WHAT WOMEN ARE DOING FOR SOLDIERS IN FRANCE Fight in the Ranks of the Red Cross Against Pain, Disease and Death. The Western World Own«d and published by FELSHEIM & HOWE D. FELSHEIM, Editor JAS. H. HOWE, Bus. Mgr. - - Entered as second-class matter at the post office at Bandon, Oregon, January 2d, 1913, under the Act of March 3d, 1879. SUBSCRIPTION RATES One Year (in advance)_______ $2.00 Six Months (in advance)— $1.00 THE OFFICIAL CITY NEWSPAPER This paper has enlisted with the Government in the cause of America for the period of the war.............. RECORD "QUOTES” WORLD Under headlines that would have dene justice to the biggest sensation of the year, the Marshfield Record Saturday reprinted from Western World an Inconsequential news item concerning James Watson, county judge. Whatever prompted the mag­ nification of importance attached to the item, the World falls to grasp. However, there must have been some­ thing significant about it that appeal­ ed to the Record editor as valuable and worthy of front page position With due respect for the wishes of the Record, Western World declines to accept "authority for a story county judge long under fire Is to re­ tire.” The World has no inside in­ formation regarding Judge Watson'H private affairs, nor has it assumed as much. The "story" was (merely a paragraph at the close of a county seat Item bearing a Coquille date line. The paragraph read: "According to unofficial reports here. James Watson is planning to retire as county judge before the first of the year. He has talked of such a move for w $ iiu time, claiming that hi» private business will not per­ mit him to continue in the office ex cept at a considerable personal sac­ rifice, which he cannot afford How- ever, he has made no public an- nouncetuent." After camouflaging tills paragraph to serve what looks very much like an ulterior purpose, the Record in a comment associated it with alleged street rumors at the time of the re- call, which comment In a measure might be construed uh a reflection on Judge Watson’s political stability Western World is ready to stand behind whatever it publishes, but it does not wish to be misquoted, es­ pecially for the purpose of adding InflucMice to someone's pet political hobby They have known very well the risks they were taking- the two thousand and more women who have gone to France for varied services under the American Red Cross, and the more than nine thousand nurses whom tlie American Red Cross has assigned to foreign duty under the United States Army and Navy Nurse Corps. They went under orders, as soldiers do; prepared for Hny emegelicles, as soldiers do; they assumed many strange and unforeseen tasks, as sol­ diers do. Literally, they went as fighters, against pain, disease aud death. A “mobile surgical unit” of nurses— those words don't mean very much, perhaps, the first time we hear them. But see such an unit follow un army up to an advanced post ; see how the nurses work with steady hands beside the surgeons as the stretcher» with the newly wounded ure brought In. See thousands of them In evacuation hos­ pitals, base hospitals, convalescent hospital», tuberculosis hospitals; some of them In French military hospitals where sometimes our men are sent; aee them with their specialized Nklll In head surgery, or fracture work, or psychiatry;—all these women who keep head and hand cool and steady, when the ambulances unload great harvests of wounded. Then we say the words "Our Nurses,” as we say “Our Soldiers," "Our Sailors,” "Our Marines.” On the night of March 25th. when the Germans were fast advancing, aud already within six kilometers of Annel, tin outpost of Coiilplegne, Rvo America n doctors remained, who un- der order of the French government, hail sent the patients and personnel of tlielr hospital farther back the night before, The artillery was deuf- ening, but the American Ambulance sectloiH kept bringing their wounded to Annel. These doctors said that us long as the American boy» brought them wounded they would operate. Two nurses volunteered from Com- plegue, and so In the deserted chateau the two surgeons, the two nurses and the ten drivers worked calmly on, while the buzz of aeroplanes shook the air, and tlie blustlng gun» shook the earth. EASTMAN will please You Clean Tooth Never Decays If you want work that lasts; Through three takings of Belgrade, you want it done with no first when the city was taken by the Austrians, again when It was retaken more pain than the prick of by the Serbians, and still again when 0 the needle: if you want your it whh taken back by the Germans and 6 Austrians together, an American Bed o Pyorrhea CURED, or if you Cross nurse, Mary Gladwin, worked 0 want to KEEP FROM GET- In the operating room. In that first 5 TING PYORRHEA, see capture, when nine thousand wounded > crowded the wards and halls and yard of the thousand bed-hospital and doctor and nurse worked together for duy and night without stopping, giving to :• each operation an average of six mln o Ellingson 'Building utea, and employing emergencies la­ 5 Bandon. Oregon spired by Uie desperate need of the ? moment, they did not know that the o city had been taken until all the *oooc>ooooooooooooo stretchers brought Austrian wounded, and Austrian doctors came to their relief. Several hundred women are work $ Ing over there In the American Bed Cross canteens. There are about two hundred of these canteens along the French and American lines of com­ 0 munication, and the women are work­ ing under great pressure, feeding thousands of soldiers. The Bed Cross ------------------------------ -— Is also establishing canteens by mili­ New Location tary request at a number of Aviation TIMMONS BUILDING, Camps. American women conduct First Street. these stations, comprising canteen aii'l club and reading room. Everyone of these canteens lias something of the Daily Papers Magazines genius of home about it; and it is Ail Current Publications because of this, no less than the fa­ cilities for cleanliness and rest and refreshment, that the French govern rnent has given the responsibility for maintaining canteens for both armies to the hands of the American Red Cross Saturday Evening Post In lurge numbers women are going abroad as hospital hut workers, also, and as social workers for trained service among the refugees and the repatriated. At each base hospital tlie Red Cross Is equipping, as fust as they can be built, recreation huts for con­ valescent soldiers. Clerical workers have steadily In­ creased In number for the admlnis HAND-TAILORED tratlve offices. From that original group of eighteen, which as the first American Red Cross Commission to France sailed about June 1st, 1917, the organization Ims grown to a work­ ing force of more than 6,900 men uttd "Distinctively for Gentlemen" women. hear or say und, while theoretically H. Howe, Bandon Ore. we retained the right to think as we 2. That the owners are: Give pleased, since our ideas were based names and addresses of Individual largely on such inforjmation as was owners, or, if a corporation, give its officially handed out to us, the Presi- names and the names and adres'ses of dent really controlled even our the stockholers owning or holding 1 thoughts to a very large extent. •per cent or more of the total amount As a temporary, emergency war 'of stock.) I L. D. Felsheini, James II. measure tills concentration of power I Howe. I was proper enough but the continua­ 3. That the known bondholders. tion of such a dangerous abridgment mortgagees, and other security hold­ of individual rights for a single day ers owning or holding 1 per cent or beyond the actual period of the emer­ more of total amount of bonds, gency would be absolutely intoler­ mortgages, or other securities are able. (if these are none, so state.) A. J. In this connection there has been Weddle, Covelo, Cal. occasional rumors, during the last 4. That the two paragraphs next few months, that the affairs of the own- atiove, giving the najmes of the railroad and the express, telegraph stockholders, and security hold er», and telephone companies now under I and security holders, if any con- er«, Government control were being not only the list of stockholders tain scrambled together with the business and security holders as they appear of the Federal Bost Office establish-1 up n the books of the company lint nient for the deliberate purpose of also, In cases where the stockholder making their unscrambling impossi­ or security holders appears upon the ble and thus forcing the American I ! books of the company as trustee or in I people to submit, regardless of their any other fiduciary relation, the desires In the matter, to government name of the person or corporation ownership of these private indus- for whom such trustee is acting, is tries. given; also that the said two para­ G<>\ IRXMIX I tiU XI Itsllll* It may be that the people of this graphs contain statements embracing It Is reported that President Wil­ son has now definitely raised the is­ country want to take over and run affiant's full knowledge and belief sue of permanent Government owner­ the railroads, or some of these other as to tlie circumstances and condi­ ship by taking a stand in favor of big private industries but. until that tions under which stitfk holders and tile outright purchase and permanent purpose bus been dearly and definite­ security holders who do not appear operation of all wireless plants by ly declared by ii mujorlty of our upon the books of the company as the Government and as a result u people, we have tlie right to expect trustees, hold stock and securities in great, nation nation-wide wide fight begins, begins. the and demand that tlie Federal “offi- u capacity other than that of a bona proper solution of which now that dills who have been entrusted witli fide owner, and this affiant has no the war In Europe is ended Is of the temporary management of tlie reuson to believe that any other paramount Importance to the coun- affairs of these great businesses will person, association, or corporation play fair in tlie matter and. has uny interest direct or Indirect in try. Before America entered (lie war whatever their personal or polit- tlie sahl stock, bonds, or other securi­ practically her whole Industrial sys­ leal views may be. will do abso­ ties than as so stated by h|n. L. D. Felsheini tem was. as a result of unwise stlniu- lutely nothing to Interfere with the Sworn to and subscribed before Intleii of unrestricted competition carrying out of the dear purpose of characterized by discord and ineffl the laws which authorized such con this 14th day of December 1918. I N MILLER ciency. When war was declared, trol and which provide for the re­ i My commission expire» Nov however. It becaglie quickly apparent turn of all such properties to their that radical changes were necessary former owners as soon as practicable 1920.) We had ample man-power, raw mate­ after the dose of the wur A 1919 Red Cross button is ■............... .. • i j rial and machinery, but knowing al­ emblem of loyalty. most nothing about inter Indusrlal ST ITEMEN'T team-work we were wasting our re­ i of the ownership, managiinient, circu­ sources in u most reckless manner lation, etc , required by the net of aud it was clear that, unless we Congress of August 2 4, 1912. of quickly topped such waste and got Western World published weekly at First Christmas Observance I on an efficiency basis, we would. In Bandon. Oregon for the October 1 spite of our great natural reservoirs 1918 State of Oregon. County of The first Christmas celebrated of strength, be unable to aid material­ Coos. Inside a house ou the American ly in tiie tremendous task of defeat­ Before me u notary public In and continent was on December 25, ing the Hun. To secure efficiency, for the State and county aforesaid, IBIS. Our Puritan ancestors conservation the elimination ot personally appeared L. D Felsheini. • 1 finished their first house nt I waste and tlie utilization of our re­ who having duly sworn according to X Plymouth, Muss., having spent sources to the best possible advantage law.depose» and says that he Is the 1 I more than a month lu wandering —was absolutely necessary, and since editor of the Western World and that X about In search of a place of the quickest way to institute conser- tlie following is. to tlie best of his X ■ X settlement. The company wa» vatlonal methods was through cen knowledge and belief, a true state­ •X divided into 19 families, aud to trallzatlon of authority in the hands ment of tlie ownership, management each person was assigned a lot of the Federal Qovertignent, patriotic (and If a dally paper, the clrcula- for house aud garden. It was Americans willingly conseuted to this tlon >, etc . of the aforesaid publlca- à not a very cheerful Christmas plan as a temporary, emergency tion for the date shown In the for the Puritans. All of them measure, and the most absolute auto- above caption, by the Act of August I could not be accommodated In­ •■•tic power ever known In America 24. 1912, embodied In section 4 4 3. side the house, »o that some of was placed In the hands of President Postal Law Regulations, printed on them were left out in the cold, I Wilson who was given practically the reverse of this form, to wit but the religious feature» of the unlimited control over all of our I 1 That the names and addresses are day were not forgotten, and it people and property Whether a man the publisher editor. Inanaglng editor, may be said that the Babe of fought or worked was put absolutely and bualnete managed are Publish­ Bethlehem was prayed to and I up to the President. The President er FelshHm A Howe. Bandon, Ore sung to in s moat fervent man­ was also given full authority to pres Editor L. D Felsheini, Bandon. Ore. ner. cribe just what we might or might Managing Editor !,. D Felshelm. hot do, »at, drink, wear, own, road. Bandon, Ore , Itiisltiivs Manager Jas There is no better place on earth for Kodaking than right here. Ban­ don Beach offers uneq­ ualled opportunity for beautiful pictures. Let us show you our line of Eastman Kodaks. DO NOT NEGLECT YOUR TEETH C. Y. Lowe Bandon, Or. F TUTTLE News Stand Cigars, Tobaccos OXFORD REXALL DRUGGIST Headquarters for KODAKS - SUPPLIES I Moon Superstition. Among the Hindus and Egyptian« the house was carried to the moon, De Gubernate says : “The pagan sun god crushes under his feet the mouse of the night. When the cat’s away the mice will play. The shadows of night dance when the moon is absent.” Truly Admirable. Mrs. Macpherson lias Just received » telegram from Birmingham. “What in admirable lnviqition the telegram Is!” she exclaimed, "when you consider that this message has come a distance yf 120 miles and the gum on the en­ velope isn’t dry yet.” Phone 191 your orders for all kinds of the CHOICEST MEATS and SAUSAGES Our Bicycle Delivery will take care of youi orders promptly. CLOTHES • • • City Meat Market GEO. ERDMAN, Proprietor OFFICERS: T. P. HANLY, President R. H. ROSA, Vice Pres. W. J. SWEET, Cashier Mark Windle PRESSING FRANK FLAM, ■ Wolverton DIRECTORS: FRANK FAHY, C. Y. LOWE Capitai $50,000.00 Surplus and Undivided Profits $25,000.00 Drafts on the Principal Cities of the V.orld. A General Banking Business. Accounts of Individuals and Corporations Solicited. Abstracts Bank of Bandon and Notary Public Bandon, Oregon Insurance Conveyancing Opposite Hank of Bandon o Oregon Bandon, Prof. A. RICHARDS Professional S. S. ELIZABETH Eight Day service between Coquille River and ’Frisco SAILS Large Two Berth Outside State­ rooms with running water. BANDON FIRST CLASS Passenger Fare $15.00 Teacher of Piano fro ;/ » SAN FRANCISCO RESERVATIONS: J. E. Norton.Coquille Perkins’, Myrtle Point; Hillyer’a Cigar Store. Marshfield. E. B. Thrift, Langlois E; a E T. KRUSE, owners and manag­ ers, 24 Ca.if, St.. San Francisco. BAXDON ORKiOX J. E. WALSTROM CHRIS RASMUSSEN Real Estate Insurance Abstracts Rentals Notary Public Bandon, Ore. AGENT BANDON Central Transfer Co QUICK, RELIABLE SERVICE AUTO TRUCKS NOTHING TOO LARGE NOTHING TOO SMALL I