The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, August 18, 1893, Image 3

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A cream of tartar baking powder
Highest of all in leavening strength
Latest United States Government
Food Report.
Royal Baking Powder Company, 108
Wall Street, new York.
Wheat from White Land.
John Whitaker a few days ago
brought to Corvalli3 a email sheaf
of "Surprise" wheat grown on his
farm, 12 mile south ofCorvallis,
say6 the Corvallis Times. One
head contained 144 plump, well
developed grains, and the smallest
head in the theaf contained over
100 grains, and there were five or
six grains in each mesh. The
largest head in the sheaf was grown
on white land that was tilled last
January. The estimated yield of
the field which contains much
white land, is 40 bushels per acre,
and portions will yield 50 to 60
bushels. In a 40 acre field of white
land that has been cultivated for
seven years, Mr. Whitaker has 20
acres of oatr that will go 50 bush
els per acre, and 10 acres of wheat,
as good as was ever grown, on land
where wheat never filled before.
According to Mr. Whitaker, white
land thoroughly cultivated is as
good as the best black land in
Webfoot. ,
Doesn't Give Up Its Dead.
An old steamboat man in speak
ing of the recent fearful Annie
Faxon disaster, and about the
b5diesof the hapless victims being
thrown into the stream and not re
covered, said: "In some respects
the Snake river is a peculiar btre
it is very seiaom mat tne Dooie:
A.I 1 1 L
oi tnose wno are arownea in tna
river are recovered, I do not
think one body in 10 has ever been
recovered from that stream. There
are so many eddies and cross un
der-currents mat its waters are
very treacherous and dangerous to
those who . commit themselves to
its mercies." The speaker seem
ed to have verv seriouB doubts
about the recovery of the bodies
of those who have perished in the
dreadful disaster.
Colfax Frowns on Gambling,
u an w . w i
The city council of Colfax has
vrfrrjrdered all gambling dens to be
suppressed, and Marshal Mackav
is enforcing the order very effective
ly. All the gamblers will be run
out of town if they don't leave vol
untarily. " About this time each
year, savs the Walla Walla States
man, every town and village in the
Palouse country is swarming with
tinhorns, who come to fleece the
harvest hands and then leave
Such work drains the country of a
great deal of money that ought to
be kept in the legitimate channels
of commerce, besides the harm it
inflicts upon society. But there is
likely to be an end put to the gam
bling business thereabouts from
now on. "- . -
Fell from Grace.
Rev. H. Sadlier, of Hailey, Idah
in attendance upon the Methodist
conference in session this week at
Baker City, got drunk, and went on
a tear, visiting a bagnio during the
night. The next day Methodist
brothers got together and promptly
"fired" him out of the conference
and the church. Rev. H. Sadlier's
action has caused much comment
and surprise, as it was not known
he was addicted to such excesses.
Dr. Carlisle was called last Satur
ay to attend a child on the reser
vation. He informed the parents
that the child could not live many
hours. The child's father brought
the doctor to town and to save time
took a coffin out with him saying
if the child did not die he would
return the coffin,
Salt Rheum,
Ring Worm
Eraptionsjiiaorsiad Syphilitic Affections
of the Skin, Throat and Bsnes.
B.W.R. lan&ctmiii Company,
Pr Sal By
P.M.Ktrkln4 nwMr Vru$ (Her.
A Full Resume of News Local Per
sonal and Otherwise.
The Pbess gives the news.
Go to Helix for your house and
barn bills.
iveirigerators at cost, call ear
y at the C. A. Barrett Co,
The Pendleton band is contem
plating forming an orchestra.
We have left a few 3-inch Header
trucks. The C. B. Barrett Co.
Antifermentine, the greater fruit
preserver, at the Pioneer Drue
The Craver Header the finest in
the world for sale by the C. A.
Barrett Co.
There will be preaching at the
Baptist church Sunday 11 a. m.
and 8 p. m. by the pastor.
Hewitt uses nothing but pure,
freRh drugs in filling prescriptions.
TV. 1 1 '
nn.0 your prescriptions to mm.
Max Lewin was somewhat "un
der the weather" a couple of days
ast week, but is all right again.
The Farmer's Warehouse Cadis-
posed of 4000 gTain bags to farmers
in this vicinity in the last week. !
SAl Carden, of the East Oregon-
ian force, accompanied by his wife.
visited with his parents in this
city Sunday.
Professor George Seabrine of In
dependence was in the city Wed
nesday. The Press acknowledges
a pleasant call.
G. W. Proebstel, the Weston
hardware man handles the Cour
ier Pneumatic Mail Bicycles. He
has three which he will sell at
cost. v
The Farmers Warehouse Co.
commenced to receive wheat on the
5th inst and the first car for the
season from Athena, consigned to
Mason Ehrman & Co. Portland by
jAmmT n ! i , "
r. railway yesterday.
rshal Stamper and night-
chman Ward gave the hobo's
instructions to vamoose the other
day. They all took the officers at
their word and Athena is now rid
of the festive cold lunch eaters.
On August 1st J. D. Bowers,
andlord of the Marshall House in
Weston, stepped down and out.
The hotel will be converted into a
boarding house for the normal
school. Thus Weston is left with
out any hotel and has but one res
"Captain" Jarvis, principle of
the Albina public school was in
Athena the past week on business.
The Captain reports times dull in
the metropolis of Oregon, He left
Wednesday evening for Aleacham,
where he is interested in real es
tate, and will go from there to
Albina where heenters on his duties
principle Sept. 18th.
George Martin, at one time part
owner ot the l ress, was in the
city Sunday, George is at preBent !
harvesting for Henry Schmitd, and
by the growth of beard on his face,
one would judge him to be a gen
uine harvester. It is reported that
George has vowed that he will
never shave until he finds a lasa
that will take him "for better or
Wednesday Telephone connection
made between the depot and
ergevm ros, store, ibis will
prove a great boom to the citizens
of Athena, as well as the former,
for it will save many a walk to the
depot. If you have any business
with the agent you can now talk
with him over the telephone by
going to Bergevin Bros, store and
drop "a nickle in the 6lot." ,
Farmers should bear in mind
that David Taylor. Hamilton &
Rourke's agent at Athena will ' put
wheat on the U. P. for the same
rates as on the 0. & W. T. For
instance if a farmer who has grain
stored at his warehouse on the 0.
& W T. and can get more for it of
a buyer on - the U. P. Mr. Taylor
win load it on tne u. r. cars at no
extra cost to the farmer.
Athena came near having a
one day this week through
carelessness of a voung man
with a cigarette. The fellow threw
a partly emoked cigarette in a box
of sawdust used for a spittoon in
the Pioneer drug store. An hour
or two afterward, a smoke was seen
coming from the box. and on in
vestigation it was found that the
sawdust was burning quite freely.
Had it been thrown there late
in the evening, we would have
doubtless had a fire, the origin of
which would have been a mystery.
A couple who claim to be man
and wife, named Wolf, who have
been working in Nathan Pierce's
harvesting crew on the reservation,
were arrested on the charge of rob
bery by Deputy Sheriff Hailey,
Tuesday evening and taken to
Pendleton. They came in a wagon
from Wallula, and, it is alleged, en
tered J. W. Colvin's house and ap
propriated tools, provisions and al
most everything portable. They
are supposed also to have ransack
ed other houses. It is considered
doubtful whether the couple are
man and wife, as the stories they
tell axe conflicting.
fxne un.
rmf I sM 1UI
Ti ; tr
iu i a v iii(jvu ao o i vi
with typhoid fever.
T. D. Harper has been on the
sick list a few days this week.
Col. Parsons, of the Alliance Her
ald, was in the city last week on a
business visit.
B. D. Clemens is putting down
a new floor and making some new
bins iq his chop mill, this wees.
bOirvis Hurd, ex-city Recorder
was m town ounaay. ne is now
assisting in gathering Umatilla's
golden grain.
LJpeo. Hansell is confined to the
nouse with illness, this week, and
post master Maloney has about all
he can attend to about mail time.
Lafe Reeves, the tonsorial artist
at the St. Nichols Shaving Parlors
was confined to his room with
sickness a couple of days the past
Another phonograph fiend
struck 'Athena.., with his machine
Saturday but ''owing to the finan
cial stringency," he captured but
very few dimes.
E. S. Waterman has the lumber
onthe ground for the erection of a
large barn on his farm north of
thncity. Geo. Batt-s has the con
tract for construction.
SCjScldie Ridenour, one of our
typos, is rusticating in the moun
tains this week and Homer Beathe,
at one time a compositor on the
Pbess is again at the same old case.
G. W. Rigby & Son have thresh
ea about a half section of grain on
the Tutuwillow, obtaining an ex
cellent quality of wheat that aver
aged about twenty bushels per acre.
Diphtheria is raging in Union.
Three deaths occurred there last
week, and a number of new cafes
are reported. Every effort possible
is being made to stamp out the
Eld. Scoles, the Advent preacher
took down his tent and has made a
pilgrimage to Pendleton where he
will proceed to ventilate the sins of
those who dwell in the city of of
fice seekers.
Airs. &va uamppeu desires us
to state that she has again as
sumed the control of the Athena
House, and is prepared to provide
boarders with f.he best meals that
the market affords, and good clean
As Mrs. Zahner, of Pendleton,
was lifting a pan of burning grease
from the kitchen stove the flames
flashed up and severely burned
her head, arms and face. The in
juries ate quite painful, though not
Wallio Ashpaugh and Elmer
Breckbill returned from their fish
ing expedition on the Umatilla
Saturday and brought in sdme
fine trout. .The editor, acknow
ledges Beveralnice ones "for. break
fast Sunday morning.
Bergevin Bros, now occupy their
new store room on corner of 3rd
and Main; streets, and now that
they have removed their large
stock of dry . goods from the old
stand lhev hfave ,ne of the neat
est Btores in Umatilla county.
Sunday was about the worst
day we have ever Been in Oregon.
It blew and mowed and blewed,
and the duet flew in great clouds;
the wind toyed with the editor's
auburn locks and made him wish
he was in the harvest field.
hr-The Milton Eagle says that
Clark Wood, city editor of the
East Oregonian was over there last
Sunday. Strawberries are all gone,
and as Clark has a tender spot for
that luscious fruit we wonder what
the attraction is but look out,
old man we are onto you. ,
Wm. Thompson was breaking
a borpe to work on the street
sprinkler this week, but the horse
wouldn't break. The measly
thing would rear and look at Will
out of its weather eye and refuse to
budge. He finally gave the mat
ter up as a bad job, and put in an
other horse,
VA man named Lambrecht's, who
fkmerly run the Delmonico res
taurant in Weston has opened a
lodging and eating house in the
building west of Lew Shaw's sa
loon, on Main street. Athena is
well puplied with boarding houses.
Besides a first-class hotel, there
are two restaurants, a chop house
and two boarding houses.
On Sand Ridge, in the Grande
Ronde valley, where good crops are
usually the rule, farmers wear this
vear Bombre, clouded faces. In
that locality there is nearly a total
failure, and hundreds of acres will
not average more than three or four
bUBhels. 1 he trouble is attributed
to frost in the latter part of June
Along the river bottom grain looks
The state senate committee on
the portage railway met at Pendle
ton last week and decided to pre
sent a detailed and complete report
to the senate at the next session,
regarding a state portage railway
at The Dalles, the idea being to
show as nearly as possible the act
ual benefit that Eastern Oregon
will reap from the building of the
road. Estimates will be made of
the tonnage shipped by rail, and
the saung that would result from
an open river. The probable cost
of a portage railway will also be
f A l
The family of Geo. Froome ii
present rusticating on- the
Meadows above Walla Walla,
Dr. Carlisle reports bix case o!
measle and one case of malarial
fever at the house of Mrs. Morrison
in town.
Wm. Willaby and family left
hist Wednesday for Newport Idaho,
to visit hia daughter Mrs. Frank
E. 0: Elder Daisley, of the
church of Christ, at Athena, Or.,
will preach in the court house on
Lord's day, August 20, in the
morning at 11 o'clock and evening
at 7:30 o'clock
- !
Damose Bergevin, an uncle of
Bergevin Bros., came over from
Walla Walla yesterday to look af
ter his large crop on the reserve.
Mr. Bergevin recently returned
from his old home in Canada where
he went to have his eyes tieated.
Goes Again Sassengers.
Mr. Eddytur of the Boston Herald:
Tha what i wish to assk yo is
weather stritchinine wot the po-
leece gives to dogs wont pisen hu
man beans after the sassengers has
ben fride. Please to put in the
pryper how this, is fur if fride
stritchnine is pizen, I goes agin
sassengers. Yours till pizened,
A. Alley Boy.
A Grain Fire.
The grain fire VVednesday after
noon, supposed at' first to be loca
ted on the - reservation east of Pen
dleton, occurred at the BlaKely
place on the north side of the Wild
Horse, below Adams. The fire
originated from the belt of' the
separator, but the machines were
saved. Forty-two acres of grain in
slack were destroyed, however,
making quite a serious loss, as it
would have averaged 40 bushels.
A brisk breeze blew, and the only
thing that stopped , the fire was a
large body of summer fallow that
luckily happened to intervene be
tween it and other grain, fields in
the direction of the wind. E. 0.
Thomas F. Oakes of New York,
W. H. Payne of Milwaukee and
Henry Crouse, president of the
Missouri, Kansas & Texas Rail
road Company were this afternoon
appointed receivers for the North
ern Pacific railroad in the
States court in this
Northern Pacific and Great North
city, ine
ern companies have decided tb r
store freight and passenger rates ti
the basis prevailing last February
to go into effect as soon as practic
able. Other transcontinental lines
are expected to follow the example
of the two companies mentioned.
The receivers are the same as those
appointed in Wisconsin. They
gave bonds of $500,00 in the United
States court. The application was
made without the consent; of the
railroad company. The Northern
Pacific company was compelled to
take this step on account of the
hard times and appalling decrease
in freight and passenger traffic.
J New Game Law.
The new game law, now in
force, prohibits the sale of any part
of the deer at any time. On page
91 of the Session Laws of 1893 the
new law can be found. In refer
ence to this matter it reads : "Every
person who chall at any time after
the passage of this act, sell or offer
for sale the hde or horns or meat
of any deer, either in a fresh, Bait
ed, dried, smoked or jerked condi
tion, shall be guilty of a misde
meanor." The law also fixes a pen
alty for the violation of this act as
follows: 'Every person convicted of
a violation of any provision of this
act shall be punished by a fine of
not less han $50 nor more than
$300, or imprisonment in" the
county jail of the county where the
offense was committed for not leBP
than three months, or both such
fine and imprisonment. Half of
such money collected for fines for
violation of the provisions of this
act shall be paid to the informer,
and the rest into the county treas
ury of the county in which the of
fense was committed.' - V
v Alf. Price has in one hundred
and sixty acres and thinks that it
will go 30 bushels to the acre., ;
H. II, Walker's wheat near He
lix is making 25 bushels to the
acre and is good quality. ''y
Frank Ely's field averaged about
2a bushels to the acre, is some
what shriveled but will' weigh
well. ...
The cHckets on the reservation
did considerable damage to some
fields, while others they did not
molent. "
Jinks Dudley had eighty acres
ICnat went 37 bushels to the acre,
that will go in as No. 1 without
any trouble. ' ' ; J.
. ...
Several threshing oututs are
hauling water from town for their
engines. One outfit at work six
or eight miies north of town hauls
water from here.
Laboring men generally are con
tent to work for farmers on the
promise of money after tbe wheat
is soia. tooacco ana ooaru is an
they demand at present.
Bareer & Finley claim tocut and
thresh 30 acres per day with their
outfit in the Helix community.
They say the wheat averages about
20 buibels to tbe acre.
The Pendleton Savings Bank.
ew feature of a closed bank's
meuiods presented itself in the
ited States court today, says the
ortland Telegram. Hon. L. B.
Oox, attorney for the receiver of
the Pendleton Savings bank, ap
peared before Judge Bellinger this
morning and asked for an order to
the effect that the receiver could
loan some of the bank's money on
hand, in order to make another
good loan. It seems that a farmer
who raises wheat on an extensive
scale owes the bank the money due
on a good sized note. He has a big
crop, avid can pay the amount when
be realizes on it: but has no money
with which to move it or pay the
hands. By this order the bank ad
vances the necessary money, and
hopes in that way to get returns
soon on the wnoie inueDieaness.
The request was granted and the
order issued. -,
Mollie Nichols Found.
Miss Mollie Nichols, about whom
there has been considerable anx
iety, has been found at last, says
the Heppner Gazette. She was out
riding after horses and had crossed
the John Day river into Gilliam
county, when she was thrown vio
lently from her horse and sustain
ed severe injuries, causing concus-
Bion of the brain and temporary
unconsciousness. She was found
by some parties, who kept her for
two weeks. On becoming conscious
she requested that she be taken to
Wasco, which was done last Friday.
She is now at the Reynolds house,
in Wasco, and her mother, Mrs.
Sarah Nichols, of Kalama, Wash.,
is with her.
Must Leave or Hang.
Mannie Howard, a young man
who has been 6iippected of horse
stealing several times and who has
been in jail on that charge once or
more times, has been given a notice
to leave Raker City which read as
Baker CiTYAugust 6, 1893..
"Mannie Howard We, the citi
zens of Baker City, will give you
24 hours to leave this town or your
fate will be as illustrated."
On the letter was an illustration
of a hanging. Young Howard Bays
that he is satisfied that it is the
work of two women and that he
docs not propose to budge, let come
I An Angry Chief.
Mhief Peo, of the Umatillas, was
Jfionsiderably exercised Friday eve
ning sa3UMhoasfc4wegMM&it over
the action of Pendleton's pound
master. The portly chief sold
twenty-two calves to butchers, and
drove thecows in with them. Three
of the latter were captured by the
enterprising genius who presides
over the city pound. Peo argued
with him and offered a dollar for
the release of the animals, but tbe
poundmaBte'r .was obdurate,; .'and
the chief said he would bring his
Indian policemen and wreck the
corral. A compromise was finally
fFected.- -
'' Finneran Goes Under.
Martin Finneran fs another vic
tim who could not stand the pres
sure of the times, and he has gone
under, his popular resort, "The
Club," being closed this afternoon
under attachment entered by the
Rosenfeld Smith Co. to collect $350.
This firm desired the entire run
ning account whioh he had with
them secured, which demand Mr.
Finneran refused, as . only one-
third of the claim is now due. So
suit was brought. Martin will make
an assignment, in order that all
his creditors may have an equal
show. "
Accepted the Challenge.
Natllolman took his boy Jimmy
and Harrv Belt out to his farm,
says The Dalles Transcript, and
set them to herding sheep, giving
them one of his big grey horses to
ride. In a short time Mr. llolman
looked up and saw two horses run
ning neck and neck, the riders ply
ing the whip with ail their strength.
An explanatien was called for and
Harry said "that fellow came along
and said he could beat us any mark
in the road; Jim told me to 'knock
him off the Chris' mas tree' and I
done it."
A Runaway Son's Fortune.
At the age of 12 Henry Hatch
ings ran away from his home in
Chicago, where his, father was then
a small green grocer. Since theri
he has had 'a bard life among the.
logging camps of Humboldt county
Columbia. Recently, he learned
accidentally of the death of his
father and that he had left a large
estate. Henry Hatchings had been
away from home 20 years, and had
not heard from his family in that
time. Ho employed Attorney A.
T. Barbette, and upon investigation
it was learned that his father had
left an estate valued at $350,000,
and had died intestate. He is at
present in this city, and expects to
go to Chicago September 1, with
his attorney, to settle up the estate.
I will give free with every $10
(cash) worth of goods purchased,
or to those having an account of
$10 or over, who come and settle
by Sept 1st., a j life size crayon or
Air Brush Portrait. You have
undoubtedly come picture of re
lative or friend that you would
like to have enlarged and THIS is
your opportunity. I. J. Cbofctt."'
Westoa Oregon.
and fTSTtX.
The Indian Regulars.
Wall Walla Union.
i-Troop L. which mustered nut nf
service at Fort Walla Walla yes
terday, is the third Indian troop
mustered out of service, and it is
believed that it will be only a ques
tion of a 6hort time when the re
maining dozen or more companies
will be sent back to their reserva
tionsThe fad of improving the
noble red man by making a sol
dier of him has proven a flat fail
ure. It is to be hoped Hoke Smith
will succeed better in teaching him
to milk than Secretary Elkins did
in teaching him the routine of
army life. In his natural state
he is a fighter, but civilized descip
line and soap seem to eliminate the
martial instinct from his charac
ter. Desertion? have been par
ticularly numerous among the In
dian soldiers. The members of
troop L had lands on the reserva
tion, and were continually pining
to get back to, them. The experi
ment has been in progress two
years, and the army people have
become heartily tired of it.
Concerning Farmers.
A wheat producer of California
recently said: With the comple-1
tion of the Nicaragua canal will
come, I believe, a very marked
change in the wheat export trade, j
Sailing uhips will then not be util
zed to anything like the Bame ex
tent they are now. The trip will
be made in much shorter time by
steamer and the cargo will arrive in
better condition. At present
vessels cannot be used to advan
tage in transporting wheat, as bo
much of their room would have to
taken up for carrying en'oueh coal
to last through the long voyage
around the Horn.
Had the farmers each season
promptly sold their crops instead
of holding them for a possible rise
they would be much better off, as
the developments of the past ten
years have shown. The farmer
should not speculate, but should
imitate the course of the manufac
turer. As soon as hia goods are
ready for the market he should
dispose of them and leave the mid
dle man to gamble on the future.
Took a Shock.
xoung Kobin Fletcher had a
somewhat - dangerous experience
Tuesday night, says the East
Oregonian. Work to rearrange the
telephone exchange on account of
office removal has been actively
pushed, and all night the. boys
were busy with their task. On
top of the telephone pole they had a
fifty-candle-power incandescent
lamp to furnish light, and while
holding this Robin connected him
self some way with an arc circuit
wire and received a tremendous
dose of electricity, rendering him
unconscious. He was tangled up
in the wire and cross beams in
such a way as to escape a full, and
finally recovered his senses; but
"Bob" will hereafter have a feeling
of sympathy for the criminal who
dies in an electric chair.
Forest Fires.
Section 4 of the laws of Oregon re
garding forest fires read as follows:
Any person or persons who shall
wilfully set fire to any wooded
country, or forest belonging to the
state or United States, or to any
person or persons, shall be deemed
guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon
conviction before a court of compe
tent jurisdiction, shall be punish-
ed by a fine not exceeding one
thousand dollars, or imprisonment
not exceeding one year, or by both
such fine and imprisonment; pro
vided that nothing herein contain
ed shall apply to any person who
in good faith sets back a fire to
prevent the extension of a fire al
ready burning. Ex.
e. ..-. lj r..
ivTuesday night about 11 o'clock
tbyff house and its contents of 8. C.
Stanton, on hia ranch on Geer
Springs burned, together with' the
smoke house. Ths house has been
vacant for some time and was be
ing used for a cook and eating
house for han'eet hands, most of
whom were sleeping in the barn
when the fire occurred, which is
thought to have originated from
the stove pipe which ran through
the roof of the kitchen. It is quite
a severe loss to Mr. Stanton as he
had no insurance on the build
ing. - ..
This summer, it is said, will tee
the last of the famous Harney val
ley crickets. They are dying by
millions from some disease, and
have not yet deposited their eggs.
Those who have observed their
habits say the disease which caus
ed their destruction in other places
is the same to all appearances as
that which is killing them there.
Thev have been in the valley in
Hhumbers ever since, it was first
'tisited by whiU cottiers.
00. Bottom'Pant
Adams, Or., August 17, 1893.
Hugh McArthur of Pendleton,
made us a business trip last week.
E. J. Wilbur the lumber man of
Meachain, made us a business call
Joe McBride and family, of
Walla Walla, passed a few days in
thin city with Mrs. T. C. Reed, Mr.
McBride's mother.
Bridge foreman Lloyd, with.' a
large gang of carpenters are n
gaged in repairing company bridges
in this vicinity this week, their
outfit being side tracked here.
Mrs. Frank Brown, whose hus
band is engaged with Hamilton &
Rourke, in the grain trade, at
Havana, arrived from Spokane last
week. Mr. and Mrs. Brown were
formerly from Grants, Oregon.
Mrs. Mary Fleming, of Califor
nia, who has been visiting here
with her sister, Mrs. Kein, took her
HenartlirA FriHnv cwpninop fnr Via
h me in the Jand of orange blos
soms. During the absence of Mrs. Arkell
sneak-thief who made away with
valise tilled with clothing belong
ing to a member of the family.
Since the above was written
we learn Mr. Baker has throwr.
open the road in question, onlv
temporarily however. More road? .
more business and we think ou;
citizens should take steps to ooei.
the road permanently and legally.
Wednesday afternoon the stacker!
grain from 40 or 50 acres owned b
Wm. Blakely, caught fire from tb;
thresher engine, and was complete
ly destroyed, also a wagon, belong
ing to the threshers was burner:.
Farther, no damage was done.
Sunday's dust storm was as ner
a success as a drv storm, as v .
have known, coming early in tl
day and making as steady a rin f
puaoiuiD uuuujj mo euuue uay iiiui "
to the discomfort of all, besides i:
juring the standing crop by sheV
ing out much grain estimated 1
many to exceed one bushel per ac
over the entire region visited by i .
It looks to us as if, the people "
Adams were standing in their ov
light, besides kicking Up some u - -necessary
dust, by compelling fan . '
era to haul their wheat throu: -i
town, and to do bo, to go a mile o . ; :
of their nearest road. The subic ;
should be looked after unless it'
desirous to keep the reservati .
farmers out of town, ?
This week finds the harvest ful:
under way. The report of vie:
and quality, hardly coming up t.i
earlier expectations. Much w!"
not make to exceed twenty busheV-
per acre, while quite a percentap.
will!not grade above rejected, owli . '
to its shriveled and smutty cone!
tion. While the amount receive .
this week by the warehouse wi.I
probably exceed 10,000 sacks, In
one carload has gone to markc:.
As to priceswell we can't fin I
J. T. Lieuallen is offering 4 ;
cents per bushel as for the buyer .
tney seem to be mating a sti!
hunt, and as to farmers we imr
gine some who yet think they wl!i
obtain 60 cents per bushel, hav
not readGrover's late message upoi.
the conditions of the country anc1.
its commerce. Q. D.
uoi mm oure.
M rs. Williams claims to have
located the devil. Now that the
cat is found will somebody be
brave enough to put a bell on it?
It is not of so much consequence
to know the location of the devil
as it is to find some means of
squelching the old rascal. There
is a popular notion that the devil
has his headauarters in Wall
street, and that the only thing that
will clean him out is free coinage.
Portland Telegram.
Mr. Lake France, of Athena,
Oregon, and Miss Minnie Wicker
pham of Tacoma, were united in
the holy bonds of matrimony at
the residencp of the bride's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Wickershara
of Tacoma, on Wednesday morn
ing, at 8 o'clock, August 9, 1893.
The contracting parties are well
known in Buckley and have a host
of friends who will ever wish them
a full share of life's happiness.
After a short trip to Sound points
they will go to Athena, where it is
their intention to permanently re
side. Buckley Banner.
M'DKVrrT Monday renin, Anpit U In
Pendleton, lo Mr. and Mr, Muberltt,
datifuter. .
JAMES In Feadlaton, Auruti 10, to Ur. ana
Mrs- tiauuel it, J tax daufftivr.