properly posted on your address. Briefly stated, you MUST keep the tax collector posted at all times, or lose; if Uncle Sam falls to deliver the notice as often happens, well, you lose again; if the tax collector fails to do his part, you lose a third time—and the poor collector loses, also. Can you beat it? Jackson's scheme would end with the sending of notices by the collec­ tor. The present law provides for ex­ actly the same scheme as Jackson's but goes a step further in the direc­ tion of common sense, and requires the tax collector to publish the list which is still delinquent after Jackson's method has been tried out, thus giving the essential publicity to protect the delinquent from the wiles of the tax title grabber and the tax lawyer. Of course these latter gentlemen are working tooth and toe nail for the law and believe they can put It over this fall, under the much abused banner of "economy” so-called. * Certainly there could be no fairer, more equitable scheme than the pres­ ent law. Let well enough alone and help the state of Oregon protect the holdings of its people from the tax vultures. Watch for the "Jackson's'' label at the coming election and swat the measure hard. themselves against the risk of lose, theft and destruction of their bonds. Official Department circular No. 114, with forms of applicaUon, has been distributed to Federal Reserve Banks and banks and trust companies throughout the United States. Those institutions are asked as a matter of patriotic service, to assist bond holders in exchanging 4 per cent bonds for 4 1-4 per cent bonds and In registering their bonds.” EXTENSION OF SABOTAGE. DO NOT NEGLECT YOUR TEETH Clean Tooth Never Decay» If you want work that lasts; If you want It done with no more pain than the prick of the needle; If you want your Pyorrhea CURED, or If you want to KEEP FROM GET- TING PYORRHEA, see Having an.eight-hour day at wages practically fixed by themselves, the boiler-makers at Portland, Oregon, started a new strike for a 44 hour week, with half holiday Saturday. Owned and published by On the stickers employed by the I. FELSHEIM & HOWE W. W. under convicted Haywood was the word ’ SABOTAGE” in large type. L. D. FELSHEIM. Editor Is not the above a form cf sabotage? JAS. H. HOWE. Bus. Mgr. The Haywood stickers bore the legend: "Slow Down! The hours are Entered as second-class matter at long. The pay is small, So take Ellingson Building the post office at Bandon, Oregon, your time and buck the all.” Are not Bandon, Oregon January 2d, 1913, under the Act of the boiler-makers "bucking” produc­ March 3d, 1879. tion ? Contrast this with the hours of the ►ooooooooooooooooo SUBSCRIPTION RATES farmer or average business man who One Year (in advance) $2.00 is patriotic and devoted to the wel­ OOOQOOOO-QQQOOOOOO- Six Months (in advance)... $1.00 fare of the nation and winning the war. THE OFFICIAL CITY NEWSPAPER The call for a 44-hour working Phones: Office, 901 ; Residence, 311 week is the call to slow down and increase double-pay—it is the exten­ HAISE MOKE WOOL. sion of organized sabotage in the Do you as an Oregonian know that shipyards.—Pacific Coast Manu­ a great Industry is being virtually facturer. thrust upon you as a war measure? Do you know that as a war New Location HOW MAY I SERVE? measure warehousing and distribu- TIMMONS BUILDING, If readers are curious to ascertain tion of wool has been largely central­ First Street. their standing in a calling a note or ized in Portland for this Northwest visit to the nearest military bureau territory, and as a result, 2500 will supply the information. , At the Daily Papers Magazines customers who probably never knew This paper has enlisted Portland was on tlie map, have been University of California bureau four­ All Current Publications teen committees are in action com- with the government in the brought there to sell their wool? J a o: sortadoheijcdvldrRgb dwact Do you know that the 1917 clip cause of America for the posed of volunteer workers Including handled through this district amount­ period of the war............. ed professors and men of established to about 20.ODD.000 pounds, reputation In the professions and wortli in rouud numbers some $10,- trades most useful iir war. Their re­ ANOTHER JACKSON SCHEME. Saturday Evening Post 0 000,000? ports regarding application fof’Wvrk A few years ago the people of the D nothing by exercising the prlvi- tax. So did other lilts of freak | : lege of conversion snd gain I 4 per put your advertising legislation that have been turned I ■ ent Interest per annum Holders or of in a class by itself down cold by thinking voters • per cent bonds should not wait ■ printingthatcon tains Jackson would have tlie tax colter tintII the last moment to exercise the originality in con­ tor send tlie notice through the mall privilege of conversion but proceed to 't AS HE NOW DOES I'NDER Till-: 'do so promptly. Delay wilt result In ception and excel ­ »•RESENT LAW The law makes the overburdening the banking Institu-I S lence in its execution burden obligatory on your part to lions of the country and the Treasury : — this quality of keep him notified of any and Mil Department by making tt necessary Real Estate chance In your address, otherwise to handle all conversions at the last | ij originality and in- you lose your defense In case of fore moment, and may result in the I om Insurance Abstracts a dividualitycharaCler- closure, anil cannot plead lack of of the privilege of cotnerMon Rentals j izes all the printed notice. In other words you are left altogether holding the sack To add insult to work we turn out. Notary Public Holders of coupon bonds __ are Injury Jackson would make the tax I strongly advised to request Issue