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About The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942 | View Entire Issue (July 7, 1893)
Pure . A cream of tartar bakingpowder Highest of all in leavening strength Latest United States Government Pood Report. Royal Baking Powder Company, 100 Wall Street. nw York. ATTEMPTED BURGLARY. " Burglars Attempt to Effect an Entrance IntoHollis Store. Tuesday night burglars attempt ed to force an entrance into C. W. Mollis' General Merchandise store ia this city by tearing a hole in the brick wall at the rear- end of the building. The ., Pbess reporter called around to investigate the affair and Mr. Fred Rosenzsweig escorted him ' out the rear door, on the west side of which a hole about three feet in diameter had been made and the brick andmor- ; terwas strewn;, over the: ground. The burglars had undoubtedly been frightened away, as there was , only one layer of brick between them and tho inside of the build ing when they ceased operation. Ed Taft, who sleeps in J. Bloch's f tore came down 3rd street about 12 o'clock and when he passed the alley that runs back of Hollis' store he saw a man standing by a pile of wood. Undoubtedly this was one of the gang, and thinking Taft. to be - the ; night watch, gave warning to his pals, who took . fright, leaving behind a lot of tcols- "Wednesday morning Dan Mc Eachern. the. Weston blackBniith, came over in search of 'tools that had been stolen from his shop over there, and identified those which ; the burglars had left behind as 1 his property. Officers are after the parties who are probably tramps who have been in this vi . cinity for the past week. : v A Terrible Accident. Cant. N. B. Humphrey, who it well known all over Umatilla .county, met with a distressing ac cident at Meacham Wednesday, says the Pendleton Tribuae, which resulted in the amputation oi . ; limb. He had been at Meacham s-f-'"l in attempting to board the ' trafcT'iftadieton which passed thers yesieraay aooui. noon, sup' - - ned-fi-na leu unaer tae tear ear whichVaught his foot just abve I the antie, masmng n to ajeiiy,t and befote the train was brought to a standstill Mr. Humphrey was dragged a distance of about fifty feet, sustaining severe bruises about the head . and body. If the train had not been preparing to stop at the station Mr. Humphrey no doubt would have been killed. He was brought to Pendleton and medical aid was summoned. After mature diliberation amputation of the injured limb was decided upon, and yesterday afternoon about four o'clock Dr. J. C. Smith, as sisted by Drs. Guyon, Martin, Pilkington and Vincent, amputated the injured limb about four inches above the ankle. The patient withstood the operation with great courage and is getting along nice ly. The friends of the sufferer here who are legion are doing all in their power to make him as com fortable ' as possible and unless some unforeseen difficulty Mr. Humphrey will soon the highway of recovery. arises be on MARKET REPORT. San Fbakcisco, July 6. Wheat $1.15$1.16i. : Niw Yobi, July 5. Hops quiet and easy; state common to choice 1921i; Pacific coast, 19 21. - JwJ-ty Tour Ulood I DR. GRAN vj) SYRUP OF OTCXXI o gcreWs, U'crs, tiit rtaa Carksirotes, - 5re Eva, ". .. Fvr , :-. Sem, " ila W$f ) IrvpUeM.TlWt tai 8ysiU"!3 Tj; raKTABEO T ... r Pfi8TUkND. OKCOON. Sr Sale y " , ; t.M.KIrUId Vlnr Vrug StrJ The Pss8 gives the news. CITYAHDeQIffiTI. A lull Became of Kiwi Ucil Per- July 7. , The Pbess is printed at home.'. Eighty persons are bow encam ped at Lehman Springs. ( . Preaching by the Paster at : the Baptist church, Sunday everting at 8 p. m. : i Have you seen that silverware Hollis is giving away to hit custo mers. '.' Vt. D. W. McDannold, the deputy Assessor was in the city during the week... ;,"' ' ,, The telephone office is cow in the Pioneer Drug Store where 'it was formerly located. ; j t ; ; ; The Helix band gave fki Atk- ison and bride a nice . sfrnaue last Sunday afternoon. J: ; ,: 5 v Onl v the purest and freshest drugs used in Prescriptions at the Pioneer Drug Store. : ? ' J. M. Bently will open an insur ance and real estate ofiic in Pen dleton. -. - .V ; y Hewitt uses nothing but' pure, fresh drugs in filling prescriptions. Take your prescriptions to him., Maggie Damin, accused,-of sell- be liquor to Indians, was dis charged on Saturday inMheU. S. commissioners' court. Mr. Davis, late of Wallula, has been engaged as principal of the Adams public . school, and Miss Balm Mann as assistant. Cold winds and , dry weather cause the growing wneat in tne neighborhood of Warren Station to Bhow signs of distress; , Dr. Moffitt, of this city delivered an address at C ay use station,' on the fourth. The doctor is said to be at home on the rostrum . Ah official of the Oregonian Pa cific says the company is now. making arrangements to build over the Cascades into Eastern Oregon. See tbe new back at the Photo gallery painted by Lane. Now is the time to get a good . photo. Come early . before the warm leather comes . .1. iLoiuie Prcebstel, son of Q. '; W. Prcebstel, received a serious and painful injury at Weston, Satur day. . He fell off a . hayrack an! caught on one of the pegs, ipflicti ing an ugiy wounuia u grwtu..- i ' mi . . . - - - r ... . . The county court is now in ses sion. Jodze Martin and Com missiontr McRea and Gilliland being present. Bids fv the lui.ld Inft of -a. ; bridge over the' Walla Walla rivf x at Milton were opened. If you contemplate buyia a a head er go and see the Piano steel head er on the vacant lot east of the Pioneer Drug Store. . This is the best header on the market, and they are going like hot eaxtfa. old friend, L. S. WoOd says the weston leader, win soon re tiro from the office of Post Master of Weston and has organized a real estate, loan and insurance company. : -" " ' ; ' The Piano Binder is the only inder on the market having a fly wheel attachment. It is ; not a picked-up machine and it Is not a cheap machine. It is sold by Kelso "... a mmm h ' Bros. Atheni Ure. w. m. viarx manager. ,,,-.v Shortly after dinner in Pendle ton the 4th, J. C. Leasure's barn caught fire and the ringing of the fire . bell stampeded the peo ple who were in the paviilion, excitement running pretty high for a little while, : Says Tuesday's issue of the ndleton Tribune: "The Athena band came down last night .and at 7:30 o'cIock 4Te a concert t the band stand. A larie and ap preciative audience was out to heap them and tbe music was excel lent." ., . ; ' : r t t . ' ;' srx ' srl ' aaiuruay ovening tepuiy ner iff Ritchey, of Hilton passed through the city enroutt to Pen dleton with the boy, Cafe r", who was sent to the reform school from Pendleton some time am and who escaped from that institution v, a short time since. The boy -did not like the way ; things were run down there and evacuated f VJ"' ; Sam Nicley wishes It under stood thaf no one ia feeling down east over, the crop . situation in Cold sunns and Jumper sections f! tay.C6klaiaJM' On tho contrary they feel bapby over the Mr. Niclev ha 240 "acres that will average 85 or 40 bushels, and hit v&lunteer wheat will "make ; from 25 to 30 babels pes acre. , James Gray killed on Sunday at his place a Wild Karee at trxa, a rattlesftak havirg ten rtitles and a buttos.. lie says h thinks thr ia a ctn of them near his house." as ther arefrequea tlv tean and heard ia a Urge hole in the tround. Thi Oft killed was as larre as a man's . Tt ilt. and was very close to some lis children, mho wsre puyicj ia ia ywo. Dry and dusty. , ; Prof. Austin, the Helix mosieUn was in the city Wednesday. The Taylor family camped on the river Sunday and Monday. Harvest hands have begun to come. '.We will need them Boon. . A petition is to be circulated Pendleton to organize militia company. "'--) Warm days and fiosty nights, is the order in Camas and some crops look backward. ; . Dr. Richardson, the dentist has moved his office into the building next to Watts Photo gallery. A large number of our citizens celebrated in Pendleton, some in Weston and others on the river. ". The base ball club are making new grounds on Richards addition. in irons or bmetnerman s nvery. Dodd. of Portland was in the city Saturday on businessfcon- nected with hir implement estab lishment. AA- t the special session of the city council June 30th, Walker' Wilson was granted a saloon license for three months. : i ; The Inland Republican family returned from Salem this morring, where they spent the Fourth in fish- ing ana visiting reiauves, ":.J . E. L. Barnett, of Colton, Wash came down on business connected with his land below town . and spent the Fourth with the boys in Pendleton. ' : : The Athena band received i a number of compliments -while m Pendleton for their fine appearance and the excellent music which they rendered. : A party consisting of Mayor Kirk's family Mrs. C. C. Sharp, Robt. Cappock's family, Mrs. Ed ington and others spent the Fourth pn the banks of the Umatilla. It is said that Bowmer, of the Weston Leader, 'was the most ori ginal and unique character in the procession of the High Royal "RumtumslLat the Weston cele bration. 6 y) vj - ' he stock" impounded by the city marshal is now advertised in the columns of this paper. If any of your stock have strayed, notice the marshal's ad.; end see if he has taken them up. Messrs. ftfaloney,' Harper. Roush and Fogs, fished in the Umatilla Sunday. They brought home 641 fine trout, which is considered to be the champion, catch of the sea- son to tar. w t ,if- ,: Thos. Bergeviri had a little fistic difficulty over money matters on the streets baturday . forenoon. lorn Jen tne lenow iaee it-a pre ty bad shape: for which he was ar-1 rested and fined. , ' - - ' - XThe brick work on- the new school building is now Completed,' and the carpenters will soon commence work on the interior. When coni- Eleted, Athena will have the most andsone school building in East ern Oregon. The people of Milton and vici nity enjoyed the Fourth at W. C. Gallagher's grove about seven miles below Milton. The evange list, McConnell, conducted relig ious services, a basket dinner was spread And a general good time was had by all present.- v Ed Kitson who did the shooting on the reservation recently was re leased from' jail Monday, on an order from Justice- Bishop's court, bonds being furnished by Louis Bergevin, Arthur Martin, Sol Lemery and John Taitenger. The amount was f 5UU. J. B. Dickenson came down fmm Camas Prairie last Monday. He reports crops looking well, but very late. They finished sowing June 15th and there had been no rain from June 1st; times are lively at the Teal Springs with plenty of game for hunters. r s -' Hollis says those parties, who attempted to burglarize , bis ' store were surely strangers in town, for had they known how cheap ' he was selling goods, they would have come and bought rather than tried toteal them. He has . but little confidence in a man who would try to steal goods when they could be boneht so cheap.' J,... VBig Dink, an Indian, went to his reservation tepee oaiuraay, loaueu with . Pendleton firewater, and amused himeelf by executing a war dance on the person of his squaw, a very large woman, says the E. 0. He planted his heels , on her head, ribs and arm. inflicting ugly bruises mat may prove dangerous, Big ticx is now in the agency skookum nouse. . A feW daysago: at White's saw mill in Mountain valley saj s the East Oregonian, Orby White lost a portion of his left hand by in? cautiously allowing it to come in contact with a circular saw Tbe middle finger was cut off at the third joint and the hand r split nearly to the wrwt. ;. Tbe : unlucky young man went where Dr. Shields injury. He came toiPUotl Rock, atUndml to th to Pertdlftton last evening, and says his wound?:-! lumi is doing as well as ha ccuU Le. Haying is here. ; Go to Helix for your house and bara bills. ! F.J. Beale's family are encamped athe ranch on the river. OU. Carden and bride were visit tig in the city, Sunday. oule Bergevin was doing busi ness athe agency this week.' Hansell and family r are Ramping out on the Umatilla, k J Deputy Sheriff Lieua,llen, of Wes ton was in the city yesterday. ' One of J. N. Stamper's children is quite sick with the measles. Dr. Fuller, formerly of Corvallis has stuck out his shingle in Helix. Dan Giliis and wife returned to their home in evejrunfT' Tacoma. Sunday .i " Johnu MoQuary was visiting .friends in the city the fore part af the week. Mr. Barnes. . representative of the Blumar Frank Drug Co. is do ing the city today, r There was work jn the first or Page rank last evening in Pythian Lodge No 29 K. of P. ' We understand that Dr. Carlisle contemplates moving to Vale, Ore gon, in the near future. ' We must have a correspondent in every . precinct in the county. Write for terras to the Pbess. , Donaldson, the tail end of Jones & Co., the defunct firm of painters, left the city Tuesday for parts un known. T"V - KBergevin BrCs., are erecting a fl2 bv 40 feet -veneered brick ad dition to the rear of : their Corner Grocery, pn corner of Main and Third. . -: , Spruce header bed lumber, .reel slots and good material for rackB at the Helix lumber yard. J. L. Bayse. Mrs. F. B. Boyd, who has been visiting relatives in Weston for the past week returned home Wednes day evening. , t : v T. D. Harper' sold the residence which has been occupied by Dr. Carlisle to P. N. Stevens yesterday. Consideration $285. . ; . The second nine of this place was defeated by the Weston nine in that town on the Fourth by a score of 23 to 7. V ' Peter Gaskell's bondsmen turned bim over to the authorities. De puty sheriff Hailey passed through Joel Gerking came up from RU? ner Ore., last week, where he has been on the range for some time past. He will harvest in this vie inHy, , r- r-a-" the litiix umltttVarcT has the lareest stock on hands in the County and is prepared to fill any kind ot a bill whether' large or small. A letter from Irving McQuary informs us that he is? prospecting in theUaker county mining coun try, and growing corpulant in the fascinating features of camp life. Walter C. Lynn, who was can didate for county school superin tendent on . the republican ticket last election, has been, chosen prin cipal of the Helix phblio school.: I T 1 i J IH18H xvooerw was engageu aa as sistant. '' ' - "Pap" Kern is in the city from Helix. He tells us that crops are fair but some of the grain is burnt considerably, and that his section of the country is full of "calam- aty howlers." 7udge DePeatt was engaged yes terday in taking testimony in the case of Pat Kine vs. Ida and R. M. Turner, a suit to secure a deed to the ten-acre tract above town which Mr. Kine' has improved. The fficials" of the La Grande land ; office advertise k that they will proceed to offetfor sale on the 7th day of August the following described tract of land; SW. i HW, i of Sec. 26, Tp. 5 N; R. 36 E. W. Services in the Chsistain church July 9th, subject in the morning Temptation;"' is it from God, man, or devil, which? In the evening, "The great truth and the great lie". Christian endeavor at 6:30 p. pa. AH are invited ,to these ser vices. Jk a: UAigLifr' pastor- Some of our citizens who belong to the Royal Arch Chapter at Pendleton will go down to that city to-morrow evening to attend a meeting . of that lodge. There will be work in the R. A. M. degree and. members of the lodges at La Grande, Union, Baker t City, and Walla Walla are expected to be there as vipitors. j , The late postmaster of. Pendle ton. Ben Burroughs, in remitting to the department remitted $8,009.94 for the fiscal year j ending March 31. 1893, 19,94 more than enoiifih to place the office on a second-class basis; but it was discovered at the department that" there were errors a the accounts that make a differ ence of 120 in Mr. ; Barrough's favor, and this amount has been credited to bird. Thin cuts the total down to $7,939.94, or about $11 less than required to put Pendleton in 'the second-class list. ' Fred Bose. who resided in Ath ena several year ago, and who has been located in Tacoma for some time past, returned , and will be come a citizen again. He reports that Price .Sharp will also arrive in a few days. (7, C, H. Pickens and family, of Grant's Pass, have located in Ath ena. Mr. Pickens is an old friend of Judge DePeatt. . The A. O. U. W. lodges of Uma tilla county will give a harvest picnic in Athena, some time next montn. Watch for tne uate. There will be installation of of ficers in the A. 0. U. W. tomorrow night. Also work ia the first de- gree. . Mrs. Prine, of Iowa, is visiting at the Waterman home in the north part of the city. Cause for Dunning. - The National Labor Tribune, a labor paper, says: Many men think that newspaper men are per sistent dunners. By the way of comparison let us suppose a farmer raises one thousand bushels , of wheat a year, and sells it to one thousand persons in all parts of country, a big portion of them say- ing. i "i win nana you a aouar in a . short timej', ,The .farmer does not want to be small, and says all right. Soon the one thousand bushels are gone, and he has notlv in to show for it, and he then realizes that he has fooled away his whole crop, and its value due him in a thousand little driblets; consequently he is seriously em barrassed in his business, because debtors, each owing him -one dol lar, treat it as a small matter and think it would not - help much Continue this kind of business year in and year out as the publisher does, how long would he stand it r A moment's thought will convince anyone that a publisher has cause for persistent dunning, ; - Wants an Explanation. - John Rush, one of the : prosper ous farmers of the Helix commun ity is town today. He tells us that crop prospects are air in his sec tion, but that the wheat has been injured to some extent by the cold weather. It is his opinion that the cold, rather . than 'the dry weatherjias damaged the crop. Mr. Rush,' who is a solid Republi can, says he has read in the Alli ance Herald an article which states that we do not need money to car ry on business, but should, carry it on by means of exchange of pro ducts, and that he cannot under stand it thoroughly. He 'would like the Herald to explain where he can exchange his wfyeat -crop ffof Vther eomntu ities i leededrw hat he can exchange to the merchant for goods, or to the sheriff for tax- - The Gun Club. members of the The members of the Athena Gun Club met for regular practice yesterday. Some good shooting was done. The score was as fol lows: ':.' V ;'."' ':' TWENTY-FIVE SINGLES. A. D. Gilleland.... 18 L. A. Githens. . . ........... 13' L.Shaw; ........;..k... 8 W.T.Gilman.... 7 Chas. Dunn . . . . . ............ 14 P. MY Kirkland 9 A. D. Leedy .... ............. 2k SIX POUBI,K8. A. D. Gilleland ........ ...... L. A. Githens........ ,'. 4 L. Shaw........ ..... ... ... 1 Chas. Dunn . . . . ' -r .... . . . 3 P, M. Kirkland....;...,..-... 1 A. D. Leedy .... . 4 The U. P. Advances a Rate- At yesterday's meeting of the eastern committee of the Western Passenger association the Union Pacific repeated its offer of $25 for a one fare rate between California Missouri river points as the bas ing rate to Chicago-Missouri river -I .1 ;.i . a .. n lines, iioaua wunoui ot. raui connections opposed the rate, and if the meeting today refuses the proposition, the Union Pacific is almost certain to make a $25 flat rate bet wen California and Mis souri river points. The Panhandle. Oregon has a panhandle. It has been discovered at the school land office that tbe legislature In din scribing the boundary of Lincoln county, a strip on the west side of the county, between folk and the Siletz reservation belonging to Tillamook was left out. It was 22 miles long, 4 miles wide at the south end and runs to a point at the north. Tillamook has a han dle like a frying pan. A Singular Wedding Party. At a marriage in Wisconsin re cently the bridegroom stood 6 feet 2 inches and the bride 3 feet 2h inches in height. The witnesses were a man without arms, who signed lht marriage contract with a pen, the stock of which he held between his teeth; a woman who weighed 350 pounds, and a man 7 feet 5 inches tan. xne omcat ing clergyman had only one leg The bride was 50 years old and her grandmother, aged 93 years, at tended the wedding feast. COPI3! T7 AND Those Docrors. A lady named Stahl died sud denly in Pendleton, Sunday. Dr. omllh, tne attending phvsican and the city physician, Dr. Campbell, are, as i usuauy tne case with that profession, at "outs" with each other. Campbell suddenly concei ved har it was his unswerving duty as city physician to investi gate the case, lie went to the re sidence and made himself so ob noxious that the husband of the deceased was compelled to order him to leave the . premises. Dr. Smith upon learning what Camp bell had done accosted , him on the streets and asked him what he meant ' by such interference. Words followed and the city phy sician went home and procuring a revolver came back with blood in his eye, but instead of preporating Smith went into a cigar Btore where he was disarmed by an officer, under protest. Smith demanded an inquest later in the day, owing to Camp bell's' intimation that death was due to malpractice. A jury was impanneled by Justice Bishop, acting coroner, consisting of G. A. Hartman, H. E. Bickers, Frank Frazer, C. J, Whitaker, R. Sargent, H. McArthur. T. J. Hailey, dep uty district attorney, was present for the state, and J. C. Leas u re for Dr. Smith. Mr. Stahl, T, J. Mil lions, Die. Pruett, Smith and Mar tin, Mrs. Houtson and Miss Sim mons were examined as witnesses, and Drs. Pruett, Guyon, Martin, and; Morrow were in attendance. The; jury returned a verdict to the effect that death was due to natural causes. Hell Beats the Mountains. wood-hauler the other day "The roads to hell have one A said: advantage over those to the mount ains. While the former are paved chiefly with good intentions, the latter are not paved with intent ions good or bad, nor with any thing else." V- The mountains are . riot the only section of the coun try in which the roads leading to it could be improved greatly to the advantage of the country. " Wo hear considerable complaint KTOCt uie:7 conuuion ot the .roaci from the lower end of Main street to the new bridge ; . across ' Wild Horse. It is claimed that this road is so rough now that a person can scarce drive over it at a rate fast er than a walk, and that it will be almost impassablo . when wheat hauling begins unless something is done to improve it. '. Our com m it tee on street and, improvements should look after the matter. 1 Commencement Exercises. The program at Stl Andrews CathoMc Indian school on the re servation, last Friday was simply grand. ' . . . An address of welcome was nice ly made by Miss Raineville. This was followed by music, vocal and instrumental, and by a long pro gram, consisting of dialogues, vo cal solos, a fan-drill, and a minia ture cantata very nicely tendered. At the close of the program the prizes were distributed by Kev. Father Chianale. Handsome vol umes were given as prizes for the deportment, studies, and' other goods works in school. After the principle prizes were distributed every little scholar was given a present and all were happy and smiling. Masonic Supper. Those present at the Masonic supper last Saturday ' night report a very pleasant time. There were present most of the members ol Dolph Lodge and their, families. After an excellent supper, which consisted of strawberries, ice cream, and cake, the time was spent in a pleasant and social manner un til near 12 o'clock when all went home well pleased with the even ing's entertainment. The members of this lodge greatly appreciated the supper given them by the ladies and hope they may be so favored again. . Auction. I will sell at public auction , at Smetherman's feed yard in Athena Ore. Saturday July 15th, 1893, a number of good work horses. Terms 10 days time, with approved security. ' H. P. Banks. FIRST MTIOMLW BSIIK OF ETHENS. Pays '1 . ... - . ; ' - . -.--" 4 i j50TTi Dr. King and the Marshal. Sunday morning Marshal f Stamper went into King & Co's Drug store and became involved in a dispute over money matters with Dr. King. It seems the doc tor put an account he had against the marshal in the hands of a collecting agency for collection, and Stamper claims the doctor owes him for services performed in an official capacity. The dis pute grew hotter and hotter and culminated by the doctor striking: the marshal a terrific blow on tho nose, breaking and tearing a . hola through the right sidfr of it,' and bruising him considerably about face, Mr Stamper is under the impression that the doctor struck him with a scale weight, and the doctor says he struck , him with nothing but his t bare kutickles., , . In Trouble. 1 - W. II. Beers well known in this city,, and ex-marshal of Weston, was arrested at Portland' by Dep uty Sheriff Hailey and brought up Monday. As near as can be learn ed Beers is accused of misappro priating city funds that came into his hands while he wore the star, a long sickness having reduced his own finances. Advertised Letters. List of letters remaining un claimed in the Post Ofhee, at Athena, Umatilla county, Oregon July 1st. 1893. ; Persons calling for same please say . advertised. ,- Hook, Chas LaVson John Hollis, Will Kizer, N. B. , Knox, Adam Geo. Smith, Mrs. L. Youngberg, Chas, W. Hanseij., r. m. MARRIED., t At Pendleton, July 6 1893, Daniel Richetti and Pauline Rond- eau. At Pendleton, July 6. .185)3,. Doherty and Miss Catheriuo herty. Jaa. Do- BORN. FUTfER In Pendleton, July 1, 1893, to Mr. and Mrs. Wnv, Fatter, 6i Alba, aii0Uer; v' Born in Athena to the wifti f Ed Payne, July 3rd, a 10 , pmind boy. . DIED. , ; STAHL Sunday niorninsr. at 1:30 o'clock, at her home in Pendleton, Mrs Ada Stahl, beloved wife of Thos. C. Stahl, aged 24 yiarb-.tmd 9 months. ' . ". " "("" ',r Notice. V. v . . J Notice is hereby given to alfl 'ef sons nbt to purchase a certain noto made payable to P. M, Kukland. and signed by John. Lawson for the sum of $37.00. Said note has been lost and finder will please re turn the same to me. . ! P. M. Kikklanp. , . , ' ' '7'- ( The Old Brick. ' Hard times makes money scarce, so visit your old friend, the Pioneer Drug Store. Chen per than the cheapest. . Notice. C. L; Holt's connection with King & Co. of the Peoples 'Phns-; macy, was severed ipn Juno 5th. All book accounts are only payable j to Dr. G. W. King or statements' of accounts countersigned by bim.' 2. t. King A Co...; -':' At Lest. - ' ', How to preserve milk, butter,' , -eggs and all kinds of fruits m Z theif natural' freshness without ' cooking. Ladies inquire at the"'1 Pioneer Drugstore. Do Von Want Moiwy?!) I have lately taicen the agency for the D. S. Baicer estate for loan ing money on real estate in Uina tiilacountv. Those contemplating securing loans will do well to call on me. Besides maidng loans a; cheap or cheaper than any onii.f else, I can assure you prompter ac-, tion and less red tape. i W. T, Oilman. , - IfYou want the news of tho city and county, take a dose of-thV. Press. . .... ..,:. .V South siJe Alain Street.- CAPITAL STOCK, SUBPIA7S, - V $ BQ.OOO" $ 18.000 Interna on lini deposit, Pro)r attention given to collectionii. ponli In lixwlgn and aomestli! excliauje. D. LlVSLV. Collier, Athciin, Oregon