet Breaks Loom, When all the ruin has fell, 1 ' When.wlntor's wont wajr, When buda begin to swell, ., And spring has coin to stay A spell, -, We'll hump along quite well, . ' When all the rain has fell. When all the rain has fell, '" - And these oold winds has form. . And folks has ogscs to sell. And Dowers grows on the lawn, . ' I tell ' Too we'll get tip and yell, Warn all the rain has full. , . . v Chicago Tribune. An Invincible Cat. Short 1 thought yon were goln to drown that cat? Long Welt, tbcy my a ait has nine Urea, but this one has 20, 1 think. Why, 1 actually put that cat in a tub of water and tied a brick round its neck, and what do you think? Short Goodness knowsl Long Well, this morning when 1 went to look at the tub, the cat bad swallowed all the water and wax sitting on the brick! Tit-Bits. , A Suggestion. They were sitting together in the moon light, and he was trying bard to think ol something pleasant to say. All of a sud den she gave a slight shudder. "Are yon cold, darlingf" he asked anx iously. "I will put my coat around you li you like." 'Well, yes," she said shyly, with tmrtfca little shiver, "I m a little cold, I confess, but you needn't put your coat round me. One ot the sleeves will do." Exchange, : Bis Last Itesort. For years he'd sought to see her home. For years had she declined; Each time he brought some good excuse. Hut she in ways that maidens use Would some quick answer find. Tonight he came as usual. Without a thought of failing, And said, "'Tis now my privilege. For there's a man down on tho bridge A-leaulng 'gainst the railing.'' She listened quite attentively, Then said In accents rare, "Oh, thank you, John, for tolling me; He said he'd meet me there." , Boston Courier. Taking a Mew Start. Rivers How are you getting along with that little pamphlet of yours on "How to Km th a World's Fair In a Week i" Banks (wiping the perspiration from his face) I've thrown it aside, Hi vers, ana rra working now on a big book entitled "How to Get a Glimpse of the World's Fair In Six Months." Chicago Tribune. A Paradox. I asked for a kiss when our love was new. And you coyly answered mo ".No." I have kissed you often Blnco then, 'tis true. Yet I wanted that one kiss sol . When I think of it, sweet, my heart grows drear And Is filled with a vain regret, For the sweetest of all your kisses, doar, Was the kiss that I d Idn't getl -Life. The Betort Courteous. Married Man Why don't you get mar ried, Miss Perkins? Vou are getting tc look like a "back number" you will soon be an old maid. ' Miss Perkins If 1 were as easy to please aa your wife won, I would have been mar ried long ago. xunaee uinue. Inside Information. The morning of the hop he came, 'r".. His dress suit case In hand. And with the giddy girls that day He was In greut demand. Perhaps thoso girls would sot have cared Ho much that nay to nirt If they bad known that case held but Two neokties and a shirt. -Quips. Horrible! "Miss May I ah" began tho young man, when the fair girl fell forward in a faint A minute elapsed, and she opened he! eyes. "Tom," Bhe whispered, "did 1 heat you say I are? ' "Harper's Hassur. Nothing Unusual. "There goes a real crock fisher, 11111," Sold Biggins to his neighbor Todd As 'long the em'ruld broiderod kill ' There passed a man with creel and rod. "There's nothing strange In that to me," Bald Todd, not even looking back To view the man, "for you'll agree That every fissure Is a crack." '-Boston Courier. " More to the ToluU Sufferer (to lady in front) Madam, If you were to remove your hat I could see the Dlav. Lady In front (with manifestation ot sur prise) Yes, but you could not then see my new hat. uoston uioue. Luck, He bought himself a new silk hat, And to the street be new. And then for weeks he walked and walked. But met so girl he knew. -Now York Herald. ," " Economy. Brown Going to housekeeping, ehf Jones Yep. . Brown Awfully expensive. . Jones Won't be for us. Going to use my wife's temper for a furnace and her feet for a refrlgerator.xruta. Ono Way to Oct There. She filled her new puff sleeves with gas. And when the wind was right . ' Toward the World's fair she lit out And soon was outof sight. Detroit Free Press. Just the Place. Father What would you ad vise me to do with my sonr His pronunciation is per fectly terrible. Teacher Got hhn a position as porter at a railway station at once. Tit-Hits, The Oculist. "I'm slow to anger," he exclaimed, . "And yat I'd have it understood. When there are charges to be named Pm always In an eye-rate mood." Washington Star. Urn Mustn't Spoil Himself. Dick Hloka You're not a self made man, are you, pop? Hicks Yes, my son. Why do you ask f ' Dick Hicks 1 didn't suppose a self made man would rip and tear. Truth. Small Meed For a Card. And ever as his new spring suit 1 scan. Bechecked and striped In many a varied hue. -. Apparel, oft, tnethluks, proclaims the man, Proclaims hlin loudly too. -New York Herald. World's Pair rasse. Tho number of free season passes to the World's fair issued by the exposi tion officials is estimated at 200,000. On each of these is tho photograph of the holder, so aa to prevent nso by another, The pas is in the form of a book by ot mcnes, containing 181 admission cou pons, or one for each day of tho six months. They are issued to officials, employees, exaioitora, newspaper wen, iw'ju conuauwonori, etc rifts vurg Trials of a KontaeUy Blliiltcr. In speaking of a well known mir.istor who was until not very louy ago pastor of a 'large conyrep;;ition ia this city, a member of that cliarch said yesterday: "Few peoplo knew what he suffered. lie was tho nearest approach to Job that I ever saw. Tho newepspers might have had a great sensation out of ono cf his trials. Though ouo of tho host known preachers in Louisville, considering Lis tny hcrc.Lia wifa was a morphine eater, Oa one cccaon v.-lieii ho hr.u to go to thm-cli to nir.vry a young pair his wifo locked him i.i hi room. Uo Ln;.Iry suc ceeded in dilating thro-.i'-'h tho tvansoin md r.rrivedct tlio i.ltar ::.1, r ;.-: ii,ov- ry o:i3 waiting fcr nearly half aa Lour. Zho oflc'ii locked Liiu t:r to try to ecy liim from preaching, and her trcat- of him wm often too inhuman to bo d'.vcribcd. Yet with all that acom- leint never lft fca lir, and Uv ix'rfona- c 1 his religious d'ltiea under a Mental ronythat fa w are called on to fear. Sho took an active part in the church Bo oties, and not until about the lime of their departuro was her terrible habit known outside the family. Her children were often beaten hko animals. I know these things to be fact3, and if tho name were divulged it would thrill the city with astoniahment." Louisville Cou rier-Journal. Dvorak Awakens the Musical World. Dr. Dvorak's bold declaration that the negro melodies of America are to be the foundation of a great national school of music ranging through every stage of the art, from ballads to symphonies and oratorios, has aroused the musicians of Europe. The Commercial cable brings us an interview with Ernest Eeyer, the distinguished French composer. He says that the negro melodies, even if they do not serve as the actual basis of the coming American school, will de termine its character. The presence of the great Bohemian master in this country is a blessing to art. And it is a remarkable thing that, at the very moment Rubinstein, Richter, Joachim and other famous musicians were discussing Dr. Dvorak's discovery with correspondents in Europe, tho com poser himself was writing the gratifying announcement that he had just finished a new symphony reflecting all through it the negro melodies of tho western world. Now York Herald. Sheep Shearing In New fork. They are shearing the sheep in Cen tral park, and a good sized job it has turned out to be. There are about 80 ewes and as many lambs besides the two or three rams. All of tho flock are Southdowns of the purest breed, and their wool, averaging from six to eight pounds a fleece, is very fine and of more value than that of the ordinary sheep. Shepherd Conway and his sheepdog are attending the sheep and lambs on the green, while three or four professional sheep shearers are at work on the rest of the flock at the sheepfold. As fast as an animal has boon shorn it is turned out to pasture with the lambs and rams, and the contrast between the thin, white ap pearance of the shorn sheep and the thick, brown fleeces of the rams ana lambs is an interesting sight. New York Letter. Cloning; With a Hymn. Secretary Iloko Smith recently attend' ed a somiprivate dinner in Washington and was called upon for a speech. Quite a number of newspaper men were pre sent, and Mr. Smith concluded bis re marks with an appeal to them to stand bvtho administration and stop criticiS' ingit. Hisromarfis were pitched in a strong religious strain. When Mr. Smith sat down, the gentleman who was pre siding at the dinner said with a perfectly grave face, "Tho choir will now sing 'l Want to Be an Angel,' "Washington Letter, ' Reduced Immigration. The total immigration to the? United States during the 10 months ended April 80, 1898, was 884,825 a decline of 110, 183 from tho immigration of the corre spending 10 months of the previous voar. Emigration from Russia and Poland shows the greatest decline in this period, having fallen from 04,090 to 83,978. There is a very slight de cline in the arrivals from Great Britain and Ireland, but tho tide of emigra tion from Italy shows no abatement- Charleston News and Courier. Hawthorne In Bean rot. The story goos that a few weeks ago an auctioneer near Lewiston, Me., pnt up an old bean pot, and having no bids knooked it down to himsoir ror 10 cents, Inside he found a copy of Hawthorne's "Fanahawe," the original edition. He remembered seeing in a Boston paper that a copy of this book had recently been sold for ( 131.00. He wrote to Boston dealer, who offered him $100 for his find, whioh he took. It is said he might have got more, Philadelphia Press. GEO. E. BATES, CONTRACTOR & BUILDER GENERAL JOBBER. Estimates furnished on all kinds of wood work. Header beds nud cook houses built on short notice. Prices reasonable. Box 40, Atheiuv, Oregon, ST. NICHOLS : : : : SHAVING PARLORS, NEXT TO HOTEI . First-Class Work Guaranteed Ladles Hhampoulug v L. REEVES, ABpwwty. . Proprietor. V ;""r T lave constantly on hand a full line of arming implements 0T. IE. GOZRIMZ - A -TIIE- COMMERCIAL Livery, Feed Bale STABLES, Athena, - - Oregon. he best Turnouts in Umatilla County. Stock boarded by Day, WeeK or Month. Special attention given to Commer cial travelers. Give me a call. G.M. FROOME. Agents Wanted Jn Salary and Com mission tor i ne uni V Aiunonzeu BIOGRAPHY OF JAMES G. BLAINE. Hy Uail Hummon, nm library eAwuwr, nfhia fftmilv. mid for MP Blaine's Complete Works, "twenty Years of Congress," and his later book, 'Political Dis euHKlons." One prospectus for these three Best Belling books in the market- A. K. P. Jordan of Me., took 112 orders from first 110 alnhta rrrm. SIM- ftrt. Mm. Ballard of O. iook io oroers, 13 peai nusHHi m i uujr, u. tfl.M. E. JM. Kice 01 Muss. toon Z7 orders in : divs: uroflt 147.25. J. Part ridge of Me. took 43 orders from 8U calls; pront 7i.. a, Pnimpp nt N. Dnir. took 54 orders In 4 days: Droflt S'M.25. Exclusive Territory (riven. If 'Oil wisn w nittKB Jjrt ivvj r. ni.nj m mediately for terms to ... . . i T . 11 1 1' . XT L' 7 ....lli. HE HEKBY BILL PUB GO,, Norwich, uonn. TAFT TOLBERT & CO., GENERAL Blacksmiths, Fourth Street, Athena, Ore. ALL KINDS OF MACHINE REPAIRING AT LOW RATES. Horse shoeing Wagon Work MONEY. To Loan on Improved Farms. Property at Low Rates. Can get Money In less time than anyone Else can get it. I HAVE. For sale a number of Choice Farms, including One of the best farms in Uma- tilla County, Two miles from Athena. A NUMBER- Of choice Residence Lots In Athena, on easy terms. Insurance in the following Leading Companies: London and Lancashire, Lion, Imperial, Caledonian, Liverpool, London & Globe, and the Continental, the Great farm Company. T .D. HARPER, Athena, Oregon. Pay np. All parties knowing themselves indebted to me, are notified to como forward and eettlo without delay. Jan. 1st tf. N. A, Miller. BA LD WRITE What Is the condition of yours? Is your hair dry, harsh, brittle? Does it split at the ends? lias it a lifeless appearance ? Docs It fait out when combed or brushed ? Is it full of dandruff? Does your scalp Itch ? Is it dry or In a lie.Ued condition ? If these are some of your symptoms be Skookum Root Hair Grower Is wh(Ton bmsL Its nmdn-r Lira Inn naMeKlbuttV?rnttof gdwntlfle I i J rM&rcb. Knowledge at VfcTB,V,?!.,ryB;S ' fiT SotuhSWli AeN KewTork, S. Y. J and vehicles, carts, Monitor Seeder and Drills. - ILT:, Manager, - R. J. Boddy, Proprietor of the MEAT MARKET, Corner of Main & Fourth. A Large variety of Meats al ways on hand. See us. Are. you going to insure your Grain? J J? you are, see Gilman. lie represents some of the best Companies on the coast, ne writes polices for fun. See him before placing your Insurance. Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained, and all Pat- f ent business conauciea lor mooch ATI fees. ?Oub Office is opposite O. ,3. Pstent Office i and we can secure patent in less time than tnose rMxnt. f ram IV nahincrtnn. , KnA mnilri drawiftir nr nhoto.. with d63crir J tion. We advise, if patentable or not, free ot i charge. Our tee nor oue mi paieni is secured. A pamphlet, "How to Obtain Patents," with fne. nf samA in tha U. S. and foreign countries S sent free. Address, C.A.SIMOW&CO. Opp. Patent Office, Washington, D. C. ATHENA RESTAURANT. Mrs Hardin, Proprietress II. P. Milken, Manager. Main Street bet. Second and Third. Can be recommended to the pub lic as first-class in every particular. None but White Help Employed, MEALS AT ALL HOURS. DAY OR NIGHT. Suppers for Special Occasions , HI ELS 85 C THE ST. NICHOLAS HOTEL J. W. Frooma & Son, Props- The Only First-Class Hotel in the City. 4ud the only one that can accommodate commercial men and travelers. 1HE ST. NICHOLS HOTEL. Can he recommended for Its clean and well ventelated rooms, In whioh will be found everything congenial The'diniug rooms ate under the supervision of Mre. Froome and the table is sup plied with the best the market affords. ATHENA, OREGON. HEADS I warned in time or you will become bald. u.o thsea;- ot t! b;ur ami sculp 1 to UMdisoor. sc vrj oi bow to irKl itinu "k:kkiu-. -cyui?-i iH-i'cr in'.ncrsisaorons. gr lBotDre,butdeligIitM;c'Ut:- unit refwiiitiia: Tonle. hs MimuUtine J th foiiktwi, it ttoffalltmj jk.i.i-, tint danuin.- aU yi-mt kair u taii D tn Ktn thesotip closn, hiMltl..Mnl Irpfmm tritat!Tif ernTitions. l7 the iu ot t-ui i; t-ut;. varatitia iwt, kAm; ft4 o "i SM deMrxxt IA. A a I.'. . SC If yourdruKistcMiiotsapr(.-w.'H:-: it 'n vt, and - ttlll fonrard " prepaid, on tweivit ot Iri:. (. ivv. . jr !:Us i t .r Ci.0fc toaSt. jj THE SKOOKUri ROOT HAIR GROWER CO., . Oliver "Xewdeparture" Gangplow. Columbus Buggy Co's - .Ablb-ezn-a, Oregon, r. Joseph Graduate, M. El. (5. V. S., London, Eng. Veterinary Surgeon and Dentist. CHRONIC DISEASES a SPECIALTY I am prepared to do all kinds of Veterinary Rnrgery, Emasculating horses and Regllngs a (Specialty. (This is theonlytrue method of operating on horses.) Bpeying of cattle and hogs on short notice. I will treat all animals In the mwl approved procedure of Veterinary burgery. If you have any sick animals it will DR. JOS. J. BILL, Commercial Stables. Athena Oregon. Chas. H. Dodd & Co. IMPORTERS OF HARDWARE, IRON, STEEL, AMD FRONT, FIRST AND VINE STS., PORTLAND, OR. HTRwnrrREAPERS luyii LOWERS LIL T Ihe maiir .iipcrlor points that hara clia' iiflm Ixe.l !li old reliable Buckeye ll'intt h.-ive t.eon added many newt f".'l.iren incli'.iliiig a power balance for I'ftlnc the euitri lisr, ete. hObb'S K 2 Em&odyiEa on piinoipies aai bcw lmproTements, HAND & SELF- DUMP HORSE ALL STEEL HAY RAKES, HAY PRESSES HAY LOADERS HAY TEDDERS ADRIANCE REAR DISCHARGE BINDER The lightest, hest balwnced, most economical Binder made. BUCKEYE STEEL FRAME BINDER. SCHUTTLER FARM & MARKET WAGONS, f AULTMAH'S STAR TRACTIOB ' ENGINE. M SEND FOR 1893 J. H. CLARK, FIRST NiTlORE. BIII1K o OF A THENE Pays Ii. D. 7 am Tlxe -A.-bla.exLa Meat 3ynax,Ik:el3 FRANK BEAL, proprietor. AFRESH e MEAT ALWAYS OH HAN solicit the patronage of the public and in return will give you the best of fresh eata at the lowest prices John Gillis. ARE U Going to buy any Household Furniture? IF SO Be assured it pays Do not bo influenced by what our from coming to see our goods. Come and see for yourselves. We car ry a full and complete stock of Furniture, wall paper and underta ing goods. POOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQOOOOOOOOOOC)0 71i Vni, FEEL SICK? Disease commonly comes on with slight symptoms, which when neglected increase in extent and gradually grow dangerous. HTENTa1sc.HE,,YS: take RIPANS TABULES "Z'Tl tare RIPANS TABULES "ssk' m?tm TABULES For OFFENSIVE BREATH tr.0 LL C!50-?. f? 9j MQ TABULES DERS OF, . . . I MBULW Mparts Tabules Regulate ihe System and Preserve the Health. ONE GIVES 8 RELIEF. t PRIIITSnG--ALLKIS03;CPRESSCmDE Buggies; Racine Co'b V Hacks, the celebrated Wide-tire Bain wagon. ill be to your Interest to call on 2. STEEL HE3DER especially aiautei to Orejoa, f as&inaton and Mail). FULL-CIRCLE THE NEW STAR VIBRATOR An Entirely New Machine built on new and sueeessful principles. FINE CARRIAGES, PHAETONS, TOP BUGGIES, CARTS, ETC., FARRIERS CARRIAGES, MOUNTAIN AND FINE ROAD WAGONS. r' . -. CATALOGUE FREE. Mng'r, Athena. Or South side Main Street. CAPITAL STOCK, SURPLUS, $ soooo $21,000 Interest on time deposits. Proper attention given to collections. Deals In foreign and domestic exchange. Lively, Cashier, Athena, Oregon ritawiv jjhajj. Dan Gilli Call on us andg et ou Prices before going elsewhere to call on us opponents may say to eep t you GILLIS BROS. 18 UWCX TO JCT SAVE MANY A DOCTOR'S BILL. Sold by Drcsrsrists Even-where. - - y ALL FARMERSartrs Some of them B010arTlle FABLERS' LUiHCE The Co-Operatlve Store, at Is lu the Interests of- CLARK WALTER, Manager, GHAS. G.SHARP, Successor to N. A. Miller, PAIIITERs PA PER HANGER Estimates on all Wori: Furnished. 1-1 nnnn rvmnfinrr I InAAfO tinif KA IIP . .. n Hanging a specialty, Car riage Painting. HOTOGKAPHS! ' PIIOTOG11APIIS! Photographs in Everv S T T li IE - Call on fATTQ THE BOSS if II I I u, PHOTOGRAPHER. Haceesor to Caninitiia:s, . Main St. Athena. Coppying and Enlarging, Viewing at eas- onabie rates. (Jail ana see nun. Cox, McRae & Co., 'Dealers In HARDWARE J .'Arid FARMING JMPLEMEHTS RUSIIFORD WAGONS, GATE CITY HACKS . WOODS HARVESTING H1ACH INERY, AND EXTRAS OF ALL K1NBS. . Call and Get Prices. Cox, McRae & CbrAtitF. THE ATHENA LIVERY STABLE Smethermen & Foster, Prop's. .. (Secceesor to J. A. Kelson.) NONE BUT FIRST-CLASS RIGS AND SAFE TEAMS. STOCK BOARDED BY THE DAY ! "WEEK OR MONTH. , Give Me a Trial. Corner Fourth & Current, Athena. JPinlrnfri tM warn LIT. 03L4HA, KANSAS CITY, ST : PAUL, CHICAGO, ST. LOUIS, O . AND ALL POINTS EAST, NORTH AND SOUTH , TimeTable of Trains: Passenger. No 5, from Athena to Spokane and Interme diate points, leaves - 7:45 am No 6, from Athena to Portland and Intermed iate points, leaves - 8:39 p m Freight: No 41, from Pendleton to Spokane, leaves Athena - - - 4:00 pm No 42, from Ppoknne to Pendleton, leaves Athena - - - 4:45 p m PULLMAN SLEEPERS, COLONIST SLEEPERS, RECLINING CHAIR CARS and DINERS... Steamers Portland to San Francisco every 4 Days. TICKETS AnTpno: EUROPE For rates and general information call on A. R. Bradley. Depot Ticket Agent, Athena, Oregon. W. H. HCRLBtjr, Asst. Gen. Pass. AgV.2H Washington ai,f ortlaad, Oregon. P (