f - f If?" i r j u i ii MP -7, Jrtfte .-fe ll 1-1 y THE LOST LITTLE ALMA. J. V. Miller, of Summerville, Or., Still Searching for his Child. From lhp fcrvtlranA PavIaw f J. W. Miller, of Summerville, 0., father of the little girl who was stolen from her home by gip sies last fall and traced as far as Moscow, Idaho, is in . Spokane on the hunt after the child. Mr. Miller is a grief-stricken parent and his little daughter's absence has made a wonderful change in his appearance during the last few months. - . He called upon the sheriff yes terdayand as he. related the cir cumstances of the abduction of his favorite, the tears rolled down his cheeks and he 6obbed audibly. Since the child was taken the father has become broken down. Peace and contentment is apparent ly forever estrayed from his life. Day after day, since the disappear ance of "Little Almy" as he called her, the old man has trudged on ward, following every clew that would possibly lead to her discov ery. The old homestead has been , almost forgotten and Miller's only solace now is in the hope that some day he will meet his little girl again.' The mother of the girl at home is equally discouraged and be moans the fate of the daughter. At the time the child was stolen, the band of gypsies was traced as far as Moscow, and from that point in a direction that indicated that they might pass through this city. The police here were notified to keep a lookout for the band. About that time a band of gypsies with four or five wagons did pass east of Spokane and were over hauled, but no trace of the little girl was discovered. It was thought then that the abductors had probably gone northward to the British line and had trans ferred their precious capture to some other tribe. Ihis clue was taken up at the time but nothing came of it. It is certain, however, that the girl was taken by these roving nomads. Mr. Miller offers a reward of $250 to anyone who will succeed in discovering the whereabouts of his child. He describes her as follows: Hair, light brown, shing led; eyes, hazel; scar tho size of a dime on the back of the head; small scar on the nose, visible when crying or laughing; burn on one hip; slender build; about three feet, nine inches tall; 7 years old August 4th last; small for her age. Her name is Alma Gladys Miller. If her hair has -not been 1 cut" it will be about nine or ten inches long. Sheriff Pugh prom ised to exert himself on Mr. Miller's behalf, but tho chances are that "little Alma" may bo hundreds, perhaps thousands of miles, from here ere this. The kidnapping proclivities of gypies are historical, and it is also well known that tho booty . stolen by one bard is transferred at regu lar gipsy depots to other tribes and: pass along from one band td tho other until it is safely beyond the reach of detection. This may bo the mode that theso wanderers have of getting rid of their live plunder when they see fit to resort tovchiid stealing.. Tho father of tho missing girl says he will never givo up the cha80 as long as ho has strength to continue it. A DEAD MAN'S MILLIONS. How A. J. Drexel, of Philadelphia, Divides Up His Fortune. rmUDELriiu, July 20. -The will of A. J, Drexel was probated this week. It was merely stated that the real and personal estate each exceeded .$1,000,000. The German hospital, of Philadelphia, receives $1,000,000, and a fund of $1,000,000 is established to sup port the public art gallery here. The will creates six seperate funds of $1,000,000 each for tho benefit of the six children left by his do ceased daughters, Mrs. Biddle and Mrs. Paul. Ho providos for tho acquirement '.by his estate of the full control of the Public Ledger, after the death of George V. Childs, in accordance with an agreement now in existence, and provides for a continuance of the Drexeel interests in tho firms of of Drexel & Co.. Morgan & Co. and " Drexel. Barges k Co. lie further desires the sum of $500,000 to James W, Paul, jr., his son-in-law, ' as a token of affection, and pro vides that in case of the death of Goo. , W. Childs Drexel without issuo, there shall bo given $500,000 to his widow. The estate is gener ally believed to be worth $30,000, 000. The residuary estate after tho creation of tho funds referred to is committed to the executors, not one of v;hom shall receive more than $50,000 for his services. The income of tho estate is to be divi Mled among the surviving children, In remembrance of tho servants of the Drexel family and employes of the Drexel banking houses, "sums of money are left to each, many of the gifts reaching as much as $1000 No reference is made to the Droxel institute beyond leaving it his books, picture and articles of curio pity. During his life he contribu ted nearly $2,000,000 to the insti tute, and it is thought that he had contemplated a further endowment. It is understood the surviving children-will carry out this idea and subscribe among themselves $1,000,000. A Bilk. One II. E. Sloan, who represents himself to be getting out adver tising n-atter on paper sacks and wrapping paper for the merchants in each particular place is working his way north from Sonthern Oregon, He beat his hotel bill at Roseburg and the advertising was solicited in such a way that un suspecting merchants might also be duped. Look out for his appear ance in Athena. NO WORK IN COLORADO. Thousands of Men Idle Because the Mines Have Closed. Denver, Julv 20. The closing down of the silver mines, smelters reduction works, coal mines, rail ways and factories, has put the laboring classes in a deplorable condition. It is estimated that there are 10,000 idle men in Den ver and 20.0C0 m the side towns, half of whom are making their way here to become a public charge. To avoid this the commercial bod ies will ask the railroads to make a $5 rate to the Missouri river for this class, in the expectation they will be able to get work on farms. It is estimated Colorado, Utah, Montana and New Mexico mer chants have countermanded orders for goods in New York for over $12,000,000. . TOOK POSSESSION OF THE, TRAIN. Omaha, July 20. In connection with a dispatch from Denver to day, saying the citizens' committae would endeavor to induce the railroad to take a large number of of the idle men now in Colorado east to the agricultural regions, an interesting dispatch came to night from Hastings, where 75 men took possession of a Burling ton freight train, saying they were from Denver and wanted to go East. When tho superintendant was notified, he directed the night yardmaster at Lincoln to make up a special train ot empty box cars and accomodate everybody who wanted to ride. The train will be run as far as the Iowa state line. English Whisky Drinkers. Cincinnati Enquirer. One of the curiosities of an Eng lish table at the table d'hote din ner is the number and prominence of the whisky bottles. To an American it is extremely curious to seo half a dozen ladies and gen tlemen sitting down at the table with a pint decanter full of whisky before each, 'and yet tho sight is so common in England as to excite no remark. When a guest arrives at an English hotel ho orders a decanter to be filled with whisky of his favorite brand. It is then charged to him and a bit of paper marked with the number of his room is pastod on tho flagon. It is brought out at dinner and placed at his plate, ho drinks what he pleases, and the rent is saved for the next occasion. The array of flagons on the dinner table is often very pretentious, and a stranger unaware of the manner in which the liquor was used is apt to wonder whether or not he has got into a nest of drunkards, and tho suspicion is not allayed by seeing the stout old lady op posite to him pour out a quarter of a glassful to begin with. But ho need have no fear. She dilutes it with water and sips it as she eats, to promote digestion. So do all the rest; and that is all the drinking that most of them do. A Good Suggestion. Hunday Welcome. If tho Duke of Vcragua, breeder of Spanish fighting bulls, his wife and wifo's relations walk on their uppers until this..v section of the universe relieves their financial straits, they will grow weary of plodding life a lonesome way. Under what obligations are the peo ple of this country to Sport Vcra gua? Why should we retrieve the bull fighter's fortune? If we have spare change about us let us bunch it together for the relief of those unfortunate cyclone sufferers of Iowa, not spend it on a dude of a duke. In Praise of Sleep. , Washington News. Night brings me dreams of silver streams that murmur through the wildwood, and sylvan dales and quiet vales, where once I roamed in childhood, I seem to see the mighty tree whoso boughs I yet remember, the pond whero I swam in July and skated in December. Oh, vision blest, of pcaco and rest and sunny days and gladness! When breaks tho dawn you all are gone, and I am left in sadness. For morning brings tho weary things that I must know forever; tho burning street, tho toiling feet, the long and fiorce endeavor; the bills to pay, tho words to say that I so oft have spokon, tho, loads to pack until my back is pretty near ly broken. If men could snooze for months and loose no time in bitter waking, this lifo would be a thing of glee and hearts would not be breaking. Notice. For sale 10 acres ono mile north of Milton plenty of water 3 acres in . strawberries. $250. Address E. B. Merchant, Milton Oregon. p-f in a id it Have constantly on hand a full line of arming implements, -THE- COMMERCIAL Livery, Feed Kulo STABLES, Athena, - - Oregon. The best Turnouts in Umatilla County. Stock boarded by Day, WeeK or Month. Special attention given to Commer cial travelers. Give me a call. G.M. FROOME. Watch Repairing Done at Reasonable Rates and SatisfactionGuarnteed. DRESSMAKING Of every description neatly Executed We do our Cutting by the I. X. L. TAILOR SYSTEM. Mrs. Post & Mrs. Richardson, Main St., Athena. TAFT TOLBERT & CO., GENERAL Blacksmiths, Fourth Street, Athena, Ore. ALL KINDS OF MACHINE REPAIRING AT LOW RATES. Horse shoeing Wagon Work MONEY To Loan on Improved Farms. Property at Low Rates. Can get Money In less time than anyone Else can get it. I HAVE For sale a number of Choice Farms, including One of the best farms in Uina tilla County, Two miles from Athena. o A NUMBER" Of choice Residence Lots In Athena, on easy terms. Insurance in the following Leading Companies: London and Lancashire, Lion, Imperial, Caledonian, Liverpool, London & Globe, and the Continental, the Great farm Company. T. D" HARPER, Athena, Oregon. I'ay up. All parties knowing themselves indebted to me, aro notified to come forward and settle without delay. Jan. 1st tf. N. A. Mii'lek. BALD What is the condition of yours? Is your hair dry, harsh, brittle? Does it split at the ends? Has It a lifeless appearance? Does it fall out when combed or brushed? Is it full of dandruff ? Does your scalp Itch ? Is it dry or in a heated condition ? If these are some of your symptoms be warned in time or you will become bald. 5 k m vn'Y snU Vi SkookumRoot Hair Grower iawMt younl. Itt production is not n ocidrat.bat the raralt of rfcntlfie research, kuowledxa ot Uw diseases ot the bur and Ktlp led to Um disoor. (fry of bow to treat Uieni. ".Skxkum"eonwin neither mineral nor oili. H ? "Vr . - " urugiuruiij coouuj a remaning loata. j(y umulaunt tho follicle, it ttopt ailmt Autr, curu daadrtuT c4 QrOKt aturuoooiJ ( W Keep the acatp clean, healthy, tad tree from trrlutlnr arnptjona, b the u ot eitootrxm bkm uj. it dtauwt )iiaiUM iMm, wacA 4 s ol ietny ( katr. It your druirjrut cannot supply yos tmi direct to on, anO wt win orward prepaid, on reivlpt ot Jtficti. grower, 4UU pet boWU 1 1 tor k0 Soap. Sua. et jart ili2.5t. - TUB SKOOKU11 ROOT HAIR GROWER CO., OT Boath Fifth Arenas, Mw Yk, N. Y. "-ran nroEnjn. 3 j and vehicles, carts, . .Buffalo Pitts Thresh ers, Hodge-Haines ' S. C. Stanton Proprietor of the "11" MEAT MARKET, Corner of Main & Fourth. A Large variety of Meats al- 4 ways on hand. See us. 7 if Are. you going to insure your Grain? JJ? you are, see Gilman. He represents some, oi toe best Companies on the coast, ne writes polices for fun. See him before placing Jyour .Insurance. if C. L. SIMMONS, MANUFACTURER OF 5 And dealer in Wood, Sand, etc. Prorprlctor of The Athena Club Rooms Fine Cigars a Specialty. ATHENA RESTAURANT . Mrs Hardin, Proprietress. H. P. Milken, Manager. Main Street bet. Second and Third. Can be recommended to the pub lic as first-class in every particular. None but White Help Employed, MEALS AT ALL HOURS. DAY OR NIGHT. Suppers for Special Occasions ItlELS 25 . THE ST. NICHOLAS HOTEL J- W. Frootne & Son, Props- The Only First-Class Hotel in the City. 4ml the only one that can accommodate commercial men and travelers. THE ST. NICHOLS HOTEL. Can be reicommer.ded for its clean and well ventelated rooms, in which will be found everything congenial - The'dining rooms ate nnder the supervision of Mrs. Froome and the table is sup plied with the best the market affords. ATHENA, OREGON. HE ADS! n n 9 Headers, New Deering ' Binders and Mowers, Columbus Buggy Co's Down with High Prices ALL GOODS On The Lwest lar niiui mil lumiu BMK : . OF flTHEHU. " " " 0 II CAPITAL STOCK, Pays jjiji L. D. Tlx Ab2xe:n3 IMIeab HyLar'Ilsielj FRANK BEAL, proprietor. AFRESH MEAT ALWAYS ON HAND solicit the patronage of the pnblio and in return will give you the best of fresh eats at the lowest prices FRANK BEAL. John Gillh. Going to buy any Household Furnit ture? Be assured it pays ARE IF SO Do not be influenced by what our opponents may say to eep you from coming to see our goods. Come and see for yourselves. We car ry a full and complete stock of Furniture, wall paper and underta ing goods. GILLIS BROS. Do You Disease commonly comes on with slight ' symptoms, which when neglected 'increase in extent and gradually grow dangerous. I! job SUFFER FROM HEADACHE. DYS-'r:;- J?jr"'VtQ TAE?' S'CI' PEPSIA or INDIGESTION, . . . TDr: tilrHltS &Ui.OL II touire BILIOUS, CONSTIPATED, or lute .r LIVER COMPLAINT, . . . 1 II your COMPLEXION IS SALLOW, or ya'a r " " ":"Ai!C TrtEJII-C SUFFER DISTRESS AFTER EATING, - A" ' iS& IHOUi.W FOf OFFENSIVE BREATH and ALL CIS0S- Tr;-.-- rJ''-MC TA52II. CC DERS OF THE STOMACH. . . . . Hki iHaULCg Rlpans Tabues Regulato the Ssfsm end Preserve the Health. EASY SAVE Sold PRIHTIfSP ALL KINDS rrHii I IliU Buggies; Racine Co'i i ; Hacks, the celebrated Wide-tire Bain wagon. - .AJ-tiLexi-a,, Oregon. ARE SOLD South side Main Street. $ 50000 gins SURPLUS, - $21,000 interest on time deposits. Proper attention given to collections. Deals In foreign and domestic exchange. Lively, Cashier, Athena, Oregon Dan Gilli Call on us andg et our Prices before going elsewhere to call on us - s ; n si t .Tant.i i "fc is 'AK S lAbULl.Of j TO rAKE LJWICK TO ACT MANY A DOCTOR'S BILL. by Druggists Everywhere. )OOOOOC000X00000000XkX GF IT DOME at the press office.. U SIO w ? ai I rinrVono aee HLL ninUIOnOGrar gers Some of them- BoloTe FAHKEHS iLWXCE The C'o-Opemtlve Siors, nt MEL Is In the Interest of vQryone CLARK WALTER. Manager, GHAS. G. SHARP, Successor to N. A. Miller, PAINTER & PAPERHAHGER Estimates on all WorK Furnished. House painting, Decorating, Paper Hanging a specialty, Car riage Painting. : P HOTOGRAPHS! PHOTOGRAPHS! Photographs in Every S T "1LT LEI -Call on- if THE BOSS , PHOTOGRAPHER. Haceeor to ChuiiuIiikd, Main St. Athena. Coppying and Enlarging, Viewing at eas onable rates. Call and sea him. Cox, McRae cfe Co. Sealers In- HARD WAR FARMING JMPLEMENTS RUSHFORD WAGONS, s GATE CITY HACKS WOODS HARVESTING MACH INERY, AND EXTRAS OF ALL KINDS. Call and Get Prices. COX, McRae &. Co, Athena THE ATHENA LIVERY STABLE J. M. SMETIIERJIAN, Prop'r. (Secceesor to J. A. Nelson.) NONE BUT FIRST-CLASS RICS AND SAFE TEAMS. STOCK BOARDED BY THE WEEK OR MONTH. Give Me a Trial. Corner Fourth & Current, Athena. ON SALE TO OMAIIA, IiANSAS QTY, ST. PAUL, CHICAGO, ST. LOUIS, ; AND ALL POINTS EAST, NORTH AND SOUTH Time Table of Trains: Passenger. No 5. from Athena to Spokane and lntwnin. diate points, leaves - 7:48 m No 6, from Athena to Portland and intermed iate points, leaves , . - 6:0? n m Freight: 4 ! No 41, from Pendleton to Spokane, leaves Athena - 6:Jrpm No tZ, from Spokane to Pendleton, !nrca Athena - - . 3:S0nm PULLMAN SLEEPERS, COLONIST SLEEPERS, RECLINING CHAIR CARS and DINERS ... Steamers Portland to San Francisco every 4 Days. TICKETS aAo EUROPE For rates and general information call on A. R. Bradley, Depot Ticket Agent, Athena, Oregon. V. H. HURLBCT, Asst. Gen. Pass. Alt. 2TA asliInKton St.. Portland, Oregon. - 1 lx ..... . . . . . , -. . . . .-,!'' .,-,. - ... .. .. - :.;.'" ..v" , ....... s " ..... - . . .' i'.r. ' '" '- ........ ' - . ' V ..' r - . -. : " . j ...... ;