The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, September 15, 1893, Image 2

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Thk echool laws - of Oregon in
enumerating the duties of the
county Superintendent says, "He
shall, on the third Monday in
April and the third Monday in
August of each year, make an ap
portionment of the entire school
fund then in the county treasury."
Vlso. "As soon as he shall have made
.iuch apportionment he shall draw
orders on the treasurer . in favor of,
she districts for their respective
hares, and immediately transmit
i he same to the clerks of their re
spective districts." --
Although this seems to be plain
enough for. anyone to understand,
yet we are reliably informed that
i he superintendent of this county
has not complied with this law. .
She I has apportioned only the
county fund and not the "entire
school fund," which is composed of
the county fund and the county's
-thare of the irreducible State
-school fund. . The State board ap
protions the interest on the irre
ducible State Bchool fund among
the several counties on the first
day of August each year, and Union
county received its share in time
to '.be apportioned this year.
Why did not not Umatilla? Again,
our superintendent did nbt appor
tion even the county fund, and
"immediately transmit" the orders
to the district clerks on the thud
Monday of August.
Will the county superintendent
explain why she does not appor
tion the State funds, also why the
delay in apportioning the county
funds? We would also call the
attention of the superintendent to
Sec. 24, page 15, of the School Law
of Oregon as complied in 1891.
The silver situation in the sen
ato has materially changed in the
last three tr four-days.- For the
first time -there is a porceptible
wavering in the heretofore solid
line of the silver senators and sev
eral of them have practically ad
mitted in :, their speeches that the
repeal bill would be passed, even
while declaring thoir purpose to
fight it to the last ditch and to die
fighting against allowing a vote to
be taken upon it. It is no longer
denied that the repealers have a
majority of the ' senate; it is now
only a question of whether the re
pealers can bring the bill to a vote.
A number of the Southern senators
, have stated that they will not filli
buster to prevent a vote, and the
populist senators are also opposed
to fillibustering, ; Senator Peffer
having so stated on the floor of the
Senate. Notwithstanding all of
this the senators from the North
,west are still confident of thoir
ability to prevent a ' vote. The
test is likely, to be made inside of
two or three weeks.. Then we shall
know who wins. . .
"Convince limn ugatnet bli wilt
And he'll be or the taiue opinion atil!."
Ed. -Press: In my last article
I remarked that if the opposition
didn't bring up either argument or
scripture I should . close soon, so
this will ' be the finis bo far as I
am concerned, inasmuch as I don't
wish to come down to the level of
. rowdyism (even if it should have
a clerical' coat on) , and engage in
"theological spanking" slugging.
Abuse is no sort of areumnnt. nfit.h.
er does it require a high order of
intoueot to engage in it.
Instead of finding a gentlemanly
christian spirit of investigation in
the reply of my opponent, I find a
, vindictive spirit of personal spite
very different from that of the low
ly ! Naiareuo and much more be
coming to a rabid second-class
politician than one whr nrnfoaapa
to ' be a minister of the gospel of
love ana Deace. llenoe I refuse to
. stpB down onto . such, a level, and
into the "slugging" arena by notic-
- I pimply ask that the reader
' shall take tho bible and the other
authorities given and see whether
or not these thinsrs are trim.
It is said bv some that there is
no difference between the law of
God. and the law of Moses, and
then thev nnntn on.h larta a
"Christ is tho . end of ; the law
of. righteousness to every one that
believeth." etc.' in i)roof of it. but
quoting, scripture in p'rOof of a
laise sianaaw is no proof at all
Satan quoted Bcripture to Christ
. Luke 4:. 10,' 11, but misapplied it
, and such a use'of it the bible con
'deians 2 Pet 3: 16 sneaks of PamVi
cnistles and savs "In which nr
; Borne .things hard to be understood
wiiicn tney tnat are unlearned
and unstable wrest (twist) as they
do also the other scriptures unto
iitmown destruction. , , . ; .
Of such people Christ says in
Matt 22: 20. 'Jesus answered and
eailnnto them. ,"Ye do err, not
' roES OF .r.oo.". ;
i S'h a tie n-ord of - God is band'
led without deceit, there is found
beauty harmony and consisten
cy throughout. In the first place
did God make a 'mistake in his
law? Did he give the people as a
rule of action, 4,000 vears a law
which was full of defects and er
rors; and there finding out his
mistake, and changing his mind,
concluded to make the way a little
easier by opening out and widen
ing the way of which Christ said
"Straight is the gate and narrow
is the way which leadeth unto life,
and few there be that find it." Matt.
7: 14? Such is the implication
which is charged upon God, by
people who deny the binding
claims of the ten commandments
For what was the law of God
given? (and when I say the "Law
of God" I mean the Decalogue or
10 commandments for I find that
the; bible recognizes no other as
God's law.)
What purpose does it serve?
He had just one object in view,
one purpose to serve by the law,
and that was to show sin. What
saith the word? "Moreover the
law entered came to our notice
that the offence (Bin) might
abound." - (What for? Why did
he want gin to be seen in such
abundance?) "But where sin
abounded grace favor with Christ
did much more abound." Rom.
,' Then .he simply wanted every
one to see himself as lost in sin,
so he would accept of Christ's fa
vor or salvation. Again he wants
to prove the whole world guilty of
sin, only that he may forgive them.
"Now whatsoever things the law
saith to therein who are under the
law; that is within its jurisdiction
hence all the world) that every
mouth may be stopped and all
the world may become guilty
before God." Rom. : 3: 19. But
what, makes them guilty? Sin, or
transgression of the law. Last
part of verBe 20. "For by the law
is the knowledge of sin."
"Because the' law worketh wrath for
where no , law is there is no trans
gression or guilt Rom. 4: 15.
"Whosoever committeth sin
transgresseth also the law, for bin
thk transgression op the law."
Uohn3:4. ;
And now one text more to prove
the ten commandments to be that
law which is necessary to show
sin. "What shall wo say then I
Is the law sin? God forbid nay,
I had not known sin but by the
law; for I had not known lust ex
cept the law had said. Thou
shalt not covet." The law is the
law of the 10 commandments.
Hence the 10 commandments is
the only law which showB sin, and
makes the gospel needful. And
then when the law has served the
purpose of showing every one to be
sinners,' what does God do? "This
is a faithful saying ' and worthy
of all acceptation, that Christ
Jesus came into the world to save
sinners, those who have broken
the 10 commandments) of whom
I am chief." 1 Tim 1:15.
Thus we see that God gives
Christ to save the repentant law
breaker or sinner, and then when
he is set free in Christ he is no
longer "under the law" under the
condemnation of it but is under
the grace or favor of God. But
says one, is not the law abolished?
By no means, else there would be
no sin, "for by the law i3 the
knowledge of sin. '
, Do we then make void the law
through faith? God forbid; yea,
we establish the law. Rom. 3: 20,
When was the law of God first
known? Seeing the law is the
only thing which shows .sin, when
ever and wherever we find sin, we
know the law must exist for sin is
the breaking of that law. '
Hence we see the law in tho gar
den of Eden, because we find sin
there. ' .
"Wherefore as by one man Adam,
sin, transgression of the law, entered
into the world, and death by sin;
and so death passed upon all men,
for that all have sinned.'.' Rom.
5: 12. Sin makes the gospel nec
essary." For I am not ashamed
of the people of Christ; for it is the
power of God unto salvation to
every one that believeth." ' Rom.
1: 16, first part. Salvation from
what? From sin. What is sin?
Transgression of the law. Then
tho gospel is the power of God
manifested to save these who have
broken the law there would be no
sinners, or lawbreakers hence no
need of the gospel consequently
the law and gospel are so exten
sive and go hand in hand.
But says one, if the law is in
force what does it mean when it
says the law was abolished by
Christ. The answer is, there ar
two laws brought to view in the
bible: separate and distinct in pur
pose and duration. Paul recognized
this fact and made tho distinction
in the following texts.
"Do we then make void the law
through fanny Uod, iorbid, yea
we establish, make sure, the law."
Rom. 3: 31.
"Having abolished in his fieBh
the enmity, even the law of com
mandments contained ordinances
Eph. 2: 15 first part. Bat that
looks like a contradiction, both
statements from the same writer;
in one saying the law is establish
ed, and in- the other that it is
abolished. . True it would be a fiat
contradition if both texts referred
to tlio sama law.
But the commandments in ordi
nances Bhow that to be something
pertaining to ceremonies. ,
So among most Protestant deno
minations and bible dictionaries
etc, the distinction of the two laws
is made to be "The Moral Law" or
ten commandments and "the cere
monial Law," that law which gov
erned sacrifices and ordinances.
Let us notice them a moment
and see their'difference.
The keeping of the Moral law
the commandments of God' is
given as the ,very condensation of
love to God. For Tnis is the love
of God that we keep his command
ments and his commandments are
not orevious." 1 John 5: 3. The
moral law was spoken by God with
his ! own voice. Ex. 20: 1-17:
Dent. 4: 12, 18, 36; & 5-22.
The ceremonial law was spoken
by Moses. Deut. 1: 3; & 33: 4. i
The moral law was written on two
tables of stone by God himself,
with his own finger. Ex. 24: 12;
& 31: 18. Deut. 10: 4. The cere
monial law was written by Moses
in a book. Deut. 31: 9, 24.
. Concerning the moral law the
bible has the following to say.
"The law of the Lord is perfect
converting the soul, the testimony
of the Lord is sure making wise
the simple. Psa. 19:., 7. "Let us
hear the conclusion of the whole
matter; fear God and keep his
commandments for this is the
whole duty of m8n. Eccl. 12;
"Thy righteousness is. an ever
lasting righteousness and thy law
is the truth." t , ,
"Thy word is true from the be
ginning and EVERY ONE OF THY
forever." Psa. 119: 142, 160.
: Christ says "and it is easier for
heaven and earth to pass than one
tittle of the law to fail." ' Luke
16: 17. .
"Think not that I am come to
destroy the law or the prophets;
I am not come to destroy, but to
fulfill." obey Matt. 5: 17.
- For as many as have sinned
without law shall perish .without
law, and so many as have r sinned
in the law shall be judged by the
law. In the day when God shall
judge the secrets of men by Jesus
Christ according to my gospel."
Rom. 2: 12, 16.
"He that saith I know him and
keepeth not his commandments is
a liar and the truth is not in
him." 1 Jno. 2: 4. "For whoso
ever shall keep the whole law, and
yet offend in one point, he is guilty
of all.", Jas. 2: 10, - :
"Blesaed are they that do his
commandments, . that they may
have right to the tree of LiFe, and
may enter in through the gates in
to the city." Rev. 22:14.
; The ceremonial law had to do
with types, shadows and sacrifices
pointing forward to Christ, but
when he came as a matter of fact
they ceased.
The following is what the bible
has to say regarding the ceremonial
law or the law of Moses.
' "For the law having a shadow of
oood things to come and not the
very image of the things can never
with" those sacrifices which they
offered year by year continually
makes the comers there unto per
fect." Heb. 10; 1.
'IWhich stood only in meats and
drinks and divers washings, and
carnal ordinances imposed on
them until the time of reformation."
Heb:, 9: 10. "Blotting put the
handwriting of ordinances that
was against us, which was con
trary to us, and took it out of the
way nailing it to his cross. Let
no man therefore judge you in
meat, or in drink, or in respect of
a holy day, as the Sabbath days,
which ark a shadow of things to
come but the body is Christ." Col.'
2: 14, 16, 17.
: For there is verily a disannuling
of the commandment for the weak
ness and . unprofitableness thereof.
For the ceremonial law made
nothing perfect but the bringing
in of a better hope did by
which we , draw nigh unto God."
Heb. 7: 18: 19.
Such is the contrast made in the
word of God between the two laws
the-law of God and the law of
Moses; the one "perfect" the other
"made nothing perfect;'' one to
be the rule in the judgment, and
to last forever; the other nailed to
his cross, and done away . because.
of us unprofitableness.
Who cannot see a wide differ
ence between them?
Surely none but those' who are
willfully blind, whose minds have
been darkened by the god of this
world Satan.
So I leave the matter, hoping
that some honest soul may have
been enabled by this discussion,
to see the contrast between truth
and errors, light and darkness, and
may thus be brought into perfect
harmony with God and his govern
ment, - and that in the great day
of final accounts it will be found
that some who have heard, have
been led to love God and keep his
commandments for love's sake, and
that through faith in Christ for all
sin, and by loving obedience to his
law, they at last may have an
abundant entrance through- the
gate into the city of God. ;
With many thanks to the edi
tors of the Press, for their kind
ness and impartiality throughout
the discussion, " and a charitable
fooling for all. k
I etill remain yours for truth
aad justice. D.'E. Scolss.
I BEG to announce to the people of Athena and surreunding coun
country that I still carry a full stock of Drugs and Chemicals, Patent
Medicines, Jewelry, Toilet articles and Perfumery, Glass, Oils and Pain.
Also a Choice Line of Fresh Liquors
and pure Wines for Medical purposes, only.
a', -i BAEBETT :" CO.
Athena, Oregon.
The proprietor of the Ath
ena PRESS will give Fifty
Cente per bushel for No. 1
Wheat on Subscription ac'ts.
Send Postal Card for illustrated Catalogue of
t it liwtso
: TTVi
f-S V, A SI
Vifry MODEL 1373
Repeating: Shot Guns
Farmers and Wheat Men, Attention!
"We are no w ready to do a general warehouse business, aud by placing your grain In our house
; you get the advantage of all the wheat competition of ;
AVe positively guarantee to load your grain on either line of railway at one cost. Farmers
look to your own Interests and see our manager, J. N. B. Gerking, at the office, or J. R. Arm.
strong, assistant manager. Office nnd Warehouse, West Main Street, Between V. P.' and
W. t C. It. Bnllwoy Tracks. .
Grain Dealers,
v sale
Athena, Oregon.
If You Don't
" ; Take
You Don't
ill iJiife if m&fM
. .
Main Street,
Athena, Oregon
' THE '
of wail Paper
I am the only dealer in Athena that buys direct
from the manufacturer, and that manufacturer, Wm.
Campbell, of New York, is independent of the Nation
al wall Paper Combination. I buy my paper to the
best advantage to myself and I sell to the best ad
vantage of my customers, I have the largest line of
wall paper in the county and it ranges in price all
the way from 15c double roll,. to 65c for the best gilt"
paper made. A fine line of undertaKing goods con
stantly on hand, and I am prepared to do embalming.
Is now
in its-
Corner of --
Main and 3rd Sts.,
Where we will be pleased to meet all of our old customers and
as many new ones as we can accommodate, and we can accommo
date a great many by giving them
I A 10 Per Cent 1
To all Cash - - g
- Purchases!!
gof $1.00 and y .
: : Upwards.
have the largest stock of Dress Goods!
have the freshest Groceries!
have the largest stock of shoes in
DON'T FORGET! The feet that we give youi
- . '
a 10 per cent rebate for every cash purchase of
One Dollar and upward. !