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About The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942 | View Entire Issue (July 7, 1893)
a' J. ! ' A v lain - 11 -iif Si'"!'""' ' "; 1 ; . ' APf.j.-' y Couductor; , ' The bolil- s-l utu'iopt at train rol-Lcry tli.-.t cv-?r oceurtd in Texas txik pi. ire lu.-ar ' Jirtckenridee. Iho auair n-.,,i!u-,l iu .the killing oi i'. li. .i3itsi. tircman.'and the capture c-f one of the. - robbery who in iuinie !is j. jj: May. a .cowboy.- At .Rrflckeari(lsetli train stopped la "take water; anii as ehe pulled; out ' Robber ' May climbed up on the-tender arid with a pistol in each'- hand order ea tbe engineer and'; fireman to ,- throw up their hands." Engineer lierney obeyed but Martin made a movement as though . he was about to secure a' nistol, and was Kliot dead. The other two robbers when they saw thd dead body fall oui oi me cab, made for the brush ..Robber May jumped into the. cab . and;ordered Engineer Tierney .to run tne train across the Indian river bridge.. Instead of comnlv ingheputon the air brakes and the tram came to a standstill with a parting g hot at the engineer me roDDer jumped irom the engine and started mi the track on a hard run.' Conductor Staele rushed in to the engine and cutting loose from the . train started with r the messenger and Engineer Tiernev in Dursuit.' Finding hn . eonbl nnt escape over the bridge the robber wok 10 tne nrusn. uoncluctor bteele started .Bingle-handed and cnasea him, tiring as ho ' went The three robbers at the bridge commenced tiring and volleys wore (. returned ny the engineer and mes seneer. uonctuctor steal a nvr hauled May and disarmed him of two pistols. Killed by a Boy " James McQu ire, an old pioneer soldier - residing at Jacksonville, was killed by a boy who had been annoying him last Monday night. Being aged and deerenit MeQni was irritable and erratic, and was easily aggravated into violent out bursts of temnor. Ho was n. inr and on Monday evoning some boys were around ins 4 place and gave mm a iancied or real grievance at some of their acts. Procuring his gun ne ran atter. tho boyg, and chased one of them into the ham threatening to kill him. The young fellow turned upon him and shot him, the ball entering the groin He was taken to tho hospital and expired soon afterward. George Caldwell, who did tho ia a son of Oris Caldwell, who killed a man in a danco-house on the Siskiyou mountains ; during the construction oi trie railroad over the mountain, for which he is now serving a life sentence in the pen? itentiaryJimmy McQuire was a Mekleaivwar veteran and had Rer - Mexican wftr veteran and had ser ved with distinction during iho Rogue in ver Indian wars.1 He fought i bravely at the battle of Hunger Hill, and distinguished himself ,1y going with ' General Phil Sheridan to remove " the wounded soldiers from the battle field under a heavy fire from the Indians.' In the civil war he en listed a tho First, regiment of Oregon .volunteers," under Colonel R. F. Maury. Ho has been in the united States service ten yoars and five months during big life- time. . i , r - Girls Beware TliO TTnrrincrl.nn fYVnuVi T.anAn -,is in repeipt of the following with a ' l'prfuilufc in nnliliah if f it- v.. . I , even in the far west, of benefit to the unguarded: lo The Emtoh: Tt. hna tiAAn dofinitelv ascertained that t,hrB is an organized eonipany operating through our country who have taken contracts, to furnish tho brothels and hell-holes of the city of Chicago for the season with 25.- 000 fresh girls from the country. i ne greatest dciigenco muBt be practiced by parents and the great est caution by our girls, for these yampires will como to them with soft speech and, winninor manna. and often wearing the livery -of some Donovoicnt organization. Very often thev will annenr in the sombre hue? of mourning and ujjou nio luuemugaoio oy appeals for sympathy in their pretended affliction. Thev will not henUivtft i . to use force if thoro is any chance . tor it. Ihey will advertise exten .. - sively. There will be seen "girls J wanted" in many of our papers. -V1-- "food pay and light work." Girls, uuwurei its, you are wanted: 25. 000 of you. Fathers look out. Your daughters are at a, premium. No man wftnN )w nu-n Vy.'M ,o,i man wants hid own erirl made a moral wreck, , Most men have still s ..honor enough Mt not to boo their own nesn ana blood degraded, even though they have not honor enough to keep from degrading oiner peoples .nosh and blood, Drugs will bo extensively resro cdto. . Let no girl take a '"drink" oven of soda water or lomonade with strangers, or answer in person an advertisement that has not been - iL . 1 . . wiorougniy investigated by some personal friend whom you know to oe irusiwortny. . , " This alarm should be circulated through all our country prerses jiiwr enuore ive it attention. '. 7. '- i w X A iUOTilEH, Gladstone's Way of Saying No' . The verbosity of Mr. Gladstone is proverbial, but it has never been more" markedly - put in evidence than when, Wanting to answer a ouerist with a negative, he used these words, "l.must reply with that brief and simnlo monosvllabla "No."-: Stanford' , Will. . ..San Fhakusco, Jan"e,-2i).-The u wui oi tne late Senator-Leland-f Dtanioru, was hied for probate at Sari Francisco Saturdnr Afternoon. Ills wife.JaneygtauroriJ, is" n;tmit as the sola -xecutrixf and phe-peti- tious for 'iMurobat of tl 10 will ITor petition states that ihe'.'vahieof tne-estate ia unknown, 'but,;Uia't it cpusists of -$tocks,s. bonds "arid" real estate in the'.'slale. The Will is 'a very icnethv-.dnromrtit. Stanford leaves two and a half million dollars to tho trustees of tho Leland btanford Jr.: nnivpr. sity at Palo Alto, th thousand dollars to his brother, T. Y Stanford, one hundred thmia. and dollars each to his other two brothers, John and A. P. Stanford. His residence and the fn therein in this city he left to his wife, and he set anart onA hnnrlrod thousand dollars for the erection of a tomb for the remains of himself, his wife and his son. Each of his nephews and neices, of whom there are several, receive a hundred thousand dollars. His- wife is made residuary legatee. The instrument was originally dated November 29.' 1886. but a ntimhftr of codicils have been added since. The Favored Classes. It appears that in England as well as in the United States the government takes into account the accident of rank in estimating the commercial value of a nation gratitude, and hence the following in relation to the loss of the battle ship Victoria: ' Widows of married seamen who perished will, it is exnected. recei ve a full year's pay, Widow of of ficers will receive an annual pen sion, and children of the . higher grades of officers, allowances. A patrotic fund will nrobablv snn- plement the payment - of seamen's wiaows. Six feet of earth or a waterv grave may make us all of one size, Dut tnose who remain on ton of the earth or water annear to be remembered by a grateful nation on the old bible principle. "To him that hath shall be fiven ." Tho same principle u followed in pension system, ana those who suf fered the least are being rewarded the most. . ' ; Grain Bags at Walla Walla. The nrice fixed bv the board of directors of the uenitentiarv for grain bags this year is 6 cents per bag, in any quantity at the uen- itentiary. The demand, if the present cron is "realized, will he Wanted. hfiV ? ay ?f J4n0. 1 iere w.?re 882 bilP on unprecedented. On the 1st day hand at the mill, and it is expect ed bv the directors to have over 1,000,000 on hand by the beginning oi Harvest, mere are now riity lfinma nt wnrlr in tia mill nrViIl will be increased by tho '.addition ol twenty looms, which have been ordered in England by tho di rectors; This will increase .thfi rn. pacaty.from 4000 to 6000 bagsier day The terms of navment of grain bags is invariably cash on uenvery, nxed Dy law. The Jaw requires that bags must be sold to actual consumers who are resi dents of the . stato, thus barring sales to the whoat growers of Uma tilla county.Or., only ten miles away from, the mill. 1J. 1,.... .:J away from, the mill. V iolation of this law is a misdemeaner pun ishable by fine and removal from olhco We Want Items. Don't forget the editor - vhen you have an item. If your i Wife whips you, let us know and we will set you right before the nub- lic. If you have company," tell us, if you're not ashamed . of your visitors. If a youngster arrives at your house and demands fond and raiment, come around, and it you'ro a cash subscriber we will furnish a name for him or her na circumstances warrant. : llf you have a social Gathering of -flaw friends, bring a around a big cake, six or seven pies and a ham not necessarily to eat, but a truarantee of good faith. You need not bother to invite us, as it may be a nine too cooi lor our wardrobe. We mention these things because wo want the news. The New York News observes: Tho recent sneech of Senator 7T9 011 1,10 growth ,of .tho United r u" WaS noces!anly interesting, In his active political career the venerable statesman has witness od nearly half a centurv of his country s advancement. One fent. ure upon which he dwelt is worthy oi special mention, it is the fact that in the westward movement of tho center of nonnlation. the lino almost exactly follows the old division between the free and the, Blavo States. Starting at a point twenty-three miles eastward of Baltimore in 1S0O, it has travlod westward at an average of almost exactly five miles a vear. It U bo closely followed the thirty-ninth parallel of latitude that the ex tromo variation it is only twenty-, throe miles. And now after hav ing traveled 500 miles to a point umr voiuuiuum, inu. U . is SIX: milca south of the Btartimr nn!i. i near Muumuus, ma. n Tl,- i:..t i j i 1 , I Alio BUllVllli UlUI. 11UIH uevHiouCu IS I the steadiness with which the of nouulation in suite of th frt l that the creat bulk of immimiinn I haa been absorbed bv tl,H . VnnK. I western States. : full, line of; . i . L hand a arming implements A SPECIAL OFFER 1 fh boraf a oorreot picture of THE ORE QONIAtrS NEW BU1LDINO. looatad at th. oorner of sixth and Aldor streets, For many wvmr9 mi t OKBQONIAN hm felt the need of th oiodern lmnroveinouts. with the laten id nnn miiK in 1 1 Kiflllf.. ..i..l....1nn iDrovad rtlftfthlnuiv fnp tufnlno. nut A mn faiAlinllt.n n 'opolitan paper. It now haa it, and one that th Btinl. r',.-.. ,au 4i,.1H - t of, at It U eertalnly the tin'-et on theooant How that THli OKKUONIAN 1 lettled in ItiU new home it fooli like srlvlng its many trlendi a benefit. It makes tills special offer U those who renew their lubscrlpttan, or to' those who subscribe prior to September lit, tAtead the ' UeekJy Oregoriar; 18 r $2.00 3'!!,J$?Jlnltth duH sn of the year, THB OBBQOSIAN believes a benefit of thM kind will be ffrenl itly appreolntedi l'lense send in fjur lubaeviption as soon as possible When fhitina Portland you are oordially invited to Owl and taki M Address au ana caxe a trip tnroueu our new rest OREGONHN PUBLISHING CO., POKTLAJJP, OR, Watch Repairing ; 1 Done at Reasonable.Ratea and SatisfactionGuariilced.- DRESSMAKING Of every description neatly Executed ;. We do jour Cuttina bv the I. X. Ly TAILOR SYSTEM. Mrs. Post k Mrs. itichardson, . , I Main St.,. Athena. TAFT TOLBERT GENliniAI 9. GO., Blacksmiths, ; Fourth Street, Athena, Ore. ALL KINDS OF MACHINE , ; REPAIRING AT LOW 'V.-:'v; 'rates.'; '. Horse shoeing Wagon Work MON To Loan on Improved Farms. Property at Low Rates. Can get Money In less time than anyone Else can get it. (HAV For sale a number of Choice Farms, including One of the best farms in Uma. tilla County, Two miles from Athena. . i 9 . A NUMBER- Of choice Residence Lots In Athena, on easy terms. I WRITE Insurance in the following Leading Companies: London and Lancashire, - . ' Lion, Imperial, Caledonian, Liverpool, London & (Ilobe, and the CnntiMmfnl flu - - Iani1 Eonipany. T. D. it a u p f. n t h o ninn Have constantly on i L. . ' .. - .1 ! fill Js j-il c Mi ths I and vehicles, carts,; Buffalo Pitts Thresh- ers, Ilodge-IIaint-s. Stanton & Arkell, Proprietors of the w r Corner "of Main & Fourth. A Large variety of Meats al-' ways on hand. Sec us. - - Are. you going to insure your ' Grain? ? you are, see Gilman. He represents some of the best Companies on the ' coast. He writes polices for fun. See him before placing ' your Insurance. G, . L. SIMMONS, MANUFACTURER OF i i And dealer in Wood, Sand, etc. The Athena Club Rooms Fine Cigars aSpecinlty, ATHENA RESTAURANT . Mrs Hardin, Proprietress. ' II. - P. MaiiKN, Manager. Main Street bet. Second and Third. Can be recommended to the pub lic as first-class in every , , particular. - None but White ISclp Employed, MEALS AT ALL HOURS. DAY OR NIGHT. . Buppcrs for Special Occasions ' SIKLS 25 . - THE f3 V AL -Jul very, Feed A Stile JEB IB T" i-cl' S. Athena, ; Oregon, The best Turnouts in Umatilla County. Stock boarded by . Day, Weoiv or M.onth. . Special attention given to Commer- -cial triivelciv (Hvc inc'a" call. G. M. FROOME. THE ST. NICHOLAS HOTEL J.W. Frooins & Son, Props- , Tho Only First-CJass "'.' - .. the City; .V Hotel in LniX tbe ouo can acconinicxlata eommm'cial mco an J traveler. 1HHST. KiCHOLS; HOTEL ; ('an 1 re'XWmuonU'l for it clean and VPlltl'latcu llK.iUS, in vliio!i will : he tuuml every tlitsis eonijeiiial iio'iliniii; rooms aie tuuW the snperviaion f. Mrs. Kroome ftnd the table i sup- 1 plied with tho beat the market i. atfovtls, ATllh'NA. OREfiOX. - am- - Ii ! H f - A MEAT -MARKET. Headers, Xew Deering Binders and Mowergj Columbus Buggy Co's - - - iA.-bijlQXLa.,- Oregon, 'Me i TTi np n U.gii Mes SI -THE H tiHttUKwl ALL GOODS On The Lowes larg uekley Lumber Gomp'y j. -DEALERS IN- ALL KINDS OF LUTIBER, SASH Doors and Mouldix)g 4.V , Yard Near O it W. T. Railroad Depot, Athena, Oregon- - - E. L. MAL0NEY Manager. ' FRANK BEAU proprieipr! . ' FRESH MEAT e ALWAYS 0' OH o- HAKO solicit the patronage of the public and in efttB At thn Inwwl nrinpa 1 ' - i t ' John Gillis. Going to buy any Household Furniture? IF SO Be assured it pays . uo not oe miiuencea Dy wnat our from coming to see our goods. Come- ARE ry a full and complete stock of Furnftufe, wall paper and -utiderta ing , . :'..... gOOQS. , v: ,t Do You . FEEL .SI ...... . Disease commonlv symptoms, which when nelecftd nicito"' in extent and gradually. roan?AToiV Ujto SUFFER FROM HEADACHE, DYS- TJrI?5.SLJC ." 1 1 i V" k toa are BILIOUS, CONSTIPATED, or hs - r LIVER COMPLAINT, : . .. ; If eur COMPLEXION IS SALLOW, or Wf : ..i I . l.JMihii. r.i.i-11 oir.u, i t fH ami ALL DISQR- 'rT - IH4HIIIIIIIMHIMMUllim one; GIVES RELinF. Buggies; Racin Cp'js.' V '. : i. .. Hackg, the celebrated Wide-lfre' Bain wagon. u. -. ARE SOLD ; return will give ytfii' th best of ffesh ' - i-.,-.-;:' VDiKir i)iii " nmuiki auau. ' " 'v .1-' . ).".- .. 'V. i Dan Gilli r?all Ann Jinrldr hit ' "Priges before- going elsewhere "TT- . to call or us opponents may say to . eep you to and see fcr yourselves, .We car ...... . GILLISiBROg. tomefe1 dri mtk sli-l ;ir1ft T r? i i ' V ' 1. KrAKO TklSUtttVi T, ?;mfHlf "p s '. v. - . ' M J-r-.a Aj f jnfK V 'r - : f? I & ""J ' Vrt 3 ' i t - V u ' 1 '"N. " SAVB'WANV A 10CT0R4S BfLU -Sold by ttnggist Bvc-7-J:ese -i , ,-. :ALL FARHSIiSsi . , . f- Q, t?" i. . ... '- - l , T" ... . .: Ttfs COjiNTitlve Kurfe, at - ' 14 ff yr-la Iu tUe lulero'Ms'oi CLARK WALTER, Manager, GHAS.G.SHAR Successor to N. A.' Miller, - ' PAINTER sPAPERHAiSGER Estimates on all Wora Famished, House, painting, Decorating, Paper Hanging' a specialty, Car riage Painting. HOTOGRAPIISl ' ' ' " PHOTOdllAPIIS! Photographs in Every S Gallon- . WATT THE BOSS PHOTOGRAPHER. Hurc-roKor to ('iiutiiiiug, - Main St. At'lenav - Coppying unci Enlarging, Viewing at eas- uuuum rates, uni aim see liiin. Cox, McRae;& Co., Dealers In HARDWARE j - - -And- FARMING IMPLEMENTS RUSHFORD WAGONS,. ' GATE CITY HACKS ' WOODS. HARVESTING." MAC!!-'.; INERY, AND EXTBAS OF f ALL KINDSU Call'and Get Priced f dox, McRaO '& Co, Athena- - " -; THE ' " . ATHEHA LIVERY STABLE J. M. SMETIIERMAN, Prop'r. i, ; . (Secceesor to J. A. Nelson.) '- ' . NONE BUT FIRST-GLAS R ICS . AND SAFE TEAMS. . STOGK BOARDED BY . THE D4Y WEEK OR MONTH. Give me a .' . . , Corner Fourth & Current, Athena. OMAHA, K ANSASCITV, ST. PAUL, CHICAGO, ST. LOUIS,' 1 i 'AHQ ALL POINTS ' ' EAST, lltfTRH 'AND mm Time Table of .TVaiftsr . . : f i Passengeri T i rticAthi.i-iA t.,Uiu.i-.. . ..... . dliHepijiiUs. Irtivoft .. i . ,-7'jSaui No 8, froiu Athenu to. Fortlftiiil nlid tutM mt .l InKuiljj, leaves - J, , .-. f ();7 ,i m Freight:'- : : No 41, from Pendleton' to Hnolwnn, ltirot Athcnn - . . j ,. ., , Athcnn - - ., , No 42, from KpoTftl).?jo Pendleton, Viives Arttenu - i- iu ,, 8 m PULLM AN SLiiE PERS; , ,COJLONIST.SLn:iKS, ; KtCLIMNG CHAIR CVRS ... - ?md DINERS,. ?! ... Steamers -Portland to - Sn n Francisco every 4 Days. TICKETS " 'Tfl. At PROM fcU.i3.-x lOr rates and OPnra I infnrmjtlnn call pn A. Bradley, . Depot .Ticket flSfnii Athena, Oregon. H aihins-toii St.. Portland, Orejjini. . i ... 4