I Many suitable gift objects for adults and children especially for the little folks had we anticipated in se­ lecting our holiday goods. Make C hristmas especially happy for the children. Overlook nothing that will add to youthful Yuletide pleasures. No days are like the days of "Santa Claus” for the children—childhood days are fleeting, so make the best of them for the kiddies while you may. C. F. Carpenter & Co RACKET STOKE [ RANDOLPH ] SECOND STREET gasoline vessels. Elmar McCue purchased a place on the river opposite Parkersburg where he intends to reside. Mr. Philpott purchased one of the residences at the old Aberdeen mill and has moved it to Randolph. Two steam tractors and a roadster were unloaded at Rocky Point to be taken to the mines at Whiskey Run Speaking of tlie disloyalty charges J made by tlie forest ranger against i Win. H. Bennett, mail‘carrier, the and lienee nephew to a large number Gold Beach Reporter says: of aunts and uncles all of whom ■ ' And right here it might be per­ idolized the little boy who was so tinent to add that since America pitilessly torn from their love and has aided in tile successful overthrow presence. We mourn with the father of autocracy in Europe, there are and mother who feel tlie loss of their several autocratic heads in the United only child so keenly and their loss is States w ho ought to get tile ax. many ours with full measure. HI b little of whom are in tile United States baby lips lisped so sweetly what he forestry service, in certain districts liked to say and his cunning little tile officials have held their position wr.ys were the joy of all. he was bo so long, and with their boss. Uncle bright and cheerful in his suffering Sam, a dim personage In the far which was intense. He was thougnt background these men have becoftne to be past danger when tlie over­ despots in the domain over which burdened heart failed and lie passed they hold sw ay. The most common complaint heard in tills section is the away. opposition and hurrasslng would-be settlers in the forest reserve meet I n fl lien ¿a I list met ions issued by nearly all cities demand when they attempt to file on this that everybody should gargle fre­ land." quently to keep tlie Flu" away. PUROLA Chlorozin, obtainable at all drug stqres, is not only an effec­ '^THROUGHOUT this tive gargle but also a pleasant anti­ Christmastide and septic mouth wash. 25c and $1.00 bottles. lie. Coming Year may we con­ The telephone man passed through our burg, his mission being to install a telephone at John McLeod’s. Tully Tiller and Joshua Herman are home on a ten days furlough re­ cuperating from the mumps. They have joined the merchant marine and (To Late for Last Week I • are in training at Seattle the latter A. R. Hultin lias added to ills being water tender on the Chippewa. Henry Herman went to Portland possessions by purchasing a piece of on business. While gone lie secured land from Mr. Sengstacken of Marsh­ field. captain's papers to master fifty ton Word was received by Mrs. Her­ man that her son, Joshua, was very sick at a hospital in Seattle with the I mumps. A . R. Hultin lias Just returned from a trip to Lakeside. Upon learning of their exposure to diphtheria Mrs. Fredericks, Mrs. and August Herman and also tile Wm. Philpott family voluntarily isolated themselves. There have been SAW HIE GREAT SI RRENIIER these no canes reported from (From Pori Orford Tribune) fiiynilies. Fred Lockley, Y. M. C. A. secretary i McLeod Bros, have moved their and special correspondent for the donkey engine to the farm to use in Oregon Journal In France, tells In ANY ISSUE clearing land. that paper of receiving the following $30 $100 Ed Ingram sold a horse to H. N. note when lie was recently billed to ÿôoo $1OOO Russel recently. speak at tlie Eagle Hut in London: “Dear Friend: It was a groat sur­ | Jack Hultin manager of a logging Send us your Bonds by camp at Lakeside was visiting his prise as well as a great pleasure to registered letter and re­ ( brother at this place. see your name on the bulletin board ceive highest market I Raymond t’Tirl William the son of today. As yet 1 haven’t met any of price by return mail. Carl and Myrtle Herman died of the fellows in Portland or Southern diphtheria at Bandon December 3, Oregon. I am anxious to 3ee you WESTERN STOCK Ä BOND age twenty-two months and three because I know you can tell zne about COMPANY days. Tlie little c-liild was the center the people I am interested in. Can of attraction and devotion in the you meet me here tonight? Sincere­ 200 Central Building home which contained also the gra n d- ly yours. Orris N. Knapp, Port Or­ SEATTLE, WASH. mother, Mrs. Herman, and three sons ford. Or.” Mr. Lockley continues: "Tlie last besides tlie father. He was the gran 1- ' child of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Philpott | time I had seen Orris Knapp was on « WE BUY LIBERTY BONDS I Port Orford lake. We were in a row­ boat. casting flies, where the sun­ shine and shadow met. where the btg speckled b« a llies were lying along the bottom of the lake. The sun was well down in the west Orris touch­ ed me on the arm and said: See that patch of brown where the slope of , the hillside I iaea from the water. Just across the lake"' 1 finally located is .and said, sure 1 see tt. It is a bunch i of brown fern' 'Watch it' said my companion, and to my surprise I saw the bunch of fern walk into the timber and disappear 'Yes, it was a deer.’ said Orris. 'There are lots of tlufn around here.' " Mr. Lockley's little home talks with the Oregon boys over there have been very interesting, and Orris Knapp is one of these boys who will have something interesting of his own to tell when he gets home, as he witnessed from a favored position the greatest event of the kind the world has ever known—the surren- der of tii'- German fl«t Orris la a member of the crew of the battle­ ship New York, the flagship of the American fleet. And the sight of the 20-mile string of the Imperial Ger­ man armada steaming in surrender between tile two lines of allied war­ ships. was a sight those who saw will never forget. It was the humiliat­ ing,— one might say the cowardly end—of Germany's boasted sea power. As one American officer said who saw it. ' even the poor Spaniards came out at Santiago w hen they knew thev hadn't a chance.” FOR SPOT CASH RULES FOR FORWARDING WAR RISK INSURANCE In forwarding Bureau of War Risk Insurance envelopes Postmasters are instructed to send them to new addresses within the same city to which originally addressed, but not to forward them to other cities. Postmasters are also authorized to deliver such envelopes to the persons addressed, but not to other persons, through the general deliver) window. * IF I •g V F’ Ct Oh, Teddy Bear, I'm glad you came, 1 like wild animals what's tame. I’m not afraid to squeeze you tight, t ’Cause you won't snarl or »nap * ( or bite. “5 I'll take you with me ev’ry v •J Togezzer we will romp and V p|ay- r C At night time,, too my dearie § Ted. i» You’ll snuggle by me in my bed. Ii I am cross, you will not care, You’ll always be my Teddy Bear. A la. ?e assortment of fine articles for kltcli n at pre-war prices. These goods w re nought before the raise and y u get the benefit: Percolators .... $2.00 and Up Tea K ttles ................................ —•<••• i ...■■■ i ; $ 4 ■ ■'1 an J I : Waffle Iron» ______ _______ ___ $4 00 j Kettles. Pan». Pots. Etc., in all sizes. Also many of the foregoing articles in Nickel Ware. • • • 5 stantly give that greatest gift of love — Service — to the cause of right and justice, to our fellow map and to our Country. Thus giving we shall merit that joy which comes only to those of whom Christ said: "Well done. CHICHESTER SPitl; DIAMOND BUtNO LAriHS t A$A yeur Brugrrfat * j y.ur l»r arri.t £ ......... .... .................. for CTTT CHT TKX » A 1AMOND BRAND FILLS iu R ed and/AX wao metallic boxes, sealed w'h n ’ e\O/ Kibtx)a T aib no otbba . Buy »n still less Improved land. Curry ataui' ing at bottom of the U»t with 3 5 • or ■ trifle more than six scua- miles- -as much as a plot two and a half miles square. In Coos county there are timber 1 areas amounting to 387.15') act ■«. Fourteen Oregon counties have mo • and seventeen have less. But it is when it cofrnes to burnt over and log­ ged oft lands that we shine, Of these» we have 26 2.965 acres and the only county in the stete having more s our neighbor. Douglas, with 470,Oc . or almost twice as many. But with a total area of 162S square miles. It is strange that Coos has only one in 52 In cultlva lon after half a century's settlement. —Coquille Sentinel. carving BUTCHER KNIVES, kitchen knives, pearing knives, knives of all kinds. Steels an d carbo­ rundrunis on which to keep them sharp. BABY FURNITURE, TOYS, DOLLS, DOLL FURNITURE, RUGS, SUIT CASES, TRUNKS, PICTURES, Etc 1 OK EVERÌ BOI>V Ingersoll Watches Enamel Ware Fishing Rods Fire Place Sets Alarm Clock» * Fla»h Lights BANDON HARDWARE CO SAM JOHNSON F U R NI T U R E The HOUSE of QUALITY PRACTICAL PRESENTS