'S There is no better place on earth for Kodaking than right here. Ban­ don Beach offers uneq­ ualled opportunity for beautiful pictures. Let us show you our line of Eastman Kodaks. DO NOT NEGLECT YOUR TEETH EASTMAN will please Y’ou Clean Tooth Never Decays If you want work that lasts; you want it done with no more pain than the prick of the needle; if you want your Pyorrhea CURED, or if you want to KEEP FROM GET- TING PYORRHEA, see The Western World Ownad and published by FEL8HE1M & HOWE C. Y. Lowe Bandon, Or. L. D. FELSHEIM, Editor JAS. H. HOWE, Bus. Mgr. REXALL DRUGGIST Entered as second-class matter at the post office at Ilandon, Oregon. January 2d, 1913, under the Act of March 3d. 1879. Ellingson Building Bandon. Oregon Headquarters for •ooooooooooooooooo KODAKS - SUPPLIES SUBSCRIPTION RATES One Year (in advance) _.... $2.00 Six Months (in advance) $1.00 THE OFFICIAL CITY NEWSPAPER Soldier with the Business Part of a Gas Mask Tin Container in His Hand Filled with Carbon Obtained from Fruit Stoues when Sharpening Pencils. Probably. When sharpening a lead pencil, first ___________ The . person who left a bomb ___ on the stick the knifeblade through a slip of j doorstep of the building that bouses paper. This puper acts as a guard ' a humorous paper must be one of on the knife, and prevents the lead those fellows who are always taking dust from soiling the fingers. the Joy out of 'lie.—New York Sun. TUTTLE BOYS O\ ERSEAS PROTECTED FROM POlSONOl'S GAS BY CARBON. Bave Fruit Stones anil Nut Shells Over Here anil Save the Lives of Americana liver There—Everyone Who Saves These Important Carbon ICe<|ulsites for Gaa Masks Helps in the War. Thu paper has enlisted with the government in the cause of America for the period of the war............... THE ROAD Fl'NDH The condition of the various coun­ ty road bond funds will require an explanation from the County Court. While the county as a whole has re­ ceived the benefit of the money ex­ pended. regardless of the funds from which It has been taken. It is quite certain that the people tributary to the Bandon-Coquille road will want to know how their fund is to be re- plenlshed. It Is possible that tbe Court has plans which will enable It to replace the money borrowed from that fund by the time the pro­ ject Is to be started. The verdict of public opinion might well be reserved until the county officials have an op­ portunity to explain Whether or not the letter of the law has been fol­ lowed out In the application of these road funds is not as vital to the tax­ payer as the question of whether each project Is to eventually get its pro­ portion as provided by the bond electlou Thu legal phase cau easily be determined; It Is replacing the money that will cause the difficulty If there Is to be any. HOME IX I 'Ll ENt'E The Influence of the American home foltowa the American fighting man clear to the front line trenches It Is the first time In the world's history that this is the case. This influence is carried overseas by the seven great welfare organizations doing work amoug the soldiers, the Y. M C. A.. Y. W. C. A., Jewish Welfare Board. K. of C , Salvation Army, War Camp Community service, American Library Association. Huts are established where the soldiers may spend bls leisure time Enter­ tainment la furnished him and he Is given that care and attention tliat lie would have received in a greater measure, at home These huts over seas are the nearest thing to home that the soldier knows. To support this great work there will be a drive for funds by the United War Work Campaign November 11. to 18. Do not throw away a single peach, found in various sections of the coun­ ' |ilum apricot, cherry, prune, date or try and only limited amounts are now gathered annually. As the meats are I olive pit nor the shell of a nut. ' The United States Government valuable food, they should be ex­ asks you to give to it through the Red tracted from the shells before the Cross, the fruit stones you would or­ latter are delivered to the Red Cross Nut Ineats will dinarily throw away. About 200 collecting stations. peach stones will provide enough car­ keep perfectly in a dry [dace for bon for a gas mask- -the only protec­ months or they may be marketed. tion between our boys and poisonous The whole nuts may be sent, it the nut meats are not used locally. gases being used by Germans. One of the essentials in the res-1 Quantities of pignuts and bitternuts pirator designed to protect our remain uncollected each year, even soldiers on ttie front lines against by the squirrels, because of the taste deadly gases is carbon. The efficiency of the meats, or their smallness; the I of lhJ :llaiik to tt |urge extent depeuds shells of these, however, are excellent UpOI1 (ho quality of the carbon. An for carbon. Only the shells of the nuts and the excellent quality is obtained from front the fruit listed above fruit pits and nut shells. These stones stones and shells, which are ordinarily re­ should be sent, as the Government garded as valueless, the people of chemists have carefully selected the this country now are asked to save kinds which are most valuable for the as our government is experiencing gas Imask manufacture. It requires difficulty tn getting the right kind about 200 peach pits or 7 pounds i t of carbon. The British Government nut shells to produce carbon enough has also asked for a supply of high­ for one mask. This mask will pro­ grade carbon to use for the same tect the boy in the front line trenches against every kind of gas except one. purpose. The pits before they are delivered which is seldom encountered. A mask to central collecting points should may be used for 18 hours before its not be cracked, but dried caretully contents become so surcharged with 111 tlie sun or in ovens. Rain will the gas as to render it valueless. A barrel has been placed in the not Injure the stones provided they ,doorw ay of the Timmons building are thoroughly dried afterwards. Large quantities of hickory nuts, to receive pits and nut shells in walnuts, and butternuts are to be Bandon. 1 Don't campaigns, with the departure of L. J. Simpson for Washington, l>. C, to My pa rents told me not to smoke — engage in war work. In these days 1 don't we are giving the best we have of Or listen to a naughty Joke every tiling to aid Uncle Sam in hl i 1 don't mammoth task. I hey made It plain 1 must not wink At pretty girls, or even think About intoxicating drink— The people of Bandon district as a I don't whole deserve a world of credit for To dance and flirt is very wrong — putting their Fourth Liberty Loan 1 don’t quotu over the top. When It c >nies Wild youths chase women, wine und to individual honors, the laurels go to 8ong— II. J. McDiarniid, king of rustlers. I don't I kiss no girls, not even one I do not know how it is done - You wouldn't think 1 had much fun I DON’T'! PEOPLE will, it tv e to < iti misi : It will finally tee up to the people to decide whether business or polities ■hall lead them to prosperity in their Industries. Cau the elevators, flouring mills, warehouses, stockyards, mines and large Industries, railroads and util­ ities be better managed by political than Individual enterprise* Agitators clamor for public own­ ership. If all the big business. Including banking and Insurance. Is to be taken over under state management mil- Huns will go off taxrolls Nearly all the professional class in v%«*«t>*rn New «paper I n<>n the state would go on the public pay­ polillo all this rolls to manage All the music on the fighting lines tn France Is not provided bv the business There left for whistling of shrapnel »nd the booming of the big guns. This Canadian officlnl common the soil photograph shows s well known eompoaer entertaining members of u dlnn divisional mess at the front. and work hard and support the army of officials. That is about where Public Owner­ ship. or Socialism in plain language would lead to. All the ordinary taxpayer has to do la to alt down and re«d all their fines theories nnd believe them let them run things Only a few Inslgn 'flcant things raising children will remain to liidhldual If socialism or collective ownership now being proposed under different guises, were carried After the treachery, deceit I and I >- trlgue practiced by German I d ni during the past four year*. j I will take more than a mere statement to convince the world that Geigianv la to he governed by the people The atatement would be much more con vlnelnv with the Kaiser and bls clique in the hands of the Allies Cooa County temporarily loses on» cf its foremost workers In patriotic New Location TIMMONS BUILDING. First Street. AH Current Publications Phone 191 Cigars, Tobaccos your orders for all kinds of the Magazines Daily Papers Saturday Evening Post OXFORD Ç CHOICEST MEATS and SAUSAGES Our Bicycle Delivery will take care of youi orders promptly. HAND-TAILORED CLOTHES “Distinctively for Gentlemen" City Meat Market GEO. ERDMAN, Proprietor z SPRING STYLES AND SAM­ PLES NOW ON DISPLAY. Mark Windle pressi xg OFFICERS: T. P. IIANLY, President R. H. ROSA, Vice Pres. W. J. SWEET, Cashier FRANK FLAM. DIRECTORS: FRANK FAHY, C. Y. LOWE Capital $50,000.00 Surplus and Undivided Profits $25,000.00 Wolverton REAL ESTATE Insurance Conveyancing Abstracts and Notary Public Drafts on the Principal Cities of the V»orld. A General Banking Business. Accountsof Individualsand Corporations Solicited. Bank of Bandon Bandon, Oregon X Opposite Bank of Bandon Oregon Bandon. S. S. ELIZABETH Prof. A RICHARDS Professional Teacher of Piano Eight Day service between Coquille River and ’Frisco SAILS Large Two Berth Outside State­ rooms with running water. FIRST CLASS Passenger Fare BANDON $15.00 FROM SAN FRANCISCO RE'ERVATIONS: J. E. Norton,Coquille Perkins, My tie Point; Hillyer’s Cigar Store, Marshfield; E. B. Thrift, Langlois Committing of Solo» a S|M*cialty Teacher of til tirades E; a F. T. KRUSE, owners and manag­ ers. -4 Caiit. St.. San Francisco. BAX l»OX mu :<;« »X CHRIS RASMUSSEN Real Estate Insurance Abstracts Rentals Notary Public Bandon, Ore. J. E. WALSTROM «SX. OOOOOOOOOO OOOOO < O OOOOOOOOOOCXXX Central Transfer Co QUICK, RELIABLE SERVICE AUTO TRUCKS Ht I PUPARTKU CENTRAL WAREHOUSE BHuxt 142 NOTHING TOO LARGE NOTHING TOO SMALL